The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 13, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    *Man, 90, Has Wood
Pile Ready for Winter
Although he w ill be SO years oy on
December IS, Salmon Storrs has a
woodpile of ample proportions against
the invasion of winter; ho has his
own Jersey cow that he milks and
feeds every day and he kept busy
until the cold snap set in trimming
i p the trees around hla neat place
in Bellevue.
He is hale and hearty, straight of
back and active. He gets a deal of
pleasure out of his chickens, ducks.
cow and the big garden he plants and
takes rare of every summer, a tvhoie
acre of vegetables.
A little "Want Ad” in the "Christ
mas Gift Suggestion” column of The
Omaha Bee will ring the bell of your
rash register and keep it ringing until
December 24th. I’hone AT-lantic 1000.
Stepsons Sue Widow,
Claiming Nonsupport
A jury in District Judge Goss' court
yesterday started to deliberate as to
whether Mrs. Martha DeFranee
willfully refused to support her two
tepehildren. Ja* Noble and X irsr.l
DeFranee. It' the jury so derides
Mrs. DeFranee wjll forfeit her inter
est in her homo at DUS ('ass street.
Mrs. Dr Prune* . second wife of Wes
ley li. Del1 ranee, prominent Omaha
attorney, who diet! October 15. 1917.
was marie tlm defendant in an iden
tieal lawsuit just a year ago. The
. a.-o was latterly fought for three
days when the jurors became ill. The
lawsuit was withdrawn because belli
parties couhl not agree to try it with
10 jurors.
The will provided that Mr*. IV
France be given one-fourth of the
estate and the boys each 1 nrce eiKhlhs.
Thu *ons charge that their stepnioth*
it, while they wore minor?, would
not buy them clothes nor provide* for
them. Virgil is now married and
lives it the Drake apartments, .lames
Noble lives at tlio Bradsford hotel.
Of 2.145 famous men of England.
1.270 nre sons of preachers.
Kami Hurcau to Meet.
Douglas county farm bureau meet
ing will begin at tO:.!ti Saturday mum*
lug at LI k horn in the auditorium.
Harry V. Kry will l-o chairman. The
Spring Grove Ladies' Aid society irill
t serve dinner at noon
a ..!■ iT
A Special Parcel Post and
^rapping Desk
Has been arranged for your convenience in
the southwest corner of the Main Floor. There
packages ill be wrapped for mailing free of
charge. It will also be an authorized Parcel
Post Station where your packages can be in
sured and mailed.
Only 10 More Shopping Days Before Christmas
Only Three More Days to Register
for the Ponies
The drawing for the ten beautiful Shetland ponies will
take place at the Brandeis Theater at 10:80 on Saturday,
December 10. Children who have not registered may
do so up to G o’clock Friday evening. All the children
are invited to attend the drawing at the theater Satur
day morning.
“Buy ways”
The Brandeis Gift Aisles
Solve the Problems of the
Christmas Shopper
Gift aisles are arranged on the Main
Floor, the Third Floor and the Fifth
Floor. They arc filled with high-grade
Christmas merchandise at moderate
prices. A stroll through these aisles, spe
cially arranged for the convenience of
the shopper, will furnish inspiration for
the completion of the most varied Christ
mas list. The gifts on each table are rnod
e rat eh' priced and represent the greatest
diversity in the offerings contributed
from many departments.
Quantities are
We Reserve
the Right to
Lim i t Pu rc liases
9 to .10 ^\. M.
300 Ever Ready
Safety Razors
Regular $1.00 Value
'A dependable razor of a
well known make, complete
with six blades.
Main Floor—IVcst
io to n a. m.
300 Japanese Bamboo
Regular 50c
Made of split bamboo
stained, a rich dark red and
finely ■woven. A choice of
three sizes, regular oOc
Fifth Floor—tV’c.vf
io to n .v. m.
1;000 Attractive New
Regular .1.00 to 1.50 'Values
Dozens ot' stales in fine ginghams
and percales villi vide belts, tie
sashes, trimmed vitli cretonne,
rick rack, fancy medallions and
frilled edging. All sizes.
No Phone
No Mail
No Deliveries
Give Beautiful Ivaleur
Toilet Ware
Tho last word in white ivory finished
ware, the extra heavy quality.
10.00 Ivaleur Mirrors for 7.50
Ivaleur Hair Receivers and Puff Boxes—
Special, carl), 2.98
Ivaleur Clothes Bnishes—Heavy long
stiff stock, 0.98
Ivaleur Hair Brushes—Special at 4.98
Ivaleur Jewel Cases—Velvet lined, 4.98
Ivory Finished Perfume Bottles 09£
Ivory Finished Dressing Combs—Special
assortment, - 59^?
Ivory Finished Buffer—llu Barry Pat
tern, . <!})(•
Ivory Finished Trays—Special at 39£
Main Floor—TV>s(
Sale of Jewelry in Great Variety
Our variety includes
everything to be found
in the smart .'ts oman's_
jewel case. Jewelry for
the street, evening
wear, costume accessor
ies and coiffure orna
ments. *
They .are all priced at
surprisingly low fig
ures which make jewel
giving easy. A gift of
this kind is one of per
sonal appeal and is
highly appreciated by
the beauty-loving wom
La Tausca
Indestructible, grad
uated 24-inch strand,
perfectly matched
f ioth in color and
pearls; quality- com
bined ntth the un
usual r AA
price of t/»Uv/
Pearl Necklaces—The new slipover
style without elasp, 27-inch strand
in that beautiful cream tint so per
fect one can hardly detect FT
it from the real; special, I #uU
Men's Watches—Elgin movement,
green gold ease, 7-jewel, 12 size, en
graved ease, engine turned thin mode!;
a guaranteed timepiece; "| Q
regular 18.50 value, special. XOetlvF
Bar Pins—White stone set, straight
bar and fancy designs in white
satin lined boxes; special, OI7L/
Gold Filled Soft Cuff Links—Engraved
octagonal shape. CQp
Special at, vfa/V
Novelty Pendant Ear Rings—Very
smart to 'complete the costume of to
day. We are allowing them in hoop,
long oval shape and double pendant
6tyle in jade, topaz, crystal, jet, ame
thyst and sapphire colors. Regular
2.93 and 3.50 values; "t QO
special at, X»I/0
Main Floor—East
Boxed Jewelry—,Solid gold front scarf
pins, links for soft cuffs, lingerie clasps,
bar pins, bib clasps, tie clasps, novelty
brooches in velvet liued AA
velvet box; special, X«vJ\J
Rosaries—Amethyst, rose, emerald and
topaz colored stones, links in between,
all soldered: highest grade "| fh/l
gold fitted. Boxed, each, X *
Ladies’ Wrist Watch—Solid 14k, 10
jewel, highest grade movement, in
white gold and green gold, cushion ami
long oval shape; plain engraved cases;
ribbon wristlet; regular "IQ
$30 value, special J-c/» I t)
Boxed Novelty, Necklaces—-Topaz, a uie
, a in e t h y st,
sapphire, rod
emerald, col
ors, all cut
crystals with
tassel and
pendant on
e n d o t
chains; ream
la r 3.00
value, special
New .and complete
^iue of liair orna
ments in all the
latest models; jet,
amethyst,.sapphire, emerald, topaz
color. The new Egyptian, colors iu
fan shape, new Spanish styles, plain
shell, demi and black shell, fan
style. Priced from—
1.00 to 25.00
Novelty Barrettes—Stone set and
metal platinum finish.
Special at,
Sterling Silver Cigarette Cases—Very
heavy, gold lined, new thin flat, <model,
engraved and engine turned; a very
appYopriate gift and one that pleases;
regular 18.50 and 22.50 pTfk
values, this sale,
Whiting and Davis Mesh Bags—Just
received a new lot of this well known
make in the double link'mesh silver
and green gold plated; square shape,
long oval shape, fringe and tassel on
end. Engraved and pi a in frames, chain
and woven braid handle bags that sell
regularly for 6.75- to A HJT
9.00. Special at 4 O
Solid Gold Cuff Links—Engraved, Bo
man and English fine gold; -| QQ
a very special item for ' A«5/0
Main Floor—East
Attractive Handbags at Special Prices
Sample Leather Goods at V2 .Price
Military brushes, manicure rolls, leather back clothes brushes,
collar bags, roll-up music rolls, portfolios, soft collar cases,
handkerchief cases.
Manicure Rolls—Regularly 2.00; sale, 1.00
Manienre Rolls—Regularly 5.00; sale, 2.50
Toilet Sets—Regularly 10.00; sale -4.08 (
Military Brushes—Regularly 5.00: sale. 2.50
And many other attractive gift items at exactly ’-j price.
Jinrelty Bad*—?ilk and velvet with
shell frames or drawstring style.
Decorated with cut steel beads. In
the soft pouch style. In black and
colors. Triced from 7.50 to 22.50
Smart Swagger Bag* -In black u
chette. Fitted with lip stlrk, rouge
box, small purse, opera glass and
powder box. Beautifully lined. Priced
at 5.98
Af»/n Floor—East
Utility Boxes On Sale at a Low Price
Neat boxes, suitable for gifts, covered with best qual
ity straw matting, trimmed with bamboo and finished
with fancy hardwood feet. * A QO
Specially priced, each,
Other Gift Specials at Reduced Prices
Table Runners and Piano Scarfs
—Fine quality art silks, figured
tapestries and velours. Specially
n iced,
2.98' 10.00
Sofa Pillows—Filled ^ith ku
poek, covered with fine quality
mercerized velours in popular
colors. Priced O AQ
special, each
Sixth Floor—East
Important Sale of China
Representing the Most Beautiful Pieces in China From All £arts of the World
French Novelty Lamp
Shades 3.00 Each, or
Two for 5.00
French Novelty Lamp Shade—This is a small
glass shade with heavily beaded fringe t> inches
w ide. Beautiful color combinations and designs.
.Tust the thing for a btoudoir lamp or for a
chandelier, .$d.00 each or two for. I. .. $5.00
Cups and Saucers Specially
Priced __
Hand Painted Cups and Saucers—Fine grade
of china in an ovid shape; assorted decora
tions; regular .f-i.OO per doz., pair....39f? |
Fine Transparent China Cups and Saucers —
Gold band decoration, ovid shape; pair
Hand Tainted t'ondl
mrnt $ e t n—T r a v,
mustard jar. salt and
p e p per shake r s,
oainted in daintv
floral designs. Very
set 1.00
N>tv Novelty Jleok or
Itoqdofr Lamp—Made
of solid bronze in
green gold, ivory and Hind paint- d
p a r n Imi c n< shad*.
An ideal gift, 6.00
4 ovrred Marmalade
.Him—Of fill** Mown
gin*:.;. Out and hand
painted, with col
t*red ppoon. Regular
50c. Specially
priced at .38C
1I**M J < Ul IflNMH V.
In»*h B o w I. — K i r ]j
sparkling glass, cut
and engraved. Reg
ular price 7.00. Sp -
cialfy priced during
this sale at 3.98
Im|><irinl Kern l)l«h
or Fruit llnnl—Of
best erode rhino and
decorated with band
of iiond colored gersr.
Specially priced at,
eaoh . 2.00
\ r l I f i c I al Fruit—
Waxed, hand painted.
Apples, pears, peach
es bananas, plume,
•*t‘\ Regular price
t>9o. Specially priced
at, each 39<?
Six-Inch Vane
- Dainty designs cut
on a tli in blown
glass. "Regular prir.
Very specially
priced tor Wednes
day at 25c
Half - I'onni! < anil)
Jar -In t he new I *\ r- j
amid shape, of thin j
blown Klass. Y«*r\ j
spreially priced fer :
Wednesday’s sale it.
each 70o
lU l.i % I I I it K •*«*
Table .Mhi» In MVO
si/* . l.u\ely color
copibindt ions and d< -
S'cn-. J.uu and 1. •"
values. \ cry special
at ..694 and 99<*
r i n h a » w i with
MhimI—Two gallon,
t*qunt bowl, romplrto
witlt wrought iron
b;«. Wry wjk ri«Uy
prb • <1 for ^tdturt
day at 3.V8
o I « n It K 11ii |. (<•»—
These me made of
cut, cflass to match
powder I-,x. ami , re
xr i v specially priced
durum Wednesday':,
< lie a.50
r.jirilieiivujre Juk<i —
Idea I for kitchen use.
Hanti decorated .jc
Ifiro Very special
ly priced for Wed
nesday’s sale. Each,
011 'y 1.00
Close Oui «mi Import
ed Tottery—Decorat
ed terra-cotta, potr
tery which told up to
1 00. All shapes and
sizes. Very special,
choice 39c
Hand 1'iiiulnl >ult
und Pepper Sluikern
—These come in as
serted designs and
-hapes. and are very
specially priced for
Wednesday, pr. 10r
Hand Pointed Cliino
W e r r y We t—Seven
pieces, one bowl and
six dishes. Kpeein.ilv
priced in this Wed
nesday pale at. per
set .1.00
Via mi I'ainicd ( Inna
Chocolate Met — Cov
ered jug and G cups
and saucers. Very
specially priced dur
ing this sale Wed
nesday. i 3c t 4.00
ftalorrij 4 i Ilf mm 4 om
iKrfn — Slx-inclt, iri
descent pla«s, cornea
in blue ami preen.
Very specially priced
for Wednesday »t.
each 7 »e
o r«*<| luhlf Set—
Covered jug and aix
handled crla sses.
Comes In shades of
irreen and blue com
binations. Very ape
<lal. pet set 4.98
I ---»
1;. ..»!«*.»• >«•« .1 ter
bottle and tumbler to
match of amber Bo
hemian srla a vitli
black line.*-. Wry
. pecfally priced for
Wednesday, set $2
Seven-Plere Water
Seta- Fine grade th-n I
blown glass, b-auti
1 fully rut in artist;-'
design?. Pitcher and 1
Fix glasses complete. !
Ter set 1.98
■I n |> a n o * e Flower
Howl — Da rk ki • en
l *»tt• ry with laiscd
ihsign in dull tones
oj bronze. Complete
with holder. Very
Wednesday at 1.00
Itr<>akfii«t or *nn<|
Mlrh Set—-Made ol
fine grade* \
China. Handled trav
with cun. In thr p
color.*, blue, gold a id
orange, each 1.50
< *»f (aliiMs llr«*N»rr
'lrn>%— Tl'oo come
in Oval shape, and
rr \ery specially
priced during this
>alo Wednesday at,
each 1.98
<«»# *'!»»• I’ondor
*n«l l*nff noim to
match trays. Very
* penally priced dur
ing this sale Wed
nesday. Your choice
at 1.75
_FI ft h Floor—Knmt
Buy Your-Men’s Gifts Here Wednesday
r ror Only -
Men’s Wool
•Vveral hundred pairs ot' men’s
libbed or plain weave worsted
socks in all the popular heather
shades, well worth 7oe and 1.00
a pair. Many have silk clocks
in contrasting shades. Remem
ber this sale is for one day only,
so do not put off your
In Christmas ioxes—We have
gone to a great deal of expense
to hu\e these popular knitted ties
beautifully boxed. All are new,
eaves and new color schemes^
and, boxed as they are. make
most attractive and use
ful gifts. Each,
mam Floor—South