Retired Admiral Sells Flowers to Earn Living _ p Rear Admiral Sir Sydney Wil mot Breaks Dohti One of Last Barriers of Aris tocracy. Londop, X»fc. 31.—Kind sympathy i.-f asked for the poor retired admirals and vice admirafs of Great Britain. There are 333 of them and one of them is reduced to Belling flowers to pay his way. Hear Admiral Sir Sydney Eardley Wilmot, late equerry to King George, is the pioneer in breaking down one of the last barriers of aristocracy. On a table outside bis old-fashioned cot tage, known as the Old Malt house, Marlow, stand bunches and bunches of beautiful flowers, all freshly cut from- his old-world garden—ros^p, an nuals, perennials—apd bearing the legend: "Fine flowers, six pence per bonch." Outside tpe house is a big poster: FLOWERS FOR SALE. Why not take a bunch home? She'd love them. , Aren't they jolly? Take a hunch home with you. Fresh picked and fragrant. Aiujjibhe boating parties from the Tlrum^l&conie asiioye and buy the vice admiral's flowers as fast as they can be picked. •Not' that the rear admiral does any gardening himself. That, of course, would he below the dignity of a retired senior Ofltccr of the British navy at tempting to augment a slender pen sion. But be ban an energetic wife, sou and daughter, all enthusiastic Rartfeflrrs. and they do all the work necessary to produce the flowers. The-business is growing fast. Mrs. Rear Admiral is now exhibiting flow ers at the local flower shows. And. ambitiously, she looks' forward to the time w hen she will be. sending her Hi'wers^-and vegetables—to the Lon don murkets cither by automobiles or airplanes. It is stated that another retired admiral is seriously considering go ing into tlie shoe-shine business, and Betting up a series of stands through .out London. Projects Bill Given to House $1,633,330 Included for Na lional Parks ou Account of Popularity. . Washington. Dec. 22.—The annual supply bill for various branches of the government service under the In terior department, carrying $294,215, 300, was reported today U> the’bouse. The total Is $2,996,706 less than last year and $1,142,962 below the budget estimate. The bulk of the total is for the pen- | ..qVi , ,fflro VvlljeR «T1« «11 Lit tad $C5ie j 1496,460, an IriereusS of*^$#’!?,’!60 "over I •last year. Kor the reclamation service the bill ' iprovidis $12,250,000, a decrease of, about $2,500,000. The appropriations subcommittee report, presented by tjhalrman Cramton, said the amount LVt -VV^t CjOVVVS 'WVS \S 'Wl SECUKb VKS ^WtM KkMEM'X KtMtfc *=*OV\ THE *VCW \mCVX k>»t> 'WtM ESSV \»**X %L\iE“ [ Uvic^e Vfc- I ^e%S*n; SfcOM. 'to ; \ CKPfc T=OTi \>£ / V Ahnmovo - J TNS T^\fc?HONt ~ \ >WONt>Et* \NNO TvlAt CAU S%- SOMS. ON . CALUNb OV> TO TS\X Ut THAT SANTA. CLAVJS t>*OKfc A LtCi O* TNS feOPOCAS o» UBtRTN “ TO TV^ UN' |l »»,. I'M COMING UP TO SPt>tP> \WVTW f-"X SvyVUT PtvATwt.%- Put ox bN fcVT«A POVrt PCR tv tONUUN OUT) Pb.cwv.uot VT'S VAJOX^tCPUU TO SPPNPi CvtPvSTb\A$ wnu TVton Noo ueup _ / OH AMOY- \WC\A ) / ^v,^ Wt \ ( «IM s COM,NO >R> | M ) CW'STAAIVS WYH V^M'Y / I COOK I l IT VAGNOfc*l*UC'> / / UKE * / v^j_r y i-•*«-/ SlfcNfcS SM< The Trend Is Toward Omaha Bee “Want” Ads In the past four months The Omaha Bee “Want” Ad columns have shown steady, healthy gains over the previous year’s record. This proves that Omahans are learning that Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Bring Better Results at Lesser Cost. BEE WANT AD RATES 15c per line each day, 1 or 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days. 10c per line each day, 7 days or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads which are commonly termed “public wants," and do not include adver tisements of individuals or concerns adver tising or exploiting their businesses. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want. Want Ads accepted at the following offices: Main office.17th and Farnam Sts South Omaha..N. W. cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs..'....15 Scott St. Telephone AT lantic 1000. Call for “Want" Ad Department. An ex perienced "Want" nd taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition .11:40 a- ns. Morning Edition.9 P* Pi. Sunday Edition.9 p. m. Saturday These rates apply to The Sunday Bee as well as to The Morning and Evening Bee. AH week-day advertisements appear in both mooting and evening editions at the one cost.’ THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. ANDREWS—Fred A . passed on at the home Thursday, December 21, 1922; age, 35 years. Mr. Andrews is survived by his wife and mother. Mrs. Agnes Andrews -of Omaha; 3 brother?. T fa van T Andrews. Frank . Andrews and Byron Andrews of Omaha, 4 sisters. Mrs.. John R. Cole, Denver. Cp|o.; Mrs. Cornelius Meyers, Seward Neb.; Mrs. Fred Enewobl of Omaha, Mrs. W. A. Bartley, Judith Gap, Monta i.a. Funeral service from the home. 2813 Pinkney St., Saturday, December 22, 1922, at 4 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. For further information call Croa by-Moore. WE. 00 47._ TR^l"—Margaret, passed on at the home of her son, T. If. Tracy, ?0S South 35th Ave., Thursday, Decemabr 21, 1922. Mra. Tracy la survived by 3 sons, Edward M Tracy of Victoria. Tex.: A. C. Tracy, Heber Springs, Ark.; T. 11. Tracy, Oma ha. Neb.; one grundson, Donald A. Tracy of Omaha. Mrs. Tracy is the mother of the late Charles A. Tracy. Funeral services Saturday. December 23. 1922. at 2 p. m. from the Walnut Hill Methodist church, 41st Ave. and Charles. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Please omit flowers. For information call Crosby-Moofe. WE. 0047. AINSWORTH —Elizabeth N., December 21, age 60 years Funeral services Saturday, at 4 p. m., from the Burkett funeral chapel, 3405 Farnam. Mrs. Ainsworth la survived by two daughter, Mrs. Grace McFarland of Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Ivy WIdman of Oma ha. and tw'o sons, Mr. Earl F. and A. Ainsworth, Omaha. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery.__ ANDERSEN—Mrs Anna. 1 01 4 South Thir ty-sixth street, December 22, Ago 74 > ears. Deceased is survived by three children, Andrew P., Walter A. and Miss Minnie Anderson. Funeral services Sunday at 2 p. m. from Hoffmann funeral home. In terment Sprlngwell cemetery. JOHNSTON—Mary Alice; age. 10 years. 9 months; oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Johnston. Died Thursday morning at the residence, 105, South 49th Street. Funeral Friday, 2 p. m. from the resi dence. Interment at Forest Lawn. JANICKE—Elizabeth, age 33 "years, be loved wife of Harry Janicke. passed away December 20. 1922, at local hospital . Funeral Saturday afternoon +t 2 o’clock from the N. P. Swanson chapel, 17th and Cuming street. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. JONES—Capt. Samuel B, ot a local hospital Thursday at 4:15 p. m., after four months’ Illness Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p. m. at First Central Congergational chapel. Interment private. BURIAL VAULTS. D T ST I NCT IV Hf' f ea t u res, ~se e demonstration at factory, Automatic Sealing Concrete Burial Vault. Insist upon your under taker using no other. Every vault stamp ed; watch for name on lid. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co., 6210 N. SOtn Ht.. Omaha. cemeteries! VISIT FOREST LAWN. Forest Lawn Cemetery has a new beauty with each changing season. Tt is particu larly beautiful at this time with the many winter decorations. Evergreen blankets and winter wreaths may be obtained at the greenhouse. Offices at the Cemetery (North of CTtjfc Limits) and 720 Brandeia Theater. ~FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Omaha’s best undertaking establishment. S' AMBULANCE Thirty-third and Farnam _ “HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmers. Phone HA 02H5. Office 2G11 Farnam LARKIN BROTHERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 4813 30 24TH Hulse & Riepen, Funern* Directors 2*24 Cumlr^ CROSBY-MOORE FLORISTS. JOHN HATH 1804 Farnam. JaT~7906. J. HENDERSON. 1607 Farnann JA. 1*68. educational! DAY SCHOOL—NIGH# SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptoraetry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless teleg raphy civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write. call or phone Jackson 1563 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED—Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri-City Barber College. " MOLKR BARBER COLLEGE lit B. 14th Bt. Writ* tor catalog __ EDUCATIONAL._ Day or Evening sessions DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE. YVead Bldg., lsth ond Turn am. AT. 7415. VAN SANT SCHOOL OK BUSINESS S E Cor Nineteenth and Douglas. JA. 5>90. ANNIE K GLASGOW, voice and piano. 503 Karbach Blk. JA, 1081. ~ person ai7~ THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110.1112-1114 Dodge street. THEATRICAL historical masque costumes. , for plays and parties, at Helen’s, Omaha, j STORM sash made glacing reaa. KE. 2701. 24th.___| TEACHER of cornet and trumpet. Henry Lotz. 1 725 So. llth St. all AT. 2643. LOST AND FOUND LOST—Boston Bull Terrier, in auto struck by street car at Sixteenth and Martha streets. Tuesday; dug la female, brlndle loft side of head white, tips of toes white, very short screw tall, wore brown blanket with green ribbon and brown leather, har ness ; suitable reward. Call. JA. 3763. H B WARD l 1 i i; W A n DI Lost—Tuesday evening, purse containing diamond lavalllere, keepsake; diamond ring, pearl ring, between 26th avenue and Jones and 26th and Leavenworth. Thone, A7, 7668.___ __ LOST-—Small se*fP cap'* December 19. at Burgess.Nash store. Will pay finder very substantial reward; no questions asked. Call TIA. 2636._ _____ LOST—Monday, downtown district, ova! j fllagnee gold and piattnum broach set ! with diamonds. Howard. WA. 0049. 5118 I Nicholas. LOST—Tortoise shell.rimmed glasses in a brown leather case. Monday, between First National bank and 16th and Howard. KE. 3844. __ _ LOST—Gold wrist watch on Brandeie main floor. Initials A. M. V. Valued as keepsake. Return to Mr. 'Thomas' office, Brandeis Stores. Reward. LOST— K e ys~ VV. O W*7 Bldg.. leather -folder. Reward- \V. C Bc#be, Room 1003, W u. W. Bldg.__ LOST—Tan and white collie dog. 8 months old. Call AT. 6524. 2061 Hurnam. Reward. LOST—Pair of pearl earrings. JA. 1632. MALE HELP WANTED ~ .SALESMEN—Several experienced .maga zine or newspaper to replace others who have been advanced. Permanent post* tiona will bo awaiting those who make good. Work in Omaha and nearby cities. Transportation paid. Expenses paid daily. Salary weekly. Room 301, Baird Building, 17th nnd Douglas Sis. SALESMEN—Experienced rubbea footwear salesman for Nebraska and Wyoming ter ritory to sell the Gold Seat Ijne. Must be real go-gftter and not afraid of hard work. In application give experience and age. Goodyear Rubber Co., 371 Sibley St., St. Pnul^Mlnn. SALESMAN wanted for territories al roady established, liberol commission, must be able to finance self for month. Work ers only need apply. Good money-mak ing contract to right party. Write us. The _Wichita Shirt Co.. Wichita. Kan. SALESMEN—An article used in every of fice aitn place of business, small amount of capital will handle. Allworth, Paxton hotel.____ ooooonnoonn nohhohnnnnonftf.t o o O WANTED. O O O O O O 260 MEN O o o O TO CUT ICE. O O O O ON SEYMOUR LAKE. O O O O Take Ralston rar, 16th and How- o O ard or 24th ami N, South Omaha. O O Free lodging at company hotel; O; O good meals. Wages 90c pet* hour. O O O O CUDAHY PACKING CO., O O O O SOUTH SIDE. O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC FEMALE HELP WANTED AT ONCE—Mlddleaged housekeeper of character and . experience, references; small family, good wages. HA. 7037. FOR a good bookkeeping or stenographic position attend the American college, 1912 Farnam All our graduates are in posi. tions. We can place you. Phone AT. 7774, or write for catalogue WANTED—Agents to sell guaranteed plik hosiery, ladies and men. All Silk Hosiery Mills. General Sales Office. 18th and Harney. 303 Neville Blk. WANTED—Saleslady. Give reference. Apply Boom 4, 316 S. 19th St., upstairs, | between and g, 8 TO 8 weeks prepares you for fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or writ# Ameri can College, 19115 Farnam. WANTJED Refined housekeeper, no «n cumb. Address Box W-608, Omaha Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED] I»AY WORK or chambermaid. Call WE. 0270. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. PLAN now for your Christmas home. See Campbell, personal service home builder. 637 Keollne Bldg. AT. 8048. MAGNOLIA wreaths, beautifully deco rated with everlasting flowers; special, 93 Hramlela Cut Flower Shop Brandela 8*orj. CHRYSANTHEMUMS, roses, house plants, wreaths make Ideal gifts for mother Lqulf Zadi^na, florist, 36th and T 8te. HAND embroidery, crochet work, baby's toilet basket; other articles for Christmas gifts. WA. 7288. IMPORTED pearls make lovely Xmas gifts. Prices reasonable, 1017 Arbor St.. AT. 3676.__ BUY her an electric washer or an electric iron for Xmas. Thos. Durkin Electric Shop, 2333 Cuming St. LARGE Meccano set, 3 motors, transor mers, handsome box container. Cost 950. Sell 935. WA. 0773. BEAUTIFUL Fisher piano in excellent condition. Will sacrifice. HA. 0756. _ BEAUTIFUL lunch cloths, Mink cape. KE. 1510._ FANCY gowns, work guaranteed. At. 5521. PRETTY Angora Kittens. H20 Hickory, AT. 0739 GOLD lettering on leather goods, books. E. A. Tryon Co.. 208 So. 13th. JA. 1219. Dixie ballbearing coaster wagon, WA. 0269 ▲ NICE duck makes nice gift. KE. 081ft CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. MAGAZINE CLUBS. FOR MAIL. SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. OFFER K. Pictorial Review, Modern Priscilla and The Omaha'Dally and Sunday Bee. one year each. ONLY $«.60. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT. THE OMAHA BEE. XMAS GIFT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. A OU1.BRANSEN PLAYER PIANO. 1.198 to $700. cash or easy payments. Come in and buy a gift that will lait and be moat appreciated. A HOSPB CO.. For 49 Years the Muelc Center of Ne braska andlowic_ A LOVELY-X M AS GI FT. DANCING LESSONS. What better gift Wian a course In dancing? Ja. 6470. KEEPS DANCING ACADEMY. 1818 Farnam. AN. IDEAL C14RISTMAS GIFT~ Window wreaths. 26o to $1.26; assorted fancy baskets; Chiiatmee center pieces, vary new; special 82 6u to $9.60. See our window'. Peterson Utor Flower Shop, 1714 Farnam. ____ New overstuffed parlor suites. Make excellent Xmaa gifts. Coat here K6 p.-r rent less than elsewhere STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE. 160" Capitol Are. Tel. AT. 6266. AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS aiFT. Buy a garage, any style and size. $100 up. Concrete work. MICKLIN LUMBER AND WRECKING CO. WE 6666. 2106 N, 24th 8t CARDS—For all occasione; Chrlstmaa. New Year's, holiday correspondence; every day and place. Also Interior decorating. POMEGRANATE SHOP. 106 S, 18th. __AT. 2681. FUR chokers at reasonable prices. Have those old fure remodeled for Xmas. John Rich. Furrier. 201 Sunderland bldg., 16th and Harney. AT 8960. ^ A COURSE IN DANCING AT THE HY LAND DANCING ACADEMY, 25TII AND FARNAM, IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED AT. 7860. GIVE your photograph for Christmas. For photographs that satisfy. SEE MATSUO LAKE STUDIO. 250fl N. 24th St._WE. 6111 PERSONAL C hr I# t mas cards. Order now ana avoid rush- Phone, salesman will call. AT. 39t8. 483 Brandel* Theater Bldg^___ BEAUTIFUL cut flowers. for Xmas; also lovely wreaths are ideal gifta. LEE L4RMON, 19th and Douglas. _Phone 8544. NOTICE. Selling brand new phonographs for charges Bekins-Oniaha Van Co.. 16th and Leav enworth. _ GIVE your photograph for Christmas. For photographs that satisfy SEE MATSUO LAKE STUDIO. 2506 N. 24th St.WK. 6311. PROTECT your car this winter; a garage would make an ideal Xmai gift. Value and service our motto. Carter Sheet Metal Co., 13th and Grace. JA. 0602. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BRICK office building of ths lute Dr. Hwh, consisting of five rooin^. la for .ale, together \erTb office fixtures, beat of medical library, good aupply of druga and Ford roadater. Terms reasonable. One of the beat locattona in southeaat Ne braaka for practicing physician. Mrs. Jennie Ewh, F. O. Box 1158, Talmage, Nab. ________. GOOD bowling alley for sale; in good shape. Reason for selling, have no room; self pin Better. Schwartz & Co., Valpa rleo. Neb. ___ _ {■OR SALK—Grocery store fixtures Includ lng stock. Good location. AT. 4940, 1420 South 10th St.__ BARBER shop and pool hall for aala. O. W, Kdtknecht, Waterloo, la. HOUSEHOLD GOODS._ FURNITURE of 4-room cottage, cheap; persqn buying furniture can rent house rear: leaving city, must aell by 1st. No dealers conaldered. Call_MA. 0380._ EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICK ELS, 15th and Harney. AT. 4361 CLOTHING AND FURS. ~ FULL DRESS aulta and Tuzadoa for rant JA 9128. 10P N 18tb Btreet. 1. Feldman TAN broadcloth, band embroidery, white net. new, size 80; hargnln. HA. 0983. ARMY shoes 99 90 701 No liith FOR SALE JEWELRY._ DIAMONDS—We I'iiy (lie beet prlcee wltb privilege to buy beck at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., Omaha. Net.. 40t N 1 fit li St Telephone JA. 6049. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ~ NOTICE. Selling brand new phonographs for charges. Beklns-Omaha Van Co., X6tll and Leavenworth._ WE have the biggest phonograph bar gains In town. You will save money by feeing us before you buy. Shlaqa Phono graph Co.. 1404 Podge St. BARGAIN 1 BARGAIN! PHONOGRAPH for sale cheap Oak cabi net. Make me an offer. Call WA. 6759. _ radio" supplies! FOK HALE—Type R-3 Magnavox A-i 1 condition. Almost new. First M. O." 135 takes it. F. B. Sohlentr, David City, Neb.„ MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE WHITE rabbits for sale. Call MA. 0504. "poultry AND PET STOCK REGISTERED Germain police dog. 20 Mo. old. auto and house broken, child's pet. 1142 8. 31st Ht.__ Orange Pomeranian*, also Pekingese. Prize winning stock. 3806 N. 27th St. __ CALL WA, 1652 for your Xmas goes*. CANARY BIRDS. WE. 1160. ~ LTV E~8TOCk7 VEHI CLES.HgTC WE; GAUL livestock Call AT 33bT. STORE & OFfTcFeOUIPME 0000000*00 00000000000000 o TYPEWRITERS o O All makes bought and sold, • O O rented and repaired. Sole agents O O for the CORONA. Get our prices O O before you buy. Every machine O O guaranteed. O O CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXC. O O JA. 4120. 1912 Farnam. O OOQOOO C OCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO A TYPEWRITER will make an ideal Christines gift. We now have some real bargains. 17.50 and up. Midland Office Supply Co., 1104 Dodge. Open evenings. STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINES. Factory rebuilt and guaranteed by the manufacturers at reduced prices; $100 and up on easy terms. Write or call Bur roughs Adding Machine Co., 115 S. 19th SC_Phr^e AT. 0320. WE BUY, ®ell safe. make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., a. w. corner lltli and Dduglaa JA. 2724. WANT TU BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS. New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded J. C. Heed, 1207 Farnam AT. 6J4»'< WANT to buy on® National cash register Box W-607. Omaha Bee. ~ ROOMS FOrIrENT ROOM DIRECTORY — for — ROOM HUNTERS Should you fail to find* listed below the room you want, call at the "Want" Ad counter of The Omaha Bee for a room directory. The Omaha Be® maintains this service for your convenience. New list issued each week. * HARNEY~STREET, 2324; two newTy fur’ nished sleeping rooms in walking dis tance or one block from Farnam car; modern home; for gentlemen. HA. 0s«J7. 8 E. FRONT room, mahogany furnished, tile bath and spowrr, plenty hot water, desirable loc., near B5a< kslone. HA. 6659. NICELY furnished rooms, private bath, reasonable, day, week or month, central location. Hotel Hamilton, at 4701. HOTEL SANFORD—19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW—16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests PLEASANT room for employed couple; i privilege*; reasonable. JIA. 7427. HARNEY ST., 261 Warn begtdd room, next to bath; very reasonable. WAEM fi"in i (>.,m. board U ■! ired* all home COinfort* WA 0970. FARNAM, 2511 — Large, modern sleeping room. Walking distance. CHICAGO, 2011—2 sleeping rooms with or with out breakfast._ ' WEST FARNAM—BEAUTIFUL ROOM; NEW HOME- HA 0202. Beautiful furnished room in all-modern. private home, breakfast If desired. KE.l 11H WA. 1061 — Itoom in private family for one or two gentlemen. Bonnl If desired. CHICAGO ST., 2617—Large front room, new, modern home; 4 windows. HA. 5279. BOARD AND ROOM. FIRST clabs board and room in strictly modern private home, home privileges. 1533 Park Ave.. HA. 7620. PLEASANT room for two. HA- 7340. housekeeping' roomsT" TWO 2-room apartments ror light house, keeping: nicely furnished. 645 S. 25th St. THREE-ROOM suite, everything complete, main floor, modern, $12 week. IIA. 7118. 1707 DODGE, 3 rooms first floor, modern, everything furnished $10. _ ROOM and kitchenette, new home. KB. 4930. NICE clean housekeeping rooms for rent. 2308 Douglaf St. Cal^ AT. 9500. Housekeeping rooms; everything complete; well heated; walking distan JA Davenport St., 2618-—2 room*, electric lights, telephone furnished, steam heat. HOUSES~FOR RENT. FOR RENT—DWELLING, 414 SO. 38TH 8T., 9 ROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH, GARAGE, HOT W ATER HEAT. FIRST CLASS CONDITION. $100 TER MONTtfl. JA. 0482, HA. 0317. MODERN, nine rooms. Just newly decorat. ed throughout. Sleeping porch, billiard room, hot water heat, stationary tubs. $90. Corner 36th and llarney streets. Inquire Mrs. W. J. Burgees. Blackstone hotel._ BRAND NEW 6-room bungalow, with or without lease. $55 per month, 6612 North 57th 8t. JA. 3336. LOVELY 7-room modern house, rent reas., excellent neighborhood. Call HA. 1966.___ __ LOR RENT—6-room modern brick witfc garage. 1303 So 27th. _ FURNISHED HOUSES. A $40,000 BRICK RESIDENCE % \ IN WEST FAR NAM DISTRICT. A high-class home, furnished ac cordingly, every convenience, two-car garage. Owner leaving having city for four months. Main object is to have responsi ble family occupy and care for property; maid will stay If de sired. Asking $200 will probably take less. GLOVER & SPAIN. JA. 2850. 918-20 City National Bank Bldg. Six room, nicely furnished home strictly modern, sun parlor, sleeping porch. Block | from car, cathedral district. Rent reason. I able. For Information call AT. 43.'.3. Three-room furnished house. 4K13 Seward. AT. 2932.* ■>.$6 V»6 M ~APARTMENTS FOR RENT. TURNER COURT. One apartment available in Omaha's most exclusive and conveniently arranged 8 room apartments, with 5-room accommd ditlons. Rent reduced. Janitor, HA. 6896 G. M. HAUSER, Mfcr. 3106 Dodge. __ HA. 7140. Almost 1,000 Apta. Almost 100 furnished. All modern and fireproof. Let Drakes ■ rental man find you an apartment. Call us. we* will take you out. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, Tel. JA. 2805. Cor I7tti and Howard Sts. APARTMENTsT”AND VLATS--83to $: " W. J. PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT S9K0.Keelln e Bldg. FOUR-ROOM and suiiroom heated apart ment, $50 winter. Maple Court, 18th and Maple. WE. 4945. Janitor. ALL modern 5-rooin St. Louis brick, warm flat and garage, near car line, walking distance. 2231 So. 16th Si. THIRT Y-FIRST AVE, 609 fi.—Very at tractlve 5-room apartment In Theadore Terrace. HA. 0507 NO equal, all seasons of year. 4-room Apt Pataca. ) $ N. 2Id. WEST F .i ■i l. t large, beautiful rooms, modern. HA. 71 -4 MODERN apart.. 4 large rooms and batlf. 565 So. 28th St.. $55. WA.r388» SHERWOOD AVE., 1420 V6—Neat, imodern ' 4-room apart. AT. 6525 APAR iMENTS IOR RENT | Fi ri r5 tri 5? company. “WHERE OMAHA RENTS.” AT- 6544. ' 17th and Karnam St a. FURNISHED APARTMENTS CA LL DRAKE'S. TEL. AT 4353-—4-room, modern apart* i merit, everything furnished, right down town, suitable for 4. $15 per week. a i rRA< IT ini. a#a rtm< nt w it h !>;■ in. kit* chenette and Murphy bed. Party may buy furniture; Hose in. JA. 5116. WIRT stn 1114 Woodblne Apts, mod pin. hot water heat, close to car. WE 6946. \ i ky desirable two-room and kftcht itttti apartment. Fine location. HA. 5095. "HUNTER INN—AT 6960 24oiT”BodfS BUSINESS PROPERTY—RENT NEW modern stores on this new transfer point. Ready .Ian. 1. 1923. N. W. Cor. 16th and^Cumlng Sts. Inquire at 1514 Dodge St. JA. 66 19. : i - ~1 . D • ■; fu ture for sale at 423 Arthur building. Call Atlantlo 5911 for particulars/ - LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. II. LOU GEE, INC., -__6£8_ KeciitiM Bldg._ STRAIGHT 6»year loans. 8 x>er cent* AMOS GRANT CO.. 2m S 15th. Arthur Bldg AT. 8380. OMAHA JJ OM Efir^E AST NER FARMS O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Urn Nut. Bk. Bldg. JA. 2715. Farm T n-tia Nd delay—on western A m■ HI A-dOC repaired, remodjled. lowest price I U ItiJ Goldstein Fur Co.. 1520 Douglas ~ MOD A UFIN IHHINIL FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. “ The Ensign Co.. J607 Howard Bt. MATTRESSES. ’ OMAHA pTlTLOW CO—Feathers retT ovated and made up In new feather- 1 proof ticking, 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. PRINTING^ | EDDY Priming Co.. 212 S. 13 St JA. 6058 Tatent attorneys. J W. MARTIN. Patent Attorney, 1712 Dodge, room 2M9. Also Washington. D C. I help inventors *e|| their patents ,M ISC fc HAN E< >i;tT A X NODNC K M K S fsT ! PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at | the 6 Sherman ft McConnell Drug Stores j AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. GIVE THE FAMILY A GOOD MOTOR CAR FOR CHRISTMAS—THE KIND OF A CAR THEY'VE AL WAYS WANTED— A CADILLAC I The Cadillac price reduction has caused u substantial decrease in ail Cadillac prices. Cadillac type 55 touring. Rebuilt. New top and curtains—good tires Just repainted. .A remarkably fine car—one that would Just suit you and the whole family, $400 down '—pay the balance as you get paid. fadlllac type 59 roadster. A car that will .surprise you. You would never consider It a “used car" at all. New paint. Fine mechanical condition. Closes up as tight and close hs a coupe. Fine for the man who llkea r two-passenger car. . $920 down—balance in monthly payments. Cadillac type 57 touring. Good black paint Nice lop and cur tain.*1 Almost new tires. Seat rov ers. This is a better car than you would expert to find any where for the price. $700 down -—balance monthly Installments. A Cadillac — whether It be used or new. is a better buy than any now car at the same price. You cannot get Cadillac work manship in any car other than a Cadillac. Only after a price reduction on the new Cadillac can we offer such price cuts on used Cadil 1*0. Here is your chance to own a better car than you ever expected to buy—for less than you expected to pay. A SAFE PLACE TO BUT. J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. Farnam, at 26th. HA. 0710. REAL XMAS BARGAINS. Good Studebaker coupe for .$350 Ford light delivery . $100 Ford touring . ,..$125 Buick touring. 45-K .$350 Buick roadster ..$250 Reo touring . $175 Cadillac touring ..-.,.$276 Naah sedan, like new .$150 Studebaker touring .$150 Dodge, with winter top ... $3G0 Term* or caiih. O. N. BONNET MOTOR COMPANT. Phone HA. 0676. 2660 Farnara St. Essex Touring We have two ve^ry fine Essex tour ing cars ready* to deliver. They are both late models and as good as new. Equipment is com plete and the prices are right. Let us show you our Essex today and demonstrate their superior qualities. A strictly high grade car with economical upkeep ex pense. Guy L. Smith SOME bargains In used Fords; prompt delivery of new Fords. MCAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Jlandy Ford Servlcs Station. 16th and Jackson Sts AT 7711. q Hudson Sedan o O We are showing two good Hudson O Sedans which are priced for quick O action right now. The recent cut O In Hudson prices has put a Hud O eon Sedan within your reach. O Bring in the open car and trade It O for a closed one NTo harm to look O 'em over, you know, and our prices C are right, O , o Guy L. Smith J O uuwuwuuuvwuvuwuuU'vUUUUUUV,1 USED rare that ran be need NEBRASKA OLDSMOBII.E CO.. Howard at IfitL AT lT7t. MARMON e<“dan. In excellent condition. Will be sold ot a remarkably low price. Call Mr. Van Camp. HA. 0710. useiTca RS O. N Bonney Motor Co., ___*664 Farnaro,_ YOUR HEALTH depends partly on cur faina. We fix them to protect you. PFEIFFER S, g52f. Leav *■nwortb. USED Ford porta at half price. Parts for all standard make car*. Neb. Auto Parte, l^lrt Harnev St. HER VICE FIRST S6tb and Farnam. Atlantic 1044. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 112 8. 24th. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Voooooooooooooooocooooooc 0 C 3 New Chalmers louring j D C 0 W* have a br.ind new lata model C 0 rhalniera*tourinR which one of our c C dealers has asked us to sell It is C 0 the very latest touring model and C O never run a mile. The price Is C 0 discounted t«» make avery attract. c 0 tl\e proposition and we will appre- c O date the opportunity of showing c 0 this car to you at any tltnt. C O • i Guy L. Smith r\ ’ f VJVWVWVVVWWUWWWWV J WVWVW VU ■ 3 * |( 1: 01 4A WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE 111 Y EUS. For your home, complete **rvlo« and satisfaction. J. I HIATT COMPANY. nss First Nat, Hank Hid* AT »P0c To Huy or SHI Omaha Krai Estate Hoe FOWLER & M'DONALD Members Multiple Elating Ex Realtors List vour home—Buy your home, BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate, Loans Rentals. JA TS61 W. J. PALMER CO. jour home 1,1st with us and prepare movi ns Bldg. AT. 8980. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals. Insurance. 160‘J City Nat. Hark AT 9*tilL “Tukey Sold It” \ p i! K15 'i a St IN, Rest tors. J A 4221. C* W I T1/ !\J If'1 Hcalty Co. Ldst with " r l> Ciii Hr us for quick results 1418 First Nat i Bank Bldg _ JA.1M4. GOOD I.ISTINkS—CO Mi'. TO IS. \VH SELL THEM. HOME RKA1 rY • 1 1 kT 1111 LIST your liomci for sale with ue.^ We have th*» customers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO., Realtor _ TO sell quick or buy right, see the Guar antee Realty Co. 310 Arthur Bldg. Tel. JA. 333fi. _ C. T. Spier *.N Co., Realtors 301 Pet* is i't 'i it Bldg J A- 486• TO SELL tee Plover More 11. AT. 8823. C 1 k g I‘7 130STWICK, real estate. AT. 1508. WORLD Realty < • Realtors ' r 0[I alert R i 1 C*o J A R H. RENNER CO.. REALTORS. J A 666 4 _MISSOURl LANDS_ HAVE highly Improved itrana and corn land. In north Mlraourl, to nrhatnt, for raneh land. Add.,as Box 442, Chllllcothe. Mo. NEBRASKA LANDS , RESOLUTION FOR LANDLORDS AND TENANTS Improved farms for lease and option lo buy on yearly payment of only 6 per cent of principal. Three per cent interest only Is charged, balance of payment applied on principal Box ' F< hi SALE Modern I room • rage and cistern, $3.5<*0; also 27 acres land 2 miles cast of Peru, Neb . if sold at once. Inquire Miss Bessie Wills, Peru. Neb. Phone 62 SALE OK EXCHANGE. FOR HALE OR EXCHANGE—Goo. smooth Kn nearly all In wheat, located miles from Hebron, Nel». Write Frank Moore. Beloit, Kan. FOR '1 r lie — V♦.0 acre Impruvr . ranch near Newport, Neb. Address T. II Evans. Norfolk. Neb. VACANT PROPERTY WILL build to your ordsi on our beauti ful lots In Edgewood: very sssy terms. AT-Ian tie 1649_ A GOOD BUILDING L« »T. On 48th street near Waklcy, paving paid, high and sightly, 60x100 feet. $1,900. CHARLES F BELMANS AT ■ • DUNDEE li't. 60*126, on 64tb »t neat Far natn; choice lot; owner will consider reas onable offer C A. Grlmmel JA. 1616. FJKB a price Want modern lots; buyer* waiting. Phono .TA 2419. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. ALFRED THf'MAS & Son l'n, Rraltnra. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. o o oooooooooooooooo ooooooo o NEW BUN iALUW. O O This all modern, new home of 5 O O rooms, with oak floor* throughout. O O oak finish in livin'; nnd dining O O room*. Built-in bookcases and O O cabinets. Linen closet, refriger- C O n tor room, floored rtth, cemented O O basement. JSOO cash, balance o O monthly. Call ua today to see this o O hoi o O PAYNE & CARNABY CO., O O "Your Realtors." O O 616 Omaha Nat. Bk. JA. 1016 O 0.00000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP Colored Man • Do you want a nice modern home on a small cash payment and $30 per month? 6 rooms, bath, gas. electric lights, furnace, full basement, garage, paved street, fine condition; ready to move Into. Price $2,860. See W ,H. Russell, 1621 S 29th St. Mr. Street Car Man HERE’S YOUR HOME Five rooms, all large, end garage Near 26th and Sprague. Terms. Call Schroeder REALTORS. _JA, 3261._ New C-ro m Colonial, all modern. A bargain, located €944 Florence Blvd. Norrle & Norris. JA. 4270. 3787 DECATUR—6-Rm. Mod. Kg. heat; 3 lots; $600 cash, balance monthly. Crelgh. 60K Dee._Tel. JA. 0200. _ D E BUCK dr CO buy end sell home* SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. DANDY 5-room mod dm bungalow, so sib of Hanscom park, near \v« «t Side on*- line. Only >1,230. JA. 0564. Eve. HA. 2227, 6-ROOM, fully modern garage, 14 160? Near 23d and Rancroft, want of^er. ->11 n-st. AT <;i3f». HA. 3714. WEST SIDE PROPERTY” NEARLY NEW RUNGALOW >300 DOWN KelJastone, five rooms and bnth. strictly modern, oak floors and woodwork, full cemented basement, etc. N^wly painted and decorated Price >4,860. Now vs cant. Cali Pedersen, HA. 7482 or AT. 74 12. New Homes 1 at 4252' Grove-Hibbard Co. Hamer rrtp. HOMES. 1505 FARNAM ST. _ DUNDEE PROPERTY.” Dundee Homes and Lots OEOROE * CO, REALTORS. AT. JOIL FLORENCE PROPERTY c L. NETHAWAY. home agent for sub. urban acreage Whites only. KK. 1409 _RALSTON PROPERTY. HOMES for workingmen. Four rooms* partly modern, full lot, easy terms. >1.200. Have nth re Stewart. Ralston 10-W MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY “We Build to Please” Temple Me Pay den Co.. 1506 Farnam 8t* HASTINGS ♦ UKTDKN Realtora. MISSOURI PACIFIC Offers permanent employment to ma chinists. boilermakers, blacksmiths and coach carpenters in Nebtaska, Kansas. Missouri and Arkansas. i Apply 217 South 14th St., | | Omaha* Neb.