V (2 3 ' -s..l II i r 8 !J Spring (fc Summer JFoir i(S0 JUST ARRIVED AT McCEATU, BnOTlIEIlS l( CO "c" , . FaRRBAM StRIKT, Omaiia ( Ltlvern XSlh and lith Stretit . Whers may at" all times be found one of -rrpfoe largest I ... v .. . . ... ad bait selected stocks of. Dry Goods and GROCERIES . Wst or tu Misocm Rri : - - Consisting in part Goods. Prints, Bereer. De- Lains, Ready-made Clothing Tea, Coff.-; Sutrar. Crockery, Hardware, ' Carnets, Boots and Shoes, I lata and Caps. etc. ' Ill -If. A. D. JOSES, (Sututor le J. II. ford.) Wholesale an DEALER IN Drags, KflatHdnas. Oils, fUntt, Brushes, Varnish, Window .Class etc, te. Cigars dtTobacco. sic cf rwa -fantAaw St.Cvner cf 13 Sfrett, "" OMAHA, N. T. ' gSTPreserlpilons carei-ally compound ed by an eperiencer Druggist. " Bating sold 'my entire stock te Mr. A. 9. Jnneti, 1 rneeriuny recommeno mm w jt former patrona. J. H. ruKJV j 7 . , nl-tf. , . D EKOICIB BRANDIES, WINES WHISKIES, Just Received At tha Nebraska Druz House, Fara .4am street direct from Boston and Pitts burgh a complete assortment of Choice LiquorSf-conaisting, in part, of the follow- sag wanes t A 8EIGNTTTE, - - . choice article. MNET, CASTILLO N A CO., an. do. (CHAMPAGNE, - - -do. do. HfilI'DSICK, Champagne Wine. PUKE JUICE, Port do. voryftne. MAGERIA and SHERRY do. ' I aldeofler for eala a ruty superior ar ticle f Overbolt's Old wheat and rye Whisky. ei)rtit years old 6ne Old Bour bon, in bttis, germine, which I offer, for 'ale at low rates, and warrant as represent d, ' A. D. JONES. - . .' ' eit-tf- ' ' ntCIlANAf IIOISE. - SHELL GREEK. ". .If you tvosld like good accomodations, -wrn frtablee, good, sweet bar and sound ra for your stock, etop al Toncray'e. He wilt net only give yen value for your aaor.fT, but atrive by strict attention to year wants, te make your stay agreeable. - at-tf ; ' ' ' - i NELSON TONCRAY - mtnm UftWaVu BELOW COLUMBUS, ON THE . CruJ Military Road, ' The undersigned le now prepared te en tertain and accommodate Emigrants and travarlera. . Keep horses, eat tic, and furn. lab grain, "provisions, and other comforts for the warfare, good water and samp range Blacksmlthln la all ita departments oi and horae-ahoe- ing. agoua repaired, etc., ate. 10-tf . SIRAM BU8HNELL HOMO for the Weary. Cleveland House. J.E. fcr.NOUTH, rxoprlctors Thie le a large and eommodioua public house two miles above Col ambus, and near tha Upper t erry where every atten tUn will te paid (othe wants of the guests, Cood stablea and stock ysrus on the prea. tses, aad bsy aad train wkan required. Ksora and Board for small families, v Charree as mod trait ss at asy Bouse a abe aUad- aA-tf. dRstd wM. i'xoRkfiE,' Dnin Hems, Corktr of Dodge ed 15(1 Streets, Oiiinlm,i.T. itivi w a v.-s" r botrUers. and the travelinr r-sblle gene- rallr with food, lodging and all Iht eotn fort of a bom. The table will be spread with the beat tha market affords, and ev- try attention 111 be paid to hia guests. PECK, ROBERTSON, A Co., WBOLKDALt fc RETAIL., Outfitting Merchants, KEARNEY CITY. . T. Dealers in Dry-Goods, Groceries. Gram, and ' , r Provisions. Boots. ' Hats, Shoes, Cape, And evorvthine required ia thet line by either EMIGRANT Oil CITIZEN- ,- ) ALSO, 4 m. aunnlvofall necessarv articles 3557; Unlit PECK'SKAntnt, wwa mrer, U7 ... in, 15 miles Kant of r rt Keat icy. , in prices,'. Thty are determined not to be : UNDERSOLD by any firm in this region. tf. d4 SELD02T, lieGIVERN 30. . ... Sign at tba AMERICAN FLAG ! Two rollea west of Tort Kearney, on the Great Mili tary Road to Pike's IPeali Utah and CAIilFORNIA. .- , t . " . DKALKRS IV Groceries, Provisione, -DrTOood, ,', Indian Goeds, . Llquorj, :. Corn, ' - - ."-;; A . Ostsad -.. . , , v ' ' ' ' ' lly' " Can be found the largest and best KORRALLS, and fltabling, west of the Missouri river. Wood and Water Free. . COLUMBUS, V. T. BICKLEY, Jr. CO.,' '.J I Have lately opened a Variety ftore, at the Old etand ot the New York store cea tleilnr of moat every article In trade that either tae farmer, newer er bmigram ma) Want. to supply hie wanta or complete bla outfit, and will aell mort articles at low as the ssme ean be bought west of the Mis teiirl Rlvel, and by prompt attention aad fair dealings hope to reeeivs a food share of the publle patronage, ' Call and sea our stock and prices tfcareter. Coan try produce bough: and i changed. Also live stock bought, aold aud exchanged,. Lamoerl Bills of Lumber sawed to order on abort aoticeaad a 1m shall always keep a good euppry on nana. a-if- Klkhora Bridge. McIVeul Ilonsee The ebeve hoase, eituate at the, Elk. horn Brlilire, is now supplied with every ihing to make man and beast oomfortable. No paina will be spared to make all who favor this establishment with their patron age, satiafted and at bone, j Charges as moderate aa thiuot calculating oould ex pect" Good sUbUiig hay and grata al ways on hand. nl-tf. ' ) 'l e 'I Elknorn tlrldre, IV. T. The undersigned annountsa te the trav. ellug public that he ia prepared, at hla Commodious Establishment, to provide for the comfort of 1c? number el guests With good sublet, hay and grain, he is also prepsred to provide, in a comfortable manner, for a large number of stock, . , , nl-tf , , L.P. JENKRj1 JACOB EBKST, . rBtack3Tifth9 end MACHINIST, COLUMBUS. H. T. .0.0- ' Atwuys ready to attend to horse , 1 shoeing, repairing wagons, and all sorts of work ' '' in hla line. Firet rate oi-frme and shoeing cattle done en us sam-teei notice. Kememoer tola vtt atwsM aaaaff. I have an extensive Vegetable Garden at Wood niTer Cehtrr: and nave new ready for 8ale,allthe EARLIEST VAJUSTIES ' OF ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. tCST Orders from the Fort, and ele ware, rrompuy atimaea to. J. E. JOHNSON. DOWN WITH MONOPOLY U Jl n. End to Humbug f Tom the superior facilities possessed by me GENOA FERRY CO. 1 1 The Are prepsred to Ferry Emigrants 3 aerobe the LOUP FORK AT 50 cenia Fer Team It f atiafaction guaranteed to all our pat rons, B. J. HUDSON, nolltf Sec'y of Comply. Barnum's Ranch, CRYSTAL BROOK, f One milt from Columbia Ferry, A. T. QVTC. BARN DM Proprietor. .0-0-3- GOOD STABLES. GRAIN SUP- PLIES, VEGETABLES. ' -f , ,. ;eto.; etc. ; ) 1 1 , Best of hotel' accommodations, and ' tvery attention paid to the eoaa " fort of Guests. b4. .' . .... i tf i IENDEItf OS'S ISLAND RANCH .0-0-0-0- The Broorietor of this superior Rancor having, at a heavy expenso, added to ns ilready ttiisurpaaaed suvanuges I or kioca, a now oreoarad to rauche any quantity ot stock, of ail kinds. His distance from the ntv renders bis herd safe from loss, and gives him a wider range for etock tbaa can be had elsewhere. Having a No. 1 ranch, superior eorralla and truaty herders, he fluers himself capable ol giving euttre satisfaction to a'.l who may favor him with their patronage - " ' ' This ranch being si a point wnere ue great "Uoltrado and uoiaen uity wagon roa1" crosses, ccnta iim 320 acres, -well-timbered and rraased. and Is at the same time the most centrally located in tneconn ry, being titteeu nilea from Denver, and nineteen trom Golden Gity. . All otrick guarantied against Joss, save from death. Tit creorUUr bm also ateted a wars oase Cor the reception ana, storage or goods on comtniseiron,' others iae. 1 JNO. D. HENDERSON. n7. tf. gKIXXEB'S iTATIOBr. J. SKINNER, ..... Proprietor, 12 miles from Shell Creek, and 5 10 milee from Columbua, :. Keeps hay, grain , and supplies product and prpvisions. The wants of man and beaat supplied good camping places and srsse convenient iw-ii- rnEDEItICH.0 k. JACKSONj WMOLKSALK aSKTAlt . , awn DkaLtae in - ' i Staple and Fancy Dry and, Drtsa. Goods, Boots. -' fr" Shoes, Hats, - ' Caaa. - ..-V Cutlery, g -J .'' Hardware,... -.M;.;.; -:r Crockery , ' Groceries, . n r rroviaions. ,i Linttore, Grain, andPredace. , FOR Put pp on thd Sbortetl Notice, and atbe. I Caeh paid fer grain and country pro ttice? , n7-tf- , -. 1 ' ft' - i ' - a . ; fT,'. Lnmbr ! Xumfcer I ? rf ' . j ' l- Z 't If OS TT00D RIVER. The nadsrslvne' aaaeaaseto thee tl- eeee of the Platte Valley that thav I"" now Marly completed a ear m.il un tv vA River, aear 'she Lowor .'rsi g -tr;-v?eM Laaaba aid Crocker Which tii)'h?3rto lava ia operulan by the J5'h of-i mi-'- Ordre for LunjWr aUiolUd. ' TWITOtiBL4IAOUB.v . p. o. heco; 4 SPRING CREEK STATION SCVtKMIlte , East af Elkbera Br idge, N, T Is arsaarsd te aeeemmodaU tha travel. log publle with Entertalnssant, fr man and beaat go) atablea, hay cad grain, fitoak vrlatered. aad t revision an am. pUaa kept aad. ... . j,TMf,'. We M. BBJ!MSKI,---' .... , . akd ' . :. JLowest Prices ! THS BIST COOD8 A!fD AIT ' " STOCK. Dealer In Dry Goods, ' Faocy and Drea Goods, Boots nd BhoeV . Hata and Cape,' 1 ( " Crockery and Queecswsre, Furnlttsre, Hardware, Tobacco, '' ' ' Liquors, . , - And general Oatfittina, Jobbing and Retail Lower Broadway, Council BJuffa, Iowa. . r The klgheet Market Prieejaid CIHUEAPjEISl Than any other 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 . NEBRASKA TERRITORY, WHOLESALE RETAIL ..: ,.-;..- Dealers in "' - ryoods, roceriesa, TJACOIf, MEAL, COItf, OAIf, HAT, A.C. We keep constantly on hend tbe largest and best assorted Stock of Goods V . i ever kept on th Plains, which we will sell cheaper Own any other Houe wet of the Missouri river, We hays f i' : good Campion; grounds in the rear of our n I Store, . whera.Enigrauts will ba . , - ' ' SUPPLIED WITH WOOD AND WATER V (IN THE Freoli (S-ods -r'- THAN ART OTHER HOUSE ux. nenry wim rvaio at onr wore, arx . . vi . . m. H. irivnue aoucusiomers, nnui ui aepanure Kearney City, (a4 - rr i!-., I i I . ;.- i u u u ..- " We have purcnased ,;,.' 4 J , . ,-. : tha interest of Dr. Henry, of . ' the lute Irm of Morrow, Rankin and , , , , , . Henry, and having Just completed our New 7 Store, frame building, 20 by 70 feet, directly opposite '.' Jack Morrew'a old adobe store, we are prepared lootfer greater .. inducements to Hkes Peak,""' W - and ' - Galifbrnia ' ' , . Platte River Feiryi r MOUTH OF THE CACHE JOHN S. SMITH, l it ci .;Hevv ertsbllshed a FINE ROPE FERY acrose' jhiJSout Plattt at the abtve-named Point where Emigrants can te erosaed Without di-ot;on. - Ami all rlm'.grants and Trslos, who with to a Ave the J, t. i on the i5 b -Platte, will cross the ssms to the North side, at ?4J ItLaks Crossing (etcatn of Lodge Poll Creak), thence by John Stf.i'bV trail or. which they will liod good $ rsss, wood,-and water,' hi no p'aa farther than -trht nillet aart, with no sand o the route, and a aavlng of SEVENTY-FIVE MILES rn dittanoe te tha mouth of the CAebe La Poudrs E'ver j which makes this the shortest aad best rouU, yet dlasovered, te the mines and Emigrants will save time, etock and money by this route, to which we invite the at'eni leu ' OF ALL TBAVELERS 10 TIIE KANSAS AND NEBRASKA 'X r. i .1 : -. " fiirrra'a RAJtcus. - Mouth of the Cache La Paeulra Hirer, N. T. IjjiitMWflrl ;;; ;; - - ICT IIOTJOH3 fer grain and Coantry produce. nT.tf. House West of the - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0. ' OT FOBT KEABHIT. cnxa.Tr?esf m . ew WAY OP and JLowaf i I t . , - WEST OP THE MISSOURI. where he will be pleased to see hia old . - .' i for the Xinee. JEUmeeiber tba nlaee. ; em.j May 15,1860. ,1 LE POUDRE-RITER. V;01 a- . ...... vi !. JOHN SMITH CO., ol-Saa. 3l3:3SB5SsatS,', o z r: 5 y. d w a s 3 h -rlf ol less! ift b . S o o a 9. - Nr. ?a ag sSS?a as-: ?S..i.Wa,irnl. It'll 13 r. e E 5."' If J 5 s ? cr 2-3 S J n.3 2 w ; 2 O S 5 e-s g itsijai 7 5.3 5 3 - H A 2 f S 2 p-M 3o C a- So fr&S2" SHOE'S. g 3 S as -.at 2. TT r 2 93 - , Hit m m i gin 5 0 CURTIS, BROTHERS, ; OMAHA JDITY, N. T. HAJpTFORD, CONNECTICUT. ; 0-0-0-0- ; Caslt CPtI - - . f i.ftftQ,!?:!, SURPLUS $500,000, - ? U THE UOIjESTEAD BY EVERY SAFEGUARD 1 ' - " ' -0-0-0- Men toll, work, slave, nay almost sin, to support their families perform almost ev ery judicions aet for thetr welfare and hap piness, EXCEPT INSURE. ? U is tha common omission of tha majority over looking the dangers of thefature in the se curity of the present To remedy this fault only requires seripuslv thinking on the sub. ject. Wisdom and thrift wiil alwai a elect to adopt the conservative principle of In surance, to avert tbe unhappy consequenc es of such "slings and arrowa of outrageous fortune'' as are produced so frequently by the blasting visitations of firs to on-hornet. n.i.j Correspondence attended to. ftf. t" Russet Farm, THiaTSKN HUES CAST OF COLVKBUS, 0 THE MILITARYIOAB. JOSEPH ttU8SElV Proprietor Is prepared to entertaioTand provide for tbe comfort and wants of the traveling public Good Stables, hav. rrain. and vegetables. '- ,tf DoHSoTgtttktplac. 7 nl-tf. OKALBRI2I ' 't iNV. FOREIGN, DOMESTIC AXD FASCY Cloths, ' ' ' ' 1 Clothing, - . ' ' "' ' Shirts, ' " Hats, '- Caps, ' i Lrdiee' Dress Goods, Barages, Boanets, . . VV ' Which be sells Cheaper than the cheapest, for cash. Farnkam Bred . . ; Pioneer Block: tl. Omaha. tf. JESSE SSIOOIAKER'S , nn A rKtit n !? j'v. n? rfl!t,c rf" STATION, , ; shoemaker's Polat tan aiitis aaova "loms nn. - .0-0-0-Kseps Hsy.Gralii, aad Supplies.' Good Stables and Hotel aecemmodationc.. First-rate plane te - , .' CAMP. Wood, water. aad grua, aVaaiaai. ; S eg, r?iS B Jvs 2" m 2" ' 5 S J 6 L s S-S.2-0 3 S r r. -1 c M 0S 9 e i. E5-r 2 2 a o ? " - i n :-eve