— ~ --I_^_ Society Van Loon Will Not Lecture Here. saving to illness, Dr. Henrick Van I.oon will not appear In lecture here December 12 for the Omaha Woclety of Fine Arts. Mme. Emma Ponafl dine, whose urtlcles on the Russian revolution in the Atlantic Monthly have been attracting considerable at tention, will fill the engagement. Siring (Quintette Sunday. Answering what seems to be a popular demand for Sunday nf.ernoon programs at the art gallery, the Omaha Society of Fine Arts will pre amt a siring quintette. Robert < us «f Kear ney. Neb., Is the guest of he* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Zp®r. Mrs. Roby was formerly M*8 Lucile , Jacqueline Taylor of thisclty. Mr. and Mrs. George *■ Johnston, j v ho have just sold the7 home, will j occupy the home of if- ttnd Mr®' Arthur J. Cooley. 5200 t ebster street. | for the winter, while "Ir- and Mr®' Cooley are In Califor*® Wendell Beveridge ®'ho i8 *n his senior year at Dart ilouth • w-ill return i from Hanover, N. H., Saturday, De- j comber 16. to be waisy: Of course you should an swer his letter. No doubt he was tired and didn't,feel like dancing that evening. If I am to give you the weight 'of the girls 1 must know their height. Tea Postponed. On account of the illness of Mr*. Myles fttandlsh the tea to have been given at the home of Mrs. Walter Roberts Thursday afternoon for the Trinity Cathedral guild has been post poned until Thursday of next week. Alpha Chi Omega. The Alpha. Chi Omega sorority will have luncheon Thursday at the home of Mrs. John McKenzie, 11)28 I.othrop street. My Marriage Problems Adel* Garrison's New Phase of “Revelations of a Wife” (Copyright 1122) — - - ■ ■ --S The Reason Madge Registered Faith in Harry Underwood. I suppose my terror for Katherine must have showed in my face, for Harry Underwood put out his hand and grasped my arm as if to save me from falling. "Nil No!" he said emphatically, keeping Iris voice at a low pilch, how ever. "Nothing has happened to her, and nothing is going to happen if 1 don't get mine first. But that doesut' . relievo Lil of blame. Curse it all, what's the matter witli her. any-1 way? I should think it would bo enough for her to risk her own life the way she does without sending other women less experienced than she is into the mess." "She never sends any one where she wouldn't go herself." I flared, all my spirit rushing to Lillian's defense. "Don't I know that as well as you( do?” he retorted. "Nobody ever doubted Lll's bravery, or her resource fulness. That's just it. She's so preternaturally clever, and so absolu tely' fearless lierself that she doesn't judge other women by any other measuring stick." It was a curious thing to me to hear this unconscious note of awc-d respect for Lillian in the voice and words of i he man who had trented her so abom inably. Hut 1 was too full of another question to dwell upon the thought, und I spoke quickly, eagerly: Hut you haven't told me how you knew what Katherine was—in any danger. I—thought—that—” "Canny even yet, aren't you?" lie mocked with his brilliant black eyas fixed mirthfully upon me. "Aren't going to give away to the bold bad man who can't be trusted, just whet* little Kutrinka is?" "you know I didn't mean that," 1 protested, fearing that 1 laid meant just what he said, but knowing in my heart that the feeling was an Injustice to Harry Underwood. "But you know I am not supposed—" "Right at This ratal.’’ "Sure thing,” he assented prompt ly and soothingly. "That s the proper caper. Keep your little secrets while 1 tell 'em to you. But just get this Into your noddle—dearest Katherine is in the house to which a certain gifted ulien gentleman answering to the name of Joe, has been taken t© recover from an accident near Sag Harbor a while ago. Joe had been snooping around a certain farmhouse, putting the hoodoo sign on a serving maid named Katie— "Incidentally,” his eyes hardened, "you'll have to watch that girl. She's faithful to the death and eternity and all of that, of course, but this Joe, if he recovers, is sure bad medicine where she is concerned. He's got the higli sign on her somewhere—I have a suspicion where, but I'm not sure,, although I think you are.” He shot a keen glance at me, but I looked back at him imperturbably, and he gave a short little laugh. "Got a sort of poker face yourself, haven't you, old dear?” he gibed. "But that's neither here nor yet there just now. The big idea is that Joe ELDRIDGE IMPORTING CO. . m - - 1313-15 Farnam Street W. 0. W. Annex ijij-iS Farnam Street W. O. W. Annex A Special Showing of Imported Baskets at Special Prices Thursday • Friday * Saturday Handled Chinese Floor Tlasket, 12 inches across the top, 10 Inches high. *2.50 . This large handled/ Floor Basket, also from China, is 14 inches across the top and 20 inches to top of handle, beautifully decorated. Very special at $6.50. We show several hundred of them in our window with price tickets for your con venience. Baskets from China and from Japan INCLUDING SEWING BASKETS. TRAYS, JARDINIERS ETC., BTC. Japanese brows stained Baskets, trimmed with rings and tassels at— 35c, 75c 91.25 f 91.50, 91.75 Our hand-painted Waste Basket in backgrounds of black, brown, ivory, pink and lavender at 91.00. Very special. Some decorated in the Orient, many of them in our own studios. The Prices Are Extraordinarily Low A colorful basket makes a practical and acceptable Christmas gift. ASK TO SEE OUR SPECIAL TELEPHONE REGISTER AT 31.00 W.H Eldridge Importing Co. 1313-15 Famtun W. 0. W. Annex | nearly passed In his checks when An [automobile hit lflm, and after a few | days of uncertainty in the hospital, a ' new nurse with a wonderful rep was assigned to him by that sweet child, Herbie Pettit, who has such an un dying affection for me. And Joe be came so devoted to her that he in sisted upon having no one else when his supposed employers took him home. “Right at this point.” he grinned, “is demonstrated the superiority ^jf mind over matter. If I'd been run* ning that show—that ts, if 1 had been on the other side—a nurse of my own selection, a .trusted tool, would have gone with Joe. But those poisoned pups are ivory solid from the neck up, and they fell for Herbie's scheme, which, of course, whs old Hi's. When I first heard of the wonderful nurse to whom Joe was so devoted I smelled a rat, and l made it my business to get an early lamp at her. And, of cuurse, I recognized her at once.” “I Believe—” / "Dal she sec you?” I asked breath lessly, for, indeed, I whs overwhelmed by the wealth of intimate knowledge ho had of the movements of the gang which Lillian and Allen Drake and my father were tracking. He indeed must have spoken only the truth when he once had described himself as a sort of “glorified stool pigeon.” ' "Not so that anybody jcould no tice:” lio retorted. "Knowledge of that sort would only send her off her trol ley. She wouldn't be able to act as naturally as she dors now, although site's a cagy little dame and you’ve got to slip it to her. But she'd proba bly spec-ulato a* you do. whether there may not l>e a poHaihility that old Harry may do the traitor act, after all.” ■ There was so srenutc a note of bit terness in his last words that any wavering doubts of him 1 may have had tied away. With a quick, impul sive ntovement I stretched out my hand to him. "Please do not say that again,” 1 pleaded. ' I believe In your sincerity absolutely.” Ilaz.ir mid Tea. St. Elizabth* Guild of St. Barna Iws church will hold n-Christmas sale and tea Saturday afternoon from 3 until * o'clock at the parish house. The Misses Ann McConnell and Mar jorie Morehouse aro in charge of the sale assisted by the Misses Margaret Bee Burgess, Helen Pnncoast and Jane McConnell. Christinas Bazar. George A. Custer Woman's Relief Crops will conduct a bazar in the court house Friday and Saturday of this week. TOMMY , FOX. DVENTURER JRSQPlimtP CHAPTER XI. Karl} to lied, or Farly to Kise? Th« Fox family — Tommy, his father, hjs mother—were all night prowlers. And so were oil their cousins and uncles nnd aunts. The whole Fox clan took their sleep in the daytime. The night—so they be lieved— was made for taking other things, sucli as a hen, or a turkey, or a meadow mouse. Tommy Fox's father kept the latest hours of nil the Fox tribe. Seldom did ho come trotting Rome until after u Good moroirej, 41*!" he resiled. sunrise, lint no matter how late the hour when ho went to Iwd. Mr. Fox alwaya spoke of it ns "night." It was er Jay. "He said, ‘Good morning, sir" " "Well! What’s Wrong with that?” Mr. Crow coughed, spluttered, grow black lit the face, choked and thru seemed to torn pale. For once In Ids life lie was at a loss for «n answer. Democrat Sour t ream 1’ie. Four egg voids, one cup sugar, four egg whites, one cup sour cream, one cup chopped raisins, one-fourth teaspoon cloves, four tablespoons granulated sugar. Beat the yolks until light nnd creamy, add sugar, raisins and sour cream with cloves. Place In a double holler and cook until smooth nnd thick,. Fill the baked pie crust with the mixture, cover with a meringue made of th« slillly beaten egg whites nnd the four tablespoon* sugar. Heap rough ly over the top and place in the oven to brown slightly.. To Fraternity Meet log. John Film stopped off In Omaha Wednesday on his way from Idneoln to Cleveland, o. He is a delegate from the Fntvcrsity of Nebraska to the Phi l*st fraternity national conven tion at Cleveland, tin route he will visit for «f'-w days in Kt. Houla. Pliers Reduced— Wl d