I p' In if: !!, it i' il t a;? Hi hi !fl ..iJ 1 nil if l 1 -3 Hi i i. v I!' m r i .-, x i rl i s 1 1 i i 1 1 BELLEVUE GAZETTE, ; r d i i, i n t n t I. A. STRICKLAND & CO., THOS. J. GUNNISON, EDITOR. DELLEVUE, N. T. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1SV7- A new Administration. j Whnl Foreigner uwJ to the pomp nml Ceremony of "coronation day" in the old countries, who might happen to lo in thi country on tho 4th inst., ami seeing the rptiet nmnngtho people, could imagine llmt on that day a new Administration was lclnjj.'l narrated 'with power that one nan who had lcrn the choice of tho prop, lo, wiitoilef end 'ram the lofiiwt eminence li th face of the globe, and become sim ply citizen one of the people while another, also the choice, of the people, eliould ascend that eminence and become at once tho hend of one of the most power fnl Nations in modern times. F.xeept nt tho tVtpitol, there ii no pomp, n parade, bathing to indicate lho change that is taking place. Nevertheless tho un-nt heart of tho nation beats will) animation and i nlive with hopes for t he success of lh Administration so miietly lnaugeraied Into power. To an intelhgentpeople the trumpery ih vi of "corunntion duy ato iliviiiAlcfol, ntid seem fit only lo excite tho wondering gazo of the ignorant sl.ms th tools and minions of despotic and her- editory power. Thank (loil! the "divine right" of hereditory sllccesion is not known hero. On the contrary, tho people enjoy tho "divine right"o f selecting their own 'rollers and merit ability, fidelity, patriotism rclhe'cjuulitics they seek for in tho man uho is to direct tho ulfairs of the Nation, anatney care nitie lor n?reuiiory niooij. 'Their rtileris their servant, not their mas Vcr. Their will is his law, and their good .v.- .... 4is h omy ieg.muuu- uuu. 7' ' JAMi.S Ul'l IIAN AN, who nut yes- terdav oecimied tlie nlaee of n nrivnle t it- lien. to-day iu pursuanco of the voice of ' . . , , , . , , .tb American people, fills the highest and most honorable olhco under tho sun. A long nfo -n puVlic stations, and in private life, has proven Jus worth and his ability, "b ml he has been called from the r. lire, ';'..,..,,, . . ..ivi..i ... i i . . .v.. ui .... t ,U1 w .,.,... tho duties of our nation for four years. i His election has shown lho confidence of occurred. The insult having leen aven ' his fellow citizens; and we have not a ged, ihe property might have been retur- Would tut his Administration will vindicate Uie justness of that confidence. v..,!-.,! ' lt ;, ZVebraskn Apitroprlntlons. .We learn by to days mail tlmt the re ' port of SoO.OOO having been appropriated Whampoa to the Darrier, which was ac W tho General Government to complete couuilished after the loss of a man from n "ioA rnniiol t.,,;i.i;,i,T n, (,..Kn .miw w , .,n , , misuke, as the bill for that purpose was . .l..r...K.l n. t innnnn uviirmvu. iuv uppropi iuiiuii oi -iw.uuu tJ construct a waggon road from Omaha ''city to the south Pass, said to have been i- ... n .i : i , ' nnnnrfn , .? ... , ,011 Captain Curry s part, who was for ina- - S300.000 of this sum is to be expended nv immltes in the midst of a hot fire from : between the southwest Tass and lho Pa cific Ocean, and 100,000 between Fort ' Kearny and the southwest Pass. Tho speculators at Omaha were a little preum- ' . i. . .1 I - . t ture in their exul auonoa tho sub-ct of Government spoils, and as theso are what " they have inaiuly relied upon to build up 1 ' .1 - reueu upon 10 imuu up be a somewhat painful We know of no place , . ,. laeu city, 11 musi oe "I disappointnient. . I . . . r uwi requ res o inucn nisunce irom congress as iniana city, ior umess uov ( criuneiit patronage is continued with ., liberal hand Us future success will be hope- t leas, W'e congratulate our neighbors ...t.-v - 1 - 1 umnni nowever, ior naving secureu i - . ... . appropriation for u penitentiary, and . Uunk Congress made a wise discruniuu i lion in making this appropriation to them, uud no other, as this of all other things is most needed iu that community St. Marys. Thii thriving town, situated near the . lauk of tho Missouri, opposite to Delle- I. vue, is progressing rapidly, and a large amount of business is done there. Sales of lots have lately been so extensive j owners of laud adjoining huve been laying , MA additions 10 the town, and there seems be a good many disposed to invest mod " ev in property there, tate discoveries of ' coal beds and stone (piarries adjacent to 1 , i . t . - . the pace have given a fast impetus to en- . , ' terprise, and we expect to see St. Mary jnake rapid strides in wealth and improve xnenl lh comins; eeason. She has a fine cnterpciiiv ppulatin, mislly German -i..,.m Miim h.tr,,rr miiimii, iviin 1111, " 001 " " .i" T. head sentunenu 01 uie ug(!. h is uiu t JeadquartT4 of lhat veteran pioneer Gen-1 j--- As an evidence of ihe power of 1 tn Harpv. where h ts always "at home" tV gale which blew down two steeples iu !hu UmW- Miry i a competitor uieibury, Conn., diiriug the late Morni with other places for the western terminus I f loll)i,. t W4S fam,(j four lllllulred recrui's f..r Genera! WaHi- .tnf iheRuiUgUM & M.-ul liner Hail- hf ,v r sjxlv fevt ah of ihe tower in. or. and a great amount of nrnw and a;:m- n,r ' - . ". Morr about Junction (it)'. It wns only lint lat wii'k that we ui1j lis'icil nn article in reference to iIim new town. 1 1 1 o i-immiinv lii lav tint which 1 1 1 1 1 thru I,.mm. iut ,.rn...iz. d Kmiwini the ' mlvan'aaes of iho location, we ore ,,. surprised to learn, tint nueiniy nan isouie price have been paid for lot in that town, on which to build immediately. Yo think . . i . i it in (lii.Mined t ) it rapid jrrowih, and from present indication we should jude that the proprietor will be mn.it liberally re warded for their enterprise. With more intrinsic merit than mo.it of the new towns along the Missouri, lots and idmrr-s are five times cheaper than in nlmo.-t any oth er plnce we can name. This cannot long remain so. Property mint go up there to a handsome figure. It is directly oppo site the ferry-landing at llellevue, ami in direct line of the Mississippi and Missouri river H. H.. The St. Joseph and Coun cil Mulls U. II, mit.it inevitably, pass through it or very near it, and we have no doubt the Darlington It. H. will there es tablish its western terminus. In our opinion it will be the placo of "junction" of these three road). With these advantage in prospect, and soon we think to be reul lized, what wonder is it the stork is fought after. That place cannot grow without helping Dellevue, and in like manner the prosperity of one city must react favorably upon tho groth of Junction city The Aiiirrlcaii I'lHht at . un.'on. The following letter gives the only de- . .i . . i : i .1... laueu account we liuu-jci uu-nram cause nnd con:icpienco of tho American ouariel at Canton. Nothing is said of the beheaded Americans, who were mistaken for Englishmen, and whose heads were placed upon the walls of the city at the jrates. Canto, Nov, 10, 1S.113 On Satur- jny the j;5th iljt tl, nr!)l'CHlu.r uf the United States Ship Portsmouth, containing Captain Footo and others, was jiroceeding f0"' Wlsumjwa to Canton, when she was fired upon by the Harrier r oils. It was half-past four in the afternoon when this occurred. Jhe American Hag was in a position that does away ull chance of n llll'a Vf !"is,a,,i" U' "h.le unless than two rounu snoi auu tnree cnarges oi yiupe, nflt.r ,Lo mm(, shot wero lirL.( illl0 lho Inxit by tho Chinese braves At tho. first discharge of grape the boat I was turned for the ships, who nhe oiri ved at ( o'clock uud after an hour Com inodore Armstrong decided upon takinf potion of the two forts, and then ndvi- sin thc Governor of Canton of what had lied to its rightful owner, or retained, ac cording as lho reply from tJoveruor Veh migni inuicaie a wisn tor war or pence with the Americans. At daylight on Sunday the San Jacinto's cutler commenced soundintr the river from n shot while throwingthc lead. At 4 P. M. 21 hours after the Portsmouth's boat had U f j . h shi unJ Uie Ltfva1, : . . were nearly in position to open lire. With only water enough to lloat the Ports mouth, she wos towed up to her berth by I the Willameiie, in the most gallant f tyle - ihe forts, which had opened long before the ship was near enough to suit "Captain lot 00te After the steamer had been ordered to 'cast oil and lake care of herselt. Captain !,00le droI)peJ wilhlho llo for five min- utts ti wilhn 450 yards dstance from the nearest fort, (the large one ai tho right 1 f 1 1 .1 i..... ..'l... nearest tort, ( tne iarre one ai uie riirin end of the luarrier having then been under heavylflre for aoine time) Starboard; 'Let ro anchor 'Haul in spring n ire! -k BucrifMion ai,J t0 cut short - my bloryt the bhip lired i-'-'U eight inch a shells in the following two hours anJ hi tccn minutes, at A!l were well placed at their nearest nei"hbor ami at the round rorton the uni. , , , . , , , left some 1 1(H) yard; distant. At dark we firillg ccnseil lhe fl,lU keeping it up til 1-3 ...;.i.,..i. i...f..M ,ti vi.,im. .l n,i niv. IlllllUtt 3 I'V IWH 1.1V t'lIM1 IV J J V , , ingu sample of what is iu Move at the l.V 1, l, .., ,1. j 11 T he fiv.i f .111 nr. K,,i.l 10 !. idled with Kii.'i.,h fims and 1 UIHII I Will til IMU l .... ...un...., junkmen crews, and certainly we have never si en unyihuig in lho way cr i hi- nese gunury enuai 10 ineiu ueiore Duriu" this lime the Levant was aground out of lire, and could not lake part in tne action. The Portsmouth was hulled three times, one marine mortally wounded, and I her rigging l ad.y cut, that Next inornig, at dawn the lioats attacked the Harrier Fort of 3 duns, then the Fiddler's Reach Fort of N guns, all of which were Miccesfully captured wiih very liule loss t.i the Americans, who re mained in ihe latter fort until dawn the next inornmg. when the S.p:are Fort, onlv remaining one, wa3 as-aulo-d y. , , 3-.,' f , . n carried. The Chinese fought well, 1 :.K : I I.I III', t.l nf.ijl III r I'MllIlltll Willi 11 111 Ul lllLl - 1 st,ii. AH these forts with their guns eir guns e ammunition, &c, were destroyed a far , as possible, The Chinese were making Ttalelloits for farther resistance, and ir.iH i . . ao Mow of c v usr awav was n Mceptible me 1 1. . O uieibury. IX.nn., during the la e Mor.n. the bell of St. John church, which weighs I which it hull''. Tlir l ulled Staff i:prilif Ion lo Tlio Itltrr I.u rialii. V? have received tin preliminary re Jmrtof Captain l'.ig'1, who cmiuiiaiHleil ihe l'"'"'tl Sli,t01 r wiu. r uiti h, nn.l Iy or.l.;r of the (JoviTim.HM, nm.l. nn ex- tended and very successful i-Xdor.ition of this imp )itant river. The Attention of tho (luvernment of the I'nited Slates has only within n com paratively few years, been properly direc ted lo the value of explorations and geog raphical investigations, with, rcferencu to the increasing and now vast commerce of our country. This description of opera tions has long been held to be of the mo.it vital importance, by the powers of I'.urepe and in no inconsiderable measure, the wealth nml commercial ascendency of CJreat lii itam are to be traced to this p -icy. From thetimo of Captain Cook, and even to date from a previous era to - the present day, the naval explorations made under the am pices of the Bnti-h (!nvern nient have been of the most extensive character, nod have been made in nhno.it all parts of the world. 1'cople, before nl mo.it unknown to civilzvd men, have been visited, treaties entered into, and new markets opened forcominerciul enterprise and a high and peihaps the mo.it la-ting fame has been awarded by the whole world, for those missions of peace and am ity. The reader of the voyages of Drake nml Cook of Wilkes and Perry, of ltoss or Franklin, will not feel bis interest at all lesseiK-d by the consideration that those were essentially commercial in their ob jects and eonsecpiences. The I'nited States has not been behind other nations in this important auxiliary to the march of civilization. Numerous ex peditious have been organized and have , 11111,1.,l Il.,,1,sl.1l lls;11(.,s ..el, j Kri.llt Mim.s;Jt nm have added lustre to , the National Character. With a vast ex- tout of previously unexplored territoi ry these explorations have necessarily been by no means idle, r nd one of the most im portant of services of this description, to which wo allude, has just been completed by the sipiadron under command of Cap tain Page. The Itiver La Plata and its tributaries, among which is the ri.er Parana, were thoroughly explored and surveyed, and were ascended to lho astonishing distance of 2000 miles from thc ocean. The en tiro countries on their banks including thc hitherto little known andjahnost mysterious country of Paraguay, were completely ex plored and asynepisof their commerce and resources is given in the present re port. When we remind our readers that among tho products of those countries are clashed many of the richest products of the mine many of the most important medicines known, that they abound in cat tle to such an amazing extent as to be al most capable of furnishing the entire world wiih material for the currier and the in dispensible products of his art; that a vast number of woods rarely seen as yet I y the cabinet maker, ore prod tied abundantly in those forests, that in short all the in ducements to commercial intercotuse and most valuable accessories to tho goood of society are to be found in tho countries the importance of this expedition and its probable results may be estimated. The tea of Paraguay, long a favorable article of diet in all the countries of South America, is now attracting much attention in F.urope, and very probably will become un article of extensive exportation. From the city of Ascension alone it is exported mainly to other states of South America laragly. the value in 1S-31 reached S2S2, 4S0. The commercial investigations by Captain Page's expedition are of the most valuable description, In geograpeical science and matters cf general interest, this expedition lias also produced u va.-t accession ot intonnation For the first time accurate surveys were made, and the courses of rivers and posi tions of towns, in some cases containing large populations, care ully ascertained The climate, customs of the people, disea ses, iu fact, no less than CO medical plants used by the peop.e of Paraguay, were oL tained and brought home in safety. The superior quality of the tiiaeco grown iu those countries is alluded to, Much information was obtained relating to tho curious and almost unknown tribes cf Aborigines which inhabit lho countries of the Interior of South America. Twice i the expedition was attacked ny Hostile in . a I J t dian-., h-htin? on ho.-seUek, armed with s 'Vais. uNinuuiiam iliiuiui i"'- 1 l"t.v were secured an 1 brought nome in . - . safety We hope to see the very important re sults of this expedition published at an ear- 1 ly period by the authority of the L nited Mates, and venture to say that sucn a con tribution to commercial geographical and general information will have very rarely been made by any government-The J'enn tylvdttian. S11 mi.. A 11 Indiana exchange, in com plimenting Governor Jostph A. Wright, of that State upon retiring, says he has been the hardest working 1'xecutive Im'i the I ona ha and , 000 of ii audi self an ona has ever had, and has spent over SI, f his own luonev m butamnig 111111- nd family during his term of ollice. I I . j rtt u ti m-i.fit len! mentieP Infill L' II j DUIUII i J I fc.v ...v...... that given to our own Uov Governor, who has to rent a place to live in where he can. 1 In Indiana the salary is only $14,00! 111 J litis state it U $:i.0(K). It should be 111 b eh pbiees'ri'J.OOO with a respectable house t j hvj in. 1.x. M0RL It EC Rl' ITS OI NlCABVC.UA. The ht.-amer Texas, for Nicaragua, sailed ; . n,- - - ; " , from New ( . b ans. on the u t.. 1 nilioil. H. MtVI.R. CiKTaSCHM Meyer & Gctzschmann's FLOURING MILL. The llliilrrniirnr,! l;r;r Jravf to inform III riti7.ms of llir mljoitiinif ronntic in Ni'hrn!f, thut flipy sr liniMinc nrvr FI.OUHINO MILT., with two run of Harm, at ST. MAIIV, MILLS CO., IOWA. lo he in operation on tho lit rt Aniri. t"M. Kari'ifrs will lo urll to r. plf.tv f Wl. ni v.c nrc re niril to p.iy llif l.lhtp'. ri cs ill rAMli. IJY H'r'oy will also I lo.ie! t by U f: I lie!.. I's I ( t l .MAHY r.Iil'.V.T.HY, -i. Mo -vt l.r-.f. i ' '' T. HIH.I.OWAY. C. I. K KUFII. Ilolloway & Keller, c 1F.NT.RM, LAM) AGENTS. HouVvmc 1 ri'v, N. T., will tiroiiiptly attond to ttio rollrr:in2 And invpsliti" inotipy, lorat inc Liml WiirrantH. Imvinir and mdlinjr city lots, &.c (CHce nt the lirllcme IIoiimc GLEN WOOD HOTEL. Olenwood, Iowa. nAVING rem nt'y lnacil this well-known IIoIpI for a nninlinr of yrars, nml fi' toil it up in n Riipcrior Hlyle, tlin Propiiotor llnt tnrs liiiriii'lf that the 'patroiinc In" hcrcloforp riTi'ivoil from his frirmls mid tho pnl.lic in pnnpral will now bp pxIpikIimI. My talile is furnished with Hip flmU'Pst ili'licacirs of (Iip season. Adjoininz the house are pxteiinivp stahle, ami go nl hos'lrrs will always bp in attendance. Come on, yr. that hunger and thirst for th" good of this world, and you will always liml Jesse 011 hand to mi ister to vonr wan's. .'ESSE A. PAINTER. no .V3m. CIIAS. CIIIUSTOPIIF.U, MACHINIST 4& COPPER SMITH, In all its Branches. BELLEVUE AND OMAHA. LOST, A Tthe last payment made to thc Omalin T it- 1 - di.ins, n No! oof Hand, drawn in my favor, hv W. It. I'.nirlish for l oar liniidreil ilollars. ji IlKI. S lid iio'p was pnilursed on ths back for ten tbdlars. All persons are cautioned of pure hasini; said note, ns the payment ol the same to any one out me is stopped. jjuis sauasum.i;. Tayloring ! Tayloring ! The inulersined bepjs leave to inform the Ui.cns of Itellcvue and vicinity that he is prepared to do custom work, in the latest fasti ion and most approved style. He feels coi fidont that his work is unsurpassed East or West 5 and by moderate prices respectfully solicits a share of the public patronairp. He will always be found ready to receive orders at thc liollcvui! House. JOSEPH HRAY Hcllevuc, N. T. March llth Hj7,tf The. Cruise of Hie Wnbasli. Tho New York Times has the following account of the crubo of tho U. S. steamer Wabash, just returned from Aspinwall. The Wabash, it will be remembered, was built at our own navy-yard, and was pro nounced, before she L'ft our port, to be a model of Naval Architecture. On the outward voyage some heavy weather was experienced in the latitude of Ilatteras: the sudden change m 18 lours from a temperature of forty degrees to 82 degrees, caused their rigging, which was new to suddenly slack in the midst ot the gale the connections of the Iron baiv'j of the bowsprit gave away, and tor a time they were in danger of loosing their masts. In the midst ot this mishap one of the men was killed by being struck by a snatch-block, caused by the sudden par ting of the strap and Captain Engle during the heavy and sharp rolling ot the ship was thrown violently against the top of a brass stanchion, cutting a bad gash in his head, and nearly precipitating him back ward down tho hatch. lie narrowly es caped with his life; the wound has healed but an ugly scar three inches long, remains on the side of his head. Lieutenant tiua kenbush was also injured though not se verely. The man killed was an Italian and shipped under the name of James hile. As soon as the rigging was set ui the ship behaved admirably. They were able lo carry double ivefeu top sails and whole courses, when other vessels wer hove to and could carry nothing. Her stea mini' qualities are fir.-d rate: her sea rate is about eight and half knots; her speed is 10 knots. As soon as the propeller istri ced up. she is a first rate sailing ship, am' makes 14 knots. On one occasion, Laj tain V.. mentions he was below and sui posed the shin was lying still, as there was no wind when he left the deck; but u smart breeze bad sprung up, and upon inquiry of the otlicerof the deck as to how '-the bhip was going" he replied 9 knou," and yet, so smoothly was she moving through ihe water, no unusual motion of the ship attrracted the Commodores attention. In a word the Wabash is pronounced a perfect ship in every respect, and no language seems lo extravagant iu which to express the ollicers admiration of her performance. Their call at Havana was a source of great pride and satisfaction to Americans there, and the Captain General paid them unusual attentions, inviting a large party which waited upon him to dine at his pal ace. The ship was also filled fore and aft by the fairest senoritas. who enjoyed themselves in the dance and other fortui ties, every one expressing great admira tion of the noble sdip, as Capt. L men tions with evident pride, was in beautiful order. A Spanish American Alliance. The Republics of lVru, Chili, and Ivjua dor, have entered into a formal alliance, for the purpose of preventing encroach ments from North America. They have ibiebt'ess beeoiiie alarmed at the lecent Jeun.n,trati,.ns in Nicaragua. We doubt th ,..,., will result in . whether this movement will result in any benefit ii the paniep, nn l may have n very contrary ctl'ect. ADVKUTISEIIEMS. I, a. JOMr.s. or.o. w. wrain. Till! LAHfiFiST Drup; & Chemical House IH TUB WJSS'l'. OMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA TERRITORY JONES & WOOD, WlloM SLC A SI) HtTAIL DcALCHS 1 Dmcs, C'hemienls, Paints, Oils, Dyp StnlTs, Window Class, Wines, Liipiors, Cijrars, Tobacco, &.C. fi.c. &.C Ifivlu" DMrrhaspil the piiMtp stork of DRt'CS and FANCY COODs formerlv be. lonirinff to 0. A. Henry & Co., together with 'ir own mil purchases, wn nre now pnnnieii to offer the public as complete nn assortment if lllUMIS and FANCY tiOODM as can be found weit of tho Mississippi river. Our stock is of in iRiutuile paougli to Ritppiy uie wtiole N-lir.iskrt trade; and Invmi: been pur- based under the most favorable circum stances, we feel assured In our statement that if Fine Goods, ns retard s uunntitv. n"al' it 1- anil nrice. are nnv oliiec;. to those dealing in DIU'US and MEDICINES, we can offer these inducements to n prater exten than any other bouse in the West. Co in'rv Merchants and Physicians are reipiesied to r i mine our stock hrtoir jmrclianm;: elsewhere no l.i-tf ju.m-.s at huuu. W. II. STABK. U. W. IlEmURN. NEW Boot and Shoe Store, On JFAHNII AM Street, Opposite thc Ex change Rank. W. H. STARK d CO., Would respect fullv inform the ladies and cen- tleinen of Omaha mid vicinPy, that they have on hand and are manufacturing a complete stock of BOOTS AND SHO E , Of the best quality, and warranted ; compri sing the follow uikvU s Ladies' Fine Lace and Congress Gaiters. " " Kid Montecs and Congress Gaiter. " " Slippers and Pa rod i Ties. " Heavy Morocco and Calf Hootees. Misses " " " Cbilds' " " " Gents' Sewed Kip and Calf Boa's. " rcjrjred " , " Fine French or Pump B o'.s. " Water Proof and Q tilted-Bottom Boo'. a. " Parent Calf Boots. " Oxford Ties and Gaiters. " Kin and Calf Shoes. Boys' and Youths' Kip Boots aud Broans. All of which are made of the het material the market affords. Our f icilities for select- iti are unsurpassed in Las. era cities, and we wish it distinctly understood that we Warrant Every Article Wo Sell. We have the best of workmen la our em ploy. Every style of Boot or Sum made to order, and warranted an easy a ad fashionable fit. Respectfully, no 13-tf W. H. STARK & CO. ANOTIIKlt GRAND ENTERPRISE! 1000 PAIRS Eastern Boots & Shoes SELLING AT COST AT THE OMAHA CITY Boot and Shoe Store, To make room for my o.vn Manufacture. Also, a good assortment of Indies' and Gents' Rubber, Overs and Sandal of A. No. 1 quali ty, at a very small advance, together with a complete assortment of work of my own m in ufacturc, including Ladies' r.nd Gents' Bullalo Overs. Also, a well selected Stock of Leather and Findings. P. S. Every style of Boot or Shoe made to order, as usual, and warranted easy, fashion able and durable, no 13-tf. , Vf. HENRY STARK. NEV GOODST NEW STORE ! ! fllHE undersigned have opened, nt their new L Btorc on Douglas street, opposite the banks, a new and splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, BOOKS, STATIONERY,. Our stock ot D;y Goods comprises all kinds of LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S and CHILD REN'S DRESS GOODS, ALL KINDS OF DOMESTICS and everything that is requisite to make up a complete assortment of Dry Goods. We have a lanre lot of Clothing that is well and fashionably made, and out of the best material. Our 'stock consists of all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. BOOTS and SHOES. Our stock of Boots and Shoes is the largest ever ottered to the citizens of Nebraska. They are purchased directly from the manufac turers, and are of the very best quality. ();ir (roods are all new, and recently pur chased in the Eastern cities, and we intend nelliug the.-n at astonishing low prices. All the citi.ens of Omaha and vicinity are re quested to call and examine our stock, as they will find it to their interest to do go. CV S'Udy to ideas". i.o. 10-tf ' PATRICK k CO. FKAKK I.. KEMP. WII.I.IA.M 1HOOSIIAM. Iew York GUN AND JEWELRY STORE. KEMP & FRODS1IAM, DEALERS in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Rifles, Shot Guns, and Pistols. CLOCKS. Thirty hour and eight dayclocki of the two beat m.iinir.ictories in the Union steamboat and ollice spring clocks. GUNS. Single and double shot G ins, from five to fifty dollars t Rilb'i, of our own make; also, Eastern make: Pistol of all kinds; pistol flasks, shot bags, wadding and wad cutters; common and water-proof caps; colt's caps, and numerous o.her articles aitable for the Western trade, whkh neivh -r time nor space will allow to enumerate. TV All of the ithnve articles pold oa the moKt reasonable trrun. Repairing done to onirr at snort nir no '.'-ir. Omaha Citv, N. T. (.li:MOOD ADVi:UTlSFJIEMjl. LATE ARRIVAL!! AT GI.F.NWOOD. IOWA. TOOTLE & GREENE AUK NOW IK IECEIFT or A riF.lH SUrPLf Or Whirh, when complet, will compose the LARGEST and bfst SELECTED 8T0CK l.V MILLS COUNTY. OIK STOCK OF UHOCEIlIta Are bought at the lowest terms for cash, coasisl of COFFEE, SCG.-vR, TEAS. FISH. RICE, CURRANTS. RAISINS, CANDIES, MOLASSES, SYRUP, FRUIT, NUTS, &,c, &c, kf IHIY t.OODS. I.ailiei and Gents, call nml see them, nmt price for yourselves. They have not been summered ' and wintered ih St. Louis, but bought and shipped direct from the Easter:, cities. Eafi- styles and a full assortment of DRESS GOODS, from a tea cent Lawn to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few fine SILK SHAWLS, BONNETS and PARASOLS. CLOTIIIXU. A fine slock old and young, fogies ami 'fast' men, call soon if yon want a nice coat ve.st or pants, on reasonable terms. 11 ATS! IIATSt! New styles, cheap and durable. HAItlMVAItr.. A very large assortment, consisting in part of Smith's Tools, Spades, Shovels, Forks. Rakes. Hoes, Bells, Mill, Crosscut, and Hand Saws, Files, Augers, Axes, Broadaxes, Adze, Chisels, &.C, &.c, to the end of thc chapter. IltIM1.U M ATr.HIAI.S. A large lot, consisting of Pine Doors, Sash. Shutter Blinds, Paints, Oils, Nails, Locks, Latches, Glass, Patty, &c. r I'll MT Lit 1 Bureaus, Beds'cads. Tables, Chairs, Tin S.ifes, C.ibboars, Stands, ic. CV".We will sell cheaper for cash thar any house in Western Iowa. hoH-tf. TOOTLE & GREENE. HUFFMAN'S STAGE LINE. BELLEVUE, ST. MARYS A NI) G L E N WOOD STAGE LINE. HUFFMAN'S LINE will leave Olenwood, via. St. Marys for Bellevue, on Mon day's, Wednesday's and Saturday's, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and will leave the Benton House, Bellevue, via. St. Marys for Olenwood, o l Ihe same days at 1 o'clock, P. M. This Line co'.inects nt St. Marys, with the Council Mutts and. St. Joseph Stages, and at Olenwood with the various lines from the Mis nissippl to the Missouri Rivers. Tiavi-leis oi this Line will find every coa venience and accommodation, to make their tripi pleasant and upeedy. Comfortable; Coaches, Careful Drivers and well-fed Horses. ROBERT HUFFMAN. no 5-!f. CHEAP GOODS. JUST RECEIVED BY NUCKOLLS & GO,, OLENWOOD, IOWA, Linre a id Well Selected Stock (Express ly for THIS Market) cf Dry Good Clothing, Castings, Groceries, Queensware, Hats fc Cap. Boots it Shoes, Pine Doors, Iron, Nails, Sash, Hardware, Cutlery, Locks. Latches, Window Shutters, tc, &c. Havino been bought and shipped Bt low figures, we flatter ourselves we are able to oCi-r such inducements to CASH IJDY I2ItS as havo not heretofore been ollered. We nsk an examination of our Goods and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. The La dies will find at our Store R large stock oC CHALLI, BE RAGE, DEL A INS, POPLINS, GINGHAMS, VICTORIA LAWNS, EMBROIDERED ROBES, PLAID SILKS, &c, &c, All of which will be sold very LOW. NUCKOLLS tc CO. Ci.enwood, Mills Co., Iowa. no 4-tf. NEW' STORE r NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! New Ever thing, at" the Old Stand of SARPY k ENGLISH. EDWARD C. BOSBYSHELL HAS the honor to Inform the people of the Southern District of Douglas and the adjoin ing counties, Nebrasxa, that he is now open ing one of the largest Stocks of GOODS ever brought to Olenwood, Mills county, Iowa,, consisting of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, HATS k CAPS, NAILS, CORDAGE, GROCERIES, BOOTS k RHOT.S queensware; LEATHER,. IRON. OILS, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS," WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, kc, And everything that may be found generally in city atores, all of which he will aell CHEAP FOR CASH. TV ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY TRO DUCE taaen in exchange for Goods. Buy era from town or country wishing food ami cheap Goods, either at wholesale or retail? will save money by calling and exa mining M" atocK before purchasing elaewhere, as they will Cud good bargains and fair dialing. Olknwood, low. 4-tt