The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 28, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Weallier Puis
Damper on London
Hunger Marchers
I) HHiiiMriitioii of Um'tnluy
r.l . Off OuiHly
Demarul Ainlifiice Willi
l'rime MinNter.
rih, t.
Lmnlim, Nov. 27. A rimnmieirutlon
if uneiiiplftjeii In Trsftilgar mi'iare
VfitPiilny which hml been railed
hy a omninMee of the "hunger march
crd,' imNr-l uff nulftly, although
lings furci' of pollen wire on duly to
I'Ihvi nt uny ouiltreuk. As h result
of cold, Htoim.v weather, there m
IhoiiHiiinU fewer iesriil limn at lant
Hiiiiilfiy'w gathering. Hiiui'IinR In the
irowtl wn a woniiin from Oxford unl
vcrtlty wi-nrlng on her limJ a large
liihel staling "I'rofiwnjuiial women also
urn unemployed."
W. A. I.. Iluniiingtim, lender of the
luiimiT iiiHi-chcm, i1 liiinl they would
rernuln In IjpihIuii until l'rime Mln li
ter lloiinr Iaiv ihanuci) hi attitude
and received a nVliKUtlon personally,
Jlu mudo threiits of morn violent dem
emulations thnn tliut which was
stngoil VWdncHdny. when thousands
inurcliod to llydu I'nik and held an
orderly, iillhuugh imisy, meeting, If
t hut la neccxhiiry to gain the pre'
infer' attention. Within tho next
few days, ho Kiild, thoiiHniidM of hun-M'-r
marchd'H from nil mrts of the
country would ho concent rating In
London and their actlvlllea would con
tinue ceicf leHhly until their object win
jn I i hi 1 1 1 11-1 M l I .
A resolution condeiiiniiut I'rhne
.Mniixter I'.tmur Law's aloofness In
strong terms uih piiKKed amid cheers.
l'.viz's for Omalia W oman,
.Ml", ti. II. Moore, yy.i I,.ike street
von live Hint )irlzis and several other
rw;irJs wild her dojia displayed at
the dug chow In Kansas City.
AIVMlTIMl,Mt; r.
Zrmo, the Clean, Antisfptic
Liquid, Gives Prompt Relief
There 1h one Bute, dcpcnduhU) trent
tneiit Hint n llevi H itching torturo and
, :lmt cleunseo und soothes tho skin.
Ak any druggist for a 35c or $1
bottln of Zenio umi apply It us direct
led. Hoou Jim w.ll find that Irritations,
Pimples, Ji 1 uc k li'ca d m, lie 7. em a,
Jilotctien, Kntcworm and similar skin
tumbles will disappear.
Zomo, tho penetrating, satisfying
liiiild, i.i all Hint In needed, for It
lanlhca must skin eniptiuiis, makes
thu skin si ft, smooth and healthy.
over 30 years
g Cj Ounces fr25
' WHicn your feet
are swollen, ach
need the Yl f
relief of V
Jut c( a tub give ho tt
irmnHnhubithlWn(;. lusraxlu
Ina, c4inf rrKfni U imaaaUt
attlv 4 konJartullv alrlm.
W UaT al an lcuj ti, aJ
iu vttll ( a tube ft tk eftai
Ire h Ih ' m
Ki kS yvut pataw
k- Imuh at Co.. N .
ing, burning tor- rfv jrtf
ments from A j V
How to Keep Well
Qutilioni cocernin syiwae, sanitation sad arevontiea al diseeu, ueaiitUa'
t Dr. Ivim r ruder ( The Rm, w ill be aaswersd personally, subtest t
eraser limiutlni, where tlmmprt mUri alsf is aacleMd. Dr.
Evaa will t Mlia a diafnode aer arMcrtb lar, Individual dlM.
Addrt Ultari fat car al Tba Ba.
Copyrifhti Hit.
NolKxty knowa the came of cancer.
A safe atatement to make In scientific
cirrlra, but a haxardoua one to make
in certain circles.
The certain circles Include many
which might ba termed diet circle,
lir. Huckley thinks the whole question
Is largely bound up with overeating-.
lli argues that cancer is rife a mo on
well fed, fat people people with a
marked tendecy to obesity In middle
life, on the other hand, that It Is In
frequent among underfed races and
nations. He has' written a book in
support of his theory.
Dr. Kalloffg thinks Intestinal putre
faction Is a dominating factor In can
cer and especially that putrefaction
which he thinks is due to eating meat.
He has written a book In support of
his theory, and In this book h gives
s muss (f supposing testimony, some
of which Is drawn from his own ob
servation, but most of nhlch he has
gathered from the writings of others.
Then there are the more faddy the
ories one theory Is thst cancer Is due
to eating cabbage another that It Is
dut to eating tomatoes a third that
it is duo to eating suit foods milk,
hog meat, other kinds of meat; in fact,
a list of foods held responsible for can
cer by somebody or other at some
place or other at some time or other
would Include about all the foods used
by man. Doubtless, the people who
eupport these opinions sincerely be
lieve In them and have some one or
more observations of Incidences which
appear to support their opinions.
Here are a few observations which
lAnd some support to the opinion that
nutrition end cancer are related:
Cancer develops In areas where
there Is chronic Inflammation or
chronic Irritation. These processes
send an extra amount of blood to the
area and keep It soaked unduly In
blood. Cancer Is prone to develop In
organs whlc hare lessening their ac
tivity which have an extra blood
supply for their late work, but with
no use for It. For Inslance, the mam
mary glands and the female pelvic
organs Just after the memopauHe.
Greatly undernourished people do
not have much cancer. Cancer Is not
liable to develop in a greatly emaci
ated person. Occasionally, cancer Is
spontaneously cured, that Is, gets
well without any treatment. When
this occurs, it Is generally noted that
Uio person is undernourished. The
two cases of apparent spontaneous
cur of cancer that I have seen were
n emaciated peoplei Cancer in ema
ciated persona develops slowly. Can
cer In a very senile person epreiuls
slowly. A few observations of this
type have caused some very scientific
men to undertake close study of the
chemistry of the body and especially
of the blood in cancer. Perhaps they
may have some fact for us before
Advanced Tuberculosis, t .
Mrs. M. H. F. writes: "1. I have bad
nulmonarv tuberculosis for nearly
three years. Have lost 16 pounds In
the last four months. Would you call
mine an advanced case?
"2. Mv dauchter brlnits her 2-year-
old son to see me every day. I am
very careful about drinking glass,
sputum, etc. Do you think Jt dan
gerous for the baby to come to my
"3. I am 41 years old. Do you
think that change in life would affect
my tubercular condition?
1. Yes.
2. The daughter should not brim;
lipr hntiv to vour house. No doubt
you are careful, but tho danger is too
3. It may affect It favorably. s .
Danger In Gas Grates.
Mrs. M. O. H writes: "Is a gas log
or open gas stove In a living room in
jurious to health? The log doesn't
leak (It Is new), but the house is filled
with a peculiar odor when the log la
There is no reason why a gua lifts
cannot be as wholesome as any other,
but. as a rule, they are unwholesome.
This is because of wrong principles
lined in gas logs and gas stoves gen
erally. These wrong principles are:
I. There Is no provision for carry
lng off the smoke. Of course you can't
see the smoke, but It is there, and the
fact that it is invisible adds to Its
!. As gas logs are built, soma un.
I unit gas escapes from some camou
flaged opening Into the air cf the
3. Home gus burns with Insufficient
ovyiren, making carbon monoxide,
which Is very harmful.
Ilonkwerm Iking Ijulneas,
II. A. P. writes: What are the aymp
tnnta of hookworm and what Is a good
Anaml i.. V4i!or, laiins, shortw lnd
.tnee. ek f endurance. Among
Ma Ha estraasjj ai a.
aaa a fbsl as 4a
11 era I. taa Prenatal
a Tin
MhiMM,tal ami
aaa "
the proved remedies are: wormseed,
thymol and carbon tetrachloride.
Symptoms of Glaucoma.
A. V. K. wrlea:
"1. What Is glaucoma?
"2. Is It serious?
"1. What are the symptoms?
"4. What is the cause?
"i. What Is the cure?"
1. Kxcossive amount of water with
in the eyeball.
2. Yes.
3. Vain In tho eyeballs, sense of
fullness, tension of the eyeballs, dis
turbance of tho vision, headache, 'rife
symptom depend a good deal on
whether the glnivma. Is primary or
aeeondury, acute or chronic.
4. Among tho cuuses are tumor,
certain constitutional diseases, Inflam
mations, Infections.
5., Removal of the cause. In some
cases, operation.
Jutlne Asks No Flowers
Be Sent to Son's Funeral
Judge Duncun M. Ylnsonhaler has
requested lhat no flowers be sent to
the private funeral services to be held
for his son, Ulllsun Vlnsonhaler, 21,
who wus killed Instantly In an auto
mobile accident near Tckamuh Satur
day night.
The body will be cremated, after
burial services this afternoon.
Lawn chapel this afternoon. Miss
Helen Hoagland. IS. daughter of W,
W, Hosgland, MO North Forty-eighth
street, companion of young Vinson
haler in the fatal ride with Mr. and
Mrs. William Latta, has not been told
of his denlh.
, The Lit las escaped without sorlous
Injury when the car, driven by Latta,
crashed through a railing at a sharp
curve in the rond five miles south of
Duueangon Case Dismissed.
The United case ugaiiiMt VV
E. Duneanson, alleging uho of the
"Happy Day" Electric
Washing Machine,
149.50, $55.00, $65.00,
$75.00 -nd Up
Died Hand Power Machines,
All Make
$3.75, $4.50, $5.00
and $6.00
Trade Your Old Hand Power
Michlna for a "Happy Day"
Your Trma Are Our Terms.
The Value-Giving Store
Howard St.. Between 15th and lth
They all know
the value of
Tki Medusa kralias eiatanal U
MatsmyaHMMbaiallKakaulf awaaaa the
an arvaarlUM tkal ia It aaartrta tes
skis toaaabM, mk iaW a
Cahj Valla
WU rtaa SMsa
Waaaa TaeaM rl
Al ml aWartft.
A sure, safe
way to end
t aaa awada tm t 4 Ik Ja 4
mt M " IM mm Utlj
f K ka awaait via la bwi
f W. win.., ItiHrwI.
.aa, n,wmm a.-. a m
v riM 4- aw
n . a I v -
fc 4a, mt .Jfmmt dV.4 .. ,
fW mm v fiai U f
hnttls to defraud, was dismUsed by
Judge Woodrougu on the ground i'f
lak of sufficient evidence.
The case was three year oK; a
number of Jouununts bid been lost
cr destroyed. The government .X'
pemled a large sum of money In the
case, bringing one witness, O. A.
Meyer, from Los Angeles,
7.n Hon of
I M. N.
The Omaha Chapter of the V. A. K.
. will hold a sale of
Home Cooked Food$
and Pastry-Tuesday
On rIarieM-Naoh Mala Klaor
Ruffled Curtains
Marquisette curtain
fled or ) $ I
rs. Pr. (
yards In length. Ruffled
plain hemstitched bord
Bargess-Masb Downstairs Mar
Men's Shirts
Beau Brummell
branda drsas shirt,
and collar attached
Bergess-Nash Doaustalrs Mar
10 Pairs Men's Hose
Mads of fine grade cotton
In a wide variety of color.
Specially priced
Borgrss-Kasli liowastair mar
Sleeping Garments
Boy' alaeplng garment of
heavy warm flannel. Sire 0
to 7, Tuesday only
Borgess-Xaab Dewnstalrs Stare
3 Nice Aprons
Mad of good wearing qual- A 4
r gingham In tha tie-back f p I
Borgees-Kash Downstair Star
3 Bandeaux
Broken sizes In many of our
higher priced bandeaux. Spe
cially priced ,
Bargws-Jiash Downstairs Stare
3 Pairs Bloomers
Mad of heavy quality black
aatean. Specially priced for
Borgees-Sah Downstair Store
3 Pairs Women's Pants
Fin quality part wool p
low I
Broken sixes cause this
Borgeea-Neah Downtalra Mora
Bed Sheets
g1s.90.lnch li.
C n I r a,
am and 3-Inch htm. Limit (A I
of 4 to a cuttomtr. Each...
IUrtM-il-IM(ir bit
4 Pillow Cases
4;3lnch nt. Mad
Bead round thrd muslin. A
optional value
laaaalalra More
6 Yards Outing
Outmi Mnnl, (Mnch wit
lj MtH lM and dark aelera. f
very boavy uabty I
JiasWIanaMaaw ataea
6 Yards Canton
Wkilt C"tea flannel in a edj
ton feey si, V " is( J I
arai aataalaw kMt
3 Pairs Art Silk Hose
io ' An i a U t
and Ideal a
Neckband (4 I
ttylea. Ea. i
m'4 nk i4
Zionists to Hold I'uMit'
.Mil ling in Omaha Tonight
The Omaha district, Zionist Organl j ym ti
America, will hold the first
W ItllOllt
of a series of ineelincM oien to the
public tonight ut the Lyric building
w here Rubbi Metvai ff of Lincoln and
Taxon of rmitrfnt will be the
In the Downstairs Store
Dollar Day in the Downstairs Store which
means that merchandise of considerably greater
value will be grouped to sell at this one price. There
are everyday needs, and others that are particularly
desirable for gift purposes. We have a goodly supply
of all merchandise, but owing to the lowness of the
price, we cannot guarantee that it will last through
out the day.
7 Pairs Women's Stockings
Warmer stockings for the coming' cold weather, in black
cotton of medium weight, with the rib top that prevents runs.
These are specially priced for "Dollar Day" only
Burgr M-Sash Downstair Mora
500 Sateen
An exceptional offering for
on day' selling. Fine qual-
Ity ateen petticoats In a f
large variety of patterns and f
color. Regular and extra '
ire. Each
Bergm-jrasb Downstairs Store
Winter Hats
and Colors
Styles for dress, street and sports
2Y2 Yards
This bleached table damask
mercerised finish. Several attractive patterns from which to X
2 Pairs Boys' Overalls
An opportunity to buy, at an exceptionally low price, over
alls of unusual value. Blue denim and striped patterns. Priced
for Tuesday only
400 Qnghflm
For Children
Made of fast coloied gmg 2 fOft
bam, in plaid, checked ane. .
Striped patterns. Attractive' I C TI
maridrd ellr ana I
cuff, til 7 14. Limit) JL
of 4 to a utenr.
For Xmai Gifts
1 for
(pesl.ers. A musical program also In fnleral tuurt
has lieen arranged. i without funds to
his iti feiihi. In Hie
up today.
i s.i i..
for Isilljl Us Cop
. , i e ft f 1 "e paai ii.iiip
rillKlS for Dctt'Ilef ' , street: Mrs.
Charles Acton, chsrwed with hnper- Mnilenth and Farnam streets, and
sonatlng a federal prohibition agent Mrs. Alice HnamUKsen will assist him
and accepting bribes, filed s statement ! In establishing an ulibl.
Bollar D
50 Skeins
Embroidery ($1
Silk Floss )
15 Balls
Embroidery Cotton)
BrgM-'ah Downstairs Store
wear, included are fashionable sailors.
Downstairs Store
Table Damask
is 58 inches in width, and is w
r i
BurcMi-Xaidi Downnialrs Store
-Downstairs Store
Rain Capes
Rainproof eircu'er ttptt
with heed attached, ftd a
e'u. Suet I to II...
rnvfaa aak lalee
Made of satin or crepe
de chine, combined with
fancy bees. Trimmed
b,tck and front. All siies.
Monday lhat h Is
prepay the coets of
should not be "dused." Treat
them externally who-
Oi 17 Million Jan LW Vaar
trial w hirh comes
.- .fiiiri h...n.
4, j-tm-n-
Margaret Jungs.
If you can't come to tiee un, call. Wt
will promptly connect wltb Jou the per
son or department wanted.
4 Children's Shirts
Warm flttce lined under-
hlrt In grey only. The sizes (
ar omwhat broken j
BurgeM-.Nanh Downstalra stars
Felt Slippers
Men's and women's felt slip
per In a wide variety of styles
and colors. Broken aire .... j
Barf rss-Nssh - Don nfcfuJrs More
Women's High Shoes
With high or military Auels,
practically all small aires. For (
Tuesday only j
Boriess-uli Downstairs Store
Infants' Shoes
Patent leather or vlcl kid'
button shoe. Hand turned (
soles. Size 2 to 5 ?
BurgMS-Naab'-Dowiistab'S Stors
2 Yards Sheeting
7-4 unbleached sheeting for
sire bed. Heavy weight,
firmly woven quality
Burgess-Kssh Downstairs Stars
2 Yards Plisse Crepe
Silk Plisse crepe, 32-in.
width. Light colors for tin
geri ,
Barjr.ush Downstairs Slort
7 Yards Cotton Challis
36 Inches In width, bothN A afl
light and dark colors, in pretty f H
designs .'.....( B
Bnrgest-ah Downalairs Store
6 Yards Gingham
Attractive color combina- m aafl
tiona in plaid and checked f J
patterna. 32-inch width
BarsMS-N'ash Dow-nslaIrs Slare
5 Yards Marquisette
Curtain marquisette, 36-Inch
width. Plain center with fane)
White and ecru.
Nah Danatteira Mara
10 Yards Scrim .
II inch curtain scrim, nicely
mmid with lace. An unusual I I
ue at thi put I i
Hra-N lajwnalatrs Mat
3 Yards Black Sateen Mtreua fimtsi suite
fee b'eemar. and lnm. tee-
ally pnd
ISarf ae al taia lain Mat
All Wool Serge
if t i.e saadeai t f
'. 41 msnes iaj wieth, An f
e ssefiiieai eiwo , . , , . .
Wta aai-laBMk
6 Kuck Towels
BtH4 an. ! DIM a
M !" ' '1.11
( . ,
UirKs! (iirls!!
Savo Your Hair
With Culicuru
T d I
W m taea
! LGrtM
li t lit
moat tpJ ftmif ,