The huntsman's echo. (Wood River, Buffalo County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1860-1861, July 26, 1860, Image 2

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ifci i Mat ....... ',Ui
Terms tf 1 MTrsTTT: t : 2 0
iBdcix-ndenf Jn C er jIUlny---
Aculral in Aolliln.
IIXVfiLDAV.jnA 20, 1S60.
Kr. JIU'k. of Coluinbin, If our appointed
tmt ftf l!m '' and U authorized to rc
,ele Di KCi'.i't for, nunc! for tie same.
,..TUTliugIe-It Editor
We have not received this sheet Jo
.finiu tVtn Krhei. f altho' we were
iis, editor for Jcitrs arid sold it to its
t "preeent "owners, nnd hate been unable to
jr:t our pay by a oonsidorutle,) out nav-
init subscribed, we expected to see it
ThVother week wo didn't get a
eopy irura tue omoc as usu.u, nui v
ilooi from as uiauv different friends at
tlit Bluffs', and hastily looked over to see
he en use, when a bwe tisue of false
hoods orer the name of one Scarborough,
icethr with the endorsement of the
editor appeared. ' We also received some
jfonry letters posting us upon the same
abject. (Thanks to our friends who
watch s'lnnder-fienda who sneak
about at our back, and repeat, what is
known to be, the basest falsehoods, with
impunity.) In the letter Mr. Scarbo
rough says he is responsible for what bia
letter contains, and we hope he is, and
tht'f, at the earliest period, prove him
iully in this matter.
Mr. Babbitt is the editor of the Bugle,
nnd owner of a small store of goods in
m. I tV 1 1 . . , m r
I Council Bluffs, doing business under the
7 nunc of "Scarborough & Oo." Babbitt
is good reasons for not doing business
in his own name, and, presto! takes a
fe - t vnnAnmt jlor fmm nt.nrA. A.
brood-chicken, to oover his business con
j ! it!. i j -j i.i. :
i-erns. iun, mis new-neagea ener wn
1 ;r - i.r 'changed from a twopenny olerk to the
) rat's paw of a hackneyed politician and
bunt-up business man, ind kieked-ont
" l publie official, is nvm, nominally the own-
, - - r" j r-."- o '
' where they sell ths least goods, and at
iTIT(igget prices "ot any establisbmeut
in uoanoii iiuus. , yum opmiua.;
- T1. f r ' '
k Onethiag it plain, aotn tne letter
Uti wax v 1 1 cuuva ovuivuvj w vi aay mrw
, by the same band, Babbitt wrote the let-
tar and obtained the name oi nis snaaow
ttj mAnm thH tnrrin. ' nahbltt wu
ashamed, over bia own name, to utter
4 , so-naauy, so base, and so fragrant false
frufA. We have little more to add
We bate resided . for aver eleven years
in Council Bluffs, and a great majority
aro well acquainted with us, and many
of whom, treat us with respect and friend
hip and we have no fear for these
mnTicioua Ttaltroons
"VYV hall at the earliest nerioC
I lirjng legal investigation or tnia matter,
and then, all who are in dooot may see
who is in fault
Mr. Scarborough, through his oenso-
I, , rious letter in the Bugle, indicates him
)ir'ji4f a very "nice young man,' yet, were
iV .be records of lat ttoof ana Kiver
1 , ' honsa," and other similar establishments
j pened, many would smile . at the as
i sumption of virtuous innocence, and of-
ndi morality of this snobbish fellow.
As a finisher, for the present,, we pub
lish gratis, (mind that, no charge) the
following matrimonial alliance that
recently astonished the natives. It was
not' published in his matter't paper :
'Marriei on Sunday, the 24th ult.,
by Rev. T-Ir. A limo, A. W. Soirbo
' tough,, to M.-. Drusllla Kinsman.
Ffin.1Sip we have for respectable
oniictToBS of the parties forbids fer'
; thr comment' opon this union. ' - -Who
ie Col.- (Cut. whew ) L. W.
(Vyinp, Wicke.! 3kbUt?"Let commoii
romor io6r"-i-'V A-l- - ' 1
Woft-beatep,;yet, roless" and ever,
atand'.c'g catdJatr fo ny and very nf.
fice, from President of ta United States
down to eoriiliitle. ' '": '
This Is th'oVond.n-uy popu'iir man
wjio waabaten by'Dr.' SWjnaVcr for
1. some petty. office. ; v.
j Thi i the 'nian,' 'wbos, trly "yftari
; tur !5rV4 with the most lotaUom,
utauthenes, and cambiiB?. Vi , -
Thjpan who Is the head apd fru
J tLe tvoiL'iDi world in bis ne'.chbo.l
hoc; j
- .The rasa who was picked opt of tZb
'. defauUin paying tirct pullie DJci ti
' V.iMvw l ':Qi;y so a.; , 'to get
4t : ' rh. briberj . T4" ,
!' raan wbo ri fgsed to ov
;l Lis Ct wif fronj erj abto-
-ri; out jejE moiB'tobc
tossed about, thejeat of the profane o
says hi vh brother-in-lair. l '
this is 'the "fearlees and brave,"
who, in presence of naf au hundred
of the titiaeui vf Council Bin 08, and
before his own door, suffered bis nose
to bo snubbed by a little, rickly,' ef
feminate fellow, named lluyett, whom
hs had basely attacked in bia coward
ly, ccvert style.
This is he who is known to bo the
most nnrjrincipled jockey, the dullest
blackguard, the basest slanderer, the
most unprincipled liar, and the most un
popular man in his countf." '
This is the blackhearted villain, who,
after rtublishinir against us, falsehoods
the most vile, black, base and fiendish,
had neither the manhood or courage to
send us a copy containing the same.
This is he who has beep guilty of the
most villainous acts of financiering who
as v politician, is the most base and un
principled as an editor, tbo most fla
grantly personal and abusive, and as a
man, the most contemptible.
For honesty, morality, respectability,
or truthfulness, we fear not a compari
son whero both are known, Thus, for
the present, we leave the creature and
bis shadow the master and his pimp.
The XetTtpaper Press,
This is a public benefioence and has
much to do with the progress, advance
ment, wealth and well-being of each
community in its immediate vicinity.
Every man is morally bound te give
aid and support to bis home newspaper
so far as he is able, or, as he is probably
benefitted by its publication those who
do not, rob the publisher of his just dues.
Newspapers aro established and pub
lished, in various localities, with the
tacit promise of a just, if not liberal
support, and those whe reap the benefi
cial resulfs without corresponding re
wards, are nothing else but selfish filch
ers of the rewards and earnings of oth
ers, and as such,, we think, should be
held up to the just indignation of the
honest and generous, as those who are
dishonest, unjust, selfish and unreliable
aa citizens or business men we speak
more particularly of merchants, trades
people, and mechanics who are especi
ally benefitted by newspapers, which are
the medium through which customers are
brought to their doors, and to which
they are indebted for half their business.
A merchant may not oonsidor it prop
er, politic, or even justifiable, to adver
tise in every paper published in his re
gion cf country ; he should correctly
weigh the justness of his decisions, and
judge of his own business in thisrecpeot.
But he will never whilst possessing even
the soul of manhood1, or the shadow of
jnstioe of honesty, refuse to contribute
the mite the price of a weekly paper
that advocates his business place as a
good market. We hold, that, for their
o rn protection, publishers should expose
such men, as readily as they should
place locks upon their doors as safe-guards,-Bgainst
thieves and robbers.
The man who is too diminutive souled
to throw a cup of water at the roots of
the tree from which he gathers fruit,
deserves to have the gripes for using it.
Them.s our sentiments.
Business Tor All !
ered at Fort Kearney, the Quartermaster
is advertising, by written post bill, stuck
vp at the Fort, for seven hundred tons
of bay ; contract to be let August 1st,
and hay to be delivered in two months
thereafter five hundred tons at the Fort,
and two hundred tons within fifteen miles
of there. Now, although the post bill
intimates that this stupendous contract
is all to go in a lump, still we would ad'
rise our neighbor to put in bids for 50
to 100 tons, and we have no doubt, but
that with our facilities for doiug this
work at the lowest rates, some of the
contracts may be secured. '- .
M Weather, Crops, &c.
Crops are suffering severely in this ro-
gion for want of rain, and should, we
fail to get some good showers soon, the
harvest of corn and roots will be exceed
ingly light. ' . Vines are doing finely, and
the small pieces or wheat, rye, oats, ana
barley, sown to test the capacity of our
oil ior cereals, are abundantly fine and
heavy. This is doubtless the best wheat
growing region in Nebraska, and that
grain will be the staple product here,
which will toot only supply all that mar
be necessary for military and emigrant
supplies, bat eventually, rast amounts
may b shipped by railway to feed the
thickly populated East. Tbo water of
vvfljoa, nver, offer , ample power for a
score pi eapacions Soaring mills, with
tba bet wheat-land in the West, on ev.
cry sid. Lucky i the fellow who gets
th fast ehoiea for asill elte, and the first
cropVlo 1 gr$tid!'ru!.ti jntt;ii.
. 'lUrfCfa aeeennlof the dryaesa of
the aeaecn.'theh.t trot, -ill be Jirht In
these rail; ee,' yet, lbri will doubtless !
..... ... r. r ra
b abundant tot ireur' sots.'- '
"Some Lore to Roam !"
Early last week, in oompany with sev
eral of the boy, we started out north
wester) on an exploring tour towards
the Loupe.
Day warm and clear; went across the
Bottom six miles, passing near several
herds of buffalo. Boys couldn't sit. so
they shouldered arms and e way shot at,
wounded and followed a buffalo into the
hill, where Jim made a finishing shot,
and immediately, from a high point a
couple of miles distant, bailed us. We
turned over the pathless hills and was
soon oh the spot, were the huge black
tconster had passed the last struggle,
Taking a rare chunk of hump-rib, for
roast, broil nnd fry, three of the boys
and ope team, we pursued our way
leaving a team to transport the fallen
game homeward. We passed over an
exceedingly rolling, or, wo might say
hilly country, covered with short, sweet
grass, with little water and no wood,
and scarce a bush to relieve the monoto
ny of the waving ground, until wo ap
proached near the Loupe, when we found
some wood and more water. The pros
pect of the Loupe as seen from the hills
is very beautiful a broad rich valley in
front, fine groves of waving timber,
through which an occasional glimpse of
the river may be had, relieved by hills
in the back ground.
We camped near the river, upon a de
lightful spot, and soon a brigct camp-
fire biased around our black camp kettle.
Supper over and our skin-table removed
for foundations to our sleeping arrange
ments, heavy shower of xnusketos fell,
which gave -us business enough until
sleep overtook us. We dreamed of vast
multitudes of buffalo, that filled the
prairies and whose heavy tread and
hoarse bellowings filled our ears, and we
awoke to find ourself lying upon our
back upon the prairie, as we dropped off,
with ibo loud thunders of heaven rattling
around, nnd the lightnings playiug about
us fearfully. The boys were aroused
and our grub, arms, ammunition and
blankets half secured under a rude ten
formed by drawing a wagon cover over a
pole laid in forks horizontally. About
the time we got well drenched the rain
ceased, and daylight appeared just as we
were again going off into a snooze,
which held us fast until we were aroused
for our buffalo-roast-brcakfast.
Passing along over the hills parallel
with the river, wo passed up, observing
several herds of antelope. Passed over
a small tributary to the Loupe, whose
bankB were literally cased with fruit,
and whose waters were alive with beav
er, otter and fish. There, one might
gather plums, grapes, cherries, gooseber
ries and currants, (most of which are
ripe) without stirring fiom the spot, and
many as fine and sweet as we ever saw.
Passing around over an extensive old
Indian encampment, and some moBtrde
lightful bottom and bench lands, and
passing email groves of timber we reach
ed a more sandy legion above ths junc
tion of the two branches of the Loupe,
and near a small. lake or pool, full of
fish, some of which, with a hook and bit
of twine, we secured and supped upon.
Here we also found growing and ripen
ing, a rare and delicious fruit, upon
small bushes, not over a foot high, we
named the sand cherry thoy were of
nearly the size of a tame cherry,' and
very abundant. Here we also found
some cedar and other timber.
At night the alarm was given "horses
lost," and a general scramble to find
out whether they had been stolen or had
strayed, but darkness so effectually cov
ered their retreat that we failed, and
gave up to sleep and the results of day
light. The truant nsgs turned vp a few
miles off next morning, and as our lar
der was entirely bare, we scud before
the wind for home.
Passing over the hills towards Wood
River, about ten miles gave us a distant
glimpse of that meandering stream,
marked with verdant groves, and the
broad Platte, befond. The antelope
skipped away from our tracks, and soon
open the high, cliffy points we could die
cover the sentinel buffclo. The boys
spoke of carrying the carcass of one
borne, and so started out and,
. "Soon from the uplifted tab . -t '
Ths mimie t&undor bursts, the letden dettb
(yertikea bim, and, with many a giddy whirl,
To sarth he falls, and at or feet expuf."
A kg aggy Buffalo I '
i The skinning and cotting-up process
lasted a eouple of hours, and a thousand
pounds xf meat heavier, we again start
ed forward, and reached borne before
night, and eared onr ban buffalo meat
and bave it nicely dried. That's all I :
f ; ; Fait Tralo.
Tlon. W. W Hooper, Delegate from
Utah,' log tier 'with Messr. Eldridge,
VVUVU lWlt.lj .UU v.....-, f y
yesterdan f or Utah, with fin mules and
ugnt rowing sieoc, jnumuiog vi lumt ou
mile per day
They are pleasant fol
lows ( i may ,tbey, hav a pleasant, trip,
and arriT kom; snfel v.
"Buffalo la the Cane-brake!
Last week there occured in our set
llement considerable excitement in
clmse for large game. The battita
aro generally scattered throughout
this region, and hae been for some
lime, and numbers have been taken
At Boyd', a huge, ugly looking fel
low smashed down n panel of fence
and, reading in, helped himself buun
ti fully to the growing maize leaves
With praiseworthy indignation the
gentlemen turned out, and pouncing
upon the intruder, made gammon
him in short metre On Friday, two
others were killed in the neighborhood
whilst helping themselves' to the ver
dunt crops. Scarce a day pauses but
they may be seen patrolling the rl
lies, or cropping the grass around us
A few miles above, on the Finite
and Wood Rivers, there ore numerous
herds. Across the rmr, il i
they are coming over from the Ilepu'j
lican, in innumerable multitudes, and
mjjny tarnishing for food or water
whilst making for the Platte for
drink tbey are frightened back by
emigrants and travelers, yet make
immediate efforts to gain the water
but are again driren back by the re
port of fire-arms, and, we are told,
many thus perish before they reach
("Considerable largo game has been
Jcillcd recently, in this vicinity. Mr.
Boyd killed a buffalo near his house. A
small party, with JJr Huff, killed one
.above on Wood river, very fine and fat.
About same time Messrs. Hurler and
Page killed one br more over among the
Bluffs. The buffalo are fat and in excel
lent order now, and make delicious
steaks, roast and broils, and withiul,
well tallowed. We learned of one killed
from which over lOOibs of tallow was
There Is a fine herd insight over toward
Pra-r5e creek as we go to presi.
m m
i Telegraph up the Platte.
' ... II, , .1.L-
vte were canea upon lata wen oy
Mr. Creighton, of Ohio, and Mr.
Kontz, of Omaha, who were examin
ing the north Platte route for a line of
telegraph, to be immediately construct
ed and put in opiration, to Denver
City. The portion of the line, this
far and to the point ol erasing to
Fort Kearney, to form the first dii
ion tq the (Jreist Pacific Line. Mr.
Creighion is the accredited rgppl of
the combined Telegr.-ph Companies
who are interested in this great line,
and has gone on to Denver, tselect
the route, and give contracts' for get
ting out poles, whilst Mi . Ko z re
turned, making contracts dovn for
placing the poles along the line.
This is a very important move, and
---- - -
foreshadow a Pacific Bail Road at an
early period. This matter shuld in
terest the citizens along the line, try
materially, who should rentier aid
and comfort to this pioneer move
ment to the best of their ali'itv.
4. latest iroui the Mines.
Hy return of Mr, I'egram, of Coun
cil Bluffs, only four days from Denver,
we learn' that ne" and very rich dis
coveries have bee t made over on the
Blue. 'Business laoderately brisk in
Denver:- -A. man from Omau shot,
the day before be tarted. JYur men
were killed by 1'iijt liing, near Beaver
Creek. A tta'e..l-in Crow led.
s ..Mr. Pegmu wet many alii) press.
irrgVorwui o the j 4Jeu land, and
nearly as reat.a neuter wis return
ing, discouraged. Mr. Pegram went
out the south side of the Patte, nnd
returned on this aide, andjexprf sses
bis surprise at tbs gr;ajHjfertrnoi is
favor cf the noith Platte route, and
sa'vsl In future all bis train will com
this way. ' M , , f
Tha waters of the Platte have again
receded, and teams are df ly crossing
without bindranoe or iroub'e. 1 -
Considerable number c "Peakers,"
returning, are now taking this route,
knowing it to be the shorest, best, and
better supplied with grab, vegetables.
and necessaries, as well it good, com
fortable (topping places To those who
wish to secure good and valuable farm
ing claim, we only havsto say that the
north Platte Valley bold) forth a great
inducements aa any regon of the W est.
The useful and industrious, are the kind
of settler we want, io Indolent and
ornamental we have nouse for, and they
ould toon tire of our Jkj us trial society.
If jou find gold eeiiig not to your
mind, com here to tr agriculture, od
stock growing, or other industrious pur
suits, and yon will notfail. . '
Tor Utah.
On Sunday the 2 2d inst., the sec
ond, and last, hand-cart train passed
up, consisting of 144 souls 63 En
glish, 71 Scandavioian8, 20 Swiss.
Twenty-one hand-carts, 9 wagons
GO head cf stock. Company in good
health and stock in good oHer. Four
teen days out from Florence.
O. O. Stoddard, Captain,
W. Piilcock, Wngon-masttr.
G. W. Rocers, Clerk.
II. O. Stoddard, fcerg. of Guard.
N. Paul, Chaplin.
N. Thompson, Interpreter.
S C Field, M II Durgin, II C Dickin
son, R J Sackett, T Carr, D Merchant,
J N Brown. U M Porter, J Shannissy,
P N Kelly; P Smith, O Cummings, E
W Sinclair, It R Kirkpatrick, R S
Warrant, W W Maley, R N Spring,
R A Stone, L M Sidrick, E A Hale.
C5?Faro reduced at Genoa Ferry, to
50 cents per team, Hudson & Co, are
enterprising follows, and won't be -beaten.
See their new advertisement, and
multitudes of bills stuck up everywhere.
("See new advertisement of H.
Dushnell, in another column, he has a
nice tidv nlace, and will doubtless
please his customers.
a '
Seed Corn. We recently noticed an
article in an exchange showing how a
farmer saved bis seed corn, and prepared
it in suoh a manner that squirrels and
other vermin did not molest it. 'Twas
thus he gathered the first ripe ears, the
highest, and as often as practicable when
two ears grew on one milk, braided it
up and hurip it in his smoke house, and
put ou a inodvrat-i i-moke for several
weeks. Seed thus preserved is said to
make a perfect bland, and is never de
stroyed by birds, squirrels or inscts.
It is certainly worth atrial let our far
mers remember it.
The Prairie farmer.
Tie twenty-second volume of this!
paper commenced with July. It is
u very welcome visitor at our tnble,
and is whdt every Western Farmer
and Fruit firowt r should posses. ba
ng espicially aluptrd-to the West
where it was m; de.
The proprietors offer it on Cam
paign Terms, fioin now till New-year's
dav. at Fifh ctnls ver copy, where
two or more go to one office.
Ju the political excitements of the i
day, do not forget your agricultural
and family p-ptr, but send to Kinery
&' Co; Cbicrgo, nnd gel the Prairie
Great Military Road.
The undcreiened is now prepared teen-
tertaii: and accommodate Emigrants and
travt-rlers. Keep Borises, eat tic, and turn-
ifb pain, provisions, and other comforts
for the wayiire, good water and samp range
Ye who own a horse, .
Winter will be here of course ;
And if vou'd have vour stallion safely gro
Through mud and ice and frost and snow
Then ret him shod at once.
All round at my own shop where I am found
From early dawn till late t wlliglit,
Showing horses with all wy might
Yes get him fchod at once.
For 1 can do It!
And your g od horse vi ill nsver me it.
Through Instructions he has received
from two of ths most celebrated Veterina
ry Surgeons of Edinborough, and forty
year experience warrants that the snb'
scriber is not inferior to any workman in
the Territory of lTebraxka. He may al
ways ba four d at his Old stand on Main
bt., nearest ma bride nornc, n. i
' nlt-tf. - .
1n End to Humbug I
Fom.ths supeiior faciliti es possessed by
They are prepared to Ferry Emigrant
across me iuur tuns
AT CO cent Per Team I !
Satisfaction guarranteed to all our pat.
fiec'y of Comp'y.
I have an ettensivs Vegetable Garden at
Wood River Centre,"
, and bave now' ready for sals, all the
(5T Order from (b F.rt, snd !.
whirs, rrompiiy auenasa i,
j. z. :ohkso.
Sign of the
Fakkhah Strkt, .... - Omaha, N. T.
Retail If Jobbing Ktrchanl,
Have just opened a splendid Stock of
Spring & Summer
COODS Also keep a eomplete Stock of
Dry-Goods, lirooeries, Hardware,
. Ready-made "Cloth in e, lists,
Caps, Boots, Shoes, Crock
ery. Wooden ware, etc.
which he offers at the lowest figures
of as y House in this market.
C" Cash paid for hides and furs.
Tl.ree miles above North Bend K.7.
n. GRAHAM, .... Proprietor
Accommodation for th wants and ne
cessities of the traveling public.
Good staMnp, iav, nnd croin, als
in all its departments ox nnd horse-shoe
ing. Wagons repaired, etc., sic.
blhing Kail!
(Opposite Lacey& McCormick's)
Goods made to order oi the shortest notie.
Cash paid for tides and furs. ulO-tf.
Agents Wanted !
100,000 will be Sold.
faii JlTup of lb Vuiled Stitl, '
Accurate Portraits, from life, of the Can
didates of each Party, for Pret idcut an
Vice President, with their letters of a
ceptance.PIatforms of their respective Psr
ties, wilh a vast amount of statistical mat
ter. Reiults of the Presidential Elections
of the United Sta'es from 17"J6 to 150 j
names of the Speakers of the House of
Representatives irom kdu to ircou. .
'the Mho Is beautifully colored, and
printed on heavy calendered paper, size 32
by 40, showing the exact boundaries of all
the States and Territories, exteadirg
through to the Pacific.
holifccians of all I'arties, and otners,.
wishing to have before them material for
being fully posted, at a single clanc
should possess a copy of this map.
Retail priw, onl r Mi ceiits. bent post
paid, ou receipt "f the price. A rare
chance u offered agents.
For terms, address DUANE RULISOX,
Quaker City Publishing House, No. 33.
South Third Street, Philidclphia, Pa.
The Persian Tevcr Cliarm.
For the prevention and curs of Fevsr
and A cue and Bilious Fevers. This'wtD-
derful remedy was brought to the know-
ledge ottns present proprietors db iriena
who had been a great traveler in Persia
and the Holy Land.
While going down the river Euphrates,
be experienced a severe attack or Fsver
and Ague. On discovering his condition,
on of tli boatmen took from bis person
an Amulet, saying, 'Wear this and no Fe
ver will touch you." Although Incrsdu
Ions as t its virtues j be compiled, and
experieneed immediate relief, and bss
since always found it an effectual ptottc
tionfrom all malarious complaints-
On further investigation no found that
the boatman attributed it to miraculous
oowcrsl and said it could only b obtained
from the Priests of the Sun. Sometltn af
terwards, the gentleman in conversing with
a Priest, obtained from him the secret of
Its preparation, and ascertained when th
medical herbs were found, of which It was
compounded. The wouderful virtnes of
this article have induced a full belief in tfts
minds of tha natives in the miraculous
healing power of the Priests- .
Since his return to America, it has besa
tried with the happiest .effect by several
Ladies and Gentlemen of hlfrh character.
who bave fciven it tbe most unqualinr
praise. This remedy having been a speci
fic in Persia for hundreds of years, for to
preveution and cure of Ft ver and Agu and
Bilious Fevers is now offered to tha-
American people. It will be ssntby stall,
prepaid, with full directions for us, on re
ceipt of one dollar.
Principal Depot and Manufactory, 181
Main Street; Richmond, Va Branch ON
fice, Bank of Commerce Building, New
York. Address JOIift WILCOX it CO.
Agents for J. D. Curtis Mtxfi.
John Holland, Kearney City,
II etn tt Oo., I on .sa rner. ,
Johnson dt Co., Woed River Ctatrs.
Mr. Croelter, Weod River. '
Ckarls Huns' en, Ge V 'r
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