THE OMAHA BKK : TUIvSUAY. NOVKMIthK US. Wl. '4, 4 1 r V Husker Varsity Bucks Up Against Freshmen Who Mmska Grides Use No Time in Resuming Practice for Big Game With Lincoln, Nov. :7.t8peclal Tele gram.) Vth tut three more piaetlie day remaining between now tnd I lie season' liiw-ot gunie, tho Corn hunker were permitted to waste tio lima Monday evening. Although not a strenuous workout, assistant Com h hi'hulto kepi t tie iutd busy all the time. Head Conch Dawson la In Omaha. After noliie "skull" practice wan given Ihe regular,.! h freshmen were sent against the varsity using Notre l'liuii) formation. All member of th llnsker tuad ar In good shape. No Inltirli- wci reported following lh y mm gam Saturday. The fecl'ng around the campus re. fled l he gen'-ral "on edge" attitude of both team anl student body. If f ho (li)Hki'iH can win thia Kama there wilt he thousand of Nehrakn to Jolr, In th greatest celebration held here In many year. It I the winning of thla gnmo that will restore prestige lost at Hyrucuse. Ty Cobb Gives Players Tanniiig' Detroit, Nov. 2. So many, ho varied and ao entirely larking in fact have been the stories of Ty Cobb isrly retirement from bo'bull tlmt the Ooi'gltin long ugo ceased to dig nify them with denial. Throughout last season, which many said repeatedly would be III last, the Tiger manager continued to hit the offering of every American league pitcher lie faced, piling up enough blowa to average .401 for the season and equal a record that has stood -since !9. when Jesse lluikett butted .400 for the third consecutive euson. A atory thnt hna just become known today reveala Cobb attltudo on ruinora that he I "through." It waa In the clubhouae following a particularly poor exhibition of base ball by hie club. Cobb was critlcl tug the men. "I read In the paper toduy, be aaid. "that I wag to quit playing bane ball at the end of the season. Quit! I udmlt I have lout a lot, but when 1 kce you fellow play I know I've got enough left to keep on playing for 1,000 yeura." Jowan Dead of Grid Injury. Muscatine, la., Nov. 27, .Max Wooodruff. fullback of the Colurobu Junction High achool football team, la dead here i.rz lesion the Ueart! following an operation for an Infected leg, resulting from an Injury received In football practice. He waa 18 yeura ol.J. City High School Football Championship at Stake When Central -Tech Meet Thursday When Central High chool football payers trot on the field at league lark Thanksgiving day to line up against the Tech High eleven for the annual clash between the two schools, pigskin follower In Omaha should witness one of the hardest fought game ever played between the vo team. Coach J. C. Schmidt of the Central grtdster 1 taking no chance with hi men In scrimmage. The Central tutor i drilling hla follower on new formation and play, which he ex pect to uncork against the Tech quad and for thla reason Is practic ing behind closed door. The city championship I at stake In the outcome of Thursday's battle and no atone la being allowed to re main unturned In preparation for the coming fray. Central holds slisjit adrntage over Coach James Drum mond Tech footballers from the viewpoint of the showings made by the two aggregation and the com parative score of the two eleven gainst several outstate teams. Cen tral hu not been defeated this season by a statu eleven and thould the Purple and White be victorious, Cen trul will lay strong claim to the sttite title. Coach HehnildK protege trounced the MiHoln eleven by the i" ore of IS to i. while the Capital City l.-am banded the Bookkeet-! a 14 to o do feat. Central al" ha 4J to 7 win ever Utatrlra on slate and Tech hml m ilia I'.ma entintv lads bv n IU to a ....... .rl. teimi .M enterii' ''" """it ..-! (it- , ....... .... ..Tfioill the mutest wiin eri-uiuig f iver SPRAGUE ALWAYS hM for m money Sprague Milt. I Mh and Cuminf St. ARATEX COLLARS et . , M t l'f lt.1 f 4 U t Tire 7 t in. y f. SUMlil SOFT Rockne's Eleven Svll I'uolball Vlayvr's Contract HmU Inland. III., Nov, 27. The first aal of player' i-onlritct ever recorded In professional football wait made) today between the IWU In land Independent and (lie hlcsijo Hear when rd llealy, 1119 Hint mouth alar, wan mold for $100. llealy played a) alar game at lim it Inland Ilia pant three seasons. The liidcpeiidelil have Marled to re build the old Irani (or next season and (be sale la one result. Walter Higgins Wins Annual Cross-Country New Vork, Nov, 27, Walter lllg giiia of Columbia today won the lit dividual championship of tile liiinlinl intcrcollcgliito cross country race over the aix nilla course (it Vun Cortlandt lark. Ilia time wua 32 minute", 21 4 5 aecoudx, llob Hemlrle, Mnaaiichna aeta Inalltute of Technology, wua aect ond.' Homer Hnillh of KyraciiKn wua third, followed by iJykeman of Car- neale Tech, Mcliiio of the I'nlveralty of I'cnnayivauiii and Mul Pouulaa of Vale. I'enti Htale won the three-mile frenhinen croxa IntcreollfKjito race. Khlpley of I'enn Htato wua the In dividual winner, hla !me being 16 luintitee, II 110 Meconda. Beatrice High Plays Appleton Turkey Day JSeatrire. Neb,, Nov. 2 (Mpeelal Telegram.) Hen trice High achonl football aquad, In charge of Coach Blah" Hughe, will leave tomorrow morning for Appleton, Wia., where It will claMh with the Appleton team on Thanksgiving day, The team will apend Tuesday night In Chicago. Ex-Leaguer to Oakland. Kun fc'ruiiclaeo, Nov. 27. Chit Thomas, former American league catcher, has aigned a contract with the Oaklund club of the Tuclflc Coast league for the 1923 nwiaon. Thoiim wu with Oakland In 1909 and ufter ward played with Boston and Cleve land U. S. Athletes Ipvited. Stockholm, Sweden, Nov, 27. The Swedish ' Amateur Athletic iaBnorla lion hna invited American athlete to compete in games at Gothenburg next July, It wa announced. The Central squad was given a hard workout last -Saturday morning, when Coach Schmidt sent hi men Into a hard tussle with Coach Hill' reaerves at Fontcnelle park. Satur day's scrimmage took the place of a regular game for the lTllltoppern, since their schedule wag blank for Inst week. Last night the regular practice was begun earlier than uhuuI and the regulars were given practice in tack ling and running down under punts. The squad was given a drill on aerial tactics and Central's overhead game should prove a huge stone In Tech' path Turkey day. The regulars once more lined up together with Hall and Thomas In the lineup and received several new plays and partooK in a. lie tit slanal drill. Couch lull sent his substitutes against the varsity for a short scrimmage to top oft trio aner noon' drilling. FootBallFacts WorihKnowing o tm slteinl'ls cilnirt" "n fuurlh il.iwn tliU hull .', line .( run maga but l l blow" ' a ' I' "'" ' iril.r. .rouiirt. I lli' ivn firl l( oiulil" insn lll re."r A. If Oi bull er.HH. (lie line uf wrtm mate II " " " ,,,r nmklni lite n!il kleh. SMm l Knle l. Ke.n 1. IC an nUle kl. k l' f..una ilu rn' h w-rlmitM Hue m. ! imihuI h ! o(leHl lie. a fir. I .hnll " u in . ti-.nn aiii l 'ii f"r.i-a l -nne l n- e n'-r I'Hl "' l"if ,u llry l. mn in ! Ilh. l-llll m l"U 'I' I" ' .a. ..I n,,a At frnnl .i.J of llt In ' ie:. .f .hnul'l I r-'l ''" 11 ! ' firw .U i litl'l ft !". j e.:kin (r.l il-.n uil m v.. . n aera a-Jlrl la elertaa ajaaiMf M a mII. Ik aflt- W a hIM! aa, " a ' at.. a k kali la a.wa,a al l"" I afdl.a kia aaa ! U 5rlme4 4r4 k tfca ftf a la" mt a a.-a --. abate, a k hlMj rakM Ikal ; Ika taenia akah aaa4 M la a a. Ike j .1 tlaa aa.e fraat a aa IM ) I 4lMali lk faal Mala . "'I'-a la. ! m ,,i.i .1 i 'ft " a I' 'M I I -ll I N "" i . . ... fena ll I" 11 I katt a a alii. lk il , 't4 la ' ' . ' ' ' m I ' .,) a I . M .. II ( fc. ' . i .. i' ll . t a tka I .. I i l la talma iJ aa ' ak..ite ak.a Ika e'" a.4 Ik. kail i ha mal txafc taaa .ia aaa fwi r a. Hia Iraa. Ik. 4..aa i ik.t a..) ka 4 k Ika el'tnl a IX fw4 It aa eaaalti a . a.iu.t.4 Ika etaiaf k.a k (i..a ...a laa. : .. a la ta lk" It i 4 a ! . 4. . - ,. -.i'' i. i' - , I . . i . w -- ' - ' . ,l k a I ' a a ,. a . -. 4 kM ka I . 4 I ula4 l .a( ka Ika I -a. 4 Ikat aaa ai.l ka aaaka ia aW kfck la ' BMil ka Ik awa a - I laa la aaaaakaa Ika taaia llala II. ! I- a t t fc.aa' as a . a a - .i . . - : I a ,wa.-.v 1 t a ai . ; . i ... . . I 41 s I ' I !a... . ' i a a - 1 - a t a i - - -... a a ka.a aa la-.wi,. . . iaeiai. t at I Ma la Ik. k. a ' , a ka.iaa) Ika k.U aa fca a ..-a a, t luaia ka laka a4 a e-aa .4 kaa ae k kaaa a--a ia.. tka aaaawl ak. a a a aa-a " ka aa a., a aWa a n (... . I'kai iMa k. la la I ( aiaaaaw aa.iaa aal Ika aa4 aa C entr al High Ousted From EDDIE'S FRIENDS I'D L"G TO LET y0U HAVJE tT, JOE.,-BUT VOO'te CCA-ZV IP y5U TH IMli L CASWED IN AHCAD- HONEST, 1 WAS OUST ON THE P6IUT OP QcRfcOWIM CA(?FA?e. Fi?oM 00.' J ( - . lMCHAtOT e-rrA vou know yoo V; ,Jp ; cam't souceu: T C" V OQAW&E VJOX . iK p, . OOT0PALEM0M I ft . 'ms u 4 . tw. NCXT CNt OVER" r WO completo delegate frm 'Cal ifornia, are twcedllng around New York trying to dig tunnel under Texas. Seems from the thumb prints that they want McGraw, to veto San Antone as a training abattoir and pick out any apot In Califofhii, 'There are plenty of spots there. iiiulei'f ill climate of the Golden Stale that will grow whisker on a loinlmtoiie is guaranteed to make (hose (ilanlH win curly June and late October pennants. Two crop per year. All they" have' to do 'In It load thelt batbngs with plenty of distilled aroma1 from the Promised Land and any thing they want ia theirs. If they get It. There are two side fo every play ing card. Hut only one means any thing. California, gave us oranges. It also gave us lemons. , The atate that produced Jim Cor bett also manufactured Joe Benja min. How arc you going to figure that climate? California raised tho team that won the 19Vi Coast league pennant. Ami also the team that finished last. Maybe one team Inhaled the air that the otheV team had used and exhaled. If they both breathe the same weather reports there is something loose in I he adding machine. California ' give lis prunes and other sido dirfhea like One-Hound Smiffers and Knock-Ivoose llogan. Luther llitrliaiik could do more with one dried apple than Harvard univer sity could with a delicatessen store, lint California nJvi harbored many citizens whose term were shortened lor good behavior. U never rain out there. Which Is why you find so many farmers pit-king butterflies out of their stralt J;.i ket. The sun i Mipirior, the iiutiiiilaiiis tire of the best material and Die ill male. U first National Keleake, 1 Jul huw about Texas? When those l.oiw Himii ii aul.ui liinilM har aUiut tin- Kiirekii son diKgliig gopher IcaV uii.l. r their f.i t tln-ru is going to be' Crawford Has ' n o c.., o o Jrp O O OO CD CP CP 1 ' t a aa tpll t-a a, kkk. ka awaVka laaXi kaaMk B....4 .a l.(kaad la'taaa. M-. Ikktaka!, iiaafi n ati aiav wia, aaiaiaiaa, a a an aaa .a- a a, aaiaaaaa, (yi,, a. ' ' .at i I ,:. a 4 4- .. I ' I -'. j l I a .! kf il4. I a ' ., 4 .w- !... $ : , af , It- 'I I " . a a rt u.; liM ( a . f a. at at a N -itli --4 t im I, a Ii , , a- ,i lull 14 ,. .( j a a 'a I - ' ' ta 1 I I - k a a a. -a i Ha,, a I' a-- a t. : ,.a a I a. a a) , i. a a i 1 - a . . . ,a 1 a i a a a i l'-u . till K. , .1 Hi . . ,t 1 a,) 1.4-14 ai , , ka ' . ,.r,al iB,...,, . 11.,, .ka. at a-"' ' ncn M a . ti,a (i a a.j,,, ,iia! Vi ,.a4 t k.. attikal , a i,l IJta) aul la .i' ! ktal nl " NAHAT ARE yoo TTtV'N' TO HAWJD ME.I7I WMV THE TIPS OP yOUS FlWtrCRS Av)E W0I?M A GROOVE IM TW TAOtE TG0M f?AN IN THE a battle that will make the world war look like a back fence quarrel, The Giants have laid the keel for many a pennant in San Anlone. And after having the biggest stale in the union to throw their curve In, there is sonic question whethere.McGrau's young pitcher can hold (heir wild control down to a narrow kingdom like California. Iowa and Michigan Claim Grid Title Chicago, Nov. 26. Iowa and Michi gan were left the outstanding claim ants of the football title In the West ern conference, by the closing of the season yesterday,' in which Chicago, tho only other contender, wa held to a scoreless tie by Wisconsin. Iowa ended It season with a $7 to" 3 victory over Northwestern while MIchlgun was defeutlng Minnesota, 16 to 7. In the other game of the day, Indiana and Purdue tied for last place by playing each other to a 7 to 7 tio, and Ohio defeated Illinois, 6 to 8. ' Tho question as to whether Chicago will be allowed to share the title with Iowa and Michigan I one that prob ably will not be decided until confer ence authoritlc have an opportunity to meet and discus tho question. Some observers argue that since Chicago did not lose a game, the Ma roons still have 1,000 per cent aver age, In spite of yesterday's tie game, while others say that by failure to de feat Wisconsin, a twice defeated team, Chicago failed to show the strength displayed by Michigan and thereby waa eliminated from the race. Austin McIIenry Dies. , rortsmouth, O., Nov. 27. Austin McIIenry, outfielder of the St. Louis National league baseball club, died at his home at Mt. Oreb, near here, to tiay. I la recently had undergone an operation in a Cincinnati hospital for tumor of the praln. He was 27 year old. Manager liram h Rickey of the Car dinals toduy departed for Mt. Or-h to ulti-nd tho funeral of Austin McIIen ry, who died today, "We do not look upon the death of Aomin as that uf a ball player, but lis u dear friend." Mr. Rickey mild. "He mis one of our iinmt populir pUycrs." V CHIPS-IP I MAP 00? Good Grid Record for Season Tuiii hlng the Winner Try An' IK) II, Conch Slagg Will See 11 ushers Vlay Noire Dame Team Lincoln, Nov. 27. Speclu Tele, gram,) Chicago university' "grand old man," A. A. Magg, vt ill be here for the Notre Daine-Neliraska clash Thanksgiving, according to a wire received by the athletic office Mon day. Coach Htagg ha been turning out leaiii at Chicago for more than 30 years. Mi presence will aug ment I be number of notable. Gen. John 4. I'erhhing Is also expected to attend the game. There lias never been such a de mand for ticket at any game in (he history of (he university. John Kel leck, business manager, advise peo ple who do not have ticket not to make Hie (rip if (hey are entertain ing hope of obtaining them after arrival. Swedish A. A. A. Invite American Union to Games Stockholm, Nov. 26. The Swedish Amateur Athletio association ha In vited the American union to partici pate In the lummer game at Gothen burg next July, , the occasion being Gothenburg' tercentenary celebra tion. The Americans who are reported to have accepted will be guest of the Swedish association, which also of fer to pay the expense of the Jour ney from New York. Rockne Offered $10,000. Pittsburgh, Nov. 27. Knule Rockne, roach of the Notre Dame eleven, ha been offered $10,000 (o coaeli the Washington and JetTcr snii team next year. While this is $2, SOU more than he receives at Noire Dame, Itocknc's contract with Notre Dame ha two year to run and he will not ask them to cancel it. Harry Greb Says He's Logical Opponent for Heavyweight Champ New York, Nov. 20. While the boy were still doing a lot of guessing to day a to where Jack Dcmpsey and Harry Wills are gojng to have their buttle, Harry Creb, the Pittsburgh Dash, blew Into town with a brace of sore, eyes, but as full of tight a ewr. Harry won two little patche over tho affected orb and he an nounced that Ii" Is juct In town to settle some business ufl, Ura. am) then he wanted ( know whv ho was be ing (ivriliaiki-d when they ats grub- Use Notre Dame Formations Race for State Gridiron Title Blue Expects to Use Aerial Game Thursday With only two day left In which to put hi giidkter on edge for the annual turkey day gum with the South Dakota Agules, Coach "Mac" l'.ililrige of Crelghton sent hi pro tege through a hard piactlce y ti-nlay in forward panning. The liluu grid tutor Is well award of tho strength of the Jack Rabbits' front wall and for this reason i pre paring to launch an overhead attack against the Invader. No more scrimmages will be on the program for the Crelghton eleven. Coach Raldrlge expects to have all the regular ir the lineup turkey duy and I frald that If scrimmage are held someone will get on the In jured list before the game atari. The Rlun emerged from the Ne braska Wealeyan game in good con dition. Yesterday all the regular re ported for duty and were sent through passing and fumble recovering. The back field men were coached In the art of launching passe under varied circumstances, while the line and back were drilled In the art of receiving the flips. Coach "Chick" Neville of the backfleld expect to have his men o well trained by Thursday that I hey will be ubls to pick a man on every attempted pus This afternoon Head Coach Bal drlge will give hjs men some more practice on forward passing and by gauiu . time Thursduy the Jilue ex pects to have the Hipping game down pat. Stars of Grid to Meet Saturday Columbus, V., Nov. 27.-Kor the first time In tho history of American football, two teams composed entirely of men whose names have been men tioned In various oll Ainerlcan selec tions will play here next Saturday. The game, the proceeds cf which will be given to local chanties, will be played by team representing the east and west respectively. The play ers, all of whom have completed their Intercollegiate competition, will come here on the Invitation of a local com mittee arranging for the game, it "was Announced. A contest played a yeur ago be tween two team of former star at tracted much attention and it Is -tunned to nwike it an annual affair. Paxlon Gridsters Win. In a game marred by frequent pen alties, the Faxton Billiard football team defeated the Bezman Hardware eleven by the score of 12 to 0, at the Thlrty-aecond and Dewey avenue field. In the first period, the Bezman out played their opponents. Long passe from Powell to Moore netted them large gains, but due to the defensive work of Flnegold and Margolin they were unable to score. Bears Elect Pilot. San Francisco, Nov. 27. Don Nichols has been named captain of the University of California football team for 1923. He was elected last night at the annual "break training banquet." Nichols 1 regarded a the best safety man on the Pacific coast, a star halfback and a strategist. Brewers Pit;k Camp. Milwaukee, Nov. 27. The Milwau kee club of the American association will train at Troy, Alabama, it was announced. blng prospective opponent for the champion, Dempsey. "I don't see why there should be so much ballyhoolng about matching Marry Wills with Hcmpse)-," ttaid (Ireb, "nr why anylsidy should go stall; mad about matching Tom Gib bon with the champion. I really think I ought to get some considera tion. I believe I am the logical man to meet the big felluw, J've beaten everything In sight and in most case hml to repeat the dose, I defeated Kill Prennan five times and there's a fellow that went 13 round with Is-mimcy. I v heuten Tom Olbboiis on every slurt. v tttketi Ittlly Jltske. I defeated tlen Tuiuiey th light htatvywalght i'hmiloiihlp. v t4kn re if Charlie Weinrrt nd If there i anybody In the Held that I h nielltatked I'd to knew about It. "Huraly I think Ihst i f iirly good enuuk-h aiguiiieiit tn prrsa-ut In my Irlikif fr a shot St Jalll.y. Ihlnll VH.) Is t (ia.,t (Vlitrr, t'Ut I don't think any the .a if ny ul'liiiy to i.t ith the wto t tl.a top i,f h hap at pi. a a til, Jiwt ,ta li, a i!,.,iua u J ah.,w the public iei la thai roan In ImU! iiii. y f .f the . 4) a t, iif lha ,.i!.t" W ban taka t ul t ren I f. as uh (, .ila, hi Hai.4ar, lie f li.bunh ac.r m I thai l!,e tiaah Kit tt t.H. na) I i etite time n iveat llalt .1 aa mt ha k 1. 1. 1 Mi. Cat f, la. .a tl.all..n. Dps! Grid Play ToUso t i I l.. .- i . -a t L 4 t-i, , Iki (, mi k-- 4 1 v t . I f I i - ,.l m f ! t t -a . W,i . ' - 4ti -i tK. i tt tit es!F - ' "' -4 l-w - t a . I . k t I tit i . --! - . c i tetfrtaif t. . fc s. li a . - .. ais , 4, Board of Control Unanimously Votes to Forfeit Central-Lincoln I Game to the Capital City Eleven lly KAI.PII WAOXKH. CKXTIUla llHill SCIHsil, uf Omaha is out of the running for the l2t Nebraska slato high schis.l fisilbiill rhiiniplonslilp. Tin was decided . yesleiday when W. O. HihW of York, A. M. Nelson of Kearney and W. J. Hnihaii! of North Pintle, nieiuliers of tho Hoard of Control of Ihe SUt High HcIiihiI Athletic association, held it meeting at (irund Island and unan .. linouMy decided to oust Central from the slate title running because lbs Omaha high school played n Ineligible man against Lincoln high. In a long distance telephone conversation hist night, Mr, Itrooka 'i nounced that th board forfeited the Central Lincoln high game, which Cen ., titil won, 19 to 0, td Lincoln because the Purple of Omaha played Arnold '. t McDermott, who Is said to bo over age for state high school player. The action of Ihe stale board leave Alliance, Kearney and Lincoln In the . running for the state championship. Of the three, Kearney lis the bett, . claim to the title, a both Lincoln and Alliance have been defeated. How over, the teams that defeated Alliance and Lincoln played Ineligible men, In ruling Central out of the state championship the three member of the Hoard of Control of the ntuta association didn't help high school football In Nebraska. Central ha the strongest team of football players In Nebraska. Kan who havo seen Kearney, North Platte, Lincoln, Oothenburg, Curtl Aggie,' Alliance and Central play declare that the Purple of Omaha 1 the strongest. Coach Schmidt of Central played McDermott In the last few econd of ' tho Central-Lincoln game here, Novemlier 4. Neither Central coach nor , Principal McMasters, according to their own statement knew that McDer-' molt wa over age until some ambitious person peeped Into the birth, record at the city hall. JP The action of the state board In ruling Central out of the championship Just because It played a player who wa one year over age for high ehoot football, will not meet with the approval of high school football fan through out the state. If McDermott wa found guilty of playing "pro" football, then tho sidle board would bo praised for ruling Central out of the race, hut ,. kicking the Purplo out Just because Schmidt played a grldster who no one knew was over age at tho tlin, doesn't eeeni Just right. Lincoln, according to Mr. Rrook, wa the only school to protet Central, j Reatrl'. lost to Lincoln, but did not protest, South lost to the Purple but , did not protest; Crelghton high of Omaha lost to Central but did not protest and Crelghton high ha not lost a Jtamo to any state school but Central, - During the meeting of the board It was decided to ettle the etaht grid '. championship by staging a two-game series between Lincoln, Alliance and , Kearney, Kearney will meet Alllnnce Thursday at Alliance and the winner, of this game will play Lincoln high, Friday. December 8, for the slate cham pionship, providing Lincoln defeat Cambridge, Thursday afternoon, Lincoln high, should it remain in tho running after Thanksgiving, will travel for the post-season contest, Tho annual meeting of the board next season wa tentatively et for January 19 at Omaha, The AIIIancc-Anley game, adicduled for next Thursday, wa canceled ' by the board, . ii Chick" Hartley Cornhusker Grid Stars, Invited to Play in Big East-West Game Lincoln Nov. 27.-(.SpecIal Telegram.V-Capt. "Chick Hartley and "Bub" " Tll n T rorn,huf:r tatkle' the only two grldster in the MiMouri valley invited to play in the east-west game December 2, which I being made an annual affair at Columbus, O. Put because conference officii feS permission they will probably be unable to take part rerucq . The proceed of the Columbu game go to charity. A glance at the list of player who have been invited and have already accepted, .how .orne of tho greatest -tar the grid sport ha ever known. In defense of their action the conference official stated that t permit the Nehraskana to play would violate the "spirit of the conference ruling" ' -ig Both lfuriler aunt U'.ll.a , u. . ., Father of Polo Dies. Honolulu, Nov. 27. (By A. P.V Louis von Tempsky, a pioneer ranch er, known as the father of polo In Hawaii, died yesterday at his home on Maul island oa the result of an accidental gunshot wound suffered Friday. Hi age was 79. Firemen Form Team. San Francisco. Nov. 27. Thoma R. Murphy, chief of the San Francisco fire department. Is organizing a ball club among the firemen to accept a challenge received from the Chicago fire department for' a series of game. Kellom Quintet Wins The Kellom grade school basket ball team defeated the Boy Scout Troop No. 62 at the Lyric court Saturday by the score of 25 to 13. . v Army Elects Pilot. West Point, Nov. 27. Cadet Dennis T. Mulligan of New Tork, wa elected captain of tho Army football team for next year. FAT IMA' CIGARETTES 1 now At tliis price where is the man who can't he discriminating? & in l aaj . 1, 1 1 and Weller, tihle for traw-lc In rue thay play le lb me. Itolh meat ere plarln their laet year on Ilia Ornhusker teem and If it did not afreet their ellglbllitr for pUteav on th. 12$ track team they wosW bT able to play regnrdleas of the ruling. A oomprehenafT idea of what It would hare meant to both Nebraaka and the - tire taller eonferenee to have been rear, ented br Hartley and Weller can be (ata ed b fc-lanrlng at the Uat of players who' haya already wired their aeoepteaire l lnltatlona to take part. Among tbeai are: Kaaternst Moaely. Vale; Caary, Raraard; x.?X ror"e", Hoa-eelt. Oartmoulht Peek, 1 o!,T?t' 4m Th"rP. Carlisle) Daaiea. Till: Aahbaush, Hrnwn. t. W-Mferna: "Hed" Robert, Central Vlek,' Mlthlgnni (ioetm, Mlrhlaran; Klrhenlanh. Notre Dame; Cranatg llllnola: Trott, Ohtn 8tate: Fletcher, lllinoiai PoUr Clark, llll nola: Huffman. Ohio ftutei Marphy, Cen-1 tret Bmlth, Ohio Wealeyan. To Construct Polo Fields. ' Garden City, N. Y Nor. 27. In ac. cordance with War department plane, to make this tha center for army polo, construction work wa begun today on three playing fiekl at Mltch-i ell field, the army air service station. Extensive stables are to be built' and a string of at least 150 polo po nies will be maintained. The octopus Is highly valued by the Japanese as an article of food. for TWENTY 1 ! kaa a4 a iwnma . a k I j kaaaaaa) fa-ataa aawa i Uatltl k M It TlUKllw