Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 16, 1899, Image 2

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    ? "
m Or , The Adventures of
An Eton Boy. . , tb
CHAPTER VIII. ( Continued. )
"I rotnomber well when , from a wild
Orcst , I saw before mo a long blue
rldgo. It was the Sierra Loondn o'r
the Mountain of the LloncBB , ns the
niggers thereabout call It , the highest
In North or South Guinea. Glad was
I , Master , Jlodnoy , to BOO the Hag of
old England waving on the fort and In
the bay. Thorb was a sloop of war at
anchor there , the Active ; and when
she fired the evening gun you would
have thought a whole Hoot salut
ing , there are so many echoing caves
and dents in the mountains ami along
the shore.
"I soon mndo my way homo to Eng
land , but was more laughed at thnn
pitied for ray queer flguro-hcad , which
frightened some folks , my old mother
especially , for she banged , I'hoi door
right in my face , nnd called . { or p10
police when I wont to her old bunk at
Doptford.1 . „ , '
"However , I got used to nli that sort
of thing ; but as folks are so , ill-bred
and' uncharitable ashore , I have loft"
Doptford forever , and keep always
afloat , to bo out of harm's way. So
that's the yarn of how I became tatj
toood , Master Rodney. "
"Finish the brandy-and-wntor , Tom , "
sad | I , "and now we'll make a start
for the brig noon is paat , and the
atmosphere cooler than It was. "
"Your very good health. Next tlmo
wo splice the main-brace ashore , I
hope It will bo In Cuba , " onld Tom ,
finishing the contents of my flask and
then becoming so jovial that he broke
at once Into nn old Hen-song , tljo last ,
two verses of which wore somewhat to
tula purpose : ,
"I learned to splice , to reef nnd clew ,
To drink my grog with the best of the
crow ,
And tell a merry story ;
And though I wasn't verybig. .
Aloft I'd climb , i nor .cure a fig
Tq stnndby my .gun . , or dance a Jig ,
And all for Britain's glory !
"When homo I steered again I'found
My poor old mother run aground1 ,
And doleful was her story ;
She had been cheated by n. lawyer elf ,
Who married her for her old dad's pelf ,
But spent it all , then hanged himself.
Hooray for England's glory ! "
Just us Tom concluded this remark
able ditty with tones that made the
volcanic grotto to echo toglory / , " a
volco that mndq. us start , exclaimed ,
close by us :
"Buenol HaHa ! ! Los Anglcsoa
On hearing this Impertinent reflec
tion on o'ur Bobrloty woj both Io6kc'd
up and lsnw what the next chapter
will tell you.
Dangerous Company.
Behind us stood eight follows , five
of whom had muskets , and three heavy
bludgeons. They were apparently
Spanish seafaring men ; but whether
cbntrabandlstaH nf the lowest class ,
a portion of a slaver's crow , or mere
ly drunken brawlers , wo could not at
first determine. However , they soon
made us that robbery was tholr
object , and that they were In no way
averse to'a llttlo homicide if wo inter
fered with tholr plnim-ln the least.
, Some had tholr coarse , but glossy
and Intensely blnck hair confined by
nets or cauls ; others had only Bar
celona handkerchiefs round tholr
heads. The spots of"blod"d upo'n tHcso ,
together with several patches and dis
colored eyes , showed us that those
mbdcrn Iboriaun had been fighting
among themselves. Tholr uttlre , which
consisted only of red or blue shirts
nnd dirty canvas trousers , was rather
dilapidated ; but something of the pic
turesque was imparted to it by the
sashes of glaring red and yellow wor
sted which girt tholr waists , and in
which they had long knives stuck con
By their bearing , tholr dark glaring
eyes , tholr muscular figures , their bare
arms , chest and feet , their bronzed ,
sallow and ugly visages and more
than all by tholr rags , which wore red
olent af garlic and coarse tobacco ,
it was evident that wo had fallen Into
unpleasant society. Several had silver
rings in their ears , nnd on the bare
chest of one I saw a cruel fix marked
either with Ink or gunpowder.
These fellows had come from the In
ner or back part of the tfnvorn , where
they had evidently been observing us
for some tlmo before they so suddenly
"Acqu'ardlento , " said one , approv
ingly , as ho applied his flerco , hooked
nose to my empty flnck , nnd then plac
ed it In his pocket. A second snatched
away my courier-bag , and a third ap
propriated my telescope , which ho
stuck in his sash.
Taking up n stone which lay at
hand , I was about to hurl It at the
head of the latter when the muzzle
of n cocked musket pointed to my
breast , nnd the butt 'of another .ap .
plied roughly to my back , admonished
mo that discretion was the bettor part
of valor.
'El page do QBCobn ha , 1m ! " ( the
cabin boy ) , sa d , ono contemptuously ,
as he examined my attire a smart
blue jacket' , with gilt anchor buttons ,
which Hlslop had given mo. My'porto-
monniUe , whlcll contained'only'hi ' few
shillings' , ] nnd my gold wntch , a- pres
ent given to mo by my mother when I
woat to Kton. were soon tnkon from
mu. AH for poor Tom , he pom'HHcd
only n brass lobacco-hax , a short ,
blnak pipe , and OIK ; Hhllllng and six
pence ; yet ho was speed I ly deprived
of them by one who ecnird to be the
Hndor of the gang.
"You rascally Jack Spaniard ! " K.ild
Tom , slinking his clonch"d flnt In the
robber's face , "If over I haul alongside
of you elsewhere , look out for squalls ! "
At this they all Inughcd , nnd seized
un by the arum , dragged us Into the
back part 6f the cavern or flsfliiro in
the rocks , leaving one of tholr num
ber , armed with a musket , as sentinel ,
at the entrance , where he lit a paper
cigar , and stretching himself on the
grassy bank , placed his bunds under
lilu head , and proceeded to leisurely
smoke In the sunshine.
Thcso proceedings llllcd us with
great alarm1 novv that they had rob
bed us of everything save our
clothes , what could their object be ?
One of thorn produced two pieces of
rope , with which our hands wore
tied. Dragged by some , nnd receiving
severe blows and hnilsoa from the
clenched hands and musket-butts of
others accompanied by the Impreca
tions nnd coarse laughter of all wo
were convoyed through a low-roofed
grotto , or natural gallery In the rocks ,
the echoes of which repeated their
voices with n thousand reverberations.
The only light here was by the re
flection of the' Hiinshlno at the en
trance , whore the basalt wna coated by
a white Biibstiinco , the debris of some
old volcanic eruption ; for the slope
Up which we had been ascending nil
the morning formed a portion of the
great Peak. And now we became sen
sible of a strange sound and a strange
odor pervading all the place.
Through a rent In the rocky roof of
the grotto there fell n clear , bright
stream of sunlight , that revealed the
terrors of the place toward which our
captors dragged us. -
On one aide there yawned a vast
black flssuro or chasm , In the somber
masses of obsidian and red blocks of
lava which composed the floor of that
horrid cavern ; nnd from this Unsure
there uspondcd , and doubtless still ns-
$ ends' at times , a hot , sulphurous
steam , which rendered breathing 'dif '
ficult and induced an Inclination to
From the of that hideous
cjmsm , the profundity of which no
mortal eye could'measure , and'no ' , hu-
m'un being could contemplate without
awe nnd terror , wo heard a strange ,
buzzing sound , ns If from the bowels
of the Inner earth , far hcnvcn alone
knows how far down below.
In fact , wo wore upon the verge of
one of these natural spiracles which
the natives term "tho nostrils , " or ave
nues through which the hot vapors of
that tremendous Plton ascend ; and
the buzzing sound that miulo our
hearts shrink , we scarcely knew why ,
wna caused by some volcanicthroe , , at
the bottom of the mountain , whose
base Is mnny n mile below tho'waters '
bf the son.
The Hssuro was altio twelve feet
broad , and across it there lay n plank ,
forming a species of bridge ,
i Two of our captors crossed , and then
ordered us to follow them.
I followed llko one In a dream ; but
my heart was chilled by a terror so
deadly that I had no power or
thought of resistance. My first fear
wan that thti plank might bo trundled
from under our foot , and that wo
would bo launched Into the blnuk abyss
below ; but such was not the object of
these Spaniards , ns Tom and I were
permitted to pans in safety.
The remainder of the thieves fol
lowed , and wo found ourselves In an
other grotto , the root of which was
covered by stalactites , that glittered
like gothlc pendants of alabaster in the
light that fell from the upper ilssuro ,
which formed a natural window , and
through It wo could BOO the thin , white
steam ascending and curling lu the
Now , supposing that they had us In
perfect security , our captors proceed
ed to" hold n consultation as to what
they should do with us ; and Imagin
ing thnt wo waroboth Ignorant of their
language , or , what Is more probable ,
caring llttlo whether wo knew it or
not , they canvassed the most torrlblo
resolutions with perfect coolness nnd
freedom of speech.
The Ventana.
Tom Lambourno's face wore some
what of n blanched hue , through
which the stripes of his tattolng seem
ed blacker than over. A severe cut
on his forehead , from which the blood
was oozing , did not add to his per
sonal appearance. Ho scarcely know a
word of Spanish , but seemed instinc
tively nwaro that wo had fallen into
hands nearly as dangerous ns his for
mer acquaintances , the Mussolongos ,
for he said :
"Master Rodney , I fear wo have run
our lust knot off the log-lino , and our
Handglass won't run again , unless
heaven gives the order to turn. Yet ,
if I could but got one of these mus
kets , to have a shot 'at the rascally
'cnrgo-puddlers before It's all over with
us , I would bo content As It is , I am
nil over blood , from clew to earring ,
and they have well-nigh choked mo by
shaking a quid down my throat. "
"Ilimli , 'loin , " Mithl I , for I was lis
tening to a dldctiHslon which took
place among the Spaniards.
"Uo you understand tlielr lingo ? "
"A llttlo. "
"VVhnt are they saying ? " lie asked ,
with growing interest.
"I will tell you Immediately. "
But as they all spoke at once In the
sonorous Spanish of the Catalonlan
coast , mingled with obscure slang and
nautical phniKeH , Home time elapsed
before 1 could understand them. Mean
while , how terrible were the thoughts
thut filled my mind.
"If IhcHo fellows murdered and cnst
us Into that awful chasm , the deed
would never bo known ; until the day
of doom our fate and our remains
could no more lit- traced thnn the
Hinokc thnt rnelts Into the sky. Even
It we escaped unhurt , but were dctiiln-
cd BO long that the brig Hailed without
us , what could bo our condition , pen
niless , forlorn nnd unknown , In thnt
foreign Island ? But this was a minor
Then I burned to avenge the lawless
treatment to which we were subjected ,
niid the blows nnd bruises their cow
ardly Jiands had dealt HO freely.
"Companoros , " I heard one say , "one
of these fellows IH tattooed and would
Hell very well to the South American
planters with the rest that will soon
he under hatches. He Is worth keep
ing , If he cannot ransom himself ; as
for the other "
"El muchnco ! " ( the boy ) said they ,
glancing at me.
" 81 el page de escabo If ) io is nl-
lowed to return , a complaint may find
Its way to the senor alcalde , whose
alguazlls may come and borrow our
topsails nnd anchor for a time ; wliero-
nb , If we have him where the other ?
wint yesterday "
"Where ? "
"Into the vcntanti , hombre ! " was
the fierce response ; "and then no more
will be heard of the utfnlr. "
My blood grow cold at these words ,
nnd I scarcely know what followed ,
till the first man who spoke came for
ward and addressed us.
"Inglesos , " said lie , "we have do-
cldcd thnt one of you , after swearing
not to reveal our hiding place , shall re
turn within four hours , bearing a fit
ting nuiauiii for both , elm : , HO surely ns
the clock strikes , he who Is loft behind
goes Into the ventana of the mountain ,
where never did the longest sea line
find a bottom not that I suppose any
man wns over nss enough to try. San
tos ! d6 you hear ? " he added , striking
his musket-butt sharply on the rocks ,
when percolVlng that Tom won igno
rant of nil he said , and that I was stu-
pelled by it.
"SI , scnor , " said I , and translated it
to Tom Lambourno , who twirled his
tnrry lint'-on ' his forefinger , stuck his
quid in his cheep , slnppcd hs | thigh
vigorously , nnd gave other nautical
manifestations of extreme surprise and
"Ransom , Master Rodney ? " ho re
iterated , "in the name of old DaVy ,
who would ransom n poor Jack llko
me ? "
"Tho whole crow would table tholr
month's wages on the capstan head-
aye , In a moment , Tom , " I replied ,
with confidence.
"I'm sure they would , and the cap
tain and Master Hlslop , too , for the
matter o' that , rather than poor ship
mates should come to harm ; but "
"As for me , " said I , with growing
confidence , "I am , as you said , sonoroe
only the page do escoba. "
( To bo continued. )
The SonmlH Which Called to Oliurcli In
Olileii Tlinoit.
Before the time of bolls various in
struments were used to summon , con
gregations to worship. In Egypt they
are said to have followed a Jewish
custom In using a trumpet. In some
Oriental churches a kind of rattle
gave the signal. In monasteries monks
took It in turns to go round the cells
calling the Inmates to tholr devotions
by knocking with a hammer , which
was called the "awakening instru
ment. " Bells of one kind or another
are , however , of very great antiquity ,
having been used Jn religious cere
monies by many of the ancient nations
as a menus of honoring tholr gods and
summoning them to the feasts. For
nxnmpln , the feast of Osiris and lals
was always announced by bolls. Pliny
snys that bolls wore in USD long before -
fore his time , being cnlled "Tin tin
nnbuln. " The use of small bells
( nolae ) In England , snys Wllllnm of
Malmosbury , may bo traced back ns far
as the fifth century , nnd it is clear
from Bedo that oven these of the larg
est kind ( campanno ) , such as sounded
In the air and called n numerous con
gregation to divine service , were em
ployed In England as enrly as the year
680 , being thnt In which the Abbot
Hilda died.
Cutting Tooth VTtiaii flI ! Year * Old.
Physicians of Knoxvlllo , Tcnn. , have
boon consulted regarding a discovery
made by a tourist In the mountains of
Clalborno county , Tonn. The case os
that of Mrs. Julia Spence , 03 years old ,
who has four now front teeth , all of
which have recently become fully de
veloped. Previously she had boon with
out teeth for six years. It Is consid
ered romnrknblo thnt now incisors
should nppear at this Into period In
life. Mrs. Spence Is In perfect health
Baltimore Sun.
Mrs. Beeswlck I can't see why
those people next door don't take a
hint. They're always sending over to
borrow something. If wo did the same ,
they might have an oxciibo but we've
never got anything from them yet.
Mr , Beeswlck My dear/ / you are mis-
taken. Didn't wo get th6 measles troni
them ?
! ) pl . Iliiniiiri Tlinl I'lenlilelll Mc-
Klnlr.v r.ooki I'HVonibljr Upon the
Teller of Hiving Oittftlilftri Wlrtvr
Rntruiirt * to Iliu Ainurlrnri Mnrkel ,
If wn mny credit what purports to
be u dispatch from London lu one of
the New York papers , the free trade
guild of Or pat Hrltalu to being fooled
Into building up hopes upon un ex
pected abandonment of the protection
policy by President MeKtnloy. The
very Htatemcnt of what Is expected by
the ( . 'obdenlteH will sound so ludicrous
to all who know the sentiments of
President McKlnlion the question of
protection to American Industries that
no ( statement that Mr. McKlnley has
not changed his opinions In respect to
that doctrine In Industrial economics
need be made. But , so prompt are the
free trade advocates of this country to
take up the London gonslp about an
all * > Bed Hlntemcnt by the president to
one of the Canadian members of the
high joint commission now engaged In
efforts to make a treaty for reciprocal
trade relations between this country
and Canada which statement was to
the effect , as quoted , that the president
has changed his views and will rec
ommend a revision of the tariff before
lie leaves the office of \ resident that
It Is worthy of some notice.
The fact IB that the comments by the
free trade press upon the workings of
the Dlngley tariff have been so replete
with mlsstatemeiits and misrepresen
tations that when the little coterie of
Cobdonltes in this country set about
to show the necessity of tariff revision
upon the ground that the Dlngley law
IB not producing sufllcient revenues ,
they will find themselves confronted
by a pretty big contract. The facts
are , the Dlngley protective tariff i
producing , every month of Its opera
tion , more revenue from customs duties
than was raised in any month during
the life of the Gorman-Wilson free
trade tariff , and more revenues than
have boon raised from customs tariffs
during any time since the McKlnley
tariff was stricken down by the free
trade victory in this country in 1892.
Not only Is the law successful as a
revenue producer , but it is successful
in giving encouragement to domestic
industries by removing competition
from goods the like of which are pro
duced in this country.
There is no doubt that President
McKlnley Is desirous of seeing a
treaty concluded between the United
States and Canada which would settle
some of the vexed questions which
have arlseu In our relations with the
Dominion government. But the Cob-
dcnltes may rest their souls in con
templation o the fact that Mr. McKinley -
Kinley will not advocate the making
of such treaty If to do so will place
lit Jeopardy a single Industry in this
country , or detract in the least from
the ireo operation of the protective
policy in respect to such industries.
There is no bettor evidence of that
fact than the reports which come from
Washington as to the treatment ac
corded by the American members of
the high Joint commission in matters
which come up in connection with the
proposed reciprocal trade treaty. It Is
stated upon reliable authority that In
these considerations tbo commission
ers give full credit to those principles
which underlie the protective policy In
respect to entry of competing goods of
foreign production. There Is no doubt
that the American commissioners are
in constant consultation with the pres
ident. The fact that they will consid
er no class of commodities upon which
reciprocal trade is proposed without
going carefully Into consideration of
all matters pertaining to cost of pro
duction and competing elements , is
cvldonqo that there will bo no aban
donment of the protective principle In
the formulation of the proposed recip
rocal treaty. If not In this case , where
in do the 'Cobdenitcs find occasion for
floating tlielr visions of free access to
the American markets of British-made
goods ?
The 01 guns In this country of the
British manufacturers , and the entire
brood of visionary speculators upon
the "grandeur and glory to come to
the United States from the policy of
permitting British manufacturers to
fabricate gooda for the American
market , " should take their cues from
the free trade apostles lu congress.
The spokesmen of the Cobdenitcs In
the halls of the national legislature
have practically ceased their clamor
about the alleged unsuccessful workIngs -
Ings of the Dlngley tariff. Improved
business conditions throughout the
country slnco that law was enacted ,
and Increased customs revenues under
the law , have practically silenced the
carping critics of the protection policy.
If the organ editors for the Cobden
clubs In this country can find no bet
tor evidence that William McKlnley
will turn his back on the policy of pro
tection to American industries than
gossip In the London press , whoso ed
itors are straining tholr vision for a
glimpse of oven a possible return to the
days of Wilson-Germanism and a
British revel lu American markets ,
they arc wasting their time.
The TurllT Will I.
English journals are seriously dis
cussing the Inroads already made and
projected by American manufacturers
In British liomo nmrkots and In neu
tral markets hitherto In the almost
undisputed possession of British trad
ers. Trade rivalry from this time
forth Is sure to becomf more strenuous
between the I'nltpd States and Great
Britain , and there Is more danger of
nn interruption of the present cordial
relations from this P.IUSO than from
any other. The policy of the "open
door" which Englishmen both preach
anil practice would give to the United
Stales a seeming advantage in the
terms of competition , but it isto be
noted that more and more English cap-
ItallHts are availing themselves of the
obstructive taxation on Imports In the
United States by Investing their money
In American plants , and thus taking
a hand themselves In the plunder of
the American consumer behind the
tariff wall. Philadelphia Record.
It will be pretty hard to convince
the American consumer that he is be
ing plundered when American manu
factures are driving British manufac
tures out of the British market. It
will be still harder to convince the
American worklngman that he does not
profit when American competition
compels British manufacturers to erect
plants in the United States and thus
Increases demand for American labor.
It ought to be needless to say that
British manufacturers arc Investing In
plants on this Hide of the Atlantic be
cause thereby they nave cost of ocean
transportation on products designed
for American consumption and because
they are able to purchase much of
their raw material and machinery
cheaper. New York Commercial Ad
Protection nnd Kiport Trade.
The Boston Herald quotes from nn
article in the Textile Record to show
that protectionists are becoming de
spondent concerning the future of- the
protective tariff. The Textile Record
deplores the fact that some Americans
who have hitherto supported the policy
of protection have become so much
enamored of the idea that export trade
is for the country's greatest advantage
that they have parted with much of
their ardor for the tariff. This Is not
a novel discovery ; that kind of "Pro
tectionist" is always with us.
The Textile Record sees that the
great menace to some of our protected
Industries and the interests of our
wago-carnors comes from the preva
lent craze for foreign markets. This
threatens a reduction of wages in some
manufacturing lines , a consequent di
minution in the purchasing power of
the workers , and Impairment of the
homo market. But that journal does
not admit , as the Herald's article im
plies , that the Dingley tariff Is a fail
ure , or that the prosperity of the coun
try has become dependent upon a vast
increase in our export trade. On the
contrary , it saya : "Wo express the
opinion again that the American mar
ket , under conditions which give fair
recompense to Its farmers and factory
hands , Is worth to us more than all the
other markets in the world. " Boston
Homo Market Bulletin.
Heavily niindlcupiiecl.
, Protection In Minnesota.
A Joint committee of the Mlnneosta
legislature has reported in favor of a
bounty of 60 Cents per ton for all pig
Iron made in Minnesota for tbo next
ten years. Minnesota finds the reward
of labor distributed in that state does
.not exceed $1 per ton of iron ore
mined , whereas Bessemer pig sells for
$10 per ton , steel rails for $18 , tin
plates for ? 70. Most all of the advance
in prices over the cost of the ore in
the ground is paid to labor , either In
manufacturing or transporting. Now It
is proposed that much of the cost of
transportation shall be saved to the
consumers of the northwest and the
money paid for converting the ore into
useful products shall be distributed in
Minnesota , where the laborers shall
bo consumers of the products of Min
nesota farmers.
It is noticeable thnt a year from next
fall the Minnesota farmers will bo as
sured that they nro Injured by the
near market and will bo asked to vote
for these who will send all manufac
turing to England and Germany.
All the statistics show that Canada
has gained nothing by its unfriendly
legislation against the United States ,
nnd thnt Its efforts to help the United
Kingdom by discrimination In Its fa
vor has been a complete failure.
Canada's Interests nro parallel with
these of the United States , and the
sooner Us pcpplo recognize this fnct
nnd net accordingly the sooner our
great northern neighbor will approach
Its manifest destiny. Port Huron
( Mich. ) Times.
Should He All American.
From abolishing the old British winter -
tor load line the next step should bo
the building of American ships and
the carrying of American commerce In
American bottoms. Philadelphia In
The Importer Win lions of the Uontt
Until Uo Struck a Bring.
Puck's cartoons are always In thd
Interest of free trade , but they do not
always teach free trade lessons. The
large cartoon by Kepplor In the Issue
of February 1 is a case in point. The
artist has drawn a spirited picture , but
has put over it a foolish caption : "Its
good Is doubtful its harm IB certain. "
The picture shows an exporter and a
farmer , prosperous nabobs in appear
ance , seated In a handsome carriage
drawn by a dashing team named re
spectively Agriculture nnd Manufac
turing , with a modernized figure of
Mercury mounted on the box as driver
and labeled Commerce. Team and ve
hicle sweep along the road majestic
ally , while a single rig , with Importer
as driver nnd Import Business the nag ,
has come to grief alongside through
running up against a log entitled Ding-
ley Tariff. Below Is this legend :
"It Is Not Quite Certain that the
Dlngley Law Is Responsible for our
Good Crops ; But it surely is Responsi
ble for the Break-Down of the Im
porter. "
' Hence Puck's characteristic deduc
tion : "Its good is doubtful Its harm
is certain. " For such harm as has come
through the Increased use of domestic
nnd the diminished' use of foreign
products the Dingley law can well af
ford to be held resopnslble. When the
farmer and the exporter are carried
swiftly along the rbad oi prosperity by
agriculture and manufacturing , with
commerce * holding the reins , the people
of the United States-are not going to
lose- any sleep or shed any tears be
cause the Importer hasa fail. He was
the boss of the road during four of the
darkest years ever known in this coun
try , and he was due to break down.
That is the way Puck's cartoon will
bo construed by every level-headed
"Error , Wounded , Writhes with Pain. "
Lot all the others who writhe under
prohibitory protection keep the faith
at the next election and we shall get
the hotter of the tailors and their
Board of Trade. Now York Times.
Thus we see there is hope for those
that writhe. A time limit may bo set
to the duratfon of agonies caused by
heartless attempts to stop genteel
smuggling. Others who groan with the
pains of constriction In the matter of
bringing In dutiable foreign goods
without paying the duties prescribed
by law may also look forward to relief
from their sufferings. Surcease of sorrow
row Is possible to all these unfortu
nates , provided they "keep the faith ,
at the -next election. " Their hour of
joy will strike when custom houses are
abolished and appraisers are no more.
Unrestricted foreign competition is the
free- trade Utopia which "the next
election" is always going to create.
The question jVhfither these who
writhe outnumber those who don't.
"The next election" will tell.
That Terrible Tariff.
According to "somo 6f the Democratic
papers , the real cause of the sickness
among the soldiers of the United
States army In Cuba wns the Dlngloy
tariff. They claim that by the shutting
out of foreign Importations American
packers were forced to use cans made
of domestic tin In which to pack thq
meat for army use , and that the load
used In this cheap tin poisoned the sol"
dlers ! It Is , of course , nothing to the
point that millions of packages of
American tinned meats are constantly
in use by the families of this and other
countries , and that sickness from this
cause has been hitherto unknown. The
fact remains that a considerable' per
centage of our troops did not thrive in
the hot climate of the tropics , and It
must bo that the Dingley tariff was the
cause of it.
Tholr Preference.
If It has to choose between a free
silver Democrat and a high tariff Re-
turo in England. Ho speaks four
vote for the Democrat. Louisville
CourierJournal. .
This , from an earnest enemy of de
preciated dollars , shows what may be
expected in 1900 when anti-Bryan
Democrats are called upon to make a
choice between unsound money and
sound economics. If protection wins
next year It will win on Its own merits ,
and on its strength with the Intelli
gent voting masses. It may expect no
help from free traders who would
rather see silver and Democracy In the
saddle than see protection and sound
money continue to travel In double
harness for another term of four
OnRht to Hour Lous About It.
With the full restoration of the pur
chasing power and consumptive capac
ity of our people , the multiplication of
our industries , the expansion of our
export trade by the Judicious and
peaceful methods which have thus far
been pursued with unexampled success ,
and the firm malntonnco of our pres
ent protective tariff , wo believe that
we shall hear much less about the Im
paired value of the homo market.
Boston Home Market Bulletin.
Proportions Never Dreamed Of.
Treasury statistics prove that in
time of pence the Dlngley act would
have provided the revenues necessary
for the expenses of the government and
thus have vindicated the claims of Its
framers. It also has boon even more
of a success in reviving the Industries
of the nation and in expanding Its for
eign commerce to proportions never
dreamed of before , The Dlngley tariff
Is the most successful act of that na
ture over enaotod. Sprlngfleld ( iij.y