THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA, DECEMBER 3. 1922. Hrikuii Scraps Wurcliips Under Terms of Treaty Sixteen YYdM-N 'rnt to Juul. Yartls in Compliance With Wat.liing.ton Naval Lim itation Tact. Scotto's Wife Sues Muzio French Premier Outlines Terms for Moratorium Columbia Grafonolas OWCHS Columbia Records Trig VALUE GIVINO 1IOU. If- tVriiililiif ion, ni, ;, (Hv A. v lii f xpiuimiiim of Hi' statement re Kni'linif the criiiipin i.f wrW.. made III the limjiao fpf ( ominous Wed nesday .y m reprexejitmhe of the Xtrnish admiralty, th Itrltlsli enihu.rv IhI hIkIiI tiiH'ln miM.- a list of eijflil capital hlp "ulresdy sold and removal ty ship breaking- firing for breaking up," l.ijfM oilier ve.eels wth tunned as In th fimt eisa' of crspplng defined In llio Washing ton navsl treaty, Th statement declared that "none of these vrt.l were olieolel In th tiH of I lm Wach liifioii iruiy," Hill H, Leslie frl;le, secretary of the etiihussy, said that "hud It imt ,ii for the VVavlilnKiin i:nrifrvnfit nun of these ships would lui hecti scrapped." Kiilll lit tiilKimy statement and Mr. f'rsliil look exception specifleal- 1y to a dispatch of The Associated l'r', sent from Washington oil Wed tiesdny, miylnK thiit fur the aetusl scropplng 'f wershlpa in the I'nitcd Wales, Great Hrltnin and Japan alike had "affected only v win which are formally classified by ri wr as wholly obsolete for natal purposes." Tlia Information on which this dls T'Ktch was luid, no fur ti Ureal Uritiin tai concerned, I contained in a "return" lo llii house of com rnons made ly ll)'' Hi 1 1 lull admlrally and printed In July, 19:2, ahowlng th ships which comprise th fleet of the British empire, but "omitting obsolete ships of all classes." c'oplea c( thla "return" ore In tlie hand of government, officials here. Six Mraiiurri of Control In rlu'lrd in Program for Sub mis;ion to Confrrrncc at HrusufN. Boy Stoned to Death Over Football Game I'it tjiburah, I-c 2, A coroner' Jury, which held 1111 Inqueat Into th dentil of iJuhrlel HhuUik, 1, Tuck etty creek, n nilnliiK vllljiee ner KlltniiriiKK, who una tiloned to (lentil' hy aix rmaller liida whone nijea mniftd from 11 to 13 year, renuitided to th Juvenile court tho ly ro aponnllile for tholr compntilon' death. Tli'! atory of the killinir wiia that while the lade were playing football in a vn on nt lot Hiut.-ik incurred the d.flpleimjre of the younger lads, whereupon they bnnded uK.unut him tind pelted him with atonex. While the dhulak boy wiia In a stooved poul t:on In the act of plcklnx up a atone n mlaale burled by one of the nnujller boya atruck him In the head. He died two duya later from a fractured akull. mi When OKItlo Ncullo, fmprearlo of tlie Chlcairn Opera roniiiany. re turned (o America on the name alilp a Mile, auiliit Miiln, nopraiio of Ilia ;ime company, hlo wife, Mine. arm'elia Hrotto, annoiiiiced that ah ha4 In- Iructed her altorneya to aue Mile. Mulo for IC-VWll) for alleeed alienalloa of affect toon and alao to auei for titration from her hulind, ,Mme, Nrolto tnaiiea no clmrge aialimt Mile. Mulo'a em Utile repiilallon. Ejrjr Hurled at 1 i Citizens Prav Bandit Routs 2 Motions to Reopen Liquor Cases Filed in Oklahoma Tulna, Okl., Dec, 2, C lifford W. fciiitf, iisMlnlant atnle attorney gen. etal, yexterduy filed In counly court here, 4 motion aukingr to reopen llUor ranee diiinilHed by County At torney W, F. Heaver and annouiofd tlmt he would Immediately begin In eetiniition of Senver'e otllcinl acta to determine whether or not he would auk for the euepenfilon of the Tulsa county attorney, The iiKelHtiint attorney Renera! mild Ji.a InveHtlRution would cover every r.ngle of the en Be Woman Buried Alive. Now York, Dec. 2. Abraham Meek er, taxirab chauffeur, was Indicted for the murder of hia wife, Jennie, who, authorities believe, wua burled live In a qulckllme filled crave from which her body va taken Wednes day. The offlfiol theory that t lie woman W;ia burled alive was formed after the report of Vr. Karl Dtnnard, assiHtant medical examiner of Kronx county, bid been submitted to the district at torney. Ir. Dennard naid that while lte bad been dealt a heavy blow on the head- It wyn of a nature that would have stunned her and not ended her life. Her hands and feet had l' n bound and a coat had been placed over her face. The body bore other evidences, he reported, that the woman had re gained conscloiisnehs in the crave In a vacant lot and then fought ufwinvt death. Salvation Army Head Arrives. New York, I'ec. J, CouiuiiMxioiier liavid ''. Ijimb, sect. ml in command In the International Salvation Army, who has been dewunated to take over the eomuiiind of the army In America from I'omnmnder Kvancellne Hooth, lirrlved on the teumliip AiultanU lnl w.fhr rins of the nipreme comin.iiid'r of the Kilviiiion Army. tien. Kramwell Jiooili. tr reoiK iiilzatioii of the Army In A'yf which aroused a utoini of protei'i fioin ciluetis and rKMOi4 tin. ( I)s f-r a cniiimia!i"iierliii which b dt peiclM"t linn th lU'ilieli hu-n n.'li i f thf arliij. Girl in Grocery Hita Uandit in JVose, Causing Flight. npokane, vvshii., iiec. Z. One un rooked rug routed two bard lulled ones, when a holdup Was attempted In a small grocery In an ouilyiiiy dls t rict. Two men entered the store at clos Ing time and one of them, placing a dollar bill on the counter, anked Miss Ksther Olson, aged 16, for half dozen tug. When she turned toward the men again, an egtr In each hand one of them displayed a, gun. Miss Olson let fly one egg, and screamed The egg, according to Mine Olson, struck the holdup man on the nose and splashed over his face. Warded by the oaslauRht and by the girl's call for help, the men bolted, leaving the dollar bill on (he grocery counter, Fatal Hole, I Angeles, Dec. 2. A hole In the solo of his shoe led to the arrest of J. It, Uetker, iMirlier and rancher of Van Nuys, a suburb, on a charge of stealing hay from M. L'rca, a neigh bor. Officers followed foot prints lead lner away from ureas barn, over damp soil to the barn of Betker. The foot prints seemed to show a hole In one of the shoes which made them. And, the officer aald, Hetker was wearing a shoe with a hole In the sole, Hetker said he merely borrowed tho hay, but nt such a late hour that he considered It unnecesary to awaken Urea to ask him for It, the officers stated. Guilty of Murder. White. '.ihl, Mcti. lee. : - Mi AU. e !udiiH whs 'ii lcl-d III o' tmt i.i, n( right f hnwtK it. ur te.d her son In lit , K"lnl Ul"ll. t;t- bs'I 1 fii'l t t w.n M.l.!y ef fl-.t mheii the. enl.. t r.. tut tlHll i-t In malt" a UI-li1f til. Mm- Is t i b . n! i n-l by Ju U J- ti t ti f. niitut' It, ,tli.t.( ber dm! iter, t..dll. i.i Ctn lhi rkr m-t i't pliJii'M bet ft.r lit t. lti-l ll-vl il A f'tvg i f mufdn- t-lt.,, H j v "r f .f !!. !tt!t ef lh i ll'l w.ll ' -e '' l- 1 at ami t J I jirpr.t liin in VhM i V ,. I l ' ' National Theater l'ianned. New York, Dec. 3. l'-Hlublishmeut of an American national tlieater, long the dream of lovers of the drama, has been undertaken by the Produc ing Managers association with the co operation of an Initial committee of 17 educators, publicists, dramatists and actors, Augustus Thomas an nounced Inst night. Universities spe cializing in dramatic courses have been asked to Join the movement. The 17 men outside of the associa tion who bavo consented to be In corporators are Ceoraje Pierce, batik- er; .David jselasco, JVieliolas .Murray llutler, Hamuel Harden Church, Owen lavls, John Drew, James W. lierard, Wllliuin Gillette, Otto II. Kahu, Urunder Matthews, William l.yon Phelps, t'hunniiiu Pollock, Ar thur Hobson, Frank Haven fargent. Otis siklnner, Hooth Tarklngton and Whitney Warren. Plane Catapult Tested. I.os Angeles, live. '.'. A new naval airplane catapult designed for launch ing planes Into the air directly from the deck of a battleship, wua tried out off I.os Angeles and at Ban Diego yesterday with entirely satisfactory results, it was announced at Pacific fleet head'iusrters here. A seAplan was launched from aboard 'hip at Kan Diego and made thn passage to Los Angelet without difficulty, carrying only the pilot, It then was hoisted lo the deck of a bat tleship here and launched sgaln. this time carrying a passenger In addition i t the plloi. Again the plane look lite ale with ea.w, completing the re t'.in flight to tn I 'lego Mthoul trouble. as Town Burns 400 Homeless a Kegult of Fire That Sweeps Part of Terrebonne. Terrelsviiiie, Quebec, Dec 2. Four hundred persons were homeless to day as a result of a fire which last night wled ont the entire lower part of Terreltonne, nVstroylri($ more tljan "5 residences, and store buildings, In cluding the town hall and the post- office. Tim Convent of the Congregation of Notre Dame and the Juvenat col lege, conducted by the Father of tho Very Holy Hacrament, escaped damage, Fanned by a high wind, tho flames spread with anmlug rapidity. When fre apparatus arrived from Montreal, 5 mile distant a large section of the town had been mowed down by the blaze. The blaze destroyed every thing In its path. The tirst alarm, caused householders to rush from their burning homes, carrying whatever they could salvage. Women dragged slclgho along the streets Into which were loaded the few articles rescued. The. Fathers of the Holy Kncrament, savings the Pleased Wucrament, carried It about the smoke filled streets while men, women and children, knelt In prayer. Hamburg. Dee. ;.-(fly A. P.l The program of M. Polncare, the French premier, for submission to the Hrussela' conference, com prists six definite measures of allied con trol to be ace pled by flertnany In return for a three year moratorium, aceordlig lo Information the Frem-d-dial t assorts It has received from a Dutch banker who Is prominently srsodiited with high financial circles In France. The newspaper mil Its Informant states that the plan already has been submitted to the Pelglan government. The sis prererjijisltos to a moratorium ire declared to ha: First Th erection of a custom boundary eastward of the occupied territory, with the establishment of ' a tnlsed customs commission, basest on the nutnlter of troops and tilled official In fh occupied area. Heeond Participation by allied capi tal In all chemical and metallurgical factories In the occupied area having mora than (00 employes, to the extent of not less than 45 per cent and not exceeding 75 per cent. Third Allied control of Indirect taxee in th occupied territory. Fourth Kpeclal measure against the flight of German capital abroad. with taxation of such fund in foreign money valuea. Fifth mobilization of lha mark through an International loan secured by th Jtelchsbank a gold reaerv. Blxth An Increase in coal dellverlea by 25 per cent and an Increase In reparatlona wood dellverlea 20 per cent. Relatives Accuse Wife in $500,000 Estate Suit Relative of the 1st John Krsus of Alliance, allege In an answer filed In district court here Haturday that his former wife , Helen, left his ranch home In Pox Uutte county, and went to Hioux City to keep a tryst with a former Jover there. The law suit Involve .the 1500,000 estate of tho deceased. Krause and the plaintiff were married In Jnver In December, 1912. Hhe allege that he began and tarried through a di vorce suit by stealth and fraud In tho Douglas counly court, giving her, name wrongfully as Nellie Krause and getting; service by publication on the claim that he did not know where his wife was. Krauf! died in Alliance August it, 1919. Six Conventions Scheduled for Omaha in December There will be at least six conven tions In Omaha during December, ac- ordlng to a report of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce, Tho meetings already scheduled are: December 11 State Association of Commissioners, riupervlsora and Clerks, estimated attendance, 350. December 910 Nebraska and Iowa Greet erf. December 13 Grand Chapter Itoyal Arch Masons, estimated attendance. 50-10D. December 13 IX. S. M. Grand Coun cil. Masons. December 19 So Nebraska titale Bar association, attendance, COO. - December i:;i-S0 Missouri Valley chess tourament. China and Japan Sign Shantung Agreement Toklo, Dec, 2. The foreign office , announce the signing at 9 a. m. yes terday of the agreement between China and Japan, concerning Hhan- tung. The transfer of all Japanese In terest in the province of (Shantung will take place at noon, December S, when all the Japaneee troops will be evacuated. Kome matter, however, will be left for ettlement after the evacuation. Attorney Awarded Damage. for Poor Telephone Service Minneapolis, Dec. 2. A district court Jury yesterday awarded George 8. 'Grimes, a local attorney, damage of $1,000 in hi suit for $3,000 against tho Northwestern Telephone Ex change company for alleged poor serv ice during two years. The company indicated It would appeal. French Mission Coming. Paris, Dec. 2. By posal for admission officers to America, chamber of deputies prlated 300,000 francs to invitation from was said at the war A. P.V The pro- . of live French for which the ' yesterday appro- , was In responre Washington, it ofllee today. .Vui; If I I !' I"1 i't ih !.! .! ! ! J ! ! lit ' ' D, . , - t . t t )! l I laiti t!, n - III' HI, a .ii. t- ' i f ' f t.t j 1 1 . .. in it ll i , W. jit- i ' hi ! - . , Ji Mi !Ult, W Captured, I't':, . . . ll 1 .-. I '.' ' I ' It. I. .' ' J . : . . - V . . . .. ... I ,1, tt. !. . i.i t i . . Hail Wmler Hurt by It. nth. M I 1.11,., h-c, ;' il; A p -t Umita lillili.gtoil. hSaik.mlth, d imJuii.I . ii.unlv dim I shght pro ( pa-rtv tl.'iimge wss tu.-il l.v a l.iinh r.l.. l In ihti ti. i.f the ,M.-..ii-l 1 I'.n if . n.lri.i I ).iiii. I. .if Imi.iM j'l mftmni re ..,rt.iig sfdr fici-liii intir iuv s ik Tlitts i ei .'.ir.;n airly eiitl..yrn In I t.e 'i. ht It. etiiltMioti fH lUir.-l IVlit m.nojn.ej Ihst to .Li's ljt t-n 4ittvre at i.t In .. f li e I ,tt t'nulian on Vttitt tiii, i, tin l.t 'I, Kl. ti t Mi i.l M,S A!i!ir M Ki, ; ,s.-rm I -If !- l, Ki.l .l4. I II ijnlr.f ,! , lil, a .4t t at " I "t I .i.l l t .-, ml I'l Itollt f ... a.k i Km v i: i I t.-a' ! I 4l li 1 ' t- .i it ' s 1 V M 4 IMMI DRISIirK BROS, (Jll IIIKI 1.IW., IW. '( Silt . MkMI SM. Twelve Free Lessons with Every Saxophone from now until Christmas we will give FREE, with tho purchase of .a Saxophone, 12 lessons. Surprise your friends by playing this entertaining in Rtrumenl. For your convenience we have made very easy and pleasing terms. Price 970.00 and up. Oct your Saxo phone and 12 lessons and pay for your instrument in easy installments. W are I he at rlmiv representa tives for Ike cele brated J. W. York A Soa Band aad Orchestra laslnt meats. All guars. teed. Cornets Saxophones Trombones Drums Flutes I .,r km B.ita' Otfk.di Utitueml tOR lilt LOVER OF VIOLIN MUSIC Nee our itniipleto Vinlm Sets nowr (ii sale at en evlrcniHy .,w j.rne for ( linstmat. These Violin hate a spirt). li t lone and are complete with ii-c, lt,, i'rii'irs ami hn rt, Jg.t th Umii; fur the ltfh-uiiif r or fr tho r hi flan oil lsl.Hi.' r..M. pet'll pri'T n t kulelci, lUasnatt liiji'ar Ku). , tu, ts.s fr. m SI 00 lo 111 00 fey fur ihanrj trfore I hnsi m a M i bit tts ! .4 W . ft,, , itM, Ikiwaa, riil i Iks If h Oslf S18. 75 U4.IM I .. HI W M M . mm Spinet Deki Vk l -B-.fSKesjijam in !Ti I makWkWkVaWkkaWkkWkWkkkWkWKkWaWt f'o not fail to see our stock of these popular dfuks in walnut and mahop-any, ranjrinjr in prict from STORe uimi vine ChRlSTHlAS SPIRIT i i v w a w aw ai r m ' Ml An endlens variety of Smokers' Htandu in all the popular fiiiishet from 91.50 up. Make This a Furniture Xmas To merely go over the numerous items which might be rlassed aa appropriate gifts, then only can you appreciate the tender thought winch would he manifested year in and year out by those who are foitunate enough to bo the recipient of furniture gift from UjJtn'a. Regardless of what might be offered, the lusting quality is the determining factor in the worth of anything. That is why, from a practical ufandpoint, we suggest that you make this a furni ture gift Christmas, Mahogany Rockers One of these mahogany fii and cane Kockers would be an acceptable gift. $23.85 Priscilla , Sewing Cabinets A Priscilla Sewing Cabinet would make an inexpen- sive and yet last ing gift. $6.75 Y' M V piiiiMii si I IV ! Walnut and Mahogany Tea Wagons Tea Wagons in walnut or mahogany, with and without tray. 3P . $15.00 UP ISridgc Lamps in endless va-H'-ty. $ 13.75 up. Mah, Pot complete with Silk Shade Moor Lamps, 16.75 up. Martha Washington Sewing Cabinets Martha Washing, ton Sewing Cabi nets, in walnut or mahogany. $18.00 Oak or Mahogany Library Cases as shown ... 8118. 75 Or sectional at 80.75 per section. Tops and bases, 85.25 ca. DOLLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! WW l1 A. II v. - . A delayed shipment of 500 dolls of all kinds, having just arrived we propose to dispose of the lot at exceptionally low value-giving priccH, $1.25 Dolls go at $2.00 Dolls go at Q5c 11.50 Dolls go at 75 $3.00 Dolls go at 81.-15 34.00 Dolls go at. ., 83.45 aT VLW i k rzsa, . M H . T f W m. An unusual collection of Gate Leg Tables in mahog any, walnut and antiiuc walnut ,810.00 and up. Four-Poster Beds Home Outfits Maiiogany and Walnut Kour-Poster Beds in 4-6 or 11-3 sizes, 32.50 up. Simmons Metal Beds in wood fin ishes, 812.75. Buffets ESI Jtl-imli yuttii A n no Whluut liuffcL, 8 U.75. KrMT A 1 fill S Jt) frjt Walnut Dressers Walnut Dressers with large mirrors in Queen Anne period, 842.75. Smaller Dressers, 820.75 up. Tables Many who are fontcni,lltng going houfekeepint; would profit by neeing our four-room apartment com pletely furnished on main floor, We furnish thice c.,i.m coinplctc for 81 HO, 75, I mir rttums nonplitc, SI270.OO. Hve rooiiu rum pl. tc for 8 I7H.75. pi ICxil tlliioiig VJ iet ii A i. tic Kvtcniinn Table in walnut fmth. 830.75. FREE Tkuii., Umt, t, At a r m v .il .... l I '... S..i 4 It .. tlt ,1 k.w.l.. ,4 it'!. t w, . r-t iik s i Draperies r '-Vt; vAi,v;v-'jn.v - ,'', i i-i I. ttf "Ml r r;e I tU I; ,; Oattnpoil table. sm ti a If 1 IU Jt'J.flH ' K1 fit' Jitlfi . . Kl.ll.'i lrt l Umnitur L , !l l.ftO ' t" f i t'mUnt : .g. ll lt ! ! i Swadaf A4t 2i.75 10.15 Exchange Department I tr i,4 I... i.'i,' ( . ... ft II ( mm, . tt I" Ik. kl . tl,al is-., a t.ia . t. H4 I i.t... I'Wi.tA.dl Bowgii & CHti I $34.75 fiAAAAl VAtVl vivisiS SI0S llitsi. Si , lUtnern ISlK rJ HlS M II. IK l.liat-tt.a A Hl.tiit i M... t ktl H Lv i 4 s-WjjtaWi