( inflict ( iio I'nhllMicd every Tlmridiiy nt tlio County Hoot. it , ni'AniHni > mtv , a-Onica In OnMct ItlocU , Koilrtli Arc.'S Klitercil ftl tlia luidofllca nl Hrnhcn lion , Nnli , HP flccoml claMtiintlcr , for trnimutnlon throiiKl tut ! U. 8. mnllf. I'ltlUK : Cue Ycsr , In ndviuice Jl.U , TI1UKSDAY , APlilh 27 , 1800 It IB roportml Uml I'om Itued , llu cminant HlnlcHinnii Iroin Maine , wil resign his aunt in congress and no- oopt a position with a law ( inn it : Now York , which guarantees him llfty thoiiHftiid dollnrH it year. It HOOIUH lilco old timcH to read i bout railroad building in Many of the peoplu in the western part of the Hlnto have waited long yearn for a railroad to roach thorn and wo arc glad that Home of thorn will BOO their long wished for rail road tnatorinlizo thin year Hold- ruga Oitizou. From all present indications Neb raska will flourish thin year aa it has never flourished before. Farmers mid business men who had plastered their property with mortgages hnvo either bad them removed 01 have got them in tmoh a condition that they arc now on "easy struct" and with'good crops this year the doHorl will bo made to bloom au the rene , an it woro. Good crops make good tuncB and good timcH tnako rcpubli- can victories Hastings Tribune : The robnttal testimony inter Sena tor Quay trial , which was made principally in crown quoHtioning the proBouuting wit nooses put quite a different aspect on the unso than what was charged. It Hhowod that instead of Quay conspiring to boat the commonwealth. : t was a con- Hpiraoy of his polilibal enemies to beat him. The result wan that eleven of IUH pcerH out of twelve on the first ballot Haid ho was not guilty and the twelfth one was not long in reaching the samu conclu sion. The unexpected has happened. Last Friday the state papeiH an nounced the appointment of V. J. Stedry , of Broken Bow , as one of the deputy oil inspectors of the Btato. Gov. Pointer is entitled to the credit of occasionally doing the right thing. Mr. Stedry , for years , has been nn em'cient worker in the pop ranks , but invariably when ho would ask recognition his co > labor ers would snub him. It was from a knowledge of thin fact that we advised Mr. Stedroy sovoial months ago to "bang up his harp" . Per sonally Mr. Stedry is worthy of the position , and wo congratulate him on his success , his measly politics notwithstanding. A Dakota democrat , JamoH A George , writes lo a Deadwood pa per apropos of the uttoiancos of Governor Leo and other popocrats , in which he quotes this Hignifliotnt ulauso from the ft deral constitution : "Treason against thu Un'itod States shall consist only in levying war rgainst them or in adhering to their enemies , giving them aid and com fort. " He announces therefore his withdrawal from an outtit that in giving aid and comfort to Aguinal- do and his guerrillas and robbers and his "fusion" with the party of the administration. Thoio will bo many followers of this frank and outspoken democrat in South Da kota Slate Journal. The death of Ctl. Stotsonberg , Sunday , in a battle north of Malolos while loading the advance on the enemy , wao a great calamity rot only to the Nebraska regiment butte to the nation. Since the beginning of active eorviuo , Feb 4th , ( JoI. Stotsenberg has t hewn himself not only a grand soldier but an efficient leader. Ho had not only overcome tbo prejudice against him when ho was appointed over the regiment , b'lt had , by hia loyalty to his men , and bravery , so completely won the oonOdenoo and adoration of his men tbat they would have followed bin command into the very jaws of certain death. Thu same admira tion shown by tbo members of his regiment is felt by every loyal citizen of Nebraska , and hit untime ly death IB most uincerely regret- Jed , PB to Mm is largely due the good nanio and honors nuhiovod by our Nebraska hoys. Tim latest nnviuoH from Manila is that the First Nebraska will he retired from thi- tiling line 5u the Philippines , which will bo glad news to all. Th - Kna Nebraska boys have been in the front rank in nearly every ongagommit uinoo the 1th of February and they should he given a rest The managers of the Greater American exposition , at Omaha , H > far has found but few of the coun try publishers that feel inclined to give them free advertisement an they did last year , VVbilo wo are dcHiroiiH of seeing any legilimate enterprise , lot it bo located whore it may , mtccued , wu.do not feel called upon to give outpace while others roap'ihe financial benefit. The news items furnished by the manogers to the tootinlry publishers doubtless would bo a source of in * formation for our readers. So are the advertisements of our local merchants. They do not demand free spnco to advertise their busincs nor could we remain long in the owspapur biiHiness if they did. The Greater Exposition project is mroly a business undertaking for the city of Omaha and its mer chants. That being a fact they should not oxpoot the countrv pub- ishors to advertise it foihem without paying liberally for it. It is true if it is successful it will n a slight i'ogree , benefit the Btato. The same is true of every other ooal enterprise. Wilson & Drake's aucoefes an merchants in Broken How is beneficial to Broken Bow and to the state in proportion to thu success attained. The same is true of Harry Day & Oo. , O. P. PcrleyV. . S. Swan , Geo. Willing , J. 0. Bo wen , the Racket Store and Snyder Bros , as well as every other business in Broken Bow , yet theie men 'do not ask nor expect the local papers to advertise their business Free while they reap the benefit. Lhir advertising space is Tor sale to my legitimate business at reasona ble rates , but wo can not afford , nor will wo advertise the Greater Expo sition gratis. Our space is first for our local business men , and should they not want to use it all , it is then for sale to outsiders who are willing to pay for it and none others. The strong arm of opposition igainst the insurrection in the Phil- ppincB by the administration , is an occasion for those whoto judgment is worpod by their political preju dices to denounce the conflict as an unholy war. From a Christian standpoint all wars are unholy , simply because war is the result of unholy acts , sin , But the punish ment of violation is not unholy , whether ordinary or extraordinary force is used There are none that deplore war more than the present chief executive. Every effort wa& made by him to avo'd a conflict with the Spanssh government. The same is true with regard 'to the Filipinos. After the surrender of Manila the American ttrmy Buffered all kinds of indignities at the hands of Agninaldo'a mon rather than to precipitate war with thorn. Be cause they were not allowed to rush into Manila to rob , burn and mur der tbo dofonsloBB oitizonn , who placed themselves undnr the pro tection of the American govern- meout , Agumaldo and his army booamo incensed , and from that date coasoed friendly relations with this government. Their effort to pillage thooity after its surrender was a disloyal act , and showed it was not freedom they sought but Belhtth i ain. The American sol * diers had no alternative. Not only wan the nation's honor at stake , but in accepting the surrender she be came financially liable for every dollar invented in that city and had she not used ovorj effort at her command to protect it wo would have been to blame. Had Agumal do been loyal to the cause oi free dom from Spanish tyranny ho would have felt equally bound with the Americans to piotoct the inter ests ol those who had yielded to our arms Instead , ho persisted in his opposition to our army. Ho turned traitor to those who had compered his enemies and madu it pONHiilf for his people to establish a homo government , and finally came out in open rtibolliou and pre cipitated a conliictof arms with the Americans before the terms of peace with Spain had - been made. What were we to do ? Surrender to that hoard of hoathoiiH and sue our | ] ii4 | trail in the dustV Most the Hag lhat had never known de feat and hud been sustained by the bloud of our fathers bu yioleed to a traitor and savigo iiond ? It would have been cowardice in the extreme , and a plain Violation of the laws of God and man. P.-o- videnco had enabled us to possess the inlands and sink the Spanish Hunt without the loss of a man , Would Ho have sanctioned so cow ardly an aet as to allow those de fenseless women and children to b- b irnud and slaughtered after pine ing ( hem in the hands of the Am- ericaiiH to protect ? There are ( hope who concede wo were com pelled to ptotecl Manila , but insist we had no right to follow the insurgents surgonts into the country. To have done otherwise would have but pro longed the struggle. There was but one of two thingn to Jo ; the issue was rnado ; wo either had to surrender and evacuate the inlands or conquer the enemy. To do this they had to be followed up. We are ono who believe that our arm ies have a divine mission in the Philippines , and lhat great good to the inhabitants -will be the result in future generations. The Inter Gcean says : "Of the hundreds of thoughtful men in the United States und Europe who write for either Ameri can or European periodicals , nearly all disou-s wi'.h prophetic confidence the colonial policy to bo followed by this country. They fieo promise of a bettor , richer , and stronger people in the new departure. Mon who view the question from the Btandpoint of a purer civil servce , or who look Jorwaid to a broader influence of Christianity aH a civil izing power , or who hope that good government may do for all the world what it Ins done for the United States , indorse the policy , and predict splendid results. The only bitter opposition to the policy comes from a nmall eircle of polit- ioal cynica and government baiters in the United States , and it is due in most instances to partisan shys- tering and personal notoriety bunt ing. " rwvWTjLjx Tj U. S. Land Office , JAMES WIIITKtlEAD , - Roglater F. II. YOUNG , - - . - Receiver CONTEST NOTICU. U. 8. Land Offlco I Uroken How , Nub. , March 15 , IHSW.f A BUfUclont contest nffldnvlt having been flh'tl In till * olllue January 3il , 1809 , liv Eriiust Kleen , contttitatit , BRaliiat II. U. No. 3ll , tniulo by licrl- Ina llrown , Soiit. 10 , 189- . ' , ( or tVuwM a c. 8 , tp 18 N. , U. 19 W , by llortlmt Drown , contested , In which It la alleged that tliti paid lierUnn Drawn linn wholly ahnmlonutl BnUl tnict for moru than elx months laitt pnst , cud has not ronljcJ on snld trtict or Improved iijid cultivated the naiuu ne 10- qalrcd by lu\r. Said | iartlun are hsrcljy nollllud to appear , respond nnd offer evidence , on the -Itl ) day ol M y , 161)9 ) , at 10 o'clock a. in. , bcforo the Keglstor and lieculvur , at the United States Laiiil Olllco at Drokcn Dow , Nebraska. The paid con testant lu a proper u'lldnvlt , fll-il March 11 , 189U , lifiTltiR sot forth lads which show that utter duo diligence personal scrvl o ot this notice cannot boniadu. it Is hereby ordered and dlroctM that ouch notice bo wlren by duo and proper publica tion. The Ciistor County Itepnbllcan U ilesli- natotl as the paper In whith this notice shall bo publlxlu'd. JAMES WHITBHEA1) , Register. i > aud Onioo at liroltcn llow , Nob. , I March SO , 1KH9. f Notice Is hereby Klren tlmt the followlug-nitm- cd settler has mod notice of his Intention to nmho flnal prouf In support of Inn claim , nnd that Bald proof will bo made bcforo Koglttor ami Hocclvor , nt Drokou How Nob. , on April S3 , 1899 , viz Artlmru. of llroken llow , Nob. , for the II. K. 137 , i\vU BOC. ifl , tp 17 N. , ranio ; i0V. ! . Uo nniuos the following witnesses to proro his continuous re - lilonco upon and cultivation of , said laud , viz : VJony M. Tousley , William 8 lloyco. Kdwaril F McClure Ooori ; Mclta- , all of llrokon Bosv. Nob. JAMK8 WlHTKHKAU.Hoglster. Land Otllce nt Drokvn Dow , Neb , I Jinn h ) . 1 ! < 1)9. ) f Nolleo I * hereby glren that the follow lnimm - ed settler hiia nlud notice of Ma Intiinllon to make final proof In support of iil.i dnlm. and that bald proof will bo rnado before Itcgteter and Itroolvcr , at llroken Dow , Nob. , on April 27tb , II. KUKCIIU CliriMiiuiti , of New Heloun , Nob. , for the U. K. NO. 123. uM BOW eH uoWecc.a-l , tp IUN. r. Si W. ( lo names the following witucesus to proro his continuous roaldcuco upon and cultivation of said land , tUj Patrick Koll y , UeorRo W. Kel ler , of NOW Helena , Oeorgo Templar , Krank Tvinplar , ot Lillian , Nib. JAMK8 W111TKHBAD , Register. Land OIUco at Uroken llow , Nob. , ( .March , 1H99 f Notice Is hereby given that the followliiK-imw. ed settler baa Hied notice of his Intention to muko Jlnal proof In support of his claim , and that said proof will bo initdo before Iteislstcr ami Receiver , at llroken Dow , Neb , on May 8tli , 169W , viz- CluitlcH I , . ot Somorford , Neb. , for the II. E. MO " 9 < t , aw or section 33 , Township 10 K , Range 18 W. llu names ( ho following wltneseos to prove his cun- tlnnous rosldrnco upon and cultivation of , suld land , viz : Joseph Janctofsky , Ocorgo Whit- comb , of Somorford , Olamto M. Wolfe , Clatue \VorthofCoburg.Neb. Alio at the sauio time and place , Joticpll JiiiiOHOlnUy , ot Somorford. Nob. , for the no qr tecteon 5 tp 18 M , It. 18 W. lie namoa as witnesses : Chariot L Wnlsloben , Olaudo Wolfe , I'etur Janvsufsky. Fred 1'ltrco , ull of tJomerionl , Nub. . JAMES \V1I1TEIIEAU , Iteulttcr. t't'JJMO . U. S. I.und Onicti. lltokon lluw. Neb , Notice I * hereby Klvon Unit In pnrsiiitica ot Inslrumloii' * frciiii HID Commissioner nf the non- oral Land Odin. * , under authority vested lu him by section JIM , I' . H , Her. Hint. . , an amended tiy HClnf CongroKs , npiiroved Kcb ' . ' ( ! . IBO.'i , we will ; > rocuo < I 10 olfer at publlo s le on the ! 2d day of May , IHli'j , next , ill this oHI . , tin' following trnrt nf mini , to nltt l t 0 , of fcottlon 10 , lu tp IU , of runiu1H Any and nil perrons clalinlng ailverrc- ly the nhiive ( UurrllieJ I nds lire advl'Od to fllo tliolr claims in this olllce ou or befiiro Hie dav nbovo designated for the commencement of snld sale , otherwise their rights will be forfeited JAMKS WIIITCHEAU , Regleur I KNK It YOU.VO , Uectilvor. .M irh tl , If nil. " Pi ULK'I.ANDSALK , U. H. Lund omcu. Hrokou Don , Neb. Notion l hereby given thfit In purnuaucc of Inhtrnotloim from tbo Commlislnucr of the ( Ion. oral Land Onico , under authority vuitcil In lilm by t-octioii 2IJO , U. S. Rev. Htat. , M amended by net of Congress , approved Kchruary 20th , 1895 , wo will proceed to offer at public nulo , on tliu J7th dn > of April 1KB ) , next , at thloiflcc , tbo ulliiwliie trncw nf lund , to-wlts Tbo nwW nwK section Id , township 18 w , R. 'M W , nnd the ty snli sc nuX section 4 , township IS N. , U. 20 W. Any und all persons oalmlng adversely the flboro described liiniln are advised to fllo their claims In this office on or before tlio day above designated for the uommencnment of s.tld snlo , otherwise their rights will bo forfeited. JAM ICS WIIITKHHAI ) , Rcgiiter. IMIANK II. VOUNO , Renclver. Mitrch IB , IH'JI ' ) , Notice for 1'iibllcattiin. Notice Is hereby given tlmt In purs imnco of In structions fiom the UommlHslonor of the General I.iiid OITIcc , under authority vested in him hy scrtlon2ir > 5 United Htates > ev nnl Htiittitoint ) amended by tint act of congrosd , niprovi | > il Feb. 4Ctb 1805 w will proceed to olfer at public snlo n thiL'Tth day or April , 1899 , next , at this olHco the following trnot of land , lo-wlt ; So or nw nr ser 17 , ip IHN..R.2I W. Any ami all porsonn clrlinlng ndvcrsuly the above described luni/w / nro advlird to Hie their claims In this office on or before - fore thu day above desltinatrd for the commence- mi nt of said sale , othorwlso their llglitH will bu forfeited. OKO. E. FRENCH , Rcplstcr , FRANK IIACON , Receiver Dated thU 17th day of March , 1899. Land OHIoo at North I'latto , Neb. , I April lOtii , IhO'J. f No'.Ico Is hereby given that thu following nam ed settler has filed notice of hN Intention to maKu llnal proof In support of his claim , and lhat Mild proof will bo made bcforo tbo County Judge , Cnstor county , Nob. , at llroken lloiv.Nol ) , on May lOib , 189'J , viz : trankllii Uiaper , H. E. No. 11778. for the nwM section VI , township 14 N.rango21 West , lie mmcs the following wllnuseos t > > prove his continuous residence up on and cultivation of , said land , viz : H. I'rcs soj. J Jackson , W F. Thompson , Kzm L. Stairs , all of Oconto , Nob. QEO. E. FRENCH , Register. _ ORIJKR ON GRANTING ADMINISTRATION. The Htntoof Nebraska , I ( ounty Otirt for Custcr County , f"H salii County. At a cesslou ot the County Court , held at the County Court Room , lu and for Hal' Cocnty , at Drokon llow , on tliu 7th day of April , A , D , 1899 I'rosont , J. A. Armour , Co. Judge. In the matter of the estate ot Aiiallnc Joimson. deceased. Whereas , Letters of administration bavn ting day been granted to J.M . Klmhorllng.aa admliils- Irator of the cstata of Adallno D Johnson. Ordered TnatsIxmnnthJ boullowcd for creditors ta pre sent their claims against mild estate for adjui - t out and allowince , und onu jciir bo allowotl Hiild ad Inlstrator to scttto ui ; Mild estate , from tho. 16th day ot April , A.D. 1899. And It Is furth er ordered , That notice bu given to the creditors of said estnto to appear before n o. at the county court roe , In salJ county , on the iGtli day of Jin o , 1899 , on the 15th day of Aug. , 1899 , and on the loth day ol October , 1899 , at IU o'clock a. m. each day , by publication In the Republican , a newspaper printed In said county four weeks successively prior to the 15th day of Juno , lb9U , for tbo purpose of presenting their claims for adjustment and allowance. ( SKAL ) J. A. AltMOUR. County Judge. In the District Court otCuster l ounty , i > ehr. In tl.o . matter of the estate of Jesse I ) . Sharwood , deceased Order to Show Cause. This cause canm on for hourlng upon the peti tion of A , G , llollinan , administrator of the ea- tate of JetunD. Sherwood , deceased , before mo , H , M.Grhnea , Judge of thtt Dlxtrlut Court of trie lllth Judicial District ot the btnte of Ne braska , sitting in open court , held at tbo Court House lu Uroken Dow , Custer county , Nebraska. Bald petition praying for license to soil the nej * of section 31 , in township 17 , north of range 25 , west , and the HWH ol sec. U , in t 10 n. of r. U5 wt st , all lu Custcr county , Nebraska , or a sulll- clent amount thereof to bring the sum of S300.00 , for the payment of debts allowed against said estate , nnd the coats of administration , there not being snmclcnt personal property to pay said debta and expense ? . u appearing liial 11. M. Sullivan , Judge of the 12th Judicial district of the State of Nebraska , la disqualified from sluing and hearing the petition herein , by roaaon of interest In Bald estate and the property to bo sold. It Is by mo ordered that all persons interested In said estate appear before me. or ttuch other Judge aa the same may bo heard by , at the Court House , In llroken Dow , Neb. , on the 1st day of May , 1899 , at 10 o'clock a. in. ou said day , to show cause why a license should not be granted tu i aid administrator to sell the above described real estate ot said deceased , or so much thereof as shall bu necessary to pay said dobti nnd ex penses. Notice ot this oriinr to be given by pub. Ilcatlou , as required bp law. Dated thlc 9th day of March , 1899. mavl if. M. OHIME9 , District Judge Presiding. NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice U hereby given that by vlrtne of a chat tel mortgage , dated on the 12th day of March , 1898 , and duly filed lu thu olllce ot tin Uounty Clerk of Cuotor county , Neb , on tbo 10th day of March , 1893 , and executed by K. E. Wldmeyur to the First National Dank , of llrokon Dow , Ne braska , to pocure the payment ot the cum of JWU.55 , due September Itfth 189d , with 10 per cent Interust thereon from March 12th , 1898 , and upon which there Is now duo the sum of $89.25. Default - fault having bean made In the payment or bald sum , ami no salt or other proceeding at law hav ing been instituted to recover s.tld debt or any part thereof , therefore paid The First National Dank , ot llroken Dow , Neb. , will soil tlio prop erty i'i said mortgage described , to-wlt : Ono buy gelding eight years old , weight about 1,100 poiiiidjj ono bay guiding about nine yrnrs old , weight about 1,400 pounds , known as the "Kmp- Held" toimr also one bay mare mule coming three years old , and one horse mule ( black ; com ing three years old , at public auction , at the nortMvcst corner of the public square , In the ilty of llroken llow , In said ( Junior county , on the Olli day of May , 18'Jl ' > , at two o'cloca p. in. of bald day. Dated April 12th , 1899. THE FIRST NATIONAL DANK , of Urckcn Uow , Neb. H. G. Rogers , Cashier , Mortgagee. Ill tliu District Court of Cuntcr County , Nobr L. Hart Cross , Treasurer of tUu V rui ml ) MuthoiliBt Seminary nnd Female Col lege , I'lnlntllT , | Hoiiry 8. CnUiim , Mury K. Calkins Jnliu l I'ntll mill 8. V. ( lurrls , Defondints. J To Henry S. faUnis , tiliiry K. Culklim aim John I'rail : Yon , anil each of you , will take notlca tlmt un the 17th dty of April , 1810 , tlio nbuvo named plalntl ! * . Illeil his petition In tliu district court of ( JiiBloi county. Nohr cVa. ngntntt you uial each of joii , together with other dcfondnutH , the ob lecl anil prayer oflilch find imtulou are to toreclopo u ccrttlln inortKfitfu executed by tliu de fendants Henry S. Cnlklua und Mary K Calktn < to ( ho Nebraska Mortgage A Trust Co , open the north west iiimttcr ( N W > i ) of section tlilr'.ueu ( IU ) lowiiHhlii tuuuty ( CO ) north of rtinj-o nlnu. teen (10) wi > st. Klttiatcil in Cuctor comity , No- briifikii. Satil mortK < > K hoing given for the pur- poi < o of uecurlnf ono prlncli ill coupon bonil , the principal of salil liotul liciiiKIn the pinn of $ tX ) , snlil bond ilateJ on the Oihdaj of May 1MU , anil luntnrliiK ou thu llrst il ) of nly , 1H30 , bearing Intcruet utthn rutunf euvcn per cent per annuni from itatu until jiuturltj , ovliloiu-oil by ten Inter est column ii'-tes , fur tlio uui of Sil ( X ) each , nttachcil to until principal hoiul.itnd l- rlnj ; o.un ilrtlu thcrenlth , and aid bond lioarlng Internet tit the mto < if ten p r ount per annum ullar matur ity. Tlmt niter the wteui Ion of ealu bonil , con- lions nnd niortgugu , the ameoro rn the regu lar courao of business , soli ! and llBBIKnt'll tO 1110 plalutllf In Hits suit , and the nlamtllT Is now thu owner ami hoiior Ihoieof There Is UOH duo on Inn ami unpaid upon salil bond , COVPOHH , lu- tcrt-st anil mottttngo the following juin , towlt : Upon mil ] irlnclinl bond tbo sum of $ GlX > ( X ) to- nether with interest thereon at the rate often per cent , per annum from thn ttrst day of July , ibOi ) ; upon coupoivNo. 7 , J''l with 10 percent Interest from Jan. 1 , IftiS : upon coupon No. S , $ iwijh \ 10 per cent interest from July 1 , 1S95. upon coupon No 1) , VJ1 with 10 per cunt Interest fruiu Jan 1 , IB'JO ; upon conpon No 10 ? -t with lo per cent Interci't from July let , IS1. * ) . And plulntirr prays In culil petltiuii tbat < .ild ingrtgHKO may ho foreclosed , nnd It ho ilerrvuU that xald promUiH may bo told 10 entUfy the amount duo upon Bald mortgage. You , and mcli of you , lire rcnuircd to answer fald petition ou or before Monday , the lidtli day of May , 1BII9. I , llAllTCHObS , Treamrcr of thu Vermont Mcthodiit Semlunr' and female OolUgu. Uy C. L. Outtereon , bit Attorney- JS. I'm nl'nll Line of Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper. Also R Finn Line of Hooks , Stationery , Toilet Articles , etc. Stores on both North and South Sides , Broken How , Neb. F. 0 WOHSAI.L , I'rcildcnt. J. A. \UHI9 , Cashier. A. J. HOUK11T80N , Vlwl'res. W. D ULACKWELL , As 't Cnsliler. Farmers Bank of Ouster County , BKOKKN HOW , NKB. Transacts a General Banking BuaincHH. County Claims and Warrants Bought. I Once Was Lost , "but 3 ow I Have Found it. Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mammoth - moth stock of Groceries , and al the lowest prices you ever heard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep ing pested on what was being offered for sale. They don't say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Candy The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap. Christmas committees are invited to call and get my prices. Remember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First National I3ank. W. S. SWAN , - - Proprietor. SHERIFF'S SALE , Aud i o (1 to GEORGE WILLING , I'lio entire stock of G. W. Wilde , uonnlBtlng of Hardwire , Tinware , Jinplunenta , three Klnginan Corn Pi nters , three I0k | Cultivator ? , four Tongue C/nlilviitora , four Tonguolepp. Cultivators nnd other Implements. The entire nock will be sold for less tban muiiufricluror'fl . Gail nnd . I price. curly pet bargainI have juet received a cnrload , m > llrst Miipinunt IUIH jour , of the Grand DetoTir Plows mid Discs , with Knllor Bearing Discs , LiPtera. Cultivator.1 , etc , tlio Dnvlii Hrndley [ 'Iowa , Ooru Planter ? , CultivtitorB , Ltswe , Dlacs ol all Eizes. Force Pen ! Ktidgate S"idorK , beat made ; ! ) G Tooth ttwl kvt-r Harrow ; the 'I'MoanUitk , nothing better made ; Uadgur Cultivators , tbo best riding ciilMvator on tiutt > ; sec It ; the genuine Now Departure Tongueloss Cultivatoi ; lh Studobnker Wn on , i one better ; nsk those who ueo tliem ; also the Klsli Urop. Uugt-U'R of nil kuula Priuoe from ยง 40 nnd up. Sen them and you will buy- Spring wa > > oiifa-K-iolne , Colura- buo , hradloy and other makes. Detmutf Binders and Deerlng 'L'wu.b.thebest uirvoe. TTll'TlPQQ Bought thirty sets of the nnrno that I eold so many of Inst * - * * * * "coo year ; gave the best of nuilifaction. See this ham a. Con cord bolt harne , wool faced , open throat collars , can't bo beat tor the monev " ; bought before thu advance. See me for harness , collars , pada nnd strap nork. T lU'Tllf lirP ' bave J"et or"ote ( ' nstoro room nt the re-r of my old * - * " * > * * * . c a ore , and just received a car of Furniture , ard with the present stock huve tbo best selected and most complete stock In the city. Iron Beds horn 23.50 and up. Tables , Saea ( , Lounges , Jtookurs , Haby Cub' , Mattress es , Springs , Chairp , etc. , at prices well , remember I am not undersold , jlf you need an outfit for bouaeueeplng it will pny you to pee me. Do not pay 809 for a range troin peddlera when \OM can iret a better oii > frt m your home dealeis lor $ JOTue Pculupular nil steel wrought Iron hange , thu very best made , with - oppnr roervoir und high tsbolf , there la no better Rnnge made ; fullv warranted ; Other stoves frem 3IO$12 , 810 and up. The Wonder line , they are fully warranted. The Genuine Glldden \ \ lr > , the best made The lightest and cheapest In the end ; and Ht'd liubber latnt , no tar like Imitation ; buy tbo bet ; it is alwa\f the cheapest. SpwiriO' IVTnpllinPG 'I'hc new Goodrich and E-inlgo from $29 , . . . , KJV > O.TJ.UUJ11U & TJ.U& and warranted for & up ; they are ten years : ' hHVi- HOI I tt'em ur ten jears. Wit dow CtinainB , 25c nnd up. Home niado Tin' warn will glvt- you the best Bntiafncition , und tinehop In coniecllon with the ttore- all kinds of repairing dine. RIce'M Garden Seeds of ull klnde. Huv irood fresh sei dp and you will have Bum-PS. Millet , Barley , Mid all klm's ot Ik-Jd feeda ; prices lo.-ver than any catalogue unceH. Ilnrdwure. bnrgaina and prlouH the low- OHt. C'levifSB , double and einglu trees. My lender , Ifio plow lllc ; Koike , Western WiiBher , Klwood MeUl Fencing , the best made ; Clotht a Wringers , 1'ublo and locket Mitury. nd n coiuploto line of Revolvers and GUDB ; nmuiunltlon of all kinds ; Copper Klvetw , in fict everything , and prices na low an the lowe l- when In need of Implements , Plows , Furniture , Hardware , Wire , Tinware , it wli : pny you to see mo. With low prices honorable and fair dealing , I have held the title of th oldest hardware Btore In Broken Bow. When In i > eed of a honstkei plna cutflt oa and eavn money. Have a full line of CofliiisCii6ketf > and UnilcrlakliiK Good * calls attended to night , or day Yours llespocifnily , ( 'EOltGE WILLING .Headquarters for everything iu the line ot Dry Goods , Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoes , Glassware , Queensware , Tinware , Cloth ing and Notions. JuHt received a line lot of MLMI'H and BOJ'H Suits at fc-J.85 , $3.25 , * 4 47 , $5.25 and $7.20. Also ordcrH takou i'or tailormaJuHuUs. Straw hats cheaper than over , Cornets 4Qo to 9Uo Shoes worth $1.25 to $2-25 go on to our 98o hargain counter. Now in the time t : > got Shoos ; oall nnd Bee them. Men's Underwear 50c per suit Shootings ! 0 per yard Window Shfdt > 8 15o to 25o Coffee Mills i50 Pint Cups , 2 for 50 Dr Pioroo'a Golden Medical Dis- oovery O0o Dr. Pioroo'ri Favorite Presor'n , 90o Dr Pioroo's P. P. Pellets 20o Dr. Ward's Linitnent , sin. sise.20o ; Iviokapoo Indian Worm Killer , the beet in the world. Ayt-r'fl Pilln < . j0l > Dr. Williim's Pink Pills tor Palo A lOo Tablet for lioukf ord Socks . ' . . . . 5o pair Men's Wool Pants. . . $1. 26 < o 82 60 Outing Flannel worth 12o for..8u. Ladies India Dcngola Shoes. . . ,75e > Overalls . 25c to 40o Hunter Sifters . ioc. Hib Ovoral's . 490 , Call and see our now line of Sorgn , lirooadoii and Caahrnora , at priues. ' way below all coin petition. A. fine line of Ciliuo and Prints in the latest patterns. "m mr- silverware given away. Market price paid for Eggs.