The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 16, 1932, ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SECTION, Page 2, Image 6

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    Bride in
Spirit only
C'ontinut'd from Front Page
cital. Not bad, this cigar, eh,
“Very good, indeed,” Dr. Rissmore
affirmed. “William's selection of
brands is A one. I am in perfect
comfort to continue listening.”
"So am I," the minister chime'!.
Turning to his host, he pleaded.
■'William, please go on from where
you left off. We nromise not to
“Very good, I resume at once,” the
host assured them.
"Let me see. Yes, I was on mv
way from the court to Mildred's
house. As I drew near, a feeling
of alarm and fear came over me
and positively cowed me. Crowds'
were gathered so densely in the
block my progress was impeded.
Fire engines were on both sides of
the street; an ambulance in front
of the open door was guarded by
two policemen.
“In a veritable panic, my heart
sinking with dr?ad forebodings, a I
sudden, retching pain stabbing at
my vitals. I rushed up the steps to
the officers, made known my iden
tity and passed rapidly into the
“I called out in my agony to
know what had happened; whether
anyone was injured.
“A friendly hand stopped me,
then led me to the kitchen, where
on the floor with the ambulance
Jobs Open
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In ll*r i^WIkk. Autlilroiiloi'M.
W M—nr Wt«i_H. y. j
doctor and nurse bending over and
administering to her, I beheld my
heart’s best love, unconscious and
burned, being bathed in oil and
swathed in bandages of cotton.
“In hushed whispers, I learned
the details.
“Mildred, my love, had been
cleaning a dress with gasoline, when
there was a sudden flaie, a blind
ing explosion, and the sound of a
heavy body falling.
“The family upstairs had rushed
down to the kitchen which was a
blazc. but a neighbor had been be
fore them. Hearing the noise of
the explosion and seeing the flames
bursting from the window, he had
climbed in through another window,
snatched up rugs from the floor and
smothered the flaming clothes on
the prone, unconscious figure.
“In a little while, tender, loving
lianas lifted the tort urea body,
placed her on a stretcher and bore
it to the ambulance.
“I climbed in and sat beside the
sufferer, hoping, praying, watching
eagerly for some sympton of return
ing consciousness as the ambu
lance, with screeching siren and
clanging gong, hurried upon its
“I was rewarded finally by hear
ing a slight moan, followed later
by a smothered scream, as we
reached the oospital and carried
her into the emergency ward.
“It was hours before I was per
mitted to see her again. Joined by
her mother and other members of
the family, we sat waiting In the
reception parlor of the hospital
waiting, sad, weary and distrait, in
an agony of suspense; waiting for
the message which would bid us
hope or condemn us to despair.
"The summons came at last. We
were conducted up the stairs into a
private ward, where on one of the
two beds in the room. Mildred lav.
unconscious, still, but breathing
"The doctor was there. He met
us with a sad smile trying to bol
ster our failing courage, as he said
in rather a serious tone: We are
hopeful she may pull through and
live. But, * e fear her sight is in
jured, if not lost. It is also a ques
tion as to whether she inhaled anv
of the flames. This we shall know
definitely within the next day or
two. Her chest, face and turns are
burned severely. We shall do our
best, however, so you must be brave
and hope for the best On account |
of the intense pain, she will be kept
under opiates for some time. 1
think you had better go now.1
'Quietly, each one of us looked
at the bandaged figure and tipped
T aqueeued firmly the doctor's
hand as 1 grasped it in thanks,
plea 'ing in husky tones for im
mediate notification should she re
gain consciousness or should any
change m her condition occur,
"This lie promised tne Than I.
too. tipp'd out of U»c nsm a piti
ful. dreary, forlorn figure.
"Three days passed ire Mildred
gained consciousness. When she
did, scream alter scream of pain
I Black, lustrous hair makes I
any pit l popular |
I Why sit »sound sit hum* * shthf you
weir popular? IV>II yourself up, make
your ba r beautiful aud you'll be pop
Ulnr attain,
tt hot trots* or hair stmuhteners
. have made your hair tuns red. fray
or *i sea had, now you can make any
hair • beautiful hettOUs black attain
Just use the In men* tat tense French
Hair rotortn* apple the one Intutra
ami 'n 15 minutes your hair will 1*1
, the nsoat beautiful, sett.. Rutty Je |
blaek yon have ever seen.
No stickiness or Oder to t,a Mouse
and it wilt not rub or wash otT Try
" <>uoo «»d >»M l| aitrav* tin* II lo
youraolt hraunfiit and popular
I^HI mar honk. fifth ita* paid' pwt
paid. Solid Odupon and iwouoi at
moo «o rot a hollk al Join dtu«
doit lodaj
! Uodoioay Mir 0» IMU, Olio* SI . J
; St. Imu, MinmuH.
Sond wo al »wo a full 'loo hoi I to of
I larh-noo I'ronoh Hair I'okorlar I «»at
♦« •**!;* m> hair * »*r«>itHnl iHsIrMn**
lt|«« kk I •'*. Kw $1 2ft, tux
•M |WM utifY MMdk i urAfV
m» 'mo
Elisabeth Walker, New York, whsse
beauty and talent has attracted at
tention throughout the East.
and agony, seemingly, rent the walls
of the room. Hurriedly, the doctor,
applied the needle, while the sym
pathetic nurses did their best to
quiet and reassure the suffering1
patient, until the opiate took effect.
"Ten days had passed since the
accident, when 1 received a sum
mons to the hospital. Hastening
there. I found Mildred conscious, in
less pain, bearing stoically her an
quish She had been asking lor
l»cr mother.
"But her mother and I arrived
at the same time amt we were soon
seated beside tire bed listening
eagerly to the halting amount ot
How H happened.' whispered!
through seared and bandaged Up*.
"Pour months afterward, Mildred
had recovered sufflet*ntly to be re
mover! to her home idle was, how
ever, a frail, wraithlike spectacle of
her former self,
i jiirwirn Him uih u, n
and again, during my many and
const ant visits to th hospital, that
tier return home should be isde
tuated by our Immediate marriage
l had tried even to have her con
sent to a quiet wedding in the hox
pita I
"To all of my pleading aiwt urg
: mg she was adamant,
" No. no, Witt'■ She would answer
T can never fulfill the marital re
lat mnshtp in the flesh While l
reahw your lore is constant and
true, I atn yours and you are mine,
l cannot burden you w i this blind
helpless tvs tv I can and will he
your "Spirit Pride" for the length
of my esr hty days and throughout
"Yes Ntikhed was blind the
explosion tiad burned out the light
ot her eyes, she had opened tier
sight less lids to a blank w ait ot
I darkness. Worse, she had inhaled
some of the flame? which had
J seared her lungs. *"hc dreaded
pneumonia had been siaved off. but
tuberculosis had developed, To alt
j appearances the end was only a
!matter of time.
"She lingered on, wasting a wav
daily. Kvery moment t could spare
|t spent with her at her bedskte.
"Three month? to the very day
|on which I had carried her in my
arms into her home, she awoke
out of a restless sleep and called
me. She desired to sit up. Gently
I raised her up and fixed her pil
lows. Her eyes held me in a pro
longed stare, then she said: ‘Come
“I placed my arms around her
and bent my ear close to catch
her words.
“ ‘Will, darling,’ she whispered
huskily, ‘please remember your
"Spirit Bride” will always be near
you. loving you and protecting you
at all times. Talk over your cases
with me. I shall understand, an
swer you in your dreams when your
spirit will blend with mine. I shall
guide you on to greater and larger
success. This I shall do until you
marry and have need of me no
longer. I am going now, Will, darl
ing. Thanks so much for every
j thing. Kiss your “Spirit Bride"
"I kissed her again and again,
crying out all the while, ‘No, no!
You cannot, you must not leave
“Tlte family heard and all came
running inta the room, as a flow
of blood gushed from her mouth—
a hemorrhage—almost at the mo
ment of my last kiss. Her body
went limp. As I laid her back down
gently upon the pillows, her head
relied helplessly to one side.
“Mildred had passed a ‘Spirit
Bride’ into spirit land."
* * *
A long silence followed, during
which Lawton fought for mastery
over his emotions.
Neither of the two friends uttered
a word, for the narrator had raised
his hand signifying he would con
tinue. Before doing so. he lilted
his glass and drank, refilled it and
dran. again.
His voiee was somewhat shaky
as he resumed, but it gradually
grew stronger and surer.
'Bovs, we dressed her as a bride,
with veil, orange blossoms and
everything. Her buria? was my wed
ding day.
•I trust you understand this ex
planation and why I insist I am
as much married as either of you.
' Mildred has kept her dying
promise She lives here with me.
that is. her spirit do.’s. She is my
spirit wife. Day and night we hold
sweet convene and association.
Awake and asleep, Z can sense her
preset e.
"Only for a few hours In each
twenty-four is she compelled to
absent herself, Tnis happens be
tween the hours of three and six
in the morning, when she must re
turn to the place where her ashes
lest. At all other hours she is
either vith me or about the prem
ises just as anv hung, breathing
wife in the flesh would be Bite
helps me with my cas*s. Really
she is ihe secret of my continued
stKvrss Not one case have 1 kvM
by tallowing her advice and direc
"Yea, I owe everything to her, lo
my beloved Mildred, who is present
with us now "
Again there w*.« silence, ilea,!
silence. amid the group alter haw
(mi's tragic recital and startling,
concluding statement
Hus silence was broken at last
hr Kobbs, tlie minister, who W*
marked with a *ob m his ume;
"Will, old chum, 1 never knew
it was like that. Forgive my ban
ter and chiding 1, too have had
remarkable psychic experiences
Mime ot which 1 may relate ere
we part. Meanwhile, old man, you
haw my heartfelt sympathy,"
Same here, with t ke pleadings
for forgiveness," .motor Ki**more
hasieiust to add '1. too. haw a
Mood ot tales l can tell hr hue
we separate for good, 1 shall relaie
a few I am positive there is a
mighly thm wd shrouding this
world of ours from spirit land "
"You are right Tankey," Urn
clergyman declared. “It U my be
lief, through this veil between us,
those on the other side see us, hear
us, note what we do and try to
aid us. It is just as a person in
a boat on open, clear water may look
down into the depths and see what
is taking place there, while a per
son underneath the waves may not
see nor note what is taking place
above the surface.
"We living beings in this world
are like the persons under the water
, while— Good Lord! I smell per
fume. No! It's more like the scent
of lilies or apple blossoms.”
“I smell it, too,” the doctor
agreed. “It’s getting stronger and
I heard distinctly the swish of a
dress skirt. Did you hear it, too.
“Don't be alarmed, boys!” Law
ton reassured them. He moved over
to the piano and played softly—
Then, “It is orange blossoms you
smell. Don't you recall my con
cluding words? I told you Mildred
is here present with us. This scent
is how she makes her presence
known. The perfume is that of
her bridal wreath. You remember
I told you we laid her away *- her
bridal dress and crowned her with
her bridal wreath.”
Lawton’s face lighted with pleas
ure as he continued calmly, speak
ing as though he addressed some
one who had just entered the room.
"Welcome, Mildred! The boys are
our old friends and so pleased to
have you join us. Stay with us.
Continued on Page 3, '
NEW. FAM"Tn°99
The latent (Mtwemy of P A
1 hon» .a. world'* k-adUtr (tab and aralp
specialist. RttmalatM a fast prowth of
hair for t>oth men mm! won tea. krrpa
the hair In place, and eoham en tt» lua
ter and beauty, I born an' la« llalr
iirower ever route* itehy ncaip, dan
druff, and fallow Hair, wo n*u*< "a'1 •m-u-u
quirk linar «hat II l» (lulu* lo' Hir llmaanli of
olhor poraana li ran alao do lor W. I'w n *•"!
I our walp will Ihwlr with a frrali faoallhy Irrlla* aud
you will It (Mlshuxl wiUl i»w Kwi» •*«
your hair iwrtahea Vanr own ■drror will loll vw
iuai what Improvrtnrui II will a»l« lu yutar own hair.
Tort thin MonlllW No '1'
two Hair (MM }il«« *Uta
oui ml Woo I ho atumii* lui
piovowMit li oIII luoho In lour
h** Yob will tart BOB life ro
i hi umo iv y*«M huh I hr llrot
I lino you notM' II It you WI Mol
HIM* l hull HBiIrtim oil or (I'h*
m«l, rviuru ii, «mi >out tMUN-v u» lull win w i«ui
W'* \«u aiv umuH u» Am mi u* vt*w »*•••*•
A ml A«tftr*«m ink thr <vu|mmi l •«*%*», *»d |mh }uUT
ihmmmuua «Rly fl.M» i«Ju* imwMunr mu ^ ^
FREE SurnriM ONI with Earh Oniw
Mull \ MMI dttlvl llHlat **»«< Nm Mtwi*»
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uir ■“••• .........
...I*.■I...iiin'! ..»'-iw»~HwmiwiMr: *m
How Modern Women
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(tain l*hv»leal \l|«f—YewlhfaldMCWi
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Her.*'!* the recipe UiM lniH*he»
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Kvery moraine tithe ttne Italf tea*
RTMOIttUl «! Kitisehcn Malta In a
('»»* t'( hot water la-loir tweak fast
eut down in pwtdty amt l at tv
meats-«n huht on potato twitter,
oteam and super in 4 week* pet
on tlte sente* and nole how many
pound* ot tat have vanished
Notice a tan that von have pained
in •mercy—.vtwtr *htn l* etraier -
tour eyra *i*aihle with pier form
healthyou feel totmper tn tswtv—
heener tn nttnd. km«chen will site
any tat person a Joyous surprise.
r**l * belli' of Kr\|*<-I>»n Ball*- the nul
I* IrIRIint aim It la«U « twii II a van
I hi* ai*l hem* term'I eenv tw» you I hi*
1* th* **<le*t. **(**» atm nr**l » a* to
lew* >ee d.m l 1**1 a inpatb Im*
erev*meet In health—*e stolteuOv ener»
t«tlc~ vigorously altv*—vcwr men*r glailtr
Bill b* *tir* lor J-eut health** »a»* Ihtl
l«w a\k fei aim pel Klim Inn Ball* Oil
then* at ary Unigoero to th» •nK