The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 24, 1922, PART TWO, Page 3-B, Image 15

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for Lonely
A Christmas program will be a fea
tur* of the Get Acquainted club meet
ing this evening. 7:30 o'clock, at the
First 'Unitarian church. Thirty-first
snd Harney atreets. The minister and
his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Italph K. Bail
ey, will he the host and hostess.
An orchestra led by Will L. Hether
ington will furnish music and read
ings will be given by Miss Harriett
Fleishman. The program will be fol
lowed by games and refreshments. All
lonely folk and strangers are wel
talking Club to Have
Christmas Party
The Omaha Walking club will start
fiorn Kail road avenue and Washing
ton street on the Albright car line
this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock under
the leadership of Homer Pennock. The
i walk will be east to the woods, on
' ths east shore line of the river, bend
ing south through Mandan park and
along the bluffs overlooking the river
to the club shack, where a Christmas
party will be held. Mach hiker is re
quested to bring a “useless present
costing not over 10 cents."
Christmas Program at the
House of Hope.
The following Christmas program
will he given at the House of Hope.
7P15 North Thirtieth street, this even
ing at 6 o'clock: Vocal quartet, Mrs.
Earl Merriam, Miss Marion Hixon. Or
vill Dickey and Earl Merriam; Christ
mas legend. “Why the Chimes Kang,”
Miss I-enora Winegard; reading. Miss
T. Harry; vocal solos, Mrs. Uert Frye
and Mrs. Earl Merriam.
A Christmas tree will be a feature
of the program. Clifts for all the
residents of the home will be dis
tributed by Santa Claus.
Christmas Service at Old
People’g Home.
Rev. William Ira Ouss, pastor of
r St. Marks Lutheran church, will con
* duct services at the Old People's
home, Fontenelle boulevard, this after
noon at 2:10 o'clock. The church
vested choir of 25 voices will give a
song recital.
Woman's Club Bridge Tea.
Reservations lor the Omaha
Woman's club bridge tea Wednesday
afternoon, January 10, in the Bran
licis grill room may be made with
Mrs. John Golden or any member of
the house and home committee. Pro
ceeds will be added to the club build
ing fund.
Christ Child Society.
Twenty-live children under 10 years
of age will present a Christmas play,
‘The Little Mothers Dream," at the
Christ Child Christmas party at the
t-enter Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
i binder direction of Miss Sarah Shan
ley. A Christmas tree and Santa
Claus will be a feature of the pro
"Let There Be Light," a story of
the Christmas candles will be pre
jaMb sented by the Young Men s club at the
Center Thursday evening The prin
cipal roles will lie taken by Louise
Bure, Nuncio Rosario, John Carnazzo
and, Loui Carnazzo.
A committee from St. Phllomena
parish will give a party at the Cen
ter December 28.
, League Catholic Organists.
The League of Catholic Organists
will meet Sunday afternoon. Decem
ber 3t, at 4 p. m., in the chapter room
of St. CecillHS cathedral. The league
was organized by Dr. R. Mills Silby,
organist and choir director of the
cathedral, for the betterment of Cath
olic church music. Members of the
league include Sister Mary Hilda, Sis
ter Mary Phllomena, Mrs. M. Rocco,
Mrs. T. J. Kinsella, Mrs. W. H. Boyle,
Mrs. I. Oberreuter, Misa Juanita
/ Finch, Miss Margaret Judge and W.
H. Hoeschen. The meetings are open
to all who are interested.
Alpha l*i Omega.
Alpha Pi Omega of Central Higti
school will entertain 100 guests at
, the Prettiest Mile club December 27.
Guests of honor will bo the Misses
Dorothy Jones, Marjorie Milts and
Alice Rotter, who have returned home
from school for the holidays. Miss
Jones is a student at Ferry Hall, Miss
Miltz at the Kearney Normal and Miss
Rotter at the University of Nebraska.
Woman’s Club Chorus.
The Omaha Woman’s club chorus
will meet for rehearsal Wednesday.
10 a. in., at the Y. W. C. A. Mrs.
v Willis Redileld, leader.
' The Woman’s Symphony orchestra
will meet at 8 p. m. at the Y. W. C.
A. under direction of Robert Cus
Frances W illard W. C. T. U.
Frances Willard W. C. T. U. will
meet Wednesday afternoon In room
318 Y. M. C. A. "Studies in Govern
ment" will be discussed under the
leadership of Mrs. Wyley Middleton.
Miss Esther Johnson will speak on
"Welfare Work.”
J. F. W. Club. *
Mrs. A. S. Billings and Mrs. E. O.
Ames will entertain the J. F. W. club
at a 1 o’clock luncheon and Christ
mas party Thursday at the home of
Mrs. Billings. Mrs. Arthur Sehreiber
Is in charge of the program.
College Club Chorus.
The Omaha 'Woman’s club chorus
will meet with Mrs. Florence Basler
Palmer. 3913 Farnam street, Friday,
at 4 p. m.
I Card Party.
The women of the church otj^ the
Holy Angels will entertain at a card
party Tuesday evening in the school
hall. Twenty-eighth and Fowler ave
Cornua Club.
The Comus club meets for 1 o'clock
luncheon Wednesday with Mrs. G. R.
Ledyard. 313 South Thirty-flfth ttve
- , I.. O. E. Card Parly.
The L,. O. E. club will entertain at
a card party Tuesday afternoon. 3:15
p. m. in the Elka club roomi.
j George A. Caster Corps.
George A. Custer Woman's Relief
corpa will meet Tuesday, 3 p. m.,
in Memorial ball, court house
Will Sell for- Charity at Ball
^A^sJ/ark Coad j
Top row, left to right: Mrs. Meyer Spies berger. Miss Doris Talmage, Mrs. O. P. Wolfsson.
Bottom row, left to right: Misses Willow O'Brien, Miss De Weent.i Conrail.
Mrs. R. L. Huntley and Mrs. Mark
Coad ar» chaperoning the “cigaret
chorus” for the Associated Charities
ball, Wednesday night, December 27,
at the Brandeis restaurants. In
these variegated costumes will be
Misses Willow O’Brien, Gertrude j
Kinsler, Dorothy Davidson, Margaret I
Kastman, Roberta Trimble, Izetta
Smith, Virginia Barker. De Weenta
Conrad, Doris Talmage; Mesdames
Meyer Spiesberger and O. P. tVolfs
son, beguile the happy dancers of
their shining dollars in the name of
Lady Nicotine. i
The ball is not an invitation affair.
.The general public is Invited to at
tend. Tickets may be secured from
Mrs. Hoe Jluff, chairman of the
ticket committee, or Mrs. George
Doane, secretary of the Associated
Girls Community
Service League
Sunday.—The Girls’ Community
Service league holiday program be
gins with carol singing at the House
of Hope, the Swedish hospital and the
Douglas County hospital. The sing
ers will meet at the Community
house at 1:45 and will finish by 5
o clock. Mrs. Noel Wallace will lead
the singers.
Monday.—The members of the
Girls' Community Service league arc
to he guests at a Christmas dance
given by the Bellevue Training school
at Bellevue on Monday evening. Mrs.
Mary Lydia Rowe wiIly chaperon the
girls and will meet them at Twenty
fourth and N sirect in lime for the S
o'clock car.
Tuesday.—Tho Lafayette club will
have supper and Christmas party at
6:15. #
Wednesday.—Wamm club will give
a dinner for members and friends at
6:30. At 8 o’clock, the house will be
open to sll members and their friends.
Miss Mae Peters and Miss Mary Quin
by are planning a special program of
Thursday.—The D. T. A. club will
have dinner at 6:30 at the Y. W. C. A.
They will then come over to the club
rooms for the evening.
Friday.—The cooking class will
meet at 5:15. \
■ Saturday.—At 8:30 the ballroom of
the Girls’ Community Service league
club house will be the scene of a
New Year’s masquerade dance. Many
clever costumes are being planned
and novel dances will make the eve
ning Interesting.
Sunday, December 31.—The Hikers
club will give a skating party or
sleigh ride depending on weather
conditions. Make reservations with
Miss Mae Peters, Webster 6538; Silas
Krickson, Walnut 1637, or with Ralph
Folwell, Jackson 3443.
Chautauqua Circle.
Alice It. Howard Chautauqua circle
will meet Thursday, 7:30 p. m., at the
Y. W., C. A. The ■ lesson will be the
first three chapters In the Pacific
Triangle. Miss Abigail Manning,
Woman's Club, Home Economies.
The home economics department of
the Omaha Woman's club, Mrs. J. F.
Dimick, leader, will meet Thursday,
10 a. m., at the T. W. C. A. The
meeting will be followed by luncheon.
Members may invite guests.
The Children of the City Mission
will be entertained at a motion pic
ture party at the World theater Wed
nesday morning through courtesy of
The Omaha Bee.
The Mothers club of the City Mis
sion was entertained at a Christmas I
party Thursday afternoon by the W.
C. T. U. and the primary and kinder
garten classes were given a Christ
mas frolic by the Story Tellers league
of South Side high school and the
Walnut Hill Queen Esther circle
Each child received a gift.
Council Bluffs Personals
Tuesday Dancing Club.
The Tuesday Dancing club will
have Its Christmas party on Tuesday
evening at the Eagles hall. Some
delightful features are being planned
for this affair and a midnight supper
will be served.
Miss Spindler Feted.
Miss .lane Schoentgen is planning a.
lunoelion for next Friday complimen
tary to Miss Josephine Spindler of
Boulder, Colo., who is the guest of
her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Wilcox.
The following evening Donald Wil
cox will have a dancing party at his
home for this visitor.
To Decorate Tree.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mayne have
Invited a coterie of friends to their
home thlS evening, during which time
the Mayne Christinas tree will be dec
Fred Hurd has returned from a busi
ness trip to Chicago.
Miss Adah Dailey line gone to Mo
line, 111., to spend the holidays.
Mr. Charles Colter left Thursday for
Newton, la., to spend Christmas with
his parents.
Clyde C. Lyon, formerly of this city
hut now of Boston, Mnss., is a holiday
visitor in the city.
Mrs. Finley Burke has gone to Du
buque, la., to spend the winter with
her son, Paul, and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Linn of Des
Moines, la., are house guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Emmett Tlnley.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Hutchinson
of Des Moines are at the A. D. Annls
home for the holiday season.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Everett will
spend Christmas in Des Moines with
Mrs. Everett's mother, Mrs. Elbert.
Mrs. F. O. Gleason and her daugh
ter. Mrs. G. E. Shepard, will spend
Christmas with relatives in Chicago.
Edwin Wadsworth, who attends
school in Exeter, N. H.. is with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wads
worth, for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nichols, for
merly of this city but now of Boston,
will arrive about January 16, for a
visit with friends and relatives here.
Arriving this morning from Chicago
will be Dr. and Mrs. Mac Hanchett,
who will spend a few' days with the
doctor's parent#. Dr. and Mrs. A. P.
Mrs. Walker Corbin of Worcester.
Mass.. Is expected in Council Bluffs
some time during January to visit for
a month with her mother, Mrs. Ernest
Eldred Hart.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wadsworth
and daughter. Patricia, cams from
their home in.Moline, 111., last week to
spend Christinas in Omaha with Mrs.
Wadsworth parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Scott. Before returning they will be
house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
ReeO. The Wadsworths formerly lived
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Baldwin.
and son. Richard, who came from
Chicago, owing to the serious illness
of Mr. Baldwin's brother, Harry, re
turned to their home last week. Ths
condition of Mr. Baldwin is now great
ly improved, and ho has been taken
from Edmundson hospital to the homo
of Mr. ami Mrs. J. H. Klntz.
Mrs. Henry Hart, who has been vis
iting in the east since the middle of
November, is now in Brooklyn. N. Y.,
and plans to return home during the
coming month.
Reception on New
Year's Day
Members of the Unitarian church
will entertain ut a New Year's recep
tion for Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey
from 3 to 6 o'clock at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Sumner, 420 N.
Forty-eighth street. No cards have
been Issued, the invitation being a
general one. ~~
Mr. and Mrs. Burson
Observe Golden
Edward G. Burson, Jr., entertained
at dinner last Monday evening at his
homo in the Hunter Inn in honor of
the BOth wedding anniversary of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward O.
Burson of the South Side.
Mr. and Mrs. Burson were married
In I.a Porte, Ind., where they were
born and reared, December 18, 1872.
They have resided on the South Side
since coming to Omaha 27 years ago
from Yuma, Colo. Mrs. Burson lias
been active In the South Omaha
Woman’s club for 12 years. She
celobrated her 70th birthday Septem
ber 16 and Mr. Burson was 71 years
on September 22. The Bursons lmvo
one son, Edward G. Burson, Jr. Mrs.
Burson was Miss Charlotte Garrard
before her marriage.
Christmas Party.
Miss Mary Elisabeth Craig enter
tained at a Christmas dance at her
home Saturday evening, when her
guests Were Julia Firth, Josephine
Moore. Eleanor Kurtz, Margaret Har
per, Geraldine Smyth and Elinor
Marsh; Paul Haas, Rogert Wagner,
Raymond Phelps. Harold Jenkins.
Jack Nordan, Paul Haas and Willard
Christmas Tarty.
W. A. Fraser Grove No. 1 will give
a Christmas party for the members
of the Junior circle and other chil
dren of the members, Thursday eve
ning. December 28, at Seymour hall,
1517 Capitol avenue. Those who can
come should notify Mrs. Marquart,
Walnut 4957, or Mrs. Holden. Ken
wood. 2154. not later than Monday.
December 25.
American War Mothers.
American War Mothers will meet
Thursday, 8 p. m., In Memorial hall,
court house.
"Hutch Treat” Party.
Plans are being mado for a "Dutch
Treat” Orpheum party on New Year's
eve; followed by a midnight suDoer at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Test Stewart.
Council Bluffs
Society '
Christinas Dinners.
Many family gatherings will be
held in Council Bluffs this year, the
mid day dinner leading in popularity
for the celebration of this holiday.
At the heme of Mrs. Charles R.
Hannan, sr.. there will he gathered
Mrs. Henry VanBrunt. Mrs. B. M
Sargent, Miss Marian Turner, the
George VanBrunt. Harry VanBrunt
and Charles R. Hannan, jr., families,
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. M. Turner, V. K.
Baker and T. G. Turner They w ill be
joined at supper during the evening
by Mr and Mrs. Robert Turner who
will have dinner in- Omaha at noon
with Mrs. Turner's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Pearce.
Another large family dinner will
lie at the residence of Mrs. James
Wickham, whose sons and daughters
from out of the city have come home
with their families to join the rela
tives here and celebrate together.
The Christmas guests of Mr: and
Mrs. W. S. Stillman will he Mr. and
Mrs. Prank Haas, Mrs. Angeline R.
Brinsinaid, Harry Haas, D. J. Rock
well, Nancy Stillman ami Hugh Still
Dining with Dr. and Mrs. A. P.
Ilanchett will he their son. Dr. Mac.
and his wife who will arrive this
morning from rlieir home in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Tinley will
have with them Mr. and Mrs. G. F.
Spooner. Mr. and Mrs. George Spoon
er, Mr. and Mrs. Folsom Everest and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Linn of
Des Moines, Dr. Mary Tinley, Miss
Aurelia Tinley and ihe Dr. M. A.
Tinley family.
At the home of Dr. and Mr*. Don
ald Macrae, jr, will be their son, Don
ald, and his wife and young son of
Des Moines, and their daughter. Mrs.
Clifford Wolfe and her son, Clifford,
.ir., of Rockland, Me. Mr. Wolfe was
unable to come on for the holidays as
he originally planned.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Hess will dine
in Omaha at the M. C. Peters home
and Mrs. Ernest Eldred Hart and her
son, Henry, will be dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Hart. Mrs. Hen
ry Hart is still in the east, having
gone there the middle of November
to visit relatives.
Mrs. Lyman Shugart will have a
Christmas eve dinner at her home to
night wlfen the guests will include
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bennett and
daughter, Suzanne, of Lincoln, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Curtis and daugh
ter, Helen, of Ames; Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Furrel ami son, Foster, of Des
Moines: Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Shugart.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hanthorne, Mr.
and Mrs. John Shugart and son,
Philip; Miss Ruth Curtis of New York
city. Miss Alta Wilson of Ames. Mrs.
R. F. 'Davis, Miss Marian Hanthorne,
John Hanthorne, Jane Shugart and
Marion Shugart. These guests will
fill gather for a dinner on Christ
mas day at the Edgewood home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Shugart.
Mr. and Mrs. William Coppoek will
have with them Mrs. Coppoek’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wilson of
Galena, Kan; Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Douglas and daughter, Miss Eliza
beth; William and John Coppoek.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Jennings and
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McConnell are
spending Sunday and Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jennings at their
suburban home.
Dining with Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Da vis. will be Rov. and Mrs. J. R. Per
kins and sons, Mrs. Fred Davis, Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Bloomer, Joseph Davis
and Miss Juno Davis.
At the Edward P. Schoenlgen home
will be Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Eougee,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Metcalf, Mr.
and Mrs. J. II. Kintz, Mrs. Adolph
Schroeder. Miss Beulah Sharp of
Omaha, Miss Mary Key, Miss Irene
Kintz, M. M. Tratt and Paul Lougee
who is a student at Ames.
Sir. and Mrs. William Moore and
their daughters, Nell and Shirley,
will ho guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. D.
Kiplinger in Omaha, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wallace will have a family
dinner of 15 covers and others who
will entertain groups of relatives are
Mrs. J. F. Wilcox, Dr. and Mrs. W.
A. Cutler. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Quinn,
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Wickham, Mr. and
Mrs. Carleton AVoodward, Mr. and
Mrs. M. F. Rohrer, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Rlker and A. D. Annis.
For Mbs Scott.
Individual Christmas trees, and
other appointments suggestive of the
Tuletlde season adorned the tables at
a lovely luncheon given Saturday by
Miss June Davis, honoring Miss
Eleanor Scott of Washington, D. C.,
who is spending the holidays In
Omaha with Miss Daisy Rich.
Thirty guests shared, the hospitality
of this hostess.
Dinner Before the Dance.
Preceding the Shln-Ayin dance to
be given in the Eagles hall by the
school set Thursday, December 28, a
dinner for 12 couples will be pre
sided over by the Misses Truth and
Faith McManus, In honor of their
guest, Miss Betty Fowler of Dca
Moines, la.
Bridge Luncheon. •
Guests sufficient to complete four
tables of bridge have been invfted by
Miss Katherine Searles to her home
next Wednesday.
Luncheon will precede the game.
Bruce Wallace Host.
Bruce Wallace will give a dance at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Wallace, Friday evening,
December 29. '
Home From Europe.
Rev. .T. J. Boylan, formerly of this
city but now vice president of the
Des Moines Catholic college, arrived
in Council Bluffs Friday afternoon
to assist in the Christmas services at
St. Francis church, where lie was
assistant pastor for some time.
Father Boylan has just returned
from Europe, having during the past
All Work Guaranteed
1513 Douglas Tel. Doug. 5588
To Arrive This Week
An anticipated visitor in council
(Bluffs is Miss Anne Warren of livana
j ton, 111., who will arrive on AVednes
j day morning for a visit at the C. G.
Saunders home. On Thursday, Mrs.
Saunders and her daughter, Mrs.
George Peek, who is here from Des
Moines with her family for the holi
days, will give a tea for Miss AA'arren.
Mrs. J. M. Barstow lias planned a
bridge-luncheon for this visitor on Fri
day and that evening she will be com
plimented with a dinner to be given by
Kugene Cole, whose guests will later
attend the Beta Phi Sigma dance.
Several other affairs are also being
arranged for Miss Warren during her
stay in the city.
two years spent a most interesting
time in study and travel.
He was in Rome at the time Rev.
F. P. McManus was raised to the dig
nity of monsignor, and later spent
considerable time in Asia, Africa and
McFcrrons Honored.
Two dinners have been planned in
Omaha, complimentary to Mr. and
Mrs. Donald McFerron of Hoopstown.
111., who are holiday guests in the
Miss Elizabeth Davis will entertain
for these visitors on Wednesday the
27th, and they will also be honored
on December 31, at a dinner arranged
by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bohllng.
. Bridge-Tea.
Invitations have been issued by
Miss Gretehen Empkie and Miss Con
stance McManus, for a bridge-tea to
be given at the home of the former
on Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Empkie is this year complet
ing her course in Chicago, at the Na
tional Kindergarten school, and ar
rived home from there Saturday
Cliirstmas Parties.
To supply sufficient dancing for the
young set, two parties will be given
Christmas night, and elaborate plans
have been made for these affairs.
The Tyrolean club will have their
party at the Blackstono Hotel in
Omaha, and'at the Eagle Hall here,
the Phi Delta will be hosts.
William Helser will have a dinner
dance for 12. at the Brandeis restau
rant ill Omaha Tuesday evening, De
cember 26.
Art Exhibit.
Mrs. Leonard Everett, chairman of
the exhibition committee of the Fine
Arts society, announces that some
very worth while pictures are on dis
play in the Omaha Public library.
The landscape work of Haley Lever
Back hurt you? Can’t straighten up
without sudden pain, sharp aches and
twinges? Now listen! That's lum
bago, sciatica, or maybe from a strain,
and you’ll get relief the moment you
rub your back with soothing, pene
trating St. Jacobs Oil. Nothing else
takes out soreness, lameness and stiff
ness so quickly. You simply rub it
on your hack, and out comes the
pain. It is harmless, and doesn't burn
the skin.
Limber up! Don't suffer! Get a
small trial bottle of old, honest St.
Jacobs Oil from any drug store, and
after using it ,1ust once you'll forget
that you ever had backache, lumbago,
or sciatica, because your back will
never hurt, or cause any more mis
ery. It never disappoints, and has
been recommended for 60 years.
Out of Your System
Thousands of former Asthma suf
ferers endorse Leaven’s Asthma
Prescription and say it positively
controls Asthma—that it is differ
ent from anything else. Over 260,
000 bottles already sent out. You
can try this wonderful remedy on
free trial by simply sending your
name today. Use it ten days and if
satisfied send me $1.26, otherwise
i you owe nothing. C. LEAVEN
GOOD, 1363 S. W. Blvd., Rosedale,
Kao. j
is considered especially good and
Henry Tanner, the negro artist lias
some very splendid pictures there.
Holiday Dance
Thursday, December 28, haa been
chosen by the members of the Shin
Ayln club for the holiday party, which
will be held at the Kagle hall.
Several dinners and some midnight
suppers will be given before and after
this affair.
To Arrive Today.
Miss Berdina Snyder, who is taking
her master degree at Kadcliffe col
lege. Cambridge, Mass., will arrive this
morning to spend the holidays with
the John 'Wadsworth family.
Accompanying her here will be Miss
Louise Stuart of Boston, Maas.
Betts Dance.
An annual event in Council Bluffs
Is the holiday dance planned by the
Beta-Pht-SIgraa, and this year the
party will be given at the Kagle hall
on December 29th.
In the past these parties have beta
conspicuous for their elaborately plan*
ned details, and their 1922 dance will
be no exception to thla rule.
"Hutch Treat” Dinner.
Preceding the Theta-SIgma-Pht so
rority dance on Friday evening last
there was a jolly “Dutch-treat" dinner
at the Grand hotel.
Assembled for thla occasion were
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Annls. Dr. and
Mrs. Philip Coglcy, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Searles,
jc., Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Cutter, Miss
jJena Manning of Knoxville. Tenn.,
and Harold Gross of Omaha.
Allow Nature
to Correct Your
Foot Troubles
■When your feet net 10 tired by noua
that you feel as If yofl couldn’t go an
other step, there's something wrong
with your shoes. ,
The muscles of the foot, like thong
of any other part of the body, deteri
orate from disuse. They tire easily
when they have been weakened by
wearing shoes that do not permit ol
free circulation and normal exercise.
They have become atrophied and can
not function properly.
By wearing the Cantilever Shoe you
give nature a chance to correct your
foot troubles. The flexible arch—like
that of your own foot—allows Ireg
exercise to the muscles, thus toning
and strengthening them. The blood
circulates normally, nourishing and
building tissue—repairing the weak
ened parts.
The shank of Cantilevers huga snug
ly to the curve of the underfoot, giv
ing it restful support at all times
without hampering the movement.
The sole line follows the lines of the
foot. There is ample room for the
toes without looseness; the heels are
snug lUtlng. and low or medium, ac
cording to your taste.
Cantilever Shoes make life easier
for the trained nurse, the business
woman, the school teacher, tlie home
living mother, the librarian, the so
ciety woman. They make her feel at
her beat—ready for s hard task or
a real frolic. They bring s glow la
the cheek and & sparkle to the eye.
They add to her happiness, and hence
to her vivacity and charm.
Try them yourself. Buy a pair
All guesswork eliminated', every
shoe is now fitted by X-ray without
extra charge |o you.
Sixes S to 11, Widths AAAA to EE.
For Men and Women.
Sold In Omaha Only by
New Location,
1708 Howard Street.
Opposite V. W .C. A.
Write for Free Booklet.
Closing Out
Tuesday Morning, Dec. 26
The Next Day After Christmas
tl On account of our being unable to re
new our lease at our present location,
we are forced to close out our entire
mammoth retail stocks.
H We thoroughly realize and know that
to move this large stock, that nothing
else but low prices will do it, there
fore- we have gone through and
marked each and every item in plain
figures at enormous discounts.
If Do not fail to take advantage of the
wonderful bargains being offered, as
in all probability you will never again
see the time when your money will
buy as much furniture, rugs, draperies
and other homefurnishings as it will
now, and, if you haven’t the ready
easily come in and select what you
_want and~we will~make~the terms of
payments to suit your convenience^
If Don’t expect big future announce
ments, as we cannot afford, at the
low prices we are selling this stock
for, to spend the money in expensive
\j %
Howard Street, Between 15th and 16th Street*.
Hava the Metropolitan Van and Storage Co.. Move You.