Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 30, 1899, Image 8

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    , laa. Stooklmiu , dislritit omirt
olork , wnH kindly remembered on
the occasion of bin lorly fourdi
birthday \ > y his friends Tuesday
night. A banquet WIH tuirved aL
the Hiirlington hotel , whom about
thirty guoHtu were invited. A royal
time is reported. Mr. Stockham
was presented with a roc .ing
It is n noticeable fact that the
resolutions adopted by tlio citizen's
caucus did not in a Hinglu instance
pledge its notutnuori to enforce law
and order , or in any way intorfvro
with Rambling. They said thny
"deplored Ibe fact lint it became
necessary for the county attorney
to arrest and proHccuto foreign
gamblers at the ( xpcnso of the
oountv. " In fact the resolutions
abound in bombast but pledge
I mn now prepared to do plain
family sewing , IIHO ! drews making ,
The entertainment and bamjuei
given by the Modern Brotherhood
of America , last Friday night tit
i'so opera IIOIIHO , was a great sue.
ooss. Members Irom Manon City
Ansloy , Cumro and Merna , were
proBont and lent their aHsiHtanco ii
making the entertainment a HIIO-
oes8. Tlic following program was
rendered : Addretw of welcome , Dr ,
C. Picket ; responw by Dr. Day and
Jas. CoBiier for Alornn , Frank Ash
worth for Maoon C'ily ; .loo Ilialt
and .las. J\l. \ AniHberrj lor Ansloy
and J. F. Bryson for Cumro ; piano
solo , Lena J\Iooro \ ; Keoitation "MrH.
Soroggin'H Cow" , Zeda Grant ;
Quartett , RlfBdauicn U addon and
Day , Messrs. Osborno nnd Kinb-jr-
ling ; lecture , "Mins Tibitha P/im-
IOHO , " W. S. Cole ; piano duett ,
Mrs. Cad well and daughter Kva
recitation , "ValuloHH Chimes , "
Anna Megan : recitation , "Swoot
Mairi"Zin Grant ; piano solo , Car
oline Growl ; Solo , "A Message lo
Heaven , " Mrs. Jladdon.
At this juncture a royal feast ,
which had been prepared by the
lady members , was fiorvod , which
was enjoyed very much by all
Then camn the toasts , J. D. Ream
acted as toast master Thin wan
one of the most intercutting fea
tures of the evening and served to
make the entertainment highly
profitable and interesting. The
following is a iiHt of the spoakorn
and toaatH to which they responded :
Mutual Insurance Orders v . tlioOlit lino. . . .
\\llll * fail well.
HooUl benefits of thuM. U A J. A. Dolt/ .
llenellcmry mcmboru i ) . It. Drown.
Tlio eoclul features of tlio M. U. A , nnd clmrcli. . .
Kcv. NV. II. 1) . lloruwtny.
Thoeoclnl uiumbur , Dr. Uiir
Tlio vlnltor J. H Hmltfi.
Tliu yoiniL' men of Urn order , Ohus. aiilmi
Tlio ro atloii at the inlnlntry to tliu order ,
KIIV. J. S. HutUlcn.
The ordure , Dr. C. 1'lokut.
The UillcH ot the ordur , . .MrH. Ornnt.
It was midnight when the ex.
orcises were completed , but all who
stayed to its completion felt fully
repaid , as each ot the toasts re
sponded to 'Aero presented ably
nnd in an intoroHting manner.
Those present from the Mornn
lodge were Mr. and MrH. Sampson
Given , Dr. and Mrs. Day , Mr. and
Mrs. Jao. Conner. From .Antdoy
More Joe Ilialt , IIusu nnd S. 11.
Brown , Mr , and MrH. J , M. A ins
berry. From Mason oity were
Frank Asbworth a-id W. S. Colo.
From Cumro , I. F. Hryoon. Sick-
ness prevented many others from
coming from ench of the places
represented , but those present ex
pressed themselves as highly pleas
ed. With members and invited
guests there wore about one bun
dred present that participated in
the banquet , and * yet there were
provisions for many more. The
Broken Bow lodge domreB to ex-
tend its thanks to thoBc who took
part in the program : iml aided so
materially iu making the entertainment -
ment the great success it wan.
Dim ) .
Fioin the oll'uotH of
TueHday mornliii ; , March 22d , 18UO ,
Edlolln o. , oldoHl datiijhtur of 3u-
DaHtinn nud nlioo Nulh , aged aoven-
teen years , live moutliH and eleven
days. Doeoased was born in Vermillion
million county , lllo. , nnd cnmo with
her parents to ttiiH county when yet
a mere child , and as aho grow to
womanhood she drew to her by her
affectionate disposition and lady
like inaunoi'H u hoBt of loving HHHO-
oiateB , who sincuioly mourn her
Ions. The many loving doeda done
for her young frioiuU will endear
her to their memory while life
Nhall lafit ; but it i the family who
will BO eorely miss Estclla. The
oare of the younger children
volved largely on her , ai d Hho al
ways discharged thin duty with
pleasure ; no child over appealed to
her and won reftiflcd any little favor
that she could bentow. So ploaHaut
was her dispoHition that oven the
flowers of the field seemed to tuuilo
as she approached ; hut Bho has
climbed another Btfp higher on the
golden stair of eternal life , and the
world is made better by her having
lived in it , and there has been added
to the heavenly ho t another gem
ps bright as burnished gold. * *
The now M. 1C cliuruh of Hroltun
} ow will l > o dudiuitud on Siinday ,
April Dili Rev JCrutiH .Smith , I' .
i . of K"nrmiy diHtrmt , will pr anh
the otioniiig Hf-rmon on Saturday
evening , the 8lh. Tliu dodioatory
Hcrinon will he pri-aolifd by K v.
Al , Ii. 1'hillipi , D. D. , of Uoldroye ,
N.b. , which will bo followed by
the dedication of the church. Dr.
I'hillipH will alco preach in the ov-
oning. All rcHidont and niMglihor-
inji ininiHtorrt , oiti/.uiiH of town and
uotitilry in onoral arc corJially in-
vilcd to iittond. VinitorH inform
ing the building committee or punter -
tor of their coming by April 8th
will roooivo free entertainment ,
otherwino it may bo impoHtublo to
( nlerlain our gucHlH aft wo would
| iko. VV. II. D. IIOKNAIUY ,
L. E.Kinici'ATitioK ,
Building Com.
A Card oM'liauks '
Wo employ thiH aH the most convenient -
voniont inenMH of expressing our
Hinooro thankn to Dr. Talbol ami
tliu people of Broken Bo ' tor their
timely aid and sympathy fliiring
rooont nnd ncriotis illneHa of onr
mother , ( iiHitally known as grand
ma ) Uyornon , who JH convalescing.
H.ll.llyorsonand wifeBrokon Bow.
N.O.llyorHon and wife , Lincoln.
M.W Ityrrson and wife , Omaha.
Dr.M.lC.Butin , Madera , Cal.
There will be a mooting of the
Broken Bow Cemetery AHHoointion
at my ollioo at 2 p. in. , Tuomlay ,
April -Jth , 1800 , to elect h'vo trus-
loi.'H , and tninsaot any other huai
IIOHS that may oomo before it. Any
one owning a lot in the cemetery
has a right to voto.
J. J. PIOKKTT , Pros.
FlnoPerclHiron Stallion for Sale.
Not being able , owing to my
jtdvnnuod atzo and poor hoalih , to
take oaro of him , I am oToring to
soil my thoroughbred Peroheron
Htallion at a bargain. Time will ho
given to suit the purchaser. Call
on mo at once , or write mo at Bro
ken Bow. 3 30-3 II , WALTON.
1 have the New Suoopm beardless
barley , also Ibe black hulleas bar
Icy , at 'I0o per hushol ; the Japanese
buckwheat and hog millet for sale.
Send orders to J , B. KI.UMP , Cliff ,
Neb. -H
For Sale.
For sale , 100 bushels of Qax Heed.
It is clear of miiHtard and is in fine
condition for sowing. Price 80
oentB. Three miles north of Bro
ken Bow
4t F. A. BltRTUANI ) .
A bay horse , black mane and tail ,
at my place o ( residence nine mites
west of Broken Bow , on the Mi-
land a Longfellow farm.
'J-30,4 HlOHAIlD BllYAH.
The regular monthly oovtman'
mooting of the Bautist church will
bo hold on Saturday evening at
7:30 : , let all the members bo sure lo
bo there.
The pastor will praaoh an lihstor
sermon in the morning at 11
o'clock , Sunday school at 12 m , ,
Young people's mooting at 7 p. m.
led bj Miss Vorda Thorp.
Subject lor the evening sermon ,
Temperance , every one invited.
Thu ordiuanou of the Lord's Supper
will bo attended lo at the closa of
evening services.
J. W. Megan will proaoh at the
King school IIOIIHO at 8 p , m , Sun.
day , April iind , and at the uloso of
sermon J. M. Caress. Missionary of
the American Sunday School Un
ion , will organize A Sunday school.
The ladiea of the Christian
church will hold PII Easter market
in the vacant room of the realty
block next Saturday. . Choice
meals will bo aorvcd , both dinner
and auppor.
Joaso Teagarden will preach the
regular Easier sermon Sunday at
eleven. What is its signitianoo as
a sopnralo day ? Is its obsorvonco
complementary to Christian wor
ship ? The pastor's theme for the
evening will bo'Seven Pictures in
the Life of Stephen" .
Chu-'ch services liorcuftor in the
evening , will begin at 8 o'clock.
Sun nay school promptly at 10
o'clock , lollowod by preaching
services and communion. Prayer
meeting every Thursday evening.
Your presnnoo is gladly welcomed
at each meeting.
Key. K. KdwarU pastor of the Kn list )
UnpllBtCtuiifliof Mlnorsvillo , Fix.when
Buttering wlili rheumatism , was advised
to try Clmmburlalns Palu Balm , lie
euya : " A ( ow applications of this lini
ment proved of great eurvleo to me. It
subdoi'd the ioilammntlon and rollovo I
the pain. Should any auflVriutf profit
by Klvlng lain Balm a trial it will please
mo. " Forealoby all druggist.
I.owcr l e .T Crec-U.
Tii-w wlio ban been attend
ing the linptict ( Jollogo at Grand
Island tlit ) pant winter , has rolnrticil
homo to htl | ) do Ouster Co larming.
ItMd I.oiiin who was as fnitliful in
his attention to his latu fncnd
"Coot" during his niuknuHH niul
death nud also in helping to nurse
olicrs llirough the mcaslc1 * , han had
to give tip and siy bo is sick. Wo
liopo lie u'ill ROOD rocovei.
W.A. Gcorgo loflt a cow , two |
calves and a horco all with in : i few
hours and it wan not iu a Htonn
either but Htioh IH lifo for a ranch
man ,
hester AinHOii had the bad luck to
get on an unruly horn last week-
Tlio horrfo balked awhile and tlion
started to run. Lester Htayt-d on for
i half milo and then jumped hurting
iiH arm and eye but not HoriouHly.
People aru getting anxious for
spring to HIOW ! horHolf. About 4jin
> f snow loll here on riaturdayday
Li Grand Mason went to AnHley
lard wcok after Dr. Hannah for
II'IH wife who wan sick. The D/ .
got out about three o.olook A.M.
and sporit the remainder ol the
night with W.A.George at Meadow
View Kanoh.
Jimmie Mason has hnd a nero eye
for Homo tiino but it is much better
cnHlcH will HOOII bo a thing of
the pant in this neighborhood ,
Minn Mollie Swruson intendH to
HOOII begin teaching again.
Mrs Joseph Pigman ha * boon on
the Hick lint but in up and around
again. 'I li''ir children have jiirtt
recovered from measles.
Leon and llarloy Trew are jiifit
Dotting out after having measles.
Leon wo hears going to try farm
ing for himself this year : w-jare not
able to say how he is going to get
hit * cooking done but lime will tell.
Success to Loon any way.
Mrs. Wm. Daugherty has boon
ailhotod with loss of voice , but has
recovered enough to be able to visit
her sister. Mrs. Lon Davis , on last
Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Davia were also visitors at his
brother Lou's on last Thursday.
lly 1'nncli mid Jiuly.
WllUnin I'crccll wont to Broken Uoiu
Sunday night.
Tliuro was a lar o crowd at tlio dedl-
uutlnti nf the M , considering
the bad weAti.or. OwliiK to oiuUtieea
tlio preluding elder wns not able lo bo
Merna Foster and I * . H. Mnrloy wont
to tne LoupFriday , duck hunting.
Miss Mao ilall , of Ansloy , woe a Ma-
eon visitor Sunday.
Arthur Martonsen wont to 'J'uinora ,
Neb. , Moudny morning , to work for tbo
J. O. JlcCtirgor lias returned from
Fort eott , Kiuais ; , where ho hits boon
liking treatment tor hia rya. .
Hi nun JUIIHH inailo u business trip to
Aiibloy the llrat cf tlio wuaU.
Kfv. D. D 1'orsytl ) , ot Ktmrroy , Hoy-
W. II , Forayth , ot Aiuley , acd Ilov.
Funtcn. of Alor.ia , woie present at the
deuiuntlon of tlio M K. oliurcli.
Stiuiton Allen ixnd IVrry Foster returned -
turned from Coutnil City , whore tlioy
wont on a hunting trip.
Jimoii McAllister Jr. returned fr iu
GrAiul leland Frldr.y.
rim tire ouuipnny tmyo reeolvt d tiiulr
Matou oity lias u bnddinit pout In the
person of A. II. Harks. Last week
tlio Transcript hud tlio misfortune to
lose tlieir old ollico cut , Don Piiilro.
Mr , l rks wrote soruu very touching
llns on his untimely end , As a pot > t
Mr. lUrks la a howling BUJCea ) ' "Nit. "
Friuiklln la staying with
Mrs O.K. Qotohnl.
Mr. and Mrs , \V. Moomoy , of Ausley ,
were SI aeon City visitors Sunday.
bomethlnit must be wrong , A. II.
Harks atnydd in Maaqn Sund-vy iiud wont
to churcti.
O , H. Moomny wont to Ans'ey ' one day
Inst week.
.Thoonlioo cnnilviil wns well atteudi'd
last Friday night.
Then ia aomo talk ot Dotting a boll for
tuoM. E. chntoh. .
Work has oomnioi.octl on the telephone -
phone Hue to connect Lttchtield with
Msroa City.
Meruii Foster nttondeil to tue cream
route during the abson > e of hia brother
Perry , last wcok.
Miss Annlti Servln IIRH accepted n po
sition In the llumury millinery store.
E Walkt-r went to Konesaw Tuesday
morning , where ho expects to remain
for two or tbrce mouths
Mcrna Foatcr wont to Mullen Monday
night to bring u drove of hordes for ( I
L. CroHley.
Horn to Mr , and Mrc , Juiues 1) Ifou
dniTer on Monday , Mtircli 27th , H girl.
Ittivlviil uieeUutts wore commenced on
Monday evening , ll v. Fornyth and
Rov. Fenton , are conducting them.
V/e wonder what made the mull curri
er of tlio Ntnr route latn Monday .
Say , did you know that A. H. Jtnrku
wont to elitirch Sunday mghtV
Quo. Fielding wns out bugt y riding
on Hundity , He wa ? not alone either.
Mist Kthi'l MoAlllmter rnttirn d from
Grnnd iHlnnd Monday night.
Dill Anderson Buys If the Kr.rum.iOAN
( Mrru'poiident don't let up on the
vliiioll-nifvrm" deal ho will get mr.d ,
no wo will apologize to him. \\enro
Rorr , Bill , that you take such an inter-
o > it In the ' 'sebool-uiarnr ' , but It Is not
our fnult ,
lloiiml Valley.
Snow enough and to spare.
Willie Ublmnn and Joe MoCualln
stilted for the west , last Friday , on
linrse bick.
F. J. Uhlman bus been quit- sick the
past week.
Lint Friday was the last dny of school ,
A ICloeb wont to the How Tuecdny and
returned Wednt'odny.U
Hsin Adama , of Sind creek , passed
through the vnlloy Tuesday , on hl way
to HroKoii How.
a. K. and Lawrence Lee wont to thef
Uow Tuesday.
Mas ! Marie Uhbnnn has been staying
n the How the pnst week , and returned
tome Tuesday ,
2CIICt ,
It IH reported that the proprietors o
tbo calf-herd linvo ordered a lot of green
rogglftB to cut down expenses on tinlah-
ug wintering their shell borus. Prop
erly adjusted , a straw stack will show
up green.
11. II. Copper , Alex. Prodmore and a
number of others are roaoy and wll em
igrate to N. W. British possessions as
soon ne gnieo atnrto. Jim Milburn sfvys
they don't pay any tux up there , and
the orown virtually gives n settler every
thing ho necdu. Wo will honr more
ahotit , It Inter.
E. Cnrson Is hauling corn to Ilaukins'
ranch , getting 2S centH per bushel.
These ranobes and feeders make n mar *
ket to be envied by non-residents ol
Over the river Oliver Swlok has rented
nnd has possession of the large fnrm of
Mr , E N. Bishop. who likely contour
plates going to Virginia , where be has
already Eont his cbildron.
If Stillman Gates continues to build
onto bis farm-house he will Boon bavi
to rent land to put it on.
S. D. Ijtitchor bus moved Into Chas
Freeman's house until be can build
iigalu whore hia house burned.
Wo were thinking what a collapse
would occur In the last days in quack
nostrums abd patent medicines wo read
nbout so much in the Broken Bow pn
pere , nd wondering that any one ever
dies with so much nuro In Fight.
Wo notice R controvorcy between dif
ferent parties on runnltg the city gov
ernment of Broken Bow. Why not
call In the farmers , as they make It pos
iible for there to be a city to run. In-
alHuce crop failures when cities , have
lust their support.
Too much BUOW with the mercury at
z.oro for spring and it la not time for
winter either , so the weather la a purn-
Mis * Hattle Reeves commenced a three
month * term of school nt No. MI ,
yts orday.
Mr. Stonaker arrived yesterday with
hlHgooclBuud chattels , from Central
Oity. Nob. He has oqua'tcd on J II.
Prottyman's ruucli.
l > i'd , on March 2iRt liihl. , Mis ? Kstella
olutHt dnugbter of Mr. nnd Mra. S
North , of meuales , ago 17)ears , intur-
ment at Ouster Center.
Waster then nnd new. Wnll do I re-
membur the clmnges of the cMHtoni f
ct'lebrnting oaster. When I was n kid
some sixty years eioee. We hnd eggs
"flylore , uot.uily.twi egga , but we kids
wine made to believe that rabbits laid
beautiful red eirge , boiled and re-uly to
eat. They were colored with tuiulder
by .our mothers and pltced in nests nfter
we had gone to bed. Well do I remem
ber of giving striot orders that the door
should bo left partly open to the rabbit
could come in , and in beating around
the currant bushes In the garden 1 aaw
tbo rabbit.
If you expect lo got west thib
spring at > k the nearest Burlington
Route agent about the specially re
duced rates now in oiYoct to Mon
tana , Utah , California , Washington
and Oregon poinU. Ask about
them right away today. They
may be withdrawn at any moment
Through tournt Rlcepit.g car service
lo San Friuu-iaco and Los Angoius
eveiy rtiuradiy to Hutto , tipokano
and Seattle every Tuesday and
Thursday. .1. Francin , Funcrnl
Passenger Agent , Omaha , H'JO Ot
An Sloiiuht aivtllcliie for I.a CJrlppe
Georco W. Waltt o ( South Gardiner
Me. , 6aya : "I have bad the worst cough
colda , chills and grip and htw taken
lots of tr.ish of in nccount but piolU ( o
the vendor. Ctnimbei lalus Cough Item
eclj la the only thing that has done any
good whatever. 1 have ut < ml one 5Uo
bottle and the oblla , oold and grip have
all left me. 1 congratulate the mnnu-
facturera of an honest medicine. ' ' For
sale by nil druggists. '
O.-onto , Neb. , ffeb. 87 , 1 9S
To whom it iniy concern :
I have this day given mv hon , M.
C. Hruwn , bin timu , Aud L wilt not
In1 ! i pO"ible for any bill b may
. -ontrnct from thin ( UtP. 3t
Ai.incur UUOAVX.
Ohoice HtraiiiH of Poland China
pius , both nmlo and uik.
L. n. ;
C Mirii omuuy.
I'hln rclii'idv i Intended eepotilully for
onn h" . fold1 * , cretin , whooping oough
and liiflui > i T. . It hat become f nioua
for Its unttM of these dl tM"i. over a
iirg < pan of tbe clvillirtid world. The
aos * i1-ttfrnf ! tB9Mtaon ! l have ueun
recwiv.U , givii-K .icoounte ot I's good
works ; nt the MravMttnR nnd prrsutont
of > ugh > t U hm jurnt ; of otV rf > colds that
hare yrel.lcfl t-r rnptly to lt teething
effxfli" . unJf the ( laig'TOua a tin oka of
croupe < t Mis ound , ' ot o Having the
life Of the c Mld The rXfpnslve USP ot It
for whunplnc cnuvh bus shown tbikt it
robs that fll- * > i p of all darKProili con-
"rqifnw. Hold l > > HI ) cIiURn'sf. '
Frill Una of
Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper.
Also a Finn Line nf Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , etc. Stores on
both North nud South Sides , Broken Bow , Neb.
r. 0. WOUNAU , , I'rnsldcnt. J. A. It UtrtIS , Cnnhlcr.
A. J. nOHKKTSON , Vlco-I'roa. W. I ) HLACJCWJiljti , Ase't Cnahlcr.
Farmers Sank of Ouster County ,
Transacts a General Banking BuaineHB. Ounnly Claims and
Warrants Bought.
I make the correct fitting of Glasses
a Specialty. -
- E. W. HAYES , *
Jeweler and Optician.
{ l very complete
oi >
mo , nam TOO , OlT
Boots and Shoos Wagons
, , Buggies , |
And a complete
Come and see mo , and T promise you good goods and
prices as low as the lowest. * ,
o. :
A Farm J.lbrary of unequalled value Practical ,
Up-to-date , Concise and Comprehensive Hand
somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated.
AHnhout Horses a Cotuinoii-Scusc Treatise , Trlth over
74 illublratioas ; a standard work. Price , 50 Cents.
All nbout grow ttig Small Fruits read and lenrn liow ;
contains 43 colored lilc-likercproductionBofnl 1 leading
vaiicties and lee other ) -tration8. . Trice , 50 Cents.
All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book In existence ;
tells everything ; ; witlus colored life-like reproductions
of all the principal breeds ; with 103 other illustrnliouB.
1'rice , 50 Cents.
All about Cows and the Dairy Duslnes ? : having ft fjreat
sate ; contains 8 colored 1 ife-likc reproduction1) ol each
breed , with 132 other illustrations. Price , 50 Cents.
Just out. All about HOK Ilreedltifr , Feeding , Hutch-
criii , Diseases , etc Contains over 80 beautiful half
tones and other eugraIURS. . Price , 50 Cents.
TheBiaciLn BOOKS you never
saw any thing like them so practical , FO sensible. They
are having an enormous sale linat.West , North nnd
South. Every one who keeps a Horse. Cow , HOR or
Chicken , or grows Small I iiilts , ought to send richt
away for the UIUQLU BOOKS. The
your i > nner , made for you and not n misfit It is 22 years
old ; it is the RH .it l > ilcd-dowu , Inl thr n ul on the-hcad ,
quit-alter-you-liB\e-s.nd-it , 1 arm nnd Household paper in
the world ( lie blppi t j iner r > rlr < . ' .i'i > i < i theI'uited States
of America hanig oer a million and a h tlf regular readers.
( tlic remaiuder of 18.x ) , ui i , ijoi , 1902 and Joni ) will he sut bv mnil to any
ati.iim fr A DOLLAR BILL. All who order at oiue will receive
i beauinnl I'-to" llob on iiiul HiAU > tln.r" Calendar u
humpl. of PARM JOUKNALcudcncular describing BIOaLP BOOKS free ,
v ! ! > ? AK'v oN. Address , VAXtyl JOVK
L . I li .S..Nd.
The Machine that TalksTail
PHOHE jircvtd Gi.'pli
phone , the highest pe. lection of the Invintf f f .
tor's skill. 'I ho most woaderful Invention iT } J \ j
of the age , now at a jince within the *
reacn ot everyone , r or nome amuscmei t , it . *
will entertain a company by the hour. Weil ir , ' , -
and durable. Winds up like a clock , and so
that a child can operate It. From $10 to i > 3o u. v
made last fall by hundreds of its users hy g" >
entertainmcnls We guarantee the Imprmcd Graphophone loud and clfRren , ' . , > >
to be distinctly heard n any hall or church anywhere. Plays all of Somi'i l >
pieces exactlas r ulercd by famous band Uruips , ( "ornets , Trombones nr i. I
Recites Tells fumiy nones. Will repeat your own \oice , your frleniii. ' \ i
songs sung to it , or stories told to it. Vuu can tnaVe your own Kecordo cosily ni'
reproduce them at onic as often a& desired. Ha * been known to nay for Itscll 1.1 j r \
evening PriceH _ ) , mdudes ImprpTtd EagleCr iphophone , 1 Kxtr.i Ixnid Alui n u i
_ . , - „ Keproduccr , 1 CoiiLtrt Horn , Hearing Tubes for 2 persons. ( If liBirktirr lulta * f \ > , . .
than t ! persons are desired , we will furniththem atthe rate of COcfor cachicr ' . ' I
llrvl Exhibition Records , ( Musical or Talking 50c each , or f6 00a dmen. f\f\
" .PFriAl , PPOPOSITION Wrlic at once for cimilar tellins how you can secure one V t if *
" ef theabove uulfits , with 12 Record * furlhotnfK .jM.raof . " V '
"ai IMTDV Should secure at once a sample of our new $20 Slot Machine. Sell.m ; like wildfira M- . '
, \JUI > 1 Kl rl brorzc Ver > - aitr.inive. Operates automatically. Requires no attrntion wha- . r
J \ I RDC Can be placed on lop of show case or on n counter About 10 in his hi jh and I" > > .
iJIiAUCKO iong Simply coins money for the dealer owning it. Price 30 00 net. Will tell on fl uu
illy msutlments to responsible dealers if desired >
Complete New Graphophone and Record Catalogues maik-d fret on application Address ,
Hnrgcr&BHsh , Western Selling Agts. 904-910 Main St. , Dubtiquu , Io\va.
; I &M-J * , ± , * ftaf * *