Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 16, 1899, Image 6

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11. M. AMSllICUUy , Vulillilior.
nnnicnN now , NEIJU'.SICA
Seine cases of rtcarlot fever
nt Dlllcr1 , iiiul fonts arc expressed tlia
the disease nmy spread.
Al a farmers' Institute In Lockrldgi
lawiiHhlp , York county , a vote win
taken as to I i condition nf wlntci
wheat , pnc-half the farmers preseni
Voted that wheat was damaged 50 pci
Henry Lowmyrc , a prosperous farm
er living a few miles south of Dlllor
had his left hand accidentally caught
In a corn Bhellcr and three flngori
wcro mashed BO bndy that amputation
wan neceflsary.
Martha Htohllk , a domestic employed
In the family of L. Drc-dhi of Cteto
committed Biilcldo by taking poison !
The girl was only 1'J years old. No
cause can bo given for the net. Her
parents are farmers.
I'axton & Gallagher of Omuha arc
preparing to open a branch house In
Hustings and have already secured a
lease on the Shedd block at 817-819
Went Second street , one of the best
locations In the city.
Jefferson county mortgage record for
February Is as follows : Farm mort
gages FortytwoHod , amounting to
$57,585 ; , flfty released , amounting to
fC9,607. City mortgages Eleven illed ,
amounting to $ ,701 : seven released ,
amounting to $3.200. Chattel mort
gages Ninety-six filed , amounting to
$23,018 ; J25 released , amounting to
Professor Schwcnk's theory of the
effect of the warlike spirit In the land
upon BOX In birth has received some
now apostles In this country , occa
sioned by thu rather unusual occurrence
renceof the birth of four grandsons
In one month. Mrs. JuliiiB Peters , Mrs.
Fred Stolloy , Mrs. Sherman Lasson
and Mrs. ICd. Schlelchert , all daugh
ters of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seler , gave
birth during February , each to a line
bouncing boy.
Within a few days It Is expected that
Senator Thurston will recommend a
postmaster for Omaha. This place ,
which Is , the hua of the. big positions
which thu Mentor Hunnlor fruni Nu-
bnujka will bo called upon to 1111 dur
ing the present administration ban
been on the books since the middle of
February , the present postmaster Eu-
clld Martin , having expressed a doslro
to bo relieved of his position as soon
aa convenient.
A supper was given for the benellt
of Wymoro's destitute , and IIH a result
about $ tiO was obtained , which will
bo expended for the necessities of life ,
to bo distributed among these unfor
tunates. The long , hard winter has
been severe on many people there and
a recent visit to a number of destitute
homes by a committee of young ladlcti
led to the discovery that there were
many homes In the city which were
In need of Immediate aid.
The residence of Rev. A. F. Mor
gan of drand Island wan burglarize , !
last week , Bovoral suItH of clothing
and underwear bolnir taken. Mrn.
Morfjan was absent on a visit and Mr.
Morgan was stopping at the Koohlor.
This appears to have been known by
the thieves , as they called early and
were not nt all careful as to whether
they attracted attention or not. The
police have no clue , though It appears
certain that local talent was at work.
Burglars gained admittance to the
clothing store of J. H. Oalloy at Co
lumbus between 10 and 11 o'clock by
forcttig the front door open. About
$100 worth ot goods was taken , of
which sixty-five gold rings was the
principal bulk. The clerks noticed
throe strangers In the store the pre
vious day and have a good descrip
tion of each , which Is now In the
.bands ot the ofllpora. An attempt wan
made to force an entrance to the house
of Charles Stlllnmn. but the maraud
ers were frightened awav before their
object was accomplished.
Among the indications that a new
tldo of Immigration Is setting In to
ward Nebraska , says the Omaha Dee ,
Is a tralnload of Immigrants and their
effects that passed through Omaha the
other day on their way to Knox county ,
where they have purchased 2,500 acres
of land on which to make their future
homes. The enterprise was promoted
by R. C. Peters & Co. , who secured a
special train for the Immigrants from
Omuha to their destination. This con
sisted of one day coach and fifteen
cara for household goods and other
personal effects belonging to the now
arrivals. The Immigrants consisted of
forty Germans from Clay and O'Brien
counties , Iowa , and they carried $20.-
000 In cash , besides their Implements
and effects.
Representatives of a Topeka hos
pital have been doing business with
the farmers in this vicinity for some
time , says a Pawnee City dlsnatch
taking their notes for several months *
treatment and giving a contract for
weedy recovery under treatment.
However , they have overlooked to put ,
a condition In the note. Ono man ad
vertises In a local paper that his nuiu
waa obtained under false roprosenti-
tlon and warns all persons nsMnut
buying the note , as ho will not tmy
the same. A substantial farmer oamo
to town the other morning and had
an Interview with the doctor , securing
a check which ho had given him the
evening before , and told him the best
thing ho could do was to leave town
nt once , as ho was going { o the 'ourt
house to have him arreat.-d. Thin
was the last seen of the doctor and
his assistants are wailing his appear
ance at the hotel , and do not know
what to do.
The Bancroft creamery was entirely
consumed by lire.
Joseph Elklns , ono of the first settlers
tlors of Harlan county , died at Wllcox
last week at the homo of his son , Lafo
Elklns , aged 72 years. Mr. Elklns
homesteaded 160 acres of land In the
northeast part of Harlan county about
twenty-live years ago , when settlers
were scarce and buffalo were plenty.
Ht removed to Wllcox several yeara
njo. | Ills wlfo died about a year ago.
l our children survive him. Ono son
llvea at Crcede , Colo. , one nt Wllcox ,
an done Is with the Third Nebraska
m Cuba. His only daughter Mis.
Henry Wllcox , Is a resident of Denver.
The Week in |
n I
I The Legislature. |
s &
Prseldcut pro tern Talbot occupied
the chair at the session of the senate
on the Gtli. Several petitions were re
ceived endorsing the pure food bill.
H. R. 137 , the Pollard revenue bill ,
was given Its first roadlng.
S. F. 312 , 311. 309 , 307 and 306 were
recommended to pass. They are the
the badge of Insignia of certain orders
If not a member.
S. F. C8. 138 and 1C9 were passed.
S. F. C8 repeals section 1 of chapter
58 , 1897 statutes
8. F. 138 repeals sections 39 , 40 and
41 of chapter , 28.
S. F. 109 repeals section 17 of chapter -
tor 8fi.
H. R. 10G and S F 317 were Indefi
nitely postponed. H. R. 100 , by Clark ,
related to the forfeiture of Insurance
policies upon change of ownership of
the property Insured.
S. F. 317 Is one of the numerous In-
Hiiranco bills. Other bills cover the
In commltte of the whole S. F. 105 ,
the Sclianl resolution relating to the
"Anglo-American" alliance , received
considerable attention. His resolution
was ns follows :
Do It resolved by the senate and
liouso , That we as representatives of
.ho state of Nebraska , do , In justice
o and In defense of tlia ancestral be-
liicat of liberty wo now enjoy , ask our
congress at Washington not to detract
> r depreciate the glory of our national
recdom by forming any foreign nlll-
mco with a nation such as Great Urlt-
iln , whose only evidence of power IB
thu starvation and robbery of her own
subjects and thu oppression , plunder-
ng and murdering of thu weak and
mwarllke , who by bribery , betrayal
uul Invasion unfortunately como In
ler power.
The substitute reported by the "lulli
ng committee" was as follows :
Ho It resolved by the senate and
louse , That we as representatives of
the state ot Nebraska , do , In Justice to
and In defense of thu ancestral bequest
of liberty we now enjoy , slc our con
gress at Washington not to detract or
loprcclato thu pride and glory of our
mtlonul freedom by forming an alll-
uico , offensive or defensive , with Great
Britain or any other foreign nation.
Farrol of Merrlck moved that when
the committee urluo It report this sub
stitute resolution for passage. Currln
of Custer , as an amendment , moved
that the resolution be Indefinitely
Newell of Cnss offered the following
substitute :
Resolved by the senate and nouso of
representatives of the state ot Nobrns-
in. That wo have the utmost confl-
lonco In the patriotism and ability of
President McKlnloy and bis cabinet , In
our senators and representatives In
congress and bollovo they will act
wisely ; that wo will leave the matter
of a foreign alliance with them to dis
pose ot aa In their Judgment they
.blnk will bo for the best Interest ot
the American people.
Farrell made the point of order that
.ho substitute was not germane , but
was overruled. The resolution was In-
lullnltoly postponed.
In the sonaio on tlia 7th 0. F. 281 ,
> y Prout , to provide medals for all
numbers of the three Nebraska volun-
eor regiments and Troop K of the
cavalry , was reported upon favorably
> y the eommlttUio. This Is General
Barry'a mlltary reorganization bill.
The following bills passed the sen
ate : S. F.'a 203 110 , 89 , 170 and 22.
S. F. 203 , by Newell , adds the olllces
of city marshal and attorney to the
elective list In cities of the second
S. F. 110 , by Noycs , relates to the
creation of now school districts. It
provides for the consolidation of two
or more districts upon petition of one-
third of the legal voters.
S. F. 89. by Noyes , allows school dis
trict boards until the third Monday In
July to report to the county superin
tendent the amount of taxes levied by
them for the current year
S. F. 170 , by Fowler , amends section
189 of the civil code to conform with
recent court decisions. It relates to
iVjectlons being filed to surety under
S. F. 2 , by Noyes , provides that
county commissioners shall bo elected
by a vote of the entire county In coun
ties having over 70.000 inhabitants.
The bill relates especially to the elec
tion of commissioners In Douglas
county. The fuRlonUtn voted solidly
against the bill. la was passed by a
vote of 20 to 10.
S. F. 127 , the amendment iu iho Lin
coln charter pertaining to paving , was
recommitted. The bill was amended
to leave the choice of paving material
to the property owners. The bill was
reported back to pass as amended.
H. R. 157 requiring the officers ot
counties , clues , precincts , villages and
school districts to report to the auditor
all payments of bonds and coupons ,
was Indefinitely postponed.
Rocko of Lancaster moved that the
senate adjourn after the joint ballot
He said It was Impossible to get com
mittees together. His motion prevailed
and no afternoon session was held.
In the senate on the Sth the fol
lowing bills wcro reported for- pas
sage : S. F. 304. 14 , 253 , 347 , 303 , 313 ,
75 , 322 ; H. R. 43C , C5. 58 , 111 , 43 , 121 ,
413 ; for general tllo..S. F. 250 , 301 , 314 ;
H. R. 45 ; for Indefinite postponement ,
S. F. 282 , 254 , 308 , 218. 342 ; H. R. 44 ,
60. 158.
Currlo of Custer moved that the
committee report on S. F. 282 bo not
concurred In the bill placed on sou
oral file. The bill provides for "trav
eling libraries. " After some dlscua-
slon his motion prevailed by a vote
of 15 to 12 and the bill was nlncnd
on general file. S. F. 332 , recommend
ed to pass. Is the bill cutting down
the number of employes In both
branches of the legislature. The
committee added the doorkeencr of thu
gallery to the list of decapitated po
The following bills were passed By
the senate : S. Fs. 160 , 1G1. 165 , 197
and 223 and H. R. 114.
S. F. 160 Is the code revision bill ,
creating a commission to revise the
statutes of tlu legislature. The vote
upon passage was 26 to 4.
S. F. 1C1 , by Fowler , Is the bill pro
viding for the transfer of the funds
collected under the provisions of the
1895 free high school act Into the
county high school fund. Before the
act of 1895 was declared unconstitu
tional by the supreme court a consid
erable amount of money had been col
lected under Its provisions This bill
places the funds thus raised at the
disposal of school boards to carry out
the provisions of the now free high
school hill that has passed the senate.
S. F. 1C5 , by Dunn , provides that
road overseers shall see that the
weeds are mowed upon the public
3. F. 195 , by Prout , reducm the max
imum Interest to bo allowed upon
bonds voted for school building pur
poses lo 6 per cent Instead of 7 nrr
cent as the law now stands.
8. F. 223 , by Crow , relates to pav
ing in Omaha.
A call of the house was ncessary
to get enough votes to pass S. F. 39 ,
which came up on third reading In
the afternoon. After cons'derable de
lay the absent members were brought
In and tfie bill passed by a vote of 23
to 9. This Is the bill Introduced '
Olffert of Cumlng to provide mr the
organization of "stipulated premium
plan" Insurance companies In this
stato. The friends of this bill sav
that under strict Insurance laws solid
and substantial Insurance companies
can ho built up In Nebraska , as ban
been the case In Iowa and other states.
Other bills passed during tlio after
noon wcro as follows : S. Fs. 197 , 61
and 189.
S. F. 197 , by Jlulderman , provides
tor the laying of permanent sidewalks
In cities of the second class.
S. F. 61 , by Fowler , relates to re
moving state bank receivers by the
court upon the request of the state
board of banking.
S. F. 189 , by Reynolds , relates to the
management of school lands , the prin
cipal amendment to the present law
relating to leasing lands to the high
est bidder.
In the senate on the 9th II. R. 118
was Indefinitely postponed. Senator
Fowler said this bill was useless with
out H. R. 157 , which was killed yester
day. The bills required all city , tfiwn ,
precinct and school district officers to
notify the auditor of all payments
made on bonds and coupons so that
lie could keep an accurate record of
the same. The auditor was also re
quired each year to notify all such ofll-
corH of the bonds falling duo the cur
rent year so that they might levy a
tax to meet the same.
S.F.177 , by Farrull , requiring the net
quantity contained In any box , cask ,
keg , barrel , etc. . to bo stamped on
.ho package , and providing penalties
tor failure to do so or to misrepresent
the quantity , was recommended for
S. F. 202 , by Rocko , was recommend
ed to pass. This bill seeks to remove
the 3 per cent minimum limit that
county treasurers may receive from
the banks for use of the county's
nonoy. It provides that Interest may
JO paid upon deposits In such amount
is the treasurer and bank may agree
ipon subject to the county board. In
support of his bill Mr. Rocko said It
was Impossible for the county treus-
irora to get any Interest upon county
funds , as the banks would not pay 3
per cent.
S , F. 239 , by Alien , was Indefinitely
postponed , although ho made a hard
Ight to have his bill favorably re
ceived. The bill sought to amend the
aw relating to the normal school to
pormlt the school to Issue the same
kind of certiorates to graduates of the
kludegartcu course as other couress ,
and Included the giving of life ccrtln-
catos to teach. Mr. Allen said this
bill was unanimously endorsed by Die
State Teachers' association and ho be
lieved the senate should heed their do-
slrea upon educational matters. Sena
tor Currlo opposed giving life certifi
cates to teach. He believed the best
interests of education demanded fre
quent examinations of teachers.
Van Dtisen of Douglas made fin
"omnibus" .motion that S. Fs. 153 , 103.
164 , 167. 177 , 179 , 180. 181 , 182 and 207
bo recommended to pass under suspen
sion of the rules. Ho explained that
ho had examined all these bills care
fully and that they wcro curative meas
ures. His motion prevailed.
S. F. 139 was Indefinitely postponed
upon motion of its introducer , Souator
Prout. Ho had discovered that the bill
would repeal a section relating to vol
unteer flro companies , which he be
lieved ought not to bo repealed.
Before taklnc the noon recess the
committee on public lands and build
ings asked to bo excused for the after
noon , as they desired to visit the pen
itentiary. A meeting of the revenue
and municipal affairs committee was
announced for 2 p. m.
Senator Allen endeavored to amend
the committee of the whole report to
recommend S. F. 239 for passage , but
his motion was defeated by a vote of
11 to 15.
S. F. 250. by Spohn , relating to state
bank reports , was recommended to pass
In committee of the whole.
The senate adjourned at 4 o'clock
till Tuesday at 11 o'clock.
11 on up.
Standing committees in the house
on the 7th reported as follows :
H. R. 112 , repealing the statute re
quiring assessors and county officers
to compile Industrial statistics ; H. R
400 , to give the secretary of the state
banking board a salary of $2.000 : H.
R. 527 , to enable counties to anticipate
the payment of bonds ; H. R 088 , to
require the disbursement of fund * held
.by county treasurers under the free
high school law of 1S95. and 453. uro-
vldlnc that a majority of the resident
freeholders In an irrleatlon district
may , by petition , call n special elec
The bills Indefinitely postponed
were : H. R. 67 , creating an employ
ment bureau In connection with the
state labor bureau ; H. R. 461 , an Irri
gation bill Identical with 45S : H. R.
626 , reaulrlng the contractors of ca
nals and ditches to keep suitable
bridges in repair ; H. R. 525 , providing
that to call on election In an Irrigation
district n majority of the number ol
acres must bo represented on the pe
After the reports of the stnndlnc
committees the house went Into the
committee of the whole , with IMnco
of Hall In the chair , to consider bills
on General lllo.
S. F. 33 , by Talbot , another curative
hill , was Indefinitely postponed.
H. R. 30C , by Fisher of Dawcs , an act
to amend section 7 of chapter xxvl. of
the compiled statutes of 1897 , waa
recommended for Indefinite postpone
ment. The bill changed the elections
of the county officials , makln.t the
term four years Instead of two.
In the afternoon the house went Into
committee of the whole , with Prlnro
of Hall In the chulr , to consider the
salary appropriation bill.
A motion to increase the salary of
the deputy land commissioner from
$1,500 to $1,600 was defeated.
About one-half of the bill having
been considered , Pollard of Casa inov-
3d that the bill bo recommended for
[ lassagc as so far amended. This uio-
Llon was defeated.
A motion to reduce the amount al
lowed the Judges of the suprema
: ourt for stenographic assistants waa
A motion to Increase the salary al-
owed the bailiffs of the supreme court
to $1.001 each , the same rate as nl-
owed two years ago , was adopted , ana
i motion to reduce the salary of tbo
itiprcine court stenographer to ? 800
vas defeated.
A motion to strike out Iho salaries
> f the supreme court commissioner
is well as many other motions , -elat-
ng to the supreme court and state
Ibrary , was defeated.
The bill aa prepared by the commlt-
co provided for a salary for one soc-
etary of the state board of tranBuor-
atlon. Fisher of Dawes moved to
imcnd and allow salaries for threa
The amendment was defeated and
he section providing salary for but
mo secretary was left unchanged. The
ommittee arose without finishing tuo
ill ! and the house adlourned.
Four ballots were taken for Untttvl
Hates senator , all without definite ic-
When the House met on the 7th It
went Into committee of the whole , with
Mllbourn In the chair , to consider H.
R. 414 , the general salary bill.
The item of salaries of teachers and
employes of the state normal school
was placed In tbo bill at $40.000 and
the committee Increased It to $41800.
At the Hastings asylum a female
physician was added with a salary 01
51.200 per year.
When that part of the bill relating
to the State university was reached
Easterllng of Buffalo moved that the
Item of $212,000 for Instructors and
employes be reduced to $200,000. The
motion was supported by Taylor of
Custer and Cunningham of Harlan ,
who with Easterllng made a persistent
fight ngalnst what they termed au ex-
travagaut appropriation. Clark ot
Lancaster and Pollard of Cass spoke at
some length in opposition to the mo
tion , but the amendment was adopted
by a vote of 55 to 15.
A motion by Wyinan of Buffalo , to
Increase the salary of the physician
of the Kearney school from $000 to
$800 , was defeated. A similar motion
to Increase the salary of the matron
at Geneva was defeated. At this point
the committee arose.
A petition came In favoring the passage -
sago of H. R. 451 , the food commission
bill ; also a report from the standing
committee placing on general file H. R.
511 , the bill appropriating $8,000 to
build a wagon bridge across the Nio-
brura river between Holt and Boyd
After recess , on motion of Mllbourn ,
H. R. 330 , 303 and 501 were made a
special.order for tomorrow afternoon.
Of these bills , 330 appropriates $50,000
for two normal schools , the location
of which Is to bo left to the selection
of the state normal board ; H. R. 363
Is by Myers , being a general amend
ment of the school laws ; H. R. 501
Is the general appropriation bill.
The house went Into committee of
the whole to consider H. R. 444. Reuse
of Hall was In thn chair.
A motion was made to strike out
Lhe Hem providing for the salary of
the steward of the Institute for the
Feeble-Mlnded at Beatrice. It waa
explained that this was at the request
of the superintendent of the Institu
tion. The Idea was to make provision
In the general appropriation bill of
all the salaries of employes , leaving
the selection of tbo employes to the
Some of the members spoke against
this amendment. They were In favor
of keeping the appointing power In
the hands of the governor or the state
board. The motion was defeated.
An addition was made to the hill
by providing for a matron at the Gen
eva Institution at $600 per ear.
The salary of the surgeon at the
Mllford Soldiers' homo was raised from
$300 to $400. Wright of Nuckolls
moved that the Horn of $100 per year
for a matron of the homo be strlclren
out. The motion was defeated.
Without opposition the bill aa
amended was recommended for pas-
sate.H. R. 264 , by Armstrong of Ncmaha ,
a bill to appropriate $35,000 to build
a chapei and library building com
bined for the normal school at Pnru.
was recommended to pass.
H. R. 109. by Flynri of Douglas , an
act providing for a board of arbitra
tion to settle differences betwecen lab
orers and their employers and defining
the duties and powers thereof , waa
recommended to pass.
In committee of tuo vvnolo the house
on the Sth recommended to pass H. R.
330 , by Mllbourn of Kearney au act
to locate and establish two additional
normal schools and to provide for the
erection of buildings and for the re
ceiving of donations for the same.
H. R. 363. by Myers of Dongas , an
act requiring all persons between the
ages of S and 14 years and all persons
over the age of 14 and under 1C years
who cannot read and write the Eug-
ish language to attend some public or
private school or schools In the state ,
ind to provide penalties for the viola
tion of the provisions of this act , was
referred back to the standing com
H. R. 192 , by Beverly of Douglas , an
act to regulate and limit the hours of
employment of females in manufactur-
ng , mechanlccal and mercantile estab-
Ishments , hotels , restaurants , and to
provide for Its enforcement and a pen
alty for Ha violation , was recom
mended to pass ,
H. R. 89 , by Weaver of Richardson ,
a curative act , waa Indefinitely post
S. F. 65 , by Prout of Gage , a curative
act , -was indefinitely postponed.
S. F. 72 , by Talbot of Lancaster , a
curative act , was Indefinitely post
S. F. 52 , by Talbot of Lancaster , a
curative net , was Indefinitely post
H .R. 308 , by Wllcox of Lincoln , an
act to prohibit the selling of beef and
veal carcasses without exhibiting the
hides to tbo purchaser and providing
tot tne preserving of said hides tor
Inspection of any person on demand ,
and providing penalties for the viola
tion thereof , was recommitted back to
the standing committee.
The special committee appointed to
confer with the like committee of tno
senate reported in favor of an adjourn
ment from Thursday until Tuesday at
11 o'clock.
The report waa not adopted , the
members allowing a disposition to put
In every day.
The house had a protracted squabble
over tno question of adjournment and
half a dozen motions were made.
Finally a motion by Prince was
adopted which provided when adjourn
ment la taken next Friday It bo til ?
the following Tuesday.
In the house on the 9th the stand
ing committees reported to the gen
eral file H. R. 336. 374. 410 , 533 , 543.
51C , 557 , 577 , 581 , 585 , 592 , 594 , 598 , 604 ,
605. 610. 613 , 400 , 135. 587. 483. 557.
597. 540 , 541 , 349. 553. 547 , 548. 434.
417 , 561. 550 and S. F. 15 , 120. . 133 ,
136 , 87 , 20 , 100 and 132. S. F. 103 waa
ordered engrossed for a third reading.
The following bills wore indefinite
ly postponed : H. R. 547 , 512 , 555 , 395 ,
549. 208 , 616. 226. 440 , 451. 463. 427.
476 , 569 , 529 , 552 , and S. F. 86 and 101.
These reports added forty-three ad
ditional bills to the general file run
ning the full number up to 251 that
must bo considered or otherwise dis
posed of.
After recess the bouse took up bills
on third "reading and passed the fol
lowing :
H. R. 20 , the bill by Mann of Saline ,
requiring mortgage companies to
maintain agencies within the state to
whom payments might be made ; H. R.
264 , the bill appropriating $35,000 for
an addition to the state normal school
at Peru.
S. F. 103 , by Steele or jtsueiouu , an
net to amend section 16 and secthn
19 of chapter vll of the comnlled
statutes of 1897 was passed by a vote
of 78 to 1. The bill requires county
attorney to follow the case where
change of venue Is taken and provides
for payment of expenses.
H. R. 270 , by Wllcox of Lincoln , a
bill to permit cities to appeal from
judgment without giving bond , was
passed by a vote of 75 to 1.
H. R. 168 , by Fisher of Dawes , au
act to require public officers having
charge of public funds to publish an
nual financial statement , was defeat
ed by a vote of 25 to 50.
H. R. 240 , by Detweiler of Douglas ,
an act to amend section 21 of subdivis
ion 17 , chapter Ixxlx , of the compiled
statutes of 1897 , relating to schools ,
was passed by a vote of 68 to 4.
H. R. 155 , by Wllcox of Lincoln , an
act to amend section 19 and section
24 , chapter vclil , article 3 , of the com
piled statutes of 1897 , waa passed by a
vote of 74 to 4.
H. R. 109 , by Flynn of Douglas , pro
vided for a board of arbitration to set
tle and grievance or disputes of an ?
nature that may arise between any
employe and his employer. A call of
the house was ordered , but the bill
was lost by a vote of 39 to 33.
At this time , with the unanimous
consent of the house , Houck's motion
that the committee on public lands
and bulldlncs visit the difteret slate
institutions during the vacation was
laid on the table.
At 5 o'clock the house adjourned
till Tuesday at 11 o'clock.
, . ,
Among the measures that are reachIng -
Ing the top of the file is the concur
rent resolution of Senator Crow , which
provides for submitting to the people
at the next general election the fol
lowing amendment to our state con
stitution : Section 1. Either branch
of the legislature may propose amend
ments to this constitution and If the
same be agreed to by thren fifths of
the members elected to each house
such proposed amendment shall be
entered on the journales with the yeas
and nays and published at least once
each week In at least one newspaper
In each county where a newspaper is
published for three months Immedi
ately preceding the next general stata
election , at which election the same
shall bo submitted to the electors for
approval or rejection. If a two-thirds
majority of electors voting at such
elections for or against the same adopt
such amendments , the same shall be
come a part of the constitution. When
more than one amendment Is submit
ted at the same election they shall bo
so submitted as to enable the electors
to vote on each amendment sep
arately. "
'Ihoro was a meeting of the defici
encies committee of the house on the
7th , called for the purpose of consid
ering house roll No. 267 , the bill pro
viding for the appropriation of $47-
067.45 to pay the two beet sugar fac
tories the amount of bounty claimed
by them for sugar made from beets
In 1S95 and January. 1896. R. B ,
Schneider , chairman of the republican
state central committee , appeared be
fore the committee and argued In
favor of the favorable consideration
of the bill. The motion to report the
bill with the recommendation that It
bo passed was voted down In the com
mittee , and the matter was dropped
for the time. The bill thus remains
In the hands of the standing committee -
too unacted upon.
In his eulogy of the late Mr. Ding-
ley Representative Dockery spoke of
the great changes In the house since
It met at the opening of the Forty-
eighth congress. Of the 356 men who
were then sworn only seventeen are
still there , and in the next spsslnn
there will bo only fifteen.
The government has accepted the
first gun carriage male by the Colum
bus Machine company.
London's police force numbers 15,452 ,
or double that of Xew York.
" Oat of Sight
Out of Mind. "
In other months we forget
the harsh winds of Spring ,
'But they have their use , as
some say , to blow out the
bad air accumulated after
Winter storms and Spring
thaws. There is far more
important accumulation of
badness in the veins and ar
teries of humanity , 'which
needs Hood's Sarsaparilla ,
/.This great Spring Medicine clarifies
the blood as nothing else can. It cures
scrofula , kidney disease , liver troubles ,
rheumatism and kindred ailments. Tims
it gives perfect health , strength and ap
petite for months to come.
Kidneys-"My kidneys troubled mo ,
and on udvlce took Hood's ' Sampixrllla
which RUVO prompt relief , better appetite.
My sleep Is refreshing. It cured my wlfo
also. " MICHAEL UOYLK , 8473 Denny Street.
Plttsburg , Pa.
Dyspepsia - " Complicated with liver
and kidney trouble , ,1 suffered for yeart
with dyspepsia , with severe pains. Hood' *
Barsaparllla mnde me strong and beaity. "
J. I ) . KMEnioN , Main Street , Auburn , MCJ
Hip DiseaseHlvo running sores on
my hip caused mo to use crutches. Was
confined to bed every winter. Hood's Sar
saparilla saved my life , ns It cured me per
fectly. Am strong and well. " Aifwut
HOBERT , 49 Fourth St. , Fall Klver , Mass.
Hooil'n Pllln euro liver Ills , the non Irritating anil
[ ha only cathartic lotuketltU llooil'i '
He So you visited Pompeii ? She
Oh , yes. He How did you like it ?
She Well , I must say I was awfully
disappointed In the place. Of course ,
t was beautifully located and nil that ,
but It was dreadfully out of .repair.
A coroner's jury In a rural district
3f Georgia returned the following ver-
llct : "That the deceased came to his
Jeath by tryin' to light his pipe v.llh
in electric light , which can't be done
successfully. "
rh Most Fanioua Ronlptrcf * In th *
World , Entirely Cured by Pe-rn-nn.
Mrs. M. C. Cooper of the Royal Acad-
smy of Arts , London , England , Is un-
loubtedly one of the greatest living
iculptors. She has modeled busts of
mlf the nobility of England , and Is
low In Washington making busts of
llstlngulshed Americans. Mrs. Cooper
ias Just completed a bust of Mrs. Bel-
7& Lockwood. which la now In the
Mrs. M. C. Cooper.
Corcoran Art Gallery. Ruskln , the
great artlst.placed Mrs. Cooper as one
of the greatest sculptors and painters
of this century. Mrs. Cooper is an ar
dent friend of Pc-ru-na and In a letter
dated January 26 , written from Wash
ington , eays the following : "I take
pleasure In recommending Pe-ru-na
for catarrh and la grippe. I have suf
fered for months and after the use of
ono bottle of Po-ru-na am entirely
well. " Mrs. M. C. Cooper.
Send for a free book on catarrh en
titled "Health and Beauty. " This book
Is written especially for women , and
will be found to be of great value to
every woman. Address Dr. Hartman ,
Columbus , 0.
Don't put your left stocking or shos
on first when dressing In the mornIng -
Ing or you will put your foot In It
some way during the day.
The Dest
I1 i Kr ps both ilJer nj s JJe ! p r-
( tctlydryln the hardest storms.
I Substitute will Jliappol-it. Ask ( or
iSa ? Fish Dranl Pommel Slicker-
It fs entirely new. Knot for sale In
your town , write for jatalocue to
A. J. TOWER , Boston. Mas *
JL wf bt ° eiinthi. irjixwo !
North tl.OO , forl-trent. ,
AbfiToHlptcRj. wi.rin 8l.w.w
mall , , , , | , .e. to.-cthVr wlh or
treat 1'lint and SeeJ Oatiloccs Z