The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 01, 1922, HOME EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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J.J TI!?1 n i n '
Danish Countess Is
Now Compion Sailoi
Britain Disposed
to Take Firm Line
on Reparations
Premier Poincare to Hold Con-ft-rence
with Honar Law
Preliminary to Parley
in Iiruel.
cruuess muucitv
to Be Discarded at
Progressiv e Meet
Conference Called' for Purpose
of Formulating Executive
The entire city recognizes this
store as headquarters for
Program to lie IJ.himl
Cloned Doors.
Omaha lira Imm4 Wlra,
W', Nov, 30. Th confer-
hob tit proKreaalvra called for Krl
flay for tha pur)(e of foriniiliitlnic an
xeruMve priKnim fur th pi-n' til himI
comlnic session .f ruiurri-s will be at
IfmliHl by at least 13 innti.r and 25
representatives, iifi'orillng to announce
ment hy Henolor I Follcttc, Wlsron
win. ICenn-MnUllva Kliitf, Illinois, and
ltprt-nf,"illv elect Held, Illlnola, who
wil Buocwd Iti-prcwiitntlvf Copley ar?
Im-luiled In the Hut.
Mules pnlilliily will hr toet Into
liie !lNi-iird and u! prun-e.llnKa will
If ls'liinl iIom-.I ilooia, It Was (ill
ii'iuiire, ,y Hcniitor I.-i lM.Ieti in a
foiliifil Bliitrment Thin xilt"y of W
vmy would b" adopted, Iih explained,
"Iii order ,fciit there tuny he full ami
free dlHcuHHion upon the Important
nuhjeela of JrKlslutliin whlh will h
tiiken up for consideration." H add
nl that "any stiil'-mi-nt which, aen
nlora or reptewiilatlvea rimy cure to
make to the plena will m iciven out
dfter tho deliherntlon of the confer
enea lire roni-luili'il."
Henntora and nenutora elect In the
Hat given out hy Henator t.a Fol le tie's
office Include eight republicans, four
ile-mocrata and ona farmer laliorlte,
Henator eject Plilpslrnd of Minnesota.
Tli repuhllrana Haled are Uonth,
Idaho: Hrookhart, Iowa; Cupper, Kan
ana; franco, Maryland; Krnzler and
ImM, North Dakota; I,a Follette,
Wisconsin, and Norrla, Nebraska.
Nineteen republican and m ven
nnmocranc representative and rep
resentatives elect announced an con
feree are: Itepublli iins li. oi k,
Iirowno, Cooper, Krear, Uinipert, Nel
on. Peavey, Bchneidcr and. Voigt of
Wlaconaln; Kurke, I't-nnsylvanla;
Jmnea, Michigan; Keller, Mlnncaota;
Klncr. Illlnola; Knllit, Ohio; La
Ouardla, New York; Held, Illinois;
Hhall, Minnesota: Sinclair, North
Dakota, and Woodruff, Michigan.
lernocrat Collins, Mlaalaalppl;
Huddlestnn, Alabama: MiKwaln and
Logan, South Carolina; Mansfield,
Texaa; Mead, New York, and Thomas,
V"VL W ,. : t .-.'J
v e- .- '
., j.'i&J
Counif'Ha Marie A. Millie llrohu-
flelhy, one frf the iM-et known mem-
bera of the lan!h noMlity, la now on
board the ateamxhlp Holandla, In fh
orient, aa a common nallor. Whe
ahlpped to nerve a term aa ehclrl
cal ii pin en i ice, in which work aha
la deeply inlereatcd.
Senator Norris
Urges Amendment
to Constitution
Lions Club Learns
Chinese Customs
IVeltrankari Would Ifav Prehi-; irm, r"
dent and CongreM Take
Seals Immediately
After Klection.
rp;rlht, ltt
Loiiiloii, Nov. JO. It haa now been
Milled that Premier Poineara of
France wl conm to I,pndon within a
week for a rniiferencft with Prima
Mlnlater lionar Iiw preliminary to tha
llruaaela parley which the French are
atlll premilnK to have held on Decern
her IS. The P.rltlh would rather wait
until after Chrlatmaa aa Mr, Konar
Law will be buay until nearly Iecem
tier IS with prexnlnir home uffaira.
Th Hrltlnh government la now dl
poiied to take a very firm line with the
after It la aatlafled that the
are demanding only thing
attainment. In return for
the restoration of the entente It might
even be ready formally to forgive tho
French debt which It knowa run never
be collected Whll It la Impoaaible
for the lirltlah government to finance
a flermrin loan for the payment of
reparation, it i ready to anoint In
working out with France, aome
scheme by which (lermany ran be put
on lta feet ao that Germany can pay
If thia la done the government ia con
fldent that lirlllnh private Investor
will look kindly on flerman bonda,
The firat essential, however, la
reasonablu moratorium for Ormany
and a gunra i'e against further
French nggr -.ion ao long aa tho
agreement la carried out.
' Mr. Honar Ijiw In answering quea
Hons in the hoiisa of common wild
the government hud received no Infor
mation n to proposal of the French
government now taking place regard
lug an early meeting of the allied
Klectrical Salesman Tell of
teriences With Oriental
J. Nightlngalo of Pasadena, Cal.,
who ha been an electrical salesman
In China for aeveral years, told the
Lion club Wednesday in the Hotel
Fontenelle many strange things about
that land.
Once he went Into a Chinese store
and aaw a beautiful vase. The propri
etor, thinking him it tourUt, asked
200 for It. Mr. Nightingale knew It
won worth about $1, but lie offered
ll.GO. The Chlnuman thereupon of
fered It for 2.
"How come you allVtime talkee
J20O and this time you talkee $2?" de
manded Mr. Nightingale, accusing the
Chinaman of his brazen attempt to
get $200 for tho vaae.
The merchant, entirely unembar
rassed, shrugged his shoulders and
replied simply, "Sometimes I sell."
"There are practically no highwuy
In China except a few dozen milts
In and about the great seaport cities,"
said Mr. Nightingale. All the rest Is
covered only by footpaths where
travel must be on foot or 111 sedan
chairs. If you want to go fast you
take a sedan chair with six coolies.
Two of them carry you while the oth
er four rest as they run behind.
Chlim Is the land of opposite. The
women wear pants, the men skirts;
you start to read a book or newspaper
from the Jjaok; you shake your own
hand Instead of your friend's when
you meet him."
HiMliingtua ( arrrnMinilent The Omalia Bee.
Washington ,Nov. 30. (Special Tele
gram.) Henator Norrla la taking seri
ously the proposal to amend the con
stitution to the extent of having mem
ber of congress and the president
take their office as soon aa practicable
lifter th elocliona are held. It de
veloped today that when the Caraway
resolution wa presented to the ag
ricultural committee. It wa done In
the nature of a Joke. Kuveral effort
have previously been made to have
the Judiciary committee take up the
i.uestlon of the proposed amendment,
but without avail,
"Now that the farmers have turned
lawyers," said Henator Norris, who Is
a member of the Judiciary committee,
"there is action, and I shall present
ami urge the resolution which the ag
ricultural committee authorized me
to write and present It appear now
there is much sentiment for the pro
posed amendment In congress. I have
had a proposed amendment before the
Judiciary committee for some time,
calling .for the abolition of ihe elec
toral college, and while I am chair
man of tha subcommittee which has
the mutter in charge, I have never
been uble to get a meeting. Perhaps
there will be a disposition to act on
that too, now that the agricultural'
committee has commenced to take up
Judicial ijuestlcns.
Question of Taxes
on Liquor Argued
in Supreme Court
Status of Revenue Laws En
acted Prior to Prohibition
at Issue in Three
Grand Larceny by Trickery
Is Charged in Complaint
F. II. Gregory, Carlton hotel, ar
rested by Detectives Haze and Dona-
hoe, was arraigned In central police
court Wednesday on a charge of
grand larceny by trickery filed by Jo
seph F. KiKllac, 6f,14 Plondo street.
His bond was s-t at l.u0 and the
hearing continued to Friday.
Kudlac alleges that Oregory sold
him for l.'iO an option on 10 acres of
land In the Lincoln vineyards In Tla
ter county, California, said to be
worth $2,750, and agreed to go with
him to Callfornlu.
Then, he said, after he gave Greg
ory $75.90 to buy a ticket, Gregory
began dodging appointments wit h him.
Little Time Left for Filing
Vocational Applications j
Ex service men who have delayed '
In making application for vocational
education must take such application
before December 1, 1922. or lose the
opportunity of thla government aid,
It was announced by L. A. Crandall.
subdiatrtct manager of the I'nlted j
States veterans' bureau, district No. 9. i
Crandall explain that application ,
tuny be made by writing a letter to :
any one of the bureau offices. Ap- I
plication form may be obtained at
tli Cnlted State veteran bureau, !
3U Mlekel building, tniuhi. If the
form l not aMiilabue a letter, signed ;
by the applicant, will be accepted as (
n ri'!"'t!on.
Cae of Columbus Cimman I
Goe Hefore Grand Jury
Columbus. Nov. 30 Vi!! a posae
continued pa search for the fourth
member of band of gunmen who
Tuaedy killed Patrolman (iramwin
Koahler ' wounde.1 Corporal llnseoa
Debs Recovers Health.
Chicago, Nov. 30. Kugene V. Debs,
socialist leader, who ha been In a
sanitarium here for several week, an
nounced that he had fully recovered
hi health and departed for hi home
at Terr Haute.
Washington, Nov. 30. Tb statu
of internal revenue law Imposing tax
es on the manufacture and sale of
intoxicating liquor, enacted prior to
the national prohibition, wa at Is
sue In three case argued before the
supreme court today.
Two of them were appeals by the
government and the other reached
the court on question submitted by a
circuit court of appeal which de
sired Instruction.
In Missouri the lower courts held
that Chris Elloff Htaoff could not be
prosecuted uncer the revenue law
for failure to register an Illicit UII
In Ohio; Jt wa held that George
Rem us, Harry F. Brown and other
could not be prosecuted for failure to
pay taxe imposed upon rectifier,
wholesale and retail dealers; while
the Ninth circuit court. In considering
on appeal from the United State dis
trict court of Arizona In a case In
which Jame L. Brook wa con
victed of violation of certain Internal
revenue section of the revised stat
utes, suspended further proceeding
and asked Instruction of the eupreme
court aa to whether the section had
been repealed by Implication hy the
federal prohibition act.
Disabled War Veteran In
Shot and Robbed in Lincoln
Lincoln, Nov. 30, Howard Cross, a
disabled worlitwar veteran of Uagan,
Neb., was shot In the hhoulder, robbed
of $15, hi sweater and raincoat, and
Ktruck a blow that left him uncon
scious, according to a story he told at
the home of W. B. 'Wlndross, where
he went for help after regaining con
sciousness. The shooting and robbery
occurred In a residential district. Gross
says hla assailant shot him when he
failed to quickly raise his band when
ordered. He wa taken to a hospital
where It was said the wound was not
When you hava a proposition to
muke to the thousands of people who
keep In touch with Omaha Bee
"Want" Ads call ATlnntic 1000 and
ask for a "Want Ad taker.
Judirc Soothes Sleuth Chiefs Ire
Jurist Who Said Detective Had No Right to Ar
rest Woman on Iowa Warrant. Asserts He Mis
understood Facts.
II came in like a lion but went out I went hi way toward central police
like a lamb. Charh Van Duseii, chief ' be .d Ujrers
of d-tecilve. ho stands nigh unto ' Muunderalmsl f art.
... I., hi. .tt.-k ina- fe.t Judge 1-e.lla later stated he Intsutv
eih h.My.
it i htf ft first degraa murdr.
Van Vuenj ssio-la Into Ilia count)
nmrthoui Wednesday Hh f-r In his
t'ridl. th Ftnklm ciuntv grand i'y- hagan consideration of th rata j trlhl to th county attorney s
.f I-ooml Cummin, or ef iw.j :(" ha ent
bandit raptured Tuesday and in. j ' her d tie H4 wa rani
plaad.4 nt ui"y wh arrttid ; rrl non on warrant thring
a iviony in an.iintr iie. na u
iiiii.4 of I Mel !-Pity County At
tutney l;ini.n.t ivf!y,
-Vthal yan tit tn do I Ha tha
h.t f th polua t-itin. bI
Jual mmM." pl-M t' ffv.
hi la iil" Ut ii tl.ii l at In aa aa
Well Mlr.fMV
. k IHs ihi.f ty Iha I . I ai. l
5Ari Sot r.jtt't
B rioi t or .Voftxnrnefif
Kent Ihtrinf Mii'Mi
(JerstisHl fa. ta In Ihe Jcobaen Itllclut
i c.e.
Ju.ire Ij.Iib a.... I It as repintd
to him thai the Ja.ohern woman mi!
anxted on a warrant I n.l by
piatic ef th peace in Council Kluffa,
"All 'lue t'Clrer need do," rl
.l..,cd (ha Jm .si. ".a to tall priaonar
that ha la w4nid f .r a rartain eruna
and Inform him he wli) l iKlalneJ at
,,,, a ba i .(Uttaia r"Sl la tin t
until a f titu wantM ran ha la
iel "
I'll-. Innait. N.. Jt --Cu r
ll.ll lUhlka r.d It. .1 dutlii
II au.lkUy aaaai'M .f until Jai'uai a,
I wii t iiy ,i iw-i.ii any
s4t w K.n fitMM lbir h na
Wrtual f laaMbty I ff lab. ?
r li a-4 In .it.iabaaii ( ISa
ia i.f wwanna, ee In nvakisg aa
t Wl a.alail.a I uMraa. a
Man l niiil Vrnii'niiot
ft irmme MI Hurn U
U u'Av for dun ('
jjftl.a if Half 1. 1
J U I't iu th
! 1 aalia.
It.aa r In lhr .f lr b..ui
an ltauaan wa aaiii JU
I aaiia las tint t llii
i I V''l (
,trJI tvalrf.t IWU. 1 b " 1 ' ' a f j l-rf. .1 Wh..a, f
l u uih. i l t j .!-( Jt. l. l
H .i:i.,i..B. S t.fcaitml I'd
boa New t Wet itaaiad In IM
l' .ii. if '..'.)Hil a a .en.a fuutt,
a.. Uawa Id n .l I '.- miMHuaaf
IMeif ..f lh li.'aiaal letasa l-tiraa
la taa.w lwm,: il,.ait. kin 1st ia
ii -I -n r..ltla, e.el in ef
akxa .. I
Xfca anwa.enftl f lt---4 a Wa
I f t H ItCiM) t f
i. uik iul autttl l-e he.l.11 Ui.-t.ta at,J
tai-lil la urn la im e.M,'" " 1 "
k a raei
i.nbuuM la lul.a-..
, to.H in -..! rw.Mij. M HM
a - a- l fce at!, t , , , l lf , Vf, hi t l
Mt tlt i. fe, "- ' , e I li.. a...... ... . ....
t. o.-.. le 4 !' ' ' - i. a it,, uluii ... Is...u.k.) till ar.J
, In. as 14 l a -eke !." M-ta ita f IM
t an Id ,a.aaat.n tfc ! eautiw n-ai ih i aiH. i a we-at-l i.nn
,- aaii 'wta ! i f tta ! i wf aaaral ''. M 4 t.iaiat k-a if t tain. il la
., -.. ' tlfi4' -! , Unatl Ike ai)t-
Its vast stocks fashioned and tailored in the
workshops of America's foremost clothes
builders. More than twenty such houses con
tribute their best productions to this master
showing of biff value overcoats.
December is here it's time for Over
coat buying. lb not delay another day.
Come direct to Omaha's Overcoat
No matter what Btyle
overcoat you had in mind
it can be met in these
three wonderful value
lots. Sizes for every
build of men.
You want the best and yon want value.
Why not make your choice where the Best
is a Habit where Value is the Rule?
Barker overcoats satisfy that's the reason
for their wide popularity. They measure
up t6 your standards in fashion and fabric,
fit and finish.
- 'ft mmmf
lN Va lifcp AfiS:S
Super Styled
Super Quality
Developed From the Finest Imported Fabrics
Every fine fabric, every rich pattern, every ultra-smart
style is shown in this immense exhibit of hand-tailored
overcoats. Compare where you will no overcoats at any
price can surpass these in quality, in fineness of detaii.
The choicest of overcoatings from England, Scotland and France,
lined; conservative and extreme styles.
Beautifully tailored; rich Skinner satin
Barker's TWO-PANT SUITS-Omaha's Greatest Clothing Buy
They are the equals of any two-pant suits in Omaha selling at $10.00 more
money. Wonderful assortments, finest of fabrics which were selected with
discriminating taste and carefully tailored along conservative and extreme
styles to satisfy the business man or the younger man.
Soft toned browns, blues and greys in fancy weaves,
stripes and overplaids. livery size you might re
quire is here.
Men who compare, men who seek real values are
wearers of Barker's two-pant suits; the extra pair
means double wear. It doubles the life of your suit.
All Cotton
Union Suits
Fine quality; a ten I
underwear buy; every
niit. Supply your nrd
here- tomorrow.
Flannelette Nightshirts
(loud wiight flttniieU'tte; neat pat
term; rut full and roomy. Sleep
wrll thi winter in Barker night
Flannelette Pajamas
BiT value pajamas, splendid weight,
neatly made; nothing skimpy about
.them. Buy a couple suita to.
16th and
i.v W A ix i
Snappy Styled
V.tmir ami cUlh tu:
ha tf th hour, The
taiil fftt yr.u b,. ft mnrj
h other sh..r. J,,t fcm
Home of the TwoPant Suit
Store Open
Until 9 l M.
I, i i