The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 10, 1922, Page 11-A, Image 11

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    Union Outfitting Co.
Sixteenth and
Union Outfitting Co.
Out of the
High R?nt
Union Outfitting Co.
JA. 1800
Union Outfitting Co.
Tickets to Dance Monday Eve
At Roseland May Be Had Free at the Store
A beautiful Floor Lamp—a handsome Smoking Cabinet and
BO other prizes w ill he given away. There will he souvenirs for
every guest and wonderful Dance V sic by Roseland Orchestra.
A Sale Extraordinary!
Winter Dresses
and Suits on Sale at
Three features make this an outstanding sale
FIRST—Many of the garments arc winter styles just sent in
by our Fashion Buyer who is now in New York City.
SECOND—Make your own reduction from original price tags.
.THIRD—Your Credit IS Good—it isn’t necessary to have all
the cash to take advantage of the savings.
All Fall Millinery at HALF PRICE
STYLISH COATS-Novelty fabrics, velours, suodlne, bo- <1*00 Cft
llvia, duvetyne, plush, etc.—becoming styles as low as...
Suits and Overcoats
From the day you first put them on until months later
when you lav them "aside, our Suits and Overcoats are tailored
to give you that satisfactory service and well groomed appear
ance you have a right to expect in your clothes. Prices are low.
' *24509 *2950> $34up
Boys’ Overcoats
and Mackinaws
Warmth bf course is essential,
but we. go a step farther and
give you sturdy fabrics and good
tailoring to insure real C»/? Qrt
service. Prices start
AJA /» A /» -O &
$1.25 Silk Ties,
These are exceptional values in
high quality ties that are ideal
for gift making — four-in-hands
of rich silk in beautiful patterns;
also knit effects.
Your Credit Is Good Here
For Christmas Gifts
DON’T let a temporary shortage of funds de
prive your loved ones of their Christmas
happiness I Here, at The Union you can choose
from a thousand and one marvelous gifts that
are substantial—that are moderately priced—that
can be enjoyed for years to come.
Select Any of These Gift Articles—Pay Only $1 Down
Smoking Cabinets
Set of Dishes
Smoking Stands
Cedar Chests
Silverware Sets
Vacuum Cleaners
| Rockers
Fern Stands
I loosier Kitchen Cabinets 1
.Moor .Lamps
Writing Desks
table Lamps
Card Tables
riano Benches
Bookcases, etc.
Buy Early—Pay Later
(CT UMMED up in a nutshell, our Christmas plan
l£5/enablos you to have toys and gifts of furniture
delivered to your home on a small deposit—then
you can pay next year as convenient. Cast off
your Christmas worries—come to the store Out
of the High Rent District and let us assume the
The Year's Greatest Offer
$25.00 Floor Lamp and
25 Pathe Records With a
Pathe Phonograph
Selling at $100.00
Ii' you have ever admired the warm, mellow
glow a beautiful Floor Lamp easts over a room
■—If you have ever wished for a Pathe Phono
graph to sing and play for you on wintry days
and indoor evenings, then here is the “offer of
offers,’’ made possible by special arrangement,
with the PATI113 Phonograph Company.
25 Records
(r.ot late numbers)
A Beautiful $25.00
Floor Lamp
A Former $150 Pathe
With a Pathe Phonograph you never change
needles and you can play any make of record.
A small payment down insures immediate de
livery. No interest is charged.
On Easy Terms at a
Genuine Saving of
J»uv NOW while stocks are complete - then you are
certain to get the things your little ones are looking tor
then pay as convenient.
Here you will find a veritable wonderland o£ Toys,
Dolls, Hooks and Games—the very latest novelths in an
almost bewildering variety. The kind that will give your
children 1 he surprise of their lives on Christmas morning
and months of pleasure thereafter.
j Rocker or Chair
Hundreds rd them go in this one
day sale. It’s the same little red
chair or rocker that delighted you
so many years ago.
7 59c
Santa Claus Is Here
Bring the Kiddies in to Sec Him
Huge Electric Train and I’icree Arrow Sedan
given away Saturday, Dee. £;!d. .No purchase
is necessary. Simply visit our Toy City.
Our Exchange Dept, avil 1 lake in your old
EiXCilajlgC furniture or stoves at n fair i»r;« e on any n<w
vv furniture you select. This used furniture is,
Department iri turn, lo\v priced for quick clearance.
75c and $1
At Each
This great Special
Purchase .oC 2j.OOQ
records enables every
phonograph owner in
the city to securo a
whole winter's enter
tainment at very little
Not late hits, hut ev
ery record is a stand
ard number by such
well known artists as
Nora Hayes—Van and
Schenk—-Art Hickman’s
Orchestra—Henry Hurr
—Ted Lewis' Jazz Hand
—Prince's Orchestra—
Happy Sax Six, and
scores ot others.
Table Ferns
This dainty table
piceo comprises a large
showy bouquet of life
like Ward roses and ar
tificial fern sprays.
Monday, while they last
During This Factory Demonstration Sale
g $10.00 Worth
r ree! “^vo
A ** w Groceries
With Each “Hoosier” Cabinet Sold in Our
Christmas Club Plan Sale
Wouldn’t it bn splendid this Christmas to give her a cheer
ful, year-round gift that will preserve, her health and make her
kitchen hours shorter, by saving needless sb ps?
00 Down
and$l Weekly
Brings ner a Hoosier on Christmas f,
"With a Lip box of “ADYO” Christ
mas Groceries free. But you must a<-*
quickly, os we have only a limited .
number of lloosiers on hand.
Come and See the Hoosier Expert Sent Us by the
ADVO Food Products are the best you can buy, us they
are absolutely pure, fine flavored and reasonably priced- eco
nomical, as you use less. Among the many items are:
Pound ADVO Coffee
Package A DM) Tea
Tall ADVO Milk
l'kg. ADVO Oatmeal
Pkg. ADVO Macaroni
liottlc ADV O Catsup
Dottle Chill Sauce
I’Kir. Wheat Food
I I’ktr. ADVO Jell
Dottle ADVO \ m n i I In
llottle WHO Leiuou
UM II Hlark Pepper
( on ADVO Finniimoii
Can ADVO All-pice
I I’kir. ADVO Tapioca
I VIHO J’nnrnke Flour
\ DA 0 lliickw lical I lour
Pkir. ADA O Cocimuut
ADVO Peanut Haller
ADVO Caking I’owder
i Collie ADVO Cluing
| And Other Items Too Numerous to Mention
Babies Born
Xmas Day
to Receive Present
To the first baby born in
Omaha on Christmas, we 'will
give a “Lloyd” Baby Carriage
•—to all others a pretty Bassi
Given Away
8 Pc. Dining Suite
Wednesday, December 27,
a beautiful Dining llooin
Suite and 50 other articles
v ill be given away. >*< > pur
chase is necessary. Simply
visit this store.
Gifts That Last a Lifetime Are Low Priced
Save on a
S e a m less Tapestry
Rugs in S-3xl0-6.size
Seamless Velvet
Rifs ;n S-3xl0-6 size
that are (ringed—
Rieli Ax minster
Rags in handsome
0x13 sizes—
For over a quarter of a cen
tury we have specialized in the
furnishing of homes and can
offer particularly attractive
assortments of guaranteed, de
pendable furniture. You have
18 Months To Pay
and prices are reasonable, due
to our ‘‘low rent" location and
large buying power. As always
you make your own terms.
3 Rooms Furnished
’/ 4 Rooms Furnished
n I
R 5 Rooms Furnished
Handsome Mirrors
Beautiful 15x30-inch mirrors
with rich bronze and poly
chrome finished frames and
heavy mitered French plate
mirrors. Monday at St*.45
Smoking Stands
A big showing of models in
metal, solid oak and mahogany
finishes- styles similar to the
above with heavy glass 'ray on
top are.$1.7!)
WM a -T.TM7 /
Cedar Chests
Wliat woman doesn't appreci
ate a roomy Cedar Chest to
protect her furs and woolens—
Kiris like them also for Hope
Chests—models priced as low
as .$15.95
Matting Boxes
as Low as $*OK
“Royal ilasy”
The above name Is an assur
ance of a comfortable chair
that will keep him at home
push tho button and back re
clines—the above model in sol
d oak is ..........924.50
End Tables
An attractive value in a very
attractive table ns it comes in
i dark, rich looking mahogany
finish with prettily turned legs
and roomy top; only $4.95
Sewing Cabinets
Any woman would appre
ciate one of these hand
some and useful gifrs—
they can be had in artistic
Martha Washington and
I’rlscilla models—the one
above in inahoganv finish
is . 85.95
Books worth keeping me
worth keeping well, and
here are a number of use
ful styles In oak and mu
hogauy finished casts,
some with desk attached.
All are
Triced Very Low
Tea Carts
Attractive ones in solid
oak and mahogany finish
es with removable glass
bottom trays and rubber
tired wheels—the above
model In mahogany finish
is moderately priced at
only ..89.83
Table Lamps
as low as $3.95
Writing Desks
Down through the ages a
woman has always taken
keen delight In a desk of
her own—there are many
different styles suitable
for gift making. For in
stance, this Spinet Desk
I is only.. $24.50 i
There’s no back-break
ing, dust-raising sweeping
with an electric Vacuum
Cleaner -and here Is one
that gets all the lint and
dirt in a short time, keep
ing rugs always cleau.
Easy Terms
Restful Rockers
The variety iu oak. maho"
any, leather and tapestry
is too numerous to men
tion in a whole page the
eane wing back rock.r
pictured above is 5111,50
| OuTmmiHG
S. E. COR. 16th d. JACKSON STS.
■* A A A yO «A Am Am Am »A Am Asm A Asm bv bV bV mO JO bC be v'i K. Kw . , v% vi /. . a a m. vs vs m
A Large Corn-Fed
Turkey Free!
Monday vita ev
ery Gas or Coa’
Range selling a r
$30.00 nr more. |
As Always, \
You Make Your
Own Terms
Every-Day Values
Ldrge Furnace Scoops.(jf)*'
Tall Clothes Hacks.S1.-4J4
All Copper lJoilers.8 4.SJ4
14x24-ineh Door Mats.• •••SlilSti
SPRUSTEX Mop Outfits.US(*
Ice Cream Freezers at. .7Bt*
10-quart Galvanized Fails.1}>C
Brass Top Wash Board.r>5i*
Galvanized Wash Tubs. lEtf*
I-aree Clothes Baskets.})r»C
Izirgc Clothes Hampers.S1.2."»
Strong Ironing Boards.Sl!,S.’»
Copper Bottom Boilers.■ SU..r»J»
Good Food Chopper;! . Sl.rtfl
Galvanized Ash Cans.Sl.hf)