The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 23, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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    Home Conditions
p of Bootlegger Are
, Viewed bv Judge
Pitiful Tale Told l»v Lawyer
Found False — Sam Nan
filo Must Serve Prison
TVdcral Judge AVoodrough cast
judicial dignity to the winds yester
day afternoon in his sincere desire
to get at the truth of a booze case.
It was that of Sum Nantito, arrest
ed by federal agents at his house,
1313 Pacific street, and sent to the
County jail for threo months Decem
ber 13 by Judge AVoodrough.
Since then numerous efforts have
heen made to get him out. A'ester
day morning c;mie an attorney and
told such a pitiful story of conditions
In the Nantito homo that tears start
ed from the judge's eyes. The wife
i was dying, said the lawyer, .as he
• showed a doctor's certificate to thiyt
effect. A daughter, 14. was a victim
of a mysterious malady, he pursued,
nnd wound up with a picture of the
numerous little children weeping and
crying for bread.
Iti'lruse Is Ordered. •
The judge ordered Nuntito released.
Came then federal prohibition
agents and informed the judge that
be bad been < misinformed, that con
ditions in the Nuntito home were
not so bad. •
"I'll soon settle this," quoth the
judge, putting on his brown cordu
walking cap and striding to an
elevator. )
lie leaped Into his faithful flivver,
standing at the curb just outside thy
building, and soon was humping mer
rily toward the Nanlito home.
He found the newly-freed Sum in
the. bosom of his family, and bis fam
ily by no means In the poverty
stricken conditions pictured so pa
thetically by the lawyer.
Itark to Jail.
"I’nt sorry, Sam. but I have been
misinformed about your family,”
said the judge. "Now, I'm not going
to take you away from them for
Christmas- But, you'll have to go
hark to jail and serve the rest of
your sentence January 2."
“Alla right, judge, alia right; if
you say so," murmured Sam.
And the judge bade tlie family
good-bye, jumped into bis Henry
unit was soon buck in his oflice.
He called up the attorney. The at
torney said he thought the dire con
dilions which he had pictured really
existed. lie said his law partner had
brought back the report from the
Nanfilo home.
There the affair rests.
Automobile and Complete
Hunting Outfit Stolen
E. A. Moore parked his Doto ,
coupe in front of the Strand theater
Thursday and it was stolen. He
I found thieves had made off with it.
' In the car was a valuable gun and
a complete ' hunting outfit.
Former Store Clerk
Brazil’s President
? P;r rix-adci'.T
Thirty years ago Dr. Arthur Ber
nades was on obscure grocer’s clerk
in a little Brazilian village. Now he
has been elected president of Ilrazll
and will soon take the ou\h of office.
Yuleticle Program
to Be Held Tonight
Municipal Christmas Exercises
Will Be Held in Audi
torium—Gifts for All.
Plans have heen completed for the
annual municipal Christmas entertain
ment in the Auditorium tonight. Bags
of candy, nuts and fruit will be dis
tributed to 2.&00 boys and girls. Tlie
elders are invited. Presents will be
given through the courtesy of the
mayor, city commissioners and
friends. A piano lias been loaned by
Burgess-Nasli company, lighting ef
fects installed by Nebraska Power
company and Christmas trees donated
by Trimble Bros. Bags were donated
by Bemis Bag company. The program
Will lie started at 7:30. The enter
tainment program follows:
Father Flanagan's boys’ band.
It Fame Upon the Midnight Clear. .Dyke*
Flty Hall Glee Flub.
Try Smiling .Grace AVataon
Nothing Hut Love ...Carrie Jaeob* Bond
13. Gertrud© Smith.
Holy Night .. Fity Hall Glee Club
Little Mother of Mine .Burleigh
Commissioner H. W. Dunn.
Father Flanagan’s hoys chorus...20 boy*
Little Town of Bethlehem .
. City Hall Glee Club
Santa Flaus.
Miss Helenrose Daemon, Accompanist.
Former Omaha Woman Dies.
, Mrs. J. II. Dumont has heen called
cast by the death of her sister. Miss
Sarah Ebersole, formerly of Omaha,
who died in Worcester, Mass. The
body will be taken to Des Moines for
. *
Daily Passenger Trains
Leave Omaha Arrive Chicago
Chicago Express • • . 7:35 a.m. 0:30 p.m.
Atlantic Express' ... 2:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.
Chicago Special “No. 22’* . 6:00 p.m. 7:25 a.m.
Los Angeles Limited. (*) . 7:32 p.m. 8:50 a.m*
Overland Limited (*) . - 7:38 p.m. 0:00 a.m.
Oregon-Washington Limited 0:00 p.m. 11:00 cum.
Continental Limited . . 2:30 a.m. 3:55 p.m.
(*First-class standard sleeping cars only.)
No. 22 has Dining Car (a la carte and dub service), Lounging Car and
Observation Sleeping Car. . ‘
The Best of Everything
Return Service Equally Attractive
For information regarding train schedules and sleeping car accomm
dations, apply at Consolidated Ticket Offices, 1416 Dodge Street
'323 (Telephone Atlantic 9214) or Union Passenger Station.
Your Sunday
“Want” Ad
... '* • 'if
Christmas ■ bop ping
crowds bring oat the ea
thnslasm at the easterners
In a retail store. Here’s a
new Ones
"Man wants bat little
here below, bat be wants
that little gift fight. He
recogalaea ability la the
Nebraska label oa sight,"
said a Christmas poet bay
Ing an armfnl of gifts for
his office mates.
-tohn A. SWANSON, Pr?j :
=WM. L. HOLZMAN. Tr«as =
Store open Saturday night until g P. M.—but piease shop early in the day if possible.
I «
iJocA: Bottom Before Christmas
Buy Quality Suits and
Overcoats Now
No further reductions on Men's and
Boys'.Highest Quality Standard
Clothing at this store during Dec.,
1922, January or February, 1922.
• i t - i
NEBRASKA Clothing Co—always the leader in value giving—has won
overwhelming public confidence because it has always adhered to
the policy of the greatest value for the smallest possible price and the
truth about the merchandise it offers for sale.
, » ! • 1 ■ * • v
Months ago this organization foresaw the situation of the scarcity of
quality merchandise—we bought vast stocks early—secured the values
that would be unobtainable later and priced every dollar’s worth of
clothing at the lowest margain ever known in retail selling.
The Result—Your Supreme Money’s
Worth in Quality Clothes
. ' • t
$35 $45
Many Suits with Extra Pants at $5.00 and $7.50
Happy Gift Hints in Men’s Clothing
• plaid Back Novelty Belted Overcoats, $15 to $50
Velvet Collar Chesterfield Dress Overcoats $20 to $60
Heavy Double Breasted Ulsters at $35 to $65
All Wool Mackinaws—all sizes, special, $10 and $12.50
Extra Trousers—special feature values, $3.50, $5, $7.50
s • ► /
Men’s and Young Men’s Suits and Overcoats
In All Extra Pants
. Sizes Jm4\J Ss-oo
High School Students’ Suits and Overcoats
iSizes Extra Pants
3t to 36 $3.00
MCn'a and Young Mea’a Clothing—Entire Second Floor—Main Building and Annex.
The Men’s Gift Store Supreme
The mecca for eleventh hour shoppers because here selections are kept up
to a completeness unknown elsewhere—you’re sure to find just what you
want, what he most admires, and at the price you wish to pay—
New, Silk Shirts
Just arrived—new 1923 silk shirts. Neat
fancy stripe effects. Something dif
ferent. At..
Other Xmas Shirts, $1.50 to $10.00
Individual Neckwear
Famous Italian hand-loomed silk neck
wear. No two patterns woven alike.
Ask to see them. At.
Other Xiaas Neckwear, 45c to $4.00
The gift that
the hoy never
forgets. Won
derful value*
for big and
little boys.
Men’s knitted roll cuff, all
wool knitted lined cape
auto gloves.
Other Auto Gloves, $2.50 to $5.00
Men’s fur gauntlet gloves, a
wide selection of serviceable y
furs, big values at.
Other Fur Gloves, $3.50 to $7.50
Men’s Perrin’s, Dent's and a^aa
Adler’s fine cape street y
gloves, tan, gray, black
Other Dress Gloves, $1.50 to $7.50
Boys’ fur gauntlet gloves;
ideal gifts; hoys appreciate
warm fur gloves .
Other Tur Gloves for boys, $3 to $7.50
Silk Hosiery
High grade full fashioned
silk hosiery, lifcle garter
top, double spliced heel,
sole and toe, black cor
dovan, special ...$1.75
Other Silk Hosiery
$2.00 to $4 00
Men’s Silk Hosiery
Men’s Holeproof and Interwoven
silk hosiery. All wanted colors.
Priced at.
Other Hosiery, 25c to $2.00
Men’s Sport Sweaters
All-wool sport coats, four pockets.
New light heather shades. Special
at ...
Other Sport Coats, $3.00 to $8.50
Initial Handkerchiefs
Sten’s plain white and fancy color
initial handkerchiefs, 3 in box, at,
per box .
Other Initial Handkerchiefs, 60c to $3.00
Leather Belts and Buckles
Men’s genuine cowhide tubular belts a
with sterling initial Hickok buckle, ^
feature at .
Other Belts, 50c to $2—Buckles, 50c to $5
Three Great Neckwear Specials— AZn QZr * 1 i5
Cut Silks and Knitted Stylh Galore /dc d
Sport Coats
Boys’ full belted sport
coats, in heather shades,
all sizes, special ..$2.50
• |
Other Sweaters for Boyg
$3.50 to $7.50