The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, November 06, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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But the Railroad Aeledtke Tmrt of Blgh
' I wamen This Tim.
The attitude of Nebraska railroads
towards the different political parties
was well displayed by the action of the
Burlington people towards Mr. Bryan
and his party last week. In order to
fill the dates made for him by the fu
sion state committees Mr. Bryan was
compelled to make use of a special
The treatment accorded to Mr. Bry
an and his associates was well ex
plained by a special dispatch to the
World-Herald last Sunday morning.
The dispatch reads as follows:
Ravenna, Neb., Nov. 1. It was not
by the aid or consent of the railroads
that Mr. Bryan and his party were
able to carry out the program for to
day at Broken Bow and Ravenna.
Meantime some of the most interest
ing and picturesque hours of the trip
were experienced. After a mad but
merry chase across country from mid
night until dawn the party made
Broken Bow in spite of obstacles.
It was at Loup City that the first
complication presented itself. When
the special arrived at that city there
was a telegram from a Burlington offi
cial instructing the conductor to de
mand $115 extra for the special train
if it carried the Bryan party back to
Aurora. The train had been hired for
the day, and was paid for in advance
at the rate of $1.50 per mile from
Fairmont to Loup City, and at the
rate of 75 cents per mile from Loup
City back to Aurora, a division point.
As the train had not returned when
the Loup City meeting was over the
Bryan party asked if they could re
turn to Aurora at regular .rates. The
train was ready to start, and as the re
turn trip had been paid for, the party
supposed there would be no objection.
When it was learned that the company
wanted to add a full rate to the half
rate, anu charge 50 per cent more to
take. the party back on a deadheaded
train that was ready to make the trip
than it cost in the first place, Mr. Bry
an and those with him refused to sub
mit to the extortion, and decided to
make the trip to 'Ravenna by private
conveyance. There was no thought,
however, of abandoning the trip to
Broken Bow, if by any possibility it
could be made. Events proved that
Mr. Bryan was not to be defeated so
It was pointed out that the attitude
of the railroad on this occasion was
vastly different from the attitude of
the Elkhorn on July 9, when it forced
the regular passengers to wait over in
order to make up a special for Can
didate Mickey and . run it from Fre
mont to Bordeaux.
After Mr. Bryan had spoken at the
opera house and the road's demands
were ascertained, a conference was
held at the hotel and a number of ex
pediments were suggested and good
stories told before it was at length de
cided to drive across the rain-swept
hills from Loup City to Ravenna, a
distance of twenty-two miles, to catch
the local morning train. It was near
ly midL-ght, and a committee of citi
zens opened up negotiations with the
liverymen, Mr. Mathew, candidate on
the fusion ticket for county attorney,
returning to the hotel occasionally to
report progress.
When all arrangements for two rigs
had been satisfactorily concluded, Mr.
Mathews appeared and caused con
sternation by saying: "Another com
plication, one of the horses is sick and
we have been bracing him with medi
cine." It was agreed that it would
be out of the question to attempt the
hard drive on the terrible roads with a
sick horse.
At this juncture a gentleman whose
home is in Ravenna generously prof
fered his spring wagon for the trip.
"My horses are good, but I don't know
the road very well," he said. "Let the
livery rig go ahead and I'll follow."
This plan met with loud applause, and
it was at once decided to attempt the
After a cup of coffee four members
of the party, Mr. Bryan, General Bar
ry, J. H. Edmisten, member of the
populist executive committee for the
Sixth district, and, the World-Herald
correspondent made the start for Ra
venna. General Barry and Mr. Bryan
nestled down in the hay that had been
placed in the bed of the wagon. The
other two members of the party
climbed into the buggy and gave the
driver the word to start. Scarcely
had Loup City been left behind when
it was discovered that the spring wa
gon was missing. From that time un
til Ravenna was reached the two di
visions did not come within sight of
each other.
Tin afternoon rain had penetrated
just deep enough to make the roads
slippery and travel slow. The stars
were out, but there was no moon. The
driver, however, knew his way by the
"dipper" and he occasionally gave it an
affectionate glance over his left shoul
der as he urged his horses southward.
When 4:40 o'clock came, after four
hours of painful plodding, Ravenna
was not in sight and the only hope was
that the train would be late. At just
o o'clock the exhausted horses stag
gered up to the station platform. The
train was late. It would arrive In fif
teen minutes, said the agent."
' Mr. Bryan and General Barry, how
ever, were not there. When the train
arrived men ran to ' and fro with
htorches for ten minutes testing the
wheels. Mr. Edmisten and the World
Herald correspondent climbed abroad,
resolved to reach Broken Bow and
report Mr. Bryan's determined, but
futile effort, to keep the date.
"All aboard," shouted the conductor.
Then General Barry and Mr. Bryan
rushed out of the darkness and sprang
to the platform. As they entered the
smoker they confronted their despon
dent friends and a hearty laugh fol
lowed. Mr. i)ryan and General Barry re
ported that at a point six miles out of
Loup City they lost their way and
were piloted by Albert Snyder, a far-,
mer living near the road, who accom-'
panied them a distance of ten miles,
and but for whose assistance they
would not have arrived at Ravenna
until too late. The general and Mr.
Bryan were covered with hay and
looked decidedly dishevelled. But the
battle had been won and the trip to
Broken Bow was a cheery one.
The train arrived at Broken Bow
a few minutes before 7 o'clock in the
morning. A sleep of four hours at the
hotel considerably refreshed Mr. Bry
an and he made a spirited and telling
speech to his Broken Bow audience.
The local committees at Broken Bow
and Ravenna had made excellent ar
rangements and in spite of the short
time in which the meetings had been
advertised they were attended by hun
dreds of people from the country dis
tricts. From Broken Bow back to Ra
venna the trip was made on a freight
train and the party arrived several
hours earlier than it was expected. Mr.
Bryan had a chance to meet and talk
with many old friends. He finished
his wearing trip in good spirits and
voice. Late tonight he left for Lincoln.
Forty Years a Republican.
Editor Independent: I desire to in
form my old friend, Califf Lafferty of
Iowa, who is also a subscriber to your
invaluable paper, why I left the repub
lican party after voting with it for
nearly forty years. When I voted with
that party it had many policies that
were good, now it has but few. Then
it advocated bimetallism and in 1890
pledged themselves to promote the in
terests of bimetallism and afterwards
repudiated their pledge. Now it is
wedded to the gold standard; then it
boasted of having been the author of
the greenbacks, that paid our soldiers,
that bought the supplies, that put
down the greatest war of the world;
now it is their destroyer. Then it
claimed to' be a friend of the silver
dollar; now it is pledged to its ex
termination. Then it was a friend of
laborers and producers; now for the
classes and trusts. Then its policies
were directed by patriotism now by
dollars and cents. Then It had a voice
for struggling liberty now shot and
shell. Then it aided Christian mission
aries; now it shoots Christians and
bribes pagans. Then It was a power
for peace; now it is for force and
plunder. Then its platforms extolled
the teachings of its Lincolns, Garfields,
and Blaines; now it boasts of its Fun
stons, Hannas, and even Cleveland's
financial policy. Then it passed anti
trust laws; now it refuses to enforce
them. Then it condemned Cleveland's
financial policy; now it praises and
adopts it. Then it was anti-slavery;
now it favors slavery in the Philip
pine archipelago. Then it favored the
masses: now it fosters the classes. Then
it proclaimed that "labor was prior
to and superior to capital and should
always have the first consideration;"
now it gives capital the first consider
ation. Because of all the changes, and
more, is the reason why I don't vote
with the republican party.- The re
publican party left me; I did not leave
it. Am I right or am I wrong?
An old soldier from '61 to '65.
Clayton, 111.
One Hundred Thousand.
Editor Independent: I send you one
new subscriber. I hope that you will
increase your circulation to one hun
dred thousand. W. W. NUTTER.
Masonville, Colo.
Readers of The Independent should
examine the advertisements In its col
umns. It will pay you to read them
and take advantage of the bargains of
fered. Always mention The Independent.
Iami October, 1902 Importation of Black Percherons, Belgians and Coachen was
the larg-est ever made west of the Missouri Hirer.. Hia stallions of bif aize, quality,
finish and extremely low prices are propositions that wll make you Lis buyer, if
yon can par cash or (ire bankable note, you will sure buy stallions of lama. Only man
in the U. 8. that imported only blaek or bay stallions. lie has just imported,
Shipped to N. Y. by fast boat, then by Farro Express, special train from N. Y.toSt
Paul, Nebr. lams bif barns are full of bif blaek ton stallions, fie is just finishing a
new barn 36x100 feet. lams horses are the sensation of the town, visitors throng hia
barn and say, "Never saw ao many big black stallions together:" "They are larger,
bigger bone, more finish than ever before;" "But lams is progressive ;" "He burs them
larger and better each year;" "He makea prices that makes the people buy hia horses."
"lams has a horse show every day better than State Fairs." lie has on hand over
100 Black Percherons, Belgians and Coachers 100
2 to 6 years old, weight 1600 to 2500 lbs. ; More bfaok percherons, ton stallions, winners
at largest French horse shows, more goTernment approved and stamped stallions of
any one importer in the west. lams speaks French and German ; pats no intkbpbktkb,
no botsrs, MO SALESMEN, no 2 to 10 men as partners to thare profits. Bis buyers get
MIDDLRMEN9 PROFITS and salabies. lams boys direct from breeders. This with his
20 years experience, secures the best. All the above facts save his buyers $"00 and $1000
on a first class stallion and you get a first class horse, as only second-rate stallions are
peddled by slick salesmen to be sold. Good ones sell themselves. It costs $000 and
$800 to have salesmen form company and sell a second rate stallion. Form your own
companies. Go direct ta lams barns. He will sell you a better stallion for $1000 and
$1200 than others are selling at 2000 and $1000. lams pays horses freight and his buy
ers fare. Good guarantees. Barns in town. Don't be a clam. Write for an eye
opener and finest horse catalogue on earth.
St. Paul, Howard Co., Nebr. OrvU. P. andB. &. M. Rys.
References: St. Paul State Bank, First State Bank, Citizens National Bank.
Is Silver a Legal Tender.
The National Tribune says: "At
this late day the supreme court is
about to pass upon the question of the
constitutionality of the legal tender
provisions of the Eland-Allison act of
"The case originated in Michigan in
1897, and the parties to the litigation
are Fred A. Baker and Stephen Bald
win. Baldwin was indebted to Baker
to the extent of $364, and in payment
rendered 364 silver dollars. Baker re
fused to accept the silver, alleging
that it was not legal money. Baldwin
brought suit in the state courts of
Michigan to compel acceptance, and
those courts sustained his contention.
Baker brought the case to the su
preme court on a writ of error, and the
court will now take the case up for
final consideration."
Editor Independent: I enclose the
above clipping from the National Tri
bune of Washington, D. C, dated Octo
ber 23. Will you please let us know if
silver dollars were legal tender in the
year 1897? Please tell your readers
when silver dollars ceased to be legal
tender and when they again became
legal money. I am much pleased with
your paper, The Independent
Glendale, Ky.
(The silver dollar never was de
monetized; that is, there never was a
time in the history of this govern
ment when it was not a legal tender
to a greater or less extent It Is a
legal tender today "except where oth
erwise provided in the contract." There
are many other things that are legal
tender besides gold. National bank
notes are legal tender .between banks
and for all payments made by the gov
ernment for services or supplies. You
can find out exactly to what extent a
national bank note is legal tender by
reading what is printed on its face and
back. Greenbacks are legal tender for
all debts and obligations except duties
on imports and interest on public debt.
If the followers of Fowler or any of
that gang ever get congress to make
gold the sole legal tender in this coun
try, then we shall have a gold stand
ard. At present we are a thousand
miles from it It is the opinion of The
Independent that the real leaders of
the republican party will think once
or twice before they undertake to de
stroy what legal tender power is left
to the silver dollar. If they make it
redeemable in gold and undertake to
redeem the six hundred million silver
certificates in that metal there will be
a crash such as the world never saw.
If that is what the financial moguls
want, why, of course, they will get it
For over sixty years Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup has been used by
mothers for their children while teeth
ing. Are you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cut
ting Teeth? If so send at once and
get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its
value is incalculable. It will relieve
the poor little sufferer Immediately.
Depend upon it, mothers, there la no
mistake about it It cures diarrhoea,
regulates the stomach and bowels,
cures wind colic, softens the gums, re
duces Inflammation, and gives tone
and energy to the whole system. "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for chil
dren teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of the
oldest and best female physicians and
nurses In the United States, and Is for
sale by all druggists throughout the
wond. Price. 25 cents a bottle. Be
sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup."
Just imagine what would have hap
pened on Wall street at any time dur
ing the last few weeks if there had
been six hundred million silver dol
lars to redeem In gold. Ed. Ind.)
Their Tax Kate Is Kven Lower Than That
of the ltallroads of Nebraska.
Everywhere and all over the United
States the rich are largely exempted
from taxation. We have had a big
fight in this state over the question of
whether the Goulds, Harrimans and
Hills who own the railroads, shall pay
the same rate of taxation that other
citizens pay. But as tax shirkers the
railroads do not equal the anthracite
coal barons.
Bolton Hall of New York city, an
expert in taxation -matters, made this
public statement during the coal
"The gigantic coal companies of
Pennsylvania pay practically no taxes
on their valuable properties. I mean
that, as a rule, they pay farm taxes
on land that Mr. Schwab testified to be
worth $30,000 per acre. There is not
an acre of coal land but is worth $3,
000, and much of It is worth Mr.
Schwab's valuation. I have the trans
cripts from the assessors' lists to show
that much of the coal land is assessed
at $3 per acre. The highest rate that
I can discover is that of coal land. In
other words, the coal companies are
exempt from taxation.
"Now for the remedy: Let the com
monwealth tax the coal barons. Noth
ing would bring them to their senses
so quickly. They are demanding the
protection of the state militia, which
they avoid supporting. If the coal
barons paid the taxes they should
pay the burdens on the other people of
Pennsylvania would be lightened fully
This reduced to a few words is that
the coal land owners of Pennsylvania
avoid $6,000,000 of taxation by mon
strous undervaluation of their highly
valuable land.
He Has The Blues.
Editor Independent: I see that my
time expired in May, so I thought I
would send you 50 cents to help on
your building and that you may be in
dependent of capital as far as a house
is concerned. I have the blues in
politics. We have no great men to
lead us out. Yours for the right
St Andrews, Wash.
A book of valuable advice upon
By D. L. Ramsdell, M. D.
If you want reliable advice and improved
treatment, write me about your case.
Free Consultation Home Treatment
1154 O St., Lincoln, Nebr.