The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 09, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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    No One Wholly
Selfish, Savs
Science Speaker
Human Heart Yearns f<W
Something More Satisfying
Than Belief in Evil
and Pain.
No one possibly can live a life of
Absolute selfishness, according to
C. W. Chadwick, C. S. B., member of
the board of lectureship of the mother
church, the First Church of Christ,
Scientist, Boston, Mass , in his lec
ture, "Christian Science: Heaven
Here and Now," delivered in Omaha
last night. Mr. Chadwick said:
"Why do people congregate to hear
a Christian Science lecture? Is it not
because they want to. know more
about good.’ Fortunately for human- I
ity. there is an Influence ever oper
ative in human consciousness which i
sooner or later compels this reaching
out for the gotw! No one could pos
sibly live a life of absolute selfishness.
There comes a time when he wants
something better than'what he has.
when th*' heart yearns for something
more satisfying than belief in evil. sin.
pain and sorrow: when he begins to
think less of self and more of others.
"What of this self which for a time
Imagines that it is satisfied with
earthly things, and treats with disdain
the spiritual? Evidently it is a false
state of consciousness, else the great
Wayshower, c’hrist .Jesus, would never
have assured us that this false self
hood must be denied, or corrected, if
on* would become an active follower ,
of the Master.
"Old theology has had much to sav
about g> >ng to heaven, but it has
signally failed to provide humanity
with any satisfactory explanation of
heaven. The designation of heaven
as a far distant abode where all gpod
pi-opje arc lu congregate after the so- ;
called death of the body has f illed to
give satisfaction.
"There is nothing on earth that I
should interest ns more than the ex- ;
perience of finding heaven. Whatever |
trouble we may experience, however]
heart weary or sin burdened we may
be, can* one and only remedy is the
applicaion of a right understanding
of the kingdom of heaven. If we are
in the depths «>f darkm-ss. nothing
short of the heavenly vision will d Ip pel
such darkness.
“The man who is h* ab-d t*f sickness
in Christian Science has taken but fine
step along the road leading heaven
vnrd—he has had his.thought lifted
above matter—hut there is another
important stop to he taken. He must
now la- willing to turn away from a
thousand and on* theories and opinions
of men and to recognize their utter
powerlessneaa to get him into the
spiritual kingdom. If In hears the
call of the. Master If any man will
come after me, let him deny hints--If.
and take up his cross. and follow me"
and recognizes his material selfhood
as a composite i*f th**se \arioua the
ories, needing correction and denial. ,
-he will have taken a second needful '
step heavenward. II* will then find
himself engaged in the practice of
Christian Science, of living what he
professes, denouncing and overcoming
the erroneous thinking of the past .
and of the present. As the “old man
is put off. characteristics *»f the “new
man" are evidenced in improve*!
mental, moral and physical conditions.
These improved conditions are transi
tionnl waymarks to the Kingdom of
heaven here and now.
“If the infant could express its in
most thought it would lisp, Ood is
Love. Ask the older child what he
learned at the Christian Science Sun
day school and he will say, Ood is
Love. Ask his parents, who have read
the first chapter in the Christian
Science textbook, what they have
learned about Ood, and. they will re
ply. God is ,ove. £sk the man who
has been saved from a drunkard’s
grave by Christian Science what he
knows about God. and he. too. wDI
join in the clad r< train God is Love.
To know that God is unchangeable
divine Love is to be <onselous of the
kingdom of heaven here and now-. No
greater message could come to be
nighted humanity than this, that God
is Love.
"If every Christian minister in our
land would he sufficiently humble and
IdVlng to take Mrs. Eddy at her word,
and be willing to accept on trust what
he does ot understand of the letter of
Christian Science, he would he In a
position to comply with the Scriptural !
admonition, “Try the spirits whether
they are of God."
"There is not a lawyer who could
who could not prove the healing effi
cacy of divine Love to his complete
satisfaction, if he would humble his
pride of leurntng sufficiently to give
the same patient consideration to the
study of Science and Health ns he
would to a textbook on medical prac
"There is no a lawyer who eould
rgit prove the corrective power of
divtr« LoVe if lie would exercise the
-a«n. diligence and persistence in mas
tering tie teachings of Science and j
II. al'*' as ho would in studying his
Blnekstonp. Many able judges and
Jurists have no-opted and proved Mrs.
Eddy’s contention, that divine Love is
ihe only power, and therefore the only
“Those who attempt to influence
others through human will-power,
mesmerism, or hypnotism, with no un
derstanding of the one divine Mind,
are not utilizing the power of di\lne
Mind. They are simply reasoning
from the standpoint of the physical
senses, and are not divinely impelled.
One who is thinking wrong—thinking
sickness, sin. and death, and believing
that they are real and God-given—is
not making use of the power of divine
“To use spiritual power nne must
learn to reflect the real, divine Mind
If power were one’s own it could be
absorbed and controlled; but ill ChriS
tinn Science divine Mind can only be
reflected, expressed in terms of intel
ligence and love, not transmitted,
"A realizing sense of what Life is
plays a. most conspicuous part in the
daily practice of Christian Science, so
numerous are (he calls for help from
thorc who are weighed down with the
thought of fear. Examine this thought
of fear and il will be found to be the of death, the fear of losing life.
The right idea of Life destroys all
fear of and belief in death.
“Because Christian Science ciniies
with a message of life ami love, re
vealing a God of truth, of whom it is
wnttn. "Thou are of purer eyes than
to l>eho!d evil, and eanst not look on
iniquity.’’ should it be shunned by
Christian people as unsound doctrine?
"The Christian world owes much to
Mrs. Eddy for exposing the erroneous
foundations of spiritualism. She was
never connected with this cult, nor
could any one w ho understands Chris
tian Science ever become a spiritual
1st. Christian Science and spiritualism
have nothing in common. To under
stand that God is infinite Spirit dis
poses of this subject in a most prac
tical way, hv healing so-called myste
rious diseases, often resulting from
t-eUef In spirits many. With such un
mistakable proof, one can speak with
positive conviction, at the same time
ha\ ing the utmost giiarity and consid
eratioii for those who hold to spiritual
Is tic views. When a spiritualist ac
cepts Christian Science he will be
lieve in one God, one Spirit, and one
Life, and that one incorporeal.
“The Christian delights to think and
to talk about God. but does he always
Include In his thought tlm spiritual
relationship existing between God anil
His spiritual ideas? Christian Science
tells us that "God la not separate from
the wisdom lie bestows'' (Science and
Health, li. til. This certainly means
tlint w here wisdom is actually express
ed. there God is. for wisdom without
God would not he wisdom. Nor would
God bo God without the attribute of
wisdpm. God, in other words, has no
existence apart from*His manifesia
tlon or reflection. No quality or at
tribute of Gcal could exist apart from
God. because they are one and in*
sepa rable.
"Could one think of the sun os sep
a rate and apart from the rays of light
which express the nature of the sun?
Ci.ulil tin rays exist without the sun.
or could the sun exist without its
rays? The moment the attnipt is
made to separate the sun from its
l_ays the result is darkness. Any at
ti mpt to separate God and (hut which
emanates from God must result in
mental darkness.
“Christian Scientists lay stress upon
the fact that the mission of Christ
Jesus was to heal the sick as well as
to save the sinner. God’s forgiveness
of sin includes the healing of sickness
as well as the destruction of sin. The
mission of the Savior was in no sense
incomplete. It was to bring full sal
vation from the consequences of be
lief In evil.
“Hiadivine nature—that is, the Christ
We’ll be here
after this sale
All those stories you've heard about our
sale arc true—the men of Omaha never
were furnished with so much material for
scandal as this sale has caused. The rea
son is the ridiculous prices we’re asking for
our suits and overcoats, they’re so low that,
our green-eyed friends have been dancing
up and down, so if you want good clothes
at bargain prices, rush in and grab ’em
while they’re hot.
Wilcox ^ Allen
• 1 7th and Harney St.
Be Warm and Comfortable
A Genuine Leather Coat,
Without Sleeves, Wool
Lined. Better than a
Sweater. Keeps Out the
Wind. For Many Uses.
Can Be Worn by Ladies.
Cost the Army $7.50.
Our Price
\ 1-1-L-l-—Li
These Are Not
Genuine Olive
Drab Wool Serge
At $3.45
0. D. Wool Blankets
3- 3Va lb., each .$2.95
4- 4Vt lb., each.$3.45
15th and Howard . Oppose Auditorium
—was constantly working through the
humanity cf Jesus to heal and to save.
It found its highest expn ssion in
these words of the Master. "1 and my
Father are one." When our orthodox
fi : nds are persuaded that Christian
Scientists recognise in Jesus some
thing more than the corporeal concept
cf him, which disappeared in the
use nslon. that they also recognize his
spiritual selfhood as inseparable from
the Christ, they can no longer accuse
Christian Scientists of denying the
divinity of the Christ. If there is a
religious activity today that is doing
everything possible to establish
Christ's divinity if is Christian
"The business man of today will
f.nd in Jesus' teachings a remedy for
all his troubles. It is comprised in
this one declaration of the Master,
"Not my will, but thine, be done."
The subjugation of the human will
means the overcoming of all that is
s Ifi-li and demoralizing—of all fear,
greed, avarice, deception, dishonesty,
chance and inefficiency. Business is
just as much in need of applied right
eousness ns a sick mind or body, and
tlie sooner humanity awakens to this
t u t the sooner will the business world
he a credit to the cause of Truth on
earth. Why should not an honest
business man be a law unto himself in ;
his business? He has but the one God
to worship.
“ft is a well-authenticated fact that
Mary Baker Eddy is the discoverer
and founder of Christian Science. No j
one familiar with her life and writings
could or would attempt to deprive her j
of her high honors. Her life-work
stands before the worlcl today as a
striking example of what could be and J
wt s accomplished by one lone, brave ,
woman, who had'the courage to leave
all for Christ. A more unselfish or
loving Character never lived. She was :
indeed, to repeat the words of Long- j
fellow, "a noble type of good heroic j
"If you would become acquainted j
with this grand Christian woman, ,
whose nobility of charactr and keen- !
ness of spiritual discernment lifted her
thought into higher spiritual realms,
we would commend the prayerful
studv of her wonderful hook. "Science
and Health with Key to the Scrip
tures.” As an inspired and duly au
thorized textbook of Christian Science
It is calculated to lift the thought of
the student to the plane of practical
"Thereare grateful hearts In every
part of the world who look up to Mrs.
Eddy with joy and thanksgiving for
the healing that has come to them
through her revelation of Truth to
this age.
"Had Jesus admitted that man Is
sick of that there is a power capable of
making hint sick, ho could not have
fulfilled his mission of healing. It
was his knowledge or understanding
of the reality and allnesS of good, or
Life. Truth and Love, that gave him
power to heal l»oth disease and sin.
lie did not even have to visit or to
see hts patient in order to heal him.
Neither time nor distance Influenced
his healing prayer. How does such
practice compare with ordinary nmd
ica! practice which admits complete
inability to do anything for the pa
tient until the doctor can he person
ally present?
"Admitting that we are sick, and
then asking God fo heal us, betrays
a state of consciousness that Is devoid
of spiritual understanding and that
does not reach the ear of the Infinite.
An honest, sincere acknowledgment
of man’s oneness with his Maker,
silently or audibly expressed. i> con
sistent prayer, and. if we are living
what vve profess, sueh prayer is a I
ways answered. The honest, unselfish
effort to bo Christlike is prayer. The
prayer that forgets self in serving God
and humanity is known to God and
will K> rewarded by llim Impor
tuning God to send us tnaterlal bless
ings is not the mission of true prayer
Hie highest prayer, the prayer of
spiritual understanding, is the honest
expression of gratitude for know! «?
that we are now in the kingdom «»f
I heaven."
Men Welcome Neckwear Gifts
In Silk or Fancy Knitted Style*
.Vote These Gifts for Men!
Star or Manhutan Shirts,
Fashion • Knit. Neckwear,
Phoenix Hose, Knothe Pa
jamas, House Coats, Slippers,
Gloves, etc., cte.*~
Jersey Petticoats
and radium petticoats,
plain and fancy colors and
2.95 3.95 4.95
First Floor.
Jersey Bloomers
and radium bloomers,
heavy silk in all colors,
ankle length.
2.95 3.95 4.95
First Floor. •
If You Want Things for Gifts or Things to Wear-Share in
Saturday’s Best Opportunities
The Season’s Best Values in New
Coats and Wraps
Quality materials like Bolivia, Lus
trosa, Normandy and others trimmed
in rich furs, including Beaver, Squir
rel, Caracul, Wolf and Fox, silk lined
and interlined. All styles and colors.
Matchless values at—
’2o ‘3o ’4o
Buy for Gifts or Wear
Cloth, Silk Dresses
The season’s leading styles and mate- (
rials, Matelasse models, beautiful Can
ton Crepes, Poiret Twills, Tricotines,
Velvets and combinations, trimmed in
beads, lace, braid, metallic ornaments,
etc. Matchless values at—
$10 $15 $20
A Xmas Suggestion
Beautiful Silk Underwear
All silk teddies, gowns, step-ins and
bloomers; pretty styles in white and flesh
crepe de chine and radium, trimmed in
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ideal gift.
y *295 mt *395
Blouses, Skirts, Sweaters,
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Jersey Vests
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Every Woman
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Silk Hosiery
Buy Hosiery Gifts Here
Notaseam |
Guaranteed 1
11 Strand Silk
in gray, brown,
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pair, $1.50 quality
in attractive
Holly Box—