THT7P.SBAY. JAOTARY 15. 1942 PLATTSMOTTTH SEMI - WEIELY JOtffcNAL PAGE THSEI DOUBT SHORTENING OF TRAINING GOOD CHICAGO, Jan. 15 (UP) The American Medical association ex pressed fear today that a proposed speedup in training physicians would lo.vo, standards of the med ical profession. An editorial in the A.M. A. week ly publication noted that several medical colleges had adjusted their curricula to shorten the training period to increase the supply of phy sicians for the armed forces. The editorial expressed doubt that all schools could increase the num ber of students admitted, offer a continuous course of study and main tain minimum educational stand ards. Students entering medical schools this year would not be available for service before 194C, the article said, and there would be no immediate gain from such emergency measures. It added that several problems would develop in the revised courses but that the question of medical stand ards was the "most important." "If more students are admitted and a larger percentage fails, little useful purpose will have been achieved." the editorial said. "If examinations are abolished, if pressure on a faculty makes it pass unqualified men. if standards of study required for graduation are lowered so that a larger number of students each year receive the medical de gree, the ultimate effect will be ser ious both on the army medical ser vice and to the people." BRITISH BOMB GERMANY LONDON, Jan. 15 (UP) 'British planes, resuming offensive operations over Germany and German-occupied territory, made a concentrated raid during the night on Hamburg, Ger many's greatest port, and rained bombs on other objectives. It was asserted that big fires were started on docks and in warehouses in Hamburg, the most-bombed city in Germany. Other British planes ranged along the northwest German coast. They bombed Emden submarine base on the North Sea coast and other Ger man ports. Docks at Rotterdam and German airdromes in Holland also were at tacked. Five British planes failed to re turn. A German official news agency dispatch, recorded here from the Berlin radio, said British planes dropped "a number" of bombs on the northern German coastal area, causing damage to "a private build ing" and causing "some dead and wounded." Berlin asserted that anti-aircraft guns shot down at least three Brit ish planes. McCOOK HAS STICK-UP ASSIGN LINDBERGH PLACE WASHINGTON, Jan. 15 (UP) Charles A. Lindbergh has been as signed to a "technical commercial project" in which the war depart ment is interested and will serve in a civilian capacity. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson announced today. Lindbergh conferred with Arnold and Lovett Tuesday, at which time he was assigned to his new post. Stimson did not elaborate, except to say that Lindbergh would be as signed to other duties when the pres ent project is completed. He stressed that Lindbergh had not been re commisioned as a reserve officer. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS HERE A group of twenty University pf Nebraska students from the class in clinical psychology motored through Plattsmouth today and breakfasted Rt the Joseph Langer cafe. The students and Dr. Dysinger, professor oC psychology at the university, were driven to Glenwood, Iowa in a chartered Eurlington bus. In Glen wood the group visited the Iowa state institute for the feeble minded. They made the trip by chartered bus from Lincoln. Special Attraction The Wagon Wheel 5 Miles South of Nebraska City Friday, Saturday, Sunday , January 16, 17, 18 CAPT. FRANK ALLEN and LADY JACKIE (Novel Entertainers) Performances: 10:30 P. M. - 12 P. M. Coverage Charge Gents 25c Ladies 15c McCOOK, Neb. Jan. 15 (UP) A nervous young man broke off nego tiations with a clerk for hotel ac commodations here early Wednes day morning by drawing a revolver and forcing James Gregg, the clerk, to remain seated while a masked confederate appeared and took 20 from the cash register. The pair overlooked more cash and some defense Bonds. Before leaving they yanked wires out of the switchboard. They left town in a new automobile and were seen by a truck driver speeding across the Kansas border soon after the robbery. OCIAL Party Tuesday Evening The monthly business and social meeting of the Young Married Peo ples class of the Christian church was held Tuesday evening at S o'clock. After v. short business meet ing the balance of the evening was spent playing quiz games and work ing jig-saw puzzles. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Floy Hardison and Mrs. George Cassity. Entertain ment was in charge of Carroll Sutton. CALENDAR of COMING fVEN15 WHAT'S GOIWO OX III PLATTSMOUTH IMPROVING EQUIPMENT Charles Petersen, proprietor of the local Recreational Parlors, is having the equipment of his place renovated and placed in the best of shape. The pool and billiard tables are having new rails and cushions as well as new coverings for the tables and when completed will be as active and live as new tables. The work is be ing handled by the Brunswick Ealke Collonder Co., experts in this line of work. The improvement will cost Mr. Petersen several hundred dol lars when completed and make the playing more delightful to the patrons. He Doesn't Like School And no wonder. He's always making the wrong answers and getting low marks. Schoolwork is difficult for him--simply be cause his vision is defective. If It were corrected, he could take his schoolwork in his stride. His grades would be higher, his life happier. No Tax or Other Increase in the Price of Glasses as yet CREDIT EXTENDED DR. LEONARD FITCH OPTOMETRIST Dam BnildlBg. 112 urlh 4th St. Phone 41 - Plattsmotith V 4 REISCHMANN'S I u for those who bake at home Married 25 Years On January 12 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burcham celebrated their silver wedding anniversary. In the evening they were given a surprise party by some of the members of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. There were twenty-five present at Jhe party, and the group presented them with a lovely gift, which was a silver salt and pepper shaker set. They also received a set of silver ware (52 pieces) from their son, Donald Burcham and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Sexton, all of California. Their daughters, Shirley and Elossom gave them a set of dishes. The couple also received other gifts. Refresh ments were served that evening. Party Tuesday Evening Friday, January 16 Rebekah lodge members will con duct a very important meeting at the I.O.O.F. lodge hall at 7:30 p. m. AH members urged to come. place in the Venetian room or the Hotel Plattsmouth last evening. Guests played games and wrote some of their favorite recipes, which they offered the bride-elect. The gifts were placed on a large dining table, and in opening and displaying them Miss Johnson assisted by Miss Mary Helen Dill and Miss Kelley. The luncheon was served by staff members of the hotel. LAUNCH NEW SUBMARINE To Sew for Red Cross The Stitch & Chatter club held their regular meeting Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Her man Ellingson. There were present ten members and Red Cross relief plans were discussed. Birthday gifts were presented to Mrs. Oliver Finne frock. A lovely luncheon was served by the hostess. The next regular meeting will be held January 2 8. PORTSMOUTH, N. H., Jan. 15 (UP) The first submarine launch ed at Portsmouth navy yard since the war started, the V. S. S. Herr ing slid down the ways today. The wife of Rear Admiral Ray Spear, chief of the Bureau of Sup plies and Accounts, Washington, was sponsor. b Canada Fights olnl MARINE ENLISTMENTS The United States Marine Corps Recruiting Service will have a re cruiting party located in the post office building in the below-named cities on the following dates for the purpose of interviewing applicants and accepting young men for enlist ment in the United States Marine Corps: . - , Shenandoah. Iowa, Jan. 16-17. Lincoln, Neb.. Jan. 18-20. Hastings. Neb.. Jan. 21-23. Beatrice, Neb., Jan. 24-25. Nebraska City, Neb., Jan. 26-27. Fremont. Neb., Jan. 2S-29. The Marine Corps is accepting young men for enlistment between the ages of 17 and 30 who are single and otherwise qualified are accepted tip to the age of 3T years. AH men who are accepted will be enlisted in the Marine Corps im mediately and transferred to a train ing base where they will receive their recruit training. Subscribe to The Journal Shower for Miss Johnson Misses Margaret Anne Pitz. Cor rine Hallstrom. Irene Anthes, Hazel Kelley and Norma Johnson enter tained a group of friends at a mis cellaneous shower, complimenting Miss Gloria Anne Johnson, whose betrothal and forthcoming marriage was announced while she was yet in California. Miss Johnson is to marry Ben C. McCarty of Los An geles. California. The shower took This New Amazing Way Acts Like A Flash By far the largest selling cough medicine in all Canada is Buckley's CANADOIL Mixture. Compounded from rare Canadian Pine Balsam (by a secret process ) Buckley's is en tirely different from anything else you ever tried. Get a bottle today take a teaspoonful. let it lie on your tongue a moment than swal low slowly, INSTANTLY you feel its powerful effective action spread thru throat, head and bronchial tubes. Coughing spasm ceases. Right away it loosens up thick choking phlegm opens up clogged bronchial tubes makes breathing easier. Now you'll know why over 10 million bottles of Buckley's famous cough mixture have been sold in cold, wintry Canada. F. G. Fricke & Co. and most good druggists now have this great Canadian discovery. 9 "GUNS FROM TELEPHONES" It is not literally true, of course, that telephones are being turned into guns. But many of the materials used in the manufac ture of telephones and telephone equipment are being diverted to the construction of implements of war. This is as it should be. Our way of life is at stake and we must defend it at whatever cost. Already we are finding it difficult to secure repair and replacement parts for existing equipment. New equipment for providing new service is completely out of the question for "the duration," except when needed for actual defense activities. The "home front" YOUR HOME and YOUR OFFICE needs its present telephone service more than ever during: these trying: days. We advise yon to keep ALL your present service as long: as you have need for it because we cannot guarantee our ability to replace it once it has been removed! The Lincoln Telephone an'd Telegraph Co, "i Nebraska Company Serving Its PeopW THRIFT WEEK M Jan. 17-23 is National Thrift Week throughout the country. But every week is thrift week at your HINKY-DINKY! Hats off to Benjamin Franklin ... he taught the lessons of thrift. And has off to the smart shoppers who have learned to be thrifty ... to shop at HINKY-DINKY where quality and thrift go hand-in-hand! 3c GRAPEFRUITTexas Marsh Seedless, 96 Size, Doz. 35c Each ORANGES California Mp Sunkist Seedless Navels, 200-220 size. doz. lie CRANBERRIES Wisconsin. Jumbo Size CARROTS California Green-Top Large Bunch 15c CELERY caiif. Large, Well-Bleached Stalk APPLES A 9CC Fancy Idaho Rome Beauty Lbs. Bushel S1.9S APPLES Extra Fancy Winesaps 4lis29c Box. - $2.59 WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR YOUR EGGS BOYSENBLRRIES - Sacramento 1QC t aiM'.o I l-uuiicr ran VW Dozen $1.15; 4 Dozen 4.45 CHERRIES - Perfection XCr Dark., .-! No. 24 (an iv Kr'' Dozen cans $2.05 FRUIT Cocktail - Choice III ;mmI llranil No. 2 ran 23c CATSUP - Del Monte fancy y Vtn 14-onnr-r llottlew lfr at SPAGHETTI - Scott County Qc i 2Vi ran VW PRUNES - Calif. Santa Clara 2Qc !H-IOO M.r l-lb. Olio l ) W 2-Lb. Cello Bag 17o LIMA BEANS iQr Hab l 2-1 n. Olio lla A V 1-Lb. Cello Bag 10?; 3-Lb. Cello Bag 27c TOMATOES - Standard Quality o. 2 I'riM rr DILL PICKLES Kuner's Mile High 15c Quart Jar . "KEEP 'EM FLYING" U. S. Defense Savings Stamps Sold at HINKY-DINKY VAN CAMP'S FANCY Tomato Juice Giant 50-oz. 4 a Can 7W D A ICIXTC Del Monte Seedless 15-0z. Carton. I CI I ICC Musselman's or Motfs Assorted, 2-Lb. Jar BLUE SEAL Sandwich Spread Qt Pint jar 22c; 8-0z. jar 14c THIESSEN'S Mixed Pickles, Qt 25c 10c 23c PAR T IP I A"td Fk" Gelatin 4 ffp I a! IV 1 -JiL Desserts, 4 Pkgs. X pOCPPY Chocolates, Harriet VIILIVIV I Clark's Fancy 1-Lb. box -WW Miniature rlU,55c P A WnV Eainbow 50-i fitted Mix ftl7 WilliS I 1-Lb. cello bag 14c ; 2 for -W V PTPUWUID or Muinrt, Whips Ap II til TT nil like cream" 4 tall cans AVW rACCCC Sunrise, mild and mellow f fn LUlTEilLl.Lb. bag 19c; 3 -Lb 53C DEL M0NTEcs28c Bee Roast 1 s Graded Oc Shoulder, Best Cuts. Lb. 22c; Other cuts LAMB ROAST ?2C Swift's Premium. Quality Shoulder Lb. SPARE RIBS i AC Lean and Meaty Lb. A W GROUND BEEF Freshly ground for meat loaf or patties Lb PORK CHOPS Rib Center Cuts Lb. STEAK U.S. Graded Beef Shoulder Lb. U. S. Graded Round Steak Lb. 32c U. S. Graded Sirloin Steak Lb. 29c V. S. Graded T-Bone Steak Lb. 35c SAUSAGE Wilson"s Pure Pork Link Lb LAMB STEAK Swift's Premium Quality Shoulder Lb. Jjrjjj Armour's Star, Cudahy's Rex or Swift's Silver Leaf 2 1-Lb. Cartons SOUSE 4Qc Armour's Quality, Distinctive in Taste, Lb. Jk W 19c 25c 23c 27c 25c 25c MINCED Luncheon or Ring Bologna Lb. 15c 2-Lb. can or glass jar 53c Sailor Brand, sliced Keifers in Syrup LEADWAY Noodle Soup Mix. All the in gredients for delicious Noodle Soup in one package C 3 for 25c FIDELITY Whole Wheat Pancake Flour -.-21c CAMAY "The soap of Beautiful w omen i l-j . J Bars 19c MACARONI Products, American Beauty fancy, at'd, 1C-oe. has MILLER'S Bran Flakes Or 1 HK T URINOUS vvnnrr rkn... Kor CEREAL Nat'I Biscuit HKKDIKI WHEAT Rrcrnlar Pitkafr NABISCO Sky Flake Wafers 1Qr Kesnlar Package CRACKERS - So-Tast-ee Soda 4kr zdf M'oand Caddy SUPREME Salad Wafers kn 2-rnnd I'acUasf 2cs l-l'oand Fackage W BREAD - Fresh Sliced White fee 1-Pound Loaf WW HILEX - Clean, Bleaches, Deodorizes 17c Galloa Hot tic 30ct Cnart Bottle 42 IVORY FLAKES For Fine Things P&G Laundry Soap 10 34c Giant Bar 40 SWAN NEW FLOATING SOAP Iledeem your Swan Coupons at Hinky-Pinky 5-Lb. Sack 23c : jQ-Lb. Sack 42c PILLSBURY'S MOTHER'S BEST BEST FLOUR T h FLH?b s9 24-Lb. aa. 48-Lb. $f .S9 24-Lb. Sack -g AO Sack C Sack X 48-Lb. Sk. $2.08 XVO 5-Lb. Sk. 24c ; lO-Lb. Sk. 44c I TSPK I Plattsmouth: Prices in this ad effective Friday & Saturday, Jan. 16, 1"! We reserve the right to Limit Quantities. No Sales to Dealers