darling, while we talk over old times. Boys, meet my wife! My one, true, enduring love—Mildred, my ‘Spirit Bride!”’ The :ent of the perfume almost overcame them. But neither of j them showed the slightest bit ofJ fear or trepidation, as they stood:| and bowed profoundly to empty space in acknowledgement of the introduction. Then they sat and resumed their conversation as thcugh nothing un- , usual had happened. THE END. BEAUTY~fflNTS • - ’ If the marks are left after pimples and acne, I think it best to have a skin specialist treat the; scars. Ir. the meantime you can apply a healing lotion which your; physician will be glad to recom mend. • * * If your freckles are ugly ones, then they should be treated, but* it’s not quick work to rid a skin of freckles that have been present : for years. Smooth Light Skin For You A delicately soft smooth light skin Is the secret of charming beauty ... and it may be yours, quickly, surely and-easily. Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Whitener Ointment softens and lightens the darkest skin, clears up pimples, blotches and tan marks, and does away with that “oily, shiny” look. Use this preparation regularly to make your skin soft, delicate and charming. This amazing Ointment is made in the famous Dr. Fred Palmer's Laboratories where are also made those other beauty aids you know so well: Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Whitener Soap, Skin Whitener Face Powder, Hair Dresser and Hid Deodorant, which may be had at all drug stores for 25 cents each or will be sent postpaid upon receipt of price. Dr. Fred Palmer’s Labora tories, Dept. B, Atlanta, Ga. Send 4c in stamps for trial sample of Skin Whitener, Soap and. Face Potcder. K DR.FRED PALMER’S ound his jaw, blocking and riding his opponent's pufiches. Then the Kid must have decided to finish my boy off. He cracked a straight right to the jaw, the Hurricane's head flew back, blcod spattered, and right then something happened to the Hurri cane. Almost wild with fury, he forced his way from the corner with a savage left hook that bent into the ribs of the Kid, and then continued to batter him around the ring, put ting every bit of his strength be hind his blows. He ripped out a desperate right and crossed with a hard left to the face. Why the Kid didn't go down then was more than I could see. But it wasn't long before he did do down. He gasped and swayed now, and my boy blasted a left hook to nis jaw. sending blood spraying to the canvas. When the Kid looked up again, all sanity was gone from his glassy eyes. He tore in, blood rushing now from his mouth, but the Hurricane simply laughed at him and went in to meet him, smashing a terrific left hook square to his Jaw. The Kid hit the canvas and never twitched until, after the referee had tolled off the count, somebody pour ed a bucket of water over him. That wasn’t the only battle in which the thcught of Martha played an important part in squeezing out a victory for the Hurricane. During the first six months he fought in Harlem, he defeated six opponents, all good men, and defeated them by decisive margins. It looked as though he was cutting a straight swath for himself through the heavyweight division. The seventh fight was a tough one for the Hurricane. He had wiped up most of the Harlem op position, but with the exception of Chubby Cutler, the Kansas City champ, he hadn’t tackled any of the outside material. Billy was get ting anxious to see how he would stand the test against heavies who were really in the running, so he Anally, managed to arrange a ten round affair with Chuck Holt, a husky young white boy who, after coming out on top in the heavy weight division of the Golden Gloves amateur tournament, had turned professional. Holt was considered by most of the New York sports scribes as one of the foremost contenders for the heavyweight crown of hie world. He had come out first in the lengthy eliminations of the Golden Gloves tournament had shown excellent form in reaching the semi-finals of the Olympic tryouts, and seemed to be headed straight for the heights. The Hurricane was a little wor ried about the forthcoming battle with Chuck, and he had every rea son to be. The white boy was tall and rangy and heavy; he knew the fight game from the bottom up, and his square, lieavy-s.?t jaw showed great ruggedness and de termination. He was practically un defeated, having gone through the tournament and the Olympic trials without a single setback until a huge and pugnacious Westerner had eliminated him in the semi finals. “Don’t get worried about Chuck,” I told my boy. “Hes just an ordi nary human being like yourself; if you train and go in there de termined to give everything you’ve got, you’ve got him licked almost before you start." He thought about what I had Continues on Page Four TRY THIS MEW, MODERN WAY OF RAZORLESS M SHAVIN6 flj Magic Shaving Powder simply mixed with water—spread on the face—-and washed off. lour beard is off quicker and closer than you can shave with a razor. Magic Shaving Powder retard* growth of hair; it is antiseptic; clears skin of humps and pimples; prevents ingrowing hair. Used by women for removing superfluous hair. 35c at drug stores. Or, send 35« in j stamps TODAY for big. fall-size can. Write Magic Shaving Powder Ce., Dept. E, Savannah, Ga. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE reduced with simple home treatment. Write Alertox Med. Co., D?pt. 100, Atlanta, Ga., for free leaflet telling how thousands have relieved them selves of this dangerous, insidious condition. LEARN THE SECRET OF HOW TO Keep Young TO BE YOUNG YOU HAVE TO FEEL YOUNG A woman doesn't feel youth, jl when she lacks pep and energy! She doesn’t feel young when she is tired and list less all the time and wants to always flop down into the nearest chair. Keep Young by Keeping Strong —Active—Robust Women who keep young are women who FEEL young—women who have abundant strength and energy to do the things they want to do and enjoy them! If you are not this kind of woman, you toon can be! You can take a new lease on life because you’ll immediately feel like a new woman! St.Joseph’s G.F.P. has been bringing strength, energy and happiness to women for more than half a century. Containing roots and herbs of known medicinal merit, this fine tonic is re garded as “the old reliable” by women everywhere. Don't delay — start feel ing young by taking this wonderful St. Joseph's G.F.P. Your druggist sells the big dollar bottle on an absolute money- back guarantee. Try it today. St. Joseph's G.F.P. UfaQHJJotfum'A Vonic