THE GUMPS—S‘™7,:;„.TSS 1 LIRTING AA I fH 13L AS fLR (Copyright 1922* f ZUV>PEt> U TO VJS I CONoatSSMA,^- \ KNEVJ \ x, Vjheu Then Count ET> NvS \ [ VTfcON6-HOV0 LAST TV* AT VjE ) \ '* K>fc A UCWNo- l . \ 'Mtv'T ^\)NCH 'AlOULO SET \ > ^VRE TO AN OSTWAN AS'AUM \ “ AT MltNVOHT V,U«EN \T WAS / 20 PELOVO ZERO /_ £OR. A S{^~ ~~~ ^ i / NutM THfcOUOVE w-an OS NET - I VM 00lNL> TO M\vje A, PP9S0NKL C4NV.IESS - \ *HT> > rmo &NNTH\rv\d CR.OOKPV) I'LL \ CMtKS TH\S fU>H1 TO CONufct^S --■—;—r--T" 1 t'OW'T CARE ANSThino ABOUT , - Vvt SOEPVREt> ~1V\E E>VS AVVOiM'TA'EN'T > ANt> i HAVJe bECQMt RfcCONC*LU> T0 *T - ( BUT V* MAVlfcRvCKS Tw,nr TwfcT \ CtvH uET A'.'JA.'* \AM~IM TMli WV'VVAOU'l A \ 'TMENKL C«A=>(- 'THfci GRA«BEt> A \_V>\EC.t MEAT A\ajAM EROM A M\)NuRN —--—i-LIOM ' 'THA'S'S VvvtA~t /» W JM D - I J m \ \ | ^ I—-1 m._ Look Through The Omaha Bee “Want” Ad columns each day—pick out the ads that exactly hit the spot with you—the ones that tell you where you can get just what you want, from a refrigerator to a runabout—and save money, too! Read and use Omaha Bee “Want” Ads each day. BEE W ANT AD RATES I c per l*ne h dny. I o, l flari. 12c per hu > »a< h day. 3 to B da>a 10* per Una dev. ? day* or longer Tha above raten ai pty -xcioaiv *ty to \\ a K Ada whlo Bie * ummonly termed ''publih wants.” and do rmt In no* adver ? semen** f 'ndlvlduals r <’Ol> er::* adver tising or exploiting th*»lr businesses. THE OMAHA BEft rourrvri the r.ght to designate what constitutes a publto want. Want Ada accepted at the followirg f'Ttir— Main office .17th and Farnam Sts. 3louth Omaha..N W. cor. 24th and N Sts. Council liluf/a . .la Scott St. I e.entoooe AT If.illo 1«0« Dali for ''Want'* Ad Department. An ex perienced ‘Want* ad t.ik^r will receive ’ our ad atid a bill will be mailed later. The rate* qtmted above apply to either charge or cash orders. C LOS I NO Hi DBS rOU WANT ADS. Evening Edition.. .11:40 a. m Morning Edition.9 P ,n Holiday Edith, u . • P m. Saturday These rate* apply to The Sunday Bee • • well aa to The Morning and Evening Bee. Ail weekday advertisements appear t.i both roornlug and evening editions at the one cost. TIIE OMAHA MoflNINcJ DEW. THE EVENING HF.fa._ DEATH <£ FUNERAL NOTICES. M'Ql’AID—william I’-, «k* 60 years, t.Mt.l.n14 North Sixteenth. Survived; by wffo. Deceased was pioneer resident , of Omaha. Funeral Saturday 8:30 a. m from Ileafey A- J1. .i f* y . hap< I t" Holy i'amilx church at *.» a. in Interment II"ly Sepulchre cemeters ___ MILTON Mr Mars, age 38. beloved v/if- of Frank. • -I .y. a m , family residence, f. 1 7 N is Hi Si. Funeral *• i v I *• Thursday. 2 p in., from Heiif-y A ll' .'f. y chapel. Interment West i Lawn cemetery _ _ [ FUKRST—William If. Dec. 0, 1022, aged 6ti years. Fuional services w ill »•* held from DraiUy A.-. Horrann1 chapel. Thursday, De< ember 7. at 2 p. m. Fi tends invlud. Interment "West Point. Neb. _ CARD OF THANKS WF wish to i Iiank our many friends and j neighbors for their kindness and sym- | path1 hIiovvh us m our Int* l>cr**avem»nt. I tii® nh «*f on: daughter and slater also for t ho man' l,*'.iuii i'll floral offering-*, j Mr and M T.»ra I* Nielson and family. CEMETERIES._ VISIT FOREST LAWN. Hundreds <»t evrgieen blankets and win ter wreaths make Hie cmetery very beau tiful at this >-HMin of the year. They may be obtained at the greenhouse at llo* entrance of the cemetery. Offices at th** cemetery (north of the city limits) ami 720 Brandeis theater. _ BURIAL VAULTS. WOODEN boxes soon decay Steel or Iron j x an Its will rust out and collapse There fore you should insist upon vnur under taker using an Automatic Sealing Con crete Burial vault; water-proof and ever lasting Manufactured on'y by the Omaha Concrete Bui lal Vault Co., 6210 N. 30tb St., t'maha Inspection lnvlt-4. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Omaha 9 best undertaking »Mablishrnent. til!;::'! A M B U L A N C E har f TbPi' -intrd and Farnam HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and Embainters. Phone HA 020. Off'cs Sill Farnam LARKIN BROTHERS 1 rv l: \l I'lRBC'D HR l J» 8< 1 HTH Hulse & Riepen, F j- -ml Director* SBt Cumin*. CR0SBY-M00RE ~ FLORISTS. LEE LARMON PZ* fijiZ >HN BATH. 1804 J HI NDEKSON. 1 01 gstnsm. .1 A. 1 - 58. ; PERSONAL. THE SALVATIt N umy Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, rnaga- j xities. We collect. W« distribute. Phone I .1A 4136 and our wagon will call Call jtiid inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge street._ THEATRICAL historical masque costumes, for i lays and parties. nt I.leben's. Omaha. Mil. L. L.—The present address of Mrs. r J. la 517 N 16th St WANTED_Child t*> board and room: room r e t 11 STORM sat1 h made, glaring reas. KE. 2701. . ch EDUCATIONAL. i s y S HOOl -NIGHT 8CHOOI Complete courses in accountancy, machine bookk* oping. comptometry. shorthand end typewriting, railroad and wirelest* teieg rapny. civil service and all English and ointi ercial branches Write. call or Phone Jickson 1665 for large Illustrated catalog Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Ho->s it»rlg . nmahu. Neb._ w \ '■ 'or iadW * and t o) s to learn barber trade; big demand: wages while learning, strictly modern. Call or white lit. >odgs st Tri CIO Barber Col sgs Day or Evening sessions Ii’HiK.iK BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wsad I. Mg. 18th and Farnam. AT. 7416. Vt.i.hil BARBER rOLLEaB. 14tli Write for catalog._ VAN ' v. I SCHOOL or BUSINESS s. SB • ! . MtNDth and DOUflU. JA. 5*f0. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, vote* and piano. .< i* 11 eMch Hlk, JA. 1081. LOST AND FOUND LOST—i ok vitl che< f»*r Kei n >od Kxp. Co . enduibt'l by W. S. Lambcrth. KK. i’4bo. Reward. _ iToST—Travt ling bag. Reward. We 2575. On O. K. highway. J. Peebles. i$4H Sherman Ave ' • ' LAPY'S small diamond f ngcr ring. Phono «i-.v* AT . »: t _ _ 1 •< »ST — A jredale dog Reward KK A-uJi^—iinmilc-wbit« hui do« '• - ISIS LOST AND FOUND._ Bl KCI A ItV—$JoO.OO ItKWARB. I)ti ii g • night of November 26, 1922, the homo ot Mr. Jacob Milder. 2H60 Capitol >' . Omaha. Neb., was burglarized. Mr. Hurry 1*. Milder. Mr. Hymie Milder utul Mr. Ai" K Milder also sustaining losses c«»mj.!rie sots ,.f Sterling Silverware, Mount \ • rnon Pattern, consisting of Tea [M.oin Immvi ■ and Furies, Butter dates. riHttei.' ‘ living Sets, etc . come initialed "H. B. M ’ and some **M." Linen* M i l< rl i l' ible Cloths, Lun< h 8 1 - F" Napkin.', Scarfs, ct* . Some ini tialed "If. M." i a ' lingers Silverware, Initialed “If. M.” t vet Holmes Silverware, initialed *11. M.” i <. ir Brown Merge Suit. 1 Cent's Herringbone u ran ' uualiD Oil between 8 and 10 and 4 ami [: S M Spaulding 2408 No 2tth St. i MEN —s il 1 niversay Gas Saver. Saves ' 0 tn iio per rent on your *as bill. Five 1 undred thousand sold One man sold 0 In one day. Moore's Universal Gas Sa v at. Tope • • Kan I. I: A R N ACC 01 i N T IN < 1. Positions ar»‘ always open for tho account tancy trained man. 1 NTERNATIt>N A L ACCOUNTANTS SOCIETY. 1015 City Nat. Nat. Bk. Bldg. AT. 3960 25 1 Ni it A NCE salesmen, experienced, non otb.-r need apply. Mr. Merrill, 422 Arthur Bldg, 8 PR i \ K LER fitters. w riTe F F. 8 • art. General Delivery, St. Joseph, Mo., | two mouths Job. YOUNG MEN. If you are willing to devote ♦) hours of v our thim each day or 3t> hours per week, I inn offer you a. wonderful opportunity. I**? fair with yourself and answer this p.d end if you mean business apply; If not, pn-^.s this up. Call at ,30s Baird Bldg, and ask f'»r sole, manager before 9:30 a. in. or after 3:30 p. in. I W< * city salesmen 'o pell men's tailor l< »tl ns m ’ Frlla, 8 8 Ifth St. VY A N T ED will •••rien-o St.'stuy Drug Co, Wilber. Neb. FEMALE HELP WANTED • nincient white girl for general house work; two in family; maid’s room with Mi g WA FOR a good bookkeeping or stenographic i . itw n a i’fid the American college, 1912 larnum. Ail our graduates are in posi tions We chii place you. Fhone AT. 7774, or write for catalog. to help the ic; ico cafe. C. A. Yalkcnaar, Grafton, Neb. _ _ TWENTY IJ YE salesladies. hoUFC to bmise w■ • ■ rk. Room it Patterson Block, 17th and Farnam. Ask for Mr. PIohf. w \ntEi1 ear ! each ONLY 15 4 CIRCULATION DEPT rara omaha bee j XMAS GIFT FOR THirWHOLL FAMli/f'. A lil’L BRAN SEN PLAYER *PIANo 1 S39s to $700, < ash or easy payments Come I :n and buy a gift that will last and be ! most appreciated. A HORPE CO For 40 Years the Music Centei of Ne braska and Iowa. A LOVEL1 X MAS Oil T DANCING LESSONS. What better gift than a course in ] ! dancing ? .1 a. 5470. KEEPS DANCING ACADEMY. IMS Farnam. 1 PERSONAL Christmas caid<*. Order now i - and avoid rush. Phone, salesman will I all. AT. 3$7!4. 4a3 Brand*.s Theater! -- FANCY, attractive bungalow aprons made ; to ord HATTIE PUTNAM SHOP. 502 Knrbaeh Block. \ COURSE IN 1)AN' ING \T THE HY i AM) PANTING ACADEMY. 25TH AND FARNAM, IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED. i AT. 7850. Higgcst phonograph bargains in town. See ua before you buy SHLAES PHONOGRAPH CO., i sSt JA. 214 WANTED—1 000 ladies to bu> liudnuts Twin Compact. GREEN PHARMACY Jackson 084502 S lfith. HAND painted « water colors and | ' i ,-ted picture orders taken. Call WA. 4S6f».__ i GOLD fd taring "n leather goods nnd | book?. K. A. Tjron Co , 2n$ So. 10th. I JA _ 1219._ j MAGNOLIA vroHth-. beautifully cU- «* ! rated with ev. i ..-i. :..jj flow -?. speeia , $3. . ••o !•• «*ut Plow •— Shop. Hrai«deis Store > MAS ■ trus, beautiful Mm i stationery ••k. i: • iul Xtrax gifts Corey * Me * Ivenai* Printing Co., llii iiarne^ CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. OLIVER ty| vrlt I., 630 AT 0406. _ HU1 h • ni pail of feathei pillow Feath : Mattress A r low 1 U i 6730 » ■ • gua 6 6 21. GOLD lettering on leather goo,Is. hooks. K. A. Tryon Co.. 208 N 13th. JA. 1210. ( tNARIJ 8 are an ideal Xmas gift WA. 6373. XMAS dainties reasonable. For order call WE. '>74 1. ___ \ \Ia7 sewing . all kinds. W K. o7 4 1. -.11 LoCUSt. _-_ WANTED-—1‘oils to ,lr, s.m for Xmas. Call WA. r.f*4r*. 4332 Uitinoy street. IMPnHTKM pearls make lovely Xmas gifts, pi let reas 1017 \rboi St \T St >st< )N Tl i: 1:1 ER puppy 4523 ESt on 1 KB. ■ I* ANCY dr* samaking by day; gifts. KK. 2716.___ AN IDEAL tiJFT—Community Silver, 60 year euarantee 1708 Dodge aiTARANTEED SINGERS KE - CM AS SEWING 0849 MALTESE poodles for sub-. VVa. 44H0. SABLE fur 1 14 M A 11 • • HOUSEHOLD GOODS. LARGE baacburner, $13, bargains. Call w A. 331 EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICK ELS. 16th and Harnej 1T.4J61 ROCKING chairs, cheap WE 0189. 3203 N. 19th St. WOOD • il h - ■ • K K I *8 CLOTHING AND I*Ui 3 FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent JA 3128. i"9 N. 16th Street. 1. Feldman ARMY eboes. $2 90 703 No 16tn MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I HAVE two player piano*, one straight piano and one giand In strbag** hero in Omaha; mud h«* 11 at once; cash or pay - ments; these instruments aro new and > **ry hisrh grade. WE. 07ns. 1 TRADE your used piano on a new player { piano. Da lane© as tow a« $10 per month .\ il 18PE Co., 1613 Douglas. . HIGGEJST phonograph bargains In town. ; .Shlaes Phonograph < o., 1 404 Dodge fit. ELECTRIC 6-cent player piano 2301 Cum l Ing street. 1 »R RAI.E or trade piano. Call AT. 3357. ■ FOR SALE JEWELRY. DIAMONDS prices with privilege i to buv back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha. Neb.. 402 N. I 16th St. Telephone JA. 6049. MISCELLANEOUS for sale To Me Sold at PUBLIC AUCTION. The equipment of the Rainbow Garage ut Otoe, Neb. (Formerly Berlin.) FRIDAY. DECEMBER 8. Starting at 10 A. M. Sharp! Th© stock consists of approximately : $1,100 Ford parts; $660 tires and tub"©; 11,250 accessories, spark plugs, chains, lamps, pumps, etc.; Ifno shop equipment, Including 20-ton Weaver press, chain hoist, 2 It. P. motor, taps, dies, etc.; |.t60 office furniture. including Under wood typewriter, office desk, cash regis ter. filing cabinet, show case. etc.; $2,000 miscellaneous. eu« h as four oil pumps and one tank, 6<'0 gallon tank and large Bowser gasoline pump. Ford service truck, Moline tractor, electric motor, etc. The above must and will be Rn]d in par cels to suit purchaser for cash at Otoe. [ Neb., at 10 a. m., Friday, Decern her t The building can b© rented BERT I . COOK. Owner, BANK OF OTOE, Clerk of Sale. JAMES I,. DOWD. Omaha. Auctioneer. FEDERAL CAFE sign. 2301 Cuming. JA. . | 9829. _ _ _ ! FEW cords good hard wood, 16-inch J gtha $14 pet vered A1 GOOD COAL quick. Fuel Service t '<>. AT. 3741. _ __ _ _ COMPLETE set of high-grade g.uago and blacksmith tools. Call MA. 16m>. STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT ) TYPEWRITERS C ) AND C ;< All make# bought and sold C ) rented and repaired. Sole agents C ) for the CORONA. Get our prices C ) before you buy. Every machine C ) guaranteed. C > CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXC . C > .TA 4120. 1912 Farnam. C (nnrinnnnnnnnrinnnnnonnnnni W'E BUY, 11 safe. make (l*»s ka. ahc* etc. Om.iiiA Fixture A Supply Co., » vr cotnar llth and Dnuelaa JA ?724 BURROUGHS f- • Inventory end the year work, $100 and up. Mr. Webb. Call AT. 0.18 1._ GUARANTEED typewriters. ? and up. Midland Office Supply, 14"4 Dodge St. FcoLU.MN Wai.F tor «.ilF u Fd U months, at a bargain. 1912 l-'iiinam. LIVE STOCK. VEHICLES. ETC V. V. HAUL livestock. Call AT. 'in67. WANT TO BUY V\ K buy baled waste paper, old newspapers and magazines. Call or write Omaha Pa per Stock Co.. 18th and Marcy fits. DESKS. DESKS DESKS Nsw desks, used desks bought, sold and traded .1 C Reed, * 307 Fartnm. AT. 6146. WANTED to buy 15 to 20-room rooming house, trail AT. 2572, Room 3, Patterson Block. Beauchamp A- Lingo. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES^ SHOE Shop and shoe stock for sale; good location, business fine; half cash, bsl ante easy payments. Address Y-2105 Omaha Bee. _j F«>K SALE—( afe nncl confect -uery. be side the I». L. L> highway If interested write Box 4^4 Harvard. Ne';». WANTED—A good location to Pace a hotel in some smaller town Address Box 335. F*ullerton. sN**b. WANTED—A partner in - ti-pott Imsjncs.-. ( all Wa 6291 live Waul Avia juuUuut ivsuU* * BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 3 3 3 AUCTION SALE 3 3 of tin* ■ N of tlir* Ih'arnni ga ) rag»\ bankrupt, at \Wsf l’oint, Neb , 3 Saturday, Dec. 9, 1922, at l p. »n. 3 Th* t.(* npacts will l> sold in lots to 3 mi it tin' highoM bidd* r for cash. 3 « onsisting of auto accessories, of 3 f.ii* furniture and fixtures, rt 3 Hemenil" r the date. Saturday, 3 Deo. i». 1922. at 1 p. m., at W^st 3 l'oirit, N» b., by order of the court. 3 3 Joo R. Tuppi r, Auctioneer. 3 3 I» H. Dunham. Ilcfcre*’. 3 3 D. E. Neafus. Selling Agent. 3 3 It. K. Moody, Trustee. 3 ROOMS FOR RENT___ ROOM DIRECTORY for ROOM HUNTERS. .Should you fail to Mud listed below the mom you want, call at tho “Want" Ad counter of The Omaha Beo for a room directory. The Omaha R»*e maintains tills Mivi-.j for your convenience. New list issu*. d each week. DUNDEE -Modern, in private family, to paity of refinement. WA am t! t.r~.l A. cm Near Howard street off 24th. Nicely furnished front room in pri vate home, for business people, 1 or 2. Mi uni heat. NICELY fui ni - hod i i bat b, reasonable, day, week or month, central location. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. 26th \ 620 s -Two large rooms, in dud mg garage. >10; single room, >6.50, gas and - rvthlng furnished. il< )TKh SANFt >RD— 19th and Varnam. HOTEL HKNMIAW—16th and Furnaiu. special rates to permanent gucsta. DODGE ST., 300 Cl in warm sin. i m . priv. family, walking distance. HA. 6144. NEAT room, quiet surroundings, good heat. 2632 Hnrney Pt 1IA 6956. FOREST A\E, 8on—lM^af-unt, warm room. .T. 0897. KENWOOD 1212—Nice room, i <7u '"PACIFIC—4 rooms, . un room, first floor, furnished or unfur nished. Heat, light mid electricity. Ha- , • ge opt Iona1 Rel t equ red 11 A. 1075. F<>R < • > L« )REI) 2019 « laik 8t . 924 00 i per month; nice cottage t<» first class , family; owner. HA. 1149 or HA. »)4t?9. | HKAN'l) NEW 5-rooin bungalow, with or I without, $55 per month. 6512 North i -7th St. JA. 3336. j FIVE rooms, mod. except heat, l mllefi<>m | P O ■ WE 0787 kkUUM house, $50, 14 3 I So :;,th SI. fail at. 5912. five It* m ► M STRlCTlTv MOUERN OOT- i QARAOI ( \ ' L HA 14 FIVI ROOM MODERN h« >USp7, NEV I V - '• |R \ TEI - CALL \\ E 369 MODE] - I 14 gat 179". SIX-ROOM house, strictly mo.k-rn, 833 S. ‘ 21st. Reduced rent. Ha. 2705 FIX’E-ROOM all modern house in good j condition. Fall Tin. 43' 3. 3- Rc >()M hoiimv u a ' j5, :Ti_\\'iTTmrr~T7. 8 1410 N i' h 8t WE !• ■ 4- R u«< 2 Iota for - nt MA ‘'.it SI X - R( n ) M with garage. :; | j> j)r. x FURNISHED HOUSES FIVE room* furnished . . private 7-room residence, 2 rooms reserved for ovn*-r, owner going to California for winter. JA. 3377._ i r. furnished houst all modern. KK. 1308. APARTMENTS FOR RENT OMAHA LAR< EST KBN 11 \CY Thirty-four apartment bu'! \.'8 apartments, reinforced con, rate. a be . lutelv fireproof Murphy bed or bedroom apartnierts. Call us and we wllj take you out l>UAKE It ENT A 1j AC.HNCY Fireproof A pa rt merits. .1 t 1M05. AT. 97UH ! Corner 17th and Howard Streets SIIKKMA.V .'VC. :3" l - - i iiii HvKCCV, • KM \ I' I «TK, ' | HT . A1.HO IJAIl, * WAi ^ C U71 o UK WE. 0395. j APARTMENTS FOR RENT. > < ) fHOICK lli;.\TED Al’AUTMK.N'TS. ( ) Three rooms, No. A Hlllcrest, -4th c > ami Jones. Barge rooms, prettily c ) decorated. Murphy bed and built- C ) in features, $57.50. ( ) Five room , No. -1 Colonial Apt? , c ) N 31st A vo Barge rooms, front C ) and i r porches, tile bath. Vest C 5 l ainain district Rent only $75. C ) Five room. N«». .1 colonial Apts, C ) iiMli and Kin nam St> Beautiful C ) rooms, excellent condition. Bast ( ) front, second floor. Very choice, C ) $80 00. C > C ) KAVNK S- (' MINA B V CO. C > “Unialm's Rental Men." C ) fijr, Omaha Nat. Bldg. .I.V. 101* C TURN KR COURT. One apartm*nt available In Omaha's moat exclusive and conveniently arrang'd 3 ivi*m apt., with u room accommodations. Kent reduced. Janitor, HA. bSi*t>. U. M. llAUSEU, Mgr 81 Ofi Podge HA. 7110 APARTMENTS AND FLATS—$33 to $100. \v7 J. PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT - Keellne Bldg ” PETERS TRL'ST COM PANT. •WHERE) OMAHA RENTS.'* AT. 0 44. 17th and Farnam Sts. Til lit'TV-first" AVE. t.<>l S —2-rn.o,i apt. with Murphy bed Call janitor. $•*) i l \ : l ’ 7 PAL \CE APARTMENTfc ly all modern, 4 rooms. Apply 2201 ^ N. 23d St. THREE nho rooms; heat, light and wa ll | W A. 1240 11 \ 71 i Clarinda Apts 6 rooms and nun room, homelik* pl.u •*. Choice location. ■ EARN A M APT t i n IA ""furnished apartments D < J MORRIS APARTMKNT HOTr.O D JSTH AND DO IRIK ST RIGHTS ") Apartments consist of living room. < D dressing room. Ui»nnnnnnr>r>nnnnnn r, n nnnnnfinr .SKi; THIS IH S1HAHLK 4-HOOM APT Sunny, first floor, walking dlManre, heat : and light fnri shed, a t>l* hriant home at a j',usouaM' r*nf. 3-.0 Harney St. NICKLA t i a: -1 . Inquire N'" t. 3802 Farnam Si. HUN1 EH INN - \T 69l j 2408 Dodge BUSINESS PROPERTY—RENT ! LEASEHOLD and office furniture for sal** ! Hf 423 Arthur building. Call Atlantic 6911 | for particular*. DESIRABLE oft « .. for rent on 2d floor of Wilkinson Bldg. 12th mid Far nam. Reasonable. Call Jackson 6871. l’AKTV desires to sublet desk space in furnished offi« . Call Jackson 6871. WAREHOI lilding foi F EXCELLENT print shop location. 312 So. 12th St, Call Jackson 6871. 2 Brunswick pool tables, card table, chairs, largo heater; good condition. MA. 0849. GARAGES FOR RENT OARAGE—Steam heat. 311 South 31st. ' HA 7 ; I PIN KN I WE. 6354 • , N ; 9th $1 WE "7 8 ; Pt.*R RENT—Garage. 123 South 35th St BONDS. STOCKS, MORTGAGES FOR SALE—$3,000 lo per cent semi-an nual first mortgage, due July 1, 1924, on good Nebraska farm. F. E. Hamtnon, Kennebec, S. I». ARE you willing to'discount your second, mortgage for cash? If so, see F. C. lloracek & Co.. 640 First Nat l Bk. Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN LOWEST RATES, EASY TERMS. NEW RATES SCHEDULE LOANS $ 1G to $200. On furniture, planus, etc. left in your posaession. VT LOWEST RATES. LAY ON PRINCIPAL * : per month on $ 30 loan. $ i per month on $ 50 loan. $1" per month on $100 loan. $20 per month on $200 loan. ; These small monthly payments will repay a loan in full, plus a small service charge. LICENSED BY STATE OF NEBRASKA. GUARANTEE LOAN COMPANY. 209 South L'Lh St. j Kai i 1 FA IS MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS CO—i.r*—73 —100—200— 500 DOLLARS or any other amount at legal rates. No publicity, easy payments Thirty years m j business. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY 600 Karba< b Blk. Tel. JA. 2295. ! _Southr *>t for. ].*dh and Dougina Sts. PROVIDE? LOA fV » - Securitas Bldg. Ibth and Farnarn organized by over 100 leading Omaha i bu.'iness met:. NOT Foil PROFIT. Lowest rate in 11*o < ty up to $300. Easy monthly ! payments. 1 urnitur* nr almost any securi ticH. Quick and coufldent !:i I service. Ref- j fences: Ask anj bank or business tuau. . Phone Atlantic 06•'ti COX Co.; loans* $5 and up on wages, cars i aid furniture; confident* I; 25 yta. esteb s 1 2 World-H crald Bldg JA 2294. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE have .ash on hand to loan on uniha residences E. H. LOUOEE. INC., Keeline Bblg. STRAIGHT 5-year loans. per rent AMOS GRANT CO.. ‘-*01_r isth Arthur Bide. AT. gjuu ; OM AH A HOMER—EAbT NER FARMS o KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO . HH6 Qm Nat Bk Bldg .1 a 27J§. Farm Loans K oke Investment (V. *45 • Mil Nat'j Bk 'R'IN BROS, ».4 . Omaha Nat Bldg ON IM t» PROPERTY NO DELAY L‘»*V RATE MONEY. No delay In « lnalng. v T GRAHAM. 704 PETKRS TR. BLDO FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on ‘‘nialia real estate Sboper. <4t Co., Real tor*.. \ 4* 2* L*4 Keeitite Bide ■ H MITHi.N p»>a m at [oj LIBERTY BONDS. 921 cuv Nai 1 iiauk blog LOANS ON HEAL ESTATE $100 To $10,000 loan* made promptly. F. D WEAD and 1» H. BOWMAN $10 h. 18th St Wead Bldg AT. 0161 I MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING—PACKING O RAO hi—S HIPPING. Household Goods and Pianos. 1 11 Howard lacks 1 ESTIMATE furn. mi packing, mov. and storing. Contracts taken by job or hour. Globa Van A Storage Co., .?A 4J38. AT 02:10. (Jrosarnan A Sons, ownm BEKI.NS OMAHA VAN & STORAGE. IGth and Leavenworth St* , racking, Mov ing, <" up** shipping .1 \ 4 1 ' Moving—Packing—Storage Gordon Fireproof Warehouse »v Van Co. ! 21$ N. 11th St. Phone JA. 8033. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. UXOBDjAN PLEATING. At • ORDJON, SIDE, anife, box pleating, covered button.*, all style*, hemstitching, buttonhole* Write i<3eai Button & Pleat ing Co.. 308 Brown Block, Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA. 1 936. Neb. Pleating “S^S5lnLltoM 1806 Fnrnam. second floor. JA. 6870 t IIIKOPRAt TtiKsf Dr. Gemar ^ "r~ Dr. Schroder '1, ! Xu il ; S DANCING ACADEMIES LEA It N to dance for ft at KEEP’S, 1818 Farnarn. Claeses Mon., Wed and Frl. nights. Dancing Tuea . Tbura., *5at. and Sun. nights. Prlvate lessons by appoint ments. JA. 6470. DEN tint*. DENTAL X-raysT &0c each; $3 full get! 0 19 S< < urities Bldg., 16th and Farnam DEI i t I i\ KS. RELIABLE Deti 11 > »■ Bureau, i illwty Ex. Bldg,, JA, 2 56; night, KB. 881 JAMES ALLAN* 818 Neville Bill. Evidence secured in all Cgsea. AT 1138. L \~ LiTnGMOCKER .. lT'j " 1 • Tel KB. 479 AKIM*. ' ♦ I I KKlERIk DTIpC repaired, i(-modeled, lowest price AVO Goldstein Fur Co.. 1 -Mi'* l>ougi«* KODAK riNuililNO FIJ MB Im - ELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. M %TTK1 BBI *. OMAHA PiLLoW CO.—Fes there it novated and made up :n Dew feather proof ticking l'JUl Cuming. JA 2467_ PATENT ITTOBNEYB, .1 w MARTIN, Patent Attorney, If 19 Dodge, room ^uv» Also Washington. D C. 1 help inventors sell their pr.tents. printing; EDDY Printing < t 212 8 U St. J.\. ; • ■ TREE TRIMMING; TREE '1 RIM M 1 N't S A ND CU1 DOW N. AT. f>797. A. BAHKS. MIM ELIAN Rot B AN.MM N ( K MENDS OARAGES Duiit. soy style sod sue. line up Concrete work. Mlckiln Lumber A W recking Co Tel WE. 6666 PRESCRIPTIONS carerully compounded at | the 6 Sherman light four which we can safely pay c i is good as new Only very slightly c > used and not a scratch on it. c Fully equipped and all tools, cur* c gins r » 'I hi.s car is on our sales floor be* C i pule new cars and you will have c to look sharp to see that this C Overland has been up«»d at all. C Save $300 on this car Fully guar- C anteed See it today. C GUY L. SMITH FOR SALE OR TRADE—Oakland six se- ! dan; looks like new; it k< od condition; will demonstrate; model 191'.’ Will trade for light open commercial truck Phone li \ 2417 2859^6 Collforn i street BOMB bargains In used Fords; prompt , delivery of new Korda M’CAKFRKY MOTOR CO, The lljmlv Ford Service Station, 161 - at i :: » CHANDLER COUPE We have n very fino ‘’handler tour-passenger enupe which has i only been used here In 4he city and i has covered very few miles It If* beautifully trimmed In velour and the outside finish '*• good. This car la priced for qulHc action at 11.000 an«l It is a good value i at that, figure Let us allow you this car today. GUY L. SMITH FOR SALE. Five good pod rara, $7'"' takea th* lot v nil Mr Mu' toon, HA. 0710. I fimirc HER FIK81 ^uy L. nmiln j6th and rarnam Atlantia 1044 USED CAM O N noneey Motor Co., Sof‘4 Farnam • '« 11i»A M «I;iit ijudi« « Nowij {united. I'tviitei a. 252u L>.a\enwurth. AUTOMOBILES for sale. ; N ASH TOURING ® \Yt» want to show you thus car to* O Ua> It Is a late model five-pas- O senger Nash touring, which It just c hho new. See for yourself. Gar C lie* .» f**w sTit. he* on it, but C t’h.rwt n as good n« ti*>w Oood C tin s, overhauled complete, k > *d C top and tight fit: iir curtah-- Th * C 1* a standard make, high grade C ) ear ami \ve feel that it is a real C ) h.trgain at our low price of ft.oh C ) l.ei us show this ear t.. n oil today. C » GUY I. SMITH ‘ \ horn Roadster—Delivery ( \\ e havn one 1921 Ford roads: r C whi«h hi* a sh*»«'inl delivery body C on the rear. This body it earilv C removable and Intel ehimgeable C with flu* tttamin • d F rd C rasing* Spe. in! storm-tight door, C opening rurtulns See this ear to- C day, a * • *il bargain at wh ( both t i’d lea * * »* is good a* new C ami used very little <;UY L. SMITH \ A A A A A AA AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A t NEW and used Fords, ins’: or terms i O E PAULSON MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford ami Lincoln Dealers 20th nnd Ames Ava K1 NEW \ ND I SKD T1R FS. *-’ " AND UP R R TIRE AND AUTO CO. 5S>s Farnatn St P A_74°4 USED Ford ports nt half price Parts for nil standard make iars. Neb Auto Parts 1016 Harney St H\NsTkN AUTO PAINTING AND DECOR ATING JA f.765 '2202 South 11th_St. TSFD cars that nn he used NEBRASKA OLDSMOB11 F CO. Howard at 11th at 1776 w ! i fj pa • cash f *r Model 61, 7 pa s i g< r Cadillac touring > .ir or sedan, liox W-64I*. Omaha Rec. WILL sell nearly new Ford touring chi ip Owner ran t drive. Call AT. It: V’. n• *i.i Y. expert h ito trimmer 812 8 24th SALE OK EXCHANGE. KICIllT TllorsAXU lmtdw IN', tmplc tntnls, furniture. Hot N. Hr .Urn How, N-». 1 ■■■" 1 " . ■ ■■ . ' —■ WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE If AY K Bt * Y RRS. Fop your home, complete service nn«l satifad Ion. .? I. HIATT COMPANY 1 :tnH First Nat Hank Bldg AT C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors ■ i Peters Tiuet Bldg 1 v »' To Buv «>r Sell Omaha Heal Estate, fie* FOWLER & M’DONALD Member* Multiple Listing Ex Heal tore. List vour home—Huy your home. BINDER & OTIS, H * a I ' s ■ Rents Is 1 \ Charles W. Y oung & Son: Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. 1602 City Nat. Bk. AT. _ PDTTr\TTP Realty t•«.. ~Uet v. t h LllV U Hi IN 1 YJ for fjulck result -. I4ik 1-1re* Nit*l Bat I ' 1 4 1 GOOD LISTINGS—COMB TO US. WE SELL THEM. HtOMK REALTY CO AT lilt. LIST your homes for eaie with us. We have the customers. PAYNE INVEST* M ENT < O Lea it or. to s*-! 1 quick <>r huy right see the Guar antee Realty Co . 21U Arthur Bldg. Tel. j “Tukey Sold It” A. P TI*KEY & SON. Realtors. JA. 4223. •i t » s i:!. I set Glover A Mo-ell. AT, 3623 \ 1111 S P B( >sf\\ ICK r«al estat AT WORLD Realty Co7, Realtors. AT. 3432. rn Beal Estate Co > \ I ! i BENNER CO R ill a 1 \ 3664. MISSOURI LANDS' ! I IDEAL stock farm «-r d>0 acres, well itn- I I proved, mile south of Lone Jack; close to j church: uood school and high school. i Good roads Bargain if bought now. Iko I : Mitni’ss. lame Jack, Mo IE farm; I I r< ad. •; milts south d«k Grove. Mo. I Own r, Isaac M a ness. Lone Jack, Mo. NEBRASKA LANDS |t;OOI> 160-Aclti; 1.\i:M located m mil** north of Ainsworth, Brown Co.. Neb. 1U0 acres in crop; all is good rich tillable land, nice new buildingon mail route and telephone Black soil, clay sub soil, quarter milo to school. I will sell 'cry reasonable, terms $ . 0 0 0 cash, balance yearly; might irade for Omaha property. Possession March 1st If you mean busi ness. address OWNER, 4109 No. 19th St., Neb K()R MAT. K—Irrigated land. Scottsbluff Co . No. 1 mi HIT' S, right miles northeast Mitch-11. Under cultivation. Improved,$."• 800; $1,800 • ash, balance 1<> years, • -j per Cent. No. 9. 80 acres. Mitchell val ley. High producer: $16,000, half cash, balance lo years. 6per cent. Address Box 4 8 7 RESOLUTION FOR LANDLORDS AND TENANTS. Improved farms for lease and option t*> buy on yearly payment of only P per certt of principal. Three p^r cent interest only Is charged, balance of payment applied on principal Box N. Broken Bow. Neb. i j i j J i eastern Nebraska; cheap and cisy terms For particulars write owner, t.\ B. Me Mullln. Craig, Neb. WYOMING LANDS. FOR SALK—320 acres of r"t>d Ian L Five miles from C'hugwafpr. Wvo., f**r J7 Sim acre. For particulars write Jerry Mas se!!, Nurd man, Idaho. FOR SALE OK RENT FOR SALK OR KENT, 18 ? I8TH ST — Modern 2-story home with fi- ored a tic . j cemented basement, . bedrooms and hath. I Fecond floor Built-in pantry. storm I doors and windows, window shades, gas heat* 6x14 HA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS ALFRED THOMAS A Son Co.. Realtor., j VACANT PROPERTY The bests lot buy In the Field Club dis trict. Non* i* the time to build. If K. COCHRAN. Omaha Nat Bank _ BAROAl NI Two Tot**. facitik Miller Park. 50 ft. front. Call At L’ST-. Room 9, Patterson Bio. k. Beauchamp & Ling.*. I *i \ i 'LL i"t. 60x125, on . i'll b * near Far* tiam, choice lot*, owner will consider reas enable offer C. A FIK i: T H ST Fargo living room, dining room, kitchen Had pantries on first floor; three hed rooms and hath on second; orK floors and finish. owner very anxioua to eell end h ,s . ut the price $1.4)00. AY. Furnani Smith Co., Hi: \l,Tf >H^ I 20 Farnam 8t J A 0584; Run aa A 2818 NOUTli Fi’.uHKNTi; 1»1.VP. 6-Room Rungnlow. Extra la’ge room* '{ tttore • hii ho furn I eh I'd up In attic. FirepUi e. double garage. Kir at front, owner left ell} Sacrifice# $ 1,M»0 . mh U AA Harrett, Kenwood 1*6' il'ort will lory my equity of I’OOO in a five-room nil modern hottc' with garage, located in north part -f Omaha on paved St Original price $6,250, payment" $52 50 ter month. Faxes pad up to date. In* sumnee paid for tin*- veara^ K K. 2 ft ah. \ . *r >ZY N B\V HUNGALOVA Near Miller I’ark, r* rooms. h'I nxodprn, finished n oak nnd white neanrel; $500 down and It • a month. OftII J A. 3338. New ti-ro m Coloitin I. nil modern, A Fargain. heated »'*44 Florence Rlvd. N'oii a »rt11. JA. 4 10 5-ROOM modern K laatone hmrse, - large lota, fur hai mtv cheap. Florence. Hoc \ ba I.KT Campbell future that new- dwelling. Better pro • s and ■ rtlnf»i- tion guaran teed. f..t; K • el I n e Hldg. AT. '..27 FI1ANKI.IN <’ roonih. fmu baaemtnt. j Bnv now. Building prr s rose 10 per rent n hove lint. AAA. 2'FA_ Ha>|i Built Bungalows nrc rigid I’Holt«« AT. "7J1 | ."717 1H .1 \ riTK—t'-Km., Mod Kx. Heat ; "> lots. " rush. baliitico monthly. Ortdgh# i.i's r.. t .ia ityrn 6 111 it )M house, i let'll t a h« at. god l , ond tlon w K «• * ' 11 i uli’K ■ ■ Park ri» -i « luh tlon. yy a wtlj »,,• Kind Im show ) ou tHese at your convenience. Call Osbor lie Kealty < pet era Trust B H •' A ~ • -BOOM, fully modern gn*H«t, *41jO. \i:,r Id and Hun croft, want offer, i! Ui-st. AT. <'■ I :>... HA. .711. WEST SIDE PROPERTY.” Colonial Bungalow C N . n 'MS-20 City National. WIST I’jrnnm Rurctlow, 5 rooms and parage. Classy and new Move in at on>’». Pro o $t'.'>e0; $1,1)09 down. Call wa . f.ons. ir Terms AT 4 it 6$, Grove-Hibbard Co. 63?andB&dL T1 ■" - ... '4 DUNDEE PROPERTY. Dundee Lots and Homes UKOIUiR it CO. Hf'altorg, AT. 30-4. FLORINCR PROPERTY Home Agent RALSTON PROPERTY. " HOMKS for workingmen. Four rooms. Partly modern, full lot, easy terms. I1.2UU Have others Stewart. Ralston lo-W MISCELLANEOUS LANDJ^* This New kellastone | Bungalow' tin h r ro.-t to build today. All modem 5 largo rooms and bath, full 'ii »nt 111ont. ('an buy it on easy terms, move right In and save rent. livening* rail Rus II, AVI" 48 36; 1 days, JA 242R. “We Build to Please" 1 ■ i im Sf. HASTINGS A HI TDI N Itpaltorc. We Make 5^2 % Loans on Omaha Real Estate Monthly Payment l.oans on Residences Peters Trust Company Peters National Rank WANTED —BY THE— Wabash Railway Co. Skilled mechanics for t he rail- I way shops on their system. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS COACH CARPENTERS CABINET MAKERS COACH VARNISHERS and other skilled crafts. Free transportation, ample pro tection and permanent positions. Wades and workind condi lions prescribed by the U. S. Railroad Labor Board. APPLY 1909 HARNEY ST. Omaha, Neb.