lit 1 &mmi i4)4J' fe"isk . A t - The Herald T. J. 0'KKr.FB, Publisher. HEMINGFORD. - NEBRASKA NEBRASKA NEWS. E. J. Burkctt, republican cnndldntc lor congress In the First district, lias announced thnt be has selected ISO R, Slzer of Lincoln ns chairman 0 tho congressional committee. Bicycles frightened the team of 'Will iam Gelbhart at Seward, causing them to run, and the occupants of tho wagon wero thrown out. Mrs. Gelbhart sua talned severe Injuries on her back, nnd It Is feared that she Is Injured Inter nally. Henry Mowrer, a farmer living west of Lyons, employed a stranger to work for him by tho month, who gave as his name C. A. Carpenter of Omaha. When Mr. Mowrer went out to do his chores Mr. Carpenter waB found missing, nnd so was a span of hln best horses and a saddle. George Zlnsmnster, a laborer, was brought Into Justice court at Tecumseh on the charge of selling mortgaged whent, the Chamberlain bank being tho complainant. Zlnsmastor was bound over to await trial In the district court, bond being fixed at J 200. He could not furnish ball. Jack Nye, a farmer living northwest of Decatur, was held up on the out skirts of thnt city by two unknown men, while on his way home. Nye held his money, a 20 bill, In his left hand while the robbers ransacked bis emp ty pockets. Edgar & Fladman's general merchan dise store at Mead was entered by thieves on the night of the 11th and over $50 worth of dry goods and shoeH taken. The firm said nothing about the loss until now, In hopes of tracing the robbers, but have been unsuccess ful. Joseph Chnpek, a Bohemian Inmate of the county poor farm of Cass county, committed suicide by hanging himself at the farm. Chapek formerly resided In Loup county and wns found oh a sand bar nenr Oreapolls a month ago unconscious from the effect of heat, and wns brought here and given as sistance. It Is said Ills wife drove him from his home In Loup county. Harry Getchcll, alias George Smith, plead guilty to stealing a valuable team from J. W. Miller, a York liveryman, In the county court. A woman named Itose Hasselt voluntarily entered a plea of guilty as an accomplice. Doth were held under a bond of $500 to ap pear In the next term of district cdurt to receive sentence. A special ses sion may be called to settle this caso. Friday evening Henry Holstedt, aged 8, and his little brother, children of John Holstedt, taller, went out after the cow. Between their home and tho pasture is a sand bank whero they stop ped to play and gather pebbles for their sling shots. The bank caved sud denly, burying Henry, the oldest boy, and almost covering the younger, who, however, managed to extricate himself and give the alarm. When help arrived the boy was dead. The sand bank lies some distance east of Stromsburg and the younger boy was so seriously in jured that -it ivas with grtat -dlffloulty he dragged himself to his home to give tho alarm. The Omaha & Republican Valley ralt- Yoad ad the other branch lines of tho old Union Pacific were sold on the first nnd second Mortgages at Lincoln and were bid In by the reorganized Union Pacific company for $770,000. The lines sold Include the one from Valley, Neb., to Manhattan, Kan., and tho branches running north and west from Colum bus an drand Island, making a total of over 450 miles of road. The sale on tho extension mortrgage of the Valley. .Manhattan lines was held and the bid waB $20,000, made by Judge W. D. Cor nish of the Union Pacific company. The second sale was held at 2 o'clock and Included the entire branch system In the state. The sales were conducted by Special Masters Alexander, Don nell and Abbott. Among the promi nent railroad men present were W. D. Cornish, vice president of the Union Pacific; Messrs. Sargent and Greer of Boston, representing the American Trust company, and W. R. Kelley of Omaha, attorney for the Union Pacific. Rice Bros. & Nixon, a live Btock com mission firm in Chicago, has brought suit against Walter J. Perry, former ly manager of the South Omaha branch maintained by the plaintiffs, and the Fidelity and Deposit company of Mary land, to recover $13,511.70 alleged to have been embezzled by Perry while In charge of the South Omaha office. The petition sets forth that Perry was man ager of the latter o'lllce from July 25, 1895, to December 31, 1897, and was en titled to a salary of $100 per month, his traveling expenses and a division of the profits on an agreed basis. It Is alleged that during the period he was In charge of the otllce he used the money of the firm to carry on specula tion in live stpek under the assumed name of Jim Jones, and that he also charged up items against customers of the firm which were false and manipu lated the books In various ways, mak ing It appear that he was entitled to more money than was really the case. The amount thus lost by the firm Is placed at $13,511.70. The Fidelity and Deposit company furnished a bond In the Bum of $10,000 to the plaintiffs, guaranteeing his faithful performance of duty, and suit Is brought on their bond and also against Perry Individually. LAST FIGHT OF THE SPANISH WAK Donoy Opened tho War in tho Philippines with a Yictory nnd Closes It with Anothor. Story or llow tho Americans Swept tho Trenches of tho Enomy nnd Carried tho 'Flag Ito Manila. Manila, Special Manila has fallen The Spanish capital of tho Philippines Is fully occupied by American troops. The fleet under Admiral Dewey opened the engagement at 0:30 Saturday (Au gust 13) morning, tho flagship Olympla firing the first shot and being closely followed In succession by tho Raleigh, Petrel and Callao. The Callao, which Is one of the gun boats captured by Dewey from the Spaniards, showed great daring In the action. Sho approached within 800 yards of the Spanish forts and trenches at Malate and did grand work driving back the Spanish forces. The flrlne by tho fleet continued one hour and tho Spaniards then retreated from Malate, whero the fire was cen tered. Our land forces followed closely upon the retreating Spaniards, advanc ing within full sight of tho warships. I watched the naval action from the bridge of tho Charleston until General Mcrrltt's boat returned and signalled that surrender was certain. I then went aboard a troopship and entered the captured city, ahead of the general's guard. No attempt was made to molest any one. Tho Spanish be haved admirably after tho surrender. The final conference to arrange terms of surrender was held at the palace of the governor general at 4 o'clock. General Jaudenes agreed to surrender with few conditions, tho principal one being that the Americans should agree to protect the Spanish. The flag was raised at 5:40 by Lieutenant Brumby of the Olympla, Lieutenant Porey of the Second Oregon yoluntcers, Barry Bald win, myself and two seamen. There was great bewailing among the Spanish women, but the men accepted their de feat stolidly and with apparent In difference. The band of the Second Oregon, while marching Into the city, saw the flag flying and played the "Star Spangled Banner," and the fleet saluted. As fast as the Spanish troops were relieved by the Americans they march ed In nnd delivered their arms. All were turned In except those of the soldiers In the trenches north of the city, who were left there to stand off the insur gents. The total number surrendered exceeds 8,000. The arms Include 2.000 new Mau sers, 5,000 old Mausers and many Rem ingtons. Thero was an unlimited supply of am munition. The Second Oregon regi ment, Colonel Somers, landed as the governor's guard and now occupy the palace. The balance of the First and Second brigades are policing the city and occupying the defenses. The Insurgents are threatening In the outskirts. Thero Is no danger. Our force Is ample. The city Is remarkably quiet. Last night the troops were camping at all the bridges and ap proaches. The American arid Spanish officers on parole dined at the same cafes without class distinction. Dewey deserves untold credit for the result of the negotiations. The fleet did the city no damage. ADVANCE ON MALATE. In the land attack, the forces under Anderson advanced to Malate from the south as Green, In command of the First brigade, left. McArthur of the Second brigade was on the right of the line and covered two miles. The Span ish made a hard fight against the right and left wings, but after firing a few volleys they were forced to retreat In side the Malate fort. Thence they were driven out by the firing ships, the Cal lao doing deadly work with her machine guns. The Americans took the magazine of the fort and advanced along the streets of the suburbs, although under tire from sharpshooters hlden In and upon the houses. The Second battalion of the First Cal ifornia, under the personal lead of Col onel Smith, led the advance Into the city, followed by the rest of the regi ment, and then the First Colorado drove back the Spanish stragglers. Major Moses of Colorado raised the flag over the Malate forts. A company In the First Nebraska did effective work with gatllngs, covering the charge of the Third regulars. The Astor battery charged and captured a blockhouse with revolvers, near Passae. The natives attempted to break thro the lines and enter the city, but were held In check. The Spaniards burned the transport Ccbu and sunk their gunboat Bulasan nnd several launches while the terms of surrender were be ing negotiated. WILLIAM LEWIS KILLED. The loss yesterday was eight killed and thirty-four wounded. William Lewis of the Nebraska regiment was killed on the night of the 3d and fve were wounded nt the same time. On the night of the 5th Clement Hauer of the Twenty-third regulars and Robert McCann and Samuel Howell of the Fourteenth regulars were killed and eight were wounded. Captain Rechter of California died on August 4. Charles Wlnfleld -of the Third regulars died on August 2. Geo. Perkins of California died on August 7 of pneumonia. Edward O'Neill of Cal ifornia died from accidental shot wound and William Robinson of the hospital corps died of typhoid fever. The Spanish loss yesterday is esti mated at 150 killed and 300 wounded. Agulnaldo has addressed a letter to Consul Williams, stating that he per sonally would be satisfied with .the American promises, but he feared he could not hold his allies between the lines. He asked for a direct statement of what America would do. The Spaniards assert that the Insur gents made offers of an alliance with them, but the Spaniards were too sus picious of their Intentions to- accept. Among the killed yesterday were: John Dunsmore, First California; Au gustus Thollen, Twenty-third regulars; Archie Patterson, Thirteenth Minnesota. The seriously wounded Include Cap tains O. Sccback and T. BJornstadt of the Thirteenth Minnesota. Hong Kong. Special. Manila was surrendered after a nominal defense Saturday, August 13. The American flag now files over tho capital of the Philippines and this was accomplished without great expenditure of life. I was one of the first who traversed the wall of. the city. I have returned to tell the story. Foreign warships with refugees mov ed out of the harbor on the morning of August 9. A small party of foreign ers, chiefly British, remained In the suburban portions of the city. The Concord nnd Petrel lay off the mouth of the Pas Is In such positions as to prevent any vessels from escaping, but no action occurred until August 13, the delay being allowed the American troops to extend their front on the right of the line. Frequent visits by the Bel gian consul, meantime, to General Mer rltt and Admiral Dewey led to the ru mor that terms of surrender were be ing arranged. Our fleet began to move In at 9 o'clock on Saturday morning. Dewey's Olympla led, the fighting line as of old. Above her nnd from the ship following flew the American flag. Tho Olympla opened with her eight-Inch guns at 9:35, the first four Bhells being directed against Malate fort, called San Antonio de Abad. All of the first shells fell short, a passing rain squall making It difficult to get the range properly and to observe the results of the shots. The Raleigh, Petrel and Callao, Lieutenant Tnppan commanding, and the launch Bareclona riding In the heavy surf close In shore, pouring their fire on the enemy's riflemen. There wns rifle fire In reply and the Callao was struck. She was not dam aged. The Herald launch followed in close behind through the surf. The gen eral signal to cease firing was hoisted at 32 minutes past 10. Our Infantry was seen a few minutes later moving for ward toward the Spanish Intrench- ments. Their advance was made under cover of a heavy fire from the Utah battery. With colors flytng and bands playing the troops moved swiftly along the beach. There was a creek to be forded. They plunged Into it and were soon across. Once over they deployed In skirmish ing order along Malate. keeping up a heavy rifle fire and finally halting on Runeta. As far as I could see the re sistance made by tho Spanish troops was stubborn In the extreme, at least for a nominal defense. Flag Lieutenant Brumby went ashore about noon In the Belgian launch, ac companied by Inspector Genernl Whlt tler, to find and Interview General Jau denes and discuss the terms of capitula tion. SPANIARD AT CHURCH. General Merritt was present to dis cuss settling the terms. General Jau denes was found after consldernblo difficulty. He was finally fol.nd in the security of a church, filled with women and children. Flag Lieutenant Brumby wa forced to speak sharply and peremptorily to several officers before he could find the governor general. Subsequent proceedings regarding the terms of surrender were conducted tin the municipal buildings, the governor general consenting to leave the church after a brief conference. The terms are briefly these: Capltulat tion of the Philippines .officers allowed to retain their swords and personal ef-v fects, but not their horses during their stay In Manila. (This was considered a parole, but It Is not exactly so.) Pris oners of war surrendering their arms will have necessary supplies provided from the treasury. When that Is ex hausted the Americans are to make provision. All public property Is sur rendered. The future disposition of the Spanish troops who surrendered Is to be determined by negotiations be tween the two respective governments Arms may be returned at General Mer rltt's discretion. Banks will continue to operate under existing regulations which are subject to change by the United States government. WEEP AS FLAG DROPS. Lieutenant Brumby Immediately after the terms of capitulation had been signed hurried off to lower the Span ish flag in reality to lower all Spain's flags in the Philippines by taking down one. He was accompanied by two sig nal men from the Olympla. This little party found Its way after considerable difficulty Into Fort Santiago In the northern portion of the walled city. There was a large Spanish flag flying there. Grouped about It were many Spanish officers. Brumby's presence at tracted a crowd from the streets. They hissed as he approached to haul down the flag. Then the stars and stripes rose tn place of the other. Many of those present wept bitterly as the flag of the victorious stranger climbed into place above the fort. Fearing that the crowd might lower "Old Glory," Lleutena't Brumby asked an American Infantry officer to move up a detach ment to guard It. Fortunately he met a company com ing up with a band. The Infantry pre- sented arms and the band played the "Star Spangled Banner," which lent some eclat to the ceremony. The conduct of the Spaniards was disgraceful after the capitulation. The gunboat Cebu was brought down the river with the Spanish flag flying and was set on fire at the mouth of the Paslg. A party of Americans boarded her and hoisted the stars and Btrlpcs. They tried fruitlessly to save three launches and several boats, which were also destroyed. INSIDE THE CITY. Landing soon after General Merritt, I traversed the wnllcd city. 1 found both the Inhabitants and the soldiers looking remarkably welt, considering the fact that they had been reported to be starving. Many were well pleased that the capitulation of the city had, been agreed upon, as a bombardment of the city proper must have been attend ed by severe loss of life among women and other non-combatants, t Our troops quickly occupied the city and on both sides of the Paslg, sleep ing In the streets throughout the night of August 13, which was a wet one and made the strange conditions doubly dis agreeable. Yet the conduct of the Amer ican troops was beyond praise. It was simply admlrabtc. They fraternized good-humoredly with the Spaniards and the natives. A group of regulars squatted in Es colta Btreet, one of the principal busi ness thoroughfares, edifying the great crowd which had formed about them with tuneful plantation ditties. Our ships which were engaged, cruis ed freely at dead low water inside a line which on a British admiralty chart Is marked "three fathoms," although the Olympla was drawing twenty-four feet. As a matter of fact her naviga tor, Lieutenant Calkins, during her stay here carefully surveyed the water along the city water front. The Callao went within rifle range while covering the flank of the troops as they ad vanced. MONTEREY ONLY BLUFFED. The services of Lleutena'nt Tappan, who Is her commander, will doubtless receive special mention tn future. The Monterey was not called upon to try her guns during the bombardment, but undoubtedly her presence and the bold ness with which she was navigated within easy range of the city had con siderable Influence on the Spanish In their decision to capitulate. The Insurgents on August 14, the day after the surrender, entered some Span ish trenches on the outskirts, but were repulsed. General Merritt notified them that they will not be permitted to come Inside the city! It Is probable that the Americans will now deal with the In surgents unless an amicable arrange ment Is arrived at soon. The terms of capitulation were signed by the Amer ican commissioners, General Green, Colonel Whlttler, Colonel Crowdes and Captain Lawbecton, nnd the Spanish commissioners, Colonels San Jose Ma ria Laguen, Felln Don Carlos Reye and General Don Nicolas de la Penay Cuellas. H. M. S. Immortallte and 'phegenls, whoo comander kept them In motion, watched the fight from fa vorable positions. After the American flag was hoisted the German wnrshlp Kalserln Augusta slipped out, presumably bound for Hong Kong, without the courtesy of offering to carry dispatches from Manila, The Americans moved out of camp early on the morning of August 13, General An derson directing the operations. Gen eral Green, With the left wing, swept along the trenches before Malate, Gen eral McArthur led the right wing, with the Astor battery which took up a po sition at the right of the Paslg and did gallant work. One Instance of this wns when a Spanish blockhouse was carried by men using their revolvers. The only rapid fire gun on the line was silenced by this gallant advance. Three men of the Astor battery were killed. - AWAY FROM DEWEY. The hardest fighting of the day was done at a point on the right wing, where the guns of the fleet under Fight ing Dewey could give no assistance. After the fleet had raked the position at Malate the Colorado, supported by Uhe Eighteenth regulars and the Utah battery, swept It with the deadest of fires. The Spaniards fell back before the charging Colorados, who followed them closely, giving them no rest until the position was ours and the American flag was raised by the Callfornlans, who had been charging with the Colo rado:.. The Callfornlans, who were subjected to a galling fire from Spanish sharp shooters In houses on the right, moved past thi Colorados Into the suburb of Ermlla,( where the Spaniards had erect ed atiee. barlcades. Once Calle Real was cleared the attack was virtually over. About noon a white flag was flying over the city walls. The Callfornlans advanced at, a double across Luneta, as General Green and his staff arrived to receive the error. By some error, while the troops were standing at rest, Span- lards In the wnlled city fired, fatally wounding Privates Dunsoupe and La- merson of the California volunteers. Our casualties viere eight killed and forty wounded. The Spanish loss Is estimated at 120' to 600 killed and wounded. The Americans epptured 11.000 prls- oners. 7.000 being Spanish regulars;20.000 Mauser rifles, 2.000 (Remingtons, elgh- teen modern cannorii and many of ob- solete pattern. KEMAKKABE LETTElt CHALN How a YounB Girl's Patriotic Ap peal "Was AnHwored. Into the boundless ocean of Ameri can patriotism a thoughtless girl with faith In human nature, hope for the cause of Cuba Libre, and charity for the wounded United Stntcs soldiers cast a dime. At first only a faint tip ple nppearcd on the surface, but quick ly It Increased to a tiny wave. Grad ually the wavo swelled until It became a mighty surge, only to grow quicker still Into a raging torrent. And the dime! It first became only a dollar. Then It grew to hundreds. Soon It expanded to thousands. And It Is still expanding. For, In blissful Ignorance of what It meant, she had run foul of "geometri cal progression," and geometrlcnl pro gression Is a thing which makes all other wonders of the world look small. Miss Schenck of Rabylon, L. I., and her endless letter chain threatens to become one of tie famous Incidents of the war with Spain. Letter chains are not strictly a novelty. But never be fore did any one find a plea so strong ns hers. For she appealed to the pat riotism of the American people, asked them to care for sick soldiers, nnd so. sowing the wind, reaped the whirlwind of which she had not drenmed. She Intended to carry the chain to 100. By last Monday It had reached twenty, and n letter of that number hnd been received. If the chain had been nowhere broken before reaching No. 20 Miss Schenck would have re ceived somewhat over 1,000,000,000,000, 000 letters. She did not receive any such number, for to reach it each per son In the United States would have hnd to write to her some 12.000 times, The letter which Miss Schenck sent out rend as follows: "The Ice plant nuxlllary In connection With the National Red Cross being in need of money to supply the am bulance ships, a chain has been formed to collect some, and If you. on receiving this, will make four copies and send them to four of your friends you will greatly help the wounded soldiers. When you have made four copies please return this letter to Miss Natalie Schenck. Babylon, Long Tslnnd, with 10 cents enclosed." The number starts at one and ends at 100. so that the person receiving the latter number will send 10 cents to Miss Schenck, same address, without making copies. Please number the head of each copy nnd make them exactly like this one, only number the next highest number and sign your name nnd address to each copy. Please mnke no delay In send ing out copies, and above all, do not break the chain that means so much to our brnve soldiers on land and sea " In placing the limit upon her chain Miss Schenck made her great mistake. Sho Is not much past the time In life when girls are supposed to be "doing their examples" on their slates, but even In that short time her knowledge of geometrical progression had grown decidedly rusty. Hnd she stopped but a moment to figure she would have dis covered that If her chain ran through only twenty series the number of let ters due her would Increase ns follows: 1 1111 .... 4,191.301 IR'13 .... lfi.T77.21f; 61 13 .... 67.105.854 25 It .... 2GS.43S.I5 1,021 15 .... 1.07S.741.S2 4.0K IB .... 4.29).9fi7.29tS 16.31 17 .... 17,179.869,191 G.".S3fi IS .... r.S.719,47fi.73! 22.111 19 .... 27I.S77.906.9M 1.0I3.57C 20 .... 1.099,511.627,770 3. 4 . G , 6 7 . 8 , 9 10 , Nov, supposing each recipient of a letter continued the chain and sent her the 10 cents as requested, the Ice fund would be $109,931,162,770.60 richer for her pains. And this vast sum. multiplied by four, Its product Increased by four more at every Jump between series 20 and series 100, would result in a final sum ample to buy all the available land on the surface of the earth. It Is useless to consider the computation. Almost be fore this remarkable chain began, the figures lost themselves In their own greatness and grew to mean nothing. We might as well attempt to estlmlate the number of grains of sand beneath the sea. Within three days Miss Schenck re ceived the expected four answers to her letters, each containing a dime which she had requested. The following day about sixteen more came and she. was pleased with the result of her experi ment. As the following day her mall comprised almost sixty-four letters she felt relieved, for now she knew her project was nn assured success. The next clay, when the letters numbered nearly 200, she gave up walking to the postofllce and began to make the trips on her wheel with a market basket. By this time Postmaster Dowden be gan to grow uneasy, and Miss Schenck decided that It would be best to tell her family of her patriotic scheme. Within ten days letters addressed to Miss Schenck Jumped from 2,000 to 0,000 a day. Then they rose to 15,000 a day. and .at last reports the end seemed further away than ever. How about the postofllce and Its over worked postmaster? The office Is one of the third class, and the government official In charge Is allowed only one ' assistant. Additional help he Is forced to hire from his own pocketbook. From a tiny beginning he found himself working on Miss Schencks mall all day long. It soon outstripped both him and his assistant, and an urgent call was sent to the patrtotlc citizens of Babylon to rally to his assistance. Many turned In to help him. but he cannot begin to keep up with the Increase, . "It ts awful." he Is reported as say- Ins. "l doiVt Unow where u wlu end- l" a few days ,f tne Growth of Miss Schenck's mall Increases regularly we will have to run extra mall cars from New York, , SX thousand letters yesterday, 15,000 . 40000 t day alm0t 100.000 loaa' .' " , . f 1V., ,1,. 1 the nexii wny, 11 13 uwimw, ..- government hasn't made any effort to help me outl" The mere handling of Miss Schenck's patriotic mall Is not all of Postmaster Dowden's troubles. He Is being stormed by letter writers from all over the country and Canada wanting to know all about Miss Schenck's endless chain scheme, and demanding full particulars about the young woman's social stand ing and financial integrity. Most of these letters contain stamps for re ply, and unless the postmaster answeis them Individually he Is placed In the embarrassing position of being accused of confiscating the stamps. Postage sent for this purpose has already yield ed the government $600. To treat every body fairly the postmaster has had a stamp made bearing the words: "Schenck letter O. K.," and sends each letter of Inquiry back to Its owner bearing that label. Notable people arc Caught in the coils of the endless chuln, and letters from prominent men and women are being received In large numbers. Miss Schenck has recdlved one from Mrs. McKlnley containing a dime. Another is from Mrs. .James A. Garfield. Pres ident McKlnley found time to got In the list with his dime, and former Vice President Levi P. Morton promptly for warded his dime, as did every member of his family. Meanwhile the Ice plant auxiliary, the beneficiary of this remarkable pro ject, Is by no means getting the wor3t of It. Early last week $900 was turned over to Its treasurer, and on succeed ing days $500 more was secured. The sum may serve to show the enormity of Miss Schenck's mall. Granting that every letter contained the dime asked for, It would require 14,000 letters to make up the sum. But It Is estimated that only one letter In five contains money. Therefore, carrying out the computation, the present contribution to the Ice fund Is made up of the glean, lngs of a little correspondence of 70.000 letters. To convey these letters to Bab ylon the government has received the sum of $1,400 In postage stamps alone. These brief computations were re ceived last Wednesday, when the mall which poured Into the Morgan house at Babylon, L, I., was still small enough to be It Ib obvious that the figures given are a mere bagatelle when compared with what will be received during the coming week, unless the strenuous ef forts being put forward to break tho chain succeed. Miss Schenck has ad vertised In the eastern papers asking her patriotic correspondents to desist In tho name of peace and harmony. If they fall to do so, the combined dally mall of Chicago, New York, Boston and Philadelphia will be less than the train loads of missives which will pour into Mr. Morgan's summer home. Indeed, the situation may become so grave that the government will be forced to In tervene to check the ceaseless flood. A few moments' practical test with figures will quickly show the awful possibilities which may lie In store for Miss Schenck. Suppose an attempt was made to calculate the amount of money that would be collected by tho series, If the chain was allowed to run Its course. By the time the calculation reaches the twentyi-flfth series the figures grow appalling. Counting alone the letters numbered twenty-five, at ten cents each, the sum of $112,671,532, 383,966.40 would be received, providing the chain was not broken. Supposing, again, the earth's population to be 4,000,000,000 people, each person would receive about 250,000 letters numbered "25," and would be compelled to write 1,000,000 each, labeled "26." With the money derived from these sent back to Mlsa Schenck, the originator of the scheme,, reckoning current prices of Ice without discount, our valiant sol dier boys In Cuba would And them selves In possession of a solid glacier ninety-five miles wide and two miles deep. The foregoing deduction will be suffl dent to illustrate the endless possibili ties which await Miss Schenck. With the chain only one-fourth run out the results are ridiculous. Continuing through the chain In geometrical pro. gresslon natural conditions quietly en ter to Interrupt the continued compu tation. With the figures representing the seventy-fifth chain it Is doubtful If a single sheet of paper could bo found large enough to hold the result, and to obtain these results would re quire the forfeit of valuable years of a man's life. Philadelphia Times. There are not only pecuniary and constitutional difficulties In the way of abdication. The queen, however, ts not only queen of Great Britain and Ireland, she is also empress of India, reigning sovereign over more Moslems than the grank Turk, and of more Af ricans and Asiatics than any other civ ilized monarch, Abdication would be misunderstood by most, misrepresented by some, and resented by all of them. Death they knov; a living ruler they understand. What Is abdication to the border tribes of the Hindoo-Koosh, to the lake-dwellers of Nyas-saland, Ugan da, or the fierce tribesmen of the Sou 'an? From an Imperial standpoint a sceptre dropped from the hand of tho great white queen can be borne aloft In her lifetime by no successor. In many parts of the world the British raj Is personified In a little lady who, sixty years ago, raid to those who told her that she was a queen "l will be good." In some parts of India she Is actually worshipped as a goddess In her lifetime the native races of the empire will either look to the queen as a ruler, or they will assume that something has happened that saps and neutralizes the British power. These imperial considerations as to the effect on Asiatics and Africans were also In the minds of the ministers when they unanimously refused to advlss the queen to rest from the crushing burden of the crown. ' v S yi I zervf- isrs-r-w -