Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, August 26, 1858, Image 4

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rimxirs, samivson & cus
H O S T O X, M A S S.
Finn : In Literature, to leave no pmiinre
unrepresented, so that while each i umber will
raiitaln urt lrs of mi abstract and pr rmanent
value, It will also he found the lira It h t
appetite of the ml ml lor entertainment in lis
various forms of Narrative, Wit, and Humor,
will not go unrared for. The piiblisheis wish
to liny. also, thnt while native wrt'ers will re
reive the most solid encouragement, and will
le ln,i i tilv relied- on to fill the pages of the
ATtATrir, they will not hesitate to draw
from the foreign scourers at their command
ia occasion hm v require, rol v inn: rather on the
competency of an author to treat a particular
subject, than on any other claim whatever,
n thle way they hope to make the lr Periodi
cal welcome wherever tlie English tongue ia
epoken or read.
Sr.roND In the term Art they intend to in
clude Ilia whole domain of aeathetiia, and
hope gradually to make thia critical dedart
menc a true and fearless representative of Art
in all Its varlom branches, without any regard
to prejudice, whether personal or national, or
1 1 jrtvate considerations of what kind soever.
Third t In Politics, the Atlantic will be
the organ of no party clique, but will honestly
endeavor to be the exponent of what Its con
ductors believe to be the American idea It
will deal frankly with persons and with part
ies, sndeavorsngtokeep in view that moral el
ement which tranacends all persons and par
ties and which alone makes the basil of a
trite and lasting national prosperity. It will
not rank itHelf with any sect of antics, but
with that body of men which are in favor of
Freedom, National Progress, and Honor,
whether public or private.
A en earnest of the material nt their com
mand, they subjoin the following list of litera
ry persona interested lu their enterprise wish
ing It however to be distinctly understood,
hat they shall hope for support from every
kind of ahillity which desires the avenue of
their column", and in the remuneration of
which they shall be guided purely by their
sense of intrinsic merit :
William 11. Prescott. IUIph Waldo Finer
son, Win C Hryant, Henry W. Lnnfrlluw,
nev. K. 11. Hedge, D. D. Nathaniel Haw
thorn, John G Whittier, Oliver Wendell
Holmes, James It. Lowell, J. Lothrop Mot
ley, George Win. Curtis, Herman Melville,
Pfoir. C. C. Felton. Pioll". F. J. Child, K. P
Whipple. Edmoiid Quincy, Author of Wen
sley. " Thomas W. Parsons, J. T. Trow
bridge, Author of " Neighbor Jack wood " fce.
Mrs. II. r.eecher Stowe, Mrs. Gaskilt, Au
thor of" Ruth" "Mary Hurton" tr. Mrs.
!.. Maria Child, Mis. C. M. Kirkland, Mrs.
Pike, Author of Ida May." " Caste," &.c.
Miss. Hose Tcrrr. Wiklie Collins Author of
"The Dead Secret", fcc. G. Riifnni Author of
" Doctor Antonio" fcc. Shirley 1! rooks Au
thor of " Aspen Court " fc.-. f:. M. Whitty,
Author of ''Political Portraits &c. James
Manner Author of " Singleton Fontenoy " &.e.
C. W. Piiilleo Autherof "Twice Married. "
The Publishera will aim to have each num
ber of the magatine ready In time for distribu
tion and sale, In the more remote parts oi the
country, on or before the first day of each
month' for which It is Intended.
TERMS. The Atlantic Monthlt can
be had of Booksellers. Periodical Agents, or
from the Publishers, at Threl Dollars a year,
or Twenty-five Cents a Number.
Subscribers remitting three dollers in ad
vance, will receive the work for one year,
rosT rAto, in any part of the United Slates
within 31)00 miles-
A liberal discount made to wholesale deal
ers, and to post-masters and others who art as
agents, to whom specimen numbers will be
furnished without charge.
The Publishers will not be responsible for
contracts made by agents. All persons or
dering through that medium must look to them
for their supply.
All communications for the Atlantic must
be addressed to the Pnbllshers.
to tii land orrictas iv the territories
BY joint resolution of Congress, approved
March, H.Y7, valid pre-emption claims on
Hie IHth and 30th sections, heretofore reserved
for schools, in the Territories of Minnesota,
Kansas and Nebraska, will. be recognized
1st. In cases where the approved plat of
survey Das not yet neen returned, me declara
tory statement must be filed within three
2d. Where the plat is now In the Register's
Office, the declaration must be filed within
three months from the first publication op
TMia CiaCPLA in your district.
A failure to comply with this requirement,
win worn a lorreiiure or toe claim.
n 30-8w Commissioner.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the County
Commissioners of Sarpv county, will
meet on Mondav.May 10th, lS58,at fl o'clock
A. M. at the house of Bernbart Myers, to
view and locate, a road in answer to a Petition
to commence it a point near the reaidence of
aid Bernhart Myers, where the road from
Bellevue, intersects the Territorial road lead
' ing from Omaha, in Douglas county, to Cedar
Island in Sarpy eountv, thence to a point near
the residence of W. T. Whittint-ton, thence to
the vesideae of H. H. Smith, tnenee near
the residence of George Swevil to the most
practical route to Fsuview. Said Commis
toners will meet In the eveninr of the same
day, at 5 o'clock at Bernhart Myers to hear
partiea interested in locating said road.
On the following day, May llth, lf-M", at (I
o'clock A. M. said Commissioners will meet
at Philander Cook's near Platte River, to
view and locate a road, piopnsed In Petition
to run from La Platte, along the Plstte River
bottom, uKt the blurts by Carlile's, II. 11.
Smiths, and north of Swivels' to the 8- E. cor
ner of Sec 18, Township 13, Ranre 12, E. of
the 6lb principal meridian. The Commission
era will meet in the evening of the same day
at 5 o'clock at the house of Philander Cook,
to hear parties Interested in said road.
On Thursday, May 13th, 1853, ths County
Commissioner of Sarpy county, will meet at
cReubn Lovejoy's at 0 o'clock A. M. to view
eand Icate road, to commence at a point on
the weat Una of the Bellevue Mission claim,
thtnee north-west by the most direct and
prraetica' route, by way of the forka of the
big Pappillion and'West pappillion creeks, to
Haielton s thence to the north line of said
.county, at a point on the north aide of Sec 13,
Township 14, Rang 11.
' touty commissioners will thsn meet at Ru
man Lovejoy's, in Bellevue, in the evening of
the same day at 9 o'clock, to hear partiea In
terest ed.
By order of the County Commissioners.
, Vllevne, April Jh, 1B1 Crintr C'jk.
41 ciu ejjiajj
Or, The Forger Convicted.
t 'Jm Vo you WiiiJ to H'ttv ii Surf Prrvntive
ti'-ainst Counter frit in liiiuU ,Vn ?
11HAD! tIC All ! ! Ki:AD!!!
Subscribe! Sabscribol Subscribe I
JOHN R. DYE Is the Author, and Hie Rank
Note engravers nil s-iv lie is the greatest
judge of paper money living.
pr.Tri.ii i man the
Published weekly. The whole only One
Dollar a Year.
cntury for detecting counlif it Rank Notes;
(Inscribing every genuine hill in existence, and
exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit in cir
ciilatio'i. Arranced so admirably that refer
ence Is e;i?y and detection instantaneous. No
pages to hunt up, but so h i in 1 1 fi t and arranged
that the merchant, hanker and business man
can see nil nt a glance.
It has taken years to make perfect this
GREAT DISCOVERY. The urgent neces
sity for such a work has long been felt by
commercial men. It his been published to
supply the rail for such a preventive, and needs
but to be known to be universally patronized.
It does more than lias ever been attempted by
man. describes every bank note in three
different langusges English. French and Ger
man. Thus each may read the same in his
own native toneue.
Terms. Ths paper will be about 2" by 42
inches, and will contain the most perfect Bank
ivote publisiiec;, together with the rate of
discount. Also a list of all the private Bank
ers in America.
A complete summary of the Finances of
Europe and America will be published in each
edition, together with all the Important news
from an old manuscript found in the East, and
nis where else to be found. It has never yet.
appeared in print, and furnishes the most com.
plete history of Oriental Life, and describing
the most perplexing positions in which the
1. ames anil gentlemen or that country have
been so often found. These stories will con
tinue throughout the whole year, and will
,-rnve the most entertaining ever offered to the
Furnished weekly to subscribers only
at (1 a year. All letters must be addressed
to JOHN S. DYE, Broker,
Publisher and Proprietor,
3m32 70 Wall Street, New York.
" P. A. SARPY,
Wholesale & Retail Merchant,
II AS iust received enj now has for sate, a
large assortment of selected merchandise
adapted to the wants of all in this new and !
thriving community, which he can sell a n heap
as can be offered elsewhere so high upon the
Missouri river. His goods have been selected
by an experienced purchaser, with special
reference to the circumstances and wants of
all classes of settlers in a new country. La
dies and gentlemen, children and youth, all
can be supplied. Call and see for yourselves.
His stock consists of the following, among a
great many other articles he cannot now enu
merate t Among his
Dry Goods,
May be found Woolen and Satinet Cloths,
Cnssiliets, Tweeds, Cashmeres, Liimeys,
Flai.uel, Red. While, Gray and Blue. Caspian
Plaids, Cotton Goods, Sheetings and Shirtings,
Bleached Mid Unbleached. Blue and White,
Drillings, Osnaburg, Bed-Ticking,' Hickory
Checks, &.C, tie.
Fancy Goods. '
A beautiful 'assortment of fancy prints of
every variety of style and pattern. Ginghams,
Lawns, Figured Alpacca, llombarlnes, IJoni
bayetts. Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchief?, Neck
erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons,
ice. 1,0.
A well selected stock of Rummer, Fall and
Winter ("lothinir, consisting in part of fine
Dress Coats, Pants and Vests; also, good
Summer Clothiiie of all ileBcriptions, and heavy
Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts,
Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socks,
fce. Mens' and Boys' Hats and Caps, of va
rious fashions, oualities and prices. Boots it
Shoes, thick and thin, polished and unpolished.
of every description,-for Men, Women, and i
Children's use.
Crushed, Clarified, Loaf and Brown Sugar,
Molasses, Syrup Molasses, Golden Syrup,
Superior Tea, Rio and .lava Coffee, Sassafras,
Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Spice, Cinnamon,
troiiiid Ginger, Nutmegs, Snuff's, Tohaceo,
Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Pickles
Tepper-Sauce, fcc, kr.
A large assortment of Flour, of various
qualities and prices; Corn Meal and all the
various prooucis oi ine rarni anu uarnen;
oacon, risn, ruin nrica Appies, rescues,
Currants, Raisins, Sic.
Hardware. ;
Stoves nt various patterns, for Cooking and j
Heating rooms. Stove-pipe and Elbows, larg , i
and small iron Netties, trying fans, &kii;ets
Hand-Irons, Shovels and Tong'ues, Manure a ni
Hay Forks, Scythes. Shovels and Spades, Log
ana Trace Chains. Axes. Hammers, Pincers.
Iron and Steel, Nails, Horse.Rasps, Files,
baws, Knives and rorks, rocK't Knives, (a.
oor Handles, Knoh,
Locks, fcc &.c.
A general assortment kept for househok
Wood ware.
Wash-tubs, Shakers Pails, Wsd and Zinc
Sole Leather, Hirness Leather, CowhMe,
Kin Skins, Calf Skins, Lir.ings and Morocco,
Saddles, Bridles, Halters, Lariats, Circinrles,
Belly-bands, Driving-lines, Collars, Back
trans, Girths, Blind-bridles, tee.,
. , , m .' -
A genrral assortment of Medicines, for
Fevers, Fever and Ague, and the common
romplaints rt the --mntrv. Cook's. Lee's. I
Ssppenyton's, Iragg's and Jtynes' Pills, (Jui
i tne, Tonics, and various kinds of Stimulants, I
Anodynes. Liniments, and other articles necat. i
aary for tt sick and the invalid
w, uoVv o1" NotM 'i P,1,s '" '' remitted to any
JOHN P. HORN fc CO., nar the Printing 1 part of the United States. Money received on
J Office, Bellevue, hsvs on hand shov ls. i deposit, and interest allowed. Eastern or
Hns. Spades, Forks, Haines, and a general Southern Drafts furnished in sums to suit pur
assortment of Farming Tools. Call and ee. I chisers. Land Office funds paid for Currency
'uly, 15. 1057. 3w3f j or bills of Exchange. Loans effected on good
, security. Taxes paid, titles exairiued, and
OLENWOOD HOTE L ; 't1 Etate bo,,?,lt n( old Commission.
vmxjj.s v w w-e M v jj j, Lan(U ,nt,rf(1 & tettl, nni tjm, .iv, fo.
Z. Brndway,
fomer Of LCU!t and COOlCfljC StrtCtS, ;
ill. t t cum. , s
""""' ' 'vn.iuB. :ington, ). C. ; Hen. A. V'. Dodge, S V S
A LARGE STOCK OF READY MADE, Rurlingtor., Iowa; Hon. W. June., S. V.
Clothin? of the latent Fashion, at i S , Dubuque, Iowa ; Hon. 'eieph Williams
CLEARWATFR. WHITE k S.NPEIM ! Chief Justice. Mnecstme. U a.
June I'h, ISaT. sill. Cowil i'luff', '"'. J", v-f -I tf
New Everything:, at the Old Stand of
epward c. boseyshell
HAS the honor to inform the people of the
b'oiithern District of Douglas and the adjoin
ing counties, NeiirasKR, he if now open
ing one of the larges'. Stocks of GOODS ever
brought ti Gleuwood, Mills county, Iowa,
consisting of
And everything tint may be found penerally
in city store, all of which he will tell
DUCE trfKon in exchange for Goods.- Buy
ers from town or country wishing good anil
cheap Goods, either t wholesale or retail,
will save money by calling and examining his
s'ocit before purchasing elsewhere, as they
will find good bargains and fair dealing.
GrtNwoon, Iowa. no 4-tf
L. Nuckolls & Co.
Collections made In Iowa, Nebraska and
Kansas, and remitted at cm rent rate s of ex
change, free of charge.
Ioans effected for foreign Capitalists, at
Wksirrn Rates of Interest, on real estate
Farms, Town Lots and Unimproved Lands
bought and sold.
Tuxes paid in any Court v in the State-
also In Nebraska and Kansas.
Notes bought and Money loaned on good
Interest paid on Special Deposits.
Laud Warrants bought and sold.
Special attention given to the selection and
entry of Lands for settlers or distant dealers,
either with Lnntl Warrants or money, in Iowa,
Nebraska or Kansas.
We charge Ten Dollars per One Hundred
and Sixty Acres, and make reasonable deduc
tions, when entering large onantities. When
Land Warrants ore scut, Two ami a Half
Cents per Acre, the Land Ollice Fee, must
accompany trie locating l' ee. j
vVhen Warrants are sent, the No's of War- i
milt, fl.ltf In u-tintn iuiiA.I n,t,1 ,.: .l '
......... 1 ......ii, .-,.,,! ,,i,u fin?iiii,
should be copied and retained, to guard against
loss in mails.
Remittances to us, can be made In Drafts
on any of the Eastern or Soutern Cities.
We will enter Land with Warrants or Cash, I
pay an i-ees, laxes ami Commissions, for
one third of the gross profits, accruing from
the shle of the Land all expenses to come out
of our thiid of the profits. Our arrangements
are such that we can enter Lands in all the
Otlici s in luwa, Nebraska, and Kansas. A
competent surveyor always in readiness to find
mid select choice Lands, Coa Fiki.ds, Rock
Quarrik, Will Sjtks, Mineral Tracts,
Within the next twelve months there will be
offered for sale in Nebraska and Kansas, Two
m.,.1 U..!e :ll:.,.. ,.u f .... ' ; I
vi. u .inn itiuiHMi rti:n- ih x.tiiiii, compris
ing the best portions of those Territories, and
extending along the Missouri River, from the
Mouth of Kansas River or the line of the
State of Missouri, to the Mouth of Ieau-qui-cour
We solicit foreign Capitol for Investment,
Investments properly made in Western
Lands and Town Lois, are now paying from
twenty-five to four hundred per rent.
Vv'c believe that persons patronizing our
firm will hae peculiar advantages over al
most any oihrr in this Country-. We were
among the first Pioneers of this vast and
growing country and are intimately acquainted
vxitli nearly every portion of Western Iowa,
Nebraska and Kansas, and believe we will be
Rhlc to render satisfaction In all but-iness en-
I trusted to us.
REFERENCES: John Thompson; Hope,
Oraydon & Co., New Yorit City; Wood, Ba
con & Co., Philadelphia ; Straight, Deining it
Co., Cincinnati; Darby it Rarks.iale; Humph
reys, 1 utt it Ierry; Crow, McCreery &. Co,
cU. Louis ; I saacs Almond, Leavenworth
Uy, Kansas; Greene, We.i
Council Bluffs, Iowa ; Henn, Williams & Co.,
Fairfield. Iowa ; Charles Hemlrie, Burlington,
Iowa; Hon. Aug. Hal!, Keosaiupie, Iowa;
Hon. James Craig. St. Joneph, Mo. Hon. A.
S. Fulton, Wytheville. Va; Hon. F. Mc Fullen,
Estihille, Va. ; Hon. F. Ferguson, Chief Jus
tice, Bellevue, Nebraska.
Glenuood, Mills f'o.. Iowa. 2-1-tf.
Wtvjld resoectfullv inform th lli nt rn.
; nemen oi wmana anrt vicinity, that tney nave
i on nann ana are
I stock of
manufaicturinz a complete
Of tiie best quality, and warranted; comprl-
atng the following, vii :
Ladies' Fine Lace and Congress Gaiters.
" " Kid Bootees and Congress Gaiter.
" " Slippers and Parodi Ties.
" Heavy Morocco and Calf Bootees.
j Childs'
Gents' Sewed Kip and Calf Boots.
" J'eegeM "
" Fine French or Pump Boets.
Water Proof and Quilted-Bottom F ts.
" Patent Calf Boots.
" Oxford Ties and Gaiters.
" Kip and Calf Shoes.
Toys' and Youths' Kip Boots and Brogana.
All of which are made of the best, material
the market atfords. Our facilities for select
ing are unsurpassed in Eastern cities, and we
wish it distinctly understood that we
Warrant Every Articla We Sell.
We have the heat of workmen in our em
i rwy toin ui di'ui vw cunt maae lo
'rit.r m,i rr..u j .
ploy. Every style of Boot or Shoe mads to
j r Rnrtriitiv
no 13-tf
W. H. STARK fc. CO.
Greene, Weare & Bonton,
.!- and Lsnd Agents, Council Blurts. Iowa.
(payment. Ofllce opposite the Pacific House,
in wesi lower room or iinu uuice.
RuiscNfis: F. S. Jesup-fc Co.; W. J.
Barney fc Co., Bankers. Dubuque, Iowa ; Cook
fc Sarf'nt. Bankers, feavenport, Cul-
"rton fc Reno, Bankers, Iowa Citv, lewa;
People s J.aak, w York City; Uetchem,
Rogers fc Be 'net, Larkers. New York City i
I Selkon. Wit' trs fc C ., V'ashington, D. C. ;
i Hon. Chas. . lason. Coin, f Patents. Wash-
FOR 1 858 VOL. 10.
Western Agriculture. Horticulture, Mechan
ics, Education, Literature, Markets,
and General News.
.niTrn nv
JOHN A. KENNICOTT, Corres'ind Editor
AsstsTtn ay
Over Five Hundred Practical Farmers and
Mechanics, who have heretofore written,
and will continue, wi'h many others,
to write for the benefit of their
brethren and the public.
The "Prairie Farmer" Is devoted to the in
terest of the Western Farmer and Mechanic.
It is the Okies. Agricultural Paper in the
West is published weekly in quarto form, for
binding is characterised by a hiuh moral
tone labors to promote the interests and ad
vancement pf the wiioi.e of the family, and
to develop the Agricultural Resonrres of the
West A special and competent Commercial
Reporter Is employed to give accurate Market
Reports weekly. It is essentially the family
paper for the West.
1 copy, 1 year, $1 in advance, or $1.50 at
the end of the year.
10 copies, 1 year, ttf-00 free copy to
the person sending club.
20 copies, 1 year, $15 00 free copy to
the person sending club.
50 copies, 1 year, $35.00 free copy to
Jhe person sending ciub.
$V An old subscriber sending mw
ones, or $8, will receive om copy one
Subscription! at the club rates must
be paid Invariably in advance.
ffV" Subscribe now. You want and need
"The Farmer." We want you to have it.
V" Current money may be sent by mail at
our risk, provided the letters are "registered."
;"A ddress "Valley Farmer," office cor
ner Chestnut and 2d streets, St Louis, Mo.
(pjF Advertisements, of an appropriate
character, inserted at ten cents per line each
Insertion payment in advance.
Will be offered in
FOR 1858.
This work has been the standard for twenty
seven years. When an imitation has been at
tempted it has failed. It ia
llow to dress with Taste. Children's
Clothes How to rut and contrive them.
Painting on Glass. Patchwork. The Dress
maker and the Milliner.
Drawing in all i's variety, useful to the be
ginner and the proficient.
Fashions from the establishment of the cel
ebrated "Rrodie," will be In every number.
Every-day Actualities A new series of
these illustrated articles will be given.
Point, Brussels, and Venetian Lace of
every variety. A specimen of the stitch to he
used' In eacli will be given. In addition to the
One Hundred Pages of Reading will be
given monthly.
Godey's Splendid Enjravings on steel.
London, Paris and Philadelphia Fashions
Godey'a four figured Colored Fashions.
Embroidery Patterns, Model Cottages,
Dress Making with Diagrams to cut by.
Dress Patterns Infants' and Children's
dresses, with descriptions how to make them.
All kinds of Crotchet and Netting work.
The Norse and the Nursery Very excel
lent articles upon these subjects will often be
reo! r.vrsv subject.
MUSIC Three dollars' worth is given
every year.
In the various numbers for 18."8, will be
found the newest designs for
Window Curtains, Rroderic Anglaise Slippers,
Bonnets, Caps, Cloaks, Evening Dresses,
Fancy Articles, Head Dresses, Hair
Dressing. Robes de Cramble, Car
riage Dresses, Brides'Dress
es, Wreaths. Mantillas,
Walking Dresses,
Riding Habits,
and Morning Dresses.
Dresses for Infants and Young Misses,
Boys' Dresses, Capes and Cloaks of Fur in
season, Patterns for Needle-work of all kinds
and patterns to cut dresses by are given
Crochet, and Netting Work in Colors, Slip
pers in Colors.
Drawing Lessons for Youth.
Send in vour orders soon, as we expect our
list for 1857 will reach 100,000 copies. The
heat plan of subscribing is to send your money
direct to the publisher. Those who aend
large amounts had better aend drafts, but
notes will answer if drafts cannot be pro
cured. Wa think we can show how much cheaper
It ia to take the Lady's Book at Three Dol
lars than any other magazine at Two Dollars.
Wa will take a late number of both. The
Two Dollar Magazine contained 3d articles,
the Lady's Book 62.
The Two Dollar Magazine contained 32 en
gravings, the Lady's Book ffi.
The Two Dollar Magazine contained 64 pa
ges, the Lady's Book 100.
Twenty-four more engravings, twenty six
more articles, and thirty-six more pages,
nearly double the quantity. The lowest club
price of the Two Dollar 'Magazine is f 1,25;
lowest club price of Lady's Book $1,67, only
42 cents difference in the price, which is three
and a half cents on each number, and for that
sum (three and a half cents), you receive
twenty-sit more articles, twenty-four more
engravings, and thirty-six more pages month
lycertainly a very cheap three and a half
cents' wor'h. This view of the case has
probably never before been presented, but it ia
a true statement, which any lady can con
vince herself of by comparing the two maga
One copy, one year, $3. Two copies, one
year, $. Three copies, one year, 6.
Five copies one year, and an extra copy to
the person sending the club, making' six
copies $10.
Eight copies one year and an extra copy to
the person sendin; the club, making nine
copies $15.
Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy to
the person sending the club, making twelve
copies $20.
("Tv" The above terms cannot be deviated
from, no matter how many are ordered.
Giwley's Lady's Book and Arthur'a Home
Mtrazinea roth one year for $3 50.
Godey'a Lady's Book and Harper's Maga
zine bo'h one year for $4 50.
Godev's Lady'a Book. Harper's Magaiine,
and Anion's Iloiue Mazaiine one year '".
The above ia the only way we can club with
Harner'a Magazine. I
The money must all be sent at one time for
anv of the Clubs. 1
Subscribers in the British Provinces who !
send for clubs, must remit 3d cents extra on j
every subscriber, to pay the American post
age to the lines. Address. I
L. A. GODEY, !
MS Cbesnut St., rhilads., Ts.
For 1858.
THE Cheapest Family Newspaper In the
West I The Weekly Plain Dealer will
commence lis Srveiitcen'li Volume, on the 1st
of January, 18."8. It will continue th? same
Independent, Jocose, Fearless. Flgh'lr.g Jour
nal it has ever been, Dealing Plainly but kind
ly with all. It will battle for the Constitu
tion and the Union, as "the world'a best trea
sure and last hope." It will oppose FuBion
ism in eviy form, ami battie Dii-union in
every disguise. Of its v!giiance as a Sentinel
upon the watch-tower of Liberty, it is suffi
cient to say. that it has never yet been found
nappinff at its post.
The New Vohme will commence with a
New Year, big with important events. A
new leaf in the history of this Republic will
be entered, upon the Inauguration of a new
President and Vice President. During the
coming year, me policy of the iSew Adminis
tration will be fully unveiled In regard to the
following important and exciting National
topics: The Final Settlement of the Kansas
Difficulty, on which the whole Slavery ques
tion in the Territories is pending The Final
Settlement of the Central American Question,
as against the claims of England Our RigXt
of Transit Across the Isthmus, and the recog
nition and maintenance of the Walker Re
public in Nicaragua The Danish Sound Duet
The Acquisition of Cuba The Annexation
of the Sandwich Islands Tne Admission of
Minnesota as a State Admission of Oregon
Admission of Utah, with or without Poly
gamy Admission of Kansas, with or without
Slavery Probable Admission of Nebraska
and Washington Territories The Inaugural
Message of James Biichanai, The Doings of
the New Democratic Congress. These are
some of the leading events which will distin
guish the incoming Administration, and most
of them will transpire during the coining year.
Cleveland, from its central location, and
from ita great concentration of Rail Roads,
Telegraphs, and water communication with
the world, is admitted to be the Best News
Point in the West. It can furnish intelligence
from all parts of the world, days ahead of the
New York Papers, and the Plain Dealer, be
longing to the New York Associated Press, ia
the first to publish the Foreign and Domestic
Markets, News. Disasters upon the Lakes,
and Commercial Intelligence generally, ll
will have Daily Telegraphic Dispatches' from
Washington during the Session of Congress,
and has regular Correspondents iu all the
principal cities of the Union.
In addition to a full and faithful record of
passing events, we intend to devote a consid
erable portion of our paper to "Polite Litera
ture." Every Paper will contain a Story,
either original or selected, accompanied with
the choicest variety of Miscellany, such as
Poetry, Discoveries, Biographies, 'Jokes. Od
dities, fcc., 4.C., makitir altogether one of the
most Valuable Family Journals In the West I
"Prompt to improve and to invite,
We'II blend instruction with delight."
fV Onr Agricultural, Commercial, and
Telegraphic Departments, will each bu worth
the subscription price of the paper.
Til rtrirr-Mnn V. VnJ. ! Cl .
land and Cincinnati Markets will be reported
Single Subscribers,....
Clubs of Ten (to one Office),...
Cluhs of Twenty (to one Otiiee),
Clubs of Fifty. "
Pay Invariably in acvance. To the getter
up of a Club, one copy gratis.
(TV Post-Masters 'a re especially 'equested
to act as Ap-ents. They should in'everv case,
where possible, substitute Western Demo
cratic Papers for Eastern Fusion Papers.
Those desiring the President's Message and
other Public Documents, can subscribe now,
or Rt any time before the first of December.
Subscribers to the New Volume should
send in their names as early as the middle of
December, so that they may be registered in
time for the first number. 'All funds reclved
at current rates, and if registered, mailed ei
our risk. Address
We take tins occasion to announce to Farm
ers throughout the country, that it is the in
tention of the Editor and" Proprietor of the
"Germantown Telegraph," not only to con
tinue as heretofore the Agricultural Depart
ment of his paper, but seduloi sly to add to
its character and value by all the means at
command. All necessary space shall be pro
vided for a ful irecord of Agricultural Details
and a full development of every branch of the
Farmer's Pursuit. He will in future, as lie
baa always heretofore, aim to be practical,
and to be of real and substantial advantage
to husbandry. His course, also, will continue
to be thoroughly independent, and wholly un
biassed by any other motives than those be
conceives to be promotive of the true interest
of Agriculture in its broadest meaning. Neither
individuals, cliques, societies, or any other in
fluence shall swerve hi in from the rath of
right and duty.
Farmers, throughout the country, who de
sire a Newspaper, issued weekly, and equal
to any other family news and literary joursal
published, which makes Agriculture a speci
ality, will find the "Germantown Telegraph"
to fulfill every condition, and to render it en
tirely unnecessary for them to subscribe for a
periodical exclusively agricultural.
Practical Horticulture, Pomology and Gar
dening, generally, will meet with particular
As a Literary and News Journal It shall
not be surpassed by any in the country.
Neatly printed on good paper, of the largest
class, it shall continue to be one of ths hand
somest newspapers of the day.
Every Family, in town or country, whether
they take other papers or not, will find the
"Germantown Telegraph" to be worth, in lit
ersl benefit, twice the amount of aubacriptinn.
No subscriptions received without the cash.
Price Two Dollars in advance. Subscriptions
not paid within the year, $2.50. Mail sub
scribers will have the cash postage deducted
when not exceeding 25 cts, per annum, pro.
vided the subscription be paid strictly-in ad
vance. Postage stamps to this amount will
be returned as change with the receipt.
Any person sending five new subscribers at
one time, with the cash, will be entitled to the
paper for one year.
Specimen numbers sent on request.
If nilE subscriber begs leave to inform the
4V public, that he has now in operation, a
first class Steam Ferry Post, at Pellevue, N. T.
at the point known ss bid Trder' Point Ferry!
The Bost is one of ths lst on the Missouri
River, and eveiy exertion will be tiked to eni.
hie the public to cross the Riv with safety
and diipatrh.
tU 16 N ATH A N I EL G. Ji E NTON.
roii s.iLii.
A valuable timber Claim of 160 acres, with
in three miles of BIWe fiv, for sal. En.
quirt st Mm Offi'. c?7'f.
'58. Seasoi ArriBrenrat.
or THK
Regular St. Louie, Council Bluffs Omaha
Cily, Sioux City, and Iowa Point Packet
for Sioux City, Omadi, Seargent'a fluff,-De.'
til 'fnl' F,ren Omaha City, Coun
Bluffs, Bellevue, St. Marys, Wyoming City
Nebraska City. Linden, WiivUle, Rock
nort, White Cloud, Forest City, Oregon,
Iowa Point, Savannah, St. Joseph, etc.
rnHE entirely new, very light draught, and
5UKrb ,fr',e,lt nJ pasager steamer
SIOUX CITY. BAKtaMaster, has com.'
menced running as a regular packet to the
fn i ai Termdi4te Pointa, continuing
in the trade during the season.
The Sioux City, as her name implies was
.v c.pcj,, mr k oioux uity paeket.under
the especial aupervision of Captain Baker
who. in her construction, has spared neither
trouble nor expense to make her No. 1 Mis
aourl River steamer, and one la all retpecta
I most admiraby adapted to the wants of the
I river. She will be found, as regards capacity
for business as well as the superiority of ber
, L t UU QlOU S UOn S, lMIOr tO DO
" me iraoe, ana as such Capt. Baker
takes much pleasure in presei ting her to ths
favorable consideration of his friends and
acquaintances, and the public generally, bop.
ing to receive at their bands a continuance if
that generous patronage for which be Is in.
debted during a series of years, while in com.
mand of different boats in the river.
..S!,iP!.'r,Lu,!lr rel Pon h,v," their freight
bandied with the greatest cars and dlepafV
and passengers are assured upon ths Sioux
City, of being mads to feel always quits at
CtaacE ft. 3ao., Agents.
1858. Season Arrangfmriit. 1858.
Regular St. Louis and Sioux City River
For Lexington," Kansas, Leavenworth City.
Weston. Atchison, Doniphan, 8t. Joseph.
Iowa Point Forest City, White Cloud.
Brownsville, Linden.Nebraska City.Platts-
"l?1i!.h't'Iar"''"' B'Hevue, Omaha.Coun
ell Bluffs, Decatur, Blackbird, Omadi, Sear,
-cents Bluff, Dakota, Sioux City, Florence,
Pacific City, Covington, Logan, St. Johns,
Concord, Niobrarah and Fort Randall.
rilHE well known light draught freight and
A unexceptionable Passenger Steamer
wjxia tiA, nas now resumed her trips in the
: above trade, (and all intermediate points on
the Missouri river,) and will continue them
, with her usual regularity thr the whole sea.
i mitn
Fhaiikfiil for the very liberal patronage be
stowed upon the Omaha the past season, ws
trust, by strict attention to business, the
..nuioui .ui''riB, ana comions or piisen
1 cers. to merit a nt h
J. J. WILCOX, Clerk.
CI H. T. Clarke Sl Bao., Agents
j '5. SKASOX ARR.t3GE.HE.Vr. '48.
Regular H Louis and Sioux City Missouri
River Packet.
For Lexington. Kansas, Leavenworth City,.
Weston, Atekison, St. Josephs. Savannah
Iowa Point, Linden, Nebrasita City, Belle
vue. Council! Biuffav Omaha, Florence, De
.' eto, Omadi andSiou City.
rnfE new, light draught and:
JL elerant passene-er Kt.iiur
KsrareifggtE. A. OOT5KN. W T....
on, Master, will, on the opening of narra
tion, commence running as a regular packet
to the above and intermediate points. The
OGDEN Is furnished with all the modern
improvements for the Missouri river trade,,
and every convenience for the cemiort and
safe transportation of passengers, tad her
officers respectfully solicit a share f busi
ness, and feeling confident freai their past
experience and knmiedge of the wanta of
both passengers and shippers, (hat they shall
be able to render entire aatisfaetion to those
who may favor thew with their patronage.
For freight or passage apply to
21 11. T Clarke, & Bro. Agents.
Regular Packet for Kansas, Leavenworth,
Weston St. Joseph, Savannah, Iowa Point,
Nebr ska City, Bellevue, Council
Bluffs, Omaha and Florence.
(FTTA THE newand elegant Passenger
Jcriu-ofr Steamer Florence, J. Throck
Ts ii it, r mot ton, Master, J. E. Gorman,
Clerk, will commence her trip as a regular
packet in the above trade, en ths opening of
navigation in the spring, and will remain in it
throughout tha season.
The Florence having been built under tha
superintendence of the uneersigned, expressly
or the trade, is or extraordinary strength, and
well adapted to it in every particular. A rea
sonable aha re of ths patronage of shippers,
and the public generally, is respectfully soli
cited. J. THROCKMORTON, Master.
25-s J. E. Gorman, Clerk,
H. T. CLARKE fc BRO., Agents.
Entering Town Bitot.
The following correspondence will shosr
that ths act of the last Legislature of tha
Territory, designating ths County Commis.
sioners as the proper persons to enter Town
Sites, is not recognized by ths Commissioner
of the Land Office.
It ia a question of doubt whether the Judges
of Probate, or the United States Judges, can
be regarded as "Judges of the County Court."
As soon as that doubt is removed, notice wi.l
be given. In the mean time no entering of
towns not incorporated ran bt made.
A copy of the act of ths last Legislating
will be placed in tbs hands of ths Commis
sioner, and. under ths circumstances, tbs
tries already mads atar be confirmed.
JOHN A. PARKER, Register.
Land Office, May 19th, 1857.
Laud Orrice.
Omaha, April 19, 1897.
Under ths "act of twenty-third May, 1844,-
the "Judges of ths County Court" are given,
ths authority to enter "Town Sites." In this
Territory there are no such officers as "Judges
of the County Court," but ths Legislature baa
recognized tha "County Commissioners" as
the proper persons to enter "Town Sites,"
and we have, in view of ths spirit of the law,
permitted such entries, in the bops that it
will meet the approbation of the Department.
Very respectfully, your obed'nt servant,
JOHN A. PARKER, Register.
c. r. ii. ronDEs.
veyor, being now located at BU Marys,
where be expects to make permanent resi
dence, takes this method of informing ths cit
izens, that hs is prepared to do any surveying
and from his long experience in the business,
bs is able to give entire satisfaction.
St- Marys, Sept 14, 1897. 6t4B
A MEMORANDUM BOOK, having ae-&-V.
counts of Lnmber bills, fcc. Ths finder
will confer a favor and be suitable rewarded,
by leaving it at ths printing office, Bellevue.
Oct lt4S
Job Printing.
EATLY and expeditiously executed, at
rtieonahle terms, st this Office.