The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 23, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    | Government’s Way
k of Accounting
f . Arouses Dawes
Failure to Hear of Postoffice
Balance Sheet Brings At
tack From Former
Budget Director.
Chicago. Dec. 21. — <By A p.)_
Bureaucrats are attempting to throt
tle "a great reform” in the "sub
merging'' of the balance sheet worked
out for the Postoffice department by
K. C. Furlow of New York, president
of the Otis Elevator company, a year
ago, In the opinion or Gen. Charles
<}. Dawes, former director of the
budget. The general expressed his
opinion of the "disgraceful and arch
aic system of government account
ing” yesterday In commenting on the
fact that he had heard nothing of
the postolflce balance sheet, which
he saId had been approved by Will
llays. former postmaster general,
since last June. ,
The matter could not be dismissed
ns a "great fuss about nothing,” tho
general declared In referrieg to a
quoted remark attributed to Post
master General Hubert Works In spe
cial dispatches published here.
Tho Chicago Association of Credit
Men, which adopted resolutions ask
ing the comptroller general, of tho
Treasury department, under whose
supervision the postofllce accounting
is now carried on. to publish the Fur
low balance sheet. Is awaiting a reply
from Comptroller General McCarL
The latter and Postmaster General
0 Work were absolved from blame by
Gen. Dawes, who declared subordin
ates were responsible for "chucking
Into the Vpstepnper basket” the
work of Mr. ^urlow and his assist-'
Christmas Soims
Broadcast Cheer
Father Flanagan's Boys and
Holy Angles Choir Sing
for Bee Concert.
It wan a charming program which
Father Flanagan’s boys and the Holy
Angels choir sang Thursday evening
for the Bee radio concert from sta
tion WAAW. Christmas carols float
ed out over the air bringing glad
message to many hundreds over the
state. The boys’ voices numbered 24,
and they sang an old English "Chrtst
mas Carol.” the German lullaby. "Si
lent Night.” and "The Three Kings,”
a picturesque French refrain.
After the boys finished, the choir
sang "O Tjittle Town of Bethlehem,’’
and the “First Noel,” and then for
♦ heir finale gave the beautiful
"Adeste” with Mrs. P. D. Plnan, con
tralto, M. J. Flanagan, tenor and J. A.
Wlckert. bass, taking the solo parts
> and the whole choir singing the
Miss Winifred Traynor, organist and
choir lender at the Church of the
Holy Angles, accompanied the carols.
Sho has been training the hoys at
Father Flanagan's home for the last
few weeks.
Out ut the home on West Dodge
where an excellent radio s^ has been
Installed there were eager listeners
who reported this morning that the
music came through in delightfully
clear style.
Many amateurs like to hook up
I heir own sets. They buy a lot of
apparatus, a panel and other devices,
then they solder up all the connec
tions anil are surprised and disap
pointed when they don’t get the re
silts they expect. Try this: Instead
of going ahead and hooking up per
manently at once, uso some old cop
per wire and experiment. Then If
you don’t get satisfactory results, you
can change your connections without
feeling that you have been stun*,.
In operating a crystal detector, it
often occurs that a sensitive spot
usually la lost with the least jar or
shaking of the table. To keep a prop
er balance, adjust your crystal de
tector to the sensitive spot of recep
tion. Drop some melted wax from
the top of a battery onto the cover
ing of the crystal detector. This
means that the sensitive spot of the
crystal must he covered. The detec
tor will then be grease proof and can
p not be knocked out of adjustment.
Stockholders of Hotels
in Wrangle Over Control
1 incoln, Dec. 22.—(Special.)—Stock
holders of the Nebraska Building and
Investment company had a long
wrangle yesterday over the question
of who is entitled to take part In the
election or a new hoard of directors
und finally named a committee to
< heck proxies. This committee was
Mill at work tonight and will report
in the morning. Two factions are
fighting for control, one that desires
to confirm the receiver's sale to Eu
gene Eppley of the lease on the Fon
tenelle hotel, Omaha, and ownership
of hotel* at Lincoln, Table Rock,
Franklin, and Scottsbluff and the oth
er to repudiate the entire deal. Near
ly a thousand Nebraskans, many of
them farmers, hold stock In the com
Falls City Man Injured
in Automobile Wreck
I alls City. N’etv, Dec. 22,—{Special.)
—Dave Johndrow Is in the Falls Citf'
hospital with his left shoulder broken
and possible internal injuries as a
result of his car going into ft ditch,
when his brakes failed to work while
going down a steep hill late at night.
He was found unconscious, pinned
underneath his car, and did not re
gain his senses until 10 hours later.
Xmas Pardons in Dublin.
Dublin. Dec. 22.—A large number
of Irish republicans held prisoner in
Mount Joy prison will, it is under
stood. be released at Christmas hav
ing signed declaration of allegiance
to the free state. For the remainder
Co holiday parole will be granted.
Sailors Save Woman
from Fire in Smyrna
<J ulxdr
[ Mrs. Juliet I.ouvar, who has just
I returned to America, had been in
Smyrna. Asia Minor, for nine
months with her husband. On the
| night of the fire, which destroyed
| the city she was rescue!!' by sailors
from the U. S. S. Simpson, with other
American refugees, and spent two
months in Athens before she could
get passage home. Her most trill
ing experience was sleeping in a
graveyard the night before the Turks
captured the city.
Potato Raisers
Plan for Future
* _
Midwest Farmers Consider
Decreased Acreage and
s Better Marketing.
Chicago, Dec. 22.—Decreased
acreage, better marketing plans, in
creased storage facilities and new
markets are being considered by mid
dle western farmers who lost money
raising potatoes this year, according
to a summary of the situation in five
potato growing states.
• Tfce five states, Michigan, Kansas,
Nebraska, North Dakota and Minne
sota, raised approximately 100,000,000
bushels of potatoes this year, hut re
ports from most sections indicate the
growers lost money.
The reason is variously ascribed to
overproduction, car shortage and lack
of storage facilities.
20,000,000-Bushol Loss.
Twelve rnllllon bushels of potatoes
remained undug in tlio Red River
valley of Minnesota alone, according
to O. B. Jacobson, chairman of the
Minnesota railroad and warehouse
commission. He blames the car short
Nebraska farmers this year In
creased their potato acreage from
102,000 to nearly 1X0,000, increased
the yield per acre by four bushels,
increased their total crop from 8,158,
458 bushels in 1921 to 11,058,310
bushels in 1922—and then found the
increased crop was wortli $3,262,103
less than the smaller crop of the
previous year.
Value This Year $4,080,409.
4 Despite the increase a>f 3,500,000
bushels the crop this year was valued
at but $4,080,409.
Part of this years big crop will be
fed to Nebraska hogs, and some re
fnain undug in the fields. The farm
price a year ago was 90 cents a
bushel, this year, it is 35 cents.
North Dakota farmers raised 20,
000,000 bushels tills year, an increase
of 9,000.000 since 1921. At Minot a
starch factory is planned to turn
part o fthe crop into its principal by
The present personnel of the
Brazilian navy (*msists of about 13,
000 officers and men.
Missouri'* Best
Phone Atlantic 2700
Sunderland Bros. Co.
A tested
skin treatment
If you want a remedy for skin
trouble whose value has been provtn
by many years of successful use,—if
you want a treatment that thousands
of doctors and druggists are daily pre
scribing because they knorv its bene
fkial results, —you will find it in Resinol
Ointment and Resinol Soap.
Why not take the combined advice ol all
theca wise medical men, end let Reainol make
font akin well ? At all dmgfiita.
Call ATlantic 8321
If at the last minute you
. find you have forgotten some
thing, call before 9 p. m.
ess-Nash Com
Zffie Cfristmas Store for Sveryfiocty
Late Delivery
Every purchase made as
late as Saturday will be de
livered the same night.
Last Day Special Prices on
Christmas Merchandise
Although we have had the greatest volume of Christmas busi
ness that the store has ever known, our stocks still assure satis
factory selection. In all departments, however, there are certain
lines so badly broken that we cannot include them as regular
stock—these we reduce to prices that will move them quickly.
If you are fortunate in finding reduced merchandise that you
need, you may confidently buy knowing that you are obtaining the
usual Burgess-Nash value, no matter how low the price.
Gift Furniture
V4 0ff
A rare piece of furniture or
a copy of an old masterpiece
will make a gift to be admired
and prized for many years to
come. Here you have an op
portunity to purchase just
such a gift for one-fourth the
original value.
Gifts for the Home
In Our Gift Shop
at Reduced Prices
Candles for the Yuletide
Christmas time, as at no other
time of the year, people fall back
upon old customs and old observ
ances. Foremost among these is the
beautiful old legend of lighting the
Christ Child on His way.
* Candles seem synonymous with
Christmas; for centuries their
bright and cheery sputter have
added much to the holiday spirit.
We offer you the most complete
assortment of Christmas candles
west of Chicago. This includes all
sizes and kinds of candles from tiny
Christmas tree candles to those
beautifully decorated for gifts.
Great $1.00 Gift Table
We have arranged a table of gifts that are both novel and new. Here
you will find appropriate gifts for men and women at greatly reduced
prices. Among these you will find waste paper baskets, Dresden doll
heads, early American colored glass, unique bowls and vases, candlesticks,
odd baskets, smokers’ articles and brass candlesticks with Christmas
candles. Each, $1.00.
Burge»«*N«ih Gift Shop—Fourth Floor
Evening Dinner—75c
5:30 to 7:30
We will serve dinner in the Tea Room from Dee. llith to 23d.
Menu for Saturday
Consomme Princess*
Roast Turkey, Dressing
Giblet Gravy Cranberry Sauce *
Baked Potato Creamed Onions
Hot Rolls
> Hot Mince Pi*
Robert Cuscadcn’s Orchestra at the dinner hour. There
will be afternoon tea dance.
Tea Room—Seventh Floor
Downstairs Store
will serve from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m.
Cafeteria—Downstairs Store
Fruit Cake : Plum Pudding
Both may be purchased in our Tea Room and in our
Cafeteria. The plum pudding is in its original mold, so that
it may be steamed up to serve hot.
Tea Room—Seventh Floor Cafeteria—Downetaire Store
All Toy Books
V2 Price
Just the gifts the kiddies delight in finding on
the tree or in the stocking.
Burge«a<Na»h Book Shop—Main Floor
All Our Toys
Imported and Domestic
Electric Trains
Dolls of All Kinds
Mechanical Toys
Doll Furniture
Balls, Games
Musical Instruments
We offer every item in Toy
town at one-fourth reduction,
which means that you will now
^,be able to buy the toys you
had thought you could not
Burf«M.Nash Toytown—Downstair* Stole
Two Great Groups of
Mens Ties
25c - 65c
Many of these have been selling for a much higherJr
price—all are greatly reduced. Four-in-hands of ,flbmestic '
or imported silks in a wide variety of colors.
This is an opportunity to purchase an assort
ment of Christmas gifts.
Burgest’Naah Men'* Shop—Main Floor
Our Entire Stock of
Boxed Handkerchiefs
m I
Handkerchiefs are, perhaps, the most com
monly given gift, but attractively boxed, as these
are, they are unusually welcome.
Men’s large size fine linen hand- C#"|
kerchiefs. Each .wUC
Women’s initial linen handker- ^
Women’s embroidered linen handker- OP
chiefs. Each .«OC
Women’s linen footing trimmed hand- Cfk
kerchiefs. Each. OUC
Women’s hand embroidered linen
handkerchiefs. Each.Ovv
Women's, lawn handkerchiefs. /JC.
Box of 3.OOC
Boys’ Swiss lawn or silk handker- OP
chiefs. 3 for.“3C
Children's school handkerchiefs, C
white and colors. Each. iJC
Men’s fine quality silk handkerchiefs. QP
Men’s initialed handkerchiefs. 'TEf
Kox of J.. .. / OC
Women’s white and colored linen OC
handkerchiefs. Each.49C
Women’s white or colored Swiss em- QC
broidered handkerchiefs. 3 for.. 5/OC
Women's Swiss and lawn handker- QC
chiefs, colored designs . «/3C
Women’s linen han l'cerchiefs. Em-(hn
broidered corners. llox of 3. ... »UU
Children’s Handkerchiefs
Swiss lawn or silk handkerchicfo, ng
2 for. £OC
Embroidered handkerchiefs, white OC
only. 4 for...!. <£DC
Burgese-Naeti Handkerchief Shop—Main Floor
Women’s Felt Slippers
A Special purchase enables us to
offer these felt slippers at a greatly re
duced price. Many colors and styles
from which to choose. •\Tot all sizes in
every style, but every size included from
a to 8.*
BurgcM-Nash—Downdaira Stole