BELLEVUE GAZETTE. HENRY M. HURT, News and Local Editor. DELLCVUC, N. T. THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1857. LtUl(lre. We received last evening per special express, from the Seat of War," the proceeding! of the Legislature, up to ad journment, last night, which will be found below. We are informed that the utmost good feeling prevailed among the mem bers, and every thing passed off harmo niously. GEORGE L. MILLER, of Omaha, wal elected President of the Council, and JAMES C. DECKER, of Nebraska City, Speaker of the House. Our reporter will furnish us with full proceedings of the Legislature, during its nession. Omaha, Tuesday, Dec. 8. The Legislature met in the new Capi tol building, at 3 o'clock. P. M. The Council was temporarily organized by electing Gen. L. L, Bowen, of Sarpy Co., Pres., pro tern. N. Saffbrd of Otoe Co., was elected Clerk, and S. H. Elbert, of Cass Co., Assistant Clerk; John Reck of Platte Co., Sergeant-at-Arms ; J. R. Cromwell, of Pawnee Co., Door Keeper. They proceeded to a permanent organ isation, by electing the name officers, with the exception of President; Geo. Miller of Douglas Co., being elected to that office. The House was temporarily organized by electing S. A. Strickland of Sarpy Co., Speaker, pro ten ; Sterit Curran of Washington Co., Chief Clerk, and Mr. George of Nemaha Co., Assistant Clerk; Daily of Douglas Co., Sergeant-at-Arms. Wednesday 9. But little done in the Council. The House permanently organized by electing James C. Decker, vf Otoe, Speaker; Curran, of Washington Co., Chief Clerk, and Howard of Dukota Co., Assistant Clerk ; A. Matthias of Sarpy Co,, Sergeant-at-Arms. The Acting Governor delivered his . message, and both Houses then adjourned till Thursday. T the Champions of Fashion able Women. It seems that our reply to Chaucer, sev eral weeks since, has disturbed the Rip Van Winkle slumbers of the so-called Platonian Bachelors' Association ; who, it appears, having a great admiration of hoops and dry goods, hive come to the rescue of that class of women, that our " Defense," denouueed. They accuse us of being illiberal, and having a lack of discernment. It may appear so to them ; but we hope not to be so ungallant as to defame the character of any true woman We spoke derogatory only of ttw '. class, whose greatest ambition is to follow the prevailing fashions, regardless of cost, or even common decency. Our Platonian friend say, " that their standard of woman's worth, is not meas ured by the amount of Crinoline she wears, but by her social, moral, and inte lectual qualities ; and that good taste, in woman, will always lead her to follow the prevailing fashions." It is true, that woman, as a class, do follow the prevailing fashion ; but we can not call it good taste to wear a " love of a bonnet," on the extreme back part of the head, while the major part remains un covered; nor do we believe that they display good taste in sweeping the public streets with five dollar silks,or expoting a bosom white as alabaster, or riging them selves in bishops, bustles, and crinoline. Vo, str, gentlemen ! we have no admira tion for walking bales of cotton, or trav eling dry goods establishments. It is barely possible that die Platonian Bachelors, clandestinely bore away with them, from ther former homes, the entire wardrobe, of srroe modern woman, at whose feet they were a devotee ; and as they are now excluded form her presence, they refresh their feeble memories, every Sunday night, in courting the remains of what was onee supposed to be a real wo man. Yes, we fancy that we see them even going through the ceremony of popping the Question, with its stammering and blushes, half supposing themselves trans planted to the times that were " long ago." And this is the nearest approach, that they art able to make towards the fair atx they are "pained," to see their fa vorite idlt held up to contempt and acorn. We respect and admire all irut women, and are ready at all lime, to advance their interests ; but of ever being able to support a faikionalU woman, w Lave not (he renvxett idea that our. pecuniary en-J dition, will ever allow us to make such an insane attempt. The noblest specimen of the handy, work of the Creator, is mankind; and we believe the human race was created for a higher and holier purpose than mere dis play, or the gratification of their animal natures; and those, whether men or wo men, that live only for show, t ufTering the interior, the mind and soul, to be dwarf ed by formulas and fashions, little under stand the purposes for which they were created. Every one should dress with taste, show ing i proper regard for health and com fort, but beyond this, all is superfuloua, and often betrays the lack of common ense and real refinement. The majority of women are ready to adopt the lutebt fashions, no matter how absurd they may be. They do not stop to , consider whether it becomes them, or whether it may effect their health ; but if it is only Parisian, and Mrs. So-and-so, has adopted it, of course they must, or be cast out i f the pale of society. Thus it ii, that a few individuals, living perhaps in some obscure garret, in the great French Metropolis, are issuing edicts that govern a largo portion of our Amer ican women. We allow that woman has progressed since her creation; but when will she free herself from the thraldom that now binds her hand and foot ? Wheu will she rise, nd in her majesty declare that the is no longer a slave to that monster, fashiot ? Oh, woman ! arise, and become thou the noblest of the noble ! The Atlantic Monthly. We have received the first number of this new monthly published by Phillips, Samp- son & Co., Boston. Mechnnicnlly it is executed in a very neat style, although its outside appearance is rather common place. Its matter as far as we have had lime to examine, is very good ; but not remarkably startling. The celebrities both in England and America have been engaged as contribu tors to this Magazine, and we trust it will prove well worthy of patronage. Among the contributors, we notice the names of Prescolt, Emerson, Bryant, Longfellow, Hawthorn, Whittier, Holmes, Lowell, Curtis. Whipple, Quincy, Par sons, Mrs. II. B. Stowe, Mrs. L. Maria Child, Mrs. C. M. Kirkland, Mrs. Pike, and others. Trice,' $3,00 per annum. Fot wile by the principal book sellers throughout the country. A friend in Bellevue, Nebraska, favors us with a copy of the Bellevue Gazette. I rom its oppearnce we should think it was published among a company of enter prising, thrifty settlers, who kuow how- to appreciate the printer s labors. Build ing is going on. and the erection of first class, substantial houses is being done un der the eye, and wiih the means of eas tern meu of good taste. It must be the right place for oiher eastern men to go to who are seeking a home in Nebraska. Randolph (Mass.) Transcript. The military force have abandoned the old route and were approaching Suit Luke Valley by open plains of eastern descent of Bear and Mallada rivers. Gov. Cumiuing nnd Col. Cooke met two days' march east of Fort Larimer. a Brigham Young disclaims any knowl edge of or participation in the destruction of the supply trains. Fobty-Seven States. Would any one believe, without looking into it, that we are in a fair way of carrying the num ber of sovereign Stntes, orijinally thir teen, and now thirty-one, up to forty ev en ! But so it is. In the first place there are Oregon, Kansas and Minnesota, whose constitutions are already formed or form ing. It is hoped that they will be admit ted the coining winter, making the num ber' of the confederacy thirty-four. Then New Mexico, Nebraska and Washington already thriving Territories, will swell the aggregate to thirty-seven. Four new States to be carved out of Texas, accord ing to provisions in the treaty of annexa tion, will give us forty-one. The addi timal States demanded from the area now included in California, would make forty three Arizonia, Neosho, Dacotah and Columbus territories carry us up to forty six and Utah will be the forty-seventh. Under the head " Doesticks takes an other glass of beer" it is announced that Mortimer Thompson alias "Doesticks," was married in New Haven, on Saturday to Miss Anna II. Van Cleve, of Min nesota. A telegraph from Washington of date Nov. 23d, says the War Department de sign sending two columns cf military into Utah from the Pacific side, one from Or egon, and the other from California. There is a movement making by the "American Industrial Association M in New York to send "the industrious and worthy poor" to the west. John B. Holmes wus arrested in New York on Friday, charged with procuring the forgery of his wife name. Ada. to a mortgage. He procured another woman named Emma Duck to personate bis wife. The Traitor caueht at last, in his own Trap ! Startling Piece of Yillainary and r rauu I 1 he Hon. B. B. Chapman to be In dibted for High Crimo Against the United States, if Law and Evidence are good for anything. Matteson Thrown in the Shade, by the Transcendent, Sublime Rascality of our would-be-Delegate I The friends of the Hon. D. B. Chap man were thrown into great consternation last evening, on becoming aware of the fact that he had by his grasping cupidity and avarice, rendered himself liable, to fins and imprisonment, by violating a law of the U. S ; made and provided for just such case?. It seems that Gen. Peter A. Sarpy plared in Mr. Chapman's hand for prose c,,,ion a clui,n "8ai"8t ,h U- p. 'freas- ury , i. mi wis iirni iu iw? jjushtu vy mc in- dan Luna, aid which Mr. Chapmnn agreed to gel ullowed for an interest in the same, or i fee of a thousand dollars I (read the law below!) The fee of a thousand dollars was offered and accept ed! The barefaced and utter recklessness of taking pay for services illegally rendered in prosecuting a claim against the Treas ury of the U. S ; and then signing a re ceipt for the same in direct violation of his solemn oath, and of a law upon this ex pre subject, shows a hardihood worthy the spirit uf a Brigand. We know of no case so clear, so appar ent, so glaring in all its details as this. We know of no instance of a man occu pying the position of Mr. Chupmau at the time of the commission of this gross act, in which all regard for principle, h nor and law were so woutoidy set at defiance. The attempt to defraud Gen. Sarpy an old Indian Trader in these regions for tho last thirty years, and a pioneer whose weary foot-steps, was one among the first to bruve the elements and the savage foe, to explore the mysteries and beauties of our fertile plains to defraud one whose better portion of life litis been devoted to ihe best interests of our Goveriimet and the extension and expansion of our yo mg Western Empire one whose locks have grown grey in the whirling storiur of ad versity and care, was crime enough to de serve punishment, even hadhede.edno law. The circumstances that Mr. Chapman demurred to giving a receipt for a thous and dollars in his own name is evidence enough that he was perfectly aware of the penalty attending such a criminal act. He desired Gen. Sarpy to take the receipt of his brother-in-law, Mr. Lockwoud, but Gen. Sarpy refused, as Mr. Lockwood was not ihe man he paid the gold to. We have only time to place another deed of the deepest die to this man's " Moral Grnudc-ur. " The papers are in competent and eminent hands and die case will be proceed with immediately, and we have not the slightest doubt of Mr. Chapman's conviction. There are other papers and evidence of a similar nature in another case of the tame kin I that will be brought to light soon, we und -rstand. But here is the evidence of the fraud and crime, and the law for the punishment of it: RECEIPT. Received of Peter A. Sarpy, One Thousand Dollars, the same being pay ment in full for my expenses and services in FRosEcuTiHo and collecting his cliam against the Omaha, Oloe, and Miss ouri Indians. Dated, St. Mary's June 29th, 1S57. (Signed,) B. B. Chapman. True copy of the Receipt given by B, B. Chapman. JOHN R. SARPY. The law upon this interesting subject will bo found in the United States Statutes at Large, Vol. 10, pare 170. chapter 81, under me Act, entitled " ln act to pre reid Fraiutf upon Treasury of the U. S', passed February 26ih, 1853. " Sc. 2. And be It further enacted, That any officer or tut United Stat, or any per on nomine any place or trust or proht.ordu charging any official function, under, or in connection with any Executive Department or me l nited Mates, or House or Kepresent stives of the Vailed States, who, after the paseuge of this Act, shall act as an agent or attorney for prosecuting any claim against the United States, or shall In anv manner, or tv any means otherwise than in the discharge of his proper official duties, aid or assist in prosecution or support or any such claim or clarms, or shall receive any gratuity, or any hare of, or interest in any claim from any claimant againit the United Slates, with in tent to aid or assist, r in consideration of having aided or aiaisted, in the prosecution of uch claim, shall be liable to indictment, as for a misdemeanor, in any Court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof, and on con viction shall pay a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or suffer imprisonment in the penitentiary not exceeding one year, or or both, as the Court In its discretion shall ad judge." If this is not full enough to rover the case, the following is, which leaves not the slightest possibility of the Honorable gentleman's evading the law. 44 Src. 3. And be it further enacted, That any Senator or Representative in Congress, who, after the passage of this Act, shall, for compensation paid or to be paid, certain or contingent, act as agent or attorney for pros ecuting any claim or claims against the Unit ed States, or shall in any manner or by any means for such compensation aid or assist ia Ihe prosecution, or support of any such claim or claims, or shall receive any gratuity, or any share of or interest in any claim, from any claimant, against the United States, with intent to aid or assist, or in consideration of having aided or assisted in the prosecution of such claim, shall be liable to indictmskt as for a misdemeanor in any Court of the United States, having jurisdiction thereof, and or conviction, shall pay a ane not exceeding Ave thousand dollars, or suffer imprisonment in the penitentiary not exceeding one year, or both, as the Court ia its discretion shall adjudge. Omaha Tines. Pebiohal. We hod the pleasure of meeting in our city last week, Hon. S. A. Strickland, of the Bellevue Gazette, and Nebraska Legislature. We were glad to perceive that Mr. S. was in the enjoy ment of excellent health, and in np way depressed by the prevailing "bard times.' He speaks most hopefully of the future of the Territory generally, and of Bcllevvb. in particular, and represents the condi tion of the Gazette as being as prosper ous as its most ardent friends could wish, a circu-nstance which, for his sake, we are rejoiced at. Strickland deserves to succeed ; and will. Untiring, energetic and shrewed, with an indomitable will and perseverance, he is just the man for a new Territory, just the man to aid in the developn cut of her resources, and to advapce her interests; and so, while en gaged in promoting her good, cannot but further his ow n in the general progress " a consignation devoutly to be wished." Pacific Cily Enterprise. A superbly equipped carriage, costing 2 000; has been completed at Philadel phia for Postmaster General, A. V. Brown Senator Toombs Re-Elected The Hon. Robert Toombs has been re-elected U. S. Senator by the legislature of Geo gia, for the term commencing March 4th 1859. The Albany Evening Journal states. that the quantity Vf Flour and Grain ar riving by railroad and canal from the west, is so great that there begins to be a scar city of barges to take it to New York. Some 5000 unemployed men assembl ed in meeting at Independence Square, in Philadelphia, yesterday. The meeting was orderly. The issue of small notes by the city for relief, was recommended. The poiotoe rot is extending its ravag es in the vicinity of Buffalo. More than 60,000 of the Indian popu uiioii of Bolivia have died of the yellow- fever. Mr. Samuel C. Nowlan, a civil engin eer, has executed a plan for bridging the bast river between Mew 1 ork and Brook lyn. The " Sons of Malta " residine in Phil adelphia, have donated S6500 towards re lievmg the distress of the poor of that city. The travel on the City Railroads of New York, has fallen off 20 per cent. during the last month. The famous Burdell house, No 13 Bond street, New York, is again to be occupied. the family 01 a brother of Dr. Burdell will shortly move into it. The Lowell News says it is contempla tion to commence running the Massachu setts and Prescott Mill in about a fort night, on full time, but with reduced wages for the operatives. The mills now run four days in the week. The Union Manufacturing Company of Nonvalk, und Loutisbury, Bissell & Co; whose works have been suspended for several weeks, have recommenced op erations. They employ a great number of hands. One of the large manufacturing estab lishments in New Haven is about to in crease its business in one third. At the meeting of the State Agriculm rial Society of North Carolina, the Hon, A. tV . enable Muted, 111 the course of a speech, that the Chinese sugar cane was a preventative of typhoid fever. The Buffalo papers are to be reduced in size after the 1st of January, 1S58. Captain Rvnders, U. S. Marshall of New York soid by auction a number of dimonds which he had seized some time since as being smuggled. Their appais ed value exceeded (27,000. The Troy Nail Factory Works will be going in a few days. Telegrafh Under the Delaware On Tuesday morning, a telegriph cable extending from Philadelphia to Camden, was succestrully laid across the Delaware. The cable was made in England, and is bimilar to the one which connects that coun try with France. The time occupied in laying it down was 21 minutes, and the length of the cable is very nearly three thousand fee'.. The amount of damage done w ithin a short distance around Cornimr. N. Y. bv the late freshet, is estimated at about 200 000 dollars. The amount of damage done in the State will exceed a 1 ,000,000 of dollars. The re-oneDinz of some of the manu facturing establishments in Massachuseits, is one of the best signs of a recovery from the " hard times. " The Iron Works Co. I all River, started their rolling mill and nail factory on the 2nd inst, after a few weeks suspension, and the American Lin- 11 I -II tmt t en iiorus win sian soon, ine lami Print Works in New Jersey also resumed on tne 16tn with some 200 to 500 hands. The factories situated at Manayunk, 1 niiadelphia, are begining to resume work, and quite a number of them are making active prparations to go 00 as imiai. Local & Territorial. The Gazette will be found at Wool worth's Book Store, in Omaha, on Farn ham Street. Rev. C. C. Goes, of this city, arrived in St. Louis, Nov. 19th. He had a plea ant trip down the river ; and speaks in terms of praise, of the officers of the Florilda, the boat on which he was a pas senger. If the man that broke our Thermome ter, last Saturday, will call at this office, he will receive a leather medal, gotten up in the most approved manner, regard less of expense. Considerable quantities of Chinese Su gar Cane, was raised in Sarpy County, this year. The farmers are mt king prep arations to grow it more extensively next season. We received a letter on the Sih. that was mailed in St. Louis, on the 23d of November, having been fifteen days on the road. The post masters and since drivers, on the line, individually and collectively, ought to be rewarded with a tin whistle and a pocket full of sugar plums, for the prompt manner in which they discharged their duty. We are pleased to see that new and comfortable seats have been placed in the School House. It is fitted up in a man ner quite becoming a civilized commu nity. We hope to hear some good preaching there this winter, by those that officiute. By-ihe-way, let those old sinners rest awhile, and " pitch into" the Judases of ihe present day. Read Clarke &. Brother's advertisement. It is an important one. The weather, the past week, has been as fickle as dame fortune alternated with rain, snow and sunshine. We now have snow enough to whiten the ground, while overhead all is clear and beautiful. There are now thirteen newspapers in Nebraska. Only four have completed their firt volume, two of which have been in existence nearly four years In politics they are democractic and inde pendent. Their respective r ges are as follows, up to the last issues that we have received : Nebraska City News, vol 3, no. 47; Omaha Nebraskion, vol. 3, no. 45; Nebraska (Brownville) Advertiser, vol. 2, no. 23 ; Bellevue Gazette, vol. 2, no. 3 ; Florence Courier, 110. 50 ; Nebraska (Cuming City) Pioneer, no. 22 ; Desoto Pilot, no. 2-3; Omaha Times, no. 23; Plattsmouth Jeffersonian, no. 22 ; Dakota City Herald, m. 11 ; Cuss County (Rock Bluffs) Sentinel, no. 2; Omadi Weekly Enterprise, no. 2; Nemaha ValVy (Ne maha Cily) Journal, no. 2. The first paper published in the Territory, was the Nebraska Palladium, published in Belle vue, by D. E. Reed. Four papers have been discontinued, that were commenced in the territory, making seventeen diff erent newspapers that have had an exis tence in Nebraska , in a period of little over four years. The present papers are nowalj published in towns on the Missouri River, extending from Dakota City to Brownville, within 30 miles of the Kansas line. Omaha is the only place in the Territory, in which there is more than one paper published. The citizens of Sonora, have erected a School House, and tome thirty-five young sters are now being put through a " course of sprouts." The devil wonders what has become of our editor. Dakota City Herald. Gone to " hell," perhaps. not the one that is sometimes associated with brim stone, but the one best known to printers. The Union House at Cuming City, has passed into the hands of A. Raver. We hope Mr. R. will be successful in mak ing the Union House nearly respectable. We were compelled to remain there over night, early last spring, and were sorely puzzeled to know whe her the House was intended to accommodate man or beast. Set the loafers to work, and clean out the tobacco quids, Mr. R. and you will discov er a slight improvement. Geo. W. Martin is building a new Ho tel at Desoto. It is to be a two story frame building. Some one has stole an axe from the ed itor of the Desoto Pilot. It is described as having two or three bit out of it. We should not suppose it possible to get that number of bits out of an edits aje, in these hard times. Give us iL wed us operandi, neighbor. I Reward or Merit Jeffers, of d, Plattsmouth Jeffersonian, was once a butcher's boy in St. Louis. He is now tQ editor. The following subdivisions! surveys in Nebraska, have been received at the Gen eral Land Office, in Washington Town ships 1 to 8, north, range 2, east, qi to 490 lineal miles of surveying, aud em bracing an area of 184,000 acres. Alw Townships 6, 7, ond 8, north, range! east, equal to ISO miles of lineal survey! ing, and embracing an area of 39,000 acres. The Nebraskian publishes in its lat it. sue, a list of the names of the member of the Legislature, copied from the Dev. to Pilot, and gives that paper credit for the same. They were originally jmblish. ed in the Gazette, nearly two moutu since. We don't mind the stealing, neigh bor, but have no particular desire to hare others receive credit for labor never per formed. The Legislature convened in the new Capitol building, on the first floor, Tuesday the 8ih. The Hails designed for the House and Council, will not be completed till next year. The Members of the Legislature, will give a ball, at the Capitol, this (Thursday) evening. v Three oxen belonging to Johnny Green of Omaha, broke into the premises of 01 Lowe, on the 25th uli., who closed up the fence and " pitched into" them with so axe, literally cutting them to pieces. The owner was obliged to kill them the next morning, to relieve them of their suffering. Lowe must be a brute of brutes. A story and a half brick building, be longing to Dr. McComas, and a three slory frame building, owned by Mr. Oar lage, in Nemaha Cily, were blown dju on the 22 J ult. Furnas, of the Advertiser, has been appointed agent of the Cosmopolitan Art Association. Dr. J, Hoover, has completed a Flour ing Mill on the little N- n.aha River, lit tle west of Nemnhn City. The BrowiiMiiu skuviruo.r tays that the " big negru" who shot My res near that city, some time since, was captured in Iowa, above Nebraska City, a few weeks ago. He was at the head of ten other run-aw-ays. Wheu overtaken he fired three times at his pursuer, when he himself was shot down. The other ne groes then surrendered. They had iu all thirty revolvers. We have received the second number of the Nemaha Valley Journal, published at Nemuha City, by S. Beldeii. It makes a very neat appearance. Success to it. The Legislature will reign at Omaha,, forty days and forty nights, same as the flood, in length of time. Whether it will prove as disastrious, as that famous ihow er, to the wicked of Nebraska, remains to be seen. The Ark was landed on Mt. Ararat, but whether it is to remain there, we are not able to say. " We shall see what we bhi.ll Bee." The editor of Nemaha Valley Journal, in attempting to break the Subbuih, a few weeks ago, succeeded in breaking his pres. He is now penitent. There are two Saw Mills in operation, at Nemaha City. , The District Court, for the Second Ju dicial District, Judge Back presiding,, commenced its November term, at Brown ville, on the 17th ult., and terminated on, the 20th ult. .Nearly all the cases on the. calendar, were disposed of. Upwards of five hundred Lots in Ne. braska City, are advertised in the News, to be sold at auction, January 4th, for de linquent taxes, unlets previously settled, S. F. Nuckolls, of Nebraska CityK raised a squash, the past season, in bis-, garden, which weighed one hundred and, ninety seven pounds. A Brick Making Comrany, has been, formed at Nebraska City, and it is expect-, ed that tin y will be alle to furnish brick next year, for six to trigbt dollars per thousand, t Mr. Lander.,. Chief Engineer of Ma grab's Wagon Kd Survey, has arrived in St.. Louis, ea route for Washington. The xpedkio I as gone into win er quar ters at Wind River, near South Pass Lander coroborates previous reports of destruction of Government trains by Mormons,