. . ; j ' i t : 1 rf r . ' I i I I i ' . .:i ; : j : -.) i :i i . a i 1 IkM? If Din ! .7 '!-;! Ill I . .. .i. ' - . 1' ;... I .: 'I ! . I ! o'l'W.1' j - - I I n ! U) www mi mm w tmmtmmwmm mm imnnvntiaaa n mn in mm A Family Nowspapor-Dcvotocl to Democracy, Literature, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Amusements and Gonoral Iutolligonc'e. VOJ- 1- .HKliLHVUK. NKIMASKA, THURSDAY FKIilJAKV 1857. NO.! 9 Li III I W II 5 M 4 "Tl fi It H i ID I Tr I 9 AT,. A ffl H -ML, 1'. VSUJ' V V H7 '2 $cllrlnu (Settle. reni.tsiiii) i:vi:nv tim iismv REM.E HE CITY, N. T, n v S. A. STRICKLAND Terms of Nulisfriiitien. CO. Two port. Mil per annum, if paid In ndv mee, or $2 .r0 if not pn id within the year: to cr.ins; Three copies to one a hires, in advance S" 0:1 Spvpu h do ,do 10 Oil Fifteen do do do -.'II (li) A "dub of seven subscribers, at. $10, will entitle the person mnkii it up to a copy for nix months; a club of fifteen, ntW.ro a copy for on year. When a club of subscribers lias been forwarded, addition? miy bo made to it, on the same, terms. BUSINESS CARDS. Bowen & Strickland, 4 TTOUXKYS AT LAW. Real Estate, JlV-Citv I,otn and Claims honirht ami sold. Purchasers will do widl to rail at, our otlico and rx.iinine our list of City Lots, &.C., hi fori1 iinn hasiu phtrwlwrp. Odico in C'onk'n new niildini;, cornrr of l'il'Ji and iM.iin atrri-U. L. L. Bowen, ATTORN" KY AND C'OUNSKLLOR AT LAW, Hcllrvue. N. T. 1 -t r S. A. Strickland, ATTORN'F.Y AN I) COUNSKLLOR . LAW, HpIIi-vuo, X. T. C. T. Ilolloway, ATTORN" KY AND C'OUNSKLLOil LAW, Ridlevnc, X. T. AT 1-tf AT 1-tf W. n. Cook, KSV.n h LAND AM) J!T" AL T'STATI" S AC I'XT, !WI-vuc City, Nebraska. 1-tf D. P. Ilankin, TTD-7NKY AND COirXSNLLOfl AT 1-tf 1. . AW, Li PI iUo,N. T. J. Scolcy, A TT '!I".Y AND COUXSKLLOlt Cl T. AT 1-tf IX. LAW, ):ii;j!i;i, X. S. W. Cozzcna, TT)RN'KY AT LAW ntul U-nrrnl Land J. (,. IT. Omaha city, X. T. - Omco in li 'iiy .V Root' new Dri'ck Block, 1'andiam i .h p- . no lii-iiui. JjLiI "7. Pattison, OTAUY l'UIiLICAXl) RI'AL I'STATK AC T.NT, Fouti'iiellp, X. T. 1-tf N James S. Izard & Co. LAN D AOKXTS. Omaha, Douglas Comity, N(diraka Territory. l-'tf Dra. Malcomb & Peck, OMAHA CITY. Ollicp on Hirney street, opposite the Post Ollico. Particular at tention e;ivon to Surgery. 1-tf P. E. Shannon, REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Ccrro Gordo Post Oilier, St. Mary, Mills Co., Iowa. 2 P. E. Shannon, COMMISSION" &. FORWARDING MER CHANT, St. Mary's Lauding .Mills Co.; Iowa. . 2-!f . Peter A. Sarpy, 1 FORWARDING & COMMISSION" MER CHANT, lleileyuo, N. T., Wholesale Dealer in Indian Goods, Horsey, M ile:i, and Cattle. i-i f D. J. Sullivan, M. D., PHYSICIAN' and SriWiEOV. Olllce Head of Mrondwav, Council Jilufls, Iowa. now 13 t-lf. D. II. Solomon, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT LA-V".. Uleuwoud, ALUs Co., Iowa, prac tice in itl tfc Court of wcsVm Iowa and SNehrjikn, n0 tin Supreme ( a irt of Iowa. P Land Agency not i:i tlie Piogramuie. no 4-1 f I h T. B. CVMINO. JOHN' c. TlllK. Cuming & Turk, yhtorncys ai L'u! wd. lh"d Eitulc Agents. arriTi l i..:i.r,.ii.. ..i.l tirinntl,f l,-i.' W '' p" ' i ' ito (to nil woric in ins liti", at tin; sliortest no- t l tiiiwi iitrusted to tiiem, in tne tje ,n,, h(,4t n,,,..,,., a, n (. most rea 'iVrritorinl or lovm tonrls, in the purchase nr i BO t.(.r.,,.,. WM. WILEY. lv! aniHands, enrie tmj jre-euiptions, col- j r'v" Fo ir or five jrond Plnstere'rs, will find led ioub, ItC, j constant em!i!ovrnnl . and I'ood w,irP. on n- Othc iu the second stcry ef Ilenrr Jc Roots new building, nearly opponiln tUfc Western Exclmnge Bank, Fafnham s'reet. Paper is Territory, Counril RI11IT Il.i gle and Keokuk Tiuico, pWasn copy and .charge Nebratkian olliee. . ,UE0. IXVDr.R. JOMX II. HI1K1IMAN. Snyder &; Shermin, A TTOUXKYS and COENSF-LLORS AT J. LAW. and NOTARIES Pl'HLIC, Coun cil Mud's, Iowa, will practice their profession in all the Courts of lo.va and Nebraska. All collections entrusted to their care, at tended to promptly. Especial attentioa given to buying aiul sell fug real estate, aui making pre-emji'ioas in enra ska l)tpd- fYforl . It. Anil ftlliAp InalfMmiWita rt rJ.!!""1"" wi:h du1 h 1 "fcnowi-i.,.- r-... VfllV-l, OU., dfrt. 'iV Olfice west aide of Malison street, I l-tf. lust above Hroadi ay, iiov 13 Johnson PnaKlv Test 1 Grv-Vn ' Ca8la" ffi rCSt ' MRAL LAND AGENTS, ATTOR- AEYs an I) counsellors at law.! Council Muif , J,,wa, will proinp ly att.-nd to 1 Land Agencies, Collections, lnvstitig Mo ioy, 1 Locating and Selling L.iml W.11 rauU, an I aH , ' Vir ,u,il,,' pertaining to tl. -if proft isijia, ill Westirn .j.( and Nl.r.i:k i, . BUSINESS CARDS. G. P. Theobald & Co., C O M M 1 f ' S I O X I ' ( ) R W A R 1) I X G No. 20 Tim: Siiii.it, ii St a ins, ST. LOUIS, MO. V'tf" li r!ic id.) r a'teniioii pli.l to fillini; of oritcrs and to Sale ol Prodiice. no lii-ly. Asnnrw J. rn'.'ri.t.i-.!','. ivii.i i ,i n. nvi.ns. Popplotou Si IJycrs, TTOit i- R AL tM'.YS AT LAW. AND GENE- I. VN 1) Alil'.N'l'S. () uaha oil v. Nebraska. Lmd Warr.iuls lunifh and sold. Land Entered on Time. Special ntiention eiven to the sidi etinn and eotry of Lands for Settlers, and all other desirim; cboice loci tio:is. Land Claims, Tow n lo'x ami all kinds of Real E .late. io:ih' and Hold and invest ments in:vl" I' ii I ) i s I :i 1 1 1 Dealers. I V" A Ci"iipi-tenl Sn.-veyor and Draught i l.l fi always in readi ieis Ins ircy lands, timl and select Lar.ds and Town lot'i, and dr.ift Ci'y I'l.its 1-tf Clustav Sctpcr, T inpriGR APil!'..' AND CIVIL ENGI NEER, l'.vciti's Drawing and Paintins of every style a. id dcs' iipf ion. Also, all Ii. nines. in his line. Oilice on Gregory streel. S! Maty, Mills coanly, Iowa. . l-!f Greene, Wcpvo ft Benton, ANKERS AND LAW AGENTS. Council y Mulls, PotnwaUami" numl v. Iowa. (iree.ue &. Wi'are, Ce.l.ir R.ipidt, Iowa, (ireene, Weare &. Rice. I'ori D.'s Moines, la. Collections made; Taxes paid; and Lands purchased and sold, in any p;iit of Iowa, ,1-tf Job Printing NEATLY and expeditiously evouled, on reasonable lnns. at this Olfice. BELLEVIE ADYERTSSEMEXTS, whot.ksali: ,- i:iyr.ir STORE IN CELLEVUE. I would respectfully invile the ciii.ens of liellevue and Dongl i Cn., to ev.nniiip my large and well scire1 e l assortment of DRY GOODS, GKOrKiuiX CROCKERY, HARDWARE, JIOOTS, SHOES, drugs, mi:dicives, " ii ats cap. 5, doors, SASH, &c, tc., And in fact every varie'y u i i 11 v called for in the West. I am coa hden! that any one wishing to pi'.ivlias" "roods will b.' on'ir dy satisfied, and fi id it will lie to their interest to call and examine my largn and well selecti'd assortment of goods. L. H. K1NXEY. Ilelleyue, Oct. 23, 1 ".".. l-tt" SPLENDID GOODS, AT 'NIK VARIETY STORE OP II. VALE. THE Suheriber h.iving just opened al his store in Rcllcvac, a f'.i di supply of goo Is, of every de.script ion, woubl rail the aiten'ioa of pnrc)iasprs, to the Tact, that he has the irgest and best selected h ock of Good, to lie fo mil in Nebraska, and that they will find him sup plied at nil times, wi'h SILKS, " SATIXS. MILLIXARY ,t DRV" GOODS, GROCERIES, LKJCORS, POWDEil, tSIIOT, LEAD. HARDWARE, ROOTS, SHOES, &.,&-. All of which In been selecteil by himself from the best e I'.alilisliinpu'.s ia tin; country, and which he will sell lower for cash, than the same tpialry oT goods can he p irchased at, in any store in this section of country. He has also, a large and well selected stock of READY-MADE Of every descriifio!i. best rjualily and finish, and inferior to noae in Nebraska. Thankful for past, favors, he solicMs a ro:i tinuanee of public pa' rouage, an I hopes that imri liaers wi'l call anil e imme tils rooils, el'me buying elsewhere. H. VALE. Il.dlevue, Oct. 2:i, 1 vi I. 1-1 f STONE MASON AND 'MIIE I'lidersigned having ooinmeneed the 1. , .. ...... ... . 1 '. evue, m lil'ppireil lical ioa to the above. llel'evu-, Oct. .10, isr,,i. 2-tf I CAME TO STAY. The undersigned would respectfully ni noii ice to the ci'trni of Hellevuc and vicinity, tint he n prepired to do .TTOlT&n. SKiX AXO ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, GRAINING, MARRLEIVG, Kc, in all its var.o.i.1 tu. tin bes. PAPER HANGING . Executed in th neatest utyle. fi.Sf P-iinti mixJ !n order, an I for sile. oet. 1 I.l . .1. T. WHITE. iHOUSECARPENTERAND A RRHKiS, Takes this method of in- forming his friends, and the public eenerallv, that he is p-epared to BUILD AND INISil, in the bt manner n n- tt Dwelling Houses Of every d" icription of s'yle an I finish, on th most jvasoaiM terms. ' ThanUfnl for pist favori), lie s ili' ils) a con. iii'iamtn of public p.i ! nvnage. ie!.-vie, Oct. 3i. HVi. 2-'f PEiJ.EViE ,nvi:p,nsE.i;:Ms. CJi'trlcs E. Watson, CI I VI I. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, ' lli'llevue City, Nebraska Terriiorv. )'ro fesses to ba po.sled' iu the 1v of Hie 'land in this vicinity, and oilers his services to such as may need tlieia, on reasonable terms. ; He will nlsa ni l as agent, for the pur chase or sale of Real I'.s'ate. in the Territory, or Western low.i. Information furnished upon application. Ilecl.iralions filed and pre-emptions obtained. -tf A. Soliiinon.skv, R M'lllC l..(,IM.i::i. IaicuIcs 1 1 iopoi; .L Toporaphio, Fancy and Plain Draw lier of every style and dcsci iplion. l'aiicv. Orna mental and Plain Painling eeculed to order. Olfice at tin; Uellevue House, liellevue, X. T. Rfi rnKNt r.s : P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa; Judge Gilmore, liellevue. 1-tf ro n:EEEE hank of kellevii:. Holies iu, elii'iisha. I S prepared to transacl the ireiieral Iniviness . of Ii. Hiking, will receive ileposils. Discount short paper, buy Hills of Exchange, on nil ptrls of lh Country, and sell on St. Louis, Chicago and New Yoikj make collections in the vicinity' ....d ii lull i'n ilm nonie at Cm rent rates of Exchange. ij V Interest allowed on special Deposits. .1 0 H X WEARE, President. Ttios. H. Hkntov, V. Pres. .Ioiin J. Town, Cashier. 1-lf Hanking Hours From '.I to 12, A. M., and I to :i. p. M. II. T. Clarke, lltllll' I Ttlvi.'il ..,, r . .... . ...... h-on IV .UHU.Mi ,V I W 1 ISlM w. a I 1. 1. MltK'l 1,11 ... 1 11. .-!, lo'iicvne, :xi'masKa. Dealer in PINE LUMIil'.R, SHINGLES, LATH, Jtc. Rr.rF.nrci-s: Gold & Prolher and Edward Hempstead. Water s'reet, Chicago! .1. W. llaskins, Milwaukie, Wis.; R. M. Norton. Pres. Racine co. Hank, Racine, Wis.; C. Harrett, River street, Cleveland. O. ; Frnlon & liro'ber, Cincinnali, O. ; Tibbie ,t Hays, Erie, Pa.; C. H. Wright Co. Rankers, Erie Pa.; C. II. Wright. Hanker, Philadelphia, a.s Darling, Albertson ,t Rose, Front street, N Y. ; W. .1. Willis, Water streel, X. Y. ; It. Hall, Troy. N. V.; Mr. HungcrOu-d, President Hank of Wesl field. West field. N. Y. j Hon. S. Morion, Nebraska City. ' l-,f HOUSE CARPENTERS AND WE would respectfully inform the inhabi tants of liellevue and vicinity that we ore prepared to ERECT and FINISH Buildings of all Descriptions, On the sh.utes notice, and iu the most woik ineitliko manner. Having been engaged in tli" business sewral years, Wo Jeel confident in staling, that all who favor us wilh their cus. torn, will be pleased wi'h our work. WEST & STORRS. Rellevae, Oct 21), lS."f. 1-tf BLACKSJV1ITHING. r 1 1 1 1 p. Undersigneil hog leave to Infi if) .L tin; lull a!)ila:its of Doughu ro inlv that they are prepared, to do all woi their line of business, in the best manner, and on the most liberal terms, at their shop in liellevue. i,' V H iving had several years experience at HORSE-SHOEING, i.l some of the bps', shops In Eastern Cities, they will be able to give entire st isfact ion, t r all who favor thf m with their patronage, hi this line." SHAW & 1CETOX. liellevue, Oct. 0.1, laii. I-O111 LIiHVU fJIHF. Proprietor of the nhnye Sa- N JL loon, takes grent pleasure in1 ) announcing to the public, that he. is now prepared to servo at ail lloilis, and iu the best manner, WARM OR COLD MEALS, OYSTERS, COOKED IN EVERY STYLE. .SARDINES. PIGS FEET, PICKLED TONGUE, ROILED EGGS AND GAME. IX SEA PON, Together with every thing that Is usually found in a FIRST CLASS Refreshment Saloon. Having had considerable experience iu cn-tf-ring for the public tns'e. he is sure tint all who favor him with a call, will he satisfied. CHARLES JOHNSON. liellevue, Oct. 2:i, I ".". 1-tf HOUSE CAEFENTEHS AND . j( )ixj:ns. frilIE tin lrsigned tikes pleasure in an .1. no-meiiig to the Inhabitants of ndleyue and vieiui'.v. that lliy are now prepared to I1UILD AND FINISH, in thu best mnnaer, all styles of Dwelling Houses, Cottages, &c, &c, On the shaitesi noiice, sod in the Most: sp. pruied iiy le of woikuai-sliip. Thy will be also happy to do any work ia th -ir line of business, which Ibelr frien.ls may stand in need of. MYERS t HILLYARD. Uelleyit", Otu.. 30, 1SX). 2-tf Ho! For Fresh Water. Till' tiiidersig u'd respectfully informs tli ii.li.'i'.naiiLS of liellevue und llio iirriii ling co'.m'rv. that he is prTi.irrd to dig and finish, " WELLS AJTD CISTESXS, At th shortest notice, a:. d t r r most rea (nnitde terms. D. V. LOGAN. , liullevue, Oct. 21, IXod. 1-tf MANUT ACTURCR. VVRICH T. wo ild r. snectfiillv 1 . j , lniorm me cn icmeii or 11. 'lie. .'1 i vim an I Vicinity, tli.o lie is preture,! to mauu'lct'ire, to order, every vmMv of I DOOT3 AND SIIOE3," I Of ihe hcjt fii iMh oid Latesl Vs-hion. He is also prepared to 1. iske i:p in tim bent uinnm r, I'.iuleoldi rc I a;;d S.rkd Mippers, wiiich he w ill warrant t ps- . all who f 0, or him wi'h i the css'oia. I Ihl'evuc, Oct. 3.1, SV..r-.'-if POETRY. IIi io'h lo Thoc, OI Mii iKl. 11 v tiiov s siooiii:. Long years have pas i'd, old fi iend, sinco ve First met iu IiIVr young day; And friends long lov'd by Ihee and inn, Since then have dropp'd away 1 I'ut enough remain to cheer us on, ud sweeten, when thus we're me!. The f l.tsi vi e fill to the many gone, A r. I the few who're left us yet. Our locks, old fiiend, now thinly grow. And some hang white n ml chill ) While some, like llow'is 'mid autumn's snow, Retain youth's color still. And so. In our heart, though one by one, Youth's sunny hopes have set. Thank heaven, not nil their light hi gone. We've some to cheer us yet. Then hcie.'s lo Ihcc, old fi iend, and long May thou and I thus meet, To hiihtcu still with '.vine ami r.o;ig This short, 1,1'is ere it fleet. And still as death comes stealing on, Let's never old fiiend, forget, Ev'n .while we sigh o'er blessings gone, I low many are left us yet MISCELLANEOUS. l'ltulitiil Joking in lliv Jflidillr Tlio i iisllc, tr ci:i.U1 d'HotiJin, was 11 favorite resort of I'liilip of Hurjjiiiuly.anil U plai.'O of nt to whiill I10 retire J In niiiiiso liiinsrlf at liis leisure. It con tiasted strangely wilh the eajiiru jialaci of Eoi.i.i the Kli yentli, near Tours, wlien; tlii; ffrountlsi wero known to hiistlo with various deadly iilnniieiits intended o 'llltlilll lI't.Mpllssel'.S. Ilesdill WHS UM fllil (if jiiifall.i and trup-doora aa a modern tliea ire ; hut they only nerved to pcrpetrato tin; coa I'M) thoujrh liannlees jokes, in which tim fun of the Middle Agas con skted. Tin y soem, indeed, lo have only suited the iohut and healthy constitutions of the people of those days. A few ex amples, taken from the records of tho castle, may nut ho iiniiilcre.-liieb'. A nlianoiT i.sbiiinef, for im-lancc, from a gal lery into a neighl oring )a.s.sijre, was startled ly the sudden apparition of n wooden figure, spoutino; water. A wel ling and a fright were the necessary run soq'.n n'.es. lint when ihe joke was car ried fuither, a set of brushes w ero put in iipiiioii, tiinl the patient emerged with a whim or a hliu li face, ns tho case rnicdit he. Another siill mure powerful engine w.1 one which ht-ied a man and thrashed him soundly. In the centre of the irreat yailery "as a trap, and ntar it the tiiire of a hermit who prophesied. Ladies weio hi.s most freiuent victims. They no sooner fell an interest in tho tullin;? of iheir fortunes than the ceilinur opened nnd poured forth rain ; thunder-claps followe d in quick succession, preceded l.y appro priate lihtniner; nnd as tho air prow colder, snow fell. "Taking refuse from tho siorm, the patient entered n ditn'er ous shelter uln.ve 0 pit-full lendim; into a sack of feathers, f n in which escape nt Inst wa$ permitted. Tlie castlu of lles ilin was full of P icks c.f this des. riplion. l'esid.'S the pitfa:l just descrihed, there was in tho trreot (railerj' a hrido which diotid samitTers into the water. Ja various jilaces there were engines which spouted water when they wero touched. Six lijurc htood in the hall tpoutin' water, aiul wctiintr people in various ways. At thu eutrnnee of a gallery wero eight waler-j'.ts rushihir upwards, whMi welled peojde pas'int', nnd three inn!l j'iprtt were so fixed rlo.-e hy as fo cover them yyith flour. If t!ie jin nt': siricken victims rushed ep to a window nnd opened if, rp lame a fi'Tiir-, welting them, nnd clr-inr' tlie frame. If a yplen did iiiit al 011 a desk eanIit a etiriiius eye, tho person wlio went to it wa i either cor- eren wrn som or tun. .' mirror tiuse nl K.i , ,.l I .1 ,,.,! ll. n t!,.l- . I ...Itl. .U ti 1 in ii' 1 v 1 1 'i , n 1 1 1 1 i' t , i.i'i llll. l lilt 1 vklim wondered a the LbvWst, of Mi' face. 01 it rushed a llour-dredi i-r tm m.-ido hmi white. The i., t elahoraie of all ; rV iy. thai Smith was the o.,!v Van these tricks was one mm! ininr; altimd I ,'o... ijmt m r insleflisdc 1,,' Is' 11 prophet: fv-ry sp-cies of deception. A lijuro of : U eon Iu. ;ed Mm lu iuess 1 ism ei.tirelv a maivwas mane t stari in the rrn at ual- lory, iri'niemn: rs-npie- ry iaikin' or e,,-y intj. At tho noise, the loungers in oiher rooms rushed in,t;p.n which a num ber of figures, armed with tii.ks, eam forth, driving: e very one, prll-mell, ta the biid'e, where they fill, of eo;un', into t!ie ers. iuur.-'Iho Early I'leu.Uli I'aiiit I vl VV :iiy :il.l l, mio il. 1 iv itr.i i. i,.iwi.,V .i .... . lion in li"Kin. out nt tim way for ivca sions to 1 xer ie 'rnit an I rare irtues, and steppin over iV,e ordinary ones which lie directly in tho road bf fore us. When wo r tid we faiwy we reu'd le martyrs; when we renin we caiiiiiil bear a piovukiu to act. e word. fml T3ir nlne of Mele iil Wie; !li n. Tho riiiladelphia Lrdner of the 'J'.lih nil., com tins tin ixci'cdiiily nhlo nriii lo on the ul tivo siilijiii l. Tl.o follow in:; e.tracs IYi in ii w ill sm tim- readers nun Ii plnn- ure:-- j "To many, iho . ciiMiiilh' m.'ti of n na tion eem hut drum's, without practical j uliiity, trying all sot ts of imprni ticalile ev-1 o i i nt s in tin ir Inliiii'iiiui ies, iui.ini;j acids and iil!,alii s, nnd talking learnedly j on subjects far removed from practical lil'i I . . I ' . . . 1 ! . . . . - . I I . . nut iiinur; noinininr in.inuiini. soionmn ...11.. ..1' .. .. 1... 1 out 11 o" 1, l'v'l I I J lllilll .,lil 111 1;,. ,. 1 ', . . , - 1vel1.il il ei I V . Vet 111 11 111 1 1 lvineu.lii 11 rl . ' ., II llll'IO I I Oiio Mll Ol llll.'MI' llllll'H uii'l o hopeful than niviher, it is tl 1 nt scifntilie . i 1.1 I MM-ii ,11 " , n.i it , 1.,, iiiimi: lli'll'Oi-'l 1 1 ll t 1 r .1 tr 1:. ill inn ii'iino iuiihi i lllil liyilll F HIV , ... 1 iV ..ii- 11 lory. Jaiue i W nil, who diocoven d iho , 1 11 1 i 1 1 strum c i'i-iiio. i:h e 1:1 1 ei I .imdiiinl 111 1 si ..n-ia.ni, wnii a population of iwenty-fiv mil 1 'I is, tl do, .......i. ...... .. 1 .... .. .1 'ii. . r whilo produein? similar rejuliH.--l,iehie; lias increased iho production of all tho r.irnx 1 ..ri.i ...i 1... .,, i..; 1 :.. 11.1..11 111 ,,ii,i..iii, iv ,i I'OI IIIL1 lilU 111 III - ciples of anali.ic cheuLry .0 'nan- ' . ' ures, and ncrricultui'al results enerallv 11.. he has been worth millions of bushels of wheat already to Fjiirope.r Tho si i cntitic ineilical ineiiof that country have lenohencd the ovciaern of life several years. The same is true of menial sci ence. IIo who has a better knowledge of those law.i which enabio a man at once to distimui.sh Iruili from error, euu'writo a book which will save thousiuda from tome iopular mistake, or from years of labori ous thought, enalilinr? men to form' just ro!H'hi.ions without deluy, Hi-i empite 1.1 over the luind of man." . ; . When (jiiite a youth," Tranklin ! 1 1 11' II 111 1. 11 V 1 11 no, 1 I.l!,!. .Ill . Lsmdon. entered a priniint' rdlico.1 wont to and inouired if J, co.ilJ vet en,p!..yment i as a primer. "Whero aVe you Iron, f" I hnuircd the foreman. "Amej ii.a," evns J, tho reply. "Ah," said iho foreman,! "from America! a lad from America ! setkui'v; employment ns n printer ! ' Well, f St. John : "Niuhaiii"! snhli unto him. can uny liouii umiLr eoine inn oi . iaza-1 1.1.:.... . ... c v - ,1 1 'hi ! 1, retii? liiiliti wjith unto bm, c'une and t. 1 'i .1 1 see. It was ilu no so 01111 1,- s 1 ac ura'idv. 1 ttnd contained a ,b litte reproof, , piupiiuto nnd powerful, ihn't ii -at Jc L-avu him character and MunJinj wilh all ' in Ihe olliee. . .. .'lliee. A A rood-fo.'iVi5r vouii' 'follnW Is ' stoiid all n"-' week ut Majcr Hell':i ! II I 1 v. 1... ...1 .. 1. f .1 ... 1 . 1 ' f ! 1111 1, ,iuanis, . 1 1. II ,1111.1 , .Win Uiin.lv II bit la:i'.;e down to the. l.o;it, iilnl win rd-out to Irnvr 'witliotit iir; inr J,is I. ill. ! i . 1 .1.. -, ... . : . ' rr"ii-.u im iviujit: "rir, 'yn mu. t nc-l leave will-out payii ir your bill. I ran't uiioni to i.iro tm vauti, I uy , i ruvuions, ! I 1 1 - I 1 . . liinn imam people lor li'.Jnii;. . ''In can I 1 ".mi, "Dell, lin n, wliY 111 1 i'riii i.r ill, I, r uufi .Mil w ll ... . IT 0111 your lavei 11 in , , b,"" tAn T v.... ... t. ...'.! :. '".r- A..' w n!:n :,,,d ,,,,;,'.. ;,. ,i,..,.i. taires. mi l r which be l.ib.iiid nl,. iutel li'enceof the masses in the I'f h c. ritury. Sii'.), hU success is iTtditnll. to VarA skill 11 : imreiu.jty. reuMiMi is Cu.iiokm . in California states that he A firmer' hns plowed M Veiitv-iive acres this vear 'a a wJ.e l:f I lllVJ. Hit i-a v lin y am fau r walk- . " ' 1 t rs tliiin oven thi.t yicyivu e ave the expeii-e i'f ket j-iti a:iu'.! iiilk.-iind ilT lenui. 1 f e n .Ib'uii n--t!; , Aluri'ij iA Ur.ia.la'l ;oi itiie I'o.tcs Vi Ar-'V, A'.L Sutherland nnl o'. a one. fait',1) I.ltsl. liii' iMi are , t Cot- ;f t!:e land a' I i.iuiiioi ns many iiiiiiuii'ii iiuilions 01 , . N I N ST N ( l: ol tlio . passion htnuij in men could not Jmvo done without. It isideaih, is thus related hy (he Teori Illi lliua that irience hit- created lli fol.doui j Nrv: Old Cook- wa.1 known as n wealth of licit inonarehy. She is doing i miser, nnil had amnsnpd a Inro fortune, the same at this moment fur our own ) On his death bed, when iho In (rasp wns CMitiiry. Who can tell the value lo this : approa chine,, u uilUv cuudle win, burnlne; nation of tho life of such a man n Fulton, on the Maud, and a llickerine; flume) in thu wilh his sti amhouK or ( ven alsive hint ' llre-plaer. Suddenly he called his son our ow n elm-ions old Krankliu, who wres. Woivll,uf-y, corn! 'here." ' Thn Imy op led thu lisfhtninrr from lM-nven, and iho i proached the hed-ine, when the old rrtnn sword from the hands of lyranus ? Douhi- j whi.-peud out" Woodhury, blow out that l-s many a man who l oaMcd of bin ow n i candle tallow's most as dear as butter." ejeat practical Inisiness j towers, nuilul, t - if in passm;? he marked him, with kilo A Cr.rnnvMAw hiid been htayin for, and key ihtmonstrntin'r, in this, our own ' M"lno l faihnr's house, - nil an city, .ihe Identiiy of liohtniny; nnd clectri- i !ay, calli'd lifle Jiddy. ,to ,hiin, ciiy, and luyintr the fouuilaiion thus for "sl.ed hiui what ho should t'ive him tho.M! electrical p lopmphs now ready in f"r il present. ( 1'ildy, ' who had ' lieen convey tidiies from coniinent to continent triu hi up in fear of i'od,"'iind hni! a round the o,,lie iu tin instant. Who can ilfeui rct-pull for "ihe cloth,'' 1 tltoiirrht it ciileuliite tim valuo of such 11 man nslYof. j wa. Jii.iduly lo kUsjobtoinethiox o. re Morse lo tho rouniry and to the world I ( j .l.',ous nnture, , ko lu answered, ,hetiUa "The scienlilii: man, tlcn, is of n value j J'O'ly : l I I 1 ihinlc . I hhould like; a lo the community ju.-t in propoilion to the Testament,' hull lenord I'shoiill llkd o amount of lahor he raves to ol'hor ' uiuil ' 7u'r-tf "'" ' "' " '' ' w" U you really understand lieiurtof print. I " " ' is i.eep nurp, ". ing Cnn y.t svt lyj)'.' !'' . "IVunklin j J'l'.l'-.1'1 ''." days iu siith.wi'Hthijr,! ste pi (I up to one of the ca-es, and iu a 1 knoivjljoy w-'dl keep (or 'inoro Uan Uvo very brief space set op the fulb.win" pas. , days' I'fe kepi tliein a whole';vcek al snir from the first chapter 1 f the (,,;p. ! ,tuily mjlf." '' ' '' .'-- V;. i.' tr VAWETY. j V an ri.u to Know. Au nuxioiu cn , imlriT wntiM tn know win t!nT thq lw jiiiM' M iiriini' i juilil!s!icil monlly, oriel in j iMii-iilcrod n 'miI'p irliirlfriil far priv'nto j filiuilirs. AI 11, Avliolhrr mint jiili'psi will j Ik1 any nu v it a Liuiluli 0 iiio Uiilleti k M ; . I 1 :.. IV' ' .1 vioii .nun it iui.iii'u ii iv.'w 1 nru, so, win tlicr iti'tnl Icilcr nru ever known M rcvivo nftor tln-V Vrnth thi! I), hil-Lot- ' ter itlico, unit if nut,-" wlmt in tlie? ttr) of m iVJiii tliim tliortt, iAU, Vvlii iher nn 1 , lt 1 , 1 , , . , ,. igalni's liave to don do t heir capos In a l . . .. . mutinies, or only wli' th. rn school- 111 rohi regions, , Ali, it . iinili'i' run Lo fuinl to I hnvd no si'linhri wIicm lio Im two nitiiln 1 1 . , . ,. . I 111 ins v, r, If ''iliMiinco lomU t nrhiint- I ..... , , U'elit hi lIlO U'W Ami Mild 'yiuw" doe ' , . - , ,, ""t r lorn 1 wii hm n leasonaUu tune, . 1 , J . , . ',lli l'1'- inlaiice a eonl cause of net 1011. 1 . . . ... 1 m iimi, ..,,1 1, t .,.:,,, ,, ,;,.,,, . , .. . ' . . .. . - ( x i: r i TiitNr Mixki). Li'. ltir with r;i'.r''(d trowsers aid rimfess cliip hat. I , 'I . , , ' , , . ' V" x 'i'11"'? 1)f"X S,0IT'' Wi'h a llllllllir III Ilia liflMil .ill..,.i.m .l... ijiper in Ins hand. "Uoctori motlier ... ...v ......m. 4,i.itii' iiitniif:i sent me down to thu tJioticury. pop quick er'ji llazi'r, tos bub's ici as tho dickens wilh the pii kinelox, and s.ho wants a thimble full of polly pollic in' this1 tin dip per, eon wo hn'nt gut n ls)ttltf,v. find ' the kiiu pnp' yol tho bino wilier in't.fo (Jot yr m .. ."....V. - : 1 ,'. Wi: intr Mcaiid of n great tliany luiisinsiio invors, in mr time, but. wo think that Mr. To ts takes Via all dowui'If I could be dyed black," .'he mid to, Cap laiuCullle, ami make Mis D.Mnbey's slave, I .should consider H a 'compliment : I 'f if at iim; Fncritico of 'mV "t.ritf.1 ' I , . . . . ' 1 1 -J ' ,'" , P.'1 ""'-""rnied into I..r dotr,':! I ' w- tu .l."Uy.. 'wl.py, 1. er vv.0." fc,"P "ogu- my tail. ' . . j(, ;j ' " " ' TT "4 tu i:Y K r rr-Dfafouo U'tireien "a !a" of '"i'v" ami ii vender of ducks: ! , 1 ioioWm koep- till Sunday!" A lnuMi vi.i itK undertook to commit -..:..:. 1 1. .. .. .1. v . .,', : , '""iui; iusi ween r.y snoot ntj ins ua 'uer. r,jl. i,.. ? ! " T rotype. Ho was irnsiweesstfir, IwwTeK 'i i .1 .1 1 . . . , V . !': J ,m ' , "f 'Vi. three months. L' T. ': ' ' . !T' l4fiH. . V r ,V ivmni tutirus, .,.) i j n u tl 1 t.i Je vl i V, ..uAku.u workman dm op lUm tools nothiir; has boon !i 1 1 scovereu eoual to t ,v .... . ; " A ; ".it t v Toe U'hiet'so luhik-ielh rs have an i 1 aiv way of .-i !!i:i;r ihi-ir dijiosed of .v. V' limies.' , They ordine ' to their hohi'o, at n fixed prici. (sit iierofdm 1 Wsigld J If, on wilgliinyr tjiciu, iln-v are t.) li-'hl, tin;, seller cool I v. leara mmua v,,,,.. r... . . .. .1 - 1 11 '''-'M S iiom another , is-O k and throws : t!i 'iu iu'o tne stab s. ' '' "" '" - .' .".I. - Kos-t i;i . Atri) Lovu Napo4ju--. Mr. Ko--.si.th, coinparijij lJiqsvlf(.wiih iho Trench Kmpt nr, pave lun rimco to the follow iny, Ifol hsepijuH.,,,,., & Mill Meyer vciair-M) cpntrasAny own (luiiilV lot vyiih the brilliiint one of that 'teia?(, 1 at with my 'children i'i In ud of hoiiidsnetis ; I am stagger in' ioVl't3 lowari, n oUrum rrmnv 1 r i.duiuancy my vLislrtu, may ffet m , t'n' y J"I,II1V' y "f devoLou lq iheif ;'"n"!ry s ci'iso. Soeh U toy e. : but. w,v,!Tr ;iT nr fnafts. my errors', or vvv" ,,:y 'u. n wr r.ave 1 Mmsj-n auth. new r fi iv I ""eot-iimi nitnns. rnvrr tru lied w ith the ihitie ;of an ionoa pairjvl H uiaparte, on tho contrary, kiis high in Isivi 'T.V lazlintr di'l VV af shnrt-c4gtkleI 1 w .1 1 i;.c im yi j . 1 k propitious stni, til... :ni 1 .... St t .i, I d Mi l nt all believe in tho stability