11D 1)0 F A TURD Return* SEE jiggs and Maggie in full Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus UIMllVIliTU Vj I 1 1 11 J_« lx u S. Patent Oflica PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE (Coprritht 1922) ILL. Hide IN THI^s mob of CHINAvMEN - THEN HACCtlE WILL. NEVER find 'WHERE DID THAT ] I WRETCH O? I SO * THERE I xoo are: • 1 COME l HERE! YOO'Lt- HAVE ^ plent t of time —TO EKPLMN | _T'WHEM » ^ET, -^7^-^OOHOMe,^ I EXPLAIN • j MACove are symptoms which properly excite suspicion. They call for careful examination, repeatedly made, if necessary. If careful exami nation is made on suspicion, diagnosis Is made when cure is possible. The Spleen and Temper. A. B. writes: ‘‘1. What has the spleen to do with the human anatomy? "2. By what process does one ar rive at a perfect spleen—I. proper eating or exercise? "3. What causes disorders of the spleen? •'4. Has this anything to do with flatulency? ”6. Where, O where, Is the seat of temper? “6. How controlled, when beyond ordinary means? “7. By the will, determination, and premeditation, or is it like the tide, due to planetary influences beyond control?” REPLY.* 1. It is intimately connected with the blood, the theory being that it is in some way connected with blood regeneration. It is called a blood gland because the blood flows in and around the spleen cells in a way that is not altogether found in other organs. Again, the spleen is enlarged in malaria, a disease In which the blood Hills arts at once checks Colds in M Hours ^k ffl It tlit fast sign of • add uta H3& GsaaV Hills Cascara Bromide Quinine PIANOS tuneo a repaireo All Work GuarantMO A. HOSPE CO. 1513 DougUs DO 59S8 1 cells ure Infected: In various' Infec tions. such as typhus and pneu monia, In which-bacteria are in the blood. In leukemia, a disease charac terized by un enormous increase in white blood cells, the spleen Is en larged. The spleen is-affected some way in pernicious anaemia. This is about as much as we know about the subject. 2. I don’t know. 3. See part of answer to .No 1. 4. No. 5. In the brain cells. Temper is an emotional disturbance. 6. Savages used a stick. I don'v know that we have improved on the method of the savage. 7. Some persons with an excessive degree of emotional Instability arc confined in asylums: of course prisons and Jails restrain some. Most of the emotionally unstable are capable of being trained into decent citizens. Training should begin in childhood. Danger to Da by. L. K. writes "My little girl, now 0 years old. had marasmus when she was a baby. Is there any danger of her contracting tuberculosis?" REPLY. Yes, I should say there is some dan ger. Clive her plenty of milk, but none of It raw. Have her live the most hygienic life possible. She should stay out of doors a good part of the time in favorable weather. Bathing May Help. Babe writes "Can you please inform me why it Is that I have such dreadful pains for the first few hours when I get unwell? It Is only the last hnlf year that I am so. I am 17 years old and do not do any strenuous work. Is there any remedy for this? What effect would bathing have when one Is In this condition?” REPLY. Bathing In warm water once or twice a day should help. Likewise drinking warm teas. Avoid alcoholic beverages or medicines. Send 2-cent stamped' return envelope for "Per sonal Hygiene for Women." Births and Deaths. Birth*. Paul and Josle Mellngazir, 1240 So. 16th St., girl. John and MarjSPystrom, 606 South 84th St., girt. August and Helen Neubaus, Benion Route®No. 7, girl. Joseph and Bernice Ovenia, 4323 South 38th St., boy. George and Rose Pates. 2110 W 8t.. boy Frank and Jeanette Dembowski, Route 6, Box 11«. boy. Lester and Ruth Jacobson, 2004 North 19th St., girl. Vlncanzo and Carmelo Alessandro, 111H *3 Nc*. 16th St., girl. Steve and Katie Stavneak, 8407 Valley St . girl. Herman and Clara S^ults, 4140 Burdette St., boy. Hary and Mabel Gross, 2314 South 10th St., boy. William and Anna Ivozall, 4627 South 34th St., girl. Percy and Helen Perry, 6317 North 33id Ave., girl. Edward and Irene Kroll, hospital. girl Rosario and Alfia Costanttno, 407 Pop pleton St., boy. Paul and Margaret Traynor, hospital, girt. James and Henrietta Kelly, hospital, girl. Edgar and Marie Stacy, 210 North 19tn St., boy. Ben and Nora Cattle. 4723 South 24th St., boy. Deaths. Philip E. Hetrick. 60 years, hospital. Virginia Donea. infant, hospital. Emma L. Nlcod, 83 years, 4023 North 42nd St. „ , William H. Nielson, infant, 6103 Parker St ADVEBTIHEM ENT. Great For Bad Coughs and Colds Make Your Own Medicine and Have the Best There Is You’ll Say It’s Good When All Mucus Disappears and Clean, Healthy Membrane Is Your Reward. Here is an inexpensive home-made rem edy that you can’t beat and one that will quickiy bring up that rhlegm, atop the snuffling, relieve the clogged noatriis, make breathing easy and caune stubborn colds and persistent coughs to vacate— many time* over night. Try it right away if you suffer from Catarrh. Chest Colds or any irritating nose or throat trouhles ard you'll be triad you run across (his little bit of advice. Get from any druggist one ounce of Parmint (double strength) add to it a little augar and enough water to make one-half pint. You can make it in two minutes and when it is mixed you ran pride yourself on having a medicine that acts directly on the membrane of the nose and throat and acts so effectively that all phlegm, all tickling and inflamma tion speedily disappear*. William F Garner, 69 years hospital. Mi s St mediae V. Slornin, 64 years. 2209 Larlmon? Ave. Jabes Otto I.ambson. 40 years, hospital Henry K Nass*r 63 years Keystona Park boulevard Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses were Issued to the following couples John Carter. 2". Blair. Neb., and Ev« Ivn Maekerrher. 19. Fort Calhoun. Neb I'nve Hoeenstock. over 21, Omaha, and Jessie Rosenstnck. over 21, Omaha. The Academy of Science In Chicago. 111., has succeeded In producing a pho tograph In natural colors, 96 feet long and 10 feet high, one of the largest ever made This photograph marks the advent of a new art and means the displacement of oil paintings cost ing thousands of dollars I Vaudeville—Photoplay* SEVEN DAYS STARTING TOMORROW A Riotou* Melange of Mirth and Muaic Larry Harkins and his MELCDY MONARCHS A quintette of jazz ex ponent*, providing twenty minute* of whirlwind enter tainment. OTHER COMEDY VAUDEVILLE ACTS and Eugene O’Brien —in — “The Mysterious JOHN SMITH” BRAN DEIS TAVBJtV anU!*T rr^lar°9 I MARRIAGE ••is no.. LAUGHING MATTER But You Will Howl at the Morrleet Picturo of Wedded Life K*»r *dnted PETER B. KYNE'S Great Story “BROTHERS UNDER THE SKIN” WITH HELEN CHADWICK CLAIRE WINDSOR PAT O’MALLEY—NORMAN KERRY SIX ROLLICKING DAYS STARTING SUNDAY SUN THEATER SUNDAY at the STRAND The Sweetest Love Story Ever Written A Book of World-Wide Popularity Read and Reread in Every Home 1/9 A Paramount jo Jisyvf ;p and To nold ^ Betty Compson As the sweetest heroine ever screened. Bert Lytell As a dashing son of fortune. Theodore Kosloff As the most fascinating knave that ever twirled a rapier. You Don't Know What a Man and Woman Will Do for Love. All Week— Strongheart the Wonder Dog. Brawn of^ the North I Chas. Chaplin “EASY STREET" | s * New Edition De Luxe of His ij Funniest Comedy. EMPRESS NOW SHOWING EILLE NORWOOD as “SHERLOCK HOLMES’’ in “The Hound of the Baskervilles" FIVE BALIOTS “A Surprise in the Brlfry” KKLLY A KOZIK mi "UOI.UI" CHADWICK A TAYLOR —“America'* Youngest Colored Vaudevillians” jf GREAT HOWARD “The Scotch Ventriloquist” 1 NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS HAMILTON - - 40th and Hamilton All-Star Cast • in “CONCEIT” VICTORIA 24th end Fort EUGENE O'BRIEN in “Prophet’s Paradise” GRAND • • • 16th and Binney ZANE GREY'S “Where Romance Rides” Amateur Vaudeville last V f FTTH DON-1 TIMES 1 I MISS TON'GHT T r * ^ IT Too[ish_Wives' STARTS TOMORROW “THE SAfiE BRUSH TRAIL” By H. II. VAN LOAN •—with— ROY STEWART Marjorie Daw—Johnny Walker WALLACE BEERY - WOW PLAVINO KARYL NORMAN "The Creole Fashion Plata*' Elieabeth Kennedy St Milton Barle FABER & | McGOWAN | “SENATOR” FORD Koroli Bros. The Nagyfya I spies of Day — Aesop's Fables _ Pathe News _ W. C. Field's Players in FIELD S FAMILY FORD MATINEES: I 1 Sc to 50c I NIGHTS 15c to >1.00 NOW PLAYING GUY BATES POST * IN 0A1AA TM6 . T6NT- „ MAH6A f