The Morning Bee MORNING—EVENING—SUNDAY , THE BEE Pt'BLISHINC COMPANY oFXSON |i LPt)|KK.>Puh!ither B. BREWER, Urn. Manager MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tt» Ais« I rrM. of *btcb Tb# Bre • a uiAinbrr. 10 azcIaaivae# PDtlt -d 10 ttt UM for rApubllcrt^on of aU or*. dlrpAK'brr rrAdltAd to ft or 1 ■ PCKe\ j oo*;mt r' ye olao\ J pour MAVH T' I ?HAKC up *nnl k okam3£ rwce ^ .jj i^EW^fl§ • MiB - *'ViuUa\H* few birds are lost; and. furthermore, the local sportsmen, In most cases, freely divide their game with their friends and neighbors, or needy per sons that they may know. Many of those living within easy reach of the Platte cannot, or do not care to, make the trip to the lakes each year. Is it right to deny them the privilege of haying a little sport In their own ter ritory and, at the same time, permit the rich city sportsmen to go on as before? No true sportsman can conscien tiously condemn any cosistent effort toward ' preserving our wild game front extinction, but, neither can any true sportsman approve of any meas ure that fails to recognize the rights of one and all alike. I am not writing this from the viewpoint of n hunter, as I never go hunting myself. But it seems to me that every lover of fair play should protest the passage of a measure of this kind, which would appear to re strict the privileges of the many for *C. the benefit of the few GEORGE LUKENBILL. CENTER SHOTS. "Diva Reduced to Tears."—Head line. This beats Mary Garden, who reduced to 11!) pounds.—Little Rock (Aik) Gazette. The funny thing about a business revival is that those who have faith are not the ones at the mourners' bench.—Rochester Times-Union. Let the Tiger eat Ids onion soup for breakfast; he kisses people only' on the cheek.—Norfolk Ledger-D'ls patch. A. B. See apparently believes that the education of woman should not go beyond the three letters so delight fully reproduced in his name. Yet an elevator man ought to stand for ele vation.—New York World GROVES’ LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Regular 30c Size Saturday Genuine Groves Only Fresh Stock—Just our way of advertising. We only ask you to make some other purchase (anything you need, any size) to get this exceptional bargain. 35c Noon Luncheon Have you tried it? It's good. After the Show—Light lunch, sandwiches, etc. Private booth service. 16th and Howard Store. Fine line of candies. Haines Drug Co. and Sun Drug Co. N. E. Cor. 16th and Howard. 14th and Farntm. s o —for every member of the family 4 Beautiful Piano i* Have you a Piano in your home? If }j you have, is it the kind of a piano that j you really want, and is it giving the service it should? If you do not own a piano, is there not some member of your family who could develop some natural talents—could use those tal ents for making the home a home of music—if you but owned a piano? Players, Uprights and Baby Grands Instruments that you would be proud to own. And they arc not expensive, either, when you consider their quality. Player Pianos are priced as low as $398, Upright Pianos as low as $295, and Baby Grands ns low ns $635, The terms are within the reach of everyone. Make someone happy and they’ll re turn that happiness to you in many ways. In the Art Dept. Our Art Department is indeed the "Christmas Gift Shop’’ and in it you will find just the kind of gifts that will please your friends who are artistically inclined. Beautiful Pictures, originals or reproductions of the great artists, small goods, such as book ends, leather goods, table lamps and many other appro priate gifts are to be found here in great numbers—all, of course, moderately priced. iVljospcOlo 1513-15 Douglas St Beautiful Lamps In selecting a floor lamp, one Ej| should bear In mind that un- ® less the lamp harmonises with the furnishings of the home, it will not add that much desired artistic touch. Our salespeople are well in formed along these lines and they will assist you in select ing not only a beautiful lamp, but the kind of lamp that best answers your require ments. They are very attractively priced ^