The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 16, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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Mr ami Mrs. W, U My era,
prominent member* of Omaha s»*o
icty. honored their daughter. Mrs
Itaand Myers Jordan, w ith a pretty
reception at the YWCA.. Sundax
exren ng, July 10th. Mr*. Jordan
was quietly married to Mr. Frank
Jordan. Jr., white attending Fiak
University. December 20, Uh*M,
The guest list included about
three hundred Omahaua. who were
reeeixed hv Meadaines Joseph Tay
lor, Walter Craig, Misses Clarett*
Bnldeaux, Mercedes Ferguson,
Margaret Bell. The receiving line
was *he bride. Mr*. Ma*e| Jordan,
who waa chnrming in blue net
with applique flowers of pastel
shades. Sir. Frank Jordan, Jr.,
the gnmm. Miss Florence Mvera,
Mrs. W U Myers am* Mra. C. L.
Mason and daughter. Miss Ixaur*
Williams of Minneapolia. Minne
The reception room was decor
ated with a profusion of palms
and summer flowers. The color
scheme of pink and blue waa vary
beautifully suggested. Kaeii
guest instantly remarked of the
smartness of the affair.
The table was covered with a
lace cloth, and the ladies assisting
were Meadame* William Rose.
Robert A. Rucker. William Roul
hlae and Arthur Rafferty. Mra.
Jordan is a 1983 graduate of Fiak
I'niveraity and a member of the
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.
Mr. Jordan ia a medical atudent
at Meharry Medical College. He
will continue his studies ihcre in
the fall. Many beautiful and use
ful gifts were received.
Mrs T. P Mahammitt Extends
Messrs. Freddie ltanks and
Charles W -on wore the honored
guest* at a picnic supper given by
Mrs. T. P. Mahammitt at her home
2116 North 2"*th Street, Monday
evening. July 11th. Among the
y ningw social set seen on the
lawn were Misses Virginia Jack
mu*. Ijouise Scott. Margarvt Bell,
Grace Adams. Claretta Biddeaux.
Catherine Williams. Constance
singleton Elaine Smith, Helen
Jenkins. Vera Chandler, Helen
Smgleton. Margaret Dickerson
and Jean Blackwell of Baltimore;
Messrs Thomas Chandler, Eugene
Smith. Gait ha Pegg. Ralph Ad
ams, John Adams. Jr.. Gerald
Philip*. Burns Scott. Charles;
!>-k orson. Weldon Solomon,
* hallos Proctor of Texas. 7.. E.
McGee. Wallace Craig of Balti
more and Millard Singleton.
After supper an the lawu. the
picnickers enjoyed dancing at the
home of Mrs Eva Pinkett
Horton Babv Baptised
Baby Estrelda Co suela Hor
ton. infant •laughter of Mr. and
M.*v John Benjamin Horton, Jr.,
was Christisned at the eleven
o'clock services of the St. Phillip
Rp-copnl Church. the Rev. John
Albert Williams officiating
Mrs. Florence Terrell. Miss
K11 e Smith and Mr C C Gal
loway were made the God-parents
of the child.
Mrs. C. U Mason and her daugh
ter. M iss Laura Mae Williams of
Minneapolis. Minnesota are the
house guests ©f Mr. and Mrs W.
L Myers
Mrs. D W Gooden. Neighbor
hood Secretary of the Urban
league, was called to Nashville.
Tennessee, to the bedside of her
sister. Mrs. L. F. Johnson. Tele
grams were received by Dr. Good
en Monday of her sister's death.
She '.eaves a neiee. Miss Lillian
Dixon, who visited Omaha last
summer and a nephew George
Dixon of New York. Mrs. Good
en will remain there indefinitely.
H. B Moore, Prominent Mortic
ian of Kansan City: Guest at
Jackson-Davis Nupti*ls
Mr. H. B. Moore, prominent
mortician of Kansas City, Mo.,
and Mrs. Georgia Jacobs motored
to Omaha to attend the daekson
Davis wedding, which took place
Wednesday. Jnne 29th.
Other out of town guests at
tending the wedding were Mrs. j
A. L Terrell of Centerville. Iowa, j
sister of the bride’s mother; Mr. j
Irs Copeland, Mr. and Mra,
matou, *nd Mra. W, Young of
I i.'oln, Mra (livens and Mra 1C
'’nd'son, aunt of the bride of
Connell Itluffa.
Miss Margaret l*ieker*ot! en |
"Usined members of the younger
set at r,n hour danee, after the
■unt Night Program at the Y.
Saturday evening. July *Hh.
Misses Mildred tlravea and
Dorothy tlravea of Hiawatha, Kan
sas, and Miss t>|ga Harris of
Crankefort, Kanaaa, were visitora
in the city Sunday July 10th.
Miss Mildred Graves and Miaa
Harris have heen in Lincoln for a
Misses Alma amt Hallel Alien,
have returned to the city after
•avitig spent a month in Kanaas
t itv.
Charles Wilaon ami Charles
Dickerson spent the other week’
end in Kansas City, Missouri, af-!
•er their return, Mr. Wilson went j
o St. lamis and returned to Om
aha Tuesday.
Thaddeus Summit of St. lamia
ast arrived in the city, and in
tends to spend the balance of the
mmmer visiting friends and rela
On Way to Shanghai
Mr. William Peebles, son of
Mrs. ami Or. Peebles is now on
Ins wav to Shanghai. China, for
an indefinite stay. Peebles ex
>*ects to visit many ports before
his return to California where he
went this winter from Omaha.
Marshall Heed. June visitor in
he city, is leaving this week for
!. »s Angeles, his home.
M iss Sarah Itrown, coed at Wil-j
■ rforee Cni versify, is expected!
Miss Olive White, popular Den*
' erite, is a visitor in the city, of
Mr. MeVay. her relative.
The Woodson Center, South
"-aha. is getting its tennis courts
into shape, and expects to scud
* "»is representatives to the
North side to compete with the
■-Tars who recently participated in
he Racquet Club Tennis tounui
.<nt. held on the Maple Street
>urts, reported in the snorts stv
t ion,
Mrs. Mary Ounean, active in the
religious, civic and social life of
O.iaha, is vacationing in Port
and. Oregon, the guest of Mr.
end Mrs John Davis, sister and
rot her-mdaw of Mr Ounean
Mary Kllen, the ten year old
daughter of Mrs, Ounean has
on with the Oavis family since
las: January, Mrs, Duncan will
: turn the latter part of July,
Mrs. Nan Martin of Denver and
■orado Springs Colorado. ar
i'-si Monday for a two weeks
siT with relatives and friends
Mrs. Martin is the mother of Mrs
!<aura Martin. 2401 Patrick ave.
''he was accoin|vanievl hy her
candson, John Mascot.
Mr, and Mrs \ Chuck' Southard
md family spent a few days vis
iting in I*wrei*ee. Kansas as
irui sis of Mr. Southard's parents,1
dr. and Mrs. Charles Southard, j
Mrs. Lulu Hemmin&way
Luncheon Quest
Mrs. Flo Southard honored Mi's
Lulu Hemtniitjrway of Memphis.
Tennessee, at a luneheou. Tuesday
’* her home. 2017 Krskine. The!
guests were Mrs. John Albert Wil
liams. Mrs. Charles Cousins, Den
ver. Mrs. Z. E. McGee. Mrs, Mat
tie Middleton, and Mrs. Amelia
Anderson. Mrs. Hemmingwav is
spending the summer with her
brother. Mr. Counter,
Mrs. John Dixon Entertains
One of the most attractively ap
pointed dinner parties was given
Saturday afternoon in honor of
Bishop Washington of Los An California, and other min
isters of the city, at the home of
Mrs. John Dixon. 2520 Maple St.
The place cards were read as fol
lows: Rev. and Mrs. Clay. Rev.
and Mrs. Bell, Bishop Washing
'-u.Mi^me-g3gaL-jiMiL. —mara .asaar nrnMu.mmi mi, mi -mm,.
Win A Prize.
This space will he reserved each w eek for the
readers of th© Omaha Guide.
Starting July 1st, we will begin a monthly
LETTER CONTEST. A Prise will be given at the
end of each month to the best written letter to
OPEN DATE, Choose whatever subject you wish
to write about and send your letter addressed to
(OPEN DATE) Ray of Sunshine.
Pri-rpc' 0*0 Pemes
1 1 l*Ca, | || Assorted ceecolites
ton, Nlder Washington, itev. ami
Mrs. 0. 4, Bun khardt, Mm. 4. S,
Williams, Mm. Mattie Middleton.
Mr. Marshall Reed of l*>s Angeles
and Mias Vera Chandler. A five
course dinner was served.
Entertains at Bridge
Mr. Junior Grayson entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan and
other guests at bridge, Sunday
‘veiling. July 11, after the reoep
tiou at the YWCA, in honor of
the recently revealed marriage of
Mr. Jordan to Ha*el Myers,
laughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1*.
Shower for Mr. ?nd Mrs. Artison
Thursday evening, July 7, Miss
June Artison, 28116 Hamilton, was
hostess at a shower ami dance
party in honor of Mr. and Mm.
Richard Artison. Mrs. Artison
was formerly Miss Ferwilda
Itishop Washington and his
brother and Rev. 0. .1 Rurekhardt
left Monday for Kansas City
where they "ill attend the Sun*
day School Convention,
Clinton Jan tea is leaving for a
summer visit out of town.
Witness Baseball game in Fremont
Last Sunday. July 10, a party
of Omahnns drove to Fremont,
Nebraska, to see the Baeehanite
Team play the Fremont nine.
Those composing the party were
Klaine Smith, X, K. McGee, Jun
ior Grayson. Florence Myers,
Ueorge McGee and Clyde White
Mr Wallace Craig of Baltimore
Maryland, brother of Mrs J. S,
Smith, d027 Manderson, is spend
ing the summer in the eitv.
Leave for Chicago. Detroit and
Points East
Messrs. Norman ('handler, Ku
gene Smith, Charles Wilson ami
Freddie Banks are leaving Mon
lay evening, July U, for Chic
ago, where they will remain for a
three day period. From Chicago
they will go to Jaeksou Michigan
stopping wuh Mis Kiln Smith,
»oiher of Kngenc Smith, They
also intend to recreate in lVtroit,
and vv ill return to Omaha the lat
rr part of \ugust, from where
■hey inteml to go to Los Angeles
to the Olympic games
Mr. and Mrs Fred McDaniels,
lih'JO Bristol, have as their house
guest, the charming M»sv hath
efitte Martin of ('offeyville, Kan
'as, Miss Martin is a teacher in
the schools there and possesses a
very fine voice.
Mrs Lulu Allc of Kort Worth.
T*Af»s. is visitip her cousins. Mr.
ami Mrs. 4. C. Gaston. 2SI3 Char
les Street,
Mr. John Archie 506 South 2lst
stivct and friends, have just rc
turned from a motor trip of the
Miss Gladys Thompson, com
panion to Lita Gray Chaplin,
movie star, now playinp at the
Orphenm, is puest at The Mom
inp Glory Tea Room.
The Junior Booster Club pave
their first annual pienie at River
view Park. Sunday. July A Mes
dames Houston, Duncan and
Moods were the chaperons.
Mrs. Anna Burckhardt. of Tan-'
coin. NVhr.. and the wife of Rev.
O. J. Hurekhardt. is the priest of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Kinney.
Rae Lee Jones, Society Editor.
Omaha Guide.
We wish to express our ap
preciation for the beautifnl write-i
up you pave’ our party, in honor
ot Mrs. Johnson. We also ex*
j teud our congratulations to you
and the Guide staff for a real
I newsy publication.
Your* truly,
Oouneellor Sisters.
Mr. F, 1 j. Barnett of 22nd St.,
i is seriously ill at his home. He
is a former State representative
j and newspaper man of Omaha.
Madame t'orrye Niehols-Steph
ens, vocal instructor at lame Col
lege. Jackson, Tenn., is the house
guest of Mr. ami Mrs. Stephen
Stallworth, 2610 Binney St. Ma*
dame Stephens is of the New
Ktiglaild eonservatorv of music
i and will present the Pageant,
“Heaven Bound” while in the
i city,
-mmm.m-.-j-., •*«««* <««««
Birthday Party
Bit tie Weldon Boss, son of Mr,
! and Mrs, Boosevclt Boss, UolS'x
U»k«> St., eelehrated his 8th birth
day Monday, July 11th. The
ehihlren spent the afternoon in
playing games. Many presents
were received. Miss Kllen White
assisted with the serving. The
guests were; Robert Fry, Mahloti
Thomas. Jimmy t'laxou, Claeenee
Whitney, liorratne and Barbara
•lean Peter* and Klixahctli Vnn
Boss and Mrs. II, Peters
Miss Frances rouugtnn, 4012
Parker attended the Sunday
school convention held June Ulth,
1 10 1st at Hiawatha, Kansas
Mr. William Stuart, well known
m t'onneil Muffs and Omaha, is
speihiing his vaeation with his
relatives and friends Mr. Stew
art is at present t'laim Adjuster
for the National Penefit Idle In
surance t'o , of Washington In .
Mrs. Retvher, manager of the
Vndersoti tlroeery Start*, _t»th \
i,iUe Sts, has returned home from
vausas t'ily. where she went to
1 end her vacation,
Mr. Kri.est Williams. Lake
s: vet. left for Texarkana. Ark ,
" t’t a party of |ample who are
vanning visiting many points
d irerest in tin South,
Mrs W, It long, UNIT Uke St ,
hatl as her guest Saturday her
nephew and his wife, Mr, and Mrs
William Wood, of t'hicago, who
NPonl the day with her, Mrs
Weeds was ewroute home, having
spent several days m St, dee, Me ,
»t the bedside of an uncle, who is
seriously i|| and Mr Woods ,anu
-is far as Omaha to meet his wife.
Mr. Uuw U€*nr. 2421 Maple
S' <* senouslv ill. |, w*s r.
ported that lie is at the St. Jos
eph Hospital
Mrs. Heat nee Robinson of Chi
ejuro. III., is the house guest of
Mr. and Mix 1 lurry I .eland, 8S22
Franklin St.
Mr^ Raul Turner. ti4th and On
tor St., entertained for a group of
the younger set. July 4th.
Mrs. Alma Crosby. 240b North
U>tb St., gave a Chicken Supper,
at her home July !>th, honoring
Mr. and Mrs. Farmer, of Council
Bluffs, Iowa. The evening was
spent in playing whist and danc
-- o
“Return cf Dr. Fu-Manchu_
.H. Ward
“The Galaxy”.
. Susan Ertz
“Lueretia Lombard”.
.Kathleen Norris
‘‘Matroni’s Vineyard”.
. Oppenheim
Rules of j
Letter Contest
I. Will he judged on the timeline** of
th» subject, originality and public
3. Must not contain mom than 300
3. Moat be ill the Outdo Office by
June Mth for the fimt ianue,
Mm I orntta Ituah. South Omaha.
J. H Karma, Omaha Urban 1,‘ga.
Atty John A damn, Jr, IMS N. Mth.
Mr. Olll* law la.
Or, O, B lannot
July 11, iiwa
To the Kditor letter eon test
Kay of Sunshine,
<>mah* Guide,
Omaha. Nebr.
Sukhoi "Oar* of Hwlthy Hair"
At,certain times of the year, as
most everyone has noticed, anim
als “shed their hair". The hair
drops out by the handful, and the
animal's coat is greatly thinned.
At the same time that the old
hair falls out the new hair comes
in, and soon the animal's coat is
as thick as ever,
l human beings there is, in
stead of a seasonal ahedding of the
hair, a constant falling, and a
new growth replacing the loss al
though at certain seasons this
process may he more active than
at other seasons.
This natural falling comes a
bout because the hair loosens from
its papilla, and mounts, or it is
forced into the middle region of
the follicle, from which preear
ions post of attachment, it is
brushed or combed out or it mere
ly drops off.
If the rate of replacement can
keep pace with the rate of loss,
the individual will naturally have
a tine crop of hair, as long as he
has any use for hair.
Hut to maintain this condition
is a problem. Often it is an on
solvable one, This is especially
true if there is a hereditary tend
ency towards baldness, or toward
premature loss of hair.
I. would therefore, urge upon
mothers the 'necessity of giving
careful attention to the condition
of the sealp in their children, so
t at proper exercise, and nutri
t mu of the hair follicle is inter
ed with, or unfavorably influene
ed from any cause.
This early attentiiou to the
tic ds of the scalp will he what l
might call | trophy lactic or proven
live, not only to keep the sealp
in a healthy condition, hut also to
prevent the development of any
parasitic trouble that might, lat
er o*i, cause the loss of hair.
Hair of children, should he
washed, combed, brushed and
cleaned. Hair of w omen and men
should he combed, brushed and j
v ashed, scalp messaged, and
mechanical stimulation
lo maintain the scalp in the
b'st condition of cleanliness, it *\
mo necessary to wash or shampoo
the hair with too great a degree
Ire*pie*»ey. It is net advisable j
foi women to wash the hair often
v than oner every week, or ten
days and for men not more than
iwo or three times weekly.
Yours very truly,
R t\ PRICK, 1
"Hown and Why a of Unman No
hnviour , ,11, A, Overstreet
"Parents and the Pre School
* *'*»»* >>..»». Bints
" hverydny Problems of the K\
cry day Child"..,. T Thom
> Children's Books
"The True Story of Christopher
Columbus'” . Brooks
The Rabbit lantern” ....Rowe
"Juan and Juanita"_Bavlor
"Short Stories for Short Pen’
_ P^' . A spin wall
Books About the Negro
"The New Vgro ' ..Alain Locke
10 Year Subscriber
Mrs Sarah Carter. 2120 North
20th St., was a visitor at the Guide
office this week and she has a ten I
year subscription with The Omaha
Visitors at the Guide
Mr. Henry Black, mail carrier
vyho just returned from his vacs !
tion in California and will write
his very interesting trip for the
Guide next week.
• • •
Bishop Wm. Washington whoj
has just closed a four week reviv- i
al in Omaha.
Mr. Ollio Lewi*, railway mail
The annual sonnon of tho Sin
hold Sunday July J, l>r, tloodon
"only Tomplo of tho S. M, T. was
aotmi as Mast or of (Yromnnioa.
• • •
Mrs Mary Kwing of Kansas
t'd,\ Kansas was tho guest of her
hrothor Mr. I*. I*. Karmor, July 4.
The t'lnh mot at tho homo of
Miss Hritton. tho oluh roportor.
Vftor tho business mooting tho
ovoning was spout in playing
whist. The first pri*o was won
h> Mr. Overton, hoohy hv Mrs.
I fun tor. Tho 4th pi on to provod
to ho a roal snores*. Tho nest
mooting will ho hold at tho rosL
donoo of Miss Young, tho iVoai*
lout Miss Young. Pros.. Miss
Hritton, roportor.
Hi* Rainbow (Tirol* Club
The Rainbow ('irole Club was j
entertained by Mr. Taylor at the1
Klk's Hall. The first priae was
won by Mrs. 11. Brown; the sec
ond by Mrs. A. Burton. The
nn u 's first priae was won by Mr. j
Bates snd the second was won by
Mr. H, Brown. The visitors pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. J. lamia.
Mrs. Denson. Mix Weklie, Miss
Detespine, Mrs. A. Eddine, Mr.
01 over. Mr. W. Cooper. Visitors
are always welcome, Mrs Wil
1mm, President; Mrs, Brown,
Treasurer, Mrs. Redman, See’y.
rile Carter Charity Club, met
at the home of Mrs. Arthur Raf
fei'ty, 25HU Krskine Street, Thura- I
day, July 7th, with Messrs. Raf
ail «« hostesses. One new mem
feity, 11 Ribs. Caldwell and Stov
her was added to the Carter club l
at this meeting, Mrs Ha*el Wal-i
ton. One member is ill, Mix Dix- j
on. Visitors were Mrs, Gertrud©
Galloway of Council Bluffs, 1«„
and Mix Beatrice Robinson of
( Iticago, Forty-five persons at
tended this meeting After the
buainess session. Mix S, H. Canty
rendered a very nice short pro
gram, at'ler which the hostesses
served and a social hour was en
joyed by all present. Everyone
left at a late hour expressing the
wish that the hostesses would
serve the club again, whvf I
think it must have been that “Or
amrv lee “
Verse for the Month
Rather. I have learned Thy
will to do,
1 pmy that I may he more
To good, seeing that only
troth is true.
Help me to understand, eaeh
wrong forgive.
h'or kindness show n let me
help someone too
Not my own w ill, hut Thine,
thus may I live’
Mrs \rdinia Watson, President
Mrs Marie Stuart, Reporter
Joyeux Bridge Club Surprise
The Joyeaux I bridge t'lub ehv,
ed its season with a surprise din
tier party in honor of wives of the
members, at the Ritx t'afe, VYi
day evening, July s A three
course dinner wav served, after
whteh the party spent the evening
playing bridge on the beautiful
lawn at the Southard'* home,
'JtRH Krskine,
FunnafUu Entertain Member*
Monday July -Hit, the Funna
vtlas Sooial Club held * picnic at
the beautiful King’* Lake, twon
tv union north of the oity, Tho
delirious luneheon was quite on
joynble out there in the upon.
Swimming and boating oonatitut
ed the other diversion,
I'huraday night following, the
l''uuuagla* were entertained at a
watermelon feast at Mandan
l*ark, and w*n that Ueorgia Ham
put away in good style!
Friday night, this same set was
entertained hy Mr, Lewis Artisan
at Ins home, 2816 Hamilton, at a
chirk on dinner. All preaent en
joyed the evening.
St. dolin'* Senior Hoostor Club
held its annual pienie Monday,
July 4th The members had
planned to pienie at a grove near
Henson, but the weather forced
them to eh*nge their plans. They
however, had a very delightful
indoor pienie at the spaeioua home
of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Perkins.
• • %
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. MeVay, 2888
t'orhy St., received the Senior
Hooster Cluh Wednesday evening
dnl> <> at their regular meeting.
Mr. Tony Anthony of Lot Angeles
California and Mimes White of
Denver, Colorado, were the visit
ors. After the business meeting
the lioatess served refreshments.
Richardson Bros.
A 1 rial will conviiu'e you of
Our Superior Work and
Heaaonable Prices,
Cor. 34th and Bnrdatt# Sts.
l«rroy A. Itiehardaon, Mgr,
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-Mth amt Kvatur St, I
' WK J
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Gold Seal Creamery Co. j
80th and Underwood Aw. HArney 8201 or Glendale 2020
Panteurited Milk. Butter, Sweet and Sour Cream. Whipping
Cream. Butter Milk, and Fmh Country Egg*
J. R. TAYUUt, Prop
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Dry Cleaning of
All Work Guaranteed to Be Satisfactory
2401 North 24th Street WEbster 6055 I