rjT*) f tr* n A TUCI) n«*utrreJi) / HERE)C comely 0 maccie: L ’C \ s V/e HAD esETT^cj. | HlCE OR I'LL ftE CALLIN' ON vou 4^ IN ACHINESE. _) I “ ■ “sNEAK. IN ! An | HIDE. UNTIL, j C)ME COE'o 1 T * fi |i i i ^ •-^ cee: ^he o - WE <, I VC P>E tO«E l F HER THE ^HE. KHCW ■oLipalu Ri^ht: \l WE ARE UN ' WHA.T '0 j ja,U_ A . Cincinnati, O. Increase in Appropriation for Street Lighting Asked Although Commissioner Hopkins will ask that the street lighting ap propriation he increased from $165,000 to ?2no,000 this year, lie stated Wed nesday that the street lighting rates will net he Increased. Many new lights are needed, he said. Browning-King Head Inspects Local Branch William H. Browning, president of B l* o w n i n g. King & Co., spent Wednesday in Omaha, looking over the local branch, one of 18 stores anil numerous factories operated by thfll company in Various parts of the country. He is enroute to Seattle to Inspect the newest of their store* A a to clothing prices Mr. Browning said, “The tendency will l,*e somewhat upward for the next six months. While it is true that the tariff on wool Is not much, it gives nn cxjruse to all the men through whose hands it passes in the process of making einth, that the increase in tho f.Dished cloth Is considerable.'* He said Browning, King & Co used Australian wool furts of ihe country, but the fact that the damage they d« | yearly amounts to over *200,000,000 is little known. The bimenti of biological survey has issued a booklet on tho destruction of these rodents which will prove de cidedly useful. The booklet contains instructions for rat proofing, and sub-' All V kRTISEMK VP. I NOSE CLOGGED FROM j A COLD OR CATARRH | i Apply Cream In Nostrils To f j Open Up Air Passages. J .g.#, All! What relief; Your clogged nos trils open right up. tile air passages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. Mo more hawking, snuffling, mucous discharge, head ache, dryness—no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh is gone. Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your now trils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Ely’s Cream Balm is just what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It’s just splendid. • 'W"' Yes, Pretty Hair in Omaha Now Hut—-only a few months ago'only 2 women in $ had it How simple scientific discovery brought new beauty and fresh charm to thousands Only a few months ago we offered women here new hair—lustrous, beautiful, alluring —under written guarantee. Now your city is becoming known as a city of women with beautiful hair. Wher ever you look—in the shops, the theatres, the restaurants — you see it. Thousands are basking in the delight of a new-found beauty. You, too, can have it if you wish. For we make you the same offer we made them. That is, falling hair stopped in 3 weeks. New hair grown in 90 days—or money refunded. So it is folly not to try at least to have it. New principles Science has recently made amazing dis coveries. It is now known that hair roots seldom die. They can be revived—given new life. We have proved that conclusively by growing hair on 91 heads in 100. The method we use is new. Years of ex haustive laboratory experiments were spent perfecting it. Now world-great dermatologists employ these ingredients. Some charge J500 for the same ba$c treatment. > The infected Sebum in your hair Sebum is an oil. It fprms at the follicles of the hair. Its natural function is to supply the hair with oil. But, oddly, it is also the sburcc of most hair troubles. On exposure to the air it decomposes. Forms fatty acids, which gradually inflame and irritate the scalp. Frequently too it be comes infected. It cakes on the scalp; clogs the follicles and plugs them. Go to the mir ror and You can sec it in your hair, cither in the form of dandruff or in that of an oily excretion at the hair roots. ^Germ's by the millions breed in it. Then they feed upon the hair. Soon it begins falN Yng. You note, too, how lifeless your hair appears. In a short time, all the natural lustre and beauty are gope. But—and note this scientific fact—remove the infected Sebum and the hair reverts back to the softness and brilliancy it dis played when you were a school girl. The Van Ess treatment accomplishes that result. \Ve know you will doubt it. So we guarantee it. New hair grown in 90 days. Falling hair stopped in three weeks. Your own druggist gives you our guarantee to do these things. He signs it. If we fail, your money wrill be refunded without argument. Go to any druggist sor department store today. Ask for the Van Ess-Liquid Scalp Massage. Written guarantee accompanies it. Costs Nothing Unless we grew hair. The Van Ess 3-bottle treatment is absolutely guaranteed. You are the sole judge. The warrant is signed by your own druggist. All we require is his signature showing you have pur chased a ninety-day treat ment. If it fails, we refund • vour money. Hence you assume no risk making this test. Note This New Way It massages the treatment directly into the follicles Of the hair You can see from illustration that Van Ess is not a "tonic.” It combines a massage and lotion in one treatment. You do not rub it in with your tifigcrs. Each package conics with a rubber massage cap. The nipples are hollow. Just invert bottle, rub your head, and nipples automatically feed lotion down into "follicles of the scalp where it can do real good. At the same time the nipples give youf head a massage. It is very easy to apply. One minute each day is enough. VAN ESS LA B-O RATORIF.S 5007 Lake Park Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Van Ess 18 Sold by • SHERMAN 8t McCONNELL DRUG CO., 4 Big Drug Store* - GREEN’S PHARMACY, 502 South 16th Street BURGESS-NASH CO., 16th at Harney BEATON DRUG CO., 15th at Farnam And Drug Stores Everywhere ___-_t kpstions for destroying tho rodents by the use of traps, poisons, domestic animals, furnifmtiou and rat viruses. Readers of The Omaha Ih-e may obtain a cofiy of this booklet free as Ova 17 Million Jan Und Yearly PLAY SAfT ORDER NOW THROUGH TOUR NEWSOtALCfS • copy «« The Christmas Issue -or The Billboard OUT NEXT WEEK | A beautiful cover In cofort appropriate to the saoeon. Many Intar eating illua* trationa. Many highly Informative apa del irtidM. All the regular department* covering ovary branch of tha above bull* ? no*a. At oil newt stand#. | I Vaudeville—Photoplays — ,.a - —. . ___/ss\ TODAY—TOMORROW Last Two Days “20 MINUTES in CHINATOWN’' Five Other Act* and Feature Photoplays _ Have You Heard ARTHUR HAYS ^ in his greatest novelty, "The Organ With tlie Human Voice,” playing “Just a Little Blue.” I SATURDAY A VAUDEVILLE .TRIUMPH Three **at headline attractions end a photoplay you will remember for a long time, “THE BLOT:’ with CLAIRE WINDSOR DOC BARKER and CO. The Lightning Change Artist. In ‘FLASHES.” Wisher At Gilmore — Hector. I lack Hanley. — Smith A Strong. _ ^Herbert & Dar^ YORKE St KING In “Th« Old Family Tin Type.” Topic* of Day. "— Aesop’s Fables r Pa the News. The Talk of the Town. I Added Attraction--Tha Great Afterpiece “Two More Poses from the Old Family Album.” mt.s: 5c to SOc. Nights 15c to $1. ( . Mow Showing GLORIA ! SWAHSON 4 —in — '“The Impossible Mrs. Belle w ” The storv of the woman who danced j and laughed through Europe’s capital* —even shocked Monte Carlo—and al* ways with her own hesrt breaking. ALSO BEN TURPIN In “Koine tfaiie PrTcvies NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS GRAND - 16th and Binney RICHARD DIX In "FOOLS FIRST." HAMILTON - - 40th and HamiltoiV f HERBERT RAWL1NSON In "DON’T SHOOT." Amateur Vaudeville. VICTORIA - - - 24th and Fort ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN In "EVIDENCE.” Butter KeatonBin “The Goat.” __ - long ns the five c»Oi ion 1 i«ts by writ ing to the lM\i ion of 1‘ublh atious, i»* i►.11 tinent of Agrieulttue. Washing ten, I». (\. a-'king for *'F. Ii. That’s Why Yo ‘re Tired r— Out of Sorts- Hove No AppetHft Your Liver Is Sluggish CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS will helpyuit you right In a,few days. They act quickly though gently and give na ture a chance 1 to renew your . health. Cor rect the im- i , (mediate effects of constipation, relieve1 biliousness, indigestion and sick head ache. • StetaURUI FaiaUDewe SmsUPritt1 I -OMAHA S I UN tlllir' W/rtti£>TiA •’*' * "" ,0M’ Tyr.CA^>’iC->ww-yr prv-wan PRicii Jacob* A .lermon iloc.) Presrnt Flashlights <1 1923 ssr A Notable Interpreting <‘**1 uS a lloM ol Cl BCMJCC °' ttp-lo-Oo" Pretty Girl* in » fclWII6» Happening* Larde*' T'ckrii. 15c or 25c *1 l>*U» M»l.. 2:15 Sat Mai. £ W'k.: ' Shorty McAllister anil ''Rib" Shannon PHOTOPLAYS At 12, 2:30, 5. 7:30 an Mini} 5ea umon f ii ii ii mi ■■■■iBinni ——— "—r~ Alice Lewis & Co. present “The 1922 Girls” Inez Hanley in “Planograms” The Halkings offer Halkings’ Comedy Silhouettes Marcus & Lee in * laughinit Matter “MARRIED” Hal Koacli Comedy “THE -FLIVVER” FOX NEWS ii 'iiiMW i i ii mii imimiM—wii STARTS SUNDAY ‘ For a Smashing Weet*. Strongheart, thi Won der Dog of ‘The Silent Call.’ # Brawn of. the North f. A jaw Murf® fc l«n $1.25 Dolls ..55<* i $1.50 Dolls .£ $ 1.7ft-Dolls.4.-95^ > *4.50 Dolls.S2.45 * Aluminum Roasters { ! Largest size Roasters #8.75 j Large Clothes Hampers 81.25 Bath Room Hampers $1.25 I Galvanized Pails.tiiC Wash Board, heavy, concave, brass finis boards...55^ Galvanized Tibs, medium size, not the snnM kind.. .«5r Clothes Basket, heavy, flat BPlint .950 Golden Oak Footstools 79o Ironing Boards, tle rigid kind that won’t wobbc..g$l 85 Copper Bottom \#,sh Boilers at .82.59 : The Value-Giving Store Howard, bet. 15th aid 16th Sti. j