The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 15, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    , Plan to Occupy
Ruhr Opposed
In Birkenhead
Member of British Barba
jik'iit Sava Cost of Control
Would Immense!) Re
duce Cash Result.
i ml«»n, Doe. 1 4. —4By A. I*.)—An in
*v 'fing delmte took place yesterday in
tic- house of lords on the question « f
r*;panitiotis and interallied debts. Lord
Birkenhead, in opening the discussion,
strongly opposed Great Britain's v,i\
ing the slightest countenance to »mr
ticipution in military sanctions ns
t ^ed by M. Poincare.
lie declared it would Ik? impossible
to control the German forests and
mines without f- roe of occupation,
the cost of whh h would immens*-lv re
duce any cash nsult.
" hile ridiculi..w the idea that Ger
many hud any capacity for aruiod re
sistance, or could secretly become i
military menace to its neighbors. Birk
enhead pointed out th^t Germany was
still formidable and there were limits
to the humiliations which it would be I
wise to impose, lie believed it would i
I o extremely difficult to recommend
to the British people .1 poliry involv
ing the pa} meat of tlic American debt
ind’tbe remission of ls>th Orman rep
| a rat Iona -and Eurpean debt.
Viscount Grey bald that if the pro
posed Paris conference of January 2
failed it would bring Europe a stop
I nearer to collapse.
Pointing out that even if England
were aide to recover the debts from
}%a.nee ami Paly It would simply
mean perpetuation of the present un
satisfactory position and postpone
European recovery, he added: “if ly
remitting the European debts we could
substantially promote the security and
economic recovery of Eurojie w»
should he immense gainers.”
Man Held on Check Forgery
Charge Offers Check for Bond
Samuel Steinberg, 310 North T\ven-%
tieth street, was arrested by Detec
tives Ryan and English on a charge
of forging a $10.50 cheek on the
Evans laundry.
lie waived preliminary hearing be
fore .lunge Wappich in central police
court yesterday and was ordered held
for trial in district court under $5,000
' 'ourt almost broke up w lien he
asked the magistrate if he could give
a check for the bond.
Foreign residents of the City of
Mexico are taughf Spanish free by
the department of public instruction.
Kind-Hearted Indiana Citizen
Offers to Help Former Sultan
Chicago. Deo. 14. — The Chicago]
Tribune last night received the fol
lowing inquire :
"Martinsville. Ind , Dec. 12.
"Chicago Tribune.
"Dear Manager: I am writing ydu
In regard to the beautiful Circassian
girls which the sultan left behind him.
1 see the former husband wishes hus
bands for the 150 girls, and I would
like to Know just bow the matter
stands. 1 will appreciate your kind
ness if you can give me any under
standing about the matter and just
how the sultan is going to work it so
that an American can got one, or how.
is it worked? I am interested and
wish to know. So if you can give me
any understanding towards the matter
I would appreciate your kindness by
hearing from you in the near future.
"Respectfully yours,
“Herman Hatley.”
Immediately the following was sent j
to the Tribune's Constantinople corre- !
“Notify grand chamberlain Indiana
resident anxious to obtain complete in
formation how American can marry
just one of Circassian beauties in
harem abandoned by former sultan
Cable early reply.”
To the Washington bureau of the
!,Tribune the following message was
"Win you pleifse notify the State
department and the bureau of immi
gration that Herman Hatley of Mar
tinsville, Ind., wishes complete infor
mation regarding possibility of Circas
sian beauties in fugitive sultan's
harem marrying Americans'.’ Mr. Hat
ley's inquiry does not say whether he
means only one or can place the whole
K'O, so report regarding possibility of
admitting whole harem into this coun
try for above purpose.”
Commissioners Must Pay
Vote Guards. Says Sliolwell
County Attorney Sliolwell ruled
yesterday that the county comniis
sloners must pay for tint sendees of
two men used to guard ballots it the
last general election.
County Commissioner Henry Mc
Donald had refused to pay the hill
presented by Election Commissioner
William D. McHugh, jr.
The vault where the ballots were
kept was not burglar proof. McHugh
maintains, and it was only necessary
precaution for guards to be posted
i over it.
^ oman Loses Suit
Brought Against
Street Railway
- #
Counsel for Tram Company
Charges ^ ilnt W as De
tained From Appear
ing in Court.
A verdict in favor of the Omaha &
1 Vrim-il Bluffs Street Railway rora
l>any. was returned by a jmy y ester
p ... after 45 minutes' deliberation in
tlie suit against the company made by
Martha Davis, 5100 North Fifteenth
District .fudge Day yesterday stated
that, if Mrs. Florence Whitehurst was
not produced in 15 minutes, lie would
dismiss the case at flip plaintiff's cost,
it was chaigeil by Herbert Connell,
counsel for the tram corporation, that
Mrs. Whitehurst was being* detained
from appearing in court.
At the saute time, fearing his wife
hail been kidnaped. William White
burst was appealing to detectives to
search for her. She disappeared
shortly after 4:30 Wednesday after
noon, he said.
Mrs. Demise Cohee. 5118 North
Fourteenth avenue, test tiled that her
daughter had left her home before she
Soon after Judge l»ay had issued Ilia
ultimatum, Mrs. Whitehurst appeared
In court and contradicted her mother's
She said she had been upstairs in
bed, 111, when her mother left tlie
Mrs. Whitehurst denied remember
ing having signed a statement for the
street ear company.
Hughes Family Victim
of Many Misfortunes
The family of Jesse Hughes, line
man who was killed Tuesday night by
an electric wire at Twenty second and
Izard streets, seems to have been the
victim of misfortune for the past year.
Less than a year ago. a son, Curios,
died after a long Illness and for the,
last few- weeks a daughter, Mrs. S. A.
Click has lain perilously ill at the
Methodist hospital. Then came the
death of Mr. Hughes.
Ills widow, in her little homo at
2541 North Sixty fourth street, is ill
hut is trying to keep tip until after
the funeral services, set for 2 Friday
afternoon at the John A. Gentleman
chapel. Mr. Hughes will be burled in
Fairview cemetery in Council Bluffs.
Of 2.115 famous men of England.
1.270 are sons of preachers.
Sleuths Kick Down
Door of Booze Joint
Williams" Squad Findu Liquor
in Underground Caehc
After Search.
The bouse squad kicked down *
door at the home of Tony Trorato. I
2016 Pierce street, and seized a Jug
of whisky in the kitchen. Sgt. Trank
Williams noticed a chatr suspicious
ly under a window. He stepped on it.
put ills arm through the window,
rcHcbed into an underground cache.
an«l withdrew 10 bottles of booze.
Trorato pleaded (he whisky was for
bis"own use. He said he had been ap
pointed at' emtdoye of the city stroet
cleaning department since the elec
tion of City Commissioner John Hop
kins, and Iris attorney attacked tlie
validity of the search warrant, be
cause tin- 1 >o07.o squad was working
< n the tip of an anonymous letter.
Trorato was fined $160,
The Union Pacific, at the gales of
whose yards Jack Tria, 1 SO I Webster
street, lives, was t no of the complain
ants that caused his arrest on a boose
charge. He was fined $100 by Judge
Wapploh in central police court yes
Estill Gives Self Up
as Bondsmen Withdraw
W. E. I'still gave himself up y eater
day to I’nitod States Marshal i'ronin
when F. B. Toting and \lfrcd 11 Tip
ton. his bondsmen, asked to l*e t«
lear-cd from liability.
He is under sentence of two years
In federal prison for violation of 11 -
Mann act and hod l>een granted Pi
days in which to arrange n super
sedcas bond for appeal to the high* i
Estill spent tho afternoon In tin
nuvshnl's office, m liore a banker from
his home, Wulthill. visited lihn and
planned to get some of lies friends to
go on ;i now bond w itldn a few dttvs.
He consulted with his attorney,
.hrir.i N*. HaKlwin. who told him wh:it
it would rest to perfect ni .appeal
to the higher court. Estill an vs hr
has no money.
Short Ship County Pairs
to Hold Mrotin^ in HaMiiifj:'
Hastings, Ncl>., t>c. 11.— (Special >
—Notio© tvas receive,! IVuni GeOr(tr
.indison nf Nelson, president of lliv
short fillip rin uit of county fairs,
the circuit has peon called to m< i
here in xt Tuesday to discuss ptvlhni
nary county fair plans for next >ear
The counties represented are Nuclt
olia. Webster, ('lay. Killmore, Thayer.
Adams and 1’uWnee counties.
Only 8 More Shopping Days Before Christmas
Attend the Hour Sales Friday
9 to 10 A. M.
300 Brown Wood
Nut Bowls
Regularly 1.00
10 to 11 A. M.
1,000 Japanese
Regularly 3.98
10 to 11 A. M.
2200 Pairs Thread
Silk Hose
Irregulars of 2.00
are small.
We reserve
the right
to limit
Carved from wood,
stained mahogany finish;
complete with metal
tipped hammer.
Fifth Floor—West
Made of heavy crepe and
hand embroidered in at
tractive designs. In rose,
coral, Copenhagen, pink,
blue, maize, tan and
( Third Floor—Center
Silk from top to toe, also lisle
garter tops. All are full fash
ioned, with double soles and high
spliced heels. Some glove silk
are included. In black, brown,
white and shoe shades.
Main Floor—North
Xo Mail
Xo Phone
A Sale of Blankets and Bedding
In Desirable Weight
for Winter Use.
The Celebrated Bea
con Comfortables—
Size 70x84 inches, f
bound a 1 1 around ^
with 3-inch bine"
a wonderful
ment o f Jat ,
styles. An exceptional
calue, each,
Priced Advantageously
for the Pre-Christmas
ISBk. Shoppdr.
Extra Heavy Winter
Weight Comforters—
Filled with fine white
cotton covered with
good quality comfort
er cretonne with 9
- inch plain border to
match. Size 72x84 inches. O rn
Extra value, each,
Wool-Filled Comforter*—Si^e 72x84 inches,
covered with splendid quality sateen,
handsomely quilted with 9-inch sateen
border to match. A wonderful /? QP
value each, J
Wool Finished Cotton Blankets—All full
double bed size in assorted colors,
thread-w hipped edges. Regular O 4C
3.00 value, pair,
Plaid Beacon Blankets—
Size 66x80 inches in
assorted colors and
plaids. Two-inch blan
ket binding. An excep
tional value,
Beacon Bathrobe Blankets—In assorted
floral Jacquard and Indian designs.
Each blanket large enough to make full
size robe. C.irdle, neck cords and frogs
to match. Neatly boxed. A nr
All-Wool Plaid Blankets—In assorted col
ors. An extra heavy all-wool blanket
with whipped edges. For double O r/>
beds. A wonderful value, pair, O.DU
That best grade ot
Boyd’s cotton corduroy
that makes such useful
gifts during the holida>
time-—bathrobes, loung
ing robes, kiddies’ gar
ments, stage curtains and
so on. 36 inches wide,
in the wide wale cord
and may be had in a
whole line of dark and
light shades. Now is the
time to buy this cord j
while there is still plenty j
of time to sew before
2,000 Sanitas Pieces
Many can be matched into sets. Six-inch doilies, 22-inch
centerpieces, 17x46 scarfs. Values from P £Q
10c to 1.35, sale price, vC to U«7C
White Luncheon Seta—13-piece sets consisting of six 6-inch
doilies, six 10-inch doilies and one 1 QO
24-inch centerpiece. Set, l.»JO
Scarfa—A big assortment of scarfs, lace trimmed, scalloped
and colors. A wonderful, inexpensive * PQ
gift, each, «KFC
Table Clotha for Chriatmaa—In satin finish.
72x72 inches, each,
and Toilet Goods
Cutex Manicure Sets— ,
60c value, 44<
Metal Twin Com
pacts— 89^
No. 2 Film Pack Box
Camera— 1.39
Assorted Toilet Waters
Boxed in holiday
boxes, 29o and 49r |
Lunch Kits—With
vacuum bottle, 1.69
Incense Burners— 19<^
Gem Safety Razor—Com
plete with three blades
for 49<*
Ivory Finish Comb—
at 19£
Everything’s Here for Santa’s Sack!
At Christmas time more than ever does Brandeis prove itself the chil
dren s store of Omaha. Here under one roof seems to be everything
L u. -my Santa’s pack could require—wearable gifts, gifts to instruct, gifts
■ to amuse, inexpensive or costly—whatever suits your purpose. Just
bring your list of boys and girls, you’ll find it’s easy playing Santa hero.
Santa Says Give a Girl—
| From Santa’s Sack for Boys
This Ivory Pyralin Powder Box, 1.69
■ “''n the Du Barry pattern may start a set for
lier dressing table,, for the young girl who
doesn’t long for one has not yet been found.
The same pattern in a hair receiver is the same
Main Floor—Weit
A Kodak for 2.50 Takes Dandy Pictures
A No. 2 Brownie that takes pictures 2 Vax3 Vi
with give a girl a lot of fun, yet is a decidedly
worth while gift.
Main Flooi-North
Felt Bedroom Slippers, 95c
A girl sort of depends on Christmas for her
supply of boudoir slippers. And she’ll like
these “Comforets” in bootee style or ribbon
trimmed slippers. Sizes 5H 2 in old rose,
red or Copenhagen blue.
Third Floor—East
Novelty Bracelets, 1.00
In lapis, the new shade of blue, or jade color,
these bracelets are a fad of the moment that
delights the junior miss.
Main Floor—East
A Crystal Necklace, 1.00
You can choose one to match her party frock
from the pretty colors we are showing in many
attractive cuttings.
Main Floor—Eait
Cowboy Suits, 1.68 to 2.98
How boldly would some youthful Bill Hart swag
ger forth in one of these play suits of khaki
with corduroy chaps and, yes, there’* a pistol
in the holster. Or if he prefers to he Chief
Sitting Bull, there are Indian suits with war
like feather headdresses, priced 1,68 1°
Fourth Floor
Boys’ Bathrobes, 2.95 and 3.95
Your giving a boy a lot of comfort in one of
these warm blanket bathrobes and our as
sortment has some corking good colors and
pattern?1. Sizes 6 to 18 years.
Fourth Floor **
Boys’ Knit Ties, 50c
*Kvery color a boy could want—a lot with cross
stripes in smart contrasting shades. And fiber
silk ones like these stand lots of tying. Each
in a Christmas box.
Fourth Floor
Real Leather Belts, 45c
Wouldn’t a young chap who is beginning to be
a bit fastidious about his clothes like one of
these with a silver-plated buckle on it? Some
have a shield for a monogram.
Fourth Fftor
A Scarlet Jersey Suit for Sonny
Teddy Bear Suits—The Very Gift
If His Age Is
Two to Six
A princely suit with Dutch suspender
trousers of scarlet wool Jersey but
toning on in swagger fashion to a
blouse of white wash satin
whose collar and rolled back
cuffs are elegantly pleated.
A royal gift, indeed, upon
any Christmas Q *7r
tree. 0. • D
Third Floor—Eait
For Some Fond Auntie
Playing Santie!
Rather like plump teddy bears are
Baby Boys or Girls when snuggled
into these little knitted suits. Goat
sweater, pantie leggins and cap in
scarlet, buff or peacock blue when
made of brushed wool are A AO
priced ^ J.“0
In link and nidi stitch. 8.50
Sizes 1 to 3 years.
Third Floor—Ea»t
A Little Boy’s Hat
—with band of black plush and top of red kid
like that worn by the industrious young
fellow who wields the shovel, has adjust
able ear tabs that unsnap when not
needed. 3.98
Third Floor—East
Cossack Sweater Coats
With Caps to Match
- • provide nifty knitted togs for little girls
from two to six years. The coat with pleated
skirt, portion buttons close up to the neck
The cap—in Russian style—cuffs and collar
are trimmed with brushed wool in contrast
ing shades.
Coat, in all pretty colors, 7.50
Cap to match, , 1.50
Third Floor—West
A Bib for Baby
—when hand embroidered and late edgeu
like these imported affairs says “Merry
Christmas” in a very dainty fashion. With
pad underneath, 1.98
Third Floor— Cast
For the Christmas Tree
How it will sparkle and gleam on Christ
mas Eve with the beautiful decorations you
can find at the Christmas tree booth. For
Sft of Electric Christmas Tree Lights,
3 bulbs to a set, 1.98 1
Electric Bulbs in the form of rosebuds,
peaches, pears and mushrooms, each, 25*
Others ip the form of birds, snowmen, Santa
Clauk, each, 50*
Ball decorations in brilliant colors,
5* and 10* exli
Friday Is the Last Day
To Register for the Ponies!
The drawing will take place Saturday, De
cember 16 at 10 a. ni. at the Brandeis The
ater. All the children are invited to attend.
Eighth Floor
For Out-Door Fun
Ice Skates for
Boys and Girls
1.00 to 1.75
“Flexible Flyer,’1 the sled that
steers, all prices.
Bounder Sticks, similar to Pogo,
only better, made of metal, 5.00
Pedal Cars for Tiny Tots, pedal
like a velocipede. 5.00
Roller Skates, genuine ball
bearing, 1.70
Janesville Coaster* are the best—
Ask the boy *ho owns one. 9,00
Toyland—Eighth Floor
Juvenile Phonographs
for Little Music Lovers
Music can’t come too early into the lives
of little children, and what youngster
wouldn’t adore having her very own phono
graph for her very own records? Christmas
is just the time to provide the nursery with
a juvenile model.
A Console Model
—24 inches high, finished in washable white
enamel with .a pink silk grill, plays all rec
ords 10 inches or smaller. Priced 125.00
The upright style in ivory, gray or blue plays
only children’s records and is priced
IS.50. These are displayed in our ■
Juvenile Room
—which is fitted up with tiny chairs and
fables for our small patrons who want to
listen to some of our many children's records
played on thp Juvenile phonographs.
Main Floor—West
Rad-i-o Sets for 5.00
Think of That!
Not a toy, but a real receiving set com
plete wujh car pieces, antenna, crystal, in
sulators and all necessary parts. It is ef
fective for a distance of 15 to 25 miles. An
other big bargain is the French Brunet head
phones, 4,000 ohms resistance, full floating
diaphragm, double coil magnet, for only
5.00. The amiable young chap in charge
of our Radio Booth in Toyland is great at
answering questions—tell him your radio
Eighth Floor
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