THi; OMAHA 1IEK: MONDAY. NOVKMBKR 27, 1022. THE GUMPS sre it in colors IN THE SUNDAY Bt-E TAKE A TIP FKOM UNCLK Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smilh Ai'TOvnnii rs rot? si k -.-- t-t i n.. i' t , .,..:. l'!itl.l y I On the Screen Today Miami "Iiseit Panda." Klulto "Oliver Twist." Kmprm "Tha 13ootl''KK r'a Daugh ter." him "llw)!ia Motha." Mihiiv "PariK-rou Advent lira," WnrlU "A Broadway Murlunna." Mii "The Cava Girl." Irrnml "Itniombrani," llainlllim "Tha Httirm." It lorltt "(irumliim'a I.y." It wnuM .) (llllli ult to vlaunliM a B"t of I'k'kcna' rharactora who wouM licllrr fill thflr parta ami aatlufy the linaKliiRtlun thnn thoaa that live and nunc In the arnen -fralirn of "Oliver Twin!," KliuwlnK thla week at the ).lallo. If Jaeklo Congun lutdXl to tlinniiiH'rata hla ahlllly aa ono of the ln-at pi'itoinliiilHta In the acroen world, thin vchltlo wouM rl.j It. Children bio all naturally Imitative, but eel (turn la It developed to the djcre In vhliih Jurkle poaaeanet the gift. Whether It l hla flrat niaater, Charlie Minwlf, or 1'anlti or the undertaker In thla newKt picture, the little fel low ireta their trlrka of salt and hj ture with aniunlni eaactneaH. And he ran create a rule for himself which (T iea fur beyond a rlover liiilliitlnn. He ar te mi well tliat It la hard to nallws he la ai'tlnir, and that la the Kieatcst tribute! of ell. The plot la familiar everyone, the Utile wnrkhoune Minl who runa away to London and V horn Kanln and hla aim do their lieat to corrupt and turn Into a thief. I'lrkena loved melodrama, and he thought In plrliirea, which la one reaaon thut the book fllma ao aatla factorlly. But credit la due the pro ducer for hla choice of awica and the falthfulneaa with which he haa re produced atinoaphere and coatuming of tha period. Mrr own life in the atudlea of Iho great American artlata la the theme of Audrey Munaon's llret iilcture, "Heedleaa Mothe." The famoua n.odel poaaraaea Krace and heauty and all the qtiHlttiea which have gone to make her auccea In her former pro fession. For aome reaaon one lin BKlne'a that ahe makea a better model than actrena, hut alnca thla Ih her firat venture ahe will douhtleaa gain in ability. The aettinira and dntaila of every acene are taken from actual reality, all of the lnterlora and locations, aa well aa aome Ot the player, them rclvea, being1 genuinely faithful to the acenea which they depict. That la why "Heedless Moths" Is ao convincing. The spectator feels that ho himself haa gone through the name temptations and desires, that Audrey J.Iunson experiences in the picture. Animals have a universal appeal. lioff and horse stories ko bl as a rule, and the same applies to the can ine alars of movledom. Working some what on thla theory, "Dangeroua Ad venture" at the Moon and the Muhc utilizes a whole menagerie of beuata. But wild beauts haven't quite the ap ' pral that the household pets have. IWios, fur example, are depresalng plaresbecauaa the unimuls are so out of their element. But In aplte of your llatrust of the pleasure enjoyed by the giraffes, zebus, chimpanzees and hippopotami In posing for this film, It Is Interesting to see them all, and Tiisko, said to be the largest elephant in captivity (familiar ring to that, what?) presents an lmpresnive amount of tonnage and Ivory. Grace Dar niond, the heroine, starts into Africa after hidden treasure and Is closely pursued by her lover who arrlvea In time to rescue her caravan from the rv.vages. A storm is one or. ine iea tures and Is renllntlcally forceful. Undoubtedly there Is an Irrestible attraction about these strong Bllent men of the desert, whether they wear turbans and burnouses or merely rid ing breeches and puttees. Anyway, Wanda llawley, or Muriel, as sho is called In "leart Sands" at the Mrand, simply can't keep away from Daniel Lane's private oasis. And she arrives nt the most inconvenient times! Just when the little French dancer Is there on a perfectly respect able errand, and then again she feela that urge to see him just beforo the Arabs attack the camp. Milton Hills plays the part of Ijuie. tie philoso pher, and that may account for the lure. The picture is somewhat of a disappointment after Sills' acting re cently in "Skin Deep." This is a per fectly conventional and unoriginal role and gives him little scope. Just why the picture la advertised aa "A Man's Answer to the 8heik," has not, at date of writing, been determined. It eounda more liku a sequel than an answer. "The ItootlcKater'a Jauehter" at the llmpifHs 1h w hut It soiinda like. Kind I'imiett and I'ird N'lblo, bi-t(-r known a a tllicctt.r, are t o atari, and the 'rm. ia una (,f th.iee tat k liomu pic tint wlit-ie V ulMuys ! supper in In .l nil I the liibln t ltilh b ia IV. niid while ilink. Kind la a l)iit Jkbi-r and n I li-vtr a ml ngjitial her (ither even if Ih.!'. Hit. I h a pri eioii. Itulmd hy .iuld ah. W illi l pit f. aet.'it It is pmriil? Hut tit eii.iM.etrr. en earn P'l !t aru.f V ui', on'", thw tel. . r brail It; it b. t betiMlh her rvuhi d atnun I i ll U 'f an. I If linn hrr. I ,k li I I I I w.1 f i.n t .) I. II irta a h ' i f Hi tu .!,( H I all 4t a iUi'.. a.'H l- ie t"'..i Iie I... til J.f f tti la. 'til ft t t li l full- o. (! . t i. e ln ii.i I i .( r i f t-ne et. .t I t l:. !' M i' at III. . I I 1.1 d m I teet if t' . I- le I " .1 w I t. Iwi.( iis , t .!.! ' Ir. ., n al.MM l' " ' ' ' '' 'I if S I t'-1t l - lae .it l-...tee I V '' ll I .1.1 II I .'. I lit' I i1-. b4 -a a j la'al l ' g . . f ih li at W X il 1 -..! i.i II I gttt fc. n ;-' tK ' I f-f . i . .!-! f r. ! I . a ; ,k a .' ' a U a1 f . i 4.1 ll ll $a l i f t - I k44aa I !' i A QMN OF IMP NOW OF 42- If You vr Ads to sell the things for which you have no aside. Phone ATlantic 1000 and ask for a It and study what a really vtrsutilo wife can do If aha -vanta to. K. T. V. Catholic Campaign Gains Momentum With additional subscriptions com ing Into headiiiartera every hour (he campaign of the Knights of Columbus to secure funds for the erection of a Catholic community center at Twenti eth and Dodge streets Is rapidly gain ing momentum. U. K. O'lirlen has taken charge of the committee to supplement the work of the olher committees now In action. John (jl'iiMon, major In charge of .St. Iiarnaid parish drive In Uenson, has reached nearly CO pur cent of hla ouota and says that he will go over the top within a few days. Jack Callahan, the major In Sacred Heart pariHh has spurred his commit tee on to such action that his quota may be reached In a short time. The team In HI. Margaret Mary parish composed of J. M. McCarthy, II. T. McMantis, W. A. Kourke, Itobert Webb and Jack Mulvlhlll have adopted the slogan "Do It Now," and if en thusiasm will get results their purlsh will soon be registered among the leaders. OslikoHli Man Charged With Stealing Cattle Oshkosh. Neb., Nov. 26. (.Special.) Hen Holiister, a young married man living near here, was arrested jesterday on a charge of stealing cattle, and was bound over by Coun ty Judge Oumaer after a preliminary hearing. It Is alleged he stole four head of young hclfere from the New klrk ranch near Braden postofflce. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. H.VNKUN Mia. Allllu, nelcived wlfa of Peter I,. She la aurvlved healdes her hue hand by one aan, L. 1 ; five duugbtera. Mr. Henry lUchlcr, llurke S. ll. : Mm. tleorge Murphy, .Mrs. Thomaa Mlckell, Mre. Harry Miller of Omalu Mr. John J SulHvnn. Council Hluffa, la. funeral Tueeday morning from the real it.nte. 133 North 2rth Av. Intc'rmant family lot, Hialr Nab. CEMETERIES. VISIT KOUKST LAWN. Hundn.ta of evrgreen blanket, and win ter wreath maka the cemetery very beau tiful at thla eeaeon of tho ear. They may ha obtained at the greenhouse at the entrance of tha cemetery. Offtcoa at tha cemetery (north of tha city lluilte) and 70 Hrandela theater BURIAL VAULTS. WOODEN boxes anon decay, Siel or Iron vaulta will rust out and eollapaa. There fore you ahould inaist upon your under taker lining- an Automatic Scaling Con crete Burial vault; waterproof and ever lanttns. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co., 6210 N. SOtii St.. Omaha. Inspection Invited FLORISTS. LEE LARMON.rV JOHN HATItMO Farnam. JA. 10. J. IIKNDKHSo.V. K.07 Karnam. JA. 12f.S. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Omana'e bc.t tindertakii.g e.'.bil.htnent. AKfu.w A Mrnt! A Vr't'siouvioE I'lEllt'l (ilillUUUnHUtlHA V084 Thirty-lnttd and Katnam HEAFEY & IIEAFEY I . I'ndertekere and Krnba.rceta lbna HA .' uffu- Jll l-'arnan Hulse & Kiepen, LAKKIN BROTHERS ll ,.i:iui i-iiui n.hs on su S4rH CKOSHY-MOOKE Ull V l- IMI eetl PEKC2NAL3 fill; M,.t.UI A'tnf I.J,',. frMl.'lt. leur wl.l f lelh:og, furoltura, ioft. t ue. H . , , I d.elr til. I'pon JA IIU 4 our ..,m1 , ,l veil sal inirKI eur D. w h o. Illtt lu! 11. 1 i , u a .! I'l ll i u i iipi .1 I t .-I. I A I .l h .t -,l i I ,.... 1 1 I i.i l.i... I i . i I 111 Hi I It K -1 'f I I - I i, . ' i.a i i 4 o I r I'lte.,, .,'-.t,4i I 4 Ilia ! a l ... , I ' C . ng U ,1 ll l't". . ,ii , ... l.a ' t ,. . ..." .... 4. I- ill 'III O t i - i . a . l' j ..i.i. I .-, h n . . i " , t t : - . . i . I I t '. loir ami icumh .ii ,1 ' -4 -.4 a 4, I A IttUR. T0H UNCI. Bt emit H'OftlS 0V SOUR. tttCTIOH- II S Micmw (StfkTTXtNo TO Mfc, NOT "THAT evtR. ctto mvch oc TOUUCS 0t K GVrAP AUST VU tH UivlATtvtfc WE. Need Money Use Omaha Bee BEE WANT AD RATES Ho p.r line .oh day, 1 or t da;. !2o p.r lln ..i ll day, to dayt. 10c par Una h day, T days or lonsar. Th. anon raiaa apply aaciualvaiy to Want Ada wblia ara commonly urm.O "pulillo wanla," and do nnt Inrluila adver tiamenta ot IndlvMuala or eoni'.rna advar tlaliix or aiploltlnf bualn.uca. TUB OMAHA nK r.a.rves (ha rlaht to de.lauat what coimtltulra a puullo want. Want Ad accapi.d at (be followlni Main otMca 17th and Karnain 61a. South Omh...N. W. cor. 24lli and N Hi. Council lllufra It bcott bt Telapbona AT-lautlo JOOO. Call for "Want" Ad Departm.nt. An x-parl.nci-d "Want" ad taller will rfcelv. your ad and a bill will lia mailed later. Tha rate, quoted abuva apply to altuar c!i.i:ko or cb ordera. ci.osino noufia roR want ad. ICvenlna Kdltlon ,.ll:Oi a. m Morning MI'.lon f p. m Munday Edltloo 9 p. m. Saturday Theaa rataa apply to TS Vunday Be aa well aa to Tha Mornlns and fcvemnu He. Ail weekday advertlaernenla appear la both mommy and evening adltlona at (be one coat. TIIK OMAHA MORNING BEE. THR EVKNIZU BK.K LOST AND FOUND. l.ii.ST on Went y ., brtwvoa South Oma ha and Kaieinn, Dx :15 'iooyear tlr and rim. I.ri rewiird. 3 :0 I'.-tera 'I fuel Bldg. EDUCATIONAL. IMV HCHOOlj NIGHT SCHOOL. '-omplct couraea In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptometry, ahorthand and typewriting, railroad and wlreleM teleg- rapny, civil aervlre and all Kngllah and commercial hranchee. Writ, call or phone Juckeon 166 for larg Hluatraled catalog Addrea BUTLK8 COLt.BOK, Boylea Flldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED-Men, ladlea and boya lo learn barber trade; big demand; wagea while learning; atrlclly modern Call or while 1403 Dodge St, Trl-Clty Barber College. HK A detective, 150. 10fT "weekly; travel over world; experience nniieeenary. Amer ican Detective Agency, 79 Lucae, St. I,oul, Mo Y P!AU paid woman over 17, Steady work. U. S. government Joba. Apply to "Iayor Ht. Y-2077, Omaha Bee. Day or Kvenlng eeesione DVVOHAK nCfilNKMS COI.LKOE. Wead llldg., Hth and Karnam. AT. 7416 MOLKR HARDKR COLLEOB, 110 N 14th Writ for catalog. VAN HA NT SCHOOL OF 11USINEH8. 8. E. Cor. Nineteenth and Douglaa. JA 6S90 ANNIE E. Ot.ASOOW. voice and piano 603 Karhach TOk JA lOhl MALE HELP WANTED. LEAIt.N ACCOUNTINO. Pnaltlona are alwaya opon for the accoun tancy trained man. INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTANTS SOC'IETV. lOH CHy Nat. Bk. Bldg. AT. 3H0. MAN lo run ahaper. Omaha Toy Mfg ( lJ 4 ,h "" I""l St e. I'ATTEKN maker, open ahop, no labor troubles, rterry Iron it Kteel Company. St. Joseph. Mo. SALESMAN WANTED Hy exciusha cordage lioue lo eell high-grade rope and binder twin to retail trade in Nebraska and western Iowa, I'ermanent ponltlon. Good pay, Aprly by let ter, giving age, experience, refer ence. Iloi W-504, Omaha He. 000(500000000000000000000 0 o o o o o o o (, o o o o o MI.CSMAS WANTED. Retell .4l,jtlr,eii for l-iiK'-.t f ,r n.luie kloie. l'oul) II lllulf Hi!,., men temporary tlutlt.g iidil.Ui Uig,t i!ei artiuent .lot. la on, a ha S,il, 'loeii, pr rmaniit, coin inl(. ilia D-'.lt,"'r I. iige.t de I r''lient .tele in Om.1,.1 lte!.:l l .e. iiI,l-il d 'l.tlto-itl iie, I'r.ln.tiii N' t' R'l.l o -it, h, .ft, I ai-,wen.r, VI 4 ,ai, - '! l-'h ( III ,,l r.-rt't wia, I- r .e. i.i t ..! -'..r i;' li, i I'i't oymknt crrv k I l 4 ! o O I (I o o n o iVI'ilHS M M I !' - 1li ... e i , - ...,.'. e . " ,.(!.' , I r II. , M'i rl n f . 1 1 fi.) if 1 e M . 114 1 -if$ '3 0i?'JaJ0dJ0t5Ooi50000aO0i3J v 1 "i f 1 1,. r ii. I w if il ' H I 1 14 : ,' I' ' ' I UI.Hl ! 'III'., t-H . 11- 4 I O i S Till ,p kill 0 , . 4 I O i .- S 1 .1 i .1 v. U MALk. MI Lf WANT K! . 4,4 f NOV VIH04 C0 DON'T WPtCT TO IT 'WU- ttttV. Vt K 6O0t COUNTRS Krrtt nou kve cone.- txrcxT To t0V m ON NOV) ON MV WW .TO tusort soom so ec cn txe. 'ioooit r- v i r- a. . ew. i v USTtNtfc -v further need. It will surprise you how many people want the very things which you have laid "Want" Ad taker. Remember, Omaha Bee "Want" Ads Bring Better Results at Lesser Cost. SITUATIONS WANTED V. ,'! i II M AN ili.irr hkiioii. linoil r-fr-ances. Adilrfa Hua W-GII, (imalia Jlae. I.ADV piatilel and contralto aololel'Vlth experl"na ponltlon with onheatta for itfe or dani work. Addraaa Uoi 117, l.akw Hentori Minn. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. f:AKi;s. horn made, dxllcloui, angel food, frutt cnk, for your Thankaflvln dinner. At. 6232. CLOTHING AND FUI3 UKNL'IKK mink ararf, 11 In. long, her gain, valu. (J AO. will sacrifice fur Hi. JA. 3 f r, j . rUU. I'HKMs aulla and Tuiedoa for rant 1A ai 21. Il N. Uth Btri'e(. 1. Keldman I'l.t SIl coat, trlcotln ireea; rtaar"llA". 1311. A H M V !).,. I20 H Nil I AI r HOUSEHOLD GOODS. KXPF.IIT aewlng tnacMne repairing. MICKtl.B. 15th and Harney. AT 431 I''uK riAI.K 'Ulnltur for 3-room apart meiit, nil new mahogany furniture, ruga end dr;iics. Call HA. 34fi. vv A nTti ;'r 'ka t "a v i-r uw. " Tlila aficrnoon arid tomorrow night, IXJWD'H At'CTlOV IIOl'SR. l.ovi-JI.y large buaeburner, bargain, VA. ntt. ;oD baeeburner for aale, cheap, AT. LOVKI.y crocheted rag ruga, rcanonabl. VVA. 1.107. T'Kl), Hlinoet n'-w, chiffonier, gaa atovc, baby chair. 2304 Dewey Ave. JA. 3030. HKi), aimoat. new, chiffonier, refrigerator. Call evening.. 2.104 Dewey Ave. Ja. 3030. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS THADE your ueed piano on a new player piano. Balance aa row aa 110 per month A. HO.Sl'li Co.. If. 13 Douglaa. FOR SALE JEWELRY. DIAMONDS P,. to buy back at email profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaba, Neb,, 40J N Hth St. Telephone JA. 6049. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE A HA HO A IN' Laundry Queen Electric waeher uaed only a. few tliiica and aa good aa nw. Owner leaving city and the flint take it. I'hone HA. fi'187. ONE American ladlator boMer, No. 02S-W; leatcd to 60 lbs. prcfeburo. Apiily at Hunter 1 nri. KINDL1.VO, aawdual. planer ehavlnga. Call JA. 6740. Bradford-Kennedy Lum ber Co. CLEAN COLORADO LUMP COAL, V, -ton, $j.2S; H -ton, $4.75. $10.50, per ton delivered. Call JA. !! for ordera. CLEAN Colorado lump coal; Vi ton. $3.25; i ton, $.".76; $t0.S0 per ton delivered. Call JA. 619IJ. ALMOST new regular elze pool table for wale the;ip, Rox if, Ccdur Kaplibi. Neb. SIIOU'CA.SKS l'OH SALE. BLAKE T'ltlili CO.. 4422 N. 24TH KT. Athletic club membership, $jli. WA. lilOO. TATTlNiJ for Kale. Cull WE. 6607. POULTRY AND PET STOCK HPOTTED Hhctland pony mare, (i, end cott, 3 Mo. Cash aale. 619 So. Sth Ave. I'hone 6KW. Mia. E, Margcrum. KEF RETS for aale. Writaforprlc.ce, Har old Peck, Una 54, D.-a Mnlne., Ia. CEKSK 43a. for Thankusivlng dinner. WA. STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPOOOOOOOOO O TYl'lIWRITERS a O AND O C Alt makea bought and sold O O rented and repaired. Sol acenl. O O fur (he CORONA, Oet our price O O N for you buy. Every machine O O guarantee O C CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXC. O O JA. 4tt0 1913 remain O oooooooooooooooooooooocno WE llt'Y s-,1 .afe. ntaltw de.H.. ahow casea, etc Omaha Klxtuie 4 Supply Co.. a w corner Hth and Dnuaot. JA NA'l li XA I. . h reg.atrr, le (o $V mouth, .ml, tjr,ii. Dos W-Mil. lue WANT TO BUY V A i 1. 1 -I . ,1 i ,4i ,,ein. 4'.!',e t ,t Olie.4turv I" lolU g, "vjll M, . in g ,.,d cr.1i:.,,, I'd l'ri.. t'li'i A ll.-.-. .11 ;, . v in h lli'.h eifecl, Cuila.-ii II. 1.11s, it , .,!. "Al l, A I' ,IJ I f.i.t li.l higt,,! url . f, e f'.rniloi. rm. iim, anl etf'.a f ollul Naliee.l rjiii,ii. Co J - N tIH M ft -Hi j te 4 K HJ l . I'll 4 l ftlft HUilNt Si OrPOKlUMTIKS i V, !. i , .1 jn I,. . .. a .i t 4-1 -4. I' ,4 I I 4 .,4 4 ..,..., I ' I p s t . M ... , I -T 11 ,1 S- I I I . ..I 111 I ... I 1 ... , . I "I u K V i ,i I i . U kCOMlNU I.Ol 5S j 00 "TO VrvMVN&TON VtVOLWiONVZL BCTTtfc THAN LIVE STOCK, VEHICLES, ETC. Tom haIVk a roe and hay. 'VA. iiti. ROOMS FOR RENT BOOM DIRECTOHT fuf ROOM HUNTER, nittu'til you fall to find Hated h'low tha room you want, call at tha "Want" Ad counter of The Omaha H.,e for a room directory, Th Omaha He malntalna thla aervir for your conveniens. Kew Hat leaned e'h week. HOTICIj KtKN. lth St., nppnella court houee. IIOTKI, KI.ATIHON, Howard and Ht. Mary, at 17th St. Aliracllve weekly rataa to parmanent gueeta. 7 1IOOMH, fine home, newly decoiated. r.-au-r, neat; nice incaimn cloae lo Crelgh ton iinlvcrelly. Popei-exton at oil', 'i'ertne. loe.pli o, lji,h,riy, Sil H. Jiith. i'hone ,ia. 3:i77. SINO.'.B or double, newly deiuiated and ri.riiiMied, lavatory, walking dliiam-e. heated gereite; tneala optional. HA. 6357. 3 unfur. roiiina. 2,ih and Ceea; good con. v 1 1 1 i"iie ror o montna: olao fur. room na lo Crolghton gnl. I'rlv, home JA 3377 IIHTi:i, HANKOltD 13th and I'arnam. IIOTKL IIKNKHAW 14th and Karnam. .SpMciai rate, to termonent gucMl NP'KI.Y furiilehed rooma. private bath, reaannable. day, week or month, central loiallnn. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. HuiiDltrKI-' TKitKACK, Nicely furtilehed room, all modern, cln.e In. 124 H. 24TII HT. hot water beat, l.AKUK, nicely furnlelied room aultalile for 1 or 2 gn!lemen. good location, garage oplmnal. WA. 1443. VLlty pleaeant room for 2. atrlctly mod ern home; breakfast if deelred. KK. 2sS7, FirtHT-Cl.AK.S furnlahed room. :v Ave. HA. 1241. em b. NJt'K, modern eeat front room: very rea eonubie. Oeuilemen preferred. ITA. 2S 6. 1'I.KASA.NT 437. room, tit N. 20th K(. HA. LAHOE, warm room for gentleman; prl velo mod home. $3, Co pep week. WA. OHig. FA ft NAM KI.7 2704 Wa7m room. I.FTirT, NiiltNhle for 2; a!eo hekg. rm. HA. 1 or.ft. ITnueually pleaa. rm., Ideal home environ ment; gentleman; nar Unl hoa. WA. OOLi. TWO and 6-room hnuae for colored. 2ffiO Cuming etreet. Pailly modern. AT. S620. HO t: S H for rent. $1 i. W E. 7 9S. UOOMH for rent.-IL6T"tTp7 JAr'777" HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. nooji Dinix'TortY for ROOM Jl ENTERS. Should you fall to find Hated below tho room you want, call at the "Want" Ad counter of The Omaha lie for a room directory. The Omaha Hee malntalna thla enrvlce fur your convenience, li-eued earn week. New Hat COLONADE 2474 Harney St., adults, t furnished housekeeping apartment, also sleeping rooma. I'hone AT. 4732 for In formation. KoUR rooma and bal h, entire second floor, everything furnished; adults. $0. WE. 2(1x7. CASS St., 22102 deal, able unfur. front rnonia, privet, family; ref. HA. 6904. Davenport St.. 201S 2 rooma, electric hghis, telephone furnished; steam heat 2026 CAPITOL AVENUE Nicely furnll.ll. e,I, steam-heated rooms, cloee In. 2-room ur.,1 kiichen, furnished; rent rea sonable. Ilanwcmtt park. HA. 0274. TWO roome for light housekeeping; no children. 1M. 1040. ROuM and kitchenette, everything com pleie, clon III. AT. 4275. TWO lai-Kc romris, ga., IikM and heat fur- njBhil HA. ami, 6:;2 South SOIh St. TWO-ROOM housekeeping "apt. W0 47" TWO modern looms. 911 S 20th. AT. 76.ril7 BOARD AND ROOM. TKf,; 1 7! T3h wit t f iiT l"ei7n)-.T:Ho7i taiifi ror inn, rrhrtte lavatory; excellent sftl'TJI r"nn, wl iii nSsheil. .uilktble for 5 ( rltiMtj to Krtrnu" nt.t! I.eevniitAttrlh fnr 1 MJ if 'l.-i(rrtt li'iR N Jf h lt , II A. MI j (! TCI. MA. IMt U rhnr rwmi wlthT I lj VERY til, e room with best of tiieule fur I or 2: wa'klpg distance. Call 11 A, H 'I W ENTIKI'll ST . 131 N -r otii fr lao aeiillemen; -1'ir i-nl, front a two hoard. HOUSES FOR RENT, l(D, MOMH . l-li Notiti 3'li Si , 11 IV. lo i" N'oMh iiti SI ' North 1"I SI I I Na Tltl'sT imi. I T ..I. i.i, .!, I, . I t Kltl.4 i p-.. e .1 )i a s H.l I m At. I I.I, i . w I I I'l ' I Hi -Ml A I, pin ( HI I , si . s4 at ,4 tt.'H 1 1.,1 , ic I i, li 1 li i ( ; I HO. , li- I, . ir-if I r - i r In I- t. 4 lis. . 1 a . 1 ' : , I 4 - a 11 4 4 . I ' I I - ? l 1 I' Vf -,,., ... a 't ... I 1 m I 1 ' I VAtKT t5 Vou TiNK OP Mt VAMKt 0 tT NOW nINT AM lirfrvT TO UtCT Mt Vt 0AJN 0lt6MtHT IN tiRJN6 CHAMCl. ON Vt VVTWJVX- V AJtCt VCOAA A et0 VMO HOUSES FOR RENT MAPI, hi Ml'., S332 4 room, part modern. will allow for repalra. For Information rail Heckman. AT. 7970. CI.OHK-IN (-room houae; elrlrtly niodarn. nil no. 2iet st. iiu, ja. FURNISHED HOUSES. WILL .hare up-towlule bungalow, on nincK rrom car; apienuia 4-room Apt., pol lehed flooia, watla, either fur. niehrd or unfurnl.hed, 1911, Hit Harney. lei. II A. DIM. I'lVK-ll'JUM IIOUHK. :,. M')ll;KN KL'IIMHHKD CAI.I, AT. 0012. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TWkNTY-HIJiTil ST., tbl H Two room, Ircludlng piano, UK, AI. 0M. mNTKIt INN AT B0 24011 Im.lge APARiMENTS FOR RENT EAT YOUR THANKHOIVINO PINNER In on of the cheerful and pleaa ant aparimetiia lu either of thea nw building.; THE HAWTHORNE 2207 Howard Street. TUB LONOEELI.OW Howard Street. TETEHS TRUHT COMPANT, "Wbern Omaha Itema." AT. 0144. 17th and Farnam SH OMAHA LAHOfcST RENTAL AGENCY Thirty-four apartment bulldlnaa. fill apartment., reinforced concrete, abeo. lutely riieproof. Murphy bed or bedroom apartmemi. Call u. and w will take you out. DRAKE RENTAL AdrcNCT Icr.roof Apartment. JA. 206 AT. $70$ corner 17th and Howard Htret l''Otrit comfortable rooma. conveniently located, No J4 Elo L.-a, 2th and Oapllol Avenue. G - 0 7 . i 0 . PETERS TIICST COMPANY "Whore Omaha ftenta." AT 0544. 17t)i and Karnam St.. TURNER COURT Ona apartment avallnH in Omaha's mo.t eiclualve and conveniently arranged J room apt., with 6-rnoin accnmmoUallona. item reiiucea. janitor. HA, 690. tl. M. 11AU6EK, Mgr. 310 Dodgo. HA. 7I4. DRAKE COURT apt. for rent. 3 rooms with 6-room accommodation, both, drena- Ing room and aun parlor. i'omeBiou Doc. 4. A'. 43H1. 6-RODM flal. Weal Karnam d,eTrk-t: ii- ctptlonally attractive; references rcjulred. THE Thorwald, 6-room apt., $S5 winter, 175 summer. Rcf. re'iulred. HA. 6010. HA. 7124 Clarlnda Apia., 6 rooma and aun room, homelike place. Choice location MCE 6-room brick with garage. 1103 Street, JA. 1294. ALL seasotia' comfort, central, 4 or 6-room apartment. Tinard, 220 North 23d. ON E 2-room apt, light and heat, II A. ir.n. $28. Dewey Ave., JA. 1903. 2306 Dec. 1. 6 run., $D0, TWENTY-SIXTH ST.. 551 St. Three large rooms, neat ami water, 135. IMS MAPLE ST. 0-room flat, well heat ed. Rent free tn December I. I A RLl I.E. B25 Soulh ISth 4-room apart ment, eniiriy inoilern. ,A. 404;,. 3-ROoVf apt. w ith 4 -r.cnmrJ AE30ir APARTMENTS AND Kl.ATH $33 to $100. W. J PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT.90J Keen,,, nidg SHERWOOD AVE.. 1 41 4 5-rooin Tnarl". ment. Including rteam heat, water and telephone, $42.60 month; I, block to car. IVK. 71120. PETERS TRI'ST COMPANY. "WHERE OMAHA RENTS" AT. o.',44. 17th and Karnam Sta. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT TEL. AT 42 Peters TriHt 'Mi Dfflt-e eptice H Jeek. MUttr Hrm vhuII. GARAGES FOR RENT A tt Af 1 J'- Hti-ain "Kent V 71 M 311 South 31.1. i A K.l, r fi-oi. l.',i S. .im h si BONDS STOCKS. MORTGAGES ARK you willing to iti.iQuiit )nur e,ond fr i4., if .... .,. k (. Dora.el, A Co. tin Klt.l N!'l Hk llldg CHATTEL LOANS DU fiHf NEED A I ITTI K R E DY I'ASII t Sn 5,i on, if,oei il. I. s RS , or any muul lean. 4 al Ira mag legal rate N.i l.d t, a pul.llilly. ease r.v. j men', tuafid.ailal. Itiiny yeat u tcjai- jt.'M OMAHA Loan company. I I is K.i it HI i.i , i i,iii.t -of t a it o4 i.iug ii I i I'N I'w , ana, I. si,. ttn mg.. cat ,4 -1 file t 1-4 ri.afi.tenl: , ; tl9 ft.4g ' jlll V. -..m ll., , I. J I LOANS ON K KA1. KSfATK low MA It, loN.T N., 44 , . , , ', g t iinu m i r i tin. th hi ihi . tl A it, 11 I' I. ...i...... ,t, v., ! A u i.k i . r i v ! A, . ,. li l. r IIU ' a.. v a - ,i, , $ le i- .ih ! at II lii ,ii e i.i i n a .4ii. l( )! - . , . , ,- ! n g I, vj ' a ). i. s. .I i Mini ii- " " ..vvriKarm Loan ::v;:;i 4j4.i ,v , t ,Mi I ' I" .4,4 a . ) 1 u u 1 , ,1 I., a i. si .4 h 4 .,i I 'Kan at .hi IH'f " g '- sill I ...-, I.. m 1.4, i. ., 14 , 1 ' I H 4e in i't in i t .... .4 ' ' -41 I 4 . HO l I. M'Vl'-d Aii a t ( t R A.ik. UIM TLLtlNi. m 60IM6 tO DSt AW TViFH amn -iawf a 0T (iOlNC tt) VakL MA& Ht HU)MLN "Want" MOVING AND STORAGE KiDaiLITY SI'OIIAiJK"' VAN CO. M)VINU PACKINO HIORAIIE SHII'HINO. llouaebold (looda and Planog, Rod nr. d ra'ea thla week la los an(ielkb). ban dieoo 1107-11 Howard JA. OKI Moving Packing Moras Gordon fireproof VV'ar.houa A Van Co. 11$ S. Hth Ht. Phon JA. $032. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. ACI OHDIAN "PI. BATING. AIX'ORDION, rllDU, amf., bog pi. .ling, covered button., alatylea; henmllcning. buttonhole Writ Ide.i Button A Pleat ing Co.. Oil Drown Ulock, Omaha. Nab Telephone J A. 111. Neb. Pleating "WL,,.,. una Farnam aeeond floor JV 6070 J'AM'INO" AfAIIEMIKH. ' LEARN lo dauc for 14 at KEEP'ririM$ Karnam Clenaes Mon.. Wed. and Krl Dancing Tue. , Thura . Hat and Sun. night. Private leaaons by appoint- tnf'nfa. JA. f,470. ('HIIIOPRAfTOIM. Dr firmir AT u"t a-T. vylllldr j ,u,,n ril.l. ' liKNTIHTS. " MENTAL X-ray.. 60c eatb: $3 full get. Hit Hecurlllo. Mldg , H!th and Karnam. Duhn.-OIAklNO. KURS, Bulla retnoileled: lellned HA. K04. KIRHT-Cf.AKH dreaamaklng. WA. 654$. K1RHT ciae dreeemaklng." "l(A." 6030. METECTIt KS. HELIAHLB Deiectlv Hureati, Hallway ei umg.. ja. or night. KB. Islz. JAMES ALLAN. .112 Neville Hlk Kvldenc secure,! in all caeca AT lias. Ft HHIKKV PTTpt; Remtalelcd, rellned. cleaned. 1 UliU Lai,.t models Herknwltg rur Co.. 218 l.esvenworlh Ht. 11 A. J73. TcTTT?Q repaired, remodeled, loweal price I-- c.olilaleln Kur Co . 1620 Douglaa KODAK riNlnlJIXl. FILMS DEVELOPED KREP3. Th Ensign Co, 1007 Howard Bt. MATTRESSES. OMAHA PILLOW CO Kothr r. novated and mad up tn new feather proof ticking 1907 Cuming. JA $467 PKINTIfi. EDDY Printing Co 212 8 13 Ht. JA. 60511. PATKNT ATTORNKYH. J. W MARTIN, Patent Attorney. 1713 Dodg. room 9 Also Washington. D C 1 help Inventors eell their patenta. M Vif' 11 XAXWi Is A N NO IN K M K. NTH . OA RAO r;.S built, any atyl and else, lion up Concrei work. Micklln Lumbsr A Wrecking Co Tel WE 6661 PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at tha 6 rlherman A Mc.Connell Drug Store AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. I iE A D or llva alorage for any class of automobiles or trucks tn a boated, fire proof garage. JONES OARAGE. 1114 Dodge St. JA. M21 Pj20 KO'rll) touring with starter and de mountable rims, Rareain at $160. C. E. PAULSON MOTOR CO. 20lh and Ames Ave. Kli. 0140. open 9 a. ni. until noon. SOME bargains in used Eords; prompt delivery of new Knrds. M'CAKFHKY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Kord Servtc Station, 15th and Jackson Sta AT 7711. NEW and used cords, cash or terms. O K PAULSON MOTOR CO., Authorised Kurd and Lincoln penlera 20th and Ames Ave KE. 0149 t'SF'D care Jhrit can he uaed NKHRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO, Howard el lth AT 177 tuy iu :mt.iiii l6th an(1 Farn,ni Atlantic 1944 USED CARS O. N Ilotiiiey Motor Co.. li&4 Karnam. DEPENDAHI.E l'HEI CARS IIKKKH AUi'O COMPANY J"47 Karnam St J, 4101 U.StvD Kord part, at bslf price parte for all aisn, lard make cars Neb Auto Patta llsrnev mi NKW AND USED TIRUS, 12 An AND CP II at II l ute AND At Tl) Co 18 Karnam yt t T4r M Cnsi n"" ALTO PAINTINil AND DECOR ATI NO i --'. South uth St M. I'V.PASiEMlKH lli k. W,ll a,-nfe tr 1 t,r It4.l9 for diaiio-iivl nog Piion A f - I - Ti PS celluloid se.l g its aid curtalua' niia PKt.lrKr.HK K 'I I Y !! a ii fio.mee .11 s i"i Koitl. im u. a inn-. .MMt MMIHIIMMIMIM , MfJTED UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. r'irt rl, ail.nrmir.l r.!r4 tnii'Kinit an. I I'iiilcrmAi.tfi. Api'Iv R.mni I nmn if.- IIa. 14fll f. IIIIIH4IIIMIIIII I I I I I l' 1U 1'. I!. A y R. 1:. U ml i rniAi.,1 1 i('i i,., 4,i, itt ,r.,it niii'.n,,, titl Kit in, ,, , f ,r 4 i, u I iur,ti,rr ej Machini'itA HoUermnkcri Tin Smiths Aprl I ! Ik.. l .. 41 Sli.U, 0,.li, K,k. TKUCKS, TRACTORS. LITC. OOOOOOOJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O l n I ti a l It f. tru. u, i in. o f) uhli h rti ! tlunh( il'u' T i O Hill II .!.. II f O r o o o (iarl (iliangdtroru !' ' S rrnm ft. OilonoonooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IOWA LANDS I, ,", Ai'llt.- li-t I Hi i'ii nit itailir Tinti, t.M'.! Iintrtnntfil-, f'iiwin r nnu (i.HM lu. i(tti M ' ! ii : a i -r ma I 1. 1 4IIHUII Iu II, All.'i I 'i NriUHASKA LANDS ";oon ifro-Acm; vmm I'liiMN f.tfin Mi (I'm1 rosily, J llillr fnxti r r , lair iiuprot nitit. lit "ifa rt!l!(tMl ti.tlitn"' j iiMlitn MI'I I'tiV. Vr lil.u'ii ran iiIvp t("it rti: feud iinirlii C-i'iix il. r K.Hi,a " h uii' fnf Mtl nv Html. m ii u.ii, iir r 1 1: n i nit rK v III M V K lt f.AN'M.ultliH 'I I, NAM ! IN (tni, ftt) fell ltl f 'IT ll'tlfl M ftp! llf t'l l'i on fij j Hiitir"t ir ntiiv .r c-f-iii t-f fnrit ii'dl. 'I In i pr rnt i f f r -wt only chwrvtii, ft!uii of iis tiMut dpi oil Jlflti ll'Ml IhiX S, lllok. II Iir , ,Sfh WYOMING LANDS. KHillTY A'-f.-n irtlwitr.t vultry, U'vo iiliK ; h 1 1 fiMir ; f hi ly Imu wi"( rlnvt r, o'hf r frt v I hi" 't Unil tn W iiiI(k: iuu-t i" ll i-t of. t-ii' to r i m i t j WANTED REAL KSTATE. Charles" W. Vounp;"& Son" ll-l l-'l;it, tli-rilull, lit.iirner. In".' (M Nut. Ilk. AT !. P. l! TTP M T r"'iti,r iiiiiri. iiiii.. VIJiUljiMlV);,,,,,, ,,, I till H.' s 4 t'l :.nk lOilu IA 1r,t,, inHKi;ir REAL M-TATK K' Itcnl", liiMijrea True! I'.lrtg. JA. I:j. l.'.o l'ler UOOIJ I .ISTINHS Ci 'ME TO UaV WE HI. 1.1, THEM HOME REALTY CO AT.11II. i.lsT your bimir for aale wlib " W lre the iiietoiinra. PAYNE INVEB1 WENT I o.. Ilrmiiir. Tfi"ln or" He'l Omaha H-l l 'a f' FOWLER & M 'DONALD Meinhera Muitlple MfMnn i: ReaMrtre. Ll Vfittr tumm - liny vnnr h"me. HINDER & OTIS, Reel I t'lle I oane Renlel JA 25L "Tukev Sold It" A P. TP KEY SON. Realtor. J A. 42I3. C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors $"4 peters Truat I'ldg JA I'l.r in SKI. I ee tlioi.-r Mi. nil. AT. :'r,;":. vTllaril c. H:lNiigiil(si(or. JA. 291,2 S PIIIIHTWD K', reV elle AT. 1501). WORLD Really Co., Realluie. AT. -. We.leru Reel Ealule Co. JA. 3u7. Weaiern It-al Elal" Co. JA. it'll. E H. Ileiiii'r I'n, realioia. JA. tool REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. ALFRED THOMAS Hon Co. Realtor SALE OR EXCHANGE. OMAHA "AGENTS PLEASE NOTICE FOR EXCITAN'iK THE 8 W. COI7. ISTH AND MARl'Y STREETS, 132U32; PART IY IMPROVED; LEASED l-OR SHORT PERIOD WANTED PROPERTY IN J.OH ANOEI.LS, CAL OR VICINITY. ANY REASoS'HLE PROPOSITION WILL HE ACCEPTED. CUMMINS' INVEST MENT CO. 220 MARSII-STRONO ULDU. LOS ANOELEH, CAL, KOR HALE Oil TKADi?-7akland six ae dn; looka like new; in good condition; will demonstrate; model 191H. W'lll trade for light open commercial truck. Phone HA. 2417.2f&9i, California elreet. APARTMKNT IHllHH, pleasant llicntne, $5,3110, smalt Incumbrance, lo exchange for clear eastern or western Iowa farm. Address owner, ito M7, Omaiin Hen. EQUITY In 2 lot for truda oo car, or what hava you AT. 3-H73. VACANT PROPERTY DUNDEE lot, f,oxl25, on B4ih Bt, near Far. nam: choice tot; owner will consider reaa onai I offer C. A. Orlmmel J,V 1016 WILL build to your ordi on our beauti ful lota In Kdgawood: vary easy (erma AT-lanllc r, IS NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. New 6-ro-Mn Colonial, all modern. A bargain. located K944 Florence Blvd. Norrls A Norrls, JA, 4270. CAMPBELL builds homes that enduia. Rest materials, w urkmanslilp and prices. 537 Keeline HldK. AT. mils. 3787 DECATUR 6-Rm., Mod, Eg. heal; I lots; lliOO cash, ralanr monthly. Crelgh. 0J Hee JA. 0209 DANDY 4-room home for $1,100, asy terms, partly modern, full lot. Phone Stewart-Kaleton lo.W. D E RUCK CO buy end sell homes SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. KOR SALE OK RENT Hy owner. 6-room cotliiire, good repair, and two lots; waters in hoiiKe; elet trie lights; cement walk; 1 new 42-foot barn; room for three cars, chickens and coal; near school. 431. So. 3 7 1 ll St., between u nnd 1 streets; (hire blocks to Crosstown car. $1,0011. $U-0 ilown; balance J L! r jut month. Possession at once. MA. 3270, SE'VEN-Roi m modern housu. garnve, good locution, llloclt from cne(ne, (hre blocks from South high. 2;oj o street. MA. 1)039. li-ltooM, fully modern garage, $4 160. Near 2;id end Mnncroft. want offer. Call Rest, AT. ',135. 11. 3TI4. WEST SIDE PROPERTY. v-w iiiii V'c'ir T-'fmi AT 49M. Grove-Hibbard Co. "VXV FI.ORl ;CE PROPERTY Home Agf-nt C. 1. N El II AWAY. Tel Kl! I40. .VHCICI I.ANF.OUS PROPFRTY "We nuild to "Please" Tempi. -av,1en ( .. , lent ea'nam ft. II i:viE HeVlul." Miscum PACIFIC Ollara milvttit la asia csuil.ts. baileienak.M, lilatk.inllha og red. h,. a ,.jia, Kan, MitMuri ed Aikn.., Arnlw 217 South H;K St. Omaha, !S'br, WANTED BY TIIK Wabash Railway Co. Sk.ll.J aua.k.att fay Ka a o, mm lSir .si.ii. MACHINISTS ROILF.RMAKr.RS PI.ACKSMITHS CAR KLPAIRERS COACH PAINTFRS CAHINF.T MAKLRS PAINTF.RS VARNISUFRS 4 . .a.ll.4 aili. Iia iKsiaemiua, .m,hU .. I.. ...i a4 aiia.a aj.l..a)a o o (1 Ill 4.r x $ teif II ' $ t . . ik ; .1 i. . ai I . '( fc.. k TM " ) ; j ' t -. v 't ... ! ' . t ,.', Jik.i' 'l 14 ,,, .sf $ aJ siailtiaa aJ, 1 . a 1 I...4. . 4 a 144,", 4. a. 4. - . 4 I t I a I 4, 111 4 Ilea .. ii.i , li a 1 MUt I attaf t !. ....... . SHU M !" t WKflD 414 .444 ,4 V- -V - 4. Hi 1 t I l , - i. 41 1 h 1 . x g . i ,.,., a 4 I 4 t . K4t a it li Arriv nMt ir (Sssiak., 4 4 C .44. 444 lV