vol. s? irade ~ Oil cl t ew Months Seen by Hoover Increasing Imports ami Effects of Invisible Exchange Given as Cause for Prediction by Commerce Secretary. Hy OKORGR r, AUTHIKR. Washington Correspondent The Omaha nee, Washington, Dec. 27.—Prospects of striking a balance In trade between Europe and the United States, were outlined to President Harding snd his cabinet yesterday, by Herbert Hoover, secretary of commerce. The tariff was described as not affecting the capacity of foreign buyers to absorb American products. Increasing Imports, the eftect of invisible exchange which includes money spent by American tourists and remittances by immigrants, plus the increased purchase of goods from tropldal countries, is expected to re sult in a balance of trade, possibly by next spring, marked by the export of gold from this country to Eu rope. While the total of exports is less tliis year than the year preceding, the export of agricultural products is described as Increasing. Imports Increase. ^ The flow of goods into the United States, Secretary Hoover said to day, increasing the imports over ex ports, Is told in the secretary’s an nual report whirh shows decreases in monthly balances in favor of this country as follows: Six months. July 1 to December i. 19 3-’. $274, li 74.311. Six months, January 1 to July 1, 1*31, $203,333,633. Six months. .Tuty 1 to December 30, 1931, $1:0,9x0,333. Mx months. December 30 to July 1, 1921, $$611,397,670. Three months. July 1 to October 1, ' 19.3, ,$51,023,642. “At this rate we would,” Mr. Hoov er says, “theoretically reach a bal ance in tlie movement of goods in another few months. However, economic movements do not proceed on time schedules, although their trends are no less positive. It would' nt least, appear that the invisible ex change is able to take care of the commodity balances and that we are reaching the end of the gold import stage of war readjustment. Margin Decrease*. “This trend in the direction of the increase of imports over exports is further shown by the fact that in the fiscal year 1920-31 the balance of exporjp over imports was $2,862,050, <-S7. While for the fiscal year 1921-22 it was $1,163,207,420. The balance of goods In our favor,” Secretary Hoover ways, "drew a net amount of $>449, 000,000 in gold and silver during the fiscal year, 1922, as compared yrith $511,000,000 during the previous year.” Exports for October of 1922, the latest department of commerce re ports show Were $370,720,150 and foi November $383,000,000. The Decern her reports are expected to show a ^ further Increase. The invisible exchange against the 1'nlted States, Mr. Hoover estimates, was approximately $1,500,000,000 in 1921-22, as against $1,109,000-,000 In 1920-21. The report on gold movements, which Secretary Hoover submitted to the president, he says, show littfe change from statements made in his annual report. The gold stocks now in this country amount to $3,077,000, 009. The minimum legal necessity In | this country, plus a 60 per cent re serve Is placed at $2,400,000,000 mak ing the American surplus of gold $700,000,000. Secretary Hoover believes the in crease of purchases of goods from tropical countries to which we export little is aiding materially In bringing about an even balance of trade and assisting in stabilizing foreign values. He describes the triangular opera tion as one in which we buy approx imately $300,000,000 of tropical goods annually, and this is used to pay bills incurred In Europe, which In turn is used to liquidate purchases of agricultural products In this coun try. Reports Important Shift. Cabinet officers were told by Secre tary Hoover that there has been an important shift in the character of American foreign trade, resulting in an immensely increased export of foodstuffs. This is ascribed chtefly to tlie demoralism tlon of Russia, for merly a great food reservoir. IlUssia is not expected to get back into the world markets for two or three years The increase in shipments of food * stuffs Is indicated by the fact that in 1922 they amounted to $1,557,372,907 while in 1021 they amounted to $2,192, 335,101. In spite of the seeming fall ing off in the value, the cabinet was told this was due to a falling off In prices, while the shipments were quantitatively larger. Valued at 1913 prices. Mr. Hoover estimates the 1922 export of farm products would have amounted to $1,168,521,140, while In 1921 they would have been $1,126, 682,282, w hich is another way of show ing how hard the farmer has been hit by the deflation policy which followed the war. Fcctory in Fremont Damaged in Night Fire Fremont, Neb., Dec. 27.—(Special.) ■—Damage estimated at $13,000 re sulted from a fire that gutted the Saeger cigar factory early this morn ing. Families residing in the same building were hescued without Injury. II. Saeger, 80, father of II. Saeger, Jr., proprietor of the cigar company, was carried from the building. The fire is said to have been caused by an overheated stove on the second floor. Most of the damage was caused by smoke and water. The Stewart poolhall adjoining was damaged by water and smoke. The loss is esti mated at $2,000. Mrs. lulsa Saeger, Norma Moller and Mrs. Alfred Saeger were asleep in (heir apartments when the fire broke out. MIsr Moller was awak ened by the arrival of the fire trucks and awakened all occupants. ‘Death Car’ Pilot Ordered Held by Coroners Jury Death of Leonard Bogatz In vestigated—Passengers in Car Tells of Night Tragedy. Inquest into the death of Leonard Bogatz, victim of the automobile ac cident last Saturday night at Twenty fourth and O streets, was held yester day at Heafey & Tlenfey's morgue. The Jury recommended that William Blank, 2517 Arbor street, driver of the car. be held for further investiga tion. Joe Pokorci, motorman in charge of the street car which collided with the automobile, testified that Blank was racing with another auto and that he was driving 40 miles an hour and on the wrong side of the street. Girl Tells of Trip. Ida Rhellhardt, 5220 South Twen tieth street, one of the occupants of the "death car” appeared at the in quest with a bandaged and badly dis colored eye. She testified that she got into the car at Twenty fifth and Elm streets, that there were five per-, sons in the party; that William Blank was driving the car and that Ruth Digby was sitting on her lap, while Leonard Bogntz and Stanley Red welskie were standing on the running board. She could give no information concerning the crash. William Blank, driver of the car, testified that he had spent most of the afternoon and evening at Stanley Redwelskie's house with Stanley and his girl friend, playing the vlctrola Later in the evening, lie said, his cousin called him on the telephone stating that Leonard Bogatz was at his home and asking him to come home, which he did. When he got there, Ida Shellhardt and Leonard were there. Admits Drinking. They went to Stanley Redwelskie’s home, where they "killed a pint of something that would make you climb a pole.” About 11, he said, they started for the South Side, and at Vinton street, Leonard Bogatz asked him to "show some speed,” and he "stepped” on the gasoline. From then on Blank has only a vague memory of what happened. Ruth Digby was unable trt attend the inquest on account of injuries she received. Stanley Redwelskie Is in a serious condition at St. Joseph hospital. Rockefeller Offers Gift to Iowa College of Medicine Cedar Rapids, la., Dec. 27.—Gifts totalling $2,225,000 from the Rocke feller Foundation, contingent upon the state giving a like sum, have been made to the college of medicine of Iowa State university. This an nouncement was made by W. A. Boyd, chairman of the finance com mittee of the state board of educa tion. The money will he used to build hospitals and laboratories and equipment. Tentative sketches and estimates already have been made 'n preparation for the big building pro gram. Twins Complete Ball Nine for Humboldt Man and Wife Humboldt, Neb., Dec. 27.—(Special.) —Twin boys arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Stalder, near this city, weighing nine and nine and ono half pounds. They comprete the Staider baseball nine, they being the parents of nine boys. These are the third twins born in this eommv 'ty in the last two months. Trains Crash Near Tucson. Tucson, Ariz., Dec. 27.—Southern Pacific train No. 10. eastbound. from Los Angeles, and a freight train, col lided at Rillito, 14 miles from Tucson, early today. A wrecking train and physicians have been sent from Tuc son. First reports said several pas sengers wore injured. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY. kaasaaitllllllllllllllll Public Auction! 160 Acres ol Lind With Fine Improvement! Saturday, Dec. 30, 1922 Three miles north and 4 west of York. 3 miles east and 3 north of Brad shaw, 3 miles west and 6 south of Benedict. Will be sold to close the estate of Harriett Johnston, deceased, by the administrator. Good improvements consisting of large house, granary, barns and other outbuildings. Land la choice and well located, described as follows: Southwest Quarter (SW) Section Nine (») Township Eleven, North Range Three (3) West «th P. M. Sale to take place at West front door of the court house In York, Neb., beginning at 2 o'clock, and held open one hour. TERMS: CASH The American Trust Company or York, Nebraska, administrator o( the estate of Harriett Johnston, deceased. GEO. W. FRANCE, Attorney MmifmsaUafia.ea.tai.a.,BiiattanaitatMuauaitairBiiRnauaiiattR!iRiiaiiaiiniiaiiatiaifaiimiauaf(niraiiafii(iinaiiniiaimiiiiiauaiiAiiiiii THE GUMPS—mc-n!Is^oS'fS. these are my people Dra""for Th<;Bc*by Sidn \ FRVCNO 0^ MVSS i i VOrTN'S TAM'LN- \T ' V«AS. OUST A C.OiHC\t>t.NCt. TO AT Wt MBT ON • TwT Boat- \ajE II OAt> A UVONt>t*FUL / vts- » \ l R.\Jt*X \ I MINOnt OF I TV»t *VR>T - / MR 6UMP IS I SOCVA VtUbvnFUL / COMP^vrH - SO Kt \ / 6OIN6- M\SS VOrv< AHP \ WAVS. ' / A t*NNtR EVlOA^tMtNT TW1S tViVllNO I AnP TVCKtTS TOC 'TV«t tvlOW - SNfc IS ONtS WtCt ^OB. A TtV*> \>AHS AHP » 'AJAHT To SHOW HtR. ABOUT A BVT- VV.C PT UP SOMT. tVt^iNo SOON TOR. PVNMtC.- \ tT*OON V AUN'S COOHlNu VMW»tNSttN — f VJWfcE Dots 'TV4fc't UUM 'TVUMN "tvus IS? ft WMTIM6 scom ? Just ft VLftCE 1VJ HftM0> MiOWD UN-UL VVS T'Mt TO 60 SOME \ PLNCE- / \ Nes-‘^he\ ] 'WlN M>< n\Ml GAMNto ANF* loASWlNfi CM*,H\.S FOR HIM Wt'S CRATN- I oUtSS Hfc. "TW\MKR 'AMfc / NI6MT MRcv_ VS GAtA \\ vo* Mt7\V^ Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Are Full of Human interest and they afford practical benefits to all—that’s the secret of their appeal to folks everywhere. Remember, Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Bring Better Results at Lesser Cost. Telephone ATlantic 1000 and ask for a “Want’ ’ Ad taker. BEE WANT AD RATES 15c per line ench day, 1 or 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days. 10c per line each day. 7 days or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads which are commonly termed "public wants," and do not include adver tisements of individuals or concerns adver tising or exploiting their businesses. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want Want Ads accepted at the following offices : Main office.17th and Farnam Sts South Omaha. .N. W. cor. 2 4th and N Sts. Council Bluffs.15 8cott St. Telephone AT lantic 1000. Call for "Want" Ad Department. An ex perienced “Want" ad taker will receive your ad afld a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition...11:40 a. m. Morning Edition.9 p. m. Sunday Edition..*.9 p. m. Saturday These rates apply to The Sunday Bee as wet) as to The Morning and Evening Bee. Alt week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening editions at the one cost. THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. JOHNSON—Augusta, beloved wife of Nels Johnson aged 65 years, at the family resi dence, 4 3** North 40th street, December 26. 10^2. Survived by one son, Frank T. Johnson. Fuenrnl Friday afternoon from Trinity Lutheran church, Thirtieth and Redlck, at 2 o'clock. Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. CARD OF THANKS WE wish to express sincere gratitude to our many friends and neighbors for the beautiful flowers and the many expres sions of sympathy shown us during the sickness and death of our Infant son, Billy. Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart and f a mlly. ______________________ _CUR1AL VAULTS_ DISTINCTIVE features, see demonstration at factory, Automatic Sealing Concrete Burial Vault. Insist upon your under taker using no other. Every vault stamp ed; watch for name on lid. Manufactured only hy the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.. 6210 N. 3oth St.. Omaha. FLORISTS. _ LEE LARMON l,tPhb"d £“&■« JOHN HATH. 1804 Vurnarn JA 1906. J_ HENDER8QN, 1D07 Farnam. JA. 1268 FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Omaha’s best undertaking establishment, W? AMBULANCE 8§2.vV& Thlrty-thlrfl and Parnnm “ HEAFEY & HEAFEY, “ Undertakers and Cmbaimers. Phone HA 0266, f Office 261! Fainam “LARKIIN BROTHERS, FUNERAL, DIRECTORS 4*13 80 24T1I Hulse & Riepen, Funera' Directors. 2224 Cuming CR OS BY-MOORE .4,tVw,n CEMETERIES. FOREST LAWN. North of City Limits. All revenues for perpetual care and Im provements. Offices at cemetery and 710 Bran dels Theater. SPECIAL NOTICE. ANYONE knowing (he present whers abouta of Jacob A. Wherly write to C. H. Wheriy, 1629 N. Sixth St , Harrisburg, r'a _PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furnltute. rnaga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110.1112-1114 Lodge street._ JACOB A. WHERLY; On account of the deaths of your brothers and sifters, write me at once. <\ JI. Wherly, 1529 N. Sixth st.. Harrisburg, Pa. __ MENUS, programs, special and birth an nouncements printed on short notice. 483 Bra ml elf Thea. Bldg. Phone AT. 397 8. ^ THEATRICAL historical masque costumes for plays and parties, at Lleten’s. Omaha STORM sash made glacing reas. KE. 2701 24th.__ FREE demonstrations in killing roaches. ants, bugs. etc. HA. 2 417._ RENT Hoover vacuum, $1.25. HA. #6698 LOST AND FOUNPT LATG8CA pearls between 15th and Olin Ave, and St. Patricks church, or 15th and Olin Ave.. .and 19th and Castelar streets Sunday. Reward. AT. 7007._ LOST Friday on Florence car or downtown ptore district old fashioned gold bar pin I set with garnets; a keepsake. Reward | HE. 1699. 6821 N. 30th 8t. LOST—Half Persian and common cat ! Black-white chest. Brown streak be tween eyes on forehead. White foet. Re ward. 14 Winona Apts. ___ LOST—Between Lincoln and Ashland, suitcase containing two mens suits and other article! of clothing. WA. 1461. Lib eral rewfrd. LOST—A silver wrist watch, gray ribbon. monogram, E. M. F., 1912, on bark. Re ward. 1313 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. AT. 2828. LOST or stolen, seal leather hand hag con taining money, .gloves, glasses and other valuables HA. :i057. Reward._ THURSDAY evening, scarlet leather hand bag. Reward. HA. 0853. Mrs. J. A. C. | Kennedy,____ __ LOST—Tortoise shell rimmed glasses last neck. Reward. Room 803 Blackftone hotel. _ ' Lost-—Xmas, earring, blk. onyx bk., carved roses in pastel shades on front. WE. 1»‘. 18. LOST—Male Airedale. Brass trimmed col lar. Reward HA. 1614. 1 542 S. 27th Ht. LOST—Bunch of keys on Mark leather boldafc Reward. Phon# WE. 2304, _LOST AND_ FOUND L()BT—Small French poodle dog; reward WA. 1517 1104 Military avenue. LOST—Lady's black pocketbook contain ing $15. Reward. WE. 3730. EDUCATIONAL^" DAT 81 HOOL NtOHT SCHOI>L. Complete courses in accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptojnetry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless teleg raphy civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, *all ©r phone Jackson 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyjes Bldg. Omaha, Neb. WANTED—Men. ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand, wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 14H3 Dodge St. Tri-City Barber College. Day or Evening sessions DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnnm AT. 7415 VAN SANT SCHOOL OB* BUSINE8S. S E < ‘or Nineteenth and Douglas. JA. 6890 ~ MOLE'R BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th St Write for catalog _ ANNIE E GLASGOW. Tolce and piano 603 Karbach Blk. JA. 1081. SITUATIONS WANTED._ 214 MALE HELP WANTED OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOC o o o o o o o KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN O O railway wants railroad mechanics o O for all parts south of Kansas City. O O Free transportation Permanent O O position. Ask for Mr. Lambeth, O O room 240, Castle hotel. O O O SALESMEN—Can use several neat ap pearing young men on high-grade house to-house magazine proposition. Experi- i enco unnecessary. Wo pay you while learning. This is a new Butte rick Magazine proposition. Never worked in this territory before. Work in Omaha and nearby cities. Room .101, Baird building. 17th and Dougins streets. _ GROWING, profitable manufac. business (present established In 4 states) wishing to enlarge, open for.A No. 1 man (sales exp. preferred), with from $2,500 to $5,000. May consider selling state right. Address Box Y-2124 Omaha Bee. _ A-l RADIATOR repair man wanted at cnee, $i 00 per hour. Steady work for good man. United Auto Service Co., Casper, Wye._ SALESMAN wanted for territories al ready established libernl commission, must be nbl« to finance self for month. Work ers only need apply. Good money-mak ing contract to right party. Write uh. The Wichita Bhlrt Co., Wichita. Kan. FEMALE HELP WANTED^ HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower; good steady home for right party. 2214 South 16th St., Lincoln, Neb.__ SALESLADY wanted. Give phone number for appointment. Box W-612, The Omaha Bee. __ __ fi TO R weeks prepares you for fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or write Ameri can College, 1912 Farnam. FOR a good bookkeeping or stenographic position attend the American college, 1912 Farnam All our graduates are In posi tlons. We can place you. Phone AT. 7774, or write for catalogue.___ WANTED—Refined housekeeper, no en cumb. Address Box W-608, Omaha Bee. WANTED—Genteel woman for housework mornings, permanent. AT. 9447. _ , WANTED—Waitresses f<-r long and short hours Metropolitan Dining Room, Keent Hotel. WHITE girl for general housework. WA 5190 GOOD THINGS TO EAT._ GUINEAS for game dinners. William Lon erg an KE. 1310-F6. BUSINESS^OPPORTUNITIES FOR PALE—Four-table pool hall and Ice cream parlor; first $2,600 take* it. Terms to responsible party. Good paying business, personal reason for selling. For particu lars. address Y-2122, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE—Gen. merchandise store In small Platte county town, center of rich farming district. Stock and fixtures will Invoice aobut $3,60u. Address Y-2119, Omaha Bpp. SMALL TOWN LUMBER YAR1 >3. One in Iowa, one in Nebraska Bargains for someone with $5,000 to $10,000 capi tal. Phone Walnut 477 1 or address 4$oa California. W. M. Wilson. DRUG department in big store in Lin coln. Have U. P. Job. ft.TOO. Terms, $200. ('ash, $3,500. Good security; three years a' »’) per cent. It. O. Constable, Lincoln, Neb._ RESTAURANT for sale in northwestern part of Nebraska: doing a very substantial business. Trice $3,000. For further par ticulars, address V .1 8, 1 ,r 'V| 1 ’■ **• ■_ FOR SALE—Up-to-date cleaning establlih ment In Nebraska town, pop. 1,500. Good business. Rent cheap. Address Box Y 2121. Omaha Bee.__ ?F you are looking for a good, honest paying business and have $500 10 Invest, dealing d'rect with owner. Call and s*»c L. Lillihridge at, the Oonant hotel._ MERCHANDISE want-1 lm southeast Lincoln property. Describe. K. u. Con stable, Lincoln. Neb. WILL sell lady half interest in 'leaning j and pressing business if she will take j charge of shop. A’l. 2973 "rooming houses TEN-R<50M lodging house pleasantly lo cated. Inquire at SS70 Farneni St. “household goods. STEPHENSON AUCTIONS will be itcld on Friday and Saturday at 1509 Capitol Avt. Pho: • \ I S246._ EXPERT sewing machine repairing. M1CK LLS. 18th md Harm 4141 H ' tnu WILL buy new Thor washer. IIA. 06*2 FOR SALE JEWELRY. DIAMONDS—We pay the best prices with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha. Net.. 402 K. 16th St., Telephone JA. 6019. CLOTHING AND FURS. I- I'Ll i 1 ■' ills and Tuxedos for rent .1 a 3128._109 N. _l fit h_ 8treet. L Feldmen J - il*i Ro if»h MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MEN'S 7-diamond cluster ring. Will trade for car._WE. 3872._1 GOOD 16-inch hardwood chunks, $10 per ton. Tel. AT. 6296._ KINDLING, sawdust, shavings for sale. Bradford-Kennedy Co . phone JA. 6740. LIVE STOCK VEHICLES, ETC TWENTY head fresh milch cowl and close springers MA. 3668. _ j WE HAT i livestock Call AT 3367 POULTRY AND PET STOCK WHllrf Wyandotte, March pullets. Year ling hens. Large cockerels. Hatching eggs Coil KR. P3S9._ BABBIT hound. Frank Wilson, Blair. Nek PRETTY Angora kittens. 15lT~Hickory. STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT FLAT-TOP desk and office chairs. Slightly ' used. Also Corona typewriter. AT. 6267. WE BUY. sell safe, make desks, show cases. etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.t j s w corner 11th and Douglas JA 2724. GUARANTEED typewriters. $7.f>o up. Mid land Office Supply Co., 1 404 Dodge. WANT TO BUY DESKS. DESKS DESKS. New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam AT 6140. WANTED—Ico box, 0x8 feet, for small meat market. Box or phone WE. 6260. WANTED to buy, old saw mill to do home work. C. J. Bindley, Blair, Neb., Route 3. __ ROOMS FOR RENT CLEAN and cozy. fSath front room In modern, steam-heated flat, $5. JA. 0188. 2210H Farnam St. CHICAGO 8T., 2617—Large front room, new, modern home; 4 window*. 1IA. 6379. FURNISHED room with private family. References required. KE. 2639. HARNEY 8TREfcT, 3324; two newly fur nlRhed Bleeping rooms In walking dis tance or one block from Farnam car; modern home; for gentlemen. HA. 0867. NICELY furnished rooms private bath reaeonable, day. week or month, central location Hotel Hamilton AT 4701. HOTEL 8ANFORD—!9th and Farnam] HOTEL HENSHAW—16th and Farnam. Special rates* to permanent guests TWENTIETH 8T.7 308 N.—Close Tn sleeping room. WEST Farnam, Blackstone district. At t raotlvelv furnished room, private home. HA. 3144.___ SUN j*oom, new furn., $30 per mo., for two. 2 415 Evans. WE. 6313. WARM, well furnished room for 1 or I men, $4.50 per week, close In. AT. 8578. JONES ST., 2227—Front room; walking distance: gentleman oni>. AT. 6751._ TEL. JA. 3240—Light housekeeping and seeping rooms for rent; reasonable. SWEET WOOD A VE . 410—Room in mod ern brick flat, close in. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Douglas St., 1909—1 and 2-rm. apts. on 1st flnr. Strn. ht. and elec, light furnished DEWEY AVE., 2616—2 neatly fur. base ment rooms, everything furnished, reas. TEL KE. 3697—Notice, save money, 2 rooms, modern, $22. ONE housekeeping apartment furnished complete. 536 8. 29th 8t.. 2707 DODGE—Two-room fur. apts. Elec tric II ght and heat, reasonable._ Dodge Ht., 2B10—$3 wkly, elec., furnace. HOUSES FOR RENT. | BRAND NEW 5-room bungalow, with or without lease. $66 per month. 5512 North | 27th St. JA. 3336. FIVE-ROOM cottage for rent, 2964 Larl moro. Call at 209 So 18th Ft. JA. 0268. SIX-ROOM modern brick with garage, at 1303 South 2 7th St- JA. 1294. _ ELEVEN koOM brick house on corner of 4t»th and Caps Sts Call JA. 4130. 7-ROOM, modern house, 3915 So. 24th St. Call JA. 3205 or MA. 1693. FURNISHED HOUSES. NICELY furnished seven-room house, nil modern, with garage: good neighborhood, reasonable. K»n| Spencer f?t. Tel. WE r«»75* BOARD AND ROOM PLEA private family, home privileges. |9 week. HA. 10 4(5. _ PLEASANT room for two. HA. 7340 ""APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Almost 1,000 Apts. Almost 100 furnished. All modern and fireproof. Let Drake’s rental man find you an apartment. Call us, wo will take you out. DRAKE RENTAL AOKNCT. Tsl. JA. 2806. Cor. 17th and Howard 8t* , .vi.\i 8 AND i LA 1*8- $8t to f W J. PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT. °**so. Keeling Bldg PETERS TRUST CuMi'ANV. WHERE OMAHA RENTS.” 14 17th and ; a i na m 8t> ill aeaaonfe of fini. i - room Apt. Palae* block, li201 a N. 23d. WEST Fern am district apartment, sis large, beautiful rooms, modern. HA. 7124 811ERWOOD AVK., 1420A*— Neat, modern 4-room apart. AT. 6626. MODERN 4-room apartment, walking dla tincr. tit. WA. 3888. FOUR rooms, steam heat, close in. U. X*. I Stebblna. 1610 Chicago. FURNISHED APARTMENTS oooooococoooooooooooooooo o o u Morris apartment ifon.r. o o MTH AND DODGE STURDY3 O C Apartments consist »>f living room, O O <1 reusing room, khchenetto and O O bath. Rental including heat, light, O O gas, phone and maid service, o O Apartment* furnished soft water O O by ref i nil* soft water process, o O Phone AT. 3210. O O w O OOOOOQOoooooooooooooooooo FURNISHED APARTMENTS CALL DRAKES. _ TEL, JA. 1087 or HA. 6314—Wish to sub- I let our two-room, furnished apartment at 1 Hotel’ Colonial, 39th and Farnam, Amcr- j lean plan, for two month*, beginning Jan i uary 1. Glasgow Tailors. F. S. Hanna. F< >R RENT—For Jan. and Feb., nicely fur nished six-room apartment. owner go ing south. References required. AT. 6 176.• 2 and 3-room apts., steam heat; walking distance. AT. 7 449. Brown Apts., 608 N. 218 L _ _ _______ HUNTER INN—AT 6960 2408 Dodge BUSINESS PROPERTY—RENT 2-ROOM OFFICE SUITE. Convenient location. See this. Price 122.60 per month. Will rent each room separate. 1 Mr. Cummins. 301 Leflang Bldg. LEASEHOLD and office furniture for Rale 8t 423 Arthur building Call Atlantic 6911 for particulars. GARAGES FOR RENT SEPAR ATE garages, with lock, $6 month ly. 14S North 34th St. HA. 4426. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Money to Loan—No Delay Fivfe-year loans, semi-annuRl interest, op tional payments, fund on hand. Loans from $660 to $3,00i# wanted. J. R. Day & Company 505 Keellne Bldg. AT. 6994. Omaha 34 Pearl St Tel. 101. Council Bluffs. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. II. LOU GEE, INC., _639 Kedllne Bhlg._ STRAIGHT 6-year loans, 1 ft Securities Bldg lfith and Farnam PRKSSM %klNO, i ■ ' l? \ DIRECTIVES RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex Rldg ■ , A night. KE 3312 J A ME 3 A LI,AN 318 Nevi!Te" Bik Evidence ■ •‘cured in all casea. AT. 113H. Private' Detective—L.~ \V LONQNECKfcR. 3136 Young St. Omaha Tel. KE. 4798. _ rc kkiekhT ITIIR^ repaired, t-modeled. lowest price 1 Gol«lsteln Fur Co., 1620 Douglas KODAK FINISH IN CL FILMB DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co., 160 7 Howard St. PKIN 11NO EDDY Printing Co. 212 8 13 Sr~JA. 6068 m m bp '^1 ^ OMAHA PILLOW CO.— Feathers ren. j ovated and made up in naw feather proof tl'king. E»07 Cuming JA 2467 Mb' I I t iXEOI s \wni \< F.MBNT8 I GARAGES built, any style and star, $inu up. Concrete work. Mlchlln Lumber and Wrecking Co Tel. WE. 5565. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at tha 6 t he naan & McConut.'l Drug Stores. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ' PATENT HI TORN El S. v Patent Attorney, 1712 Dodge, room 200 Also Washington, L> ’C. ! help .nventora Roll their patents AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. NEW nnd used Fords, cash or terms. C. E PAULSON MOTOR CO.. Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers 20th and Arnes Ave. KB. 0146 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ° Essex Touring o c> O We have two very fine essex tour- O C ing cars ready to deliver. They O O hiu both late model* and as good O O as new. Equipment is complete O O and the prices are right. Let us O O show you our Essex today and O O dernanstrate their superior o O qualities. A strictly high grade O O car with economical unkeep «x- o O pense. O q Guy L. Smith o o * c* ooooooooooooooooooooooooo HUPMOBILE roupe, 1!»18 model, engine and renr end and working parts thorough ly overhauled; car being sold for the account of a former salesman, |560 cash; 9600 terms. Phone L. S. Paulsen, KE. 0583. Stroud d* Co. ______ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O £ New Chalmers Touring £ O o O We have a brand new, late model o O Chalmers touring which one of our O O dealers has asked us to sell. It Is O O the very latest touring model and O O never run a mile. The price is O O discounted to make a very at- o O tractive proposition and wo will O O appreciate the opportunity of show- o O ing this car to you at any time. O o Guy L. Smith o o o OOOOOOOQOOOO OOOOOO POOPOOO MAKMON sedan. In excellent condition Will be soid at a remarkably low price Call Mr Van Camp, HA. 0710. USED cars that can he used NFRRASKA OLD8MOBILE CO., Howard at Dttl, AT USED CARS ~~ O. N Bonney Motor Co., 1564 Farnam. ® Hudson Sedan O o o o O w# are showing two good Hudson O O Sedans which are priced for quick O O action right now. The recent cut O O in Hudson prices has put a Hud- o O son Sedan within your reach. O O Bring in the ©pa» car and trade it O D for a closed one. No harm to look O C' ’em over, you know, and our O O prices are right. O O ° o Guy L. Smith ° o o O'. o oooooooocoooooooooooooooo SOME bargains In used Fords; prompt delivery of new Fords MTAFFRKY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson Sts AT 7711. TOUR HEALTH depends partly* on cur tains. We fix them to protect you. PFEIFFER'S. 252* Leavenworth. T <5mill* SERVICE FIRST tytiy L. Mnitn 26lh *n late. AT. U06 wori.D Realty Realtor*. AT. 3jT62 Western Real Ss«tgte Co. JA. 8607 E. IT BENNER CO . REAI/rnRS7jA~566l, MISSOURI LANDS HAVE highly improved Brass and corn land, in north Missouri, to exchange for ranch land. Address Box 482. Chllllcothe, Mn. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS t - : Bargain Cl. P Stebbirt*. IMU rhnngn. ALFRED THOMAS J ioj • . Rea _SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR fiALK or Tr*de—760 hJti improved ranch near Newport, Nek. AJOnr. T. ti. Evans, 17 orf oik. 17 ek, _VACANT PROPERTY__ Dundee Lots 60x135 ft., no.tr 5 2d and Far nain Street*. surrounded by good homes, $2,600. 7 ixl35 ft., 60th and Chicago »f Streets; owner wants offer, $5,000 100x135 ‘ft., 52d ami Capitol Ave nue; paving paid In full. Owner anxious to Hell. Make offer. George and Co., Realtors AT. 3024. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots In Edgewood; very easy terms. xT lantlc $54# DUNDEE lot. 60x126, on 54th »t near Far nam, choice lot, owner will consider reas onable offer C A Grlmmel JA. 1615. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. Latest Cross-Roof Style Five large rooms and tiled bath, bookcases nnd buffet, kit often cupboards that will surprise you; all finished In best of oak and • •name!, garage to match house, full cement drive, choice south front lot, near Miller Dark. A teal home. About $1,500 cash will do. Rasp Bros., Realtors 212 Recline Bldg. AT. 0721. LET Campbell figure yotir new dwelling. I tent construction materials and service, v \Va. 5764 or At. 8048. 537 KeeJine Bldg New 6-ro m Colonial, all modern. A bargain, located 6944 Florence Blvd. Norris