Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 16, 1899, Image 3

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    Mrs. McCiunbcr wlfo of th'e senator-
elect from South Dakota , was formerly
n resident of l-'areo , where she em
ployed as nsslstnnt manager of the
Western Union Telegraph olilce. While
still Miss Jennlp Scheming she wito
transferred from tfnrgo to th * Wnhpe-
toro ofllcc , whore Attorney McCurnber
wooed nnd won her.
Do not think for a single
moment that consumption will
ever strike you a sudden blow.
It does not come that way.
It creeps its way along.
First , you think it is a little
cold ; nothing but a little hack
ing cough ; then a little loss in
we\tbt : then a harder cough ;
then the fever and the night
The suddenness comes when
you have a hemorrhage.
Better stop the disease while
it is yet creeplpg.
You can do it with
You first notice that you
cough less. The pressure on
the chest Isllfted. That feeling
of suffocation is removed. A
cure is hastened byplacingone of
Dr. Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral Plaster
over the Chest.
A Book Froo.
It is on the Diseases of the
Throat and Lungs.
WrUe urn Frosty.
If you have any complaint whatever
nnd desire the bctt medical nclvlco you
can possibly receive , write tlio doctor /
freely , You will roculvo u prompt reply , 1
without cost. Address ,
DIC. J. 0. AYEK. Lowell , Uasa.
rB lKr'i Stall irtJTtrranted to Preface.1
If lUhlon Lolh.r , B. TroFa. . , Mtonlihtd thi world\
I b urowlnf ISO buibili Big Four Oiti ; i , Brclder , \
r Jllitlcolt , Wli , 173 buin. barley , and II. LoTtjoj , 1
I Red Wlng.Minn .by growing 920bnib. Salttr'acorn '
per acre. Itjoo ioubl , wrile them. W wlm togalu
00,100 mw caitomert , ttcct ulll Mail on ultl
IOpV..of r > r lam itcdi , 8 > U Bnih. Rtpe tor Sheep ,
UnflOOlf Cora , " lili tvur Otli , " lletrdlMi Dtrlej
i L folli , etc , " 40o.t > beat , Including our mtmmotn
, ficcd Cntilojue , ttlllng all about our Farm
ire < 1f , etc. , all mailed you upon receipt of but
100. poitAKe , noBltlrelj worth 910 , to Ett '
irt , lOO.OOO hhl .
/ t > 1.8O aodupabbl.
Plcnie - bliictiti.i : Catalog
nlono 5c.
tend adv. along- tlil Ko. w.n.u.
Tlie Oil Trust knocked out by tlio new llfilit.
AClrI.i'Ni : which Is made from fused
coal oil and lime Is a now discovery , and
produces : i HKMlilcliis next only to Sun
IlKlit , both In < ; millty and cost , and Ist'.io
most boatittful ai.fl perfect Unlit kno'.di to
man It has tui-nlj tiu.i the lluht power of
oil and four times that of eiuotrlclty. Its
light Is so akin to tunllKht that colors can be
matched by It , and does not tire or strain the
eyes.Why not own your own lighting plant ? It's
lust thu thliiir for HOMES , hTOHES.
( JHUUOIIES , hafis , or any pl > ice wlioru light
Is needed , Acetylene ( Sun. when made in a
MONAKUM OENEKATOU , fuinlshos the
finest light on uaith at a loss in Ice than Oil ,
Gas or Elt'utrlclty , nnd with less labor than
It takes to care for u sliiKlo oil lamp. If you
want a catalogue and more lliht on the sub
ject , write to Monarch Ac > lyleno Oas Ho , ,
Omaha. Nobr.
. . .
Western Canada
anil partlrulara as lo liotv to secure 100 acres of tha
belt Wheat-growing land on the Continentcan be
tecurctl on application to the Superintendent of
Immigration , ottiinn , Canada , or the nnderi-lnncil
Brcclnlly comUirtccl excumluni will leave Bt. 1'aul
on the nrst mil third Wednesdays of each month ,
and ipeclitlly low rates on nil lines of railway reachIng -
Ing 8t , 1'aul , ro bcliiK quoted for excursion leaving on April 3th ( or Manitoba. AMnlbola , Ras-
kntclicwan nnd Alberta. W V , Dennett , 801 Kew
York Life llullJInf , Omaha , Neb.
HR | O for unnatural
argi , , IntlaminutioiiB ,
Irritations or ulcrrntlonn
oJ- mucous mcinbrnm ,
1'iilnk'BB , and
" - i.iiiivnn i.iiu not ustric
, THtEv N3CHtWIC LCo. eent or poisonous.
or pput In plain rnpppr ,
by expmn , rnpnld. for
tm. \ . or 3 bottles. f2 7
Circular ecnt on request.
As Black BYE
your YourWhiskers
A Natural Black with
Buckingham's Dye.
SOcti ofd.-ucglitiorn P H > ll&Co.NMhuiN.H.
Dr , Kay's Renovator , 8 py ? g ?
Bla constlratlon , \ \ \ or and kidney dlseahes.bfl-
llousncHS , headache , etc At druggists ! ! 5o & $1
l a pleasure and a profit. Oregon's ecedhook dl
rctts a rlcht beKlnnlnir. Grciwo'H Seed Innnetliu
mom tuieemful ending. Get the book now It's frt-e
JAMtS I. ! ! . GREGORY & SON , Marbtehead , Mass
Mr f ou'o I unrr UoTm ror COURTIS , colds
Uli l\3j S LUng Dalni uudthro.itdisease
uest Cough Bjrrup. Tutea
In time. Bold by drugirlsta.
lutr the WestlnRlioiMi ) Alr-tlrnko Bjttin
A few weelts ngo there rolled intt >
the yard of the NCT ; York , New Ha
ven and Hartford railroad , at Pnrk
square , a most unusual kind of Bchool-
houso. It was backed upon a siding ,
nnd remained there until It left the
city. This BChoolhouse , with Its corps
of competent Instructors , Is the only
one of Its kind in this country , or In
the whole world , for that matter , and
s owned and operated by the Wcst-
nghouso Air Brake company. It Is
made up of three cars and has traveled
more than fifty-five thousand miles. In
t more than one hundred thousand
railroad men have been Instructed
within the eight years of its exist
ence. It Is n perfectly constructed
school house , fitted with every appli
ance for instructing the pupils In the
iso of the Westlnghouso Air Brake
system , and has Its principal and Its
competent teachers. "When the West
lnghouso air brake was Invented and
applied to steam railroads , It wna
found to bo the best thing of Its kind
ever invented , provided It was proper
ly handled. It Is automatic In its ac
tion , but the best results could not
be obtained without a competent man
at the throttle , who understood per
fectly Just what results might bo ob
tained with a certain amount of pres
sure. It was this fact that led to the
establishment of the schoolhousoT
which Just now has its headquarters
In Boston. It was the idea of getting
the best results out of the brake , and
therefore insuring greater safety to
the passengers and a saving of prop
erty to the railroads and shippers , that
was the inspiration of this remarkable
school. It was in 1889 that the three
cars that compose the schoolhouse
were built in Altoona , Pa. , by the
Westlnghouso Air Brake company. The
instruction car is equipped with the
full number of air brakes , number of
feet of piping , coupling , auxiliary res
ervoirs , etc. , to equip a freight train
of thirty cars , and'nlso'to equip a pas
senger train of fifteen oars fitted with
the whistle signaling device. The in
struction car weighs 135,000 pounds ,
nnd is one of the heaviest cars that
ever traveled the rails of a railroad.
Moro than 112,000 railroad men Eave
received instruction nnd have been
examined as to their competency. The
schoolhouse of three cars has been on
every railroad west of the Mississippi
river , Including Manitoba , Canada , and
Mexico. It has also been over thou
sands of miles of railroad on the mlfl
die Atlantic , central and southern
States. Boston Transcript.
Assistant Postmastcr-Qeneral Mer-
rltt has decided upon the designs for a
series of new postage stamps for the
island of Cuba , and they will bo sup
plied as promptly as possible by the
bureau of engraving and printing. An
other series of stamps will bo made
for Porto Rico , and n third set for the
Philippine Islands. They will be fur
nished by the United States , but the
proceeds of their sale will bo turned
into the local treasuries until congress
shall order otherwise. All three of
the new colonies are to be treated by
the postolflce department as foreign
countries until some permanent form
of government has been adopted for
thorn , and the old rates of postage will
I'd maintained. It will require a five-
cent stamp to carry a letter to Cuba
and Porto Rico as before.
General Adjutant von Petroff , now
postmaster general of Russia , Intro
duced novel letter boxes throughout
the Russian cities , and ordered the
more frequent collection of letters
from the boxes. The new boxes stand
on corners of streets , so that the public
can reach them from sidewalks ; the
letter carrier who collects the mall
opens them from the street side with
out oven dismounting from hlawheel. .
All the collecting carriers have been
provided with tricycles having a large
receptacle for the mail matter In front
of them.
The stamps of the Cuban republic ,
printed a year or so ago , as a means
of raising funds for the Insurgents
have been sold in large quantities
though they have never been recog
nized as postage stamps , if a letter
franked with one of these labels was
sent to the United States It was treat
ed by the postal authorities as wholly
unpaid , and the postage collected upon
delivery. Having no recocnlzed gov
ernment the Cubans could not issue
postage stamps and expect them to
be honored in other countries.
The duke of York , who is now about
35 years of age , and in direct line to
the throne of England , is a most con
spicuous figure in the stamp world. He
Is a collector , and , of course , has a
very fine collection , although it does
not compare with any other noted al
bums in Europe , but then ho is a royal
highness , and that makes a heap of
difference , in the stamp world as else
The prejudices of men are rooted for
the most part in their personal charac
ter ; and on account of this close con
nection with the roots of personal ex
istence , they cannot bo removed.
Neither evidence nor understanding ,
nor reason , has the least effect on
them. Goethe.
\Vhat makes poetry ? A heart brim
ful of ono noble passion.
Modern Science Recognizes
s a Disease of thfc Blood
There is a popular ic\c& \ . th&t Vhb
is c&used by exposure to cold , and th&t
some localities &re infected with it more
th&n others Such conditions frequently
promote the development or the disease ,
but from the faxt that this julmcnt runs
in certain families , it is shown to be hcred
itary , &nd consequently & disease of- the
Among the oldest nnd best known residents of muffs , III. , li Adnm
Vangundy. He lius always been prominently Identified wltli the Interests
of that place. He was the first President of the Hoard of TruMccn , nud fern
n lotiR time has been n Justice of the 1'ence. He snj s : " 1 had been n suf
ferer of rheumatism Torn number of yearn and the pit hi at times was very
intense. I tried nil the proprietary medicines 1 could tliluk or hear of , but
received no relief.
"I finally placed ray case with se\eral physicians and doctored with
them for some time , but they failed to do me any peed , finally , w Uh my
hopes of relief nearly exhausted I read an article lefrnrdlnK Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for 1'nle People , which Induced me to try them. I was nnxlons
to get rid of the terrible disease nnd botiRht two boxes of the pills , I began
using them about March , 1897. After I had taken two boxes I was com-
pletcly cured , nnd the pain has never returned. I think It Is the best medi
cine I have ever taken , and nui willing at auy time to testify to Ha good
merits. " Bluffi ( HI. ) Timn.
The genumft - " " INK , r At drug
bold only fliS < gists or
in pack fOR direct fromd
ages like ALE : Or Williams
tfcs 50 < Medinne Co/
per box Schencctody ,
This Signature on every box of LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE TABLETS , Accept no substitute represented to be "Just as good , "
SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS IN Druggists refund the rnonoj
The February Issue of the "Book of
the Royal Blue , " published by the Bal
timore and Ohio Railroad , contains n ,
very Instructive article on "Tho Reg
ular Army of the United States" by
Major H. O. Helstnnd , Assistant Adju
tant General. Major Heistand gives
facts and figures concerning the mili
tary department since Us organization ,
during the war of the revolution.
Some of his statistics are very Inter
esting. During the revolution the
number of Individuals actually In mil
itary service did not exceed 250,000 ; In
the war of 1812 there were 471,622 , of
which 62,674 wore regulars ; In the war
with Mexico there were 116,321 , of
which 42,545 were regulars ; In the war
of the rebellion there were 2,259,168
United States troops of whom 178,975
were colored , and 67,000 regulars , the
total being 2,326,168 ; In the war with
Spain there were 219.035 volunteers ,
(10,189 ( being colored ) and 65,682 reg
ulars , a total of 274,717. Major Hel-
stand also gives the number killed ,
wounded and lost and the deaths from
disease In each war , Including the In
dian wars , and other Important facts.
A small boy Is always very Indus
trious when It is time for him to go
to bed.
SIS.OO TorVe k.
Wo will pay a salary of (13 per week nnd
expenses for mini with ItlR to Introduce I'cr-
fcctlon Poultry Mixture and Insect Destroy -
IT In tliu country. Address with stump.
Perfection Manufacturing Co , Parsons , Kan.
Men mny be bribed , but you can't
induce women to take "hush money. "
Two bottles of Piso'u Cure for Consump
tion cured mo of a bad lung trouble. Mm.
J. Hloholi , 1'rincotou , lud. , Mar. 26,18U5.
A smoking tree has been found in
the village of Ono , Japan. It smokes
only In the evening , just after sun
set , and the smoke Issues from the top
of the trunk.
Opens February 23 1. In the Oznrk Moun
tains. Delightful climate. Beautiful scen
ery. Uncquuled medicinal waters. Cheap
excursion rates. Through sleepers via
Frisco Line. Aclrcss J. O Plank , MHu
nger , Room H , Arcade , Century Building ,
or Frisco Ticket Olllcc , No. 102 N. Broad
way , St. Louis.
John Chandler of Allen -"ounty , Ky. ,
is the ancestor of n numerous liunily.
Ho is the father of twenty-Hovan chil
dren , the grandfather of 105 , nnd the
great grandfather of thirty-livp.
A big head doesn't always prevent a
man from coming out at the little end
of the horn.
Beauty is but skin deep , so it IB on
an equal footing with freckles.
If you find a pipe of tobacco , ilin't
bring it homo or someone will die
Lovl Z. Loiter , the Chicago million
aire , usually works with u cigar in his
mouth. This cigar is never lighted
during business hours.
Mr * . Wlnslow' * Soothing Syrup.
Tor children tcetlilnn , lofteni tlio B tn , rediiPM In-
Uammatlou , ulIayB jialucurea wludcolic. iUoauottlo.
Don't turn back when once started
on a Journey or bad luck will 'ollov ;
In my fnmlly ( or 2i year * . Mrs. A. SuUmueck ,
Minneapolis Mlnu S5c. u buttlu
If you give away a cat or one goes
away don't let It come back or a cower
or a horse will die.
Jlrnllli for Toil < VIIH.
A llrcly liver pure hiood , cleim Kln. bright eyes
perfect hcnllli-Cnsdireti Cindy Uathnrllc will
ohl Ui nml cecuro them for you. All Urugfliti.
lOc , 33c , 60
lotra I'litpnt Office Itcjiort
The total number of U. S. Patents
Issued last week Is 349. Of this num
ber 43 are for Designs. 28 for trade
marks , 7 for labels , 2 for prints and 1
reissue ; nil the others for composi
tions , methods and mechanical no
A patent has been allowed to P.
Woodring , of Oelwlne. la. , for a sim
ple and ingenious Improvement In a
well known art and described in his
claim as follows :
In a buck saw frame the combina
tion of two mating wooden stays that
are unlmoalred at their central portions
tions by removal of wood , a flexible
U-shaped metal clam having coincid
ing bolts In Its ends and a screw bolt
and nut , nnd for the purposes sot
A simple Improvement in any known
art may be of such Importance as to
control sales. When n dealer can
point to a late patented improvement
In a wagon , or farm Implement , it often
decides the selection of the farmer in
making a purchase.
Consultations nnd advice about In
ventions and printed matter giving
valuable Information about securing
and selling patents , free to all Inquir
ers. THOMAS 0. ORWIG & CO. ,
Solicitors of Patents.
Des Moines , March , 1890.
Every man can see whore thera is
room for a lot of Improvement in all
other men.
Take Luxallxo Ilroino Quinine Tablets All
druct-'lhts refund the money If It fallnlocuro.
S5& Tlio Kunultiu lias L. It. Q. on lacti tablet.
The successful politician learns the
A B C of politics at the primaries
COO'M CoiiRli lliilMiim
I * the oldcct anil t'tet. ' Itwllllirruk up n cold quicker
th n niiylhliiB eUu. It Unlwayn reliable 'lijlt
It's foolish to attempt the culMvn-
tion of friendship by giving your
friends an occasional dig.
A young tailor named llorry , latnly
succccdod to his father's bualnrsn ,
once sent In his account to r.hnrlnn
Matthews soinowhnt ahead of time.
Whereupon Matthews , with virtuous
rnfic , wrote him the followlnc note.
"You must be n goose Berry , to noti'1
me your bill Ilerry , before It Is 'due
Berry. Your father , tlio elder Horrv , '
would have hnd more sense. You mny
look very black Ilerry , and fool very
blue Uerry , but I don't care a straw
Berry , for you and your bill Borry.
Them li n Clnan of People
\Vho are Injured by , the use of coffoo.
Recently there has been placed In all
tho. grocery stores n now preparation
called OIIA1N-O , made of pure grains ,
that takes the placeof coffee. The most
delicate stomach receives it without
dlsttcss , and but few can tell It from
coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth
ns much. Chlldion may drink it with
great bencllt. 15 cents and 2G cents
per package. Try it. Ask for GllAlN-0.
Victoria , a lioness In Sanger'a circus ,
near London , has given birth to six
cubs. This is believed to bo tlio largest
number born at one time In captivity.
The cubs have been named after
Qucecn Victoria's children.
There Is moro Cninrrh. In this section of the
country tlinn nil othur ( llsfonos put tonothcr ,
anil until tlio lust few years WHH auppOHcd to bo
Incurable. Tor n urrut many years doctors pronounced -
nounced it n local illst-aso , nnd jirt'icrlbort local
remedies , nnd by constantly fnllliiff to euro
with local treatment , pronounced It Incurable.
Science lias proven cnturrh to bo n constitu
tional disease , nml therefore requires conult
lutionnl treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , man
ufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo , Ohio ,
Is the only constitutional cure on tlio market.
It Is tnUon Internally In doses from 10 drops to
iv tcasiioonfuL It nets directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the sj Ntoni. They offer
ono hundred dollars for any rnst-lt fullsto euro.
Send for circulars nnd tpntiinnnlals , Address ,
P. J. CI1EKCY & CO. .
Toledo , Ohio ,
Sold by DniRRlsts , 7M.
Hull's Family I'llls are the best
A single epigram may outlive a vol
ume of machine-made philosophy
la not this Btntnnient worth InvcBtlnntlnK , If you
have n friend inflcrluit from nnv Kidney dlnoaio ?
Nntnpntnnt liirdlilnei nolllicrl * pntlent olillKCd to
roino lo Now York for trnatinnnt. Kxnmlnntlon nml
IPPI of urlno f roe of clmrne. f-onrt 4 ozn. , oxp. | iald ,
Tompklns-Cotbln Co. , 1300 Broadway , New York City.
WANTED-Cano of bad health that IM-P-A-N-8
will not lienellt. Bend S cents to lllpann Cliemlcnl
Co. . Now Yorkfor 10 anuiplcB uud l.UuO tcflMinonlals.
-M-S. - * * *
BOMmvnnitK (
The Pains and Aches of /
i vnwi
cnccp IN.
Rlglit on Us track
St. Jacobs Oil
II Ponetralos , Searches , Dtlios Out.
* * ' . < , < >
Trade Rflai'k
' 'Standard
pf Quality"
on Athletic Goods
Insist upon Spalding's
IlnndROiua Cntnloguo free ,
A. Q. Sl'AUHNO & 11U03.
Now Yorlc. Clilcuno. Denver.
quick nillefRniloures wor t
c i < ci , Hook of tcitlinonluln nml loiluys'trviit *
lUCllt Fret ) . Dr. II.II.UXKM'8 BOM ) , Hal n , illinU , 111.
W.N.U. OMAHA. No. I 1-1890
When Answcrlnn navcmscmcnts Kindly
Mention This 1'nucr.
Write CAPT. O'PARRHLL. Pension Ajr ni ,
1435 Few York Avenue. WASHINGTON , O. C.
B Successfully Prosooutos Clai me.
utel'rfnqlpalllxAmlnerirH.T'iinBlonDu .
f ruin civil war , 15 nuluillcatliiK unlme , attyilucu.
"ro'oi ' Thompson's Eye Watir.
The Most Efficient Rloyolo Ever Dovlsod Is thoi
That It , It ihowi the hlgheil ratio ol uieful work to power expended. O O
For scientific design , thoroughness of construction and olegimco of > I
finish our new >
arc uncqnnlcd nmonff bicycles of the chain type. The most thorough
laboratorial nnd practical tests have proven them to be structurally
perfect. HARTFORDS have every advantage of most bicycles that
cost moro. VEDETTES uro the best bicycles that It is possible to
offer for their price.
PRICES : Chainless Models BO and 00 , $75. Chain Columbtas ,
Models 67 and C8 , $5O. Hurtfords , $35. Vedettes , $25 ( men's ) ;
$26 ( Indies' ) . To close out the balnnco of our 1808 models , the lenders
of last season , we olfer them as follows : Columbia Model 40 ( ladies' )
$45 ; Modeli 45 and 49 , ( men's ) $40 ; Hurtfords , Patterns 7 and 8 ,
Now Hoe our Catalogue. Artistic POPE MFG. CO. , Hartford , Conn
[ TTACITES to any make of boparator ,
pays for itself in ono Botison. Auto
matin governor , variable
friction feed. Adopted by all the
loading- Thresher
Rflwarn of , , imitation .
I „ „ , .tin.1
construction , Wrlto
for CjuloRuc and Price Lut
Mention lli ! > popcr.
Alabaatlne. the only durable wall coatIng -
Ing , takes the place of scaling kaleomlnea ,
wull pajier and paint for walla , It ctin bo
uuecl on planter , brick , wood or canvas.
Alabostlno can bo uned over paint or
paper , pulnt or paper can be used ovur
Alttbantlne. Buy only In live pound pack-
UKCB , properly labeled ; take no substitute.
Every chinch nnd Hchoolhouae should bo
coutul only with Alulmutlne. Hundreds
of tone used yearly for this work. Genu
ine AlabaHtlnu doeu not rub and scale oft.
Alabnstlno packages have full direc
tions. Anyone can bruuh It on. Ask paint
dealer for tint card. "Alabastlno Era , "
freo. Alaubastlne Co. , Grund Raplda.Mlch.