XViI , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA THURSDAY , , MARCH 30,1899--EIGHT PAGES , NO 38 4 New Line of Spring Goods Just Received at arryDay&Co's We have Special Bargains ] j six days In the week. Our Stock Is complete and up- to-date. Prices the best In the city. Call and "be " convinced. l ' 'r , * * * . , " i.- AERY DAY & CO. 1-V Mi % * K& . - : : . MWiSTO ' . . . : . . . : . - . Kiv..i.v.1.'e. . : ' : . : ' . ! " . : . . . . " - . -i./.i. * . ; : l iCiiV.lft.V/i ; / : % le > i. > ; V.IuavV2 ; Vv : ! > A ! . > * L- $ ® My Wheels Are Here and so | ijw M Mi * Are mjr Sundries. 1 SSi i'r $ g P &il Lot me quote } 0u Ris . : m A'-- : ? : J ! ftr1 . : . j.- * fee S itl' * tiaploftr1 $ tt 1 ttK il 1 -AT- * K 1I es PSfj # ruan and Wreght j'.ires , 28 j'ncl * 0 50 , jrM X Ray lamp .1 75. $ ; Tourists Ciik > ; .1.00. | 1M Sj-okop per loae - . . .25. g& Fiber niipa per p ir 15. 1Mm Too < 'li- < . . [ ; IK r ii r.r - 05. TrouscrunHf. . m p r piir 02. EDWIN R MYERS , | , vT i u $ BroRcn , ISIetr. m A10 per cent Discount for Thirty Days Only To irtak room for our large Spring Slock , we will give a 10 per cent discount discount off our regular low prices on all our Hats and Shoes Si.00 Hats go at OOc 1.50 HatH ' " go at $1.35 2 00 Hats fjo at ; . , . . . 1.80 3 00 Hats go at . . . , . : 2.'JO $1.00 blioos o at , f. , 9uc 1.50 Shoes go at , . $1.35 2.00 ShoPH go at , . 1.80 c 3 00 Shoos go at. . . , 2 70 Standard I * L. J usliu nt bo yd On our ft,600.00 Stool ? of Huts and Shoos you save $420 by this dis count Hale. Do not Miss this Opportunity. Goods all Marked in Plain Figures. SNYDBB BROS. Leaders in Low Pricea. i Local Mention. I want potatoes. J. N , Poale. Cannon City coal at Diorku Lumber Co' A good farm to rent. Call on Mrs. A. W , Gandy. 2 Look over the advertisements in the RKPUUMOAN for bargains. I have potatoes for sale from 15 ots per bu. up. J. N. Poalo. FOB RUNT : Fifty acres of corn ground. Frank Woisonredor. The LxnausT line of ladies and gents watches in the county at Ed. AloComau' . HORSKB Eight good work horses for sale by , S. L. Gi.ovun & SON , Dry Valley. NOTICE The Library Associa tion will moot with Mrs. II. M. Sullivan April 5th , at 2:80. : The latest in LADIES Bui/r BUCKLES and NECK CLASPS junt received at Ed. McComas' . Try my evaporated fruits. J. N. Poa'e. ' FOR SALE A six room house barn and other improvements. For particulars call nt this office. tf Just received another stock of LAUIKS SET RINGS. THKY AUK beauties. ED. McCoMAH. FOB RENT Good house , with barn , etc. Euquiro at this oQice , or at Hrry Bangs' photograph gallery. I buy and sell com and oats. J. N1. Pcale. Senator Currio has our thanks for a copy of the Nebraska blue book , which wo received the lirst of the week. I bavo alfalfa and millet seed for sale. J. N. PEA Lie. Rev. Father Duda is the name of the priest recently located in our jily as pastor ot the Catholic church : it this place. All kinds of bulk and , package garden seed for sale at J. N. Pealo's. It H to bo seen how many voters of Broken Bow prefer a business man of Berwyn to one of Broken Bow for mayor. Fresh vegetables and fruits for sale at J. N. I'oalo's. M. Shanlny has sold his hardens business to G. W. Apple. Hie failing health compelled him to quit the business. Why not annex Berwyn to Bro ken Bow , since the demo-pops are compelled to go tnero tor suitaoie material for mayor. Rev. J. W. Megan returned Fri day from Arnold , whore he has been holding a series of meetings the past four weeks. Miss Lena Moore left this morning - ing for Geneva , where she will en ter the district oiatorical contest to bo held there Friday night , O. P. Per ley shipped stonk this week to the wholosal firm of Gil- crist , Manna & Co. , South Omaha , receiving satisfactory pncen. Lewis Proper , of Bonoparte , la. , arrived in the city last uiglit to visit his son , M. A. Proper and family , lie will remain several months. B O. Sweazy is in the aslern part of the slate semiring material for the Commercial hotel. He will raise the hotel and otherwise- im prove it. iMrs , Barrett " ; has received her first invoice of millinery. Those wishing huts will do well to call and examine her stock. At Merna , Neb. 3-30tf The snow of last Saturday night is still with us , and a light snow has been falling all the morning , but most of it molts soon after reaching the ground. Editor WiBelj , of the Sargent Commoner , made this oftK'o a friendly visit Tuesday. He antioi- pales a bright future for Sargent when the rail road arrives. Attorney Moore , while out wolf hunting Saturday , had his ankle broken by his liorne falling on him. Ho IH able to be around this week by the assistance of crutches. We are requested to announce that on April 1st , at 7:30 : o'clock , in Berwyn sotnol house , there will bo preaching by the cowboy preach er , Rev. L. G. Brookei , of Grand Inland , and also preaching in the Alien school house , live miles nonh of Westerville , April 8th , at 7:30 : o'clock. A complete line of LAIHKB CHAINS in GOLD FILLED , BKAD and SILK. . GUAUD. Call and see them. ED Sergeant Walter Fliok has our thanks for two copies of Manila papers this week. They contain highly complimentary repoits of the First Nebraska in the engage ments near Manila , The Kui'UULiOAN acknowledges the receipt of two Manila papers last weak from Lieut. V , C. Talbot , giving a detailed account of the engagements of Feb. 3 , 4 and 6 , for nhioh ho has our thanks. Fou SALK : Best residence loca tion in the oity , two lots , corner of block , ' 00x112 ft. Vacant lots just west of J. Jt Wilson's now rosi donee , Cash purchaser will receive a rare bargain. t ( JUD KAT. E. W. McCorklo , brother of II. II. MoCorklo , was doing business in the oity the first of the wook. This office acknowledges a friendly call. He is traveling for Frcol Kaufman , merchant tailoring house of Chicago. The Junior Society of Christian Eudoavor will give an egg hunt at the homo of Mrs. Hunter , on Sat urday , April 1 , between the hours of two o'clock and four p. m. Como and register , and kcopall the Easter eggs you find. Price , 15 cents. The Broken Bow Dramatic Co. will present the "Gold King" at An&loy tomorrow night. It is one of the bent plays the company ever prosento ) to a Broken Bow audi ence , and wo can assure our Aueloy friends they will be well pleased. Remember the Methodist people j havii services in the Hartley store room next Sunday. Theme ot morning sermon , "Tho Resurrection of Christ. " Evening text , "Am I My Brolhar'o Keeper ? " Theme , "Oar greatest duty in the present city election. " A. II. Copsey , one of the pros perous farnmri * \Vc6torvilleoallod Tuesday to inquire of the latest rrpnrls on the wcathor , but as our weather prophet was out wo were compelled to defer diflinite information mation as to when spring wil appear until after caster. A. II. Nash , who has boon a res. idont of Round Valley for the past four years , left this morning for Chicago , whore ho informs us he has a good position tendered him with a jobbing firm. His work will consist in auctioneering and traveling on the road. The RE- PUULIOAN wishes him success. C. C. Gardner , the Nasby of Sar gent , while calling on his friends in the oity Tuesday , kindly remem bered this office. Mr. Gardner in forms us that a number of business men are looking after locations in Sargont. . He thinks that by the time the railroad roaches there , which is now fixed for Juno 1st , the town will present quite a lively as well as much enlarged appear ance. Success to them is the wish of the REPUBLICAN. In the pant week the American soldiers at Manila have soon moro aolivo service , and the Nebraska boys have accomplished many he roic feats. Company M. has had four wounded in the past woqk , but only one from Ouster county ; that one was 1' . S. Bnsio , of Ansley. He was wounded in the forearm The others wounded wore John E. Itobinson , Nate Sumors and Goo. L Soars , but none fatally. The proBpoott ) now arc that in a few weeks at most the Filippinos wtll be so completely whipped that they will bo forced to surrender. Col. E. P. Savage , of Sargent , was a friendly caller Saturday. He had just returned from a ten days visit at Omaha , where he wont in the interest of the contemplated Sargont rail road. Ho informs us that the officials of the road assure him that within sixty days after they commenoo work the oars will bo running into Sargont. Mr Savage - age mys that there is already quite a demand for business lots in Sar gent , that several who will put in stores have already secured loca tions. Ono elevator is already there and Senator Currie's brother IUIH secured grounds for another , and that Dierks Bros , have selected grounds for a lumber yard. Movedl on cor. south of P. O. , A. E. ANDERSON , . Watchmaker and Jeweler , formerly north aide , 11ATTLE W SANTA M11SA. The fallowing Interesting Bkctch of the h ittlo at SanUMoft * hn boon iccvlvaii from \V lter i lot , umtor lUtur iUlo ot Fob. H , Ki > ccM ! cor' roapouduul of tlic Um-tnatOAN , The first shot was fired at San Juan bridge by a Nobrrska guard. For the past few weeks the insur gents have attempted to force buok our out posts and onlythu coolness of the men prevented hostilities. At last the shot was fired and thu ball opened at eight thirty Satui- day evening. Bugles called to arms , and amidst the sound of load sharing the touts , companion wore stationed at thuir different pouts , Camp dantn Mesa is situated upon a hill adjunct to Manila and over looking the Pasig river. This knoll is surrounded by old Spanish block houses and barracks and gave excellent opportunity for insurgents to lire from three directions , which they did , The Fillipiuos hive , upon two occasions before , taken Santa Mesa Hill , when under Span ish rule , and massacred some five hundred Spanish soldiers and seemed confident they could do so again. Saturday afternoon it was reported that quite a number of mountaineers in full war regalia , consisting of a crimson broach clout and long spotirs , wore seen at the insurgent Headquarters These fol lows wore to be mod to finish up the wounded when the natives had takou the camt ) . All ninlit the American soldiers lay sleeping in the underbrush waiting the dawn , and the Fillipinos wasting amuni- tion in the darkness. The sun rose and far to the loft and right the war ships turned loose their dreaded guns upon the block hous- OK within range and heathen mou going to their now republic by the liundrods. At San Jnan btidgo they thought victory was theirs , and with a tow cannon of the joriod of 1778 , wore throwing slugs at the Nebraska camp. How they yelled , "Vivi Fillipino Rn. publioa" ! Two guns of the Utah ulillory knocked the little gun into smithereens and ltUlopublioa" was heard no more. General Otis then ordered the companion to uhargo block house number five , which was taken. Twenty two inllvcs killed ind two Ainerioins wounded. A charge wad then gallantly led by Col. Stotsenburg , of Nebraska , upon San Juan bridge and thu lingo powder magazine was ours. Ten nessee roenforccd , commenced bushwhacking and FillipinoH could not run fast enough. San Juan cathedral and barracks word takou , all the bamboo villages fired and the insurgent forces retreating to the roar. Suudav niurht the sur rounding country was a blazing mass , and many an old enfeebled native was pondering upon the greatness of "Los Americano1' and the foolishnosn at his raco. Poor , harmless wrotch. Monday morn ing the road leading up to the water works wore crowded. Capturud cainages , driven by American sol diers , cili/.eiiH and stray goldiors from commands in the city , all tioading toward the frond , deter mined to be present during the capturing of the water works , and may bo have a chance to kill a rabbit or two. Chitmmon wandered - ed around picking up oirtridgoe , returning heavy laden with a rack et store outfit and bushels uf empty shells. Correspondents and kodack fiends all busy seeking information and taking shots at the boys bury ing dead heathen , three to a do/.en in a trmioh. At noon Nebraska , ono battalion of Tennessee and two companies of Colorado advanced toward the water works naturally entrenched by largo rooks , giving the heathen plenty of ahiinuu to duok their nuts. The Utah aitil- tiry had advanced during the night and their shells Eont the iupureonlri scudding over the country toward the mountains. Many were dropped - pod before reaching u retreat au < l the country is ours us far as the eye can see. Reports are that three to four thousand insurgents wore killed. They weru driven back from all around the city and quiet- none reigns , except the frequent challenge shot from some sentry They have started a ball rolling that will bo hard to stop. Malolos , the Fillipino capital , "will fall and those who do not surrender will have to scamper to the hills bcyoudf "FillipinoH Americanos amigo" is a thing of the past. M. 0 , Shipherd , whacked in the log , at prenont limping about camp. II. L Kerr , of Ausloy , slight wound , with company aud an jolly an ever. , Corp Hugh Konoyer , wounded , doing nicely and will bo back with the boys in a few weeks. L , M , Clay , of Ansloy , grazed hand. Ho will not have even a in irk to show when returning homo. Companies M. and L. made a brilliant charge and will bo first mentioned in Col. Stotsonburg' official report. Col. Slotsonburg fights right along nido his men , and when a heathen falle grabs his gun. Ho knows how to load a charge and is everywhere. Ho led four charges and probably made many a native bite the dust himself. The whole regiment did nobly.j Private Guy Livingstone , of Plattsmouth , Nebraska , a son of Gen. It. R. . Livingstone , who or ganized Nebraska's first regiment of volunteers to serve their country in the civil war , was oulistod at Linuolu , Nob. , on May 0 , 1898 , occupation a lawyer , and was or dered on recruiting service from Juno up to December , Guy was a main stay of company M , aud ilvnys ready to favor any com rade. Wo have lost ono whom our company will always remember. W. S. FMBK. Hugh Konoyor , who was DO 40- vcroly wounded in the batilo of Santa Mesa , luifl written the follow ing loiter to III'H patents : Manila , P. I. , Fob , 17 , 1899. Dour folks : As 1 suppoito you will bo very anxious to hoar how I am getting along I had bettor write to you again , i can only Bay that I , and everybody olao , are surprised at the way I am getting along. 1 am up and arouud all the time now mid fool almost like I had never boon Hhot. It is nearly hoal- ocl up and my lung feels almost as good aH over except it is a little Here yet , but of OOUCHO it isn't entirely healed up yet , but ono oau't oxpoot a wound like that to heal up in a wuokj Iloru in the Hurgoon's diag nosis of it : Gnu shot wound , ( Mauser ball ) enuring 2 In. extend ing to middle llnu of body on level .vith storioml olariovlar articula tion , ranging downward and emerg ing at posterioro uxillory line on level of tenth rib , perfiration of lung. Now you have it , and if you will got a lawyer to explain it to you , you will Know where I was hit. Not so bad aH a person would think from the amount of big They are still fighting out along the line , of course not all the time , but juat by spoils. List night they had a fight up the rive. There was lots of firing , we eould hear it plum but we never had a man touohod while their loss in killed wore esti mated tit 200 and they don't know how many more wounded. Oh , they oau't light , they haven't got the gall to Bland up in front of us ; they have found out what wo can do for them if they do and they don't fancy that very well. They Hay it isn't fair to fight like we do , that wo should stay in our treuohoe and lot them do the name , but I guess when wo get through , tlioy will be rather fbw about do- iritf anything again. dipt. Wilson and thu Chapliin re down to see me this morning. The Capt. said the last time ho saw mo he did not oxpoot to see me up and and around so HOOD. The Chapl-un said ho didn't know it ho killed any "nig. yorn" or not , but lie shot in thai direction. I will ulosu , hoping this ' liuds you all well an 1 pnnporous. . ' Love to all. liuuii. * City and larm properly insured against tire , lightning and torna does. J. M. KIMBEKI.INO. The readers of the RKPUHLIOAN can save money by dealing with thoHO who advortJHO in the RKPUBLI- CAN. Doctor Diy huu located id our city and has hiu oilKo over Ityer- SHU'H grocery store south of Post- otlio The Broken Bow hospital is in splendid condition for caring for the sick. Trained nureon in attend ance. Prices reaH.in tblu. if Lr. Graham's now method of \j..iraoting teeth is abnolutely pain- loss. No sore mouth , as in the use of other local anesthetics. a25 Farms for si.lo and lands for rent. Now is the time to got a farm clump , as the cheap farm * are all going and prices are commencing to advance rapidly , JG.BreniKor , J