The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 16, 1922, Page 4 and 5, Image 4

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    Gifts to Omaha
Bee Shoe Fund j
Are Generous |
Aid Society, Pythians and In-;
rihiduaU Contribute to
Fund for Poor
"The Willing Workets. an a.U so- |
ciety of Ovrrton. Neb., send* In a gift ,
of $2.i to the Free Shoe Fund.
The Pa\ Voblar um society of I
Kountie Memorial Luth«ian church
contributes >10.
A Knights of Pythias lodge in David
City. Neb., send* $11 05. Other splen
did gift* ranging from $10 to 50 cents
attest the warmly beating hearts of
the cenerou*.
We believe that no good deed ever
goes unrewarded in the great scheme
of things People who give ore the
happiest, too.
D»y by das-, the line of pinched
faced little boys and girls passes
through the office where the Free
Sljoe Fund of The Omaha Be' is dis- |
penned. Etery rase is carefully inves- I
ligated before the pi tired order for the
shoes is given the child.
Six Utile children, the oldest only
0 were brought to tlis funu s nt- !
t ntion yesterday. Living In a tar- 1
papered Utile house of two rooms
tilth their mother who scrubs of ,
ficts every night (n her brave slrttg
gle to support the six little ones.
The children were provided wlih
new shoes by tho fund's money.
Oth»r eld is bring .-.'nt them And. -
how happy they are!
But there are so many others In
wretched hom«-s where, in most cases,
lhere Is no father
\> kn«v>tolled heretofore . .. Si
Whiter Amlerenn, Folk. Nrh 1.00
Mfu. Alfred Anderson. Polk. Jfrlt 1.0*1
Lillian V. Frown. Folk, N'cb 1.00 ,
Tin Friends. Shenandoah, la . 2.00
Friend, putld City, Neb 1.00
"Fhe Willing Workers." Oinrton.
M>b. 2J.00 i
C|arcn»» ft. Swanson. Olltner. M'ch. 1 00
MOrthella Stfrnger. Nickerson.
Nfb. .,. 1.00
•A Friend. Central I lly. Net* 10.00
Members of Itamnn lodge No. U, ;
Knight* of ftlhlts, Itstld City,
Mob. 11.00
WnvM'.e t. Sunderland .voo {
Jnhn F. Met nrt. Audubon, la 2.50
Jtin'nr tl. T. P t'.. Baptist Church.
Herman. Neb. 1 Otl 1
< lah . 1.00 j
Na Name 1.00 . I
T 0X Voblseum Society, Knunl/e
Memorial Lutheran church Itt.Ott 1
Annit Hrtiler 1.00 i
Certrnde and < laud* Johnson 1.U0 I
Wilton MeC'ork Indale, Wakefield.
M'eh . 3.00
Itsnngeline >1 ‘ark indale. Wake
field. Nrh . 200
Jlutm* Ffiekton. Wukefield. Mek t 00
Alfred Bloom eompony I' .of'
r. n. 'o
lakh . o-oo
Friend .. ... 2.00
M. Whitfield. Fremont, Neb 0.00
Charles Hals. Ord. Neb 10.00
Friends. Superior. Neb 3.00
Total. . .atgtOO.OH
I>t> you think your circumstances
•re such that you ought to help these
little unfortunates?
If so. send or brtn* your eontribu- :
tlon to "Free Shoo Fund. The Omaha
Bee. Omaha. Neb.” ]
Some little boy or gtr! Is Wailing
just for your help. ( j
Students in Frat
Stunts Suspended I
-— i
Four University* of Omaha xtudentf I
hafre been suspend'd from clashes nt. j
the result of s fraternity initiation ; {
conducud on the school rteps during j
aaecmbty. ’ ! •
Unhand Yoder in -i 'ordered to r» i'o i 1
a Perm, Howard Drake to render ; j
ertrnet rolo. .Tames I>oty i" dance, at id :
R. ft. Shurtleff to dig ■< hole. These j
men v ere plcdgeo of TM Klpn.1 Fid, j
aeroro'rg to reports. They receiv'd
letters from Dean Cilbert .lank s? yes
suspending them.
' Tin* fci tioti in suspending them I
iv(*3 token by the faculty.” said Dean!
.fame?. "There must be none of these j
a.tints on 'he campus. They were not j
ox. •die 1 in the flferneit sense of the i !
word, and they •* .11 be allowed to,|
.►me l>: . p •. -ibly at the beginning I
«,f ;hi next semester." «
- I
V;ent Demonstrate.- New
Postage Meter in Omaha j
An O r t!i! PUnr.v-BoWes j I
•,» ..hug - meter ueimuintruted tiro mu- j j
chine yesterday In the ofitei of Port ,
(.)■'. ter Black before sey.ial hauls ot *
■i .ah. machine doc.r rny with l j
:-'t*tt.«v s!t.'.i;w 1 he meter u't lie •
i'..:: -h ;ii (.iciu the mailing riuiiiln* i]
. u. .s'.'.cu to the V 3tolfi< o wbet.» ih* i
1 ...muter sat.i ■; for as ut.v.v st-tiups •
*■ tin buyer wants and then inoK-.s ]
i; The buy i puj s for thy ttutrp* | i
i.:.l W'*> es t'.. rovernm >nt the <• 5t of
pc..-tafte statu,*-' a:*-1 Urn wot 1. «.f can
sting them.
“Singing Mike” Silent 'When
Arraigned in Police Court
Mil.* Adaino. alias l.a Porte, e h n f
*r,sIgued in central police cou,t yes- \]
.'•rdr.y oti a charge of firs' degree j
tVn er In count' tion with the death
'if Alice r.lnehf!. did not testify.
'll.** charge no band.
N. A. O'Learr. 1 Ineoln apartments
wil l (estified thy he saw a man he
he.ieves to he "Smging »t:t>c'’ leare
the .-partment ti at night. tvlil he
nohpor.ned as w.nws for the rtntc.
60 Bottles of Home Brew
Taken in Liquor Raid
Frank Manclaruca was arrested jes ;
terday hy federal prohibition officers
in his horn*-. 2014 Pierce rtreet, w here
60 bottles of home brew were found.
The officers had also bought liquor
there. th»y said.
He pleaded guilty at once before
Federal Judge Woodrough and was
Sentenced to jail for 60 days and fined
Brief City A'eiu J
W ill Case Still On.—Mrs. DeFrance ;
was cross examined and Witnesses to
contradict her testimony were called
yesterday in the DeFrance will con
Baby in Evidence.—John Albino,
tharged with assault by his niece,
Christina Lombardo, 1&, whose baby
was born May 21, is undergoing trial
in district court.
McDonald Pays.—County Commis
sioner McDonald yesterday issued pay i
checks to the two guards of the bal
lot box vault under ruling of County
Attorney Shotwell.
Held on Fraud Charge.—Don De j
Bow and George Eselln, real estate (
agents, charged with obtaining money j
under false pretense*, were ordered i
yesterday to be held for district court. 1
Christmas Handkerchiefs
Here you will find the answer to every problem relating to Christmas giving—
especially that of making the Christmas money buy a gift for every name on the list. The
price advantages we offer are most unusual and will make your money do extra duty.
Men's All Pure Linen Handkerchiefs—Plain 1 AA
hemstitched, good size and quality, 3 for l«Uv
Men’s Imported Linen Handkerchiefs—White with OP ^
colored borders, each, _ JDC
Men’s Fine Irish Linen Handkerchiefs— PQ
Shire hemstitched, each, U*7C
Men’s All Linen Handkerchiefs—Plain and fA
embroidered initials, each, DUC
Men’s Fine Imported Cotton Handkerchiefs— 1
With embroidered initials, each. C
Women’s AH Linen Handkerchiefs—White and 1 PA
colors with fancy corners. 3 in a box. l«vU
Women's Madeira Linen Handkerchiefs— 1 AA
In Spanish hand drawn, each. 1*UU
Women’s Linen and Shamrock Lawn Handkerchiefs—
With fancy embroidered corners. 1 AA
3 in a box, i«UU
Women’s AH Linen Handkerchiefs—In white and CA
colors with hand-embroidered corners, each, DUC
Women’s Imported Shamrock Lawn Handker* PQ
chiefs—With embroidered corners. 3 in box, UjC
Women’s Linen Handkerchiefs—In white and OP.
colors with fancy embroidered corners. each, DDC
Women’s AH Linen Handmade Madeira PQ
Handkerchiefs— each, DUC
Women’s Handkerchiefs—In white and colors with CQ
fancy embroidered corners, 3 in a box, DUC
Women’s Handmade Handkerchiefs— 1 PA O AA
In white and colors, each, l'DU and £*UU
Women’s Linen Handkerchiefs—With embroidered OP
initials in assorted styles, each, mDC
Women’s Linen Handkerchiefs—In white and colors OP
with lace and footing edge, each, £DC
Women’s Linen Handkerchiefs—With handmade HP
Armenian lace edge and initials, each. I DC
Main Floor—North
Women’s Linen Handkerchiefs—With 1 AA
handmade Armenian lace edge, each. 1*UU
Children's White Linen Handkerchiefs—With
pictures embroidered in corners, l*A
S 3 in box. DUC
[ Children’s Weekly Handkerchiefs—One ^A
for each Jay of the week, box of 7, fUC
Children’s Embroidered Handker* CQ
chiefs—In white and colors, box of 7, 0«7C
Children's Sample Handkerchiefs—White with
colored embroidered corners, 1 OjL _
Boys' Handkerchiefs—White with fancy IQ
woven colored borders, each, 12/C
Boys’ Imported Shamrock Lawn Handker
chiefs—With colored border £Q
and initial, 3 in box, 02/C
Boys’ Handkerchiefs—White with colored OP
border and embroidered initial, each, £vC
,—— •
Christmas Gloves In Every Style and Kind
Lvery style to match every costume and meet the needs of all utilities. They are always appreciated
by women and children. I * V V~ “~‘ “tr— j
.Gloves for Children
Sport Gloves
Leather hand with long wool sleeve,
fleece lined in heather 1 rn
shades, l.DU
Kid Mittens and Gloves
Fleece lined in brown and tan,
sizes 0 to 8,
LWool Sport Mittens for
Girls and Boys
In heather shades, with large
cuff; pair,
Infants* Wool Mittens
Some silk and wool, also thumbless mit- 9Q
tens in white, sky blue and pink, OVC and
Boxes for Gift Gloves.
Gloves for Women
Long Black Real Kid Gloves—16-button
length, extra selected kid, overseam,
Paris point embroidery. We import
these ourselves. Regular a A A
8.00 values; per pair, U.UU
Gauntlets—Cape-suede in beaver and
oxford. Two-tone heavy embroidered
backs, strap wrist, American O (JA
made; pair,
Kayser Silk Gauntlet* — Chamoisette
lined. Novel combinations of beaver,
brown, oxford and mode. A TA
Large flare cuff. Pair, £*dv
Main Floor—North
Kayser Chamoisette Gauntlets—At
tractively embroidered cuffs in co
vert and platinum. Strap | r A
wrist. Pair, l«dU
Ladies’ Neckwear
A very unusual showing of real lace
collars, frilly nets and flat Venice ef
fect. These are very showy and
stylish for any gowns—
2.50 to 13.50
A special lot of Shirred Oriental Lace
Berthas, special for Saturday, 1.00
Crepe Scarfs—-In dainty colors—
1.39 to 2.25
Boudoir Caps—A leading Christmas
item, 69C 1.25 1.50 to 5.98
Ribbon Specials
Ribbons for fancy work, fancy little metal hats,
bag*, etc. 9-inch metalic ribbon, dark ground
with gold and silver, also combined with
colors. A very choice assortment, -1 QQ
yard. 1
Novelties for the Ladies
Garters, lingerie sets, powder puff set*, many
attractive little boxod gifts. Our ribbon
Main Floor North
Attractive Scarfs
Of crepe de chine and lace in dainty pastel and
dark colors. Greatlv reduced for Saturday
S'- 1.98 ,.6.50
French Chenille Dotted Veiling*—In plain and
colored combinations, in all the Qg*
shades, per yard, V
Main Floor North
Continuing Our Annual
Slipper Sale
Unequalled in Variety of Styles
Everyone who ha6
Christmas slippers
for women or chil
dren on his or her
gift list should by all
means plan to buy
here and economize.
Women’s Ribbon Trimmed Felt
Comforette Slippers—In many
different colors and color com
binations. , 1 OQ
Per pair. *
Women’s Ribbon Trimmed Felt
Juliettes—With leather sole and
rubber heels, in four different
colors. 1 QC
Per pair. *
Women’s Quilted Satin Boudoir
Slippers—In nine different col
ors; with leather soles and low
leather heels. O OC
Per patr, 4 O
Women's Buckskin Slippers—With
soft soles; in fawn, blue, old
rose, lavender and green. 2.0C
values. 1 OQ
Per pair, L
A Beautiful Assortment of Wom
en's Fancy Mules and D'Orsays
—Prices range from—
4.50 -8.50
Women's Strep Sandal F41t Slip
pers—In baby blue, silver and
maroon. Per 4 CC
pair, 1 *03
Children’s Felt Bootees—In eld
rose and blue. Qg
Per pair, */OC
Misses' Ribbon Trimmed Comfor
ettese—In silver, baby Qg
blue. Per pair, afOC
Women's Fur Trimmed Juliettes—
With leather soles and rubber
heels; in six different ■* QC
colors. Per pair * eneO
Third Floor—East
i •
Hair Nets
National Hair Net*—In fancy
boxes of one dozen nets; with
pretty Christmas greetings. In
all color*.
Double Mesh Cap or Fringe
style, per box. 1.00
Single Mesh Cap or Fringe
style, per box of 6. 55C
The Fachionette—One of the
best human hair nets; in all
shades; single or double mesh:
per dozen, 1.35
The Fashion—A perfect silk net;
cap or fringe style, doz., 75C
The Carman Hair Net*—Cap or
fringe; single or double mesh
style, 2 for 25^
Main Fleor—South
Enameled Shoe or Slipper Trees
In dainty colors, pair, 25^
Child’* Tea Aprons—Made of
para rubber; trimmed with
tuffles, in very dainty colors,
each. 89C
Velvet Grip Garter* for Men—
In all the wanted colors. Some
with sleeve holders to match.
Packed in Christmas boxes.
Per pair, 25C to 95C
Needle Book* — A large assort
ment, prices range from 25C
to 2.98.
Fancy Ribbon Frilled Garter
Elaatie—In a large assortment
of dainty colors; per yard—
39<* to 1.00.
Main Floor—South
Evef^|b°dy Invited to
the I Brandeis Theater Saturday
At 1Q:30 SatuJ , _ . ^ J
the ten beautiful morning the Brandeis Theater the drawing for
Mr. C. E. Black, C .tland ponies which we will give away will take place,
ponies will be on t£k faster at Omaha, will supervise the drawing. The
ners. Bring the cSJ Sijtage a-Td W1_N be immediately delivered to the win
the drawing is ovej!, dren* everybody welcome. Admission free. When
Claus will have a 5 come to Toyland on our Eighth Floor, where Santa
.=====—=s=====J_ PreMnt w every child.
Beginning Saturday and Until Christina* This Stc j _ t,t,„ „ _ . V, " =====a'
^ ® ® Will Remain Open Every Evening Until 9 P. M.
nil--—- I, ,is i.m milimi. millII,HIW , ,Jl "H?i«. ___ ^
Saturday-A Big Davy All Over the Store
We’ve the Toys
And in Spite of High Tariff We’re(S Selling Them at Low Tariff Prices
Pit—One of the many hun
dreds of games at the game
counter that is always popu
lar. Don’t fail to visit the
game section. Games priced
25c to 5.00.
China, Tin and Aluminum
Dishes—No little miss can
keep house without a set of
dishes. All sizes and prices.
15* to 5.00.
Panama Pile Driver and Sandy Andy Toy*—The most in
teresting of mechanical toys. Priced 50£ to 2.50«
Pianos—They always please 1
the young miss—her house ^
is not complete without one.1
Priced 50£ to 10.00.
Chcmcraft—Wonderful fox'
the young man who is going
to school and when he gets
older he may become a doc
tor. Priced 1.50 »o 10.00.
lea Skates—Tho ice is fine! Polished steel skates for boys
and girls at the skate counter. 1.00 to 5.00.
Pratty DolU—With eyes that
close and pretty curls.
50£ to 15.00
Washing Sets—For the little
1.00 to 5.00
Eighth Floor
. '• 's unnece^say1 y “shop around”
lor toys that will Unease the children
when you can lm sueh a compIete
and varied assortrev ent as there is in
Toyland on the % ghth KIoor Gath.
ered with regard w 0 quaIity> nove|t
andyalues, the tog B which f U1 th'
Eighth Floor reprint the most inter
esting, entertainin a anci niost reason
fu*y VT? P a-J^ni ngs-toys you never
thought of, so mati]t,jous]y are they
constructed, toysjh, {,e children will de
light m are there s( remarkably low
U I i
f ««o imam?
<4 different things can be
:SMt>«■ais» -»
. r k (
»»d electric
SSf’ proren the most re
mnr« "lil^J1~i, t0 break* g° fast and are
more like real tram 1#25 to 25 0Q
BUh!r^%."^/5iOW*r“-,—'rhe *>®w art of making
at the butter
nrirorf h* making them;
' pnced* ' 50<*
The Drawing Master
Viciievehre SSS&S OmV er booth a 11 d see the
\rith ha children have made
wi h the aid of the %v iwi Mapter>
Pnced- F 1.00 to 15.00
Flexible Hyer Sled*—With
the chrome steel hollow run
ners; these are the kind the
boys and girls all know and
ask for.
! Automobile! have the great
I est. fascination for young
sters. If they have an auto
they feel as big as dad.
5.00 to 10.00.
r*"' • .. .
Genuine Kiddy Kara and
Padal Kara—Wonderful lit
tle cars with rubber tires and
hall bearings. Kiddy Kars,
1.00 to 41.00.
Meccano and Erector—The
best structural toys. Boys
will keep busy for hours
building with these. 1.00
to 50.00.
Jackie Coogan—The prince
of all hoy dolls. Every child j
loves them and they are |
hard to break. 1.50
——— ■ ‘—I I I -—I
Mamina Doll*—Every little
girl wants a Mamma doll.
They walk and talk. Priced
1.50 to 15.00.
# - - -- - _
Friction Toy* gre always
long livers. They have no
springs to break and can
stand hard usage. 504 to
Woven Willow Furniture—
These are just like those for
grownups and make fine ’fur
niture for the children.
1.98 to 2.50. •
■ ■' ■
loy Circus—With a clown,
lephant and ladders.
1.00 to 5.00
Eighth Floor
Sewing Set*—Teaches chil
dren how to sew.
Saturday Santa Claus Will GGive Each Child a Present
Exquisite Jewelry for Christmas Gifts
Our display cases and counters are loaded with gifts of wonderful beauty. Our whole stock was se
lected with a view to pleasing the most careful Christmas shopper and the price concessions we obtained
enables us to mark our pieces at remarkably low prices. A visit to this department will convince you that
it is wisdom to shop here. '
__ xA.
Beautiful etched crystal. 12
inches high, silver base in
pierced design, two roses in
each vase, all colors. | AA
Very special, ^ «VV
Main Floor
Ladies’ Wrist Watches—Solid white gold ,
filled 14-k., 15-jewel movement, cushion,
square and octagon shape with silver dial
and engraved case. Ribbon wristlet.
Regular 18.50, this J ^ 0g
Men's Watches—Elgin movement, green
gold filled case, 7-jewel, 12 size, engine
turned, shield in center of case for en
graving, newest models, guaranteed time
piece. Regular 18.60 < O C/\
value, special. IO»OU
Ladies' Wrist Watch—Solid white gold 14-k.
and green gold 14-k., 15-jewel movement,
octagon, long oval shape and square;
silver and white and gold dials; ribbon
wristlet. Regular 30.00 1 Q 7C
value, special, 1 5/ • / O
Novel Vanity Cases and Cain Purses—Com
binations in silver and gold plated, With
engraved shield in center for monogram,
woven braid handle with tassel •> QQ
on end.. Special, sSsaPO
Exquisite Pearls—Rich oriental
color, graduated, indestruct
ible, each pearl perfectly
matched. 24 and 27-inch
strands, solid white gold clasp
with small diamond, safety
clasp, put up in a gray silk
velvet case, heart shaped,
white satin lined. Regular
lt.60 value, (■ CkQ
Dutch Silver Candlesticks—Very smart and one of
the seasou’s novelties. 12 inches high; O QQ
regular price 5.50; special, per pair, 0*5/0
New Imports—Necklaces of novelty beads to match
every costume, pendant and tassel style in jet,
rose, amethyst, jade, and sapphire colors; CA^
regular 1.00 and 1.50 values, special, OUC
Mesh Bag*—New novel shapes in the best quality
of double link mesh. Long oval and square
shapes in green gold and silver plated, chain
panier handle. Made by the well-known house
of Whiting and Davis. Regular A wg
6.98, 7.60, and 10.00, special, / O
Main Floor East
French P**rU Solid wax-filled pearls, 27-inch strand,
graduated pearls in cream and iridescent n
color, Spring ring clasp. 2.00 value, special, I *UU
Sterling Silver Cigarette Cates—New thin flat model,
engraved and angina turned. Very heavy silver
cases, all gold lined. Regular 18.50 1 o CA
and 22.50 values. Special, i£,OU
Gifts You Can Buy Saturday for 1 00
Individual Silver Piece*—Sterling ailver
handles in braight finish, engraved design.
Cold meat forks, berry spoons, cream and
gravy ladle, tomato server and many
other pieces. Each separately * AA
boxed. jBpecial, * • W
Shaving Cup and Brush—With fancy silver
holder in pierced designs. Boxed, 1 ftA
special. * *wV
Ivory Finished Buffer add Holder, 1 AA
special I
Heavy Ivory Fiauhad Comb, 1 AA
special * *V/V
Novelty Necklace*—Cut crystal highly pol
ished in jade, flame black and red, cherry,
and jet colors in pendant and tas- | AA
sel style. Boxed, special *
French Wax-filled Pearl*—Cream and irides
cent color, 27-inch strand graduated, with
spring rihg clasp. Very Attrac- ■■ Aft
tively boxed. Special, * eww
Solid Gold Front Jewelry—Scarf pins, soft
cuff 'inks, tie clasps, bar pin stone set
and engraved baby pins, bib clasps, etc.
Boxed in blue velvet and cases with
cream velvet lining. < Aft
Special, * # W j
Gold Filled Waldamar Chain*—Flat cable and j
long link effect in soldered link < AA !
Special, Jl *\l\/ j
Boxed Jewelry-Solid gold front jewelry
—scarf pins, bar pins, bangle brace
lets, collar pins, lingerie clasps, soft
cuff links, baby sets and many other
items. These make a very dainty gift
put up in velvet boxes lined with
cream colored velvet. 1 nn
Special, 1 .UU
Rosarie*—Highest grade gold filled all soldered links with
amethyst, emerald, ruby and sapphire colored stones. < aa
Boxed, special, X iUw
Main Floor—East
Novelty Bar Pin*—White stone set and com
binations of colored stones—amethyst,
emerald and sapphire in straight har and
bowknot designs, platinum w AA
finish, special, 1 .UU
Hair Ornament*—A very large and attractive
line of new hair ornaments in Spanish style
and fan shapes, stone set in red, green,
white and sapphire. i A/v
Boxed, special, 1 .UU
Novelty Barrette*—Stone-set bowknots, daisy
flower design and metal barrettes with
white stones, pearl and demi. w aa
Special, 1 .UU
Child’* Set—Boxed knife, fork and spoon in
bright and Butler finish, with | AA
engraved handles. Special, 1 .UU
Lingerie Cla*p*-MJold filled, sterling silver
and French enameled, very dainty a AA
and a useful gift. Special, 1 .UU
Novelty Earring*—Piarceless pendant styles,
hoop, shower and many other new and
novel ideas. All colors to match the cos
tume In jade, lapus. Jet, topax, red and sap
phire, crystal and black. 1
Special, 1 .UU
Ever Sharp Pencil*—With ring on end and
safety catch. Also fancy enameled pen
cils in black and white. w AA
Special, 1 .UU
Gold-Filled Knives—New thin flat models,
engraved, with two blades of best *1 A A
quality of steel. Special, I .UU
6000 Chinese Sewing Baskets
Our Own Importation Direct From Hong Kong
These brown sewing baskets come in five sizes, trimmed with
colorful tassels, bracelets, Chinese coins and beads. A gift any girl
or woman will appreciate.
Because of the remarkable price concession obtained by our
Hongkong representative and the fact that there is no importer’s
commission to be paid, we are able to sell these baskets to gift buy
ers at prices away below the ordinary.
5-In. Size
8-In. Size
Third Floor—West
10 and 12-In. Size
Knit Underwear
tin All
Women9* Union Suits
Silk mad Wool and Part Wool Suit.—In knee length
or ankle length, with high neck and long sleeves.
These are samples and odd Iota that would ordinarily
sell for 3.50 to 4.60. All sices, but not o r* a
in every style; special at U
Weight Cotton Suits—In knee or ankle
length, bodice or regulation tops, o o a
specially priced, 1 «UU
Boys’ and Girls' Union Suita
Part wool suits in natural frray co)or {n cloged or
drop seat styles, ankle length and a »7C
long sleeves. Sizes 2 to 16 years, 1 . / O
Women’s Jersey Silk Underwear
A gift for tha dainty woman
Vesta made of heavy Jersey silk in a dainty flesh
shade. Bodice style in a lovely quality, reinforced
and beautifully finished. Regular
4.50 value for OaO.U
Bloomers to match. 4.50
Third Floor—Center
400 Men’s Inband Caps
All-wool heavy overcoating fabrics in
the much wanted one-piece top style. All
desirable shades of brown, blue and gray.
Light and dark colorings to suit the indi
vidual taste. All sizes 6% to 71/2- All
with fur or plush inbands and first quality
1.50 and 1.75 Values
Fourth Floor
House Furnishings
Electric Toaster—Grills, toasts, broills snd fries,
guaranteed for one year, complete f CQ
v.ith long cord. Special, 1 •Du
Electric Light Globes—Brilliant and nq
ldng burning, 60-watt sise, special. £*%)C
W'smr-Ever Aluminum Frying Pen-—10-inch
site, made of extra hard sheet aluminum.
Regular 1.05 value, | gq
Special, 1 »0
Bird Cages—Made of bamboo and fold when not
in use, complete with perches, -|
wing and cups. Special, 1 • t U
Heat-Proof Table Met*—Assorted sizes, fter
made in Japan, set of seven, m f C
Christmas Tree Lights—Set of eight 1 QO
colored lamps, ronnected, special. • se/O
Electric Iren—Priscilla brand. 6-lb O QQ
sire, packed in holly box, 0*2/0
Fifth Floor—West
Attend the Houir
Sales Saturday
Quantities Are Small.
We Reserve the Right to
Limit p, Purchases,
No Mail or Phone Orders. No Deliveries
^ X^aVm.
100 Cups and Saucers
I Per Cup and
” Saucer
Regularly 3.00 Per Doz.
Hand painted in attractive de
signs or plain white with gold
bond on good grade of body
china. The cups are the popular
ovide shape.
Fifth Floor—East
9 to 11 A. M.
All new lfrineh double-faced
records. A good assortment of
selections. These records will
play on any phonograph
Main Floor—Weat
10 to 11 A. M.
400 Table Runners
< 11
Made of fine
damask and tapestries
with prold braid. Attractive col
orings for the library or livinj *
room. • j
Si*th Floor— East
V 10 l« 11 A. M.
500 Carriage Robes
_#*r1Ugularly 1.98. *
in Japan in dainty baby
5h®'ics of pink and blue, filled
with soft *hite cotton and hand
'(j’jilli'd. Size 27x30 inches.
( Third Floor—East
6:30 to 7:30 P. M.
1000 Pairs Men’i Socks
H , J
Seconds of 1.25 Grade.
Full fashioned hoao of 12
strand pure thread silk with dou
ble lisle soles, toes and high
spliced heels. Seconds of regu
lar 1-25 quality
6:30 to *
7:30 P. M.
300 Crumb Tray Sets
Regularly 49c.
Made of Japanese walnut and
hand carved with artistic design.
A dainty gift for the hostess.
Third Floor—West
Samples of Fancy J/
Linens Price
A big collection from several manu
facturers of scarfs, doilies, lunch
cloths, centerpieces and other odd
pieces, all at one-hall' price. Early se
lections are best.
Buffet Seta—In various colors; scarfs
and pin cushion | AA | ra
cover. Per set, 1*UU to i*DU
200 Colored Stenciled Bed Spread*—
81x90, scalloped and with* O A A
cut comers. Priced at
Main Floor—West
For Christmas
No.. 2C. Folding. Autographic
EET"" 13.00
No. IA Autographic Kodak—
With anastigmat'*) A AA
lens f 7*7, 4U.UU
No, 3A Autographic Kodak—
With anastigmat lens; f7-7;
3%x5tt 27.50
Na 3 Brownie Camara A PA
—size 8l4zth 4.011
No. O Brownie Camara—*
SS>* 2.00
Loose Loaf Album — With
cloth cover; 7x11;
with 40,leaves, IZ/C
Muin Floor—North
Fans for Gifts
!j •
In dainty shades
for evening,
Priced 2.50 to 14.00
Main Floor—North
Value of Nation's
Cro| is Placed at
Improvement in Prices for
Farm Products Reflected in
Final Report of Agri*
cultural Department.
Washington, Dec. 15.—(By A. F.>—
The nation's crop this year at*
worth $7,572,890,000. based on their
farm value as of December 1, the De
partment of Agriculture announced
In Its final crop report of the year.
Their value is $1,842,978,000 more
than last year’* cropa. reflecting im
provement In prices for farm prod
ucts and Increased production In
some cropa. This year’s farm pro
duction is worth about the aame as
that of 1916. but Is lower than 1920
by about $1,500,000,000 and lower
than any year since 1915 except last
year. It is only a little more than
half as much as the record value year
of 1919.
Record production was niHde this
year in rye. potatoes, sweet potatoes
and hay. Other hutrper crops were
•ice, with tha third largest jro
ducion; tobacco, with the fourth
largest In history; wheat with the
fifth largest production and corn with
its seventh largest crop. Cotton this
year Is the fourth most valuable crop
of that ever grown, although a small
crop In point of production.
Corn Moat Valuable.
Corn, a* usual Is the country’s most
i valuable crop, being worth $700,000,
000 more than last year, with a total
value of $1,900,287,000. Cotton stands
second with $1.368.il7 OflO, the lint be
ing valued at $1,190,761,000 and the
cotton seed $117,756,000. Hay is the
third most valuable crop with a total
of $1,381,679,000. No other crop
reached a billion dollars In value thlg
year. Wheat was valued at $884,159.
000, standing as fourth most valuable
crop of the country.
T'he world wheat situation foe. 1»3
23, as reviewed by the International
Institute of Agriculture at Home,
shows a world export surplus of 960.
000,000 bushels and requirements ef
Importing countries to be 923,000,000
bushels. In announcing the stalls
tins, the Department of Agrlcultute
said It seemed the surplus would be
quite sufficient to supply the demand
and leave a good balance at the be
glnlng of next season.
Traduction Under 1921.
World production Is placed by the
International Institute at 3,9*2.000,.
000 bushels, compared with 2.96i,
000,000 last year; the carry over at
123.000. 000, compared with 84,000,009;
the exportable surplus at 950,000,000,
compared with 725,000,000, and im
ports and import requirements at
923.000. 000, compared with 693,600,
The exportable surplus estimated
as of August 1 by the Institute for
the principal exporting countries fol
Canada, 312,000,000 bushels; United
States, 305,000.000; British India,
37.000. 000; Argentina, 20.000.000; Aus
tralia, 33,000,000, ai)d other countries,
29.000. 000. Of the new crop in Ar
gentina, the exportable surplus la
estimated at 147.000,000 and that of
Australia 66,000,000.
The decrease In production of Im
porting countries this year as com
pared with 1921 is estimated at 230.
000,000 bushels.
During the year ending July 1,
1922, the total imports of thews coun
tries amounted to 693,000,000 bushels.
Assuming the consumption of wheat
this season to he equal to that of
last. It would be necessary for the
Importing countries to increase thei -
imports in proportion to the decrease
in production or from 693,000,000 to
923.000. 000 bushels.
| Wholesale Drug Firm
in Bankruptcy Court
i The W. G. Cleveland company, Inc.,
I Fourteenth and Harney streets, whole
I saIe dealers In drugs Rnd doctors’ and
> hospital supplies, was brought Into
[ bankruptcy court yesterday on the pe
tition of three creditors.
1 John W. Gamble, vice president of
; the First National bank, was appoint
ed receiver.
"Liabilities of the company will be
around $100,000, and the assets
amount to less than $40,000,” said the
petitioner's attorney.
Two Omahans on Train
Wrecked Near St. Joseph
George A. Keyser, assistant Unit
ed States attorney, returned from
St. Louis, where he went on legal
business before the court of appeals
last Tuesday. He was accompanied
by Eugene O'Sullivan. Their train
was In a wreck near St. Joseph.
'We w-ere in the washroom,” said
Mr. Keyser. "The collision hurled me
across the room and I struck tlio
wall like a ton of brick.
"O’Sullivan wse knocked backward
and struck the back of his head on
the washbowl. He was pretty well
knocked out for a few minutes. Our
Pullman, however, did not leave the
I Daily Prayer ~]
' * TV ll,v® M*- he will V.«sp My
Almighty God, our Heavenly Fath
*r. we thank Thee for Thy goodness.
Thy loving kindness to us and to all
men; for the health that gives
strength, and for the sickness that
brings patience; and most of all for
the forgiveness of sins for Christa
?®he. ^°,r t*le means of grace, and
for (he hope of glory.
We beseech Thee.' give Thy guid
ance in what we ought to do and in
the wavs wherein we ought to go
I *nd vouchsafe Thy grace to enable
us to walk in them aright. Save us
irom being so busy as to forget Thee
or so contented as to feel no need of
{ hea.
°J,r hlarts wlth grateful love
of Thy dear Son. our Saviour and our
King; and open our eyea to the Ught.
and our souls to the grace of Thy
Holy Spirit, that He may come In
and take possession and work In u»
the holineta without Which no man
shall see the Lord.
O God. be merciful to us sinners
. !*" we tread the dusty way of active
lire, and when the evening come* bide
with uk near, and give light for ih»
• way home, through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen
1 BISHOP DANTBt, s ,u I TLS. u. D.
Alt. laOUiP,