The Morning Bee: MORNING—EVENING—SUNDAY THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY NELSON B. UPDIKE. Publisher. B. BREWER. Gen. Manager. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Frees, of which The Bee ts e mea.ber. is esclnslrelf entitled to the use tor retubJtcstina of til oesa dispatches credited to It as not <M>iAO \ I /(W1.V oiv£ vdO A \ 1 JurtlC VARD »' A I . J hammbr '* I / j J^OKiA/RlL>j/, j 11 if •***" CENTER SHOTS. Sometimes we suspect that re ligion would become more popular if half the energy wasted in trying to get men to church were bestowed on getting the church to men.—Colum bia Record. Georgia’s "grand old woman,” Mrs. Felton, may be, as reported, the first old woman to hold the senatorial of fice. but it is a statement that is open to debate.—Topeka Capital. Likely the reason muffs are so pop ular this year is because they make ' such nice holsters.—New Orleans Times-Picayune. “Senatress" Felton’s first day is also her last. It is not lexical, how ever, to reason from analogy that the first woman senator will also be the last.—Grand Rapids Herald. Right Now! while every one is Happy, we wish to say Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! A Cfo IDish A Ijou and Ijours J\. Mernj Christmas and a Happij and Prosperous Nero uear1 Burgess-Nash Company •everyqodyS store'