Federal Liquor Sleuth Proves He Is Mot Sick "Dortor" and Druj; Clerk Fail in Diagnohip of For mer Ornahan . ‘'Ailiuents.” Robert SstWirdr-k. federal lujoor • letltli. w ho,-m#d# a record as a raid»r w hile a ttier,ib»e-'of the Omaha police force, had a few minut-e between trains a» Kstis&t, City recently while on hla way to Omaha So he de elded to u'e the time In finding out how th« law was being observed in that -city. I 'avlng bio grip in front of a drug •lore near the T'nion station, be en ter'd and *„l;eeape in Fire Kearney, Nel«.. l»ec. 14.—{Special*. --The Solomon Nv*tui?t family, rend ingr lt> miles from Rearm y. bad a nar low cheapo from death, when their homo was completely destroyed by*! riro. About 5 in the morning they j were awakened by the flames. They were compelled to jump from tin; son* ond-story window. The hnnn and con tents are a total loss. Origin of the fire Jits not been determined. "Goodbv Jazz/* Says Chain Girl ’Tm I li rough Uuo(t> A ictim of Fred Brown Jailed in Haul. ' I'm going to In? a 3 o'clock girl In i it o'clock town ‘ I 11 help take in the sidewalks, pull down the blind', put out the cut, blow out the light and go to bed with the chickens from now on, "No more br.ght lights for me. "I’ve h id i nough of stepping out with queen: and their sheiks until the feathered chicken!: jt.art crowing. "It s the simple life for me from now- on. "I'm willing to admit I ni a small town girl. T just got to town when zow ie, I m in jsfll again." Thus lamented Kntheryn 51''Mana man, victim ot the attack of the Ben son "chain man," at the police sta tion Wednesday night. She was one inmates arrested in a rani at 1722 1-2 fuming street. Mrs. 51 f. Butler was arrested as keeper and the others were charged with being inmates r a, di: orderly house. Kathcrj n says she has been In ins at. lier old hometown of Spauld ing and just returned and has bom making her home at 2502 North Twenty-fourth street. "Tin home folks wanted me to keep relatin'-, my experience with the ‘chain man’ and I got tired of it and came back, ' she told police. , - She says, she promised her brother to "be good" and t going back where the temptation is not so keen. “Good-byo 'cabarets, bright light and wild night parties in a big city.” quoth Katheryn. "It's back to tho corn and pumpkins for me." W ould Amend Constitution. Washington, I »rr. 1 J.— ,\ re&olution proposing a cousflfutional amendment giving congress: power to regulate oil) ploym^nt. of women an: Wednesday rtiornlng and brought to Tecuniseh. Itleknell i survived by his wife and i '.‘year old daughter. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. j: C. lUcknell of Clk Creek, lMi}'i< ian and l ndertaker \rr ituess at Wedding Kalis rity. Net*., Deo. 14.—(Special.) —The sinister combination of an on* dertaker and physician as 'witness?* held no terror- for Angellta Blanchard and Leo UlaekwelT, both of Fall* City# cvho were married at Hiawatha, Kan , by Judge Ham. Undertaker E. W. Simpson and l>r. M. X,. Wilson, both of Fall.- City, happened along just at, Judge Ham was looking for witnesses. The newlj-vveds both knew of their witnesses’ profession, but this little matter of superstition had little weight when they were in a hurry tq get the knot tied. ¥samef^iceW For over 30 years Bakings ffV^ Powder j| M . OK Ounces forOC$ % 10 USE LESS than of higher priced brands /Jr Satisfaction Guaranteed Vfc V« MILLIONS OF POUNDS BOUGHT BY THE GOVERNMENT IA Handkerchiefs For Gifts Boudoir Caps * 59c J AMSEX Handkerchiefs A big assortment of fancy box goods; for Xmas selling. Prices ranging from 10c box of three to u box. Messier? Ladies’ silk hose in black and cordovan. Regular $1.50 Uose. Special rer pair.SI? 1.10 Ladies’ wool sport hose in brown, blue, gray and tan mixed. All rises. Special for Friday 81.1*9 Roys’ Rose Parker Knit hose, double knee, solo heel add toe. Regular bose, special per pair.250 Blankets Big heaty wool nap blanket, m/e Cfixgl, in white, gray and tan. Regular lo.OO blanket. Special ?.t .84.2o Big cut. single cotton blanket, ftiehes. in tan and gray. A splendid sheet blanket. For Fri day, special .SI.20 I'omforls Big Bi,.e cretonne covered com fort. white cotton filled, well made, knitted and tied . .82.09 Krtra. bejtry white cotton filled comfort, scroll stitched and tied, making an everlasting well made covering; several colors to choose from. Special at . . . . 81.49 Turkish Ton els A special buy in a big lSx"G-ineh heavy Turkish towel; worth more than we ask for Friday, ea., 21c Annex—Inexpensive Gifts Big' Purchase Hand Embroidered Blouses lit fancy voiles, crepes and lingerie, beautiful designs, all sires 16 to 16. Itegular values to fli.l'S. Extra special, Annex Fri day at ...■.»8C Fancy Novelty Aprons An rl 'gant assortment of tauey dress apron., for Xmas gifts that will please anyone; in percales, ginghams and rateens in hundreds of pretty styles. Annex, Friday, rpeiial at— OSc. 81.49 and S1.9S All •Wool Sweaters Fancy aud plain weaves iu all wool sweaters in all colors. Belied slip-on styles, all sizes. Regular $2.95 values. Special. \nnex .81,95 ( hi Id run's lllauk Sateen Apron Presses, #1.10 Fine quality black sateen apron dresses. Martha Washington style, red or yellow rick rack trimmed. Ages 8 to 14 years. Regular $1.69 values. Annev Friday .SSl.lJJ $1.00 Sateen Bloomers, 77c -"<) dozen fine sateen bloomers, all popular colors, lull cut, all . ize •. Regular $1.01’ quality. Annex, special Friday, 77£ Practical Gifts That Will Please In the Annex $5.00 Batli Robes $2.98 Warm heavy bath roles, all color, m large assort ment of new patterns. Sizes 36 to 46. Regular values to $5.00. Special, Anne x Friday .. • 82.08 Heavy Flannel ette Wrappers Neat patterns in the heavy flannelette in pretty grays. The old-fashioned home made wrappers, fitted lin ings, high neck and Ion" sleeves, i \tra full cut. regular $3.75 qualify. Spe cial, Annex Friday, 82.08 Long Kimonos, $1.98 Lons flannelette Kimonos In rich colors and design.;, all sues, satin ribbon trimmed, loo. e and clastic bolt models. Kegular f2.<9 values. Annex Fridav.,. .81.98 ANNEX A rpCcial buy of lace 1 nmrucd filk boudoir raps in all wanted colors. Special at .59£ Ladies’ I nderwear Ladies’ bodice and band top pink underwear, knee and ankle length. Carter's make. Regular ♦ 1.98 value, special.$1.39 Ladies’ heavy wiuter weight un derwear in all styles. Regular ♦1.25 value, special . 98 Parcb-o-Lite Lamps Junior and Bridge Lynps, baud decorated, very at tractive 22-inch shade and mahogany finished stink. Priced complete. .$10.85 Third Floor Ice Skates f or Him or Her The winter mouths do not hold many outdoor occasions, aad skat tug becomes the king of the winter sports. Certainly one of the family or a friend would appreciate such a useful gift for Christ mas. Many styles to choose from. 81.00 to 84.50 11« r«l «»rp Sinoking Stands as Low as $1.25 And from the many different styles we are showing, jou are sure to find here the Smok ing stand that will please "him” most. The prices run upward from as low as SI. 2 5 I him » _ Martha Washington Sewing Cabinets $11.50 The woman who does her own s'„\\ iny w ill appreciate one oi‘ these handy cabinets at — S = 1.50 An Ideal Gift for Anyone Vacuum Bottles Half ]»int size at.75c4 Pint size at. .81.00 <,>uart size at.$1.89 .jU || In I limr Every Real Boy Carries a Knife We have a complete stock of Remington Rocket Knives, priced at— 35<\ 50c. 73c and 85£ Ball Bearing Roller Skates $2.35 Extensa from G'j to S’a incUer. Why Not Give Handkerchiefs GaU? Spread the Mirlalaiat - Spirit Sear and Far. Handkerchiefs win omo and handkerchief" prim, linen ones w.'itl) ,cr}ej> rolled edge?, gingham one.) checked and perky,' datnty Kadeiras and practical pongee.-. Handkerchiefs — round, fringed and scalloped. Gifts to be sent off In gay boxc3 or tucked In an envelope. Ladies' Handkerchiefs, li in box at . 254 I.idles' Handkerchiefs, U in box at .30e Ladies’ Handkerchiefs, a in box at.304 Ladies'. Handkerchiefs, S in box at.754 Ladies’ Handkerchiefs, 3 in box at . #1.00 Ladies’ Handkerchiefs, it In box, all linen, at .#1.25 Ladles’ all linen Handkerchiefs, with embroidered corners, spe cially priced at, each—■ 254. 354, 504, 754 and #1 New Sport Handkerchief* of fine liner., beautifully made by hand; specially priced at, each — #1.00 and #1.75 Men’s all linen Handkerchief-' at. each..304 and 504 Special Sales Friday. Features in Market and Groceries Market Sales FRIDAY Supply Your Wants Fresh River Carp, lb.. . 10c Fresh Herring, lb.10c Fresh Catfish, lb.25c Also large quantity of Fresh and Salt Water Fish and Oysters received daily. Steer Pot Roast, lb.8c Cone Leaf Lard, lb. .121/s^ Small Lean Pork Loin Roast, per lb.171/# Armour’s Sugar Cured Nar row Lean Bacon, lb.. 29c Butter and Eggs Fancy Tub Creamery Butter, per lb.!(»<■“ Guaranteed Eggs, doz. .25c Friday Grocery Sales 10 lbs. line Granulated i~nzar .75c Hand-picked Vai v Leans. per lb. 8*. i lb-, tor.... 50c \\ Florax Naptha Soap. 10 ba d tor .21C La v-jr can Ye llow Fret l ‘ a el - c.-’. z.c quality, per can.20* 3 cans for. .05* | Lemon Extract. 2-oz. bottb . . 20c size, 2 bottles, lor...25* Extra good quality Macaroni or Spaghetti, t pkgs....25* SPECIAL KOFI i niDAYOMY 13-oz. Jar Pure Fruit Pre serves lor .... .20* | o Jars for.93* ■K - lb. sack Blue Bell Fl«vjr foi.y . 91*03 : i A\l>V M'Kri iLS Home-made Pcunut Brittlv. per lb.15c* Fancy Cbriatmud Hard Mi. i’ar l|, per lb 200 Av erted Chocolate Candy, p-' r .29c? Chocolate 4-*Ji:p . lb. .. 29