Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Anticipate Your Wants Every Day in The Year MY L IT HE | BROTHER /§ WMtfc h i ; BEE WANT AD RATES 15c per line each Any, 1 or 2 days. 12c .per line each day, 3 to 6 days. 10c per line each day. 7 days or longer. • The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads which are commonly termed “public wants,” and do not include adver tisements of individuals or concerns adver tising or exploiting their businesses. 'I HE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want. Want Ada accepted at the following offices: Main office.17th and Farnam Stj. South Omaha. . N. W. cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluff*.16 Scott St. Telephone AT lantic 1000. Call for “Want** Ad Department. An ex perienced “Want” ad taker will receive yo ir ud and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT APS. Everting Edition .. .11:40 a. m. Morning Edition.t) p. m. Sunday Edition.9 p. m. Saturday These rates apply to The Sunday Bee as well as to The Morning and Evening Bee. All week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening editions at iho one cost. THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. • lARTLAM*---Mary I*., age t>.”, died Satur day a. m.. following short tllnmM. She is survived by one brother, John, of Omaha. Deceased was a resident of Omaha for IS > ^ars. Funeral service Tuesday. December 26, K:uO a. m.. from I.eafey & Heafey chapel 'o St. I’hilonn ua’a church. Rev. James S^nioh officiating. Interment Holy Sepul cher cemetery. JOHNSTON—Mary Alice; age. 10 years, 9 months; oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ooorge W. Johnston. pied Thursday ' morning at the residence, 106, South 49th Street. Fuueial Friday, 2 p. m. frem tha real tienec. Interment at Forest Lawn. BURIAL VAULTS. ‘ DISTINCTIVE features, «»>o demonstration at factor,), Automatic Scaling Concrete Hurlat Vault. Insist upon your under taker using no other. Every Aault stamp ed: match for name on lid. Manufactured only by tho Omaha. Concrete Burial Vault *'o.. 6210 N. 30th St., Omaha. CEMETERIES. _ VISIT FOREST LAWN. Forest Lawn Cemetery has a new beauty with each changing season. It is particu larly beautiful at this time with the many winter decorations. Evergreen blankets and winter wreaths may be obtained at thn greenhouse. Offices at the Cemetery i North of City Limits) and 720 Braudels Theater. FUNERAL DIRECTORS_ F. J. STACK & CO., Omaha's best undertaking establishment, IK' AMBULANCE Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY &HEAFEY, Fndertakera and Kmbalmers. Phone 11 A. 026a, Office 2611 Farnam. LARKIN BROTHERS, FUNKRAl. IHRKCTORS. 4SJ3 2ITH. Hulse & Riepen, • Funorai IMractora. 2224 Cumin,. CROSBYMOORE FLORISTS JOHN BATH. l»i>4 Farnam. JA. 1906. _ .1. HENDEKSON. I HU Farnam. JA. 1206. EDUCATIONAL. DAY Si * H OOL—N IgTiT SC 11OO L Complete courses In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptoroetry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless teleg raphy. civil service and all English and < ommerclal branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb._ EARN f 110 to 1250 monthly, expenses paid aa railroad traffic inspector. Position guaranteed after three months' spare time study or money refunded. Excellent op portunities. Write for free booklet, E-271. Stand. Business Training Inst., Buffalo N. Y. YOU are wanted; 9135 month commence. Government railway mail clerks; steady. Common education sufficient. Write Im mediately for list positions open. Frank l»n Institute, Dept. 217 R, Rochester, . N. Y. ___ YOU are wanted. 9135 month commence. Government railway mail clerks; steady. Common education sufficient. Write im mediately for list positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 221 R, Rocheater, N. Y. WANTED—Man. ladles and boya to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge 8t. Tri-City Barber College. TYPISTS—Earn $25-9100 weekly, spare time, copying authors* manuscripts. Write R. J. Carnes. Authors* Agent, Tallapoosa. Oa., for particulars, Dav or Evening sessions DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. AT. 7415 VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. 8 T3 Cor. Nineteenth and Douglas. JA. 5390. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. nth St. Write for catalog. ANNIE L\ GLASGOW, voice and piano 503 Karbach Blk. JA, 1081. PERSONAL, DENTISTRY . All kinds of dental work done, under care ful supervision at the Creighton university tVollege of Dentistry, corner 26th and Cali fornia streets, Omaha. Fees moderate. Take Harney, Crosstown or Cuming street ca?._£ . THE SALVATION Army industrial horns solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110.1112-1114 Dodge street.___ THEATRICAL historical masque costumes, foreplays and parties, at Listen's. Omaha STORM sash made, glaclng reae. KE. 279L 24th. TEACHER of cornet and trumpet. Henry Lots. 1726 So. Hth St.' ail AT. 2643. LOST AND FOUND] Ia>ST—Illinois wstell on 18th St. by west door Strand theater. Reward. C*li HA. LOST AND FOUND. P08T—Bouton Bull Terrier, in auto struck • 'V street car at .sixteenth and Martha -.1 reels. Tuesday: dog is female, brindle l^ft side of head white, tips of toes white. • er.v short screw tail, wore brown blanket with green ribbon ami brown leather har I ness; reward $23 Call JA. 3763. ' POST—on* Washington Highway on the 24th of November, bei ween Blair and Cal houn, two abstracts of farms In Wash ington county, Nebraska. Ruled In round package. .Suitable reward for re turn! of same to 2836 Vane Street, Omaha. Phone KK. 4013. ! POST— Monday, downtown district, oval filagnee gold and platinum broach set I with diamonds. Reward. WA. 0049. 3118 Nicholas. ; POST—Black lunch box. contains surgical dressing* and tools. Between 17th and Chsh and 18tli and Palrd. Reward. WA. 6373. Pi >ST— Kej ». W. ~n. \V. Bldg., leather folder. Reward. W. C. Beebe, Room 1003. W. O, W. Bldg . POST—Pair of pearl earrings. JA. 1632. 1 - 1 ■ ■' ■ ' —» MALE HELP WANTED CAN you sell subscriptions to a new western illustrated weekly magazine to be primed in English? Will you work con sistently? You can earn money, as, well as a first-class trip to Chicago and New York and other points of interest, repre senting jour section In Nebraska. Iowa or Colorado. After tno trip In May. all expenses paid, permanent opportunity will be offered to those who have made good. You make money whether you win the trip or not. All or spare time work. Address "The Tree of Progress" Circulation Manager, oa're of Omaha Dully Tribune. Also solicitors for dally and weekly Tribune fijr readers of these German language papers. Write fully to Emil Held. 1307 Howard! St. _ MEN—$90 weekly. Travel by auto and In stall new stove convertor in every home. Wonderful invention. Cook and bake'all year without coal or wood. No gas or electricity nc*eded. We furnish auto. Thom as Mfg. Co.. Convertor 628. Dayton, O. i MEN—$ an hour. Newest kitchen took Every woman us eg 20 times dally. Easy acller. Big profits. Sample free, Thomas, Mfg. Co., Camp 928, Dayton, O. SALESMAN—One of the largest manufac turers of chlnaware in the United States has opening with unlimited possibilities on Its soiling force for high class man. Must, be of commanding appearance, convincing talker and have ability to close deals. Should own automobile. Deposit required on samples. Commission basis. Single man preferred. Give age, reference and experience In first letter. Address Y-2117, Omaha Bee.__ SALESMEN—Absolutely smashes all com petition, Wonderful children’s new spring playsulb sideline. Price low. Big commis sion. One sample. Repeat, orders. Write now. Cuteault Factories, Cincinnati.. MALE HELP 8HRDLU LU SALESMEN—If you want $5,000 next year write now. Strong line for retail stores. Nationally advertised; liberal weekly ad vance to producers. The Continental Com pany. 1920 Euclid. Cleveland, O., Dept. 101. HA LESM A N WANTED—Having experi ence In selling knit goods or one ac quainted with the dry goods trade In Nebraska, where we have an established trade, to carry our line of sweaters, in fants* wear and fancy knit goods on com missions. Address Star Knitting Com pany. La Cross. Wis. ____________ SALESMEN—Several experienced maga zine or newspaper to replace others who have been advanced. Permanent posi tions will be awaiting those who make good. Work In Omaha and nearby cities. Transportation paid. Expenses paid daily. Salary weekly. Room 301, Baird Building. 17th and Dougina Sts. SALKSVI EN JOIN OUR SALES FORCE Men’s clothes made to measure sold di rect to wearer. Liberal commission; range in five prices. $19.50 to $38.50, w 1 permanent clientele. Write for spring sample case. Broadway Tailoring Co.. Cincinnati. O. _ SALESMEN—Experienced rubber footwear salesman for Nebraska and Wyoming ter ritory to sell the Gold Seal line. Must be real go-getter and not afraid of hard work. In application give experience and age. Goodyear Rubber Co., 371 Sibley St., SI. Paul Minn.__ SALESMEN. WOMEN. Wanted—• Canvassers to sell to house wives rubberized aprons and ironing board covers. Good sellers with profit able returns. Clean, honest values. Write for samples and details. Superior Prod ucts Co.. 802 Main St.. Cincinnati, O. SALESMAN wanted for terrltorle, al ready established liberal commission, must be able to finance aelf for month. Work ers only need apply. Good money-mak ing contract to right party. Write ua. The Wichita Shirt Co., Wichita, Kan. SALESMEN—Well known company needs three more salesmen. Specialty line, small, compact, light. Stapla demand. Established trade: experience unneces sary. Sunbrald Hat Co., St. Louis, Mo. STOP working for othera. Go into busi ness for yourself Make and sell your own gooda. By our system It's easy. Oppor tunity to make $100 to $600 weekly. Write Immediately for free book whlsh explains eCertyhtng. Nat’l Scientific Labe. 21T Monroe. Richmond. Va._ WANTED—Assistant shirt cutter, custom department, best factory In the west. Woolf Brothers. Kansas City, Mo. AGENTS WANTED_ AGENTS-—We pay $1.25 hourly all or spare time. Send postal for complete new, snappy line. Nineteen full-sized pack ages, carrying case, advertising matter, booklets, full lnatructlons. Pay starts im I mediately. Dept. 776, Harley Co., Day ton, O.•_ AGENTS—Connect up with us. Reliable manufacturer, honest goods. 15 years’ ex perience. Quick telling and profitable household articles. Write today for mon ey.making plan. American Products Co., 8127 American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. LARGE shirt manufacturer wants agents to sell complete line of shirts direct to wearer. Exclusive patterns. Big value. Free samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broad way, New York. *__ PORTRAIT MEN—Portraits shipped in 24 hour*. Reliable portrait men financed. Write for catalogue. E. H. Roberts, Por trait Co., Kansas City, Mo, "female" HELP WANTED AT ONCE—Five ladles to travel, demon strate and sell dealers, 940 to 975 per week. Railway fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dapt. 103-A, Omaha. Neb. EXPERIENCED comptometer operators are always In demand. If you are not an operator an eight weeks* couras In the Comptometer seffool will fit you to hold one of these desirable positions that are always open. If you must work, why not prepare so that you will get the most for your time? Let us tell you about our day and evening classes. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. 100 Courtney Blk. ♦•The school that Graduates Experts.** WANTED—Agenta to sell guaranteed silk hosiery, ladies and men. All Silk Hosiery ! Mills, General Sales Offiwe, lvib and 'tuiw, 303 tftviUf Silt • FEMALE HELP WANTED CAN you sell subscript Ions To a * new western Illustrated weekly m/iga/.ino tube printed In English Will you work con sistently? You cun earn money, as well as a firr (-class trip to Chicago and New York and other points of Interest, repre senting your section In Nebraska, Iowa or Colorado. After the trip In May, all expenses paid, permanent opportunity will he afforded to those who have made good. You make money w hether you v. In the trip or not. All or spare time work. Address “The Tree of Progress” Circulation Manager, rare of Omaha I'nily Tribune. Also solicitors for dally and weekly Tribune for reader* of these Herman language papers. Write fully to Emil Held, if,07 Howard St. FOR a good bookkeeping or stenographic position attend the American college. 1912 Fa mam All our graduates Rre in posl. tlons. W© can place you. Thone AT. 7774, or write for catalogue. 6 TO 8 weeks prepares you for fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or write Ameri can College, 1912 Fa main. WANTED—GIRLS TO LEARN TO BECOME 'I»OWER MACHINE OPERATORS ON MINA TAYLOR DRESSES AND PRESS APRONS. COMPETENT INSTRUCTION TO TEACH YOU. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN. STEADY EM PLOYMENT. APPLY M. E. SMITH 4> CO. DAYLIGHT FACTORIES. 10TH AND DOUGLAS STS WANTED—EXPERIENCED POW ER MACHINE OPERATORS, TO WORK ON JUNA TAYLOR DRESSES AT GOOD WAGES, OUR EXPERIENCED OPERATORS EARN LARGE INCOMES. ArPI.T M. E. SMITH A CO. DAYLIGHT FACTORIES _ 1TH AND DOUGLAS STS. WANTED—Refined housekeeper, no en cuinb. Address Box W»608, Omaha Bee. SITUATION SW ANTED. DAY WORK or chambermaid. Call WE. 0270. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. MAGAZINE CLUBS. FOR MAIL SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. OFFER E. Pictorial Review. Modern Priscilla and The Omaha Dally and Sunday Bee. One year each. ONLY f#.&0. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT. T1IE OMAHA BEK. _ New overstuffed parlor suite*. Make excellent Xmas gift*. Coat here 85 per cent Ices than elsewhere. STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE. 150* Capitol Ave. Tel. AT. 5265. A COURSE IN DANCING AT~THE HY LAND DANCING ACADEMY, 25TH AND FARNAM, IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED. AT, 7550. GIVE your phot0graph for Chrlatmaa. For photographs that satisfy. SEE MATSUO LAKE STUDTO. 2506 N. 24th St.WE. 6311 PERSONAL Christmas cards. Order now and avoid rush. Phone, salesman will call. AT. 1878. 483 Brandels Theater Bldg. BEAUTIFUL cut flowers, for Xmas; also lovely wreaths are Ideal gifts. LEE LARMON, 19th and Douglas._Phons 8244. GIVE your photograph for Christmas. For photographs that satisfy SEE MATSUO LAKE STUDTO. 2506 N. 24th St.WB. 6311. PROTECT your car this winter; a garage would make an ideal Xmas gift. Value and s**r\ice our motto. Carter Sheet Metal Co., 13th and Grace. JA. 0602. PLAN now for your Christmas home. 8ee Campbell, personal service home builder. 537 Keellne Bldg. AT. 8048. LARGE Meccano s^t, 3 motors, transor mers. handsome box container. Cost 150 Sell <35. WA. 0773.__ FANCY gowns, work guaranteed. At 5521. GOLD lettering on leather goods, books. E. A. Tryon Co.. 208 So. 13th. JA. 1219. A NICE duck makes nice gift. KK. 0815. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BRICK office building of tho late Dr. Ewh. conflating of five rooms, la for sale, together with office fixtures. best of medical library, good supply of drugs and Ford roadster. Terms reasonable. One of the best locations In southeast Ne braska for practiclrg physician. Mr*. Jennie Ewh. P. O. Box 1163, Talmage, Neb.__ WANTED—Experienced and reliable busi ness man to assume management of branch office. Unquestionable reference* as to ability and integrity required. Cap able man can earn from $300 to $1,00$ monthly. M. M. Wolff, 1612 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. SALES MANAGERS—Responsible cor poration wants general sales manager* to open branch office; manage salesmen; $600 to $5,000 necessary; expenses to Baltimore allowed if you qualify. Ad dress Manager. 693 N. Eutam St.. Balti more, Md.__ FOR SALE and might take in some trade A telephone system of 200 phones and small office building, will pay agent com mission of 2 per cent if he brings buyer, •uiwtr %uick. F, 41. Crick, Haildam. Kan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Foil SALE—Gen. merchandise ajore In small IMaile county town, center of rich farming district. Stock and fixtures will invoice nobut $3,500. Address Y-2119, Omaha Bor. Ft »H SALK OK TRADPD-Only hardware and iiijndcinciit stock, til a good town in i'hms county, Nebraska. Write Ttystrom A Freeman for particulars. StromsburtL. | *oh.__ | OPPORTUNITY to start lucrative business, I little captial; avoid risk of credits, or «arr\in' merchandise. Write Dept No. 14, Paul Kaye. 149 Broadway, Now York. CAPITAL desires substantial investments I outside Europe.’ Address North Europe Trust Company. 68 Victoria St., London, England. _ _ GOOD bowllag alley for Ml#; 1st good shape. Reason for aclling, have no room; seif pin setter. Schwartz &. Co., Valpa I rii»o. Neh. _ FOR HALE—Grocery store fixtures includ ing stock. Good location. AT. 4940, 1420 South 16th St.__ FoR SALE—Shoe shop. Owner sick, must sell. Address Shoe Shop, Box 33, Max I well. Neb. rWANT to buy a well stocked hardware store in some thriving Nebraska town. Ad dress Box Y-2120. Omaha Bee._ WANT to buy Nebraska practice. What have you. Address Y-2118, Omaha Be®. ~ ROOMING HO USES ' TEN-ROOM lodging house pleasantly lo cated. 2070 Farnam St. Inquire of owner. ~ GOOD THINGS TO EAT. FOR SAI,E—Finest clover extracted honey, case six 10-lb. pails ttiO Iba), $7.75; two cases, $15.00. E. 8. Miles &. Son. Dunlap, la. HOUSEHOLD GOODSL HOITSEHOL DGOOD8 FO R8ALE WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27TH i::;o r. m. STARTLING FURNITURE AUCTION. On that date we will hold one of the most remarkable auctions ever held in Omaha. Consignments from the poorest to the luxurous homes will be offered to the highest bidder. For profit attend. STEPHENSON AUCTION COMPANY 1609 Capitol Ave. AT, 6266. FURNITURE of 4-room cottage, cheap; person buying furniture can rent bouse reas.: leaving city, must sell by 1st, No dealers considered. Call MA. 0380. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICHELS. 15th and Harney. AT. 48S1. CLOTHING AND FURS. FULL URfcJSS suit* and Tuiedoa for rant ,1a 3188. 109 N. 16th Street. I. Feldman ARMY aboea. >2,80 703 No l«th FOR SALE JEWELRY! DIAMONDS—W« paj t lie best prices with privilege to buy bark at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Net., 402 N. 16th St.. Telephone JA. 6049. ~ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BARG A IN! BARGAIN! PHONOGRAPH for sale cheap. Oak cabi net. Make me an offer. Call WA. 6769. BIG year-end rlearauce sale on all phono graphs, wonderful bargains. Sblacs rhonograph Company. 1404 Dodge. radiosupplies! FOR SALE—Type R-3 Magna vox A-l condition. Almost now. First M. O. $35 takes it. F. B. Schlcnlz, David City, Neb. MISCELLANEOUS ^’OiCs ALE KINDLING, sawdust, shavings for sale. Bradford-Kennedy Co., phone JA. 6740. POOL anil tilliard table; man's ilrcss suit; cheap. Box W-626, Omaha Brin_ WHITE rabbits for sale. Call AIA. 0604. ~~poiTltry and pet stock Orange Pomeranians, also Pekingese. Prize v inning slock. 3806 N. 27tli St. GUTN KA PIUS FOR SA le! KE. 8 367. CANARY BIRDH. WE.' 1160. poultrSTsupplies WHITE Wyndotte. large pullets. Yearling hens. Large cockerels. Hatching eggs. Call KB. 0389. LIVE STOCK, VEHICLES. ETC. WE HAUL livestock. Call AT. 3367. STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT! TYPEWRITERS. All makes bought and sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for ths CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXC. JA. 4120. 1912 Farnam. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINES. Factory rebuilt and guaranteed by the manufacturers at reduced prices; $100 and up on eafty terms. Write or call. Bur roughs Adding Machuie Co., 115 S. 19th SU Phone AT. 0380. WE BUY, sell safe, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., s. w. corner 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724! WANT TO BUY DESKS. DESKS. DESKS. New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded, J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. AT. Cl46. WANTED to buy, old saw mill to do homo work. C. J. Bindley, Blair, Neb., Route 3. .WANT to buy one National cash register. Box W-607, Omaha Bee. ROOMS FOR RENT FA TIN AM ST., 181 WELLING TON INN HAS NICELY FUR NISH ED 'ROOMS WITH DE TACHED OR PRIVATE RATH AT VERY ATTRACTIVE RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. DON’T FAIL TO SEE THEM. ROOM DIRECTORY — for — ROOM HUNTERS. Should you fall to find listed below the room you want, rail at the “Want" Ad counter of The Omaha B#o for a room directory. The Omaha Bee maintains tins service for your convenience. New list issued e«rh week. HARNEY STREET. 3324; two newly fur nished sleeping rooms in walking dis tance or one block from Farmim car; modern home; for gentlemen. HA. 0S67. S K. FRONT room, mahogany furnished, tile bath and hpower, plenty hot water, Cesirabla loc., near iUaekatync. HA. M59. ROOMS FOR RENT. i NICELY furnished rooms” private t»ath. reasonable, day, week or mouth, central location. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. HOTEL SANFORD—19t h and Far mum HOTEL IIENSHAW—16th and Farnam. Special ratea to permanent guests._ tel! J/L 3240—Light housekeeping end beeping rooms for rent; reasonable. WARM front room, board if desired, all home comforts. WA. 0970. FARNAM, 2511—Large, modern sleeping room. Walking distance._ CHICAGO. 3011—2 sleeping rooms with or without breakfast._ Beautiful furnished room in all-modern, private home, breakfast if desired. KJC.1118 WA. 1061—Room In private family for one or two gentlemen. Board if desired. CHICAGO ST.. 2617—Large front room, new. modern home; 4 windows. HA. 6379. BOARD ANDROOM; FIRST class board and room In strictly modern private home, home privileges.' 1533 rark Ave., HA. 7620.__ PLEASANT room for 2, also single room, private family, home privileges. $9 week. HA. 1046._ PLEASANT room for two. HA. 7340. H O USE K E EPINgTrOO M s! TWO 2-room apartments tor light house. Keeping: nicely furnished. 645 S. 25th St. THREE-ROOM suite, everything complete, main floor, modern, $12 week. HA. 7116. 2707 DODGE, 3 rooms first floor, modern, everything furnished $10._ ROOM and kitchenette, new home. KE. 4930.____ NICE clean housekeeping rooms for rent, •-•308 Douglas St. Call AT. 9600. Housekeeping rooms; everything complete; | well heated; walking distance. JA. 1250. Davenport St., 2618—2 rooms, electric lights, telephone furnished, ateam heat. _HOUSES FOR RENT. FOR RENT—DWELLING, 41-4 SO. 38TH ST.. 9 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH, GARAGE, HOT WATER HEAT, FIRST CLASS CONDITION. $100 PER MONTH. JA. 0482, HA. 0317. 1*HAND~NEW 6-room bungalow, with or without lease, $65 per month. 6512 North 27th St. JA. 3336._ 10-ROOM house just newly decorated, 1008 South 22nd St. Rent $65. Inquire 1006 So. 22njd. _ ELEVEN-ROOM brick house on corner of 40th and Cass Sts. ('all JA. 4130. LOR RENT—6-room modern brick with garage. 1303 So. 27tli. ONE 5-room modern house, one 10-room modern house. Call WE. 4280. FURNISHED HOUSES. Six room, nicely furnished home strictly, modern, sun parlor, sleeping porch. Block from car. cathedral district. Kent reason able. For information rail AT. 4353. Three-room furnished house. 4313 Seward. AT. 2932. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HArrr new year. 1 That it may be a happy now year, start this year in a new, cosy, fireproof apartment. Clause your apartment thia week ami it will be ready for occupancy the first of the year. THE NEW AUSTIN. 38th and Davenport. CARBERRT—40tli und Cass. A modern four-room home with apartment house accommodations. Unfurnished, $80 and $85. Fur nished. $105 and $110. ALHAMBRA—49th and Capitol. Four large rooms with a view of beautiful Dundee. $92.50 to $97.50. TERRACE COURT Park Ave. at Mason. A modern three-room apartment with two Murphy beds. Unfur nished. $70 to $76. Furnished, $0 to $5. THE HAN8COM—1029 Park Ave. A cozy three-room apartment at $62.50. We have some releases for Jan uary 1 on those modern, walklug distance, one-room apartments. Unfurnished, $37.50 and $40. Fur nished, $60 to $55. CALL US. WE WILL TAKE YOU OUT. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Fireproof Apartments. JA. 2805. 17th and Howard. Open Evenings and Sundays by Appointment. TURNER COURT. One apartment available In Omaha’s most exclusive and conveniently arranged 8 roorn apartments, with 6-room accommo dations. Rent reduced. Janitor, HA. 6896. G. M. HAUSER, Mgr. 3106 Dodge. IT A. 7140. Almost 1,000 Apts. Almost 1^0 furnished. All modern and fireproof. Let Drake's rental man find you an apartment. Call us, we will take you out. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Tel. JA. 2806. Cor. 17th and Howard Sts. APART MEN TS AN D PL ATS—933 1to f 100. VV. J. PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT. S930. Keellne Bldg. Peter's trust company. ~~ •WHERE OMAHA RENTS.” AT 0544. 1 7th and Farnam Sts. A EE modern 5-room St. Louis brick, warm flat and garage, near car line, walking distance. 2231 So. 16th 8t. NO equaJ, all seasons of year, 4-room Apt. Palace block, 220% N. 23d. WEST Farnam district apartment, six large, beautiful rooms, modern, HA. 7124. v 4 APARTMENTS FOR RENT. .SHERWOOD AVI*!., 1420*£—-Neat, modern I 4-room apart. AT. 6525. i KOI HI rooms, .strum heat, close in. U. IV i Strbbina. 1610 Chicago. "furnished APARTMENTS’ MORRIS APARTMENT HOTEL 1STH AND DODGE STS. Apartments consist of living room, dressing room, kitchenette and bath. Rental, Including heat. H^ht, gas, phone and maid service. Apartment^ furnished 30ft water by Refinite Soft Water Troces’i. CALL DRAKE’S. TEL. AT. 4353—4-room, modern apart ment, everything furnished, right down town, suitable for 4. $15 per week. WIRT street, 2214 Woodbine Apts., mod ern. hot water heat, close to car. Wfi. 6946. VERT desirable two-room and kitchenette apartment. Fine location. HA. 0095. HUNTER INN—AT. 696(1 2408 ~L)odge. BUSINESS PROPERTY—RENT NEW' modern stores on this new transfer point. Ready Jan. 1.1923. N. W. Cor. 16th and Cuming Sts. inquire at 1514 Dodge St. J A. 6 619.* LEASEHOLD and office furniture for ante at 423 Arthur building. Call Atlantic 6911 i for particulars. BONDS, STOCKs7MORTGAGES MORTGAGES AND REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS All on Omaha property. These will stand the closest Investigation. Some will pay from 26 per cent to 35 per cent divi dend the first of the year and about 11 per cent thereafter. Evenings anEN TINTS. _ DENTAL X ray &0c each: 13 full eet I 619 Securities Bldg.. 16th and Fa mam ~ hRKSSMAKINtJ. _ FURS, aulta remodeled, relined. HA. 6804. DBTKCTIV ESJ R EI.l ABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg . .TA. 3066; night. KE_^812. James ALLAN. 313 Nevifis B~lk. Evidence aecured In all macs. AT. 1136. Prl ete DetectL. W, IX iNUNECKER, 3136 Young St., Omaha. Tel. KD. 4798. 1 » RBIEk«J • — f?ITDC repaired, remodeled, lowest price r URJ Goldstein Fur Co.. 1630 Douglas KO|>AK FINISHING._ FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard Pt. mattresses._ OMA11A PILLOW CO.—Feathers ren. ovatrd and made up In nevr feathor proof tleking, 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. "prTntiw. _ EDDY Printing Co., 312 S~~13 St. JA. 6058 " PATENT ATTORNEYS. ~ "" "" J. W. MARTIN. Patent Attorney." ldi Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, p. C. T help inventors sell their patent*._ MISLF7lXANKOrS ~ ANNoWf EMENTB. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman & McConnell Drug Store*. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE?” r\ Special Prices Today 1921 Packard Po Lux*. 1921 Cadillac Victoria, model "69." 1920 Cadillac Victoria "67.** "55" Cadillac Sedan. 1922 Haynes Coach. 1920 Podge Sedan. 1918 Hudson Coupe. 1919 Buiek Sedan. 1991 Apporson Anniversary. 1920 Chandler Sport Model. 1921 Liberty Sport Model. 1920 Chalmers, 4-passenger 1918 Haynes 4-paswengpr Sport. 1918 Chalmers Touring. 1919 Podge Touring. 1920 Nash. 6-passenger. 1919 Hupmoblle, R-passenger. 1918 ITupmobile, 6-paascnger. 1919 Haynes. 4-passenger Chummy. 1918 Oldsmobile “6" Touring. Packard Twin "6”—5-passenger. Packard Twin "fi"—7-passenger. 1918 Buick K-45 Touring. 1917 Buick D-45 Touring. 1919 Hudson "M” Touring. 1920 < handler, 7-passenger. 1921 Liberty, 6-passenger. 1920 Paige. R-passonger. 1921 Oakland, 5-passenger. 1920 Reo. 5-passenger. 1919 Oldsmobile "8”-—7-passenger. 1919 Bubk K-44 Roadster. 1919 Podge Roadster. 1918 Oakland Roadster. 1918 Kissel "12" Touring. 1919 National "12" Touring. 1919 Overland "90’* C. Club. 1919 AVlllys-Knight Touring. 1918 Tiro, 7-passcnger. 1919 Cole Aero "8" Touring. 1920 Haynes "45"—7-passenger. 1918 Mitchell "6" Touring. J9 i 8 Saxon Touring. 1920 Overland Baby "4." 19 2 1 Maxwe.U 'Pouring. 1918 Stearns Knight Touring. 19: 0 Reo Speedwagnn. 1920 Wilson One-Ton Truck. Curtis Aeroplane. - Waterloo Boy Tractor. FORDS, AT.L MAKKS'QF TOUR INGS. ROADSTERS. SEDANS, C O U P E S, DELIVERYS AND TRUCKS. Meeks Auto Company * Oppn Sundays From 10 A. M. to 4 T. M. 2047-49 Fa main Street. Phone Jackson 4101. RUT THEM WITH CONFIDENCE. DRIVE THEM WITH SATISFACTION. Sold on a MONET RACK GUAR ANTEE. The Purchaser determines whether or not he has gotten value received. If the car Is not an we represent It, It may be returned. Get your money back or another oar. EVERY CAR A GOOD ONE. Overland Tourings. late models $160 and up. Overland Sedans. late models. $4 95 and up. Wlllya-Knight, 3917-1$ models, $160 and up. Chevrolet. $105. Fords, '$75 and up. 1920 Mitchell. $326 1919 Maxwell. $150. OTHERS OF EQUAL VALUE: St cars # Dodge Elgin ’ Enger Cleveland TERMS WITHOUT FINANCE CHARGE. Willys-Overland, Inc. 2562 Farnam Street. Open Sundays. Open Evenings Hudson Sedan M'o are allowing two good Hudson Sedans which are priced for quick action right now. The recent cut in Hudson prices has put a Hud son Sedan within your reach. Hrlng tn tlie open car and trade It for a closed one. No harm to look 'em over, you know, and our pi ices are right. Guy L. Smith NEW ami used Fords, rash or terms. C. K PAULSON MOTOR CO., | Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers 20th and Ames Ave. KB. 0145 , SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery of new Fords. m caffrey MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts AT. 7711 ilOJULV, guiu uiinmer. 812 S. 24lb. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. M E It It Y C H It 1 b T M A S A flAFH FLACM TO Ml V . J. II. Hausen Cadillac Co. Omaha. Lincoln* Uloux City. Essex Touring • \V e ha\r two very film \ tour ing oars ready to delivu Th«y are both late mmlnls mul an good as new. Equipment i eompMn and tho pries* are right, | ..»* n* show yon our Essex today and demonstrate their supeiinrit v qualities, a atrirtly high grado car with •cnomicnl upkeep ex pense. Guy L. Smith Ford tnurtnr car xvith n«»tv hody; one-man fop; full art of new aid** curtains f’ar in excellent con* dltlon, like now', $l’2&. O. E. PAULSON MOTOR CO. 20th and Ames Av*. KE. 0J4G. Open evenings until y. New Chalmers Touring Wo have a brand new. lato model Chalmers touring which uuo or our dealers has asked us to sell, li is the very latest tnurimr model hu.i rever run a mile. The pries is <1 iscouute2r» Leavenworth. USEI> Ford parta at. ha If price! Paris for lOl*"Harney"'r* NCl’ Am° Gay L. Smith "f*?1.0® /1R8T< Allantlo ttm, i6tfa *nd Iar,,ara TRUCKS. TRACTORS. ETC. Republic Trucks at Less Than (lost. New 1’i.ton II ppul.Hc truck. I'tiruuuttlg lire, closet t ah. .unibiuHtiou strain h.,.1 ► tnetc body. Slightly u-, .1 -i. to,, puhllo model 1» truck. . xtr., , :i,HSP, four Sliced Irsnsminsion. J’ru'Uuutflc tire, clos'd cah. flat Platform l...d>, run about i.f»4io miles at lerr unimproved land for sale. Mrs, W* Booth Hipark, Dej Moines, la. To SELL see" < IkveT'ft Moroll, AtT~38237 Willard C. Slubuugh, Realtor. JA. 29537 S.~ P.~n08TWICK, real estate. ~AT? *15067 WORLD Realty Co , ‘Realtors. AT. 3492. Western Real Estate Co. JA. 3607. CALIFORNIA LANDS. CALI FOKINA, land of sunshine and flow ers. wonderful opportunities for small in vestors. For Information write The Car lisle Company, 112 Martlet St.. San Fran, cisco. Cal. pgg ■" " ggJ __ MISSOURI LANDS _ HAVE highly Improved gras* and corn land, in north Missouri, to exchange for ranch land. Address Box 482, Chillicothe, Mo. NEW MEXICO. HEALTH SEEKERS Investigate southern New Mexico. Weather bureau classes our all-year climate, mild, dry, sunshiny, gen erally invigorating. Unsurpassed for lioakhfulnes* and comfort. Write Cham ber of Commerce. I*as Cruces, N. M. " new JERSEY LANDS." FARMS in «unuy southern Jersey. Many bargain* Catalog Just out. Storked end •quipped. Some requira only $500 cash. Income producing homer*. Copy free. Vineland Farm Agency* MI-MJ, JLaudis Av«.a Vineland, N. J, k