The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 27, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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TSie Omaha Poultry Association Exhibition Opens Today
Mr. Let It author of iron
of boik on poultry, having
distribution of mori than
H ron.ldrra, at beat of all,
hi Inte.t biok.
There art ciimatio trouble.:
ranonal trouble; neigh
borhood truulilet ; epidemic,
ridrtit, vermin,
and .-cding troublea-their PUEVENTIUN
and I RKATMENT all tnld In the plain,
eaoly iinderetood, eiimmunirnia way for
which Mr. Lee's writing, are famoua. It's
worth reading. A copy muy b had HO'K
from any dialer handling C DC C
Lira Killer and t;erroo. fa aW aW
lone, nr from CEO. H. LEE CO.
IDS Harn.y St., Omaha, Nab.
Nethaway Invites
You to Florence
If intereatrd In poultry railing,
do not fail to a what Florence
hae to offer. Cholca little farma,
auhurban aeieage, eaperlally adapted
for poultry raieing. Good drainage;
trada dealt.
8013 N. 30th St. KE 1409
Hotel Rome
16th and Jackson St.
Omaha Poultry
Cafeteria Always Open
$1.00 Table d'Hote Dinner and
mutic ererjr evening.
Our own auto bus meets all
train. Fare 25 cent. 100
sprinkler Ijflttm, Complete
Management Rome Miller
Hens That Lay Are
the Hens That Pay
Cherrycroft S. C. White
Second hiphest hen (263 eggs)
in 1921-22 contest at National
Nebraska egg-laying contest.
Cherrycroft Leghorns
If You Want That Kind,
Write to Me.
John W. Welch
1406 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb.
Bfllslc, mtbw. bfdboM, te.. taffartlM fsmttrr. Spray est
Mitfton rootxa. (., 3r tf body fie) no cMelaoa, tim. Work
vhila Uwr fiMp. NadnnHnr;, d(ilisT, tmiu or Iwnrflinr.
tfia' u co reset, . eaAMA,NEae,
Anything in the
animals, we can
Special thia week only. "LIVING MUSIC BOX," the imported Andretburg
Roller Canary with trained, deep, rolling notet, with a written guarantee for
only 18.00, the lowest price In ten years.
POULTRY REMEDIES We carry a complete line of remedies and tonics
for all kinda of allmenta in poultry. 15 brands.
Max Geisler Bird Co.
33 Years in Butiness
See the Free Show
We urge you to visit the show and if you are in
need of any of the following lines visit us.
Poultry supplies and remedies, the famous Buckeye
incubators and hovers. Bird cages, field and garden
seeds, etc.
Younkerman Seed Co.
164 West Broadway St., Council Bluffs, la.
See Us at the
Nov. 27 to Dec. 2
I,o suiv to HiC the FUUrG-PEP hooth and ex
amine the highest quality poultry food it U pos
sible to make. We will be phtd to explain why
Hakes) Ke tg j
pio.hce.4 mure vfz at less cut than any other
t'i i ir.tnufactuml.
See 'Hetty." the JUUs-O-rEl'
la n that lay an j t-ver) minute.
Visit Our Booth ami Ctl a Fl'UUO-Ptr
Dtnwtte--Httt a NUkaU St.
Poultry Exhibit
Opens Today at
City Auditorium
Only Free Show of Iu Kiml
in Country Fxpcrts Will
Attend ami Lecture
on Flocks.
livery day of the ounuul show of
lh Omaha. I'oultry association, which
Is t'i he held at the Auditorium, start
ing todtiy and continuing until De
cember 2, there will be an edtica
tlonul program conducted by men na
tionally known In the poultry breed
I ri tt" world, according to Harry Knud
sen, secretary. The show la the only
free poultry exposition In the United
State nnd la iruirie possible by the
Chamber of Commerce;, which has
backed It for three years.
Ilurlng the exposition there will be
lectures and talks by professors of
poultry husbandry ff the University
of Nebraska. Then experts will have
exhibits to Illustrate their talks. The
programs will be carried out each
afternoon and Evening.
Dr. Kent to lecture.
Pr. Kent, formerly of Cornell uni
versity, Ithaca, N. V a world au
thority on poultry breeding, also will
give a series of lectures nnd talk,
lie also will answer any questions
pertaining to poultry breeding asked
by visitors or exhibitors, according to
Secretary Knudsen.
Exhibits at the show are expected
SOI North 16th Street
Congratulates th Omaha Poultry As
sociation on their effort! to giva Omaha
a worthy exhibit.
W tell feed for anlmala and
feathered birds. Phone JA 1142.
Makes every hen pay. Sent free
on requett regular $1.00 size box.
2021 No. 16th St., Omaha, Nebr.
Single Comb Buff Orpington Breeder
See Skinner1! Buffa at the 1922
Omaha how. They may not win all
the ribbons, but they uiually get torn
of them. A lot of etock of both texes
for tale t prlcee that will pay you to
inveatigatt. Circular free.
Herman, Neb., R. R. 3
Single Comb
For sale a lot of fine single
comb red cockerels. This stock
is on exhibit at the show.
Arthur L. Edson
4312 Ertkine St., Omaha, Neb.
line of birds, or pet
furnish at reasonable
1617 Farnam Street
to total close to 230, nil breeds utt.l
classes. A prize list of 3,&ui in Mali
nnd. S5 silver cops will be swarded
winners In the viirlous classes.
The Omaha show management has
secured the national Ancot.a inert,
the sectional water fowl meet, the sec
tional light brahrnn meet, the sec
ilunsl b'ack oiplhvton me. t. also the
state meets of the KhoUe Island lic-,1
club, the UufT Oi plnston club and the
Single Comb Mitiuron club. All these
nluhs will huld thflr annuul metini?
during the show, hrliiRlns; poultry
proplu from all over the I'nited Btutcs
to onuha.
Judtfi-s of Snow.
For JuiIk' the show nmnageinent
has secured K. C. Itrsnrh of Missouri,
CleorKe M. Welle of Wisconsin, Harry
Atkins of Iowa, Omar Clrow of Iowa
and Karl Kmllry of Nebraska. These
men will place the awards on Mon
day and Tuesday,
The M. C. lYU-rg Milling company,
Alfalfa Milling" company, Protector
Sales company, Quaker Oats company,
through the Omaha ILiy and Grain
company, the Nebraska Sood com
pany, the Korn Hilt Feed company
and numerous other poultry acces
sory companies have reserved spacu
for booths and without doubt will put
on ono of the finest educattonnt fea
tures in th country.
High Class Roosters
to Be Sold at Auction
Auction sales of hundreds of high
class roosters from accredited flocks
in Nebraska will be on In many
counties of the state this month and
In December, according to poultry
experts at the state university col
lege of agriculture, who see grent
opportunities for Improving Inferior
flocks by the introduction of these
birds on farms less fortunate. The
sales are usually held at the close of
county poultry shows, when accredit
ed flock owners dispose of surplus
stock of fine breeding birds.
The birds to be sold represent the
best results of the breeding work of
in the accredited farm flocks project.
Specialists at the state university
agricultural school claim that there
mill he valuable additions to Nebraska
poultry flocks. One specialist hns this
to say regarding the sales: "f eopie
have been buvlnc roosters these many
years. They now will have the op
portunity to purchase high-class
males and announce to the world that
'only pure bred poultry sires are kept
on this farm.' "
Hold Poultry Show.
Aurora The first poultry show of
Hamilton county was held In Aurora.
A large number of exhibitors had
their prize beauties on exhibition.
Breeder of High Grade Exhibition
and Commercial
The Straint ef Italian Beat.
Florence Station, Omaha, Ntb.
Th. nam. of an .xeoptlonally fin.
breed of Light Barred Rockt. Prii.
winnert and good layert. Stock and
egga in Mason. Se. my exhibit
3S15 So. 23rd St. Phone MA 133S
Attend the
Free Poultry Show (
We are manufacturers of
Western Box and
Basket Co.
Box 1044 Omaha, Neb.
Phone WA 1538-F-l
See the
Red Feather
We Sell
at th
Free Poultry Show
We sell everything in th line
of good feeds and 'straw.
4U and Charles WA 1716
P. H feieetea
I'aalls. fetenea
Tfc. to Of Ley 11 tral
Single Comb
tCeeyneki erH4 Mi
Krafeer Owai PmUry
l'aud Aee CUk,
Baby Chicks
Hitching E(tt
, a.. ...4 t
a Mk a-4 tw ifa4 tit.
tilt t l !
it B Hal -. i. Wa.e
.Ss t t
i ft i.i . i
1W d 4 ..
.at Ut kji 1 it I il 1
tSt . a MM te ait d t, .
a4 a. a t
e S.e at
t4 . taa, a.W
Feeding IMasli Is
Only Solution
loEgg Problems
Investigation ly Pxpfrt Sliow,
Kfaii for Fulling Off in
Production Is Absfiicc of
Soft Feed.
By Al.ltl- l.T W7.hU., Jr.
It hns taken many years experi
menting with poultry to arrive at
Just what cnoslst of the proper egg-
making material necessary to enable
the hen to shell out rgs In large niim
bers huUhnbil eggs at that. We
learned much from watching the hen
whllo on free range, Lalaneing her
own ration, Wn noticed that hIis laid
freely In the spring of tho year, when
the green stuff worms and Insects
were a plenty.
Then us the months pit and the
changing of the seasons take place,
tha green grass, worms and insects
all gone, Hldily soon stopped laying.
In fact, she stopped fur the winter
when the moulting season came on.
In the management of laying stock
to prod mo the greatest possible egg
yields we learned that it was necessary
to supply the hen with all th material
she picked up herself in the spring
nnd summer if we were to have e(;gs
when wanted. This material was all
soft feed green stuff, such as grans,
and almost every sort of veegtable;
In fact almost anything green the hen
would relish then bugs and worms
were the animal food. This sofo feed
was consumed every day and all day.
The hen never getting too fat on It.
It was turned into eggs and rapidly
because it was soft, easily assimi
lated in fact, pre-digested. The more
she consumed the better she laid
nnd she had to consume great quan
tities to lay an egg every day or five
eggs a week because it was the only
food that would moke eggs.
Noft Feed Makes Egg.
But, we learned more, we were
taught that this soft feed was to
make eggs only and not to supply
the necessary material for the lien's
"upkeep." The soft feed would not
"stay" with the hen and unless she
had received a full feeding of hard
grain Jn variety at nlht an hour
or so before roosting time she would
be hungry a few hours after going to
roost, would bo hungry all night and
a hungry lien doesn't lay.
Working along these lines wo
learned that to get eggs in abundance
every possible egg it was neces
nary to supply the lien with those
things she picked up herself in the
spring and summer. And these things
A New Knowledge
jf5tUYJ5 MA5P
ml :-:'L
Visit the Poultry Show
At Auditorium, Nov. 27, Dec. 6, 1922
Admission Free
MICHAEL L. CLARK, proprietor of the Elmwood Farm,
urges everyone to attend the greatest show of the
The Elmwood
For Sale Mated pens of six birds and one cockerel,
$15.00. Eggs in season. Now is the time to stock.
9523 North 29th Street Omaha, Neb.
' Laying Now
Fcm! Hut's Voil
reMtwninthehrfkTilrehi8H. 0!t( ,ft
I itm Ii.iii 1 1 ,rm - il ti.ii
ffnnitripgvi;r(iutU)inconJttK a.tintthirrt
PrtU Poultry Regulator
la mts thrm x,nt art,! rr
, p, , ,
Wfl ll..r lun.C iV, !,!,,(,
"Vvlif M.u rv Iti.k II l II
In.l k :. a , I Ik
J'-V llftr l. 'f Js-lh. p,!.,
(tw!td I'f green fd, nninul fund
In abuudaine nMly with all
the proper ground ferde and the
whuU termed raw material itry inanh.
Th!", em order to make the ika, must
be coiiHiimed ns rapidly as the spring
feed tmiet be bifute the hen all the
time, t'nless this finish the only ma
terial which will m-ike i-wi-li eaten
us the chief feed i'f the day the hen
will be depily.d of her raw material
and she simply run not W.
Must lie Miiln r'rrd.
It tnuxt be the main foil during the
day every day nothing mixed with
It, and mulling fed besides the scratch
feed for the evening grain ration. In
other wnrdf, to do hi-r best the hen
must eat nmre of dry mash than of
anything else of course, nlie may
have table scraps nnd waste vege
tables, etc.
Ho let your watchword be mash
and think ft nothing else In connec
tion with egg feed innxli tndiiy, to
morrow and the next day fi ed It for
eggs and more eggs, lllve scratch
grain tu put on the flnd-hlng touches
only to keep the lien "full' whilii on
tho roost. Hut don't feed It thinking
It will make egg, liecalisp you w ill not
get them on a grain ration. It's the
mash which does the trick and be
sure your hen sare not "stalled'' on
anything else.
Bcatriee Poultry Show
to Start December 11
Beatrice, Neb., Nov. 28 . (Special )
The annual exhibition of tho Heat lire
Poultry association will bn held here
December 11-16. A. I. Modlin has
been selected as judge. The premium
list which Is now being printed ill
be distributed within the next few
days, and the merchants are offering
special prizes for the highest scoring
birds. Kntrles close IXceniber 7. The
officers of the association arc: 8. A.
Seymour, president; C. K. Shower,
vice president, and lmvl.I O, Kasslng,
Custer County Will Build
Machine Shop for Repairs
Broken Bow, Neb., Nov. 26. (Spe
cial. The county board of super-
Visors will establish a county machine
shop In or near Broken Bow for the
purpose of doing all the repair wsrk
on the county trucks and other ma
chinery belonging to tho county. The
work on the new propect will start
at once.
Farmer Sells Personal
Properly for $8,000 Cash
Beatrice, Neb., Nov. 26. (Hpeclnl.)
Henry Ileiklger held a farm sale at
his home near Plymouth, disposing of
$8,000 In personal property, most of
the sales being spot cash. One horse
sold for $225, another for $200, and a
team of mares for $.120. Farm ma
chinery went accordingly.
of Animal Nutrition
Every poultry raiser should be
encouraged to use these feeds.
King Joy's Laying Mash is pre
pared of the choicest, purest and
cleanest ingredients and fur
nishes the hen with the correct
amount of shell, yolk and white
to make an egg.
See Our Exhibit at the Poultry Show
Korn Belt Feed Mills
Them All
Mint .mite ml in .1
ii, t ,,... I I
.Jn, iiw. iWll
irrfat it. Irit h,
fi ,f.,t 0.jf J
A,. V .. v . I
Nebraska Sheep
Are Stricken by
Rare Disease
Sarpy County Flock Found to
Have Coceidiosis Federal
Doctor! Are Watching
A iliseasii Of sheep never before re
ported In Nebraska nnd very rnie In
this country was rtlHcnered a few
days ago on a farm In Sarpy county.
The owner of the nfl'vled flock, had
lost about 20(1 hesd, when Ir. C. II,
Hays of Lincoln nnd Pr. II. T. )
I.aekle, connected with the federal
buresu of animal Industry visited the
farm. An examination of the dis
eased body parts by Ir. (I, II. Mnrso
of the federal rneHt Inspeellon biiresii
of Hniith tunaha conllrmed their be
lief that this dlfesse wns coccIiIIosIk.
Relntive to this dbertse In sheep.
Pr. Moi-sn says: "The rllseae was flivl
discovered In 1S!)2 tiy Pr. Stiles of the
bureau of animal Indilslry st Wash
Ington. Ten years later It wss rils
covered In Kurope nnd Is prolmhly
much more prevalent 1.1 Kunien
countries than In this country. In
Kurope. It is found In valleys of the
Swiss Alps and also in certain parts
In Germany and Hungary. It seems
to thrive In more or less damp or wet
places and In the Swiss Alps it was
known that transferring the sheep
to higher elevations was a good con
trol measure."
Dr. If. T. P. I.aekie slates that
there are several forms of this dls-
The Free Ninth
Annual Exhibition
of the Omaha Poultry Associa
tion is now on. Do not fail to
see the show. Look for my ex
hibit of Single Comb White
Council Bluffa, Iowa
A Poultry Paradise
Htra it la pomiblo to rail ehickena
on a aralc that cannot be attempted
on city Iota, and without interferem-e.
Amsteura and breeder, can get high,
ightly lota and acre, st very reason
able prices.
Acreage tracts aell from $500 up, and
Iota with plenty of room for pena can
be bought for $200. A amall amount
of canh down and balance long-time,
eaay monthly paymenta. See
J. T. O. Stewart, Local Agent
' Phona Ralaton 10-W
Poultry Raisers
ea, I'lio bring the isum, of form
n ro I i timers ati'i anmner aliening
calves. In sheep it causes ery
serious dysentery, rapid loss of fUeh
and when It nine invade a fluik,
huge losses umiiuly follow. It La not
A but terUll disiase but Is propagated
by means of spores. Animals becniue
Infected throughout the contamina
tion of water or food by dlaease.t anl
maK An examination of the lutes
tinea of disesxed animals show a
spotting of the intestlneH. the spots
being white Mild aiylng III . from
a pin point to n pin head.
Pr. Laeklo stales that the con
Hoi of the disease Is best ui'i'uiupltrih
rd by moving sheep to a new quar
ters and cleaning up the Infeefed
quarters. Ai tu whether (his disease
of Sheep will beeome widespread In
the state Is rrither dlftViilt to deter
mine. m relatively little Is known
about the disease In this country.
This outbreak Is being cln-ely stil
led and because of Its rnritv, It Is at
tract tug roiiHlilenible Interest.
Cujrr County Wheat Crop
N Prepared for Winter
lk-atiiee. r'Mimers III ling'- county
report that winter wheat has made
good progress since the leeent heavy
raltiH. Tho crop will go Into the win
ter In good shape as most nf the
wheat Is stooled gut. Tract leally Mil
of the corn crop has been gathered
and cribbed or fed to sloek.
First Poultry Show.
Hebron. The Thayer County I'oul
try Ion will hold Its first an
nual exhibit In Hebron Peceniber 11
to 14. An egg show will he held In
extendi rnmplfmtnts to the Poultry
Know, snd urgea ynu to attend thia
great frr ailuratiunat eihllilt.
We sell thlnga for tha poultry
rajarr, aurh aa ground gren hone,
tankage, dry meat, 100 pounds or
mora hipped to any part of tha
a'nte. Delivery fre to sny part of
the city.
2712 M Straat South Side
The Omaha Poultry Association
y Holds Its
Ninth Annual Show
This Week. Admission Free.
Dates Nov. 27th to Dec. 2nd
We promise you the greatest
sensation in poultry feeds that
has ever come to your attention.
We suggest you send us your
name so that we can place you on
our mailing list for full par
ticulars about this wonderful
You intend to raise baby chicks
this coming season. Let us tell
you how to do it in the safest and
easiest way.
Watch for a general announcement
December 15th
We have several good terri
tories available for wide-awake
ileal crs.
Write for our proposition.
Dept. B
Helping Poultrymen
Get Started
is our business. We believe
more acrei.e tracts have been
holil by us to buyers who in
teml to raise poultry on a
large scale or jut to help out
the fsmily income than any
other firm In Oniahn.
0'ir latest aereuge tract op
peslinjr to poultry men is
West Henson. Here ou can
tret "man's sio" piece of
lanil rijiht in Omaha. You
will have room enough for the
Kiddies, nnd plenty to raise
thickens. Hcrries tlo fine; a
hutch of rabbits will tut down
Hie. meat bill. Then there's
money in squulis, fruit trees
anil vegetables. You can have
nil of this on this rich, level,
stone-free soil. Ami
$25 Down Startf You
$10 Per Month
Hastings & Heyden
1914 Harney St. Ph. AT. 0060
Hens not O
You can quickly rid your rliirkana of Roup.
Cold', Cankar, Hora-hrad. Iinllgeaf Ion, ( hoi
era, (hirken Vox. Skin Unorder., Howel
'frotihle. ale, and hasp tham asalthr. Hun
dred of tliouaandn anilorn thia old, rslt
al'lo remedy, many having ud it nearly
10 year.. Our new FREE book, "POUL
TRY TROUBLES." tell, how to itetact,
prevent and treat diaaaara, and how to
(ead, ear for and niaka your poultry pay.
(let CERMOZONE (7Ac or 1 1 60 .j7.) and
thia honk at any of tha 10,009 store
handling tha I.aa Una, nr order hy card.
Bend no money pay pontman. No extra)
rharga. CEO. H. LEE CO.
1115 Harnsy St., Omaha, Nan.
Ilea Want Ads produce results.
M. C. Peters Mill Co.
South Omaha, Neb.
t a t... a Vl,. .. , , '"zLm.r
M..i..t...i . out t, C ...!, V S A
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Vf AW Of SiRVlCf