Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, October 23, 1856, Image 3

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v. f
rs - -
Gen. L. L.
'.. 8. A. Strickland '
Chaa. T. Holloway, .
Joseph Dyson,
, John Finney.- , ,
. Philander Cook.
, Ii placing th above ticket at the head
o this column, we but express the wishes
" of a large majority of the people cf this
District It affords us much satisfaction
v to remark of the candidates composing the
yflcket, that they are all old res'tdenltrs tn
the. district, and'iiot.a man c tficm but
what ia' identified with the ibest interests
r o the District, and have men, wnc the
enranization. of the Territory, prominent-
C" w M
ly before the people w meti of integrity
, and ability. It would be a waste of words
trt Anlarrra unnri n nv nnA intvwiiiflllv Aft
W VMIUIgV MjVSSl W1IJ wmau j w
to his peculiar merit or claims for the po
sition he was so unanimously nominated
to fill ; but inasmuch as a few, a very few,
have expressed their dissatisfaction (by
issuing an anonymous call for another
Convention), in regard to the action of
the Convention which nominated this
ticket, it might be well to notice some of
the reasons why this ticket, as nominated,
should receive the hearty and earnest
support of all who have no personal ends
? to answer, no personal ambition or petit
aspiration to satiate, and have only -in
view and at heart the highest and best in
terests of. this District. The call of the
Convention was known to all, as it was
held pursuant to a call emulating from the
action cf a primary meeting of the People,
held immediately after a claim meeting,
which was very largely attended, one week
beforo the Convention was held ; and
surely none are, has or will be unreason
able enough to contend that every 'one
had not ample and reasonable notice and
time to turn out. The large attendance
of the citizens from every portion of the
District, is most conclusive and convincing
evident that all were well- apprised of
the fact, and acted accordingly;" The
'Convention was eoitdioted upa-principles j
. of fairness, leaving no one room to com
. plain, however captious, unless it should
have been some disappointed candidate
for office who, in his own imagination)
always thinks the People have done
wrong when they reject his claims and
show (as they have a right to do) their
preference for some one else ; and it is
requested by those who issued the anony
mous call for another. Convention, to be
. held Saturday, October 25, that the dis
satisfied assemble in the anonymous Con
vention in question. In answer, we sub
mit to intelligent men of this District, and
the whole world, was ever a convention
called and went into with personal op
posing elements, that gave in its result
unanimous and universal satisfaction to
aspirants, and especially those whose
claims to position and place had not been
considered by the Convention in the light
they themselves saw it ; and if wotdd
seem that the emphatic, decided, and, in
reason, we may say overwhelming vote
in point of numbers, that nominated the
ticket placed at the head of this column,
ought and should be a quietus upon those
who, in point of personal ambition, were
disappointed, and, in the language of the
immortal Clat, set this question forever
t rest. But it is urged by the dis&aiis
Jied, in their call for another Convention,
that every man who acted in the Conven
tion knew, ten days before, for whom he
would vote. This is arguing too much
for the dissatisfied. .-It shows those who
. acted in that Convention had time for
mature reflection and cool deliberation.
It shows they had a decided preference
for candidates, and, as the result has
hown, as decidedly and emphatically ex.
i . t .i
pressed it. uoes me Intelligent
lector go to the polls with his mind on a
awivel, to be wheedled into line for any
candidate or any set of principles, or does
and will not every intelligent voter in the
Slates this fall go to the polls with his
mind fully made up, and deposit his vote,
whether it be for Buchanan, Fremout or
Fillmore. This much we have noticed in
. this anonymous call of the dissatisfied for
a new Convention; it is telling against
jhem. It is telling, because if the ueojJe,
Li solemn Convention, regularly called
and fairly organized, and well and truly
conducted upon principles of right, have
wriously and earnestly, and by a very
decided vote, expressed their preference
onco in nomination, it is only reasonable
to believe that they will be very apt to
ratify, on -die 4'Ji of November at the
polls, and willi certain effect, what they
deliberately enacted at the Convention.
And we notice the' call of the dissatisfied
is hcaJeu 'Democrdi(Repultlwan. . Can
this move be a political one. If so, we
are at loss to know which of the grew
political pfirfies of the day the dissatisfied
belong. We hear of Democrats, of Re
publicans, and of Fillmore men, but Dm-ocratie-Republicans
we have not heard of ;
and we seriously hope in the call they are
mis-named, as we. think in candor they
should be called And denomionted the
DISSATISFIED. Did not these same
men go into the Convention that nomi
nated tho ticket in question, and solemnly
pledge their honor, as men, to enter into
said nomination regardless of political
considerations, to be united as one people,
in one cause, and for one purpose, and to
abide the result. . We ask in reason and
point Jo ' facts, to corroborate the islate
soeriA, when we say tbs? ticket is what it
purports to Ate a Fi pU V Ticket the
candidates of every shUde. hue, color Hiid
complexion of politics.' Citizens of this
Dirtrictjon hare nothing to do with the
dissatisfaction' cf dUiappoiidetl candidates
and political aspirants for office. . Apply
the JefTersonian test, and , it is enough.
When asked to vote for a candidate for
office, enquire n ho honest is he
rAimrcL!! is he CAPABLE!!!
; Job Printing.
Having received, with our other mate
ria from Cincinnati, a'Jarge aud well
selected stock of Job type, we are pre
pared to print Posters of all sizes, Bill
Heads, Bills of Lading, Articles of Agree
ment, Books and Pamphlets, &c, &c,
at tho .shortest notice, in the best manner,
and at as liberal terms as can bo ob
tained in Nebraska. ' i
' Fonlenelle Bank.
- This is the title of a new Banking in
stitution recently opened in our flourish
ing city. This bank needs no recom
mendation at our hands, as its able and
efficient officers speak volumes for iu
success. ! . .
Our Markets.
Wa have , made arrangements with
several of our merchants, who will correct
the markets for the Gazette weekly.
I The public can therefore depend on them,
aa the true rate pf prices in our city. ; t
f " jnr, wptTff t9 says; "That be
was, not ware, of the",- existence of any
Apples,' in. the. Territory, till his particu
lar friend Mr. .W. . IL -Cook, presented
the office with full supply." --i Y.
gjTGov. Izard has issued his Pro
clamation, for a day of Thanksgiving, on
Thursday, the 20th.' of November; next.
Wehope .it will meet with universal re
spect in our. Territory. -
Indian Advices.
We were informed by some gentlemen,
who lately arrived from Salt Creek, mat
the Pawnees were still troublesome in
that neighborhood.
. " JVebraska Democrat."
This paper, published by Hadley T.
Johnson, Esq., at Omaha,' has made its
appearance on our table. It looks like an
old friend, and we wish it all tho suecess
its enterprising proprietor deserves.
Whereas, It has been usual for the Execu
tive of the several States and Territories to
set apart one dav for the returning of thanks
to the Allwise disposor of human events, for
tne maniroia messing which, in ii is gracious
providence, lie lias ueen pleased to confer
upon us, hoth as a nation and as individuals;
and whereas, ine people or ivenraska have
abundant reason to be grateful for the con
tinued health, peace and prosperity' with
which they have been blessed during the past
year, wereiore
I, Mark W. Izard, Governor of the Terrl
toryof Nebraska, do hereby set apart Thuss
dav, the 20th day of November, l&bft, as a
dav of ceneral tliaTtr2ivjfs, end recommend
that on that day all denominations of Christ
ians tnrougnout tne lemtory do assemble at
their respective places of worship, and that
the citizens generally unite with them in re
turning grateful acknowledgments to that Al
mighty Being who hath hitherto so signally
blessed our infant community, and that fervent
praverg be offered up for a continuance of His
kind guardianship and protection, and that the
civil strife that now seems to threaten the
stability of our glorious Union may be upeed
ily allayed, aud peace and good will be re
stored to our beloved confederacy.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand and caused the great teat of the
Territory to be affixed, at Omaha City, this,
20 day of October, A. D.. lKfttl. "
MARK W. IZARD, Governor.
T. B. Cumino, Secretary.
All papers In the Territory please copy.
fllHE Undersigned beg leave
re to Inform i9
las count v. It J
X the Inhabitants of Don
that thy are prepared, to do all work in "
their line of business, in the beat manner, and
mi tne most lincrai terms, at their shop m
Bellrvue. .
(V" Havlnc had several years experience
at HORSE-SHOEING, in some of the beat
shops in Eastern Cities, they will be able to
give entire aatisfaction, to all who favor them
with their patronage, In this line.
Bellrvue, (M. 23, IS.'s. l-liio -
Pursuant t
Election Dism
i, the voters of this
i 'met in Convention, at
the IMIcvue Ibyin this city,
tin?, the I IU1 it i t!io purpose
nominating a tij, to le supported i y
them at the coming election.
The Convention was organized by ap
pointing ROBERT HAMILTON, Esq.,
President; Fkeeman Caulki, nud T.
Clifton, Esqrs., ' Vice '.Presidents, and
A.M. Pollock and S. D. Bungs, Secr
larys. 1 " . " l- ' ' " " '
On motion, n rommittr'o of three, '.con
sisting of B. P. Rankin, II. T. Clark and
A. Lockwookj whs appointed to draft feo
lution expressive of the object and senti
ments of the ConvenihHV, which committee
reported the following preamble and reso
lution, which were unanimously adopted :
Whereat, Inasmuch as men may hon
estly,, nnd do, naturally diller In their
views of government, or political economy;
or in what they conceive to be for the
good of the people, or tho State; and in
consequence of such difference" of views,
form political alliances, and by which the
people of a neighborhood, or State, become
arrayed against each other .in fierce con
flict, each carefuMy!lcltinizingthacTinJ,
of the other, and' of those j!cd j -,- ,HU
cial stations. " '-- ' " .. "
Jtnd H'hrrent, Such vtrnlanee hflS ft
tendency to prewrv die rights cf tho peo
ple, and our RephIiVntt inatittotums ffomj
the destroying ntp.of the demagogue or I
po'uTical liKHinlelmiik.
Jlnd Whcrtas, Such division of the peo
ple into political parties, is a peaceful
means by which tho power delegated to
the agents and officers of government, is
resumed by the people ; and their appro
val or condemnation, is shown and felt, by
the elective franchise, Nevertheless,
there are times and occasions, when the
people of a neighborhood, or a community
may be called upon to forbear to act in
conformity with their settled views of party
or policy, in consequence of a higher, aud
more important duty, devolving upon them.
Jlnd Whereas, It is admitted by all that
the present is a time, requireing calm
consideration and iiTutnnl forbearance, in
all our actions in regard to the selection
of those who are to make our laws, as weli
as those who are to execute them.
' wind Wlureas, The safety of our homes,
and the peace of the domestic and social
circle, as well as the present and future
Erosperity of this Territory, our adopted
omes, require of us an entire forgptful-
... . ....
ncss of self, greater forbearance and
sacrifice of personal ambition, more ar
dent labor, and persevering industry, than
the mere success of party, or than is re
auired of the people living under old
and established government aud laws,
therefore '
Resolved, That we, in Mass Conven
tion assembled, will unite in one party, as
one people, for the prosperity of the Ter
ritory, .-the " peace of th community,; the
safety of our homes, ni the good of all
who are now, ct may yet become, resi-
foregoing reaohiUun, we, the people, wit)
selej such candidates for office, as will
combine the bst qualifications, the great
est strength and power, of the political
parties of tho day, and do the least vio
lence to the principle' of union and
Resolved, That m thus acjing, we do
not change our views of men, or of the
policy of the great political parties of tho
nation ; but that we hold such views, as
subordinate to the welfare of our own
homes, our immediate neighborhood, and
ow-future commonwealth.
Resolved. That in the action of this con
vention, we will pay no respect to politi
cal parties, but that in all we do, we will
act as neighbors and friends, and with
special reference to our local interests,
and we obligate ourselves as men, to ratify
at the polls the nominations of this Con
On motion the Convention proceeded to
nominate a candidate for Councilman,
whereupon, Gen. L. L. BO WEN, was
nominated by acclamation. The Conven
tion then proceded to ballot for four .lie-
presentatives, wnicn retained mine nomi'
nation of the following candidates; S. A
Strickland, Chas. T. IIoli.owav, Jos.
Dyson and John Finnev.
A balloting was then had for County
l'l 1. ! .L I
commissioner, wmcn resuiieu m tne nomi
nation of Philander Cook. -
On motion r. committee of five consist
ing of B. l Rankin, II. T. Clarke, Robt
McCarty, A. Lockwood and II. A. Longs
dorf, was then appointed to confer with
delegates from the counties of Burt, syid
V ashmgton, for the purpose of nomma
ting a candidate lor . Councilman "to be
supported jointly by the electors of the
above counties, and this district. .
' On motion, ReesotreJ, That the foreco-
ing proceedings be published in the Belle
vue Guzette.
On motion the Convention adjourned. "
A. M. Pollock, ) ,
S.D. Bancs, ' j retary s.
Funeral Seriuou George Steers.
Tho funeral sermon upon the ib'ath of
the late George Steers was delivered on
Sunday afternoon at the church in IWk
niau street, corner of Clitf, by Itev. Dr.
Purlter, and drew together a very crowd
ed congregation. Rev. Mr. Peck, assisted
by Rev. II. E vuiiM, conducted the devo
tional part of the service.
The preacher took for his text those
words in the sixth verse of the book of
Job :
"Although affliction coineih not forth
from the dust, neither doth trouble spring
out of the ground, yet man is born to
trouble, as the sparks fly upward."
There was uo injustice in Cod's di-
pcnatioiii. TT're "!t' 'h
m mo ron-
-.'"in and giHxlnrss in his
-co, as in those natural laws
; hysicnl world is framed,
c( tntl. And pvery event,
iixl!y nninful will finally
equally infinite govxlness,
"I. mi, Denih and suffering
i bnl ibo conwineiu: s of
V'Yijw sin. nnl tliere i no
n ut evil which ih not wisely
Vi'niiaii beings considered as
''yh a stnto of probation.
'I'MeHvcment was iiot accU
'" nr no accidents in this
justice a.-!
are to be
the i;ititviu
fortn of n ;
ordained f
jmssing1 ' t "
This muW
; Aftrf !
cibly '
the test, i'
rapid'y i 1
which tl
censed. ."J
puMii " .
meif t'il t
wholrt Vr '
floctei !
i ee;
iig at some length, for
the topics suggested by
end gentleman pas-icd
the' jirincipal features
'.cd the life of the de-
nre uhvady beforo 'the
"..u b'tidi ' '
.'-"-eis waa one of Nihir'
p; ide of this great com
r.niiiii!, this UUe, yes, this
: rn hemisphere. Ho has re
r on the nnmo of a mechanic
ion of a shipbuilder, on the
His d'-aih is a national
on the pr.-
imme t't h
lites, "
lxy. ho ''i
iisfui rv
" . calamity.' From a 'poor
5, iin i'lHinPtil, brilliant and
Mid f-ln-d "mfire refiowti
noii- other-nations Uuoi all
. ,, Vi(e!inen and fihil-'pher
our cow.
the hix
who hav mod smco the days of hash-
ington. it . ... .-
- On trait k hts personal character wus
given by the preacher which we will not
He had engaged to build ft small boat
for the sou of a ludy who was urgent that
it should be ready on a certain day. Tho
work was put into the hands of his bnw
ther. Ob inquiring of him if it would bo
finished e the day agreed upon, 'not un
less" Bttlu ia blullit!' l'nl unifM I woik
on it next punduy." Then said the do
ceased "litn'i do i." He was inflexible
in the saired regard ho paid to the ob
servance cf the Sdbath, ami in the punc
tual attendance upon divine worship, fre
quently erpressing to Dr. Parker how de
lighte hv felt to hear plain truths ad
dressed in' plain words to plain people.
On the Simday before hi3 unexpected
death he ips engaged in intense interest
in rendinj'a religious tract jind his Bible,
andto'd li wifo that ho had never during
her absei: in the country retired for loo
night witljiil reference to its pages. He;
at all eveJs, did not profane the Sabbath,
and, bcir dead, yet speakcth from thj
open gra?. He says, ns he did to his
brother, 'W do it. God has honored
himond iihde him the instrument of use
fulness. Such honor will lie put upon the
men who Reverence the day he calls his
own', and ine authority which has appoint
ed it. V- ...
The practical deductions forming the
close of the-' discourse were exceedingly
forcible .4 i . . ' .
, WE woi id reaper t.fulljr inlorin Uio UiTtabl
lawt of . lellerse and vicinity that tt .art
prepared p EKEC'Iand FINISH.
Buildings orall Descriptions,
On the shortest notice, and In the most work
menlike rrfinnrr. Having beu engaged in the
business several years, we feel confident In
stating, t&at nil who favor us with then cus
tom, will be pleased with our work.
fcllevilj, Oct 23, 1850. 1-tf
THE lubBcriber havifte iust opened at his
store in (ellevue, a fresh supply of goods, of
every Heiwptior, would call the attention tof
purchasers. the fact, that hehas the lareest
and best selected atock of Goods, to be fouud
in Nebraska, and that they will find him Sup
plied nt til times, with
BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. ,4.c.
All of which has been selected by himself from
the best establishments in the country, and
which he will sell lower for cash, than the
Maine qqality of goodi can be purchased at, in
anv ator in this section of country.
He has also, a large and well selected stork
Of ever f description, best quality and finish,
and Inferior to none in Nebraska.
Thankful for paBt favors, he eolicitt ft con
tinunncqof public patronage, and hope that
purchasfc-a will call and examine bis coods,
before tifylng clue whore.- - - til TALK.
Bellettie, Oct. 23, I -If
r piIL Loprletor of the above Sa-&
A kfr. take great pleasure iu
aMDAUBCVi? ! the ptibltc, that lie is
now pre jj, red to arrve at all hours, and in the
best maimer,
Together with everv thing that is usually
fo ind in IT EST CLASS
, JleAeshment Saloon.
llavlnjrbad wnsiderab!e experience in ca
tering for th twbllc tai'e, ba is law that all
who favoi liiui wilh !), will be eatislied.
Bellevue, Oct, 23, 1S5(1. 1-tf
' ToallTbam It may Concern.
! IfAWJ in store ONE KOX and ONE
BARREL, of tlonsehold poodj, marked "O.
W. TUOMAS, Omaha, Nebraska, care of
Tootle A Jackson. The Rood were lef i with
ik on the last dowa trip or tbeSieamer A. C.
boddeav . The owner will please call, pay
charges and receive the poods. ,
f Forwarding and Cotntiilsiilon Merchant.
t'UVH,fV. 23. !.. l-r
moral r
by tvl.
coixrn. nuns m i:m$.
Tootlo & Jackson,
CHAM'S, Coimell Ululld rl'v. I"v.
llrtving n Large sid Commodixdl V, .in-lior.fe
on tle Levee at the Cnrll lmiiur,
are now prepnred to rfcrlve nnd store, l!
ktndn of tnerr!srtdi and prod ico, w ill rerrive
nd in? rlnijn on all kinds of-frclllis so.
thst Hleara IJnats Will not be dtnlnr4 mn i'wy
have been hrrolornre, in gnttinn mue oie t
receive frelhU wtln the consigner' lire ntiii-ut.
IlcrrRKivsa t Ilvormoor . CmiVv, B. f ,
I)avi . Co. and lIitiiiliT. . Tny, Ki.
IMliS, Mo.t ToO'loJtt Frtlrlrirli, yt. Ji.'n-;li,
.M1. 1 1. S. Clenrvrttl &.t:o.. Cincinnati ()!iif;
TV', f , Coulix.-.i-h, Jlmlingloii, Imv1. 1-t,'
Oroono, Wcaro Hen ton, '
J and (.ami Apnds, Coiom II I;i(", J.w.
Not-s nn.l rollerlril and rnni'ird to any
.mt iifllio TTi!l-. KiAles. M.inry i ::! eA n
deposit, nn'l tMlTst alhiwc:'." J's'rni or
Kiuehrru Draft Cu-'uihrd In smni to suit niir-
chairr. funds nald for Ciwreiw j
cr bills of Kf-aarro. ". Lsns !U"jt'''l "1 srol
security. Taxes in id, tit'ei ex.'snineil, nil
Real (.state ooiicht nl sola nn ('oiniumoiiiti.
Lands enter"?! fur Si.ili.iri and
!?''!i fr
In i
vinent. -Oiflee opixHil (jie I'ac'-fiC ltmsc.
wt Imvnr mom of Jjiml Olllce.- .! P. 8. Jesttp &. Wi J.
Tliirney & Co.. bunkers, Dubmitie, inv; l. "rink
Jt S-traciit, Jlankerti, i'venport, J'Ia'Z ; Cut-,
brrtnn &. Henfi.-Hunkers', lown ("lr, mvs
Ocdj.i .- 'itnnV,- New VnrV- Cif;'V K s
S-l'tC", Withers ( ., W .i.i..t:, i -. ...
lli.ti, (Jhns. Mittrnn Com. of J't!,u'j, V, -
Jiurtiiirrtofi, lows H. . V. jo.iR.,-4, v....
H , imiMKjmv lows) Him. Joseph . ..iliunii,
Uluer iustire, Musestine, low.
Council Bluffs, Oct, 23, lKixl.-4-lf . ".
Vholoaalo St Retail Merchant,
II AS just received nd now lint for sale,
large Bssor'inciit. of selected mrrchmdi
sdapted t' the wants of nil In thin nrw and
Ihrivlngeommunit y, which he can sell as cheap
as can be ottered elsewhere so high upon the
Missouri river. His goods have been selected
by an experienced purrhnser, with special
reference to tho clrcmnstanres and wants of
nil classes of aettlcrs In a new country. La
dles and gentlemen, children and vouth. all
can bo supplied. Call and are for yourselves.
ins nock consists or the following, among a
great many other articles he cannul now enu
merate : Among hi
Dry Goods, .
May be found Woolen and Sntinct Cloths,
Cas'sinetfi, Tweeds, Catdimet'es, Limeys,
Flannel, Red, White, Cray and Blue, Caspian
Plaids, Cotton 1ots, Shoetlnca and Khirtincs,
(lleached and Unbleached, llluo and White,
Drillings, Osnaburg, Iled-Ticking, Hickory
Checks, &c, &.C.
Fanfy Goods.
A beautiful assortment of fancy prints of
every variety of etyla and pattern. Ginghams.
Lawns, Figured Alpacca, llombazlnes, Hum
bayetts, gliawla, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Nock
erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons,
fcc., &.c. ,
sJ ClOtlllll?. .'V
A well selected stock of 8nn?mer, Fall and
Winter Clothing,' consisting In part of fine
Dress Coals, Pants and Vests ls. good
Bummer c lotnina otsn descriptions, and Iieav
luunniior nu ana y uvtT use. Aisn,Miirii
Knit K!rtnn-I Drawers a ml trmtersli.rts, HocJ;.)
uii'i uno. i inn. ?miii Ln. I
AC. Mens' and Hoys' Hats and Caps, of a
rious fashions, qualities and prices, iiootg t
BUoes, thick and thin, polished atnl unpolished,
of every description, for Men, Women, ana
Children's use.
Crushed, Clarified, Loaf s,nd Brown Sitgar)
Molasses. Syrup Molasses, Golden Syrup,
Superior Tea, Rio and Java Coifee, Sasss'fras,
Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Spice, Cinnamon,
p-rnund Ginirer. Nutmes's. SuiiIni. Tobacco.
Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Pickles
Pepper-Sauce, 4.C., Ave.
A ' - Provisions,
A large assortment of Flour, of various
qualities and prices ( Corn Meal and all the
various products of h Farm and Garden;
Racon, Fish, Kiln dried Apples, Peaches,
Currants, Raisins, &.c. , v
B'.oves of various patterns, for Cooking; and
Heating rooms, Slove-plpe and Elbows, large
and small Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillets,
Hand-Irons, Shovels and Tongues, Manure and
Hav Forks, Scythes. Shovels and Spades, Log
ami Trace Chains, Axes, Hammers, Pincers,
Iron and Steel, Nails, Horso-ltnsps, Files,
Saws, Knives and Forks. Pocket Knives, Ra
zors, Butts and Screws, Door Handles, Knobs
Locks, Ac, Ac.
A general assortment kept for household
flood ware.
Wash-tubs, Shakers Pails, Wood and Zinc
Sole Leather, Harness Leather, Cowhide,
Kip Skins, Calf Skins, Linings and Morocco,
Saddles, r.ri.lles, Hallers, Lariats, Circinclcs,
Iirlly-bauils, Driviixr-lincs, Collars, Hack
slraps, Girlhs, Blind-bridles, Ac., Ac.
A general assortment of Medlrlnesior
Fever'. iVvr a"d Ag"e. -ewW h
roinplitinl . V!ie'Tiiiu.rj. Look's, Ler's,
Sappenyton's, Bragg's and Jay lies Pills, Qii
liine, Tonics, and kinds of S' iiinilann,
Anodvnes. Liniments, and o' nrticlvs uecen
sarv for tlie sick and the invalid. 1-tf
George Jeiuiiiigs, Proprietor.
THIS House is situated in t!ie pleasaniest
. .1 .1 - f V I 1 1 I . I. ..
pari or ueuevne, in a nesiuuui aim uammy
loratioii and comma a view of country,
which for beauty einnot be excelled In tins
Territory. It is fitted up in 'the best manner,
and no p line will be spared to make all who
may favor him iviih their patronage, feel at
WlB always be supplied with all the delicacies
the market slKnl.
Attached to this Il.itel is an excellent
which we rhall always have attended by com
petent ami faithful Ostlers.
Bellevue, Oct. 23, ts:a 1-tf
m isos
scrib-r ill liellrvne. SI X (JOJI) JI -
KOXS, to lioin (JO.ID WAGES, and CON
STANT Employment, will be given.
Bellrvue. H. 8S, '. -l-f
oiiiHv Ani;un:;rji;:rs.
TIHS Uoi;q. U nr.v. em-int liorn filled irp t
on ex;vn-r ,f pit !.n th.minii-1 dolinrs, with
!l ill- Mi'tMcrn imiirovruii'.e Rfl l rouvenirnees.
It briiin; W,"r, at t!i .
; ('aj)itol of the TfnUory,
Aii'l in (he fr'i'rr rr Ui" rich f.-.rfinir enmilry
fmnlovluc ilie Mi-rtotifl end nH Itlvrri,'U S cnnvCSiirnt opp'tm jil.irr, fi.r Uie
rveiiin; p oiltr jerirntis Of RMnth" Tich'st - -ftml
I'm-'. efi lfj nnrlion .el' JSrhnmltH, All
who may f.ivr ns with their patrons jre, nmy .
(p s:Mireil thnt no pnins will b spurril ti t '
niske them (Is riiinforl ilile ns posslMe fr a
Frontier City. MiLT.S St STI-THEXS.
Omnlid City, Oct. 23, is:,!!. l-tf
" C. X; H-nry"& ;'co".7 "
"t'TIIOI,r.?5AI.F. Av ni'.TAlL DRUG.
(JlsTS, At the fsha DuroSTonr,
Omihi ri'v, e!rkl, hive o,i linml niitl rs 4 '
coivtaii'.tY racrivlw a Jar.s ar! - WfrHf' . r'-;
A It.vMt I. .?ri, V.'i." I..T 3.3, 1 A.Cuu rxvOi'.
rlnes, Dve Hiiiits, Mirier.', Sjnrs, PrrsfTTi-d
Fruits. Cnnf'ioniiviv-s. fcoAie. rhvsilaiii' .
c.nicrs iiii-ii un s t-tunW tnUrtiu;e oa to.i.- 1-if
AUnpT-ve r. rnrrt.r.Tirc. , - wrr.i.TM K. f
' Popplcton Sa Cycra, ,'.' '
"A TTOHM'.'i 'fl AT LA', A9V Gf-NK-"
iV It A I.. LAND M.TN'TeV 'n!:a ci'y,
Nelirssl a. ' J-sndV.'.'. i vri i '.oiit'.'.i:. nr.d oU.
' ' ..(, Kt.vre. nn ! .w.w.".- '- -i
i ,i ;;., Si-. r, . ''"
man always in reu.iii'f.-.s !
arid seleet' Land and Ton
City l'lat . . '. .
K1MH ALL, I Is vi..3 junchase.l this well known
and popular Saloon, in Omahs el'y, would
re-pecifullv li.form lie public, that they are
how prepared -to fiirnlnh thrir customers, at
all hours, with HOT MF.A1.S, OYSTERS,
AKil'F.ri. ??G3 -FEF.T, TJCliLLD -TO.NGUF.,
UAMBand oilier
CompriHing all the Delicaclra of the season.
Come v that hunger and thirst Come to
the Al'F.X and ye nbnll be filled. ' j ,
1-tf .a;UF.F.N&KIMBAU..?)
- Tootlo St Greens,
Glenwood, Iowa. ' We bep lave to
call tho attention of the Good reople of Mills,
PoUawat'.amie, Montgomery Rtid Cam coun
ties, Iowa j also, Douglaa and Cass counties,
Nebraska, to nnrlnrceand bile supply Cf every
kind of MERCHANDISE, nsosuj . kept In -Wejitrrn
Iowa. Our atock of Groceroa is
large and complete,' having Ven bouglit and
shipped a little lower than our neij;iibors.
Otir aloek of Hardware, Quecnsware, Wood
enwnre, Hoots and Shoes, Hats amfCapa and
Ready-Made Clothing, have all been purchased
in tho Eastern cities, at the lowest cash prices.
Give us a call before you purchase, and if
we do not sell you cheap goods, we will make
our tieltrhbora no so.
CiT Remember the cheapest house In town. A.
'Glenwood, Iowa, Oct. 23, 18511. l-tf
Nuckolls St Co.
. i. .nwmin. IIILIIT. ...... ...r.. .....
lersicf!ed beg tnve to call tlio'attentroB f tW
Peonle of Mills and adiolnlnir Counties to the
fact that iSiry ate In rerelpt of their
Which for price and durability are unsur
passed In, Western-Iowa, which In addition to
our Summer stock or GROCERIES, Ac, on
hand, makes it one or the most desirable stocks,
of (iOODS In the Western Country. .
Glenwood, lown,Oct. 23, JS50. 1-1
To the Public, and will render
To the wants of JUS GUESTS.
. 4 ' J. T, ALLEN.
Pcllcvue, Ct. SI, 1. t-tf '
Ilflleme, Nebraska.
IS prepared to transact the general business
of Rankine, will receive deposits, Discount
short paper, buy Bills r.f Exchange) ou all
pans uf the Countrv, and srll on St. Louin
Ch:..m and New Yorkt make xnllections tn -the
vieini'y nt'd remit for the 89?nt Cif
L 57JlnfreMt allowed nn snec1TTJtsHS.- -
JOHN WE ARE, Pres'Jent.
Tuos. If. Bknton, Y. Pres.
Jons J. Town, Cashier. l-'J
Ilankinir Hours From 9 to 12, A. M-, end
1 to, P. M.
LIST of Letters rcm.ili.-ing In the Post Office
at liellrvne, October 1,
Kedsworth. Joseph ii llighy. l.ra t.
Eradlry, William
itirvv, Uetjey
Holland, P.
Joaes, William J.
Jonson, liarttts, OUeon
Butcher, Simpson
Hut in, louUanna
Caldwell, Henry
Ciiminirs, Henry -Detwilder,
Jacop 2
Dotwiler, Jacop U.
Delwiler, J. J.
Drexel, iVreidrih
Deets, Joseph 2
Dorr, Joseph
I'.tlis, John J
Ford, C. A.
l-'o.4ter, Ephraim 2
Foster, Nathaniel, F. B.
George, William
(WUet, Valentin
GiMil, Benjim"!!
Kneppen, baoiuel
Kai.e. R.
Miller, Charles T.
Milton, George
Mills, George M.
Putiuan, J. J. 2
Pease, Samuel
Ran, II. B.
11.1 re, John D.
Reno, II. fl. '
Robinson, C. D. .
Swii.-kard, Ezra 2 '
S'evena, Cbr'es W.
Tompson, Roii.Tt
Williams, Clnrtcs
Wright, S. B.
Hotister, A. W. 3
IVrui.iiu 4slli?. f.-r ae.v of lbs above, will
nlrase sjy ailvenis-a.
f . S. n. KINNEY, P.
I IVIh'fr, V. 21, Iin. 1 -it
Q .
..... r .
-r I
-r r
v ir.i
" '
0 ' .-