Ism fPtff A Family Newspaper Devoted to Doinocraoy, Litoraturo, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Amusoinonts and Gonoral Intelligence. VOL. 1. cllebuc (Sactte. PI. nl.I-lll.U LVl:HV TlllilisDAY I llllul' cut, . T. DY S. A STRICKLAND & CO. il of Sus Tl.t Two i am. if p ii I in anva-aC, il l wuiii.i 'he Vfjr. it :, Ti i.r us : M n address, in advance $5 IM TV VII. .lo y ! tin -v "i s i 1 - -t i'ii rs, a; .l ri) i in iki tg it up to i i i n rl' nf lit ii. ! t i'.lo 111 IKI 2' On i. will y for i copy 1 ib.TS in i.Ie A l-i!) Mltltii! '.Il I sis in in 'l ! for ii v"U. When a dab of s'lbs has ! "on' f.trwu .1-1, d "lUo as inj) t" t.J it. DM tllC S.IMV! ICIIII c inns. Bo.von & StricklmS I i rnriM'.YS at lw. lt-l Eate, jfxi'i'v !' -Ti'l Cliims ho'isli: nnd sold. lirc'.af'-v will do wtl 'o rail at our oiik and exmi'ff o ir IN, of CVv f.ot", Jtc. before ptrch i.iii eNe.vli."-e. OiTe i i Cook's new build'iuir, corner ot' I'if h ami Mii streets. Ij. L. Bowcn. 4 TTMtVEY AND COUNSELLOR I'AW, Ucllevuc, N. T. S. A. Stricklmd, A TDHNEY AND COUNSELLOR V LAW,, N. T. T C. T. Hollow iy, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR LAW. lieilevue, N. T. AT 1-tf AT 1-if AT 1-tf W. II. Coo. y1 EXTOAt. LAND AND III! A I. ESTATE ' VJT AGENT, e!levue City, Nebraska 1-tf B. P. 11 tnkin. JTQRNCY ND COL' COL'NSXLLOU AT 1-tf 'A i TTtViNF.Y AND COLTNSnLLOR AT LAW, O.n ilia, N T. S. W. Cozzcns, TTORNLY AT LAW and General Land J'V Atil'.NT, Omaha ri'y. N. T. Othce in ..Henry &. Root's in. w Brick Bluck, Fnruhain ':reef.. no ld-tiin. John W. Pattiaon. T OTAHY TL'nLlC AND RF.AL r.STATF. tl AGf'.NT, I'ontenclli;, N. T. 1-tf Jamc3 S. Izar-l & Co. LAND AG F. NTS, Omaha, Dougl is County, Nebraska Territory.., 1-tf Dr3. M ilcomb & Peek, OMAHA CITY. 0;aVe on llariiey street, opposite the Post Ollice. Particular at tention given to Surgery. 1-tf P. E. Shannon, pF.AL F.ST ATI. AGF.NOY, Cerro Gordo .LL Punt O.lice, St. M try, Mills Co., Iowa. 2 P. E. Shinnon, CI 1MMTSSION .t FORWAWDrN'G MF.R S CHANT, St. .Mary's Landiny Mills Co., !... 2-tf Peter A. Svrpy, vr.V RIMX(J & COMMISSION M NT, llellevue, N. T., Wholesale i it.Ml. r ia ludilii Goods, Horses, Mules, and : Caii.le. l- f ; D. J. Sulli7in. M. IX. 'iTCIAN and SURGEON. 1 of Bro.idwiy, Co t.i'-i! LI H I OiH .: f, lowa. 1-X D. rr.)ir."i-:Y ; i. , i;:- 71. Solomon, m.I COUNSELLOR AT .v o.i.l. Mills Co., Iowa, pr.ic- i ' vL'.vrn of wes-( rit loivl and t 'Ii - S .jir'iiK" ('out of lo.i'.t. not i.i ihe I'lo.'r.initne. no 1-tf i,. Johnson, Cv3ady fz Test, 1 !"!! L l.XI) AOE N TS. ATTO'l- V VS WDt'OUNSI'.LLORSATLAW, 1 ' :..! Hi atr, I i.v.i. will pronin'.lv a! 'end lo I A: .icie, ( oli"cuo;,s, I nes'ing .110 lev. l.ia a i; and S.-1'iiiii Land Warrants, nnd nil ...h r Ii isi.iess pcrtinin ' to their profession. in '.esiern Iowa anil .Nebraska. 1-if C. A. Henry & Co., WilOLF.-JU AND RETAIL DRUG-! GIST. V the Nl nUASk-V Dl'l'O Sl'ONK. . i ( i v, .V. l r i ika, hit e on Inn. I and me in 1 i-'V reeeivi'ii .; , C Dr i) . . S i!fl, I, a lar". Pivnic J1.H S, . s.e.. ;e and coiiiiil.'te iN. P.t'eiit Medi l:;ns. IVesrted I'.'ivsi.Mius e i . r-ii T. H. . ' i . :o inn -' til1"-! (! a sin i! CiMlsr,, a tva ,ce on ci' .t. . JollX C. T I-'f C.'uTni:! 2s Turk, .i7'.,",i'i's nf J..IW tnnl , ,'.ifY . 7ei. OM M CITV, N. T.. T '-I. Vend I li'lifall 'il if i. ii :p-.s p i r ' i s ' . nml promptly ' 1 to them, in l!i" i --r m . .; j I- s a .. 1 I -i.e.., (i:!i -p i '" v b ! Em 'in -. li , r! ut.d lowi CO , entries it'.s, lo the I' a-.d pre-emj ire:n ie of, c.d- i sri- .l s'o-v i.f ll-nry It-Kits , ee.-lv'. the '.-s'.piii II. . I'.'." !l.!. STl P. !'. 'I'. i i i'o: V. Council P.! '.If. B ' , k Tones, pleitsi- "py ""' a .'hi.ia oSlo'. ' . . i: i i o v v. l. p. :t i;i.I.f.h Ilo'.lo.'iy & Keller, r;r.vF.ur. LAND . GENTS. H-'MeV le .-l, . . v. ..r,,.n.,:y , . ' ' ' ' ; .i i I i ii. r in inev . 1 tteud the ii I. i 1 in BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA, 1:1 c iititM. Tiios. Macon. Ai.rx. Mvtox. II. O Mcon, Brother & Co. I V . ..:V: V-'V. , ... u ,r ' ' mm .1' nin-in I u iiui i Gust tv Sccgcr, ri vipnnn rinc and civil i:r.i- J NEER, Executes Drawing Ami Painting lit every stvlp ami description. A No, nil !i mi-iPss in his liip. OlKce oi Gregory sircrt, St. M.iry, Mil's eo ir'y, lowa. l-'l Orccne, Wc iro & B .nton, XKF.Rt AND LAW AG F.N I'S Oincil i'linN. PuiowHltiiiiiic count y, Iowa. Greene As. Westc, Rapids, Iowa. Greene, WMre ft Uicr. i'ort. Dp Moi-in, la. ('illii-i i'i i iiimle ; Tum pnid; n",J LnmN p'ii i hancii Huil mil. I, in any part i f Iowa. l-!l W. W. Hirirey, on RVF.YO't AND CLAIM ATJF.NT, will ir.mi.Mr rtlri..1 tu nil liiilll'-rfilir dll,rt iiii! laying o it nnl .iivnling Intnl. ir pyinir ami !.'.i iujr low.ii ami, iimI will ailrotnp.iiiv periOns Jp,iioiH oT inaUinl claiini, nml will art ?J :ii;ei; Toi- ')p al of clainn. Oliic" on M.ihuirei, HpIIpviip, N. T 2i-tf i-.EO. JOHN It. RHKHMAN. I Snyder & Gherin in, j TTORNF.YS and rniJNSF.LLOtlS AT LAW, and NOTARIF.S VV I'.LIC. Co in- j cil li'itlN, lowa, will practice tln-ir profeasion in all thp Co ills of Iowa ami A'tira-Ki A co !"t tio:ii entrusted to their care teiuNil to nroinntlv. I'.special attention civeti to Inlying atid pI1 Ins; real eV.ate, ami making pre-cinpUons in Nehru ska. Deeds, Mortagpi, and other instruments of writ ii c drawn with dispatch; acknowledg ments tiken, fie., SiC. O Pice west side of Madison street, just a hove Uroadway. nor 13 t-tf. nprxsiRPYT" FORWARDING CUMMlSblON MERCHANT, Still rontinues the flhovc business t ST. MARYS, IOWA, & BELLEVUE, ' N. T. I wrciiMina ami I ...i..r ... . goods promptly and carefully attended lo. win n... i,.tr P. S. I have the onlv WARKHOfrsK storage at the above nained landings. St Marys, Keb. 20ih, 18S7. 21-tf-i WM. It. SMITH. . sMIT, Smith & Brother, ATTORNF.YS& COUNSELLORS at LAW and Dealers in Real Estate, Bellevue, Nehraska Territory, will attend faithfully and promptly to buying and sellitn; Real I state. City Lots. Claims, and Land Warrants. Ollice at the Benton House. 21-tiiu J. II ItKOU'X, ATTORNEY AM) lOlXlELOR AT LAW GENERAL LAND A SENT, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, rialtxinoulh, Cass Co. .A. 7'. ATTENDS lo business in any of the Courts ' of this Territory. Particular altetio-i paid , lo obtaining and locating Land Warrants, col- lection of debts, ane taxes raid. Letters of inquiry relative to any parts of the Territory answered, if accompanied with a fee REFERENCES : Hon. Lyman Trnmh.ill, U. S. S. from Ills.j Hon James Knox, M. C. " Hon. O. IL Browning, Quincy, " Hon. James W. Grimes, Governor of lowi. Hon. II. P. Bennett, Del to C. from N. T. Green, Wea re & Benton, Conncil BlulN, . Nuckolls & Co., Glenwood, lowa. I'Jtftf. 1 Tootle ts Groeno, VT7";'0LF.SALE .t RETAIL DEVLERS, V V Glenwood, Iowa. We he leave to call the at'.eu'iou of the Goo I People of Mills, Poll uv.V.aniie, Montgomery and Cass co-iii- j ti"s. Io ta 5 also, Dj ilasaud Cass co nities, I Nebraska, to our lartre and late supply of every , kind or MERCHANDISE, usually k-pt in, Western lowa. O ir stock of Grorerie is .trre and compl"t, having been liou;li and shipped a little lower than o ir lieiirhlmrs. Oar stock of Jl irdware, (.leeiiSA' iie, Wood ! enware. Boots and Shoes, H its and Caps and ; Ready-M i Je Clo'hing. hive all been p u ch as-d in the E.ts!.eiii ci'ies, at the lowest cash prices. Give iik a call before yo i purchase, and if we do iiol s"ll yo i cheap goods, we will make ' o tr iieiThhors do so. t' V Romember the cheapest bonne In towi . TOOTLE fc. GREENE. ; lileuwood, Iowa, Oct. 2:1, IHoii. 1-tf G. P. Theobald & Oo.", i C O M M I S I O N k FOR W A R D I N G 'rffj-rj rj-r f Avti'jiJ'l N i.m. rsiuiti, 11' ST. LOUIS, MO. ..... i . . . . . : . - . : I . . iTII: .. . . 0 r y I'lr.iciiar i,.:Mniuin pviii i.i inii-i ti s ati.l to S ne nl Prnilue. no ln-ly. "" " r. ' THE tiniNrsigtied r-'pectf illy informs the rOVi'L'!LLLL' 11 1 Mi Oi' IlLLLLtlC. ' inlmhiUuts ..f H.-llevue and the surrounding SfciCrtue, cbrasha. ,'ou",r.v;! !;V',nirTOT-a''1 S prepared to transact ihe general b isit.ris WELLS AID tlSTEivIS, of liaukinir, wi',1 receive ilepoi!a. Discount At the shortest notice, Bid on the most ren short paper, buy Hills of Exchange, on all ( ,tn,le terms. D. A. J.OG AN. n irH of the Co m'rv. an. I sell on St. Iouij, I Pllcvne, Oct. 13, 1S. J i I Chieago and New York; make collect in; the vleiiiit c ainl r for the same at Current j i ales Exrh tii'.'e. rTl -ev allov-d 01 sneei-tl IVnisi's. 1 jili. w i-.aiu., rresiu.-iit. Titos. II. Bknton, V. Pris. J iiivJ. ii.wv. t a 'liter. 1 Banking lloars l to J, P. M. -From to Vi. A. M., and I'M AS. CHHISTOrilLR. MACHINIST & COPPER SMITH, In fcll it Branches. r; r-LLT.Y rv , -tx t. j Chirlen E. Vnt3on, I C1IV1L r.NCilNF.I'.lt AND M IIVLYOH. Ik'ltevne Citv, N'pliraxkH Tenitory, pro i fpHHCs to l( pon'U'il" ill tli e lay of Hi laml in this icinitV) ntnl ott-ri ins uprvirrs to s.icn as V epil tliPin. on rpam.nahN tp.ins. ! - . ... , (,.. (, ,,,.r. flri-M' or N ile of UphI INtatp, in the Tcrrilmy , ' (tr Wi'iprn low a, Inl'orinalion f, iipini uppliratifi't. Declarations lilej and pri-enip-tions otitaiiicdi 4-1 f A. Sohtmons!cy, T )!((;". piiic r.NciNK.r.n, r.xpcntc 'r,i;i.Triiliir. P.i irv ami Plain Dnwinj; of cvi'i-v 'vp anil ile'cTip' inn. l ancv, Urna mi 'i'.il nt Plain Piinilnjr pxpi-'IIpi! to criliT. O'licp at lli HiIIpviip Hump. IIi'IIpiiip, N. T. Ki.vt nKNrK. P. A. Sirpy,St. Mary, low i; luil'p (liliiiorr, Hulloviie. l-'li STONE MASON AND r 1 1 1 H". Undersigned htvini commenced the X. aiiove V...l.. i. I44.ltu,r.ii., is prppared to do all work ill his line, t lh ! tire, in the hest manner, and on the mos' ie.i : soual.lp terms. W.M. WILI'.Y. V'yl" Four or five jrood Plaslereri, will find constant employment, and pood wafM, on p i idicnMon to the ahove. ! Belle fur, Oct. 30, lTio. 2-tf JAMES J. WEAVER, RFCF.NTLY from Pennsvlvanii, informs .the cili.ptis of Bellevue that he will . ! promptly attpnd to all calls made upon him in ' '"lit,, following hranehps of husiupss : (JAR- PF.Vrhll anil juni'.li woik, I i.mi."i and CLAZINC G T Work warranted. j PALMER & AVERILL, i BELLEVUE STORE. ! Corner of Jefferson and 27th street, Opposite the Fontenelle Bank, CtXLEVUE, M ERASKA, WOULD RF.SPF.CTFULLY call Hie at tention of the citizens of BelNvie, Sar py county, ami the surrounding country, to their new and selected stock of DRY GOODS, TAHCY G00IS. GROCERI S & HARDWARE, Which they ortl-r at Whulrsato mid Itetall at price. 3d jipt cent, lower tlinn ever before tf rered in this city. We can and will anil (tooiln as low if hut lower than they ran lie bought in Omaha or HI. ill" City. Please call and examine for yonrsplves, P ALM ICR & AVERILL. BelWue, May 2 isr7. MUST ARRIVAL OF THE PER STEAMER ST. MARY'S. THF. undersigned lakes pleasure in annoim c cit..ens of Bpll.-vtie and hirpy Co"ntV 111 P'Ta', that they have receive. rpr ',"!n,,r V. M iry, a lar.-e end aplemnd stotk ot Groceries consisttng in part ol Tea, Coffee, S.iirar, Mo'asses, fish. Salt, Cheese, Crackers, Soap, Oysters, Liquors, Fitrs, ISjiices, KisluM, b.iidiiits, Canity, I'ruirs, Oils, Paints, Brushes, Glass, Stone Ware, e. Jtc. TIIF.Y would also mil attention to their s inerior a'ork of preserved fmi's cinsis' in;; ".!' t'onsl.. Tries, RJilbaib, Quinces,' P. aeii. s, Appl . Cir ri's and mixed fruits. ANo th-ir s'ocU of fresh CAN OYSTERS' and SARDINES whicii they c.iu warrant of s inerio.' quale y. j They would also inform Sport sme!i that, they h ive a lares ipplv of POWDEK, Silt) P 1 LEAD and CAPS, and that they will find, their store a s iperior place to provide t!ie ue. ' cssaries of a lemting rxcursinu, all of which , they will si II cheap for C ASH. Also a lane and splendid assortment of French an 1 American Pcrf.nnpry, consisting , in part of Pomades, Cologne, j r-'oa ts pc. w A rri.Es& piki:. Tvllev ie, A, :i; I'.'h, I4..;. 2oVf. IIo! For Frc3h Water. A CLRKE & BRO., KOHWAHD1NC A Si COMAIiSMOK 3IERCJIAXTS. fcTKMP.OAT AN!) COLLECTING 1 V V T H BSLUEVUE, NEBACXA. Dealen in P;ne Lnnier, Doors, Gash, Tlotr, Meal, Bacoa, &3., ftc. j7" rJi:-" t fJoi-,-it-rP f'J vi(r r- itri. THURSDAY, JULY ToDtlo & Jackson, lOHWAUDM'.; & COMMISSION MF.U- I CIIANTSJ Conmil Hliill'a cil v, low. II ulnir h Lai(jp.nml Cmnmodiont Warehouse on the Levpc nl. III? Coiinrll Hindu lainliniTi nre liotv prppnitnl to rm-eivc nml Morn, nil kinds f mi irlmndine mid prodnep, will rpceiv nml pay rlmrijp on nil kimN of frpi;lli no fleam HoaM will not Iip detaltipd a they liav! bppn liPnnfore, in GPl,i"R mmie one to ireeivp f ipiIiI iwln'ii tliecon(iii;nrPS uri nlisent. Kn i.HKNcvj: Liverinoore Coolev, S. C. Pait A. Co. al l II implirpy, Putt Tory, St. l.'viH. Mo.; 'Ii.i'ipfc I'aiilpili, St. Josppli, M. .1. S. Cli.V'wni-'li Co., CiiiviiiiiMti Uliio; IV. 1'. CoiilliiinVi, llni lincton, Iowa. 1-tl iiobnson nousE. fMIIF. iindpinpil having rppptilly takpn .Land reti'pill'hp nloe well-known ft inl popiitar I itilic s! ildio'is o!ten'i tn mfri' a liher ise, he trusts hv me striti l to the wants nf his pnes's, sh ire of imhlir favor, roiiti- d.'tice and pread with paHnillKP. His t.tlile will lie th'Vbet Hi" nnrket nlfords. find no mliis via e "I"""' airn eaV' lil hoine and coinror'iitiie. Ii. A. HOPINSON. ' Counkil IV'iilTs, Ioi. ivv i:i-ti. JOIll AM)rilSt)N'S li st Chewine; and S,inkii s; Tohicro, at CI.EAU WATI'lt. WIIITI' & SANDF.RS. POETRY. r.nttils. by m. m. KAiinr. Sweet ktters of the ane;el tongue, I've loved ye lone; and well, And never have failed In your fragrance sweet To find aoine secret spell, A charm that has bound me with witching power, For mine is the old belief, That midst your sweets and midst your bloom Ther. soul In every leaf I Illumined words from God's own hand, How fast inr pulses beat, As each quick sense in rapture comes, Your varied sweets lo greet. Aloue ami lu silence I lovs you best For mine Is the old belief, That midst your sweets and midst your bloom There's eoul lu every leaf I Ye are prophets sent to this heedless world, The skeptic's heart to teach And tie well to read your lore aright, And make the creed ye preach. I never could pass ye earless by, For mine is the old belief, That midst your sweetsand midst your bloom There's soul in every leaf I "The Spirit Lyre." SY BLANCHE D'aHTBOISR. 0 mi dly strike the lyre! let boldest accents bound In thrilling strains of extacy, filling the soul profound. Fearlessly strike the lyre! let not a note of care In harsh, discordant accents wake the tender echo there. Joyfully sweep the lyre! in strains of liquid song, Let human life lei fleeting time, dance mer rily along. Yet softly touch Uie lyre! bid gentle music flow Calm the wHd beating, bounding pulse and lay the passions low. O slowly sound the lyre) for pleasure flies too swift ; Joy soars on fleeting wings but grief is pleas ure's dying gift. Then sadly touch the lyre! a chastened soft ness stealing O'er the rapt spirit, purely blends souls iu the like tone of feeling. But gently strike the lyre, lest with harsh sweep it break I For tender, fragile are the chord that ildest echo wake. MISCELLANEOUS." Alletiaule Voiuig Ian. Reader, were you ever in a irange place, and on making ii.oiiy of sonic liuiid, what young gentleiiiiin that wns loal l.ud jti-t pa,.-td, received f.-r un an swer Lis iMn.e, and tin- atl.litionul Ii 11, ii ii d lie Is a i t le yoi.ti Then you know oiuediin id the t l!i il .iiu li u ri'inai'k is likely to proiluue. it u like "g.rjd news Irom a lu cuuniry, or cold water to a thirsty oul." A rel able yining man! llo'V 1 leasing llio rili iti ui, tlutt, in tho inidsl nf ihi, i.iitiii.riitis t.Miiiitnt 1. 111s to whi':!i the young ure tubjH:l in thisuge " ..... . ... .. and i j'iiitry, we oceasionaliy (iud oih of whom the remark is inu true. W e (.ii'.w they irt? like ant-l' vi - , but that only make the rei..aik more thril ling, and places th" siilqVci of it higher in the tsMiintioti nf all ngbi think men, und we muy add woinen loo. There is it world of meaning in the term reliable, us we use it in ibis coun'.rv. Ii means ju.-t anyiLing ihut is worthy and to lie Ci;IUIial ii. ir r young man is prone lo hnV i f I t '.'.'( . .i i i- : .. .. .... j. .t Iiik Kttuiii!' vices . ine ouy, u 2, 1857. liutiituully ivtitils Ins lOiivcrnntioii w nil hi'li i wioiiRlit unJ xuejvrutoil I'ipressioiis, lie iiuiiint bo vailed luiiabie It ho m invo lotm. iimttontive to Imsiuuss, cnrt-loss, nnlo- lent, of too fond tf jditustire tuul irsiiiiH, lie iiiiiiiot be called riliiililit. Muuh loss, if guilty of n violuiion tifthosa liiglu-r luws uf coiiiiimiiity, not to mjjt of (iod, the in- fraction of wlucli would uuiko linn raulc vviili the iniinorul und the vicious. ll nv I'livitihlo tlio position of a ri'liulilu ma ii in n coniiuiiniiy tupulilo of ojipreriu titi; liis worth. Kvery one roiilidi'ti in bit integrity. His word is wv r dnul't id as a liuiMiiiusji inun ho is sunt lo ob tain ili I ighi'sd wilary. The good bleu him wherever tiny sec liiin. The old men fcpettU of hiiii f ifiiuuntly in terms of the highest irniae, nnd thoso who hnve iliiiiefbiera think u litilo more tlmu they y wl iiiimiiin r" ilmry of their tDiiijiliineiils-niHl the daugh ters Miiilo with unudi'tted roinjilaoeiire upon him, nnd eoulJ he but heur whnt they have to soy of him nftt r lie bus gone, it ui uld doubtlepa innke him I Iii-.Ii, for men of nii'i it are sure to be modest. In abort, :liv; of but h a youiijrinnn is on the lips of every one who knows him, except llio.-e, it m;iy be, who envy bun beeaiiKU .stnuds so far itbovH them, or another le.-pii nble tliiss who denise every thiiijj that is good. Oh, how refrcMiiii; ' Ihcso tleRene- rnte iimen, to see tun li a young inun: When w ill parents learn wisdom so as to ii.ijart proper in-truetioti I their children, ihut they muy learn to opjireeiutu htbor more, nnd pnrticipale in such associations as will iiiuku them w ise and gojd, instead of thoe who b'ad (tlirouh Howry paths it may be) to vice, degradation anil infamy. Iont May Long. 'Don'l tt:iy long.husland," unid ayounj wife tenderly, in my presence, one eve ning, as her huslund was preparing to go out. The words themselves wero iuin niricnut. but the look of melting kindness that nccompauied lliein, gpoke volumes. It told the whole vast depths of a woman's f . . Se..'. U , - ......- ... I I. . . iuvu ui uvi iiuj iuiifss wui-ij nun ncr Hus band of her gri f when the of his Mnile, the source of all her joy, beamed not brightly upon her. "Don't stay long, husband!" and I fancied I suw the loving gentle wife, onx lonely counting the nu menu of her hus band's absence; every few minutes run lo the door, to see if he were in sight; and h ml i ng that he wns not, I thought I could hear her excluiining, in disappoint ed tones, "not yet not yeu" "Don't stay long, husband." And again I thought I could see tho young wife, rock ing herself nervously in he great arm chair, and weeping as though her heart would break, as her thouglalMSs "Ion I and master" prolonged his May to a wearisome length ot time. O, vou ihat have wives, that say, "Don't stay long," when you go forth, think of them kindly when you are mingling in the busy hive of life, and try, just a little, to iiiiike their homes and hearts happy, for they are gems loo seldom found, and when lost, too seldom replaced. You can not find amid the pleasures of the world, the peace and joy thut a quiet home, blessed with such a woman's presence, will alfbrd. "Don't stay long, husband!" and the young wife's look seemed to say, "for here, in your own sweet home, is a loving heurt, whose muMC is hiahed when you aro ab sent here is a soft breast for you to luy your head upon, and here are pure lips, unsoileil l.y sin, that will pay yu with my lot tune ntui iot upon Uieir own nidus kisses for coming back scon." try, economy and good behavior. I slent I Think of it men. when your wives sny i'Jvjii the premises last night at a fair ho j to you "don't stay long," and, oh, don't h i ; tel charge, and w ithout being kept awake ihn kind words pasi unheeded, as of little J one moment in thinking of what I had lost, lvalue, for though they may be to you the 1 had excellent arcoinodations, nnd what I disappointment r tht fulfillment of iheirieould 1 ask for more? If the children of simple, lot in? wish, brings jjrief or j.y to them. If you have an hour to spmv, be - stow it upon them, mid ihe pore love gush- ing from their gentle, grateful hearts, will b". a swell reward. ll.inuiiit.i:. Mr. C II. Kken a well known resident of .vusm'x roumy, D la wiii e, was t rutiii'y inuti.ereil on l. iv lat. in bn.a.1 djv-li.'l.t, a fewf.-tt from his own d.s.r. IL was standing in' his yard, uiironseiousof nny danger, when . two in irro women, l.v a preconcerted siir- mil ru hed upon, threw him on the ground, and while one. held him, the other ...tii , , a v c ,... bii hi ud from his Meihinlist minister hud ji.-t driven up tu the door when the deed was perpetrated. Xo cause is assigned for ihe iMitmiissiuii .f ihe ui rd. r .1... i - 2 4.arani;r. Taking the above iiiifortu.inte's name, "C-h-ieken," in connection with the fact f ihe minister's ni rival ut that particular! i,,i..-n.i no fo.d nolh. ris.-,! t i nrn..,i,i.,.'.i I... ..lwP m -I l.mlv h.iv " . . ' T V - It is by lidding your good pin poses, and imuris Inmr Hie utlecfciut which are i itrbt v I . . . . ... ... ' i plated, that we sbe.ll be-.! U nble to tunit- NO. 34. HUiily liiiorfaitt Lake. from ftall 7'e Covtrnmcnt Offictn all tn routt fitf Ilimif Tht Lxvil Govcrntntnt of tin Territory Mandontd ! !Ftar In iliaa Traulht. Sir. (iilbert, of Weston, who, in con iiettion with his father, has been for sotnij lime in butoiirss at Salt I kko City, or. rived in this place on Wednesday last, being the advance of a party of about forty, now on their woy from Salt Lako lo Leavenworth. From Mr. (Jilherl we learn, Indirectly, tlmt in the train coming in, nro Judge Stiles, tho last of tho Judges of the Ter liiorial Court of Utah, Mr. llnrr, Survey or General, and Mr. Dodson, tho U.S. Marshal. TLvy Lav mU am1 kU ut kUtV doncd (heir posts, because they lind it iin possible to execute the Jaws of the United Suites, applicable to the Territory Urig Imiti Young nnd the ohVersand members of the Mormon Church all conspiring to thwurt and defeat them, and to set at de fiance the laws of Congress! Mr. (Jilbert reports, further, that all " (lenlilos," resident of Salt Lake city, live in const-ni dread of personal violence. The most perfect ami annoying system of Cfploimge has byen established by tho Mormons, and the steps of all not con nected with the church, dogged, and even their most private transactions watched and reporled. Atier leaving, the party wcro tn great fear of being pursued and surprised by the Mormons, and to avoid being cut off, they kept up a constant watch day and night. They were not, however, follow ed. After arriving in thet Indian country, they were apprehensive of an attack by th Cheyennes, who were reporten as preparing for war on tho whites, but ihey were noA molested, uor did they ee any of that tribe. Mr. Gilhert reports that iho yirinj opened early in Salt Lake valley, ood the crass was in good condition. The party left the city on the 15th of April. He parted with the train at Big Sandy. They had made a very pleasant trip, all thing considered. The grass is good to Utu motititans. The train will probably reach Fort Leavenworth next week, when we shall probably be able lo learn the particulars in regard to the abandonment of their posts by the U. S. ollicers. Squatter &w reign. Narrow Escape irom Weaith There is true philosophy in the following extract of n letter from ihe Her. Dr. Humphrey to ihe L'vangeli.-. The Dr. wrote from Chicago where he was visit- "I loir marvelous liai been tho rise of properly in Chicago! Happening to bo there in the dimmer of 1JWI, when tho Dearborn reservation was Irought Into market, I bought two small lots, and sold them uIk-iui seven or eight years ago for two thousand five hundred dollars Tyhich was thought to bo a fair price. Now tho new Richmond Hotel, one of th fiueet in in Chicago, stands on the same ground, which I am assured would, if I had kept it to this time, have brought me eighty thousand dollars! So you see how narrowly I have of railed IxtiiiP' n ri. h mnn. mnA rorl.w boys, lind they been young, to rely upon ihe proprietor, who bought ihe land of ine , (if he has any) escaped with the great for j tune, astafcly as mine have dono without J it, it will bo un exception to the general experienced! wealthy (amines. Tasiiiox. One of the many disadvan lages of the present fashions is thus sei forth: Sally, I'd press you to my heart, lint all ffiK'h pressure you d. cry There's tto much cotwi, whalebone, lace? 'Tween you and 1 I'd only muss the dry goods up, j And make you blubber, pout, and frown Ik-sides, I might, oh, and ,nichaucf ! Ureak whalebones down. . Farewell! I'll pray when next we meet. I A ml meet we may, if fashions chanijc, ; a . : . . .. .... i m irasi iiiai wc nny eotllt WIIUIII Good talking range. A Good Later -An elderly fat gen a warm breakfast at tlelllilll 111 discussing ; n. citiieu tue watte ..... juu urn, iiiiivu inr naucr wyi j "iMnuhl, tiring me more bread. I eat a good deal of bread lo my steak." Dono Id answered with iuik Ii simplicity-. "Ay. ! ase your honor, and you eai a : , , ...... . . .11 -. V