Suspect Held in Bloody Hpldups Two More Sought for Beating of Chinaman and Wound* •ing of Bystander. One man la under arrest and two ithers are being sought In eomme lion with the robberies of two South Omaha laundries Thursday night, in which two men were the victims of brutality. Henry Dixon. 2917 K street, is un der arrest. Detective# now are look ing for Bill Burns. 18, and Arthur Johnson. 19. 2917 R street. The address given for the trio is the location of what was known as the Blue Goose, a notorious rendez vous iu iireprohlldtlogjdnys. Dixon was arrest^n on a charge of burglary. In his room was found a suit of clothing, cap and overcoat NEI6HB0RN00DTHEATERS HAMILTON • - 40th and Hamilton Franklin Farnum and Helen Chadwick In "Go Get ’em Garrinfei** VICTORIA . . » . 24th and Fort ALICE BRADY In "Redhead" GRAND - 16th and Binney SNOWY BAKER In "The Better Man'* • I identified by AI Blueinthal as stolen from his store at 492t South Twenty sixth street Wednesday night. He was arrested at 2:30 yesterday morn ing. Burns and Johnson, now sought, were arrested November 17 In con nection with the theft of 20 watches from tho jewelry store of Al Babior, 1210 South Thirteenth street. They served 10 days each for vagrancy, ac cording to police, while a third youth who was arrested with them, took all the responsibility for the burglary. Rung See, 4628 South Twenty-fourth street, was badly beaten when he at tempted to halt the robbery of his laundry Thursday night. A bloody ball bat and torn and bloody laundry gave mute testimony to the struggle he had with the thugs who nibbed him. He was unable to talk and is said to lie in a critical condition at St. Joseph hospital. Yet Sing. 4821 Sou/. Twenty-sixth street, also was robbed of $50, but suffered no violence. Max Fetherston. roomer at 2917 11 street, was shot by the three thugs as they met him on the stairs of the 11 afreet house when they apparently went there to divide their loot. They must have mistaken him for someone trailing them from the rob beries. police believe, and opened fire Immediately. Fetherston fell wounded twice in the abdomen and once in the head. | Surg^jms attending him at St. Joseph hospital say he has an even chance for recovery. Beware of meat that is pale pink I in color: it is not fresh. Partner Slayer Is Electrocuted j Sentence on Alleged Accom plice Stayed by South Carolina Court. Columbia, S. C., Dec. 22.—Frank M. JelTerods was electrocuted at the state prison here today for the murder last May of J. C. 'AriYette, his business partner. Columbia, S. C., Dec. 22.—While Frank M. JelTerods prepared to march to the death house in the South Caro lina state prison today to pay the penalty for participation in the kill ing o£ J. C. Arnette, his business partner. Ira Harrison, confessed slay er of Arnette, today lay in the prison hospital here reprieved -by Governor Harney and his sentence stayed by the courts. The governor late yesterday on the eve of the date originally set for the death of both Harrison and JelTerods granted Harrison a reprieve untit Feb ruary 10 In order that the supreme court might have time to pass on ques tions brought before it by Harrison's attorneys. * When the supreme court affirmed Harrison’s conviction and sentence by the Richland circuit court ho lapsed Into an apparent state of semi-con sciousness. Then his attorneys np «r P iCK OF k JULIUS K. JOHNSON, MANACINO C IFTCTCJF. . blank realVy company OWNERS AND OPKBATORIt. IS™ fir DOUGLAS OAAHA To tho Pabllo Whom We Serve; Wo ore presenting s new plow at the Bialto Sunday, for oar Xmas week -special, it is oallod "Minnie" ‘ Marshall Mellan dlreoted It, and yon know what he has done In the past. Ton surely remember "Dlnty" "Penrod* '•The River's Bad" "Pools first" and others.- and "Minnie” Is tho best and most nnueual of them all. leatrloe Joy and Matt Moore never did better work,, and the supporting oast oan't be beat*. 2 want to go on reoora as saying "Minnie” is real entertainment de-luxe. If yon dcn't agree with me, that "Minnie* has one of the greatest comedy situations ever produoed In a ploture. I'll gladly refund your money. as an added feature, we have been fortunate enough to seoure Buster Keaton In his new high powered oomedy, tte Sleotrio House, whioh has more laughs than a storage battery has sparks. take ay word for It,- nore'a a ahow yon can't afford to njLaa.^Wa aro.going the Unit on antartainaont. Sinoeraiy. ly) EMPRESS * NOW PLAYING Walter C, Parctval and Miaa Renee Noel A Co. in "Just a Hueband’’ Kaela A Lillian in "Singing and Piano” John Neil. "The American Eccentric" Otto—BARDELL—Otto In "Fooling the Baby" OSCAR WILDE’S "A Woman of No Importance” I WITH * BettqCompson Jt and Dertlijtcll ■ SPECIAL XMAS ATTRACTION STARTS STARTS TODAY TODAY “HUNGRY HEARTS” OF THE GHETTO • By ANZIA YEZIERSKA " LAST DAY KATHERINE MCDONALD “White Shoulders" Mr end Mrs. Carter De Haren In “XMAS” STARTS SUNDAY MINNIE” I— Vaudeville—Photoplays ^ TODAY • All New Bill Headed by EARL FULLER and his New York Jazz Band _hhmmmhbmf I I MATINEE TODAY, 2:15. EARLY CURTAIN TONIGHT at 8. HARRY WATSON, Jr. WEAVER BROS., BABCOCK A DOLLY WEEK STARTING TOMORROW MARION MORGAN DANCERS Presenting New Dnnca Drama "HELEN OF TROY” And Eacollewt Big Xmas BUI. Matinee. 13c to 50c. Nights. 15c to $1 The BuyerMarket: • The For Sale Ads of The Bee A TWO BIG STARS MV O | STARTS I y 1*1*1 w I today “The Forbidden City” Norma Talmadge and Thomas Meighan An action romance In the land of _ttt oomnolcnt poppy_ • • I . At 7 and 9 P. M. ion ant m*huwMk I WIII g II1 Matinee Saturday. GeongeBeban THE SIGN OF THE ROSE Admiition: 50c including war tax 4 4 o mlA o 0 fiiTO ® n n V W V "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" "AT. 4 NITE TODAY JJSMMjyar M jy PRE-WAR priced Hurtlf 4 8*a won’s treenwieh ViUa|e Revue SB* TOM SENnX RAY READ And 20 Famnui Qraadwlch Villa** Modal*. Meat holiday ohm la t»wa. CHRISTMAS MAT. at 3:00. WiCK OAYS at 2:M | A pealed again on questions of law and ho recovered. When this appeal was dismissed and ho was told he would be taken into court to be resentenced. Harrison lapsed into a state of apparent stupor. He was taken into the Hichland cir-‘ cuit court on a stretcher and after three doctors had testitlod that they believed he was shamming. Judge Mauldin sentenced him to die in the electric chair on December 22. He lias been in the same condition over since. Bandit Suspects Held. Andrew (Jonord and Charles Rob- j bins. Fort Omaha soldiers who were j captured Wednesday night after a llerce tight-with officers following holdup, pleaded guilty in preliminary | arraignment in Central police head quarters on charges of highway r,ob bery yesterday and were bound over to district court for trial under $1,500 bond each by Judge R. W. Patrick. Two hundred and seventy tons of rails are required to build one mile of railway. Omaha Man Hurt in x\uto Wreck Frank Conely Probably Fatal ly Injured Near Union, Neb.. Yesterday. Frank Conely. 4605 North Twenty fourth street, whs probably fatally in jured ,n an automoliile accident near 1'nion. Neb., Thursday. Hal was en route to Lincoln to visit his brother when the accident occurred. No details of the accident are avail able. Conely was picked up uncon seious—ny motorists returning to Ne braska City from Omaha and taken to the Barr hospital In Nebraska City. I>r. A. L. Barr, who attended him, stated that his skull was fractured and that he was injured internally. The body was found lying in the the middle of Uic road and the ma chine which he was driving was a mass of wreckage in tlie ditch. The accident happened at the foot of a steep hill. Ccnely was employed by the Mid west Novelty company. 1124 South Twentyelghth street, lie has a wife and two children. Mrs. Conely hur ried to Nebraska City to be at his bedside. Dunn Favors Promotion of Pszanowski to Captain Police Commissioner Dunn yes terday received the letter from Chief of Police Dempsey which asks for the promotion of Bieut. John .1. Pszanowski to the rank of captain and inspector of police on the pay of a captain. “As far as T know now.” said Dunn. "I shall recommend the promotion at the next meeting of the city council next Tuesday. ”1 realize that Chief Dempsey needs I someone to take frare of the detail work that piles up at Central lieo We're Ready! Are You? Selections of gift mer chandise in satisfying quantities —extra salespeople, every con venience possible to assist the late shopper at your command. —^- --- ; Hayden’s Mammoth Cash Grocery and Market Prepared to Serve Thousands i' —■ ■■ ■ — _..._ Fancy Tub The Best 1111 Creamery Butter, Ported Batavia Bipe or Queen Brand Roquefort Olives, Qt., P°r lb- Cheese, lb., 46c 70c 40c Famous Santos Hayden's Excello Coffee, lb., Blond Coffee per Ib.r 30c 30c . Fancy No. 1 Fancy No. 1 Fancy No. 1 Dressed Turkeys, Dressed Geese, Dressed Ducks, Per lb., per lb., per lb., ■ j 47c 22 k 24c Fancy Cartoi? Creamery Butter, per lb., 52c Guaranteed Eggs, per doz., 28c Wilson Nut Margarine, lb., * 22c Armour Nut * Margarine, lb., 23c Fancy Young American Cream Cheese, lb., 30c I Last Day Sales to Stock Up for Xmas Dinner XMAS NUTS Dates and Figs Fancy Mixed Nuts, specially priced, per lb. .•.IOC Fancy Brazil Nuts; very spe cial, per lb.lf}<* English Walnuts, on sale, at per lb.23c Fancy Bulk Bates, very spe cial, per lb. ..15c Fancy Layer Figs, specially, priced, per lb.30C CROCK RIFS FOR CHRISTMAS Pure Cane Sugar, 10 lbs.. 75c Ainsley's Fancy Fruit Salad. large can.••. Small can ... Snider's Oyster Cocktail Sauce, per bottle. .‘...23C Fancy Imported Mushrooms; special, per can -55C Large Bottle Maraschino Cher ries; regular $1.25; very spe cial, at only.98c Fancy Curtis Pimentos, supreme quality, per can.17,/i