Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, February 26, 1857, Image 3

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Nqnare (12 linen or less) lt insertion. $1 (Kl
Kach subsequent insertion M
One square, one month 2 .'mi
" " three months 4 (HI
' " ix " rt (Kl
" " one year 10 (HI
lousiness cards ( line or leas) 1 year A (HI
One roliimn, one year fx) (Kl
One-half column, one year 35 (HI
ronrtri " " " an (Ml
eighth " " " 1(1 (Hi
column, nix months (10
" half column, nix months 20 (Hi
" fourth " " " 10 (HI
" eighth " ' " 8 (H)
column, three months 20 (HI
' half column, three months 11 (HI
" fourth " " " 10 00
" eiirhth " " " (loo
Announcing candidates for office 5 00
Tor eighth sheet hills, per 100 $i
For quarter " " " " I
For half " " " " .
For whole " " " " .
... iii (id
For colored paper. lmlf sheet, per l(Hl.. ft on
For hlanks, per ipiirc, firnt quire 2 (HI
Eech suliseipient quire 1 (III
Cards, per pack 1 fx)
Kach subsequent pack 1 (HI
For Uall Tickets, fa lie v paper per hnn'd ti 00
Each subsequent hundred 4 00
Persons having any law business to transact
Mith the firm of Howe & Stiucki.anp, for
the next sixty tlavs, will please wait upon ('.
T. IIoi.i.owav, Esq., who will give them any
Advice or legal assistance required.
howen & strickland,
xotici:. "
L"'ters directed to me wi'hiti the next sixty
lays, will reach me soonest at Albion, Or
leans county, N. Y.
fflllK CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore cx
JL isting under the name ami firm of SARl'V
c KI.VNI'.Y, is this dav dissolved by mu.ual
consent. L. B. KINNEY having purchased
out the entire interest of l A. SARPY. Will
settle nil claims that he has contracted for
the henefit of said firm, and nil claims due
said firm nre to he paid to no one except the
undersigned. L. I!. KINNKY.
- " -z m -r--
The Moilmnii s of Jk-IIevuo and vicji7i
ly, are re? port fully riM'tinaied to meet at
the Hollivue House on Tuesday evening,
March Urd, 187, for the purpose of
funning an Association for their iiiutual
'protrt :ion. A large attendance is ex-
J'l'Ctl'd. Mien A.MC.
Meeting at Hellevue.
At a lanje and enthusiastic meeting of
lh ritiz.'in of I't'llevue and vicinity, held
at tin; Ht'llevue House, February 19th,
JS-37, called for the purpose of investi
gating the dillieuhies in Douglas county
in regard to claims upon the Ful.lio
Lands, James S. Allan was called to the
Chair, and C. D. Keller was appointed
Secretary. The meeting was addressed
Ly several gentlemen, showing conclu
sively the importance and necessity of
decisive action in the protection of claims.
On motion, a committee of three was
appointed Ly the Chair to draft Pream
bles and Resolutijiis expressive of the
sense of the meeting. The Chair ap
pointed Messrs. Hollow-ay, Lovejoy and
Gwyer said committee. The committee
returned and rejxmed the following,
to-wit :
Whereas we, the citizens of Jli.llevue
and vicinity, have heard with deep regret
of the recent venal attempt of a class of
persons attempting to take, ly force, the
claims of actual settlers in Douglas coun
ty, and pariieulai ly in the vicinity of
Omaha city.
And Whereas, we believe it to be our
right and duty to protect ourselves and
neighbors in the equitable possession of
claims, and if necessary, oppose force to
force, and to any extreme. Therefore
Re.whvd, That we will sustain each
other and the settlers of our sifter com
ties in all equitable right in the possession
of claims, and that a committee be ap
pointed by this meeting to proceed to
Omaha to-morrow to confer and act with
the citizens of Douglas county.
Resolved, That we will at all times hold
ourselves in readiness with the means that
nature and art may place in our power, to
defend the right of the squatters.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this
meeting be signed by the oflkers and
communicate to the meeting at Omaha
On motion, the Preambles and Resolu
tions were unanimously adopted.
The Chairman appointed Messrs. Hoi
loway, Gwyer, Lovejoy, Dyson, Larimer,
Longsdorf, McCormas, Wore, Smith,
Kost, Allan and Saling said committee.
On motion,
RhoIvtJ, That the proceedings of this
meeting be signed ly the officers and pub
lished in the 'lk-llevne Gazette,' 'Nebras
kian' and 'Florence Courier'.
JAS. S. ALLAN, President.
C. D. Keller, Secretary.
Jft-lF It is a singular fact, that when
the Indian swears, he swears in English.
There are no oaths in the Indian vernacular.
.iKrt uiicortli.
Farmers, (-uiuViicis, and others who
have a taste for the "sweets of life," may
now have an opportunity of "growing their
own oiigar," from the (.'hinc-e Sugur
Cane. Will it do well in the North t Why
not ? It is c;rown in precisely the same
climate ami manner as the common Indi
an corn, and it requires precisely the
same treatment. Hut will it produce as
much sugar, and of as good quality, in
the North as in the South ? Is our soil
and climate adapted to it f Yes. Its suc
cessful culture in China and Japan, in
precisely our latitude and climate, settles
this point. No finer sugar comes from
sunny Cuba, or from "away down in Ala
bama," than from the tall maples of Ver
mont or Canada.
Northern bees extract as much and as
o7 honey from Northern Dowers as tan
be produced from Southern Dowers. North
ern pears and apples contain as much sac
charine matter as do Southern pears and
apples. In short, there is no good reason
why every family may not grow their own
sugar jut as surely and economically as
they now grow their own corn and pota
toes. Our government have paid liberally
for wed. and have experimented sulli
ciently to test the question, and it is now
left to private enterprise to carry out the
work. Southern planters who supply us
with seed, assure us that the CIimhki
Sugar-Cnne will thrive wherever Indian i
corn wiil grow.
To the Public, and will reader
To L'itcinte of WS (1 VESTS.
Bellcvue, Oct. 21, ISM. l-'.f
33 ollCVUC , TXT- I.
HAVING removed into our large new store,
mi fiitt u ( ront itA nr. imi. f. .tl.. I
.... j.t.iii.n.i'ii, mi. nun nili'lluiV UIM I
the Citizens of Douglas county, one of the
Largest, Cheapest and best Selected Stock of!
l.oo.n. ever opened in tins city, consisting in
part of
Dry Goods,
Hats & Caps,
Provisions, &c,
Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto
fore extended to us, we earnestly solicit its
continuance, feeling confident that the quality
and price of our goods, rnnnot fail to please.
Ilclleviie, Oct. 23, 1K.V. 1-tf
George Jennings, Proprietor.
THIS House is situated in the plcasantcst
part of Hellevue, in a beautiful and healthy
location and commands a view of country,
which for beauty rannot be excelled in this
Territory. It is fitted up in the best manner,
and no pains will be Hpared to make all who
may favor him with their patronage, feel at
Will always be supplied with all the delicacies
the market ailbrds. t
Attached to this Hotel is an excellent
which we shall always have attended by com
petent and faithful Ostlers.
Hellevue Oct. 23, 1-tf
cm: a i
THE Subscriber respectfully invites the at
tention of purchasers, to his bugs and splendid
stock of Goods, consist ing of
All of which he warrants of the best descrip
tion, and bought expressly for this market.
He lias also a well selected stock of
im:.iy-ma ni:
Made after the LATEST FASHIONS, of the
ENCED WORKMEN, all of which he sell
Bellevae, Oct. 21, 1S.V1. 1-tf
Boot c&3 SllOO
JM. HART AY, would respectfully
, inform the inhabitants of Hellevue
and vicinity, that he has commenced
to -Manufacture
Of all descriptions, from the finest finish to
the coarcst make. Employing none but the
best workm oi, lie will be able to warrant all
work done at big establishment.
C tf The highest cash price paid, in trade,
for all descriptions of RAW HIDES.
Hellevue, Oct. 3D. lS.V.2-tf
scriber in Hellevue. MX COOD M .
RON'S, to whom GOOD WAGES, and CON
STANT Employment, will be given.
Hellevue, Oct. 2.1. 1R;mJ. 1-lf
A N It
( benpest in the World. A new volume
betins .lanimiv 1, is:7. The great sitccen
. attending the putilicatioii nl ttie Philadelphia
Saturday Hullelin during the past vear, ena
, bles the Proprietor to promise to its leaders
, I lint It will rout nine to desene such success.
i He has lately miri'liascd and united to the
I Hulletin that old and famous Family Jouruftl,
'the American Courier, and his facilities for
1 making a lirst-rale paper are thereby much
I increase,!. i lie new oluine Tor the year
i ls.'i7 will much surpass the volume for the
Ve ir 1S.M1. in nil respects. Til" Philadelphia
' Saturday Hulletin and American Courier. Se.
lections from American nud Foieign Pcriodi
I rals. All the news of the week, received bv
telegraph and mails frnin all parts of the I'ni-
teil Mates. I lie news from I.uroiie, furnish
by correspondent, in the Foreign Capitals,
ami seiecie.i irom copious tiles or the nest
I'.ngiish, 1 rencii ami German papers. On
(rinal 'I ales. Sketches and Poems, Editorials,
ny cnpanie writers, on n!l cm rcnl topics. The
general literary contents of the paper will be
hi ine most varies ami attractive character.
The Humorous Department will be unrivalled
in its selections, an, I invanatilv in part Ori
final. Great attention will be paid to secur
ing the freshest and most Interesting Local,
Miscellaneous, Religious and Scientific Intel
ligence The Saturday Hulletin and American Cour
ier is a large double-sheet, containing eight
pages of six columns each, making IX col
umns, which will be filled mnlr Hie direction
of experienced and skillful editors. It is
printed on one of Hoe's Celebrated Lighlniug
Tvpe Revolving Machines, w h it'll are known
to lie liie liest nulling rresses In the World.
Ill fact it will, we feel confident, be found to
contain more and better reading matter than
any other newspaper in the country, and will
be the cheapest and best paper in the world.
The proprietor, from his long experience in
the publishing business, with ample capital,
has unusual facilities for furnishing a first
rate Newspaper.
The Saturday Hulletin and American Cour
ier will be furnished to subscribers and clubs
According to the following unprecedented low
For $2,110, One copy. and Hooks from the sub
joined Catalogue, published by T.
H. Peterson, to the amount of 5!)
For $1,1)0, Two copies, or one ropy and books
to the amount of $1,5(1.
For $",((), Four copies, ami one to the getter
up of the club ; or books to the
n mount tf 7." cents.
For $10,00, Ten copies, ami one to the getter
up of the rlub ; or books to the
amount of $1.
For $1. 1,1 HI, Sixteen copies, and one to the get-
ter up of the club 5 or books to
the amount of $1.
For $20,00, Twenty-four copies, and one to
the getter up of the club; or books
to the amount of $2.
For $10,00, Thirtv-eight copies, and one copy
of "The Poets and Poetry of
America" a superb octavo' vol-uine.-containiiig
choice selections
from all the poets of the United
Slates. The price of this superb
book, in the stores, is $1.
For $10,00, Fifty copies, ntid a copy of Dr.
Griswold's "Fem:;le Poets of
America," a work similar to the
last, and the same price.
For $-13,00, Fifty copies, and a copy of the
"IlluHtrated London News" 'he
most splendidly embellished Pa
per in the world, the price of
which, at any Store, is $12 per
annum. To be mailed weekl v, for
one year, to the address of the.
party getting up the club.
One Copy and anv of the Three Dollar Maga
zines for Three Dollars.
Farther Inducements to Clubs. -.
CV" To the largest club, provided it ex
ceeds 100, the Paper will be continued to
every subscriber for the second year to the
same address, without charge.
Hi For the second largest club, provided
it exceeds 00, a complete set of the "Waverly
Novels" will be sent free of postage.
For the third largest club, provided it.
exceeds 50, a copy of "Abbott's Life of Na
poleon." free of postage.
CV" For still greater inducements, see.
prospectus in specimen number of Paper,
which may be obtained by addressing the Pub
lisher, as below.
With the Prices Annexed, from which Selec
tions are to fe made of the above named
Dickens' Christmas Stories, containing a
Christmas Carol, The Chimes, The
Cricket 0:1 the Hearth, Bitfle of
Life, the Haunted Man, Pictures
from Italy, &c. Price 50 cents.
Dickens' New Stories, containing the Seven
Poor Travelers, Nine New Stories
by the Christmas Fire, Hard Times,
&'c. Price 50 cents.
Charles Lever The Knight of Gwynne, Kate
O'Donoghuc. Price 5) cents each.
T. S. Arthur A Year after Marriage, The
Ranker's Wife, Iove in a Cottage,
the Orphan Children. Price 25 cW.
Alex. Dunns Memoirs of a Physician, the
Queen Necklace. Price $1 each.
Genevieve, (Illustrated.) Price 50
D'Israeli Henrietta Temple, Viv.m Grey,
Yeuetia. Price 50 cents each.
Mrs. Grey The Helle of Uie Family, The
"Manriring Mother, Lena Cameron,
The You.ig Prima Donna. Price
25 cents each.
Eugene Sue The Wandering Jew (Illustra
ted.) Price $1. Woman's Love,
the Man of War' Man. Price 23
cents each.
Ct7" The Hooks referred to above, will be
sent by mail, free of postage.
CV" Subscriptions and lists of Clubs should
be forwarded, if possible, heforo the first of
January, 1X57. Address
Hulletin Buildings, Philadelphia.
RupFlour,r sack $1 0(1 Butter, "p" lb .V)
Wheat, per bush. 1 (Ni Shoulders, do 12
Corn, do 1 (Ml Hams, do 15
Oats do 75 Lard, do 12
Potatoes do 1 ( Eggs, per do. 30
Dried Peaches, do 2 75 -vtlt, per sack 5 (X
" Apples, do 3 IKI.ilay, per ton 5 00
JfVS" A man! powers are very tircuin
bribed, and lii triumph ii always of
short duration ; neer will hi bv aide to
secure th approl ati.m of wery one ;
never will it be )Ki.sible for him to m
lence the voice of eeiisuie; never can he
MiriV tin reproaches of his own coh-m ii'iiee.
; , P. A. SAItPY,
Wholesulo & Itotnil ..Merchant,
HASjust received and now lias for sale, a
larp.e assortment of selected merchandise
ad ipled to the wanls of h II in this new and
thriving community, vt hich be can sell asc heap
ns ran be ulleted elsewhere so high upon the
Missouri river. His goods have been selected
by tan .experienced purchaser, "with special
reference to the circumstances and wants of
all classes of settlers in n new country. La
dles and gentlemen, 'children and youth, nil
ran be supplied. Call and see for yourselves.
His stock consiits of the following, among a
great inanv other articles lie cannot now enu
merate i Anion;; his
May be found Woolen n ml Satinet Clolbs,
Clssincts, Tweeds, Cashmeres, Llns-ys,
I'l innel. Red, White, Cray and lllue, Caspian
Plaids, ( 'otton Good 1, Sheet ings and S!iirt nigs,
Klearhed and Unbleached, lllue and White,
Diillings, Osnaburg, Hed-Ticking, Hickory
Checks, c, ,kc.
Fanrj (;o:ls.
A beautiful assortment of fancy print of
every variety of si le and pattern. Gingham,
Lawns, Figuii'd Alpacca, Hoinh.i.lnes, llotn
bayetts. Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck
erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons,
A well selected slock of Summer, Fall and
Winter Clothing, consisting in part of line
Dress Coats, Pants and Vests) u'lmi, good
Slimmer Clothing of all deseript ions, and heavy
Clothing for Fall ami Winter use. Also, Shirts,
Knit Manuel Drawe rs anil I'nilemhirts, Socks,
c. Mens' and Hoys' Hals and (taps, of va
rious fashions, ciua lilies and prices. HoolsV
Shoes, thick and lliin, polished and unpolished,
of every description, Cor Men, Women, ami
(. Iiilitren s use,
Crushed. Clarified, Loaf and Hrowu Sugar,
Molasses, Syrup Molasses, Golden Syrup,
Superior Tea, Rio ami Java Cotfee, Sassafras,
Ginger. Pepper. Cloves. Spire. Cinnamon.
ground Ginger, Nutmegs, Snulls, lohacco,
I Igars, I'ipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Pickles
reppcr-Sauce, Jtc., &.C.
A large assortment of Fbvir, of various
(pialities nud prices j (torn Meal and nil the
various products of the I arm and Garden;
Hacon, Fish, Kiln dried Apples, Peaches,
currants, uaisius, &.c.
Stoves of various patterns, for Cooking and
Heating rooms, Stove-pipe anil Elbows, larg
and small Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillets
Hand-Irons, Shovels and tongues. Manure an
llnv Forks. Scvlhes. Shovels and Spades. Los
and Trace Chains, Axes, Hammers, Pincers
Iron and Steel, Nails, Horse-Hasps, Hies
Saws, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Ra
zors, Huttsand Screws, Door Handles, Knn
locks, &.C., &.C.
J iii ware.
A general assortment kept for househok
N oou ware.
Wash-tubs, Shakers Pails, Wood and Zinc
Sole Leather, Harness Leather, Cowhide,
Kip Skins, Calf Skins, Linings ami Morocco.
Saddles, Bridles, Halters, Lariats, Circingles,
Helly-bands, Driving-lines, Collars, Hack
straps, Girths, Hliiid-hridlcs, He, .'u.
A general assortment of Medicines, for
Fevers, Fever and Ague, ;ind the common
complaints of the country. Cook's, Lee's,
Sappenyton's, Hragg's and Javnes' Pills, (Qui
nine, Tonics, ami various kinds of Stimulants,
Anodynes, Liniments, and other articles neces
sary for the sick and the invalid. 1-tf
(oixriL km i ts advi:ktise.iiets
Greene, Woaro & Benton,
ami Land Agents, Council Hind's. Iowa.
Notes and Hills collected and remitted to anv
part of the United States. Money received on
deposit, and interest allowed. Eastern or
Southern Drafts furnished in sums to suit pur
chasers. Land Office funds paid for Currency
or bills of Exchange. Loans dlccled on gooll
security. Taxes paid, titles examined, and
liea I estate nought ami solil on Commission.
Lands entered for settlers and time given for
payment. Olllce opposite the Pacific House,
11 west lower room 01 Kami Olllce.
Kkkkrrmck : F. S. Jesup &, Co.: W. J.
Harney &, Co., Hankers, Dubuoue. Iowa t Cook
k Sargent, Hankers, Davenport, Iowa t Cul
berton & Reno, Hankers, Iowa City, Iowa ;
reopie's jjanu, ,M'W jorlt L-ity; Ketcliem,
Rogers ti. Ileunet, Hankers, New YoikCity;
Selkou, Withers &. Co., Washington, I). C. ;
Hon. Chan. Mason, Coin, of Patents. Wash
ington, D. C,j Hon. A. C. Dodge, S. U. S.
Burlington. Iowa j Hon. G. W. Jones. S. U.
S.Dubuque, low.ijllon. Joseph Williams,
Chief Justice, Muscatine, Iowa.
Council Hlulls, Oct. 21, 1X5H 1-tf
Tootle ii Jackson, .
. CHANTS, Council Hlulls cilv, Iowa.
Having a Large and Coiiiinodions Warehouse
011 the Levee at the Council Hluir landing,
are now prepared to receive and store, ail
kinds of merchandise and produce, will receive
and pay charges 011 all kinds of frcigths go
that Steam Boat will not be detained as they
have been heretofore, in getting some one to
receive freight, w hen the consignees are absent.
HLt'EHKNccs : Liycrmoore K, Coolev. H. C.
Davit i. Co. and Humphrey, Putt Tory, St.
Iuis, Mo.; TotlcAi. F.u'rleigh, Kt. Joseph,
Mo. 5 J. S. Cheneworlh &. Co., Cincinnati Ohio;
W. F. Co ilbough, Burlington, luwa
undi-r.-iigned having recently taken
and refitted the above well-known and
popular Public House, he trusts by the strict
studious attentio.i to the wants of his guesls,
to merit a liberal share of public favor, confi
dence and patronage. His table will be
spread with the best the market airords. and
110 pains will be spared to make his guests
agreeably at home and comfortable.
Council Blurt's, Iowa. nov 13-tf.
KIM HALL, II 1 ving purchased this well known
and popular Saloon, in Omaha city, would
respectfully inform the public, that they are
now prepared to furnish tliir customers, at
all hours, with HOT MEALS, OYSTERS,
TONGUE, GAME, and other
1 1 1: fi i 1 :s 1 1 m hxts.
Comprising all the Delicacies of the season.
(me ve that hunger and thirst Come to
the APEX and ye sh-tll be filled.
ON the comer of Nineteenth Ave. Hie and
First street, (occupied bv Dr. Rice.)
The above II tn will Iw sold low, ii im
mediate application is ni ide to Mejr Sestoa
t llowb-s, M iii s'rec'.. no !Mf.
1ll( TI.TIU y. 1W1T.U.
I.vmv V 1 11 1 n v Milan.!,.
hy piiiur n. ria:. is.
We take this occasion to announce to Fat lit
ers throughout the country. III it it I the In
tenliou cr the E.litor and Plopiielur of the
"Cermantown Telegraph," not only to con
tinue n heretofore the Agricultural Depart -Incut
of hi paper, but sedulously to ndd to
11 character ami value ny all (hi- mean nl
command. Ml necess it v space shall be irn
vlded for a full record of Agricultural Details
and a full development of every branch of the
Farmer's Pursuit. He will in future, a he
ha always heretofore, aim to be practical,
and lo be of real and substantial advantage
to husbandry. His course, also, will continue
to he thoroughly Independent, and wholly un
biassed by any other motives than tlnnc he
conceives to be promotive of the line Interest
of Agriculture in it broadest ineanlii'r. Neither
indiwduut. cliipies, societies, ir nnv o'her In
fluence nil 1 II swerve him from the path of
right and duty.
Farmers, throughout the country, who c.
sire a Newspaper, issued weekly, -t 1 1 1 ei tal
to nnv o'her family news and literary iouiu il
published, which make Agriculture' n speci
ality, will liiid tl (ierm iiilown Telegraph"
to fulfill every con. lit Ion, and to render It en
tirely unnecessary for them lo subscribe fur a
periodical exclusively agricultural.
Practical Hurt Icull ore, Pomology and Gar
dening, generally, will meet with particular
As a Literary and News Journal It shall
not be surpassed by any In the country.
ieuuy printeil on good piper, or the largest
class. It shall continue to be one of the hand
somest newspapers of the day.
Every Family, in (own or country, whether
lliey take other papers or not, will find the
"Cermantown Telegraph" to be worth, in lil
eral benefit, twice the amount of subscription.
No siibsci iptions received without the rash.
Price Two Dollars in advance. Subscription
not paid within the year, $1.M. Mail sub
scribers will have the rash postage deducted
when not exceeding 'Ji els. per annum, pro
vided the subscription be paid strictly in ad
vance. Postage stamps to this amount will
be relumed as change with the receipt.
Any person sending five new subscribers at
one time, with the rash, will be entitled to the
paper for one year.
Specimen numbers sent on request.
For 1857.
riIHE Cheapest Family Newspaper In the
X West I The Weekly I'lni i Dealer w ill
commence lis Sixteenth Volume on the 1st day
of January, IH.T7. Il will continue the same
Independent, Jocose, r'cnrless. Fighting Jour
nal It ha ever been. Dealing Plainly but kind
ly with all. It will battle for the Constitu
tion and the Union, ns "the world's best trea
sure and last hope." It will oppose Fusion
Ism in every form, and battle Dis-unioii In
every disguise. ()f its vigilance us a Sentinel
iijioii the watch-tower of Liberty, it Is sulli
cient to say, that, it has never yet been found
napping at its post.
The New Volume will commence with a
New Year, big with important event. A
new leaf in tlio history of this Republic will
be entered, upon the Inauguration of a new
President and Vice President. During the
coming yenr, the policy of. the New Adminis
tration will be fully unveiled iiiregard to the
following important and exciting National
topics: Tin! Final Settlement of the Kansas
Difficulty, on which the whole Slavery ques
tion in the Territories' is pending The Final
Settlement of the Central American Question,
A against the claim of England Our Right
of Transit Across the Isthmus, and the recog
nition and nriintaiiianee of the Walker Re
public in Nicaragua The Danish Sound Dues
The Acquisition of Cuba The Annexation
of the Sandwich Islands The Admission of
Minnesota as a State Admission of Oregon
Admission of Utah, with or without Poly-
gamy Admission or Kansas, w ith or without
Slavery Probable Admission of Nebraska
and Washington Territories The Inaugural
Message of James Buchanan 'Hie Doings of
the New Democratic Congress. These are
some of the leading events which will distin
guish the Incoming Administration, and most
of them will transpire during the coming year.
Cleveland, from its central loea'lon. and
from its great concentration of Kiil Roads.
Telegraphs, and water communication with
the world, is admitted to be the IJt News
I'oiiit In the West. It can furnish Intelligence
from all parts of the world, ilavs ahead of the
New York Papers, and the Plain Dealer, be
longing to the New York Associated Press, Is
the first to publish the Foreign and Domestic
Markets, .News, Disasters upoa the Lakes,
and Commercial Intelligence generally. It
win nave uaily telegraphic uispatcliet from
Washington during the Session of Congress,
and has regular Correspondents hi all the
principal cities of the Union.
In addition to a lull and faithful record of
passing events, we intend to devote a consid
erable portion of our paper to "Polite. Litera
ture." Every Paper will contain a Htorv.
either original or selected, accompanied with
the choicest variety of Miscellany, such as
Poetry, Discoveries, Biographies, Jokes, Od
dities, Ac, Kc, making altogether one of the
most Valuable t ainily Journals ii the West!
Prompt to improve and to Invite,
We'll blend instruction with delight."
f. V Dur Agricultural, Commercial, and
Telegraphic Departments, will each be worth
the subscription price of the paper.
The Brighlo-i, New York, Baltimore, Cleve
land and Cincinnati Market will be reported
ii'.... 1. 1.,
Single S ibscrihers, $'.00
Clubs of Ten (to one Office), l.ftO
Clubs of Twen'y (to one Olfice),... 1.2V
Clubs of Fifty, " ... l.O!)
Pay invariably In acvance. To the getter
up of a Club, one copy gratis.
(,'tT' Pot-M.ister are especially requested
to act a Agents. They should in every case,
where possible, substitute Western Demo
cratic Papers for Eastern Fusion Paper.
Those desiring the president's Message and
other Public Documents, can aubscribe now,
or at any time before Die first of December.
(V Subscribers to the New Volume should
send in their names as early a the middle of
December, so that they uiav be registered In
time for the first number. All funds received
at current rates, and if registered, mailed at
our risk. Address
J. W. GR AY, Cleveland, ().
A N. l'RIGGS. Takes this iiiethnd r I..
for iii in? liia fripiiil. nnl tti tt tkli
generally, that he I prepared to BUILD AND
ri.i."Mi, in me oeai manner
Dwelling Houses
Of everv descrinthm nf ati-laa A-.l j. ... l.
limit reasonble terms. ' Thankful f.r past
favor, he sV.ieit a continuance of public
lle'.b-v ie, Oct. 30,
satmdayTvTkimo post.
ItiiMi.slieil Ani-iist llli, IS-JJ.
Hi publisher of thl old ami firinly-estsS-
lished paper take ple isure In railing the at
trillion of the public to their programme for
the coming year. Surfeited with polities, the
claims of literature will lis more thin ver
sppreciaied by the rending world. We have
therefore already inula arrangements with
the following btillianl list of writer !
William HuNVitl (of England), Alice Cary,
T. S. Arthur, Mrs. H nithwortli, Augnsiine
Dugaiine, Mrs. M. A. D uilson, the author of
"Zillah," Ac.
We design commencing, In the first number,
in January next, the following original Novel
el Tallengetla, or the Squatter's Home Hy
William llowill, author of "Riral Life In
England," "Home of the Poets," fce., tie.
Thi Is a M'urr of Aus'rallna Life, Me.
Ilowilt hiving visited Australia txprcssly
with Hie o'ljerl of acq-! lintlng himself Midi
the imt el ntid romantic; aspect under whir
nature and society present themielves In tHl
hiinMlnr region. ,
The following Novelets will then bn given,
though probably not in the rx let order here
mentioned : .
The Story of a Country Girl. fly Alice
Carv. An original Novelet, written express
ly for the Pint.
'Hie Withered Heart. An original Novelet,
wrilten expressly for the Pos', by T. H.' Ar
thur. Llghlhonse Island. An original Novelet,
by tin au'hor of " My Coufcssiou," "Zillah,
or Ibe Child Medium," &c.
The (junker's Protege. Original Novelet,
bv Mr. M irv Denison, author of "M 'rk, the
Sexton," "Ikime Pictures," Kc.
Original Novelet. Bv Augustine D igsune,
nulhor of "The Lost ir the Wilderness," Jtc,
is also In course of preparation for the Pni.
We have also the promise of n Short and
Condensed Novelet, by Mr. South worth, to
run through about six or eight numbers of the
In addition to the above list of contribu
tions, we design continuing the usual amount
of Foreigh Letters, Original Sketches, Choice
Selections from all sources, Agrioultiiral arti
cles, General News, Humorous Anecdotes,
View of the Produce and Stork Markets, the
Philadelphia Retail Markets, Bank Note List,
Editorials, Jtc. , A.C., our object being to give
a Complete Record, as far as our limits will
admit, or the Great World.
Engravings. In the way of Engravings, we
generally present two w.n-kly -jne of an In
structive, and the other of a humorous char
acter. The Postage on the Post to any part of the
United S'ates, paid quarterly or yearly lit ad
vance, at the olfice where It la received. Is
only 2d cents a year.
Tf.nm(CusIi In advance) 1 copy $2 a year,
1 copies... ti
8 " (and one to the getter 111)
of the Club') Ill
13 " (and one to lit gaiter up
of the Club 15
2H " (and one to the
c.r the Club) 20
Address, nlwavfost-pnld,
No. (ill South Thlrb street, Philadelphia.
Simple Numbers rciA gratis lo anv one
when requested.
To Editors Editors who give the above
one Insertion, or condense the material por
tion, of It (the notices of new contribution
and our terms) for their editorial columns,
shall be entitled to an exchange hy sending a
marked ropy of the paper containing the ad
vertisement or notice.
IJllOWNVItl.K, Nut All A ColKTV, Nf:aSASA
"To Improve the Soil and Mind."
. r
f II HE object of the Farmer' is proclaimed
X in its motto faithful lo this end, it will
him to take rank with the Agricultural peri
odical of the day, and pursue such a course
as win rentier it a welcome visitor to every
Farmer in Nebraska. Tha Publisher deems
it unnecessary to enter Into an argument to
convince the farming .community in this Ter
ritory or me importance or eurti a work. Tlie
natural adaptation of our soil and climate to
Agricultural pursuits, known to all who have
examined, I thought to be a sufficient apology
for entering upon this enterprise. We have
m ide arrangements for regular contribution
from a number of practical Farmer and Hor
ticulturists, In Nebraska, and will continue to
secure others to each an 'tent a warrant
us in saying that the 'Fanner' will prove a
depository of a mast of Important facte in re
lation to agriculture, rarely to be met with,
and at a cost which place it within the reach
of all.
Horticulture. Special attention will be
given to the writing and selection of matter
appertaining to the culture of all kiod of
Fruits, Flower and Vegetable, adaotesl to
this soil and climate, accompanied by uainer
on Engravings with full description. . ,
acne' department. litis Department will
be devoted to Household Slfiirs, and wifl be
conducted by a lady of ability and experi
ence, assisted by able lady correspond!-'..
Plan and Sue. The Fanner' will be pub
lished on the 1st of each month, printed on
new type and good paper) each number will
contain eight page of reading matter, three
columns to the p igej size of page, 10 bv 13
no, nun cm oi unmeet! An
imals, Implements, Trees, Fruits. Houses, sic .
Terms. Single copy, $J. Seven copies, $3.
Twenty copies (and one to the ersoa getting
up the club), $1'). The volume -will com
mence March I, 1X57. Everv Postmaster and
Farmer In Nebraska are desired to act a
Agents. Addition can be made to club and
back No, furnished at any time during the
year. Clubs need not be confined to one Post
blfice, but will be sent to different rices if
C V Person in the States who are "look
ing Westward" and desire agricultural infoo
nation from Nebraska, could find nothilur
better than the "Farmer" to Mpot them np.
Aiblres "Nebraska Farmer," Browurille,
Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory.
Brownville, N. T., December 1st, 1HM.
Note. It i hoped everv person to whom
this Prospectus I sent, will feel the impor
tance of the establishment of an Agricultural
fa per in Nebraska, and mik an etTort U or
ain a many aubscriber a possible, and
forward their naniea to the Pub.islier. A
light effort only, on the art of tvt-jr one,
will accomplish the o' ject If time or incli
nation will not prmrt yo i to act dlred,
please hand this to some one who will act
energetically in Uie matter. A f ist a yoti
procure a number of names forwird to me.
Lot no ProrMcto l la'er tki FetntaT 1st,
iu reaching the Publication (WJlce, .. , , -j
CV" Witat we now want Is name to the
Prospect i. k no M -"y uikU yoi receive
the fust V.. sri th -n-v'-T mit be remit
ted promptly or the paper wilt h rimtimi.
e l. 1 1 giving nam a id ridene, writ the
mine il residence Ii fill, and git Pos.
t) fi.-e, '.'. i:ity, an T'-rri'.ory or State,