1,500 Baskets to Be Given Needy Families Approximately 1 .Min baskets will be distributed to the needy and destitute 'amities of Omaha today by the Sal ration Army. Volunteers of America. Associated tTiarities. American Le gion, Disabled Veterans of the World War, War Mothers, Women's ExSer vice league, and City Mission. “If anoyne is without food this rear,'' said Mrs. George W. Duane, '♦oM'tnry of the Associated Charities, it will not he our fault for wp «^re answering everyone. The spirit of giving is very good this year.” The average cost of a hasket of food given by the various organizations is while the Volunteer of America i baskets cost about $8. according to M iss Alige McCormick of the \ olun teer hentUiuartijrft. ^ Employe* of various French aerial lines operating in Europe are to wear special uniforms. Cold and silver braid are to distinguish the ranks of operators. i a iS § i W i o 1: K -u r* Z Ui, |K w K* ! * IU1 |oi 81 B K U H / U o 0 8 u. m u !§' o O' o U. i II *1 u) i H * Si o' L FOR CHRISTMAS LOWEST PRICES in the City If You Can’t Get Down, Ptfone U»—Free Delivery. A WHOLE CARLOAD of the FINEST SELECTED POULTRY, bought DIRECT from the COUNTRY at prices you'll be PLEASED to pay. TURKEYS FRESH DRESSED’, lb. 344c Fancy Fresh Dreucd GEESE, lb.22^!^ Fancy Frerh Dre»»«d DUCKS, lb.23,i<* Fancy Frc.h Killed SPRING CHICKENS, lb.21 y*C Fancy Frerh Killed YOUNG HENS, lb... IWIFATC PUBE REN LEAF lard, m>. ... 12'^ I 9 FRESH YOUNG PORK ROAST, Ib.-lO's* Steer Beef Fot Roast, lb 9 ,*c Fancy young Veal Roost, lb 14’..c Steer Beef Steak, lb.,..,.iZV%c Vountr Veal Stew, lb S’-.c Fresh Pig Spare Riba, lb.. 11 ' 3c Morrells Sugar Cured .Bacon, lb .22 */#c Puritan Hams. half or whole, lb ..*.23Vae Puritan Bacon. half or whole, lb.33 Vac OYSTERS^iolid^acked^qh^^^^eSc Mil IT TALL CANS PET OR mlLFi CARNATION Fi AIIB? BLUE BELU 48,b- »»ck.v, 81.50 r bVUIl FOOD CENTER, no equal, 48 Iba_81.64 PD 11 IT Dr phi,ip»' f"* rnuii gru^' fruit, each. 7c Sunkiit large Orange*, doi . 39c Sunkiat • large Lemon*, do/ . ..39c Morida thin akin grapefruit . 5c Florida ex. large grapefruit, 3 for . . ..25c Fancy Jonathan Apple*, hu. $1.60 VEGETABLES Cape Cod Cranberries, qt. . . . 12' jc L~arge Jumbo Celery .12'?c Iceberg Salad Head Lettuce. . .I2\\c White Cauliflower, Ih.15c Gfeen Onions, bunch.- 5c Fancy Pascal Celery, dor.. 69c NO. 1 ENGLISH WALNUTS, lb. NUTS NO- 1 brazil NUTS, lb.16^ MIXED NUTS (NO HICKORY), per lb...]9<* Nf\n Filbert Nuts, lb .18c. Italian Chestnuts, lb. . .18c Soft Shell Almonds, lb.25c Jumbo Peanuts, quart .I Cy No. 1 Soil Shell Eng. Walnuts, per lb. .. .31c Special Discounts for Churches and Lodges • Imported Macaroni Fig*, lb.35C‘ » IWw Imported Date*, ipecial, lb.15# _„J Dromedary Date*, per lb. pkg. 20# ana California Four-Crewn Layer Fig*, lb. . -30£ ft A TP CC Seedier* or Seeded Rai*ins, lb.15# I bw Sunrweet Prune*, 2-lb. pkg*.35#^ A P A A F P ICC Curtis Ripe Olives, per can..lO<^ UnUl/iLrllL9 Red Dot Peas, can.12MiC Morrell's celebrated bulk Mince Meat, special, lb. . . .17'stf Lobsters, 1 j lb. ran .34c Lobsters, 14 lb. can.19c Tangier green Asparagus tips. . ,39c Tangier White Lo-sg Asparagus Tips .44c Libby's Plum Pudding, lb 33c Advo or Kamo Midr,et Peas, can 24c Hawlteye Evergreen Corn, 3 dha for .. ..... t. . 25c Advo No. 3 size Pumpkin, can. 14c Del Monte tall cans hoc keys Sal mon . 25c No. 3 Whole Sliced Pineapple, or No. 3 Royal Ann Cherries in heavy syrup, special, 3 for.$1.00 Del Monte No. 2 Grated Pine apple .10c Cream of Wheat, pkg.20c Post Toasties, 3 pkgs for . . • • .25c Advo Olives, qt. size jar for...40c |>FI IPATFQ^FN Home B*k"* BMn‘' p,--,Sc ULBoEV-^ H H.«70C.I1 Large Dill Pickles. 4 for. ,10c A'int Sally’s. 1.000 Isle or Mayonnaise Dressing, pint. 35c Fancy Sweet Mixed Pickles, very special at, pint...15c DA KES V Piyoe-o’-Burke Fancy Creamery Butter, 52c l/MIRl I 1 homr-en’s Dairy Maid Fey. Cream. Butter 55c Real Hafco Limburger, 1b . 35c Kollandalr Gudda Cheese.35c New York Sage Cheese - - ...45c Genuine Imported Large Eyed Swiss, lb. . . .60c Imported Societe Roquefort, lb.79c Our 2d 300-lb. mammoth Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese is almost gone—get your slice, lb..35c Majestic Country—Re* Nut, lb.21c Rol^h1argaHn^uMtl^hiatura^Butta»^Colot^^pei^b^*ol^^^^^^^^28c RAUPRV Fruit Cake, lb.75* Drt■ %kL» I Tutti Fruiti, each .... .75* Giqger Bread Men, each .10* SPECIAL HOLIDAY PACKAGES vRwAikd 10’*, 25’. and 50’. l.arge line of Genuine French Briar Pipe., Bakelite Cigar and Cigarette Mo!dcr». PEARL WHITE 5OAP10 37c SKINNER’S Spaghetti 3 pkgt . . 27c M I Q Just the thing to complete your Christmas ' “ dinner. Highest grade coffee in Amer QOFFEE '«• 1LB- VACUUM CAN.476 TREE U you ,ik* TEA> drink thi* WONDER " " _ TEA. «i-lh. PACKAGE TEA .. nm ttmtfi 1814-16-18 fcarnam Phone AT. 4603 ] MAIL. ORDERS FILLED ^ ■n ! ,8' fe m ; z H W l» . !8 c \ft pn 12 H n h '§ Is! P! Si § n m z H PI ■*1 § o 3 o o o pi z H PI X s o o! n, 31 ni! •*1 8 O o m z H PI Children Get Gifts at All Saints Church Turkey aijd cranberries and ice cream and cake, and cookies wefe awaiting the hundred children who were guests at the Christmas party at All Saints church Friday. After din ner. they adjourned to the big ball of the parish house, where there was a Christmas tree, and each ope of them was given a toy, a book and some thing to wear. A treble din of voices rose and eyes grew round and shining with excite ment as presents were examined and compared. A lively game of “Going to Jerusalem" took the center of the floor, but all around the edges of the room were solitary children who withdrew t<> brood contentedly over' the fair-haired doll or the stuffed >;a-l which they cradled in their arms, ob livious to the hubbub aroOnd them. Tttry trooped into the church pres entl.v to watfh a pageant, ami most of the'presents wa-rc too precious to be laid down e'en while their owners watched tiie sl^] Joz« •••••••••• • »*. .. GMPEFRUIT 9c a COFFEE Price—Per Lb. J. 39c Use In Your Wash Boiler or Washing Machine r