AVT11L 25, 1907. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT subdue his proud spirit it may be nec essary to put Mr. Patterson in Jail, and at present 'Denver has no Jail room to spare. anew m ine last iialr or April is by no means so unusual as the exclama tions of the people yesterday would lead a stranger to think. Four "years ago a general snow and cold wave de scended upon the Missouri valley m April 29 and 30. It came after a period of warm weather and caught the frui. trees all in bloom. The heavy masses" of blossoms covered by sleet, ice and snow made a Dathetic siffht. That was ' 11 1 1 A , . , . me com wave mat went on to sc. Louis and froze up the dedication ex ercises of the exposition held a year ahead of the fair opening. April storms don't come every year in this region, but when they do arrive they are likely to be corkers. The campaign in New York against the carrying of concealed weapons had its origin in a number of deadly assaults committed a few daws ago by foreigners, mostly Italians. Last Sun day a man accldently brushed against an Italian, whose brother fired three shots and dangerously wounded th'j innocent offender, afterwards mortally wounding two policemen who seined hirn In a neighboring hallway. On the following day two Italians resented with stilletos the jostling in an eleva ted train, stabbing one man to death and -mortally wound ng another. These events have had more to do than 'he Thaw trial in starting the hunt after people who carry weapons, although that case added its mite to the prevail ing sentiment that i' is time for the introduction of a little more civiliza tion on Manhattan island. The Oklahoma constitutional conven tion has placed in the constitution a section making it mandatory upon the legislature to adopt a primary law gov erning all nominations for office after statehood. The republican mem bers of the convention, together with two democrats, voted against this pro vision, alleging as a reason that the ex pense of making nominations by the primary method would be too great., 1 this mandatory provision in .the Okla homa constitution .eoneIs no better obedience' by the legislature than the mandatory provision in Nebraska's constitution requiring a legislative ap portionment every five years then di rect primary" laws in Oklahoma must look to the people instead of the con stitution to secure their passage. And that is where the advocate of a direct primary law believes in looking. . Arbitration is the coining word now for coll.'&ions between a college faculty and the students. Down at Drury col lege, Springfield, Mo., the entire junior class has been suspended because ot class resolutions reflecting upon tha college government. Somebody stole the ice cream for the seniors' reception. A junior was apprehended Jf or the act. but refused to divulge the names or others engaged in this piece of class enterprise. He was suspended from pchool. Then the class roasted the fac ulty in resolutions and the faculty evened up by suspending the class Now the college board of trustees has appointed a representative to arbitrate the situation. ' "Johnnie, coine here," says the fond mother of the future as she holds the switch in her hand be hind the back of her dress. "I won't do it, ma," answers Johnnie, "I'll arbi trate." Des Moines has a flourishing college of osteopathy, yet a bill granting recognition to that school of healing after passing the Iowa house was sidetracked when it reached the senate sifting committee to the great disap pointment of those interested in giving that method of treating the sick an even legal show with the older if not more efficacious systems. Benefits to the afflicted are secured by so many different processes that the natural tendency is to brush away all barriers and h ave it with the one chiefly inter ested to pay his money and take his choice. If it were possible in any of the schools to lay in a stock of absoluto knowledge this might be different, but beyond certain narrow limitations there is so much uncertninity, so much conjecture, so much guess work, It doesn't seem reasonable that any school should b2 given a legal monopoly of the work and worry of abolishing sickness. Thirteen states have osteopathic boards to pass upon the qualifications of those who sock licenses to practice this art and others are Inclined to thlnl: this la In line with the Mjiiare d-al. Mavhc Attorney General JacKson is haclJntrat the tap root of the liquor In t k! n e.'-'.H In Kansas'. Prohibition baa never prohibited there or elsewhere. Tlil ban commonly been Liken to mean that piieh law. are mienforeublo, n fai t which has ben made tbo reason or at h'ost the excuse for n largo proportion of the oUx In other states am! town against prohibitory mean urc, Mt whih' p inhibition law have twin In inMiilii.il effort In Kansas, tn tMisliHKrt rf putting llpor on sale nt wholesale ha ti'H been dl-turh-d The situation is . as if in Nebraska with the killing: and sale of game prohibited men should yet be permitted to "es tablish themselves openly in the busi ness of game shipping. It is self evl dent they, can ' not exist except as somebody violates the law, yet they are permitted to exist. Attorney Gen eral Jackson's campaign for the en forcement of the prohibitory law in volves ousting the wholesale liquor dealers and liquor manufacturers from doing business in the state. That would tend to take these interests out of the business of breaking the law or of enabling others to break it. The owners of vineyards in Europe are losing faith in the efficiency of ex plosives in breaking up the hail storms that occasionally bring disaster to their Industry; Some apparently successful experiments have been made in check ing hail with cannon and mortars, but last season saw an unusual number of these sto-ms and they were- bombarded with no appreciable success. So the Italian and the Austrian governments have given up experimentation along these lines, apparently because of a conviction that they are ineffective Theoretically it is possible to break up a hail storm with explosives. The trouble is that the forces of nature act on so gigantic a scale that the cost of creating power enough to turn aside or neutralize ?torms is prohibitive. This was discovered ten years ago by the experimenters who were attempting to create rain by concussion in the United States. They did not prove that rain could be produced, but they did dem onstrate that it would not be worth its in dynamite if it were possible to shake it out of the heavens. A year ago W. J. Crandall of Firth was one of the well-to-do business men of Lancaster county. From his flouring mill, bank and other invest ments he received a handsome Income, but he had an ambition to accumu late a fortune that should dazzle his friends in the Empire state wnere he hoped to return when the goal of his ambition was attained. He grew res tive under the slow methdds of legiti mate, business returns. The board of trade offered quick profits with at least even chances to win. He touched the harp lightly and the re sponse was pleasing to his ears. His judgment was vindicated. It Is the old story oft related. He found the game alluring. He played recklessly and he played again and lost. He tried to retrieve and went deeper into the swamp. After a succession jof disasters in the mad hope of saving himself he risked everything, and everything went. It is a short but pathetic story. The savings of years of close and care ful application to business thrown away in this great national gambling game, the real "dementia Americana'' which is v causing the legislatures of many states to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. The remarks of the Kearney Hub continue to indicate that Governor Sheldon could not get a vote for pound master in all Buffalo county. It Is interesting to figure how this bitter ness will affect future nominations and elections. Under the convention sys tem the counties affected by the re cent vetoes could form a V-shaped wedge, get a number of candidates for the governorship and other offices be hind them, and plow through the go(v emor's line like a crowd of Carlisle Indians. Under the primary system this sort of thing is more difficult. In every county the republicans will be able to vote for or against Governor Sheldon on his record, and without any reference to the ambitions of some of their neighbors to be state treasurer or land commissioner. It will be a square issue on every office under the new plan, whereas nominations in con ventions were secured after a multitude of complications had been solved, many of them having nothing whatever to do with the fitness of the candidates or their official records. Governor Sheldon naturally had no thought of future terms in mind when he applied the pruning knife to the appropriation bills, but it will not discourage his friends to know that the direct pri mary system makes It virtually Im possible for an aggrieved locality to punish a veto that wins approval from the rest of the state. From the measure now before the New York legislature providing for the Torreiis system of land titles a good Idea can bo gained of tho main points In the system and I he procedure neces rary to install It, , Should the bill be come a law land titles would bo rrgis tercd with an officer of the county In which the land It located. That oilier would take th plnr of tho register of deed In Nebraska. The estab lishing of title with this office 1 conclusive evldenro of ownership, behind which, after.the original chariKd his been completed, nobody can fro. Trinfrs of title can then bo mad merely by roglt?rlnir the same nt an cipense of three dollars. The time re quired frr the transfer In nix hour, tind the registration Is final evidence ot roundness of title. To change a parcel from the old to tha new registeraMon is however a slow and somewhat expensive process Persons claiming title to land file their claims with a. specified court, and aft er proper steps have been taken the protection of other possible claims ants a decree is issued permitting tho land to go on record In a given name. By this system, act t icing to its ad vocate3, land will be made a quick, readily negotiable asset, facilitlng the securing of loans, and will make it easier for small owners by cheapening the process of gaining and transfer ring title. The principal objection made against the Introduction of the sys tem in New Yo.it is the great amount of labor required In making the Change. The .rn,;hinery provided for the purpose could not pass air laud titles in a hundred years, says one critic, who, by tha way, is interested in the title guarantee business. No fear seems manifest that the T;rrens titles would not be as safe, after being once established, as any ftle could be. -. ..... ,tntt J,.!, J -. TTttTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTtttttTT 4 - 4 HUFFAI.O COUNTY. Q 4 ( Kearney New.-Era Standard,) 4 In all the good work done by the late legislature, how much 4 assistance did Buffalo county 4 render? We had three men 4 4 down there, supposed to be 4" 4 working for the people. It is al- 4 4 ready well known that one of 4 4 them, Tom Hamer, utterly 4 4 failed to do tho work he was 4 4 sent there to do. Instead, he 4 Joined the corporations and lent 4 4; all his energies to defeating tho 4 4 very measures he was in duty , 4 4 bound to support as a pledged 4 representative of the people. 4 4 Ills colleague, George Bar- 4 4 rett, returns home in honor, 4 4 with a clean record. Upon all 4 4 the important questions he 4 4 voted right. He made no 4 speeches, but . ho studied the 4 bills, and being for the people 4 4 naturally cast his vote for their 4 4 , Interests. Through him Buffalo 4 4 i county lifted somewhat '6n the ,4 4 reforms accomplished. 4 The third man, , Senator Thomson, was neither gooa nor 4 4 bad, but Just Indifferent as an 4 4 influential factor. Part of the 4 4 time he voted right, but about 4 4 ' half the time he voted wrong. 4 He made no speeches. He fail- 4 4 ed to keep well posted on pend- 4 4 ing bills. He was, a ,follo.werY not ,.4 4 a teaderi'" He simply occupied a "chair tut did' not 'fill ' the' of-' 4 flee. Such men bring no credit to Buffalo county. We ought 4 4 to send bigger and better men 4 4 to the state senate. 4 44Hff4M444W4444 Absolute cleanliness should maintain throughout the sick room. If possible there should be no carpeting upon the floor other than a rug, or two, so that it may bo wiped every day with a J damp cloth. Sweeping is onviousiy im possible. No dust or litter of any kind should be allowed to collect anywhere Every furnishing that is not necessary for use and comfort should be removed from the room. No array of medicine bottles and sick-room paraphernalia should be In view. GOOD-BYE AND GOOD LUCK London Answers: "There goes eleven; I shall just have time to catch my last," says the friend on whose ac count I have left the theatre at the absorbing moment half way through the last act when the tangled dramatic web was being straightened out, and all was coming "happy, In the end." A hansom pulls eagerly across from the rank. "Eueton," says my friend, and we are soon deep in converse. We turn Into the big booking: hall of the vast station, and I star with astonishment. It is crowded with peo ple, and the air la full of the surging hum of hundreds of people, all en gaged In conversation. "Emigration party," says my friend, In reply to my look of Inquiry. "They go from here every Wednesday and l'YIday, Canada, I think poor beg gars! Well, bye-bye! See you on Thursday, Take care of yourself, and make haste home." To the West. But In Kplto of th' fatherly ndmo notlon. I linger in the great hall, fas cinated by the strange crowd, and by the knowledge that hero before my eycH hundreds of dramas, nay, It may bo tragedies, In real llfo are being en acted. Tho olti country In sending forth another short length of Its nev-er-endinjr stream of unwanted. 8mig Rle, effort and desire have been all In vain; there Is no room In the land of their birth, no snstenunc for tbem and theirs In the motherland; brawn, muscle and brain have been offered again and again, and, sick at heart, the unwanted are turning their faces to the west; work, comfort, it may bo fortune, are waiting across the ocean. They must depart and seek them. But the severing of the last Jink with tho old country Is trying, in some cases an agonizing ordeal, and most of the faces of the emigrants are white and troubled. Well-meaning friends are doing their best to lessen the grief of part ing; but there is something grimly suggestive of tho last rites In their lyrical and oral efforts In this direc tion. And It would have been belter for the emigrants If some of them had stopped at home. That pallid girl, for instance, whose swollen red eyes are the only touch of color In her deathly face. It would have been better for the young fellow to whose arm she is clinging as a drowning man might cling to the rope which Is drawing him back to life it would have been better for him to have faced the last midnight alone. They walk to and fro among the crowd, and every now and then he bends to speak to her. But she says never a word, she only looks blankly, dreadfully, before her, contemplating perhaps a life which must be Hvod without the only glimpse of sweetness and hope that has ever entered into it. - ...... And the tearful young wife with the child which whimpers unceasingly lie cause its mdther weeps her husband who sits by her side might have been launched more cheerfully Into the new life which starts for him tonight, Nearfnw the Knil. All are not sad, however. Some are laughing and chatting manfully, and In a dim corner, entirely by himself, a sheepish lad of sixteen or so Is try ing to infuse something of lightness into his lonely lot by crooning most dismally on a mouth-organ. The hum of talk grows deeper as fresh arrivals hwpII th vnliimn nml snatches reach nie as I . mingle with tno crowd. , , "Well, Bill 'Arris, 'e did all right, any'ow.' "Never mind, old trirl. never mind " "Bill 'Arris. ' save 'e " 'Shut up, you fidgety little brat!" "Yi'H, starts at 12 " And so the chatter-snatches reach me. The talR is entirely common place. It is only on the stage that leave-takings are eloquent; in reality they are a weariness to the flesh. , jmow. tne- time for .departure draws near... a. .general .move -is mamvTor'tlre train which takes the emigrants to Liverpool. Mothers are packing their little ones awav into heris i on the hard carriage spats f:i t horu nn beginning to get fidgety; young men who have, till now, resolutely declined tne nave just pne," so oft repeated by leave-takiner friends, nhsr-rvj ihc time is too short now for much liquor, and yield. Ah me! I wonder how many men have been driven nut of th country by just such well-meaning xnenusY , ... Half a dozen black men arrive, and. erivln a rbnorv wnnt here and there, gather together the parties for which., thev are rfisnonslhifi and bundle them into the train, which is lining rapidly now. 1 he farewells are hocnminir tmrpiiut and feverish now, everyone seeing to be kissing. hustle checks any tendency to mor- LJ JU.. 1 . , .... i (i iv wnu'n mien: hava kav, k k ited. The carriage doors are closed, the last crood-hvfs the carriage windows; the guard's wnistie mows, and slowly the monster moves OUt Of the Station A rhonr la raised from the platform,' and another ioaa or tne unwanted has departed from the land of their birth In mnut cases never to return again. IS It Safe. I WOndpr. to cnomilaln on what will ultimately become of this pathetic little batch of the unwanted? How many will find that the first ob jectionable syllable of this objection able word will be expunged, and that thev have rpcninprl tho. rio-iif n., and respect themselves?. Many, I trust, uopo unu minK,- ior neneath all the tears and tho forced laughter, th banter, and. alas! thf lintrh there is an air of quiet resolution and Biuruy intention. Gool-be and (Jooil I.uok. I think It will be thr fnoit f iu new country they are bound for if they do not prove themselves worthy of the country they come from. j-arewill, little army of tho hopeful unwanted. It is pitiful Chat you should have to leaVO all the fnmllt.-ir frinnrix and places; all you have known since your uirin, jjut the old country must give some of the sumlua t ih and, at nil events, over the seas there Is hope, hero there la nrr-. Most of you wo shall never see again. 8ome of you will return with doleful sto ries of tho dlsapolntpmcntH of tho un- iiuea wilderness; but most of you will remain to flirht and strnctr! therm). nnd to win perhaps fortunes at any ntir, a uveinooa. And as th. mfcitir tiAwiv n-n.i.. out of the station. 1 t OO. wnva m f hut and Join In the rener4 cry, "Good-bye nuu kttou i lira s