CDSTER COUNTY REPUBLICAN D , AT. AMSMItUUr , BBOKEN1KOW , N121JUAS1CA. NEBRASKA JflEAVS. Geneva's now opera IIOUBO has op- tned for business. Columbus' now $25,000 school build ing is Hearing completion. S. IL Steel , a prominent attorney of the Butler county bar and a citizen of David City started last week for M'i- nlla , P. I. , to take up the general prac tice of law thoro. Mrs. Margaret Cooler of Tulniago has brought suit against the saloon keepers of that place for $10,000 dam ages , which she claims to have sus tained by reason of the sale of Intox icating liquor to her husband. Butler county Is getting In line with several of her sister rounjles | In re spect to the advancement of her poul try interests , and last week organized at David City Uio Butler County foultry association. The membership is about twenty at present. At Lincoln , Federal Judge Carlaml , of South .Dakota , acting for Judge Mungor of Nebraska , sentenced Fmrk M. DorBcy to six years lu the peni tentiary at Sioux Falls. Dorsey wan convicted of wrecking the First Na tional bank of Pouca , Neb. , of whitm ho was cashier and manager. The county board of supervisors at Cumlng county has ordered the body of Henry Muiison exhumed and reln- torrcd In the public cemetery nnd a miltablo monument erected. Muusoii was killed by the Indians twenty-nine years ago during the Indian trouble which occurred at the tlmo of the first settlement of this county. Rev. Joe Jones of Georgia Is j..i- ing a ten days' revival at the Meth odist ohurch In Talmngo. Mr. Jones is quite as hard a hitter as his famous brother , Sam. Ho reduces theology down to a practical ovcry-day basis and pitches It out In broken doses straight from the shoulder. Ho pro poses stirring up the sinful In a num ber of towns In the state. An enterprise enlisting the lulluenco and money of a number of successful business men was launched In Gordon last week , styled the Nlobrara I. < and and Sheep company of Gordon. The capital stock ot the corporation Is placed at $100,000 and already land lias been purchased and leased extend ing from within a mlle of Gordon to the Nlobrara rlvor. ton miles distant. Adjutant General Barry has re ceived word from Washington that In accordance with an Act ot congress the ordnance department w ll replace ordnance transferred by the state of Nebraska to the government for use in the war with Spain , but will not replace quartermasters' stores , which include tcnUigo and clothing. Ord nance comprises guns and correspond ing equipments. Members and friends of the United Brethren church of Kearney wens shocked to learn of the sudden deani ! of the pastor , Rev. F. S. Douglas. Hu had boon suffering with a severe cold. Ho grew worse and about 8 o'clock at night a physician was called , who ad ministered an emetic , which afforded the patient relief for some tlmo , but suddenly ho began to fall , and two hours later ho died. A case of genuine smallpox has developed - voloped In Platte Center. A woman and her son wont to Choycnno , Wyo. , to see a second son , who was returning from Manila. The soldier was found to be sick with smallpox. On the re turn to Platte Center the other son immediately was attacked with the dis ease. The house Is quarantined and every precaution Is being used to pre vent the spread of the malady. The Plattsmouth telephone company has Just received 1,000 feet of new cable and two now switchboards , which , with the ono now In use , will accommodate 400 subscribers. With in a few weeks the company will com mence extending the line until each town In the county has boon reacho.l. Many farmers , It is said , along tlio line and within a few miles of It have made arrangements to have 'phones placed in tholr residences. Will Knapp , a boy of Hastings , was accidentally shot and killed while hunting ducks on the Llttlo Blue. Ho had killed some ducks in the mill pond and utter rowing out after then ho returned to the shore. In romov- Inc his loaded gun from the boat ho seized it by the muzzle and started to pull it toward him , when the ham mer caught and rebounded , dlseha-g- ing the full load of the shotgun in his abdomen. Ho died instantly. A San Francisco dispatch says : The steamer Alameda brought a laro number of convalescent sick and dis charged soldiers from Honolulu. Among the soldiers who returned aio the following : First Nebraska , Lou is Frlez , William A. Cook , jesse Far- dus , Ed Schoop , George W. Wilson , James Anderson , Louis M. Gublo ; en gineer corps , Norman Griffith , * Will iam Johnson , C. P. Ranyon , George M. Thompson , II. Westbrook , Ilerbnit H | Haws. A severe thunder storm visited tno vicinity of Elmwood. Lightning struck the barn of bimon Sites , a bachelor , residing in town , killing his horco. Mr. Sites lives in the upper part of the barn , and was standing but n foot from tlio stove when the bolt of light ning struck the chimney , came aown Into the stove , colng from there through the fioor running down a scantling and striking his horse , kill ing it instantly. Mr. Sites was Knocked down , but was not rendered uncon scious by the Bhock. As a result of the rapid rlso in American Tobacco stocks four young men of Beatrice who have been dab- bline in futures with the brokorniro office in that city recently are rlclior In the aggregate by $1,700 than they wore , while a number of other nmall dealers cleaned up amounts ranging frosi $50 to $200. Rosa Ramesy , a young girl of about sixteen years of ago , charged with the crlmo of infanticide by the coroner's Jury , has waived a prelimi nary hearing nnd Jms been bound ever to appear at the next term of the dtu- trict court. She gave bonds in the sum of $1,500. 11 HIM GOES ON Gon. Otis Continues His Cam paign Agnlnot Insurgents. MANY OP OUR TROOPS ARE KILLCD Colonel K lierl of Ilin T viMily Sri'iiinl In * fiuilry Aliiniif ; ThOHn Who Toll Srr- jjennt I'tior of tlm 1'lrftt Ni-liniHliu Ainu Dvuil 'Ilirru DIIJH of I'lereu I'l WASHINGTON. March 27. Two of ficers nnd twenty men Killed , seven of ficers and 158 privates wounded , Is the resiiK of three days' fight In the Phll- IpulncR , March 21 , 25 and 2J. ( the lust cablegram from General Otis closing uj ) the list of casualties being given out at the war department at 5 o'clock to day. In the list of officers killed lu Colonel Harry C. Egbert of the Twen ty-second Infuntr ; nnd one of the most popular olllcers of that crack regiment , well known to citizens of Omaha. Ser geant Walter Pool of Company A , First Nebraska , Is nlKo among the killed- while Captain Luo Forby and Wullaco C. Taylor , both of Omaha , are among the wounded , the former seriously. The Flist Nebraska loses one killed and fourteen wounded and thu Twenty- sccond Infantry one killed and thirteen wounded. WASHINGTON , March 27. The fol lowing cablegrams from General Otis were received by the war department this morning : "Manila , March 26. Adjutant Gen eral , Washington , D. C. : Attacks on Hall and pumping station last night easily repulsed. MacArthur , with mov ing column , has driven enemy , out can not gain point north of Polo on ac count of roughness of country ; must Htrlko railway south of that point ; this will enable most of Agnlimldo's troops to escape north , still ho may oppose , as best of his army , consisting of re leased prisoners of war , former native Spanish troops , concentrated there. This northern army will bo pressed south of city. Three thousand Insur gent troops from southern Luzon prov inces have concentrated. Lawton will take care of them. AiTair satisfactory. OTIS. " "Adjutant General , Washington : Entire - tire casualties yesterday , one officer , twenty-five enlisted men killed ; eight officers , 142 men wounded. Officer kill ed , Captain Stewart , First Colorado. List cabled linnr llatoi "Today's fighting south and around Polo determined. Mac-Arthur , with three brigades united , having artillery ind cavalry , engaging enemy. Colonel Egbert , Twenty-second Infantry , kill ed. "Our loss thus far moderate ; enemy's heavy. Army gunboats on coast and In estuaries west and north of Polo very efficient. Troops In excellent condition ind spirits. OTIS. " WASHINGTON , March 27. The war department tonlsht received the fol- lowlnc : "MANILA , March 20. Adjutant General - oral , Washington : MacArthur's ad vance Is beyond Nowcanayan , two miles from Malolos. Railroad will bo repaired to advance point tomorrow and troops supplied by cars. Mac- Arthur will press on tomorrow ; ho Is now in open country. Insurgents stout ly resisting behind succeeding lines of Intrcnchments from which troops con tinually drlvo them. City perfectly quiet and native Inhabitants appear to be relieved of anxiety and fear of In surgents. Captain Krnycnhush , com missary lieutenant , Third artillery , mortally wounded. OTIS. " "MANILA , March 27. The Filllpi- nos are burning their stronghold at Malabon and their forces are fleeing from the city In the direction of Mal- oloR. General MacArthur's division Is pushing toward Malabon. The Insur gents will make their last stand prob ably at Malolos. CnximlthM In the I'lrM Nclirnaku. KILLED. SIDRGEANT WALT13R POOR , Company A , York. WOUND13D. Company A , Prlvaio Harry A. Schmaii , Stella , jaw , BOVWV. Company C , Hosco C. Osmuii , forearm - arm , moderate ; Company G , Ward S. Roberts , Geneva , head , slight ; Com pany C , E. Young , hand , severe ; C.ip- tuln Leo Forby , Omaha , abdomen , severe ; Company K , Private Ota ! , Columbus , elbow , slight ; Company L , William J. Koopman. Omaha , elbow , moderate ; David O. Barnoll. Omnlia , thigh , moderate ; Edwaid A. Pegu a. Omaha , forearm , moderate ; Clarence A. Fay , Fremont , forearm and thigl' , Hovoro ; Waul C. Crawford. South Om aha , hip , tmvuro : Robert E. Fritscner , Omaha , hand , slight ; Captain Wallace C. Taylor , Omaha , forearm , moderate ; Company M , Private John 13. Robin son , hand , slight. Suggests trade of rights Manila lliidUlurlied. WASHINGTON , March 27. The fol lowing belated dlsnatch reached the war department from Manila : "Adjutant General , Washington : City quiet ; business progressing ; no indications of excitement ; fighting far beyond city limits ; firing cannot bo heard ; old battle lines surrounding city maintained and city cannot bo safely uncovered. OTIS. " AinrrlnniH Tulco IMulentii. MANILA , March 27. The American troons today took Mnlnntn. after a sharp fight. Colonel Egbert of the Twenty-second regiment and several other Americans were Killed. 7:30 a. m. President Schurman of the Philippines commission and Mr. MacArthur , Its secretary , were under flro today , with General Whcatou. Death of Col. WASHINGTON , March 27. The list of killed and wounded , which General Otis had promised , was awaited anx iously by the department and the friends und relatives of the officers nnd men in the Philippines. Much regret was expressed at the death of Colonel Egbert , the only regular offi cer among the killed. Ho was among those who distinguished themselves at Santiago , being wounded nt San Juan and bro vetted-for his conspicuous gal lantry in that ennauemcnt. IN THE JUNGLE. Anturh'iin Troop * Ili-ctiimtn tlio Iliinlc * o I tint IiifliirKi'iitK. MANILA , March 27. Noon. 1'ho movement of thu American troopH Sat in day swept HIL liiHiiifjents Uncle to ward Mnlnbon. General Harrison 0. Ollis' brigade IH In front of La Loina , wheio there Is a Htretch of a mlle of rough , open country. The Insurgent truiichuH In the edge of the woods are four foot deep , and furnish a good head cover. Tin1 American tioopa advanced on the double-quick , yelling fiercely and occasionally dropping in the grass and firing by volley. The natives stood until the Ameri cans were within IWO yards of tholr position and then broke and ran for the woods. About tMrty of them were killed In the outskirts and seventy ou the roads. The Montana and Kansas troops met the hottest resistance In a strip from which the rebels have greatly worried Ninety minutes after the start at 0 o'clock the whole front for a dis tance of three miles to the north had been cleared. General Halo's brigade had simultaneously swept In a north westerly direction , routing the enemy and burning the town of San Francis co Dolmonto- a number of other scattered huts. General McArthur's division , con- ( .Istiug of the brigades of General Ilar- riKon Otis , General Hale and General Hall , supplemented by General Whea- ton's brigade , advanced at daylight and cut the enemy's forces in two. They captured the town of Nnvnllchcs on the left , and San Francisco Dol- inonto and Mnrlqulna ou the right clearing , the lebel trenches In front of the line north from the river to Cal- oocan. They also secure 1 possession of the railroad , practically concerning the ( lower of Agulnnldo's army at MuU nbon and la the foolhllli ; at Slngalon , twenty miles apart. The troops engaged were the Third artilloy , as Infantry , the Montana , Kansas , Pennsylvania , Nebraska , Wy oming , Colonido , South Dakota , Min nesota and Oregon volunteers , the Third , Fourth , Seventeenth and Twen ty-second regulars , the Utah artillery battalion and Twenty-third regulars. Whcaton'B brigade was placed In the rear and General Harrison Gray Otis' and General Halo's. Under the cover of the darkness General Otis' and General Halo's brigades left their trenches and advanced close up on the enemy's line without being detected , General Wheaton's und General Hall's brigades occupying the vacated posi tions. At ! o'clock the American troopa breakfasted and the Filipinos , notic ing the camp fires , their buglers called to arms. At daylight General Otis' and Gen eral Hall's brigades advanced from La Lonia church straight through the lobcl lines , cutting the enemy's force In two. Upon this occasion the rebels adopt ed the American tactics of holding their fire until the attackers were about 1,000 yards distant. The rebels also fired lower than usual. The Americans fired volleys with terllRc effect and then rushed forward cheerIng - Ing and carrying everything before them. Ouco through , General McArthurs division was swung to the loft , driv ing the rebels away on all sides. General Wheaton's brigade , in ac cordance with Instructions , remained In the trenches. Before joining In the movement at noon. General Wheat on's troops developed a strong oppo sition between Malabon and the river Tullahan. The brigades commanded by Gen eral Harrison Gray Otis and General Halo advanced on Novaliches and Polo , strongly entrenched towns. In the meantime , General Hull's brigade swept the country clear to the waterworks and foothills and Sinsa- lon , capturing San Francisco Del- moulo and Marlqulnn. Late in the afternoon the Montana regiment and Third artillery had crossed the Tnlighan river , g'oing in a northwestrly direction towards Polo , and General McArthur. when the re mainder of General Otis' and General Hall's brigades , was moving alors south of the river In a position to at tack either Navoliches or Polo , being within two miles of Navoliches and five miles from Polo. General Hall's hvlgado moved to Hiinlae , protecting General Hales light , meeting with strong opposition. The Oregon regiment and part of ho Utah battery under Lieutenant Glb'w ' held the extreme left. The entrenchments nearest to Mal- nlion suffered the most severe attacks including a cross fire from the lusur- gojits massed at Malnbon. The Montana regiment near Bull-i- tnmio came up on a blockhouse dis guised as a leper hospital , across tl-o river , after marching through the jun gle. Four men were killed and sev enteen wounded. General McArthur's artillery was hampered by the thick ness of the Jungle. General McAnhur and General Hale and their staff were frequently under a galling fire , and upon one occasion all of the officeis excepting the generals dismounted being overcome by the heat. There were many prostrations during tlio Wonl from Otlit. WASHINGTON. I ) . C. . March 27 The war department made public the following from General Otis : "Adjutant General : Perfected north ern movement not yet completed. Otis' and Halo's brigades , with mounted troops. Fourth cavalry , the turning column , met with heavy resistance over dilllcult country and are camped tonight six miles east of Polo and six ntllra north of Hue from which advance was taken up. Whcaton's brigades at Cal- oocan drove eujjmy a mile and a half north across river. Hall on extreme right , encountered considerable force and routed It. Fighting heavy near Caloocan. " M Trillin of lllKlitH LONDON , March 27. The Paris cor respondent of the Times says : The Llberto suggests that Great Britain ehould cede Gambia at the mouth of the rlvor Gambia , western Africa and Sokoto , the most important of the Houssa kingdoms , on an afiluant of the Niger , lu exchange for the fish ing rights of the French on the No\v- foundland treaty shore. I bollevo , however , that the compensation for the rights will be pecuniary. 4CS5 SSSSSS ) * SS3bSSSSSS ? ) StSS S 53S9iM Si3S95 a I 94- I The News Briefly Told. I u u Hutimiiiy. Prince Valdeumr , oldest son of Prince Henry of Prussia , will f rmally outer the Gorman army. In February , 1899 , 2,928 pcrsor i emi grated from England to the 'tilted States , as against 3,177 in Fobuiary , 1898. 1898.Tho The graves of the victims of the Gorman revolution of March , 1848 , at Berlin , wore decorated yesterday , an anniversary day. An appeal Is being made to Great Ilritaln and America for funds to help the Armenians , 80,000 of whom nre In n starving condition. Riotous outbreaks of railroad strik ers have occurred near Skagway. A movement Is on foot to charter n steamer nnd send them home. Hon. Patrick Walsh , ox-United States senator and mayor of Augusta , Ga. , died at his residence after three months' Illness of nervous prostration. The lake sailors may not accept the Increase of $5 per month promised by the carriers , claiming it will not cover the extra work urcdlctcd for the com ing season. Walla Tonokn , or William Going , the Choctaw Indian convicted of mur der In the Indian court at South Mc- Alester , I. T. , has been remanded for retrial by Federal Judge Clayton. The committee of the whole of the Fifth Avenue , Now York , Presbyterian church , Dr. John Hall's church , de cided at a meeting to recommend that Kov. Alexander Council of London bo called. Richard Mansfield's engagement of a week at Washington , playing "Cy rano do Bergerac , " yielded $15,020 in seven performances , or about $3,000 more than the theater has ever paid for the same period. Amos T. Lolaii , secretary to Speaker Heed , said In regard to the interview printed yesterday , In which he was made to say Mr. Ileed would not ho n presidential candidate in 1900 , that ho did not make such a statement , and ho did not know whether Mr. Reed would bo a. candidate or not. Six men of the Fifteenth Mnncsota have gene from Augusta , Ga. , to St. Francis' Barracks , Fla. It Is under stood their sentences were one year , except In the case of Williams , the ringleader , who got six years. This is not official , however , as General Young , the reviewing authority , has published no orders. Monday. Today's statement of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $280,752,010 ; gold reserve $241.120.370. Ex-President Harrison will leave for Paris on May 17 , and after arguing the Venezuelan case bc-oro the Board of Arbitral on will probably clvo some months to travel through Europe and the Holy Land , In company with Mis. narrlson. The Rome correspondent of the Dally Chronicle says : "Although there is no Immediate alarm , It is generally - erally felt that the pope's life is ebbing away. Communications have recently passed between the different cabinets relative to the eventuality of a con clave. " Hon. Wick Taylor has returned from Washington , and states while theie ho was creditably Informed that Im mediately following the adjourn ment of the Pennsylvania legislature , Senator Penroso will present his res ignation to the governor , and the lat ter will appoint Hon. M. S. Quay to the vacancy , the term expiring 1901. The president and Mrs. McKinley , Vice President and Mrs. Hobart , Sen ator Hanna , Secretary Cortolyou ,110 : Dr. Rlxey left on the 20th for JekyI Island , returning hero Wednesday A delegation from Fitzgerald , Ga. , called on the president and Invited him to visit that place. It s not likely that the president will go there or any where else except to JekyI Island. Flro Commissioner Scannell of Now York sent to Miss Helen M. Gould a letter , In which ho Informed her that In view of the services rendered by her on the occasion of the Windsor hotel fire ho intended to present to her a gold badge , which would entitle her to enter the fire lines at any flro that may occur In Greater New York. Another badge will bo present ed to Frank J. Gould , who aided his s'ster ' at the fire. Tuesday. Harry Mlalock , a noted Jockey , has died at Toronto , Ont. Prof. Mark W. Harrington , chief of the weather service in Porto Rico , Is relieved from duty , because of 111 health. The government has received the official report from Commander Taus- siK , of the taking of Wako island , In the Pacific. Oscar Gardner , the Omaha kid , eas ily defeated Freddie Boogan , cham pion of the Pacific coast , in five rounds at Hot Springs , Ark. The Goodrich passenger steamnr Atltanta is on the beach two miles south of Raclno , Wls. The steamer was caught In the drift Ice which was driven In by the southeast gale. It is reported badly listed. The passengers - gers arotstill aboard. The delegates to the convention of the Woodmen of the World at Memphis - phis selected unanimously Cohrn- O. , as the place for their next blon- nial mooting. The northern olty wae chosen In preference to Now Orleans ' owing to the fact that the highest con- .ventiton of the order had been given to the south three times in succes sion. sion.An An explosion of powder in a store at DoWltt , Ark. , killed two children of E. S. Leslie , the proprietor , nnd in jured several other persons. An erecting gang from the Poncoyd Iron Works will leave Philadelphia In a few days onrouto to Africa for the purpose of building a bridge across the Atlmra river In the Soudan , near Khartoum. The seven spans of the bridge , with a total lognth of 1,100 feet , have already been shipped. The order was placed with the Pencoyd Iron Works by the Brltltsh war oftlco less than six weeks ago , the company agreeing to build the structure In sev en weeks , Wednesday. The Canadian Pacific has made a $12.50 rate from St. Paul 'to the Pacific coast. The Kentucky whisky trust has ac quired five moro distilleries at Lnuls- vlllp. or near there. Sir Arthur Llpton will tow the chal lenger for America's cup across the ocean with his yacht. The muster out of Colonel F , J. Hockcr has been postponed one month , as Algcr wants him to return to Cuba. J. C. Walles , populist member of the Oklahoma nsseniDly , Is arrested , charg ed with offering a bribe to Senator llutto to secure the passage of a meas ure In which Walles was interested. Captain Abcrcromble and party left for the west , where they will exnlorc the Copper rlvor country in Alaska. fantaln ! Glenn and party , who are to explore Cook's inlet , will leave today for that section. The grand jury at Covlngton , Ky. , has returned indictments against for ty-three foreign Insurance companies , under the anti-trust law , whereon the companies threaten to take their busi ness out of the state. An order for the organization of a new comnany at the United States barracks In Columbus is believed to mean that all posts in the United States will be garrisoned by recruits , wmlo the regular Infantry will bo sent to the Philippine Islands. The cavalry only is expected to be retained for duty in the west. The Now York assembly today nas- sod , by a party vote , the three New York city police bills , one of which creates a single-headed police commis sion , another which divorces the bur - r au of elections from the control of the nolici * commissioners and a third which HMkes It a misdemeanor , for a police officer to Interfere in anyway with an election officer. Thursday. It is reporteu * y the Iron Ago that the mission of John W. Gates to Eu rope Is to effect an international wire trust. The Pennsylvania house bribery committee Is taking the deposition of all members of the house as to charg es of bribery. In the house of commons , Right Hon. St. John Broderlck announced mat the United States has asked for a modus Vivendi over the Alaskan boundary. Assistant Quartermaster General Klmball has extended thanks to the eastern trunk lines for their handling of troops and supplies during the war. The Minnesota legislature has recon sidered and passed the pardons bill , which will allow the board of paruons to parole the Younger boys If It sees , /ashincton officials are anxiously awaiting the meeting of the Mexican congress for a ratification of the trea ty replacing the one which expired some months ago. Governor Mount has recalled the pa role of Mrs. Schmidt , serving a life term at Indianapolis for murder , 'be ' cause she refused to accept It until judge , jury and attorneys declared her innocence. The fifty-sixth Joint ballot for Unit ed States senator in the Pennsylva nia legislature resulted : Quay 87 Jenks 71. Dalzell 17. Stewart 6 , Stone 3. Huff 7. Irvin 4. idner 3. Riter 1 , Rice 1 , Smith 3 , Tubbs 2 , Grow 1 , Mar- klo 1. It is reported that the St. Louis. Iron Mountain & Southern has arrang ed with Kuhn , Loeb & Co. to under write $16,000,000 gold 4 per cent bonds. Otncr bonds aggregating $14,000,000 -will be Issued to refund outstanuing in debtedness. The state department and the Brit ish embassy are giving attention to the reported fighting between Americans and Canadians In the Klonu.Ke over the boundary. It is practically agreed to try to llvo up to the pending agree ment until a settlement of the boun dary is reached. The Oregon Short Line on the 24th received from the Union Pacific and Rio Grande Western roads at Granger and Ogden 800 passengers traveling on homeseekcrs' tickets at the reduced rates which went into euect Marcu 21 at Missouri river points east. A largo percentage of these passengers are Dunkards and Qimirers onrouto to southwestern Idano. There are already colonies of both Dunkards and Quak ers occupying land in Idaho. I'rliluy. Reports show the battleship Iowa is In good condition and will start for Manila about the first week in Juno. Plans for the organization of the American independent telephone com bine of Now Jersey , capital $7,000,000 , wore completed at Chicago. A scheme to consolidate the Cana dian bicycle manufacturing concerns Is nearly complete. R. M. Jaffray of London , England , originator of the scheme , states that all the larger bl- cycle companies have Joined the com bination. Articles of Incorporation of the Egyptian Tobacco company , with n capital of $1,500,000 , were filed at Trenton , N. J. The company Is au thorized to engage In the manufacture of cigarettes. There are twenty incorporators - porators In different towns In Now York state. The Now York Times says : It is announced that Oliver II. P. Belmont , who withdrew from the committee on invitations and speakers of the Demo cratic club dinner on Wednesaay of last week , has decided not to attend the function of Mr. broker's club , but will instead partake of the $1 dinner. James Brown , one of the best known mining men In California , died at Sac ramento. Ho made several fortunes and lost them in the gold mines of California. If a plan that the officers of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road are now considering Is adopted every employe of the company will become in a small way n physician und a nurse , and there will uo fewer cases for the surgeon's knife. It is the inten- uon of the managers of this roau to start a systematic course of Instruc tion in the first principles of surgery and nursing among the men engaged In train service. GKNKKAl , NI5W8 NOTKS , Mr. Joseph II. Choate , the United Stntes ambassador , and Mrs. Chonto nave been elected life members of the Sesame Olub In London. The objects of the club , of which Lady Isabel Mar- Eos on and Mrs. Plowden are secre taries , arc educational and literary. At Lincoln , Neb. , Federal Judge Garland of South Dakota , acting for Judge Munger of Nebraska , sentenced Frank M. Dorsey to six years In the penitentiary at Sioux Falls. Dorsoy was convicted of wrecking the First National bank of Ponca , Neb. , of which ho was cashier and manager. The drink bill of Great Britain , just published , shows that the Englishman drinks 2.41 gallons of alcohol a year. Next to him comes the Scotchman , with an appetite slaked with 1.6C gal lons. The Irishman contents himself with 1.54 gallons. The first spends $20.50 a year for his drinks , the second end $15.25 and the third $13.25. I'lnns for an Interstate fair nnd ex position were laid before capitalists of St. Joseph , Mo. , by J. T. Imbrle , for merly well known as an exDosltlon promoter. The plans will probably bo accepted. The exposition will continue a month or more In the fall of each year , and may occupy an auditorium , plans of which arc being discussed. A companion of Dewoy's quotes the admiral thus : "I did not Imagine that llttlo target practice before breakfast on the 1st of May would bring a new adjective Into the language , but , look here , I have a Dewey witch , with a case made from the Maine. One of the manufacturers who had named a hat after me wished to send mo one and wrote mo asking what size I wore. I told him the same size that I wore be fore May 1. " A boiler In the basement of a sa loon on the corner of Washington and South Second streets , Seattle , exploded , Injuring five men who were passing by on the sidewalk. The man who had charge of the boiler Is miss ing. The boiler was located under the sidewalk and , beyond the breaking of glass , no damage was done the build ing , which Is a three-story brick. The Injured men were thrown thirty or forty feet In the air. The western roads have definitely decided to abolish the feeding in transit rates which have been granted to stockmen for several years past. The date has not been definitely de cided though it will probably be May 20. The Kansas roads cannot change the rate much sooner than that as the state law requires sixty day's notice of such change. It is the exprecsed opinion that all roads will make the change at the &amo date to avoid con fusion. The police at Terra Haute , Ind. , ar rested Rocam Ingram , a farmer , on a peculiar charge. Ingram was employ ed on the farm or George H. Frlnk , near Chrlsman , 111. , and several days ago , while c gg ng near his employ ers' barn , unearthed an old tomato can containing $80. Ingram continued his search with such good results that he brought to the surface $1GOO wmca had been buried in old cans and dis carded shoes. Frink , whoso money It was , discovered his loss and telegraph ed the police of Terra Haute. The English merchants have been startled by the heavy inroads being made by Americans into their trade with the British colony at Cape Town , and there Is much talk of combination to repress this. Consul General Stowe , at Cape Town , in a report to the state department , points out some Instances of the success of American enterprise in that line of recent occurrence. Two orders for American rails and tubing , amounting to $2,500,000 , have just been placed at a price 20 per cent be low British quotations , and , the Scotch makers refusing to make the tubes as long as required , the order went to America. A largo match fac tory is being erected in Cape Town to use American machinery. The Interstate commerce commission was defeated in the United States cir cuit court of appeals sitting in New York * The decree was in the cases of the commission versus the Western & Atlantic Railroad company in one case I and the Clyde Steamship company et i i > al In two others. In 1891 the commis sion sought to enforce Its regulations respecting freight charges from points north of the Ohio river and seaports north of Charleston to southern points , claiming that the railroads had no right to discriminate against certain points In favor of others which brought a longer haul. The railroads Ignored the ruling of the commission , and the latter sought an injunction from the United States circuit court In the northern district of Georeric. but lost. The circuit court of appeals today upheld the decision of the lower court. LIVIS STOCK AND I'ltODUOE. Omulia , Chicago anil New Vorlc Market Quotation * . OMAHA. nuttor Crontnory bopurator. . . sou 21 lluttor Cliolco fuiiuy country. u 18 KKKS Fresh , POP < l u . 11 15 ( JhleUons dressed pur pound. . 0 7 Tuikuys , dressed . 10 a 11 I'IKOOIIH live , nordoz . 70 a 75 Lemons 1'or box . 3 75 u 4 50 Oriuittus 1'cr box . 2 50 a 3 . ' 5 OriinDorrlob Jorsoybporbbl. . . . 0 00 a 0 23 Applfb I'or bairol . 1 75 a 4 00 Honey Choice , per pound . * a 13 Onions 1'or bubliol . 70 a 75 Heans HnndplckL'd niivy . 1 ! T u 1 40 I'otutoos 1'cr bushel , now . f0 ! a C5 Hay Upland per ton . 5 00 uOOJ SOUTH OMAHA. DOBS CllOlCO llKllt . 3 CO a 3 0. ) llojs Heavy weights . 3 57 a 3 DO Hoof steers . 3 33 u 0 15 Hulls . 35 ( a 3 10 Btugs . 3 50 a 4 05 Calves . , . (100 ( a 3G.5 Western f coders . 3 00 a 4 00 Cows . ; > t a 4 10 Holfors . 8 70 n 4 25 S lockers nnd feeders . 2 CO a 4 70 Pheep rhumbs . 1 00 a 4 40 Sheep Western wothors . 4 30 n 4 35 CHICAGO. Wheat No. " spring . . . CO . Corn Per bubliol . 30 a ; > Oats I'or bushel . 23 u 20 Harlov No , 2 . 42 a 51 Hye No. S . . . . 5(1 a 60 ft Timothy seed , per bu . 24S a 2 50 1'ork I'crowt . 8 20 n 1)00 ) : Lard 1'or 100 pounds . 5 00 a 5 22 Cattle Western fed steers . 4 10 a 5 sea Cattle Native boot steers . 3 3 a 4 TO Hogs Mixed . 3 51 a 3 77 Slit op I.iunbs . . , 4 00 a5 00 j ) Western Hangers . 275 a 400 NUW YOUK MAUKET. Wheat No.2 , rod winter . 82 Corn No. 2 . 41 a 4:1 : Oats No. % S . 31 KANSAS C1TV. Wheat-No. SsprliiB . 03 n ft.- , Corn No. a . 3i nn Oats-No. S . 2S n 20 Bheep Muttons . 3 60 a 4 23 Hogs Mixed . , . 3 50 a 3 50 Oattle Stockurs und feeders , . 8 W u 5 15