Sellevue gazette. ii:nuy m. hit ut, Nrws and Local I'.ditor. OELLEVUE, N. T. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1S58. The I.nnd Salt's In Ncbrask.ii. Next Muiutay, (lie Gth the sale of the public lands, unpre-emptod, within the bounds of the Omaha, Nebraska City, and llrownville Laud Districts, will take place. This comprises all the land, north of the Kansas line, to the southern line of IlWt County, and mat from tln Guide Meridian, to the Missouri River 5 a tract averaging nearly 40 miles in width. This tract of land, is at present,' and always will he, the best and most valuable portion of Nebraska. Whilo the land in the two Districts south of the Platte, is as good, agriculturally considered, as in the Oma ha Ditrict, yet there is not that import anuce attached to it, commercially. Sar py and Douglas Counties the southern part of the Omaha District, will alwuys hold the same relation to Nebraska, as Philadelphia does to Pennsylvania. From the commercial advantages of this region it cannot be otherwise. Much of this laud proclaimed by the President, has already been taken up by pre-emption, and the remainder, doubtless will be secured, when offered. The sales will not lat over two weeks, and ail claims will be forfeited as soon as they begin No private entry can bo made until the tales have closed. Fulrvlcw. This town, ns its name indicates, is in deed a fair or btautiful view. It is situ ated on a high and beautiful plateau of the Platte Valley, ten miles from the mouth of the Platte River, overlooking the Valley and the River; and some hun dred feet above high water mark. The River is visible several miles boih on the east and west of the town, and is filled with Islands, that are covered withademe forest of timber. On the opposite side of the River, the steep and irregular bluffs of southern Nebraska, approach to the River's edge, and are cowred with hard-wood timber. On the east, 10 miles distant, the range of bluffs, that skirl the Missouri on its eastern bauk, rearing their lofty Lends heavenward, are distinctly risible. On the north and west a vast prairie, dotted with groves, stretches far away, and is lost to the eye in the shad, owy distance. The whole scenery, pre sents a panoramic view, unsurpassed by any that we have seen in Nebraska. Fairview is surrounded by a rich agri cultural country, which gives it great im portance. The large amount of timber in the Vulley, and especially in this re gin, has attracted the enterprising farm er thither, many of whom have already Improved their farms equal to many por tions of the east, lu a very few years the wealthiest farmers and the best culti vuted farms will be in this region There are more indications of coal here, than perhaps in any other place in the Territory. We examined one vein where a considerable of an excavation had already been made. The seam was only a few inches thick where it cropped out of the bluffs ; but at the terminus of the opeuing, it had already increased to three feet. In ijuulity it seems to be cannel or semi-bituminous coal. In sev eral places it has been discovered out cro'ping from the sides of the adjacent ravines. As population increases, and public works are instituted, the coal iu lerest of this regiou will be of iiumeuse importance. Doubtless, this place will become, sooner, or later, the County seat of Sarpy County. This is seen from its geograp ical position It is as near the center of the County as it w !l can be ; besides being oa the great line of travel up the Great Platte Valley; n the midst of the settled portions of the County, with roads converging at that point from all parts of the same. The present Coun ty seat, (Be'.levue) being at one extreme of the County, will render a removal cer tain at no distant day. When this occurs, Fairview, without doubt, will be unani mously selected us the site for the unit, We learn that tin Proprietors have appro priated a Block of Lots, to aid in this en terprise. In the Bluffs close by, there is an abundance of lime and sand stone, suita ble for building purposes. Pipe and Brick clay, aUo. abound in this region. A Post Office has already been established here. A Church edifice is in process of erection, and next spring a large Hotel is to be built. A number of Lot has been et apart by the Company, f r the im- provement of the town, and will be do natt'd to those who will put buildings upon them. One year ago, the low i-site was pre-empted ; the title is undisputed, and good Warra ity IX'eds are given. Fairview possesses those natural ad vantages that must give it prominence among the towns on the Great Platte Valley. I,atct Xctvs from (lie (able. Tbinitv Bay, Aug. 7. Mr. Field's log siaies that the Niagara arrived nt thu rendezvouse on the 23d. TIih Valorous 011 the 25th. The Gorgon on the 27th, nnd Agamemnon on the 2bth. The splice was made on the afternoon of the 29th at 7:4-5 in the evening. The signals from the Agamemnon ceased. The electricians reported a wont of con tinuity in cable, but iusultation perfect. ; We keejit on paying out, ami at 1 1:30 1' M I again commenced receiving perfect sig I nals from the Agamemnon. .'10th, dis tance run W mile-, payed out 131 miles. Depih of water 1,5-50 to 1.9S5 fathoms. 31st, distance run 137 miles, paid out 150 miles, depth 1.031 to 2,200 fathoms. August first, di.-tance run 145 miles. ; raid out 104, depth 1,950 to 2,400 fath- 01 ns. 2d, distance run Mi l miles, paid out 177 depth 1.1500 to 2.200 fathoms. The Niagara getting light and rolling much, not safu carrying sail to steady ship, for in case of accident it might be necessary to stop ship as soon as possible. At 3:38 in the morning, impel feci iusul tation detected in sending and receiving j signals. All right at 8:40 ; fault in ward , room, in or about GU miles from lower I 1 ...u: .1. . 1 . , mu, iiiuii was tui oui ana laxen out ot the circ uit. Third Distance 147 mi'es, paid out 161; depth 740 to 1.820 fathoms 11:15 A. M., received signals from Agamem non that she had paid out 7S0 miles. 9 P. M. received signals from Agamem non, was in 200 fathoms water. 10 P. M. Niagara iu same depth. Fourth Dis tance 146 miles, paid out. 154; depth under 200 fathoms : mailt laud at the entrance of Trinity Bay, nt 8 o'clock in the morning. Entered the Bay at 2:30. Fifth. 1:45 A. M. anchored, distance 64 miles, paid o n 06, total paid out 1016 miles, distance 8S2. 2 A.M., fleet ar rived. 2:45 P. M received signal, land ed and informed telegraphers that the fleet had ai rived. 2:45 A.M., received signal from Agamemnon, that she had raid out 1010 miles. 5:15 A. M., Cable landed. 6 A. M., carried to the tele grap'i house where a sTong current wus received fr an the other side of the Atlan tic. Capt. Hudson read prayers and made remarks. 1 p. in. Gorgon fired a salute of 21 gun. 6th. Receiving strong elertrh signals from Vulentia. All right. Landed "here in the woods until instruments are ready and properly adjusted, communications cannot pass between the continents, but electric cunenis pass freely. Trinity Bay. Sunday. Auc. 8. To the. Associate J Press of .Yew York. Tray excuse what you may have thought neglect on my pail in not giving more particulars about the laying of the cable, but I have hardly had tiui-i to eat, drink, or sleep. Mr. McKay, the Sup erintendent of the New York and New foundland Telegraph Line, has been working day and night to get everything readv. Th people here seem to have hail little faith iu the cable's arriving, and had mad. very slight preparation for re ceiving it. The end of the Ailant IC cnlilo win 1..,n,l. ed on the Irish shore from the Niagara on the 5th of August, 1557, and the oOier end from the same vessel on the 5th of August 1S5S. The heavy shore end laid from ihe Valntia by the Niagara last year, Mill remains, and was to be spliced to the main cable, so that boih ends of the cable have actually been laid by the Ni agara. The Telegraph fleet tailed from Ply mouth on the experimental trip on the 29th of May. The able was broken at the stern of the Agamemnoi on the first attempt to lay it. on the 29th of June, and the splice in mid ocean on the last and successful attempt on the 29th of July. Hoping soon to see you, I remain, very truly, your friend. CYRUS W. FIELD. St. Joiix, N F. Aug. 11, 1S5S. There are now o-er eighty miles of cable left on board ot the Niagara, which will be reshipped in -New York to Eng land. All the machinery for paying out the cable is left standing exactly as it was ""J- C W. Fit to. Valestia By. August 16th. via ) Trinity Bay, August 16ih. To Ihe Presfttiit oftit L'uiteJ States: Her Majesty desires to congra.ulate the President upon the successful comple .k... .. 1 . . nun ui ma 1 k'cbi international work, in which the Queen has taken the de pest intereit. The Queen is convinced that the President will join her in fervently hoping that the electrical cable which now connects" Great Briiian to the United States will prove an additional link be tween the nations whose friendship i formed upon their common interests and reciprocal esteem. The Queen has much pleasure in thus communicating with the President and renewing to him her wish es for the prosperity of the United Slates." Washington. Aug. 16, 1S58. To her .Vy, Victoria, Quern oj Great Britain t . The President cordially reciprocates the congratulation of Her Majesty the Queen, on ihe success of the great enter prise, accomplished by th science, skill, and indomitable energy of ihe two coun tries. It ii a triumph more glorious, be caue useful to mankind, than was ever won by conqueror on the field of battle. May the Atlantic Telegraph, un der the blessing of Heaven, prove to be a bond of perpetual peace and friendship, between the kindred nations, and an in strument destined by Divine Providence, to diffuse Religion, Civiliz uion, Liberty and L'iw, throiight the vorld. In this view will not all the nations of Christe . dom spontaneously unite jn the declara tion that 11 shall be forever neutral, and I that its comiiiiimcnious shall be held sa ; cred in the passage to their places of des tination, even in the midst of hotili'ies ? JAMES BUCHANAN. New Yobk. Aug. 19. The Joint Committee 011 the Cable Cel ebration, had a meeting to-day, and fixed upon the 1st of September, for the grand celebration. It was decided to send a dispatch to the Lord Mayor nnd Common Council of London, informing them of the fact. A Greek Yankee if London. At the Thames police court on Saturday, 17th ult.. Captain James, th master of the American ship Clary, lying in the Victo ria dock, applied to Mr. Yardly for his advice and assistance under very peculiar circumstances. Captain James stated that he had for many years traded between New York and Glasgew, and when he paid off his crew ut the iaitr place, it wus always done in five dollar or one pound notes. He had lately arrived in I ondon from the Chinclia Isles with a cargo of gua-Mo, con igned lu Messrt. Gibbs &. Son, who advanced hnu money to pay off his crew, and he received from them a great many 5 Bank of England Notes. Not being accustomed to that sort of money, he paid them away to his sea nil en as five dollar or one pound notes, and did not discover this mistake until some time Hfter he left the pay-oifice, and ' oinmenced making up his accounts. Mrl Yardley m ist confess that he was some what btartleil at hearing that an old and experienced American captain, and be- longing to a people whose care and shrewdness in all monetary transactions, was proverbial. should have coimnitietl such an egregious error as to pay awiy jl j 13a nw ot t,ngluuiJ notes tor XI notes. The agent said ihe seaman ought 10 be compelled to repay the money ihey had received in excess, upwards of 160 Mr. Yardly said the difficulty woild be to get ut them. They were no doubt scattered in various direc ions. He di rected police constable Tapliu to take the : matter in hand. On Thursday Taplrn re ported that he had been among the sail ors, and obtained rom them, iu all, X106 of the money overpiid them. Outers had quitted London and gone 110 one knew whdre.aud sonv had spent all their wages, including the money paid in ex cess. Mr. Yardiey was both surprised and gratified at nhe successful result of the officer's exertions, and be-thoughi jhat the American captain was under great obligations to him. A Singular Pestili.-u e. York, Pennsylvania, a populous and beautiful town, is at present scourged by a singular pestilence which the medical men call Piora. and which is carrying off in a very few hours, all whom it auacks. The usual specific, sulphur, has proved, in the present instance, entirely inefficacious The u inost constern tion reigns in the town, and the inhabitants are leaving in crowds by every attainable conveyance. Some of ihe mod nulic sniiiiHil uiul n , voted citizens, hawever. remain, and are 1 unri mining in their attention to ail who .need assistance. J If the present panic continues, in a few days there will nut be left in ih tnn sufficient number of living to bury the dead. This sudden irruption of pesti lence is unaccountable ; no cases of the diseuse were known till Thursday even ing, when a number of persons, a mo nient before, apparently in perfect health, w -re none- d to lubor under unusual terri ble symptoms, and iu spite of every tare and use of every conceivable remedy, fell victims to the awful scourge. The Telegraph Termini. Bulls Bar. or l'abeul Bav. is n H;i V sill t ft cat tu side of Newfounlaud, in Jut. 47 deg. 25 Hiin. N., long 52 deg. 20 miu. W. Valentia, or Kinmore, a picturesque iiland off the West coal of Ireland, sev. en miles long, and two broad, is separat ed from the main laud by a strait, a mile and a half in br. adih, and contains the most westerly harbor iu the British isles ; tat. 51 deg. 55 miu. N.. Ion. 10 deg. 19 mill W. The harbor is il.i..n rn,. - - - i', .wj'IIVIUU, and I ind-locked, and has lately attracted considerable attention, as the proposed weterly terminus of railway commumca and principal station for Atlantic steamers. ' Auburn, N. Y , doesn't seem to be the ' psruise ot local editors. On Sundav I.. .1 1 . ; . 1 . ' nigui. uie jsi insi., me local tdittr of the. I Advertiser was seized, gaged, aul lashed to a lamp-p ist, head downward, where he was found several hours af'.prwards ,The occurrence furnished hnn with an j " item," but probably he doesn't wish for a: outer on ins same conditions. The great musician, Bulfe.yoiitemp'ates ' a visii u mis countiy, it no di.NUnt Jay. Lorgfellow hat a new pM-iu in prepara tion, which is to be issued about the holi days. President Buchanan is viuoi-ioil m ii. A St. I ..oui during th Agricultural and Mechanics Fsir, w hich is to commence on first Monday ia September t Local & Territorial. Thermometrical. . BhIow will be found our Thennometrical Record for the month of August. The latter part of the month, was quite cool : Aup. 1838. a.m. v. p.m. Tin. p.m. Djr. 1 6 76 2 86 9 71 2 6 6S 2 81 9 71 3 6 70 2 87 9 77 4 6 73 2 91 9 77 5 6 70 2 87 9 77 6 6 73 2 88 9 74 7 6 73 2 88 9 69 8 6 61 2 91 9 74 9 6 71 2 93 9 75 10 6 75 2 90 9 79 11 6 75 2 89 9 ?7 12 6 76 2 91 9 73 13 6 75 2 91 9 78 14 6 77 2 78 9 66 15 6 69 2 79 9 63 16 6 C4 2 84 9 66 17 6 68 2 91 9 73 IS 6 66 2 76 9 61 19 6 61 2 81 9 06 20 6 63 2 73 9 61 21 6 59 2 72 9 63 22 6 61 2 71 9 59 23 6 62 2 69 9 55 24 6 57 2 70 9 64 25 6 62 2 67 9 06 26 6 68 1 2 81 9 65 27 6 57 2 67 9 52 28 6 51 2 66 9 50 29 6 52 ; 2 68 9 58 30 6 54 2 74 9 62 31 6 62 ,2 75 9 61 Get Your Deeds Recorded. We have found many persons in this City, as well as 111 Sarpy Couniy. who have Deeds in iheir possession, for property, that have never been recorded. Every such per son ought to know that a deed is worth less untill it is put upon the proper rec ords- of the Couniy. It is not the holding of the Deed, but the fact of its existance upon record, that gives ii validity. By neglecting this duty, many have lost much valuable property ; and we should not be surprised if this is the case already, in our own Cou-ity. All Warranty, Quit Claim, os well us Bonds rnd Releases should be immediately recorded. Those who hive heretofore b en negligent on this mailer, for their sufety, ought to have ihr Records searched, to see if any one is i.i advance of them, and if not, have their Deeds filed for record, forth with. i Judge Hall has presented us with a sample cf Egyptian Wheal, grown by him 011 his farm, adjoining our city, from seed obtained at the Talent Office, at Washington It much resembles, nnd doubtless is t species, of the common In dfau Millet. It is however much larger in size; the( heads of the sample left us being a foot long and the stalk some six feet. Ii is aiid to make excellent flour as well us good feed for horses. In Egypt it is tised altogether as an article of luxury, the some as our best white flour. This is doubtless the corn that Joseph and his brethren went down into Egpt to purchase, as iu all Eastern countries all kinds of grain, are call ed by this generic appelutior.. In Eng. land, every thing is called com, bu1. com, the maze not growing there. Our country, and especially Nebraska, seems adapted to every specie of corn, thereby clothing our 'ertile field with the cereals of the entire globe. We hope the far mers of Sarpy County wilr make exp-ri-iiients, another year, in testing this new kind of grain We think it will prove a valuable acquisition, to the Agricultural products of our Territory. We undersiand that Wm. Carlile h- s purchased the contracts for carrying the mails from Glenwood to Fremont, via this city, and from this city to Plaitford. He intends to put a hack on the route, from this city to Glenwood. Mr. C. will take up his residence in town, in a short time. S. S. Lurvey & Co., have issued a Trospectus for the People's Press," an independent journal, to be published at Nebraka City. Terms, $2.00 pr annum, in advance. Report says, that a certain woman pro posed a few day since, to a friend of hers to aid her in taking her dying husband to the Land Olfice, "to yremtion, so that h would not lose the right to premtion ; and when he died, she, too, could premtion and have 320 acres of land." C'hipf Justir Hall and Judge Kinney, of IWIevue, Nebraska, passed through our place last week, on ihejr return from the eat. Pacific City lUrall. Thai's slightly mixed." neighbor. Judge Kinney resides at Nebraska City, and is a brother of our worthy Posi Ma. ter, L. B. Kinney, it whom you refer. Cor; W. A. Richardson, has resigned the Governorship of Nebraska, to take efTed in January next. Who "goes In" for the "loaves and fishes alsry, S2.000, a snug birth, it these hard times. Srniors Disturbance A Man Shot. It appears t! at an Irishman who is known iu town as "Old Tap," was in dulging in one of his druken sprees, when a quarrel e.rose between him and a Germnn named George Niebel, the Irish man having insulted him and his wife. The fight was getti' g quite serious, a man named Ryan, and several oher, in terfering in behalf of the Irishman. Mr. Niebel was being badly abused, and would probably have been killed, had it not been for the interference of Wm. N. Byers, Mr. O'Conner, Mr. Page, and one or two oiher gentlemen, who endeuv ore' to restore quiet. The Germ n ran into his house and procured a sword, which however, was taken from him by his wife, and ihe gentleman mentioned. He then look down a musket, loaded w i h large shot, ran out of the house and fired i to the crowd. Who he iuieu .ed to hit, we cannot tell, but in the excitement, he missed his aim, and Mr Byers, who was stooping at the time, received the whole charge iu his rig.'it shoulder. He was immediately removed, and medical assist ance was procured. Ryan, Tap' and Niebel were taken into custody; and on Monday were brought before Judge Briggs for exami nation. Ryan was admitted to bail, and ihe others were commuted to jail for fur ther irial. The Grruiin is badly cut up, and two of his ribs are broken. The wound inflicted on Mr. Byers is rather a serious one but at the time of writing this article, it is hoped and be lieved that he will recover. Mr. Byers is one of our oldest and best known citi zens, nnd the comic unity is justly indig nant that he should have to suffer, while endeavoring 10 terminate one of those drunken brawls which have been entirely too frequent in a certain quarter of our town. It will afford us sincere pleasure to chronicle his complete recovery from the effects of the wound. The wife of Mr. Byers was absent at the lime of the ociurrence, but has been sent for Omaha Republican. M vst e a 10 us Di appearance. Mr. Thomas Sarvis. who was fi.rm rly engag ed as u jouriiej inan prin'er in Omaha nnd Bellevue, but who his resided iu Colum bus, Platte Couniy, since la.-t fall, b ft this City a few weeks since on his way home. He has not been heard from by his friend and it is feared that some accident has be fallen him. Mr S. personally known to us as an estimable person, and we hope the fears may not be confirmed. The fol'owing is an extract from a pri ate letter written to us by a friend at Co lumbus : " I write o you to inquire whether you know anvthin? obnut Mr. S:irns 11 started on lat Thursday u week a, be- lore tne election, trom the heuse of the Fox brothers, between Freutont and Fon tenelle, on Maple creek, saying he intend ed to go to Columbus direct That is the last ihit has been heard of lun. Raw hide creek was very high at that time, and he had to wade it on thu route he was taking. We are afraid he was drowned. In case you should not have any information in regard in him. w ill you please caU upo i hnn through your paper, u.-kiug him to let his friends in Columbus henr from him. Ii is the only way we can arrive at any certainty of his fate." Omaha Republican. Mr. Sarvis left this city. Wednesday morning, July 28, for Col imbus, intending- to go by the way of Fontenelle. He was a candidate for Representative to ihe Legislature, in the Platte Vailey District, and was untiring in his efforts to secure an election, and as he was last heard from, on Thursday, four days previous tt the election, it skeins more than probable that he has met with an untimely end. tie was a native of ( 'bio, Cleveland, we beheve, where his parents now n side. He was not far from 23 years of age, but his size and manly appearance, gave him a much older look. He came to this Territory a year ago last sprmg, and has worked iu this office, at various times, since. He made a claim, last fall, within half a mile of Columbus, where he has resided since that tune, with the exception of few moiiihs, during the lat ter part of last winner, and the following spring, when he was employed in this office, and had become much interested in the future growth and prosperity of the Platte Valley He possessed consider able ability, and together with his indom itable perseverance, and unswerving in- t- gray, he would undoubtedly have made his mark, in the affairs of the future Slate of Nebraska, and won for himself th respn.t and esteem of h'n fellow men. e hop measures will be taken to as certain, if possible, his fate. Anv in- formation relative to hiin. will be thank fully received, at this office. I Green Mountain Gibl.TIi r. ton ( Yt.) Gaznie says th- re arofoor si. ters in town, weighing nine hundred and thirty-five pounds the shortest be'ug about six feet high, weighing two hundred and fifty-six. A letter from New B amfels, Texas, states that ihe Government cameU are in creasing in number, and that the youn" camels are thrifty. Mrs Claia E Baker, wife of Geo. E. Baker, of the celebrated BAer Family of vKahi,.llJ recently at Waukegan. III. They bad just returned from a profession- ftl tjur South. John Randolph. At a special meet ing of the New York Historical Soci.ty Mr. Gulian C. Verplank, so well known as a member of Congress many yt ars ago, read a paper of R iniuiscences of John Randolph of Roanoke. As every thing relating to the most " brilliant gem of the old Dominion" must excite a cer tain dgree of attention, we shall extract the concluding portion of the reinmi-i,,. cies, as n pjrti d for the Herald : I Although Air. Randolph raintfctf, theie was conn etion and coherency 111 Lis rau. blmg. In Benton's reports of his speeci . es, Randolph app. ared much more mctu odical than he really was. as he was re ported iu a condensed form, and, there fore, lost much of his bri liaucy. In hi common conversation he ap:eared very inu h us he did in his public speeches. He was fond of quoting the best Latin authors giving them new force by the originality of their application II quo tations had nothing pt dantic about them. ( He had a habit of practicing his sharp, sayings in private conversation, appnr. in ly for the purpue of stud;i, ig their effect, j before using tlieni in Ins pob.ic spee..e. Randolph quoted largely from Minks pere and other Englisii autnurs, and he had a great liking for Knox's Elegant Extracts." a book which was euriy out of dale. Miltou, he recited admirably but j he found ttie brilliant couplris of Drydcii I more to his purpose 111 suniricle and sar castic debate, und used them freely. He : seldom spoke of Sir Walter Scott, whose I writings, however, made 11 deep impres sion upon hnn. Byron he praised 111 pri vate ir.-quently, und 111 Latin he quoted Ovid's Metumo p.nse" frequently. He was particularly f md of Litiu law books, and even soin tunes referred to Biack atone. llo occttsi mally alluded to S.nol let's works, und although he evultiniy read a good deal of French literature, he seldom quoted French autuors, wan tlie exception of Mo.iere. He was very ac curately informed in English and .Amer ican history, and frequently lu Congress he displayed his kno,b.dgu of fusion. al dates. After giving a ininuttt rlesrrinti'n ,.t Randolph's ciiarucler and varied accom plishments. tlin honorable gentleman re ferred to his grand uncle, wiio was a young Scotchman, who amassed a fortune in Virginia, and inarm d 11 laJy of large property 111 this country " as" ad good looking Scotchmen did." He commented up-111 his great liberality and action during tne Revolution, and his remark map Cuf loden was revenged by ihe battle uf Yorktowu." The honorable gentleman at the con clusion of his address, was warmly up p'auded, and, on the motion of Mr Ban croft, the thanks of the society was unan imously awarded. In a sermon preucntd 111 Boston last Sunday, l!v. E. II. Chapm n.ade ihe to. lowing allusion to tuc success of the Ocean Teb graph : ' " L' t us not fail to recognize the great ness, ihe grandeur of tins ai hiev. mtui. L t tu supposed honoring of religion no intention of exalting Uie moral or spir Uual above the physical, hide fio o us the foil glory of that . ffect by wtiiih. for 1 .e last uiree hundred years, man ha obtain ed mi- mastery over nutuie. I 01 111 sim ple truth, it is not man's glory bit God's glory ihat is unfoided in the gradual de velopment of human knowledge und hu man p.iwer. Thus, the magnilicei.t consum mation of the past w. ek which has sim ultaneously siariled twohemi nn, ri'A has awakened within us those fet lings tl at are deepest and highest making w n inadequate, and sending our thoug.. s u, rd warus 1101 oiuy in usioni.-nmeut, but .n reverence and thanksgiving. In such a work we feJ the thrill of God s hand sweeping through tvnts, aud t ans ant ing into a pr h tic .ymbol of processes of ages, and the s-ignificance of hi-tory. Men wait it breathless cm scious that it inaugurates an era. wonder ing to what new music the earth's round wheel will turn, and pondering 'he incalculable consequences. Yes, the fir.-t aentiment awakened by such a triumph is a religious sentiment. It demonstrates the fact that spirit is the beginning and the end of all mechanism and all mailer. Through every physical larrier mind rushes to th embrace of mind, and h art to heart sending swift as I ghtning, through the arches of th tumultuous sea, the viewless coursers of thought, and tamp ring the thunder of the sky into the silent pulsations of a world-felt love and joy. Iu this view scientific achievement, expanding bevoud all mercenary ue, becomes the Shekinah of the living G"d at once His awful veil of mystery, and the sicnal of His presence." , It is said that several American counts have been made in Italy, in this wayj The Pope, not being able to finis a er tain railway or la k of mony. offered the title of count to every foreigner who would subscribe a sum of S5G00 to lb road. A German at New OHf ans. named Bingeller, recently killed himself because a black wench, weighing 150 pounds, would not reciprocate hi lov. When m tern ated about the unfortunate Franu, she exclaimed. " Well, the Lord takes, what a fool that while twin was. to be aura, to say that he tub this nigger." Wm. D. Gallagher. th editor an I po et, is a' present, engaged in ihe fruit culture business, near !ouiville. Mrs. F M Divi it nuking ba'lojn ascensions at Columbus, Mis. Pnf rotis counterfeit t W bills on tb Notional Bank of Providence. R. I , hove been p-it in circulation ia St. Louis,